2 ) 1 fi ft ft ob PrlntingJ r- :, buy - r'ert factor in Uos ;((!; on poor! In basy seasons brings you yoar thare of trade; S 31 adr.rtis'.o iq dull sea sons brings yoa your t-iiare, and also that of. tLo 'Ui'rclumt who "caa't af- o-.o.-. let us do jour Job 1 -im fci;r.r:::e it tn ha ir. X Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868. - Z Vol. XXXIII ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1902. No. 19 dvertising AW 1 31 iwtttfefct ! cf z J" Lii 4 i'iir!-.j 't 0 e; I 9 i I s se?- Winter Goods flust Go. e , Collarettes, Pui ZBoos 1- MISSES AND CHILDRENS JACKETS -4 Ol IXG FLANNEL, ihe best Wara Brand. 10 cc:iir rf r vara. . CIX DE RELLA 4 at 12" 2 cents per yard. A LADIES UNDERWEAR from cents a suit to S;.oo. . Ore Wallenberg; Bros. jj llH?n until 8 o'clock. Price -1 8- MATTINGS r V Y S s V I r B. W. STRONG, TiiE FURNITURE MAN. Rosebarg.Ore Bring Us Your ... CHICKENS. EGGS. BUTTER. FOR -CASH I J. F. BARKER & CO The Day hearts i off Right WHITE HOUSE uocha. COFFEE Jav- Vrlth your breakfast. It has a flavor that's &3 iis own you don't get it in any other brand. Sjle Agents, ; Rosebug, Oregon When Have a ...FLINT'S SHOE STORE... Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly when ou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181, fcr go t' goods and good service. C. W. If you want to buy a farm If you want furnished roo:ns If you want to buy a house If you want to rent a house If you want to build a house If you want lo move a house L i I n't k'li .v PAT call Oil or adlnea .. . Fk F. pattella, 2SSSS ELAN XELETTE. 15 cent grade in auyfcitj- C 5 An elepant line of Linen Warp Mafticps in all Uie latert designs and eolcrieps bare jcrt arrived llave yem twn cur elegant Car pots, oontainin cotton chains, all wools and a foil line of three quarter roods, ranging in price from 25c to $1.S6 per rafd. Onr line of eorpete i far enparior to anything we bare erer shown in preriens year and we iklifht in flawing thcaa. S 5 1 OR TRADE 'I'lK-no lo3 Staple and Fancy Groceries Guaranteed fresh and wholesome and sold at prices as low as the low est. All hinds of fruit and Country . . . Produce Bought and Sold. ...... USE I 111 SI MS-112 The newest and best They are the "what's what" in shoes for Spring. Come in and see them. Large variety of styles and prices PARKS & CO. Resebnrg, Oregon KTOAUA M. I.H. J3 i NEWS Of THE CO'IV. Gleaned by Our Corps of Special Correspondents. SOCIU, PLRSOYiL, li)i:STRIU. I V us i 1 1 : . tii.-rtJr.l.-, Ci-i ;v..-.t.. Canyon-, Uc ainj Ottur Vrciolties. Glend.ilc News. E. E. Ri'JiwM ol SDrhfii-lJ firm i doing ivoeinw in onr ci: v to hv. Mr. and Mre. E:flsU, of (i ,. IM1, will becoono r.iJsme of G .eni.i!o ifcia week. Martin Strjkor, the vojpk en r.f Mr. X C. Chase, of KlaniathoL-, is vi.juio reUtives here. Ermar To'ten of Glereln, inulo a Irip to Hulnies nj Im-I e k an J alto was tratsictinj hnsinepj in this citjr. Mrs. Victoria H iib nn.i dansbtr, Mi?a Mo'.iif. oi L- ne Url.-, aro in the citr. the aa-rSls oi Mr. a-j 1 Mra. R. M. Moore. Too liitlescn uf.Mr. aaJ Mre. Philip De-ej- was terribly poslj, J at tha Umilt hOics at the Uo'.J Bjg Miaa last week- lie will recover. Eiirjiri IIj'u, who has been snfforiiiit rro.n a aenoai i j ;ry to or.i of Lis feet. ia now !;! t ) 1j at wcrk ecaio. r ple.is- l to D'Ae. D. U. Fisb, :bo v.ry en:rc tic coatraet- or an J maii crr:cr on the Starvout Ga!9svi!lc routo, isruikog his regnlar tripe, oii.bs aclirg tLo Liih water Joeia'j Jjnts, ah- ha lbs bast team in the city, far ilrjy;ni;, Ualiai an J de livery pnrrwv, ii 6or.2 a tir.e boeiueM. lie is cjrefa! aL J proiuiit and decrves toe liberal pitrouKg- be is receiving. Fruck M. S:o:nai, of a Frar.cico. ud Or.S. C. ,x .:ln of P rtUal. who baa lately returned . fr0'n a Koropeaa tuor, i i vtrii ib-jr pirts, Mr. and Mr. A. Si.v.i.-a ol t!jj t;tv, next month. Gi"lrieoa IJ'o bcr are at -..rk de veloping the A!r.hra nii0f6;oae nr.rth aod Itie other eou;b ol 'his ciiT, d:s ant one mile; we ere ir.forrce.i tn. rxce!!orit prospects of qir z hear j-j'd, are being tskeo Jro-n t.o:h ir.ii.ta. Pr. PeVore of fUrj-o::vi , who erer.t a week at this place er,t lioxe on Fri day. We ere ir.f rirf d t!,t. doctor c-n-t-tDpla'e lcrti! e in this city, sn i that he will opcr. a drng More s nr.on ns a s-oi-able bui:dijg can be erec.e 1 for that parpoee Cbri? ofber Hjj:d cave a m -i t !hs Pewey ball last rdebt. for the -qod t'pi-ple of otir ci-y. F -,- rir. lea c:-ri-:a.-T ; - :-v : -.; which will he d i.ver? ! tt th May, by wa'er tr.-.n-JiKir'.'.ti on s r in A (1 m -J m; ing r!own the Azilei river, a distance of over fonr miles. Mre. Adel'a Redrield, a ptotiinent Roothern Oregon ji'.oeer, who was severely it jird !aet Jon", by a fail, is now ranch improve I, aud J lo to walk with tba aid of crntcli:-?. We Lo?3 to be able to chrjnic'e the recover? of ttiia ea timable la !y, awn. Wm. Chadhb, whoiale sod relail bntchei, ia doioi s Ur bos'neps at hie meat market in thi city. He ke ps a fine inpply of all kinds of drcegfd meats, figb, lar J, etc., an t tooir popular eales roan, Robert Irving, is a'ways on hand to wait on their co-t-jmere. MotUE. Canyonville N:ws. Plenty of ria a-rJ hix't w.iter. Dr. B. F. Full in, Myrt'e Crwk was np Wednesday on a pr ds-i onal visit. Tba Bsptiet ch;ircii is rising as fast as carpenters will let it and when comulet ed will bs a credit to the town. The Degree A llo.ior of this placa give a enppcr Wednesday evoning which proved to be a financial as well aa a Bo cial success. 6. 0. Bartruro, traveling solicitor of tbe Plain dealer, h.ia been iu oar midst for several days doioj business for tbe paper repreaen'.wi by him. Mrs. C'ura M 1'ityro will soon leavo to join hor bii-h:id at Siofon, Cab, where he Is woi kiag. It is hoped that we may someday see them return. We are in receipt of a copy of the Drain Nonpariel ed:t-d by Joo. W. Kelly which is a ehe.t D i;iUs couuty should be proud of. Mr. Kelly is an old news paper man and is a personal friend of oora. JUay enccesa crown bis trSorts. pcbuc school. No coramonity in Oi-egoa cad boast of a better school tbin can Gauyonvil'e. a great attraction in ihe upbuilding of our little City and a Rroat f tctor in a moral end social v i-t our ecbool. At preaeut there are a .oit 100 reaidsnt pu pils in tbe district. The board of directors are men inter ested in the welfaie of the community and bold that the school is one of the most iuopoitant factors iu the advance meot of any communi y. They are: W. II. Devore, chairmai, David Ifugbee and John Evertou. Eocene Elliott, is clerk, which office he was elected t ) oti!y s cou- ' .' i - . ., hi', i . ;, ' .;; : tut; '::,.r. ;, ,0. . . c. maflL in aecutinrf tbo fcervi-;es of t djca I tors of merit. The principal. Prof. I). &. Parker, ol Oakhod, was educited in tbe public ecboolaai Oakland and in the Drain LATEST Great Floods in Pennsylvania and New York. Prince Henry at Chicago. N: 'v v., t.ir'I - i J: i ri iii. r.s ia tL.' f-.st reji-.rtcd rajjiilly improving, altbouh wfTaira in the Wyoming Valley and NortLouhlom 1'pDLRjlvaQia Rnpra!ly, aad hloDK tbrt McJsod, nenr Albauy, ara still in bail shapes Dispatcbes from WilkesV.arre, Pa., f bow that more tban hcoro of Htwj were lost irnil 5.000,000 worm of properly was dt-btroyed iu NortLoastetn rermsylvecia. Tha Jancrr is over but tbe full extent of tbe daruago ia yet to be seen. Eighteen ibonsand bt iueleea pereona in tbe Wyoming Valley are anxiously watcbii-g Ihe beckword coutse of the waters. PRINCE HENRY Chicago, March, 4--There w bncht, cn-T) weather toilay on the occa sion of the visit of Prince Henry of Prnsia to the metropolis of the V',t. The Prince was driven abont the city visiting bants, libraries, mneaius and other points of interest. He exprcfed bimsi-lf aa astoniehetl at soch a wonderful growth aloio3t within r half cnlnry. NEW FIGHT FOR THE BIG MERGER. Tbestos, N. J., March 4. Senator (iebhardt, democrat, of Hanterdon introduced a bill in the Senp.te today to repeal and dissolve the charter and corporate existence of the Northern Securities Company. The bill Las a long preamble in which it ia stated auiong other things that the company was oiganieed to enable th Northern Pacific Hailroad Company aud the Great Northern Railway to violate the laws of several Etates and interfere with their revenue, and a! to destroy tLe competition in passenger and freight rates that erted between these railroads. The preamble go on to say that the organization ban aroc-tvl great public indignation, and that the governor of Mfnnesotabaa already inetitnieJ auit to prevent the con summation of the illegal and injurious purposes sought to be accomplished by the formation of tbe Securities Company. The bill was referred to the committee on cororations. CY BINGHAM ALRIGHT. Cottage Grove, March 4 Information was eent out from the "Ware house" on the road into the Bbenjin mines (Lis . afternoon by telephone that Cy llinghaai, bi other of the owner of the Music mioe. was found at 1 o'clock this afternoon, and was Done tbe worse for staying out in the mount ains t-everal days alone and almost without food except what he killed. Bingham etsrted ou a deer hunt Friday momitg IstL From the above diepatch he was lost in tbe mountains &t kat four daje. He is a powerfnj man olso would have probably relished as the bnow is about 19 inches deep ou tbe mountein. WELCOME NEWS i New York. March i The mi-sin Cunard transatlantic liner Errnria Las been located four hundred cities we.-t of Fajsl in low of a unknown 'tteaiu-r. The Etrtiria lst her prpeiL.r. ( Fay al is one of the Azores group ' the Spanish const. DEWET REPORTED WOUNDED. ; L .U loo, March 4 A dispatch fioi Htmojith baya that Gjcral De n, -. . li or crmms'-.li r, w.is bin-i in iLo v.vxu the other day daring an en . - Nf ,M-.d-r. v.:; V'HD MASS. ! u March I !:p- Lo pl.nws faiign from Lm participation in the jubilee exercises. Tue venerable i Vatican chapel this morning. Normal. lfj baa followed tbe p'frViMa f.)r evnral yeara. In 1600 he graduated from toe Normal at Drain and bclJs a S ale diploma. He is eminently qaa" i fixl for the position lie holds aod the People ars indeed lortnuate in tocanu; bia services. In the intermediate departmj it M:?8 Alice Rodoiph ia teacher. She was edu cated in tbe schools of Ibis state aod ia d'dnK pcod work. Tbe primary depsttment is prreiJed over by Mta Jennie Cok, who is also one of the beat instructors Donglas cunn tp affords. A feature worthy cf mention in con nection with the acbcol is the Literary Society Mocb interest has been taken, in thia by the teachers and pupils and great care haa been takau in the .elec tion ol their work. Ttie ot:cs are: Miss Susie Hopkiiia, preei tau: ; Miss Emin Rifsell, vice prasideot; J. B. Davuro, sec. ; Mis L:uie Kirk, trsaa. ; Miss Mvrtla Devore, librarian; Jenoie Cook, and Alice Rudolph, critic; 0. O. Devore, editor. Our citizens are p'oud ot our ecbool and well they might be (or "knowledge ia power. Tray and Trix. Calapooia News. Tyee was robod in white the second day of March. H. Pinketon and eon were on our etreeta Satarday. J D Ellison and wife ware ahoppiog in Oakland Saturday. B. F. Mires ia busy now dayspruniog up bia old orchard. C. A. McXabb and wifs wero- visiting Oakland friends Saturday and Sunday. F. Gorrell attended tbe Wosdmaa en tertainment at Oakland Saturday nigbt. If f lie appearance of grouse ia any elgn of spring it is surely bere for they are booting on the hills. Chris Gravinstine of Coles valley pass ed through here on hia way ti Oakland to attend the Woodman supper. Lester Kamp and Mike Murphy, of Culea Valley were tbe guests of Wiilurd Richard last ttanday. Tbe boys seem to yiait Willard very often of late. C. D. Smith, of this place, attended ihe boi eui psr at C0I03 Valley lat 8it urd y ninhtand laid some of the t-oye io , .. ?T:rl3h f..r M. S. i- ici--a':i'.i oaiie.: to Co'e , .alley :a'U Kai-unay i;ti.t auctinu ol! ! a brs sajipfcr, which ho did futiofacYry ol and brought lli.10, the piocuedd gjiuK to Rev. Ferguson. Oar school meating went off. nitdlyoa NEWS, AT CHICAGO. FROM ETRURIA. t isu , about 1200 uudes west of pvnti:" celebrrtter privato mass ia the Satiirdy. C. A. Mdiee waa elected d:rertor to fi'l th- l!o. vtated by J. P. Sturr, who retinvd on tbe account of prosperity io Ihe way of ne w t-chocl t.oui.-. So let the g od work k on in ttj(.f way of prosrenty. Our school was opened Monday moro iogby Prof. Kotarc Willcox. We hope ne will come oat alt right without a black eve. Rix. 10 NOntNATE A CONGRESSMAN. Call for Republican Congressional Convention at Roselnirg April ist. A convention of tus ltapnblican party ot tha First dog'ewsiount D.strict of the Ktat-i o! O.-egou Is hrfreov railed to meet in Ror-eburg, Oregon, Tisd.iy, April 1st, 1902, at 1 o'clock. p. m., for the purpoe ot nominating one Representative far Cocgress, aod t) transac; su'ih ,other business ar may properly come before the convention. Convention will coniiat ot171 delegttea apprtioued amons the eeveral ccuulics of the district aa follows, towit: Btnton 7 Lake 4 Clackamas 16 Coos 9 Ourry.. ......... 3 Douglas 14 Jackson 11 Joeph.ne 7 Klamath 4 Lsne.... 18 Lincoln 4 L.nu 14 Marion -2 Polk 0 Tillamook 6 Washington 12 Yamhill 12 Totil Hi The same being one delegate at large for each couuty and one delegate for every 150 votes or. fraction thereof over 75 east for Presidential Electors io Nov eraoer HKX). Delegates or others In attendance at the convention may secure a rate of one and one-third fares for the round trip on the Houtoorn Pacific e.nd Corvailia A Eastern Rail ways by paying full fare to Rose burg and taking a receipt to that ef fect aod having aarue properly certified toby the eecreiary of tbe convention. T. W. Uakkis, 0. B. Wimn, Chairman. Secretary. In tbe circuit court at Etigeoe tteorga Veruou, tbe violinist, who waa arrested iu Northern California ou tho chaigc of e'ot.iiniog mouey on false preteoseu aud ijf iiv.iiii: n fitlse check iu Laoo couuty, w.is senlenced to ttjruo yaarB in the penl- ! tdtuury one year fi.r the trst nmped orXunc-o and two for Urn other. When brought into court ho immediately pleaded guilty and Judge Hamilton pro nounced, sentence. LATE NEWS SUMMARY Important vents of. tbe Past few Days. STATE, GtrERAl, f08NG. Cream of the Dispatches Dished L'p in Condensed Form for tbe Busy Reader. It ia rUiioed that 20.1.000 people will com to the Northwest tia yar looking for homes. I'oUto hnyers at Marshfield fast week, pa d aa high aa 40 per hnedxed for potatoes. A new and clever device is tbe enshien of thi automobile driver'a eest, which throws of the power the instant be rises or is thron from bis sr.t. A. Hmh, of Sa'em, this year will ray fj,472.02 tsxse, less 3 per rent. By Ihe rcbute he ev:a nearly $:00, and the conr.ty gf-ts its more earl,. Oregor.'e eplendid exhibit baa male a g-eat hit at Charleston. We have tbe gts h-re to beck i a welf, in this lsnd of great froit, vegttables, wood acd stock. Tbe Britifh bare received anottsr Kts whii t'ir.g in Sjuta Afr-.ca, and the ar which is beicg coniionallv ended ia on Cerrer tban ever. Ecgtand's greed for gold is filling the di'chs of Booth Africa with tho bodies cf ber best youth. The thipmen'.a of match wood a:d broom handle stock tcscafactared in Coos conotr, in 1301, ajarevated ceailv 13,0CO.0;O fret of white cedar. The x rwts of m itch wood from tbe Coqaib'e rivr for January of this year aegated 1.4 no .00) feet. CoosoiiJa::on cf the fl jon'eg and mitl in iu'eres's of the Pacific Coast ty a onipa-.v or a en ital of over $;0 OOO.CiOD, and which hall coo rol thia vrt icdaa try at bme ard abroad, ia a cewly in nonncet p jct which Ls awakened 1 ve'y n'.ere-t in fir;ar;cjl and business circUs. Tne Harri'ba'g B llletin look at it thia way: "It tbe new--grre of Ore gon don't st"p lv! tiio a mild form cf itch a the SrcaliWjx, t ie lrge irr.rai jra'.ioo of .t tel-r expected here dads" the months cf Mrc"i ard April will fail to roit-'ra'ix . It's dollars to Jooebncla that thrr i-n't gr.aine ca of small pox in the whols lUV." The Ch'.namsn H a cote one. Freqoect ceee of ioar.i:y itr.org t.e americao t-o?p from th eff-c of drinkin? IeI to a piriicular :Qvti.a:ion -t the '.iqnor that was being cosrnmeJ. It waa found tbtt the Filipioo bad pnrc'iad standard American brioa f am or bo".t!d whiskey, drilled a mi hole io lb bo;- lom of each to'tl. und rch l -d trie bo' He with ":co," a Ki!l-:i3 d-riction tha' would mike a ino rjS his rwo tr irk or murd -r l is U at friend. As the aoals on tbe b-jtt'es were not broken they cool J b r. told lo tbe eoidiers witriot qneclioo. Out west of town, three or fonr miles lives a widow. Hr bo-bjrtd died two yeara ago. lie was Daniel Taylor. In life be paid 1,3 1 or f 1 40 into tbe f x-cbeq-ir cf ;hs Coosen Fiienda, expect ing at death tVa' f t,' CO would be paid to the family. Whi-n dca'b Cam3 it de veloped that tbe order was insolvent, sod nothing has been or evar will be re ceived fron the polioy. Tue bene6ciary orders are a'.raost uoiferval'y a nnmixed bleein, bnt tbe management of this oi.e madd it in this instance, a curse. Cor valiis 7imf. Pity poor Paterson. Swiftly on the hee:e of a great fire comes a great Good, both t.'-gtrtber deetrcying many millions of dollars worth of property, and render-i.-g Mi.Misnnds of people homeless In cirlinta ly, it may le rema-ksi Ibat Pat erccn is the city whence acyeril young society "oojds" wre eent to tbe peni tentiary last y-nr fjr long terms, for brutally outraging and murdering a g rl they had draegtd, and it his been the chief Eastern headquarters of anarchists but theee circcmstaocee, so far as we can diicern, bad nothing to do with fire or flood. Ranch (or Sale. A B n' u t-it i .? anK fiAO cm. In Aw acies io cultivation; ix acres of prnnce .1 ..n. I A . .... . .1 . at'u ivui ui rt'ioo, uuo ririug niivr , U o-story honee, a barn and out-bui'd- logs complex. Eat-y terms. Inquire. 0 WjiiTt & McCoy, Mining and Sleek Exchange, M j rtli Creek, Ore. ' - School Teacher Wanted. School teacher, either lady or gentle man, wanted io District No. 50, to com mence term first or record Monday in March. Good reffroncs n quired. A p. ply to G. W. Aldkbso.v, Diet. Clerk, Cleveland, Ore. A Liberal Offer. If yo;i wish a line description of South ern Oregon, address wi?h stamp. 121 p. C. Powri.l, Roseburg, Ore. RATARBr! Ely's Crsam Batafef , Gives Reiitl at ones. It cir ", soouwa ana fr . heals ikr diMnaal mcia- brniie. ltcnrrstau-urh ln aiiJdriTe.aw.TaCoidHaY FrVFR lothHM.l auulilv. Ii lira I I bfWt ASK Druggist for 10 CENT la ilnorbrd. Urals aod ProtwU tha Urrobrana. Itetlnm tha Sfimn of 1 ! mid SmrlL Fiut 1M aoo,; Tnml iy; nt I'nirHifr br mall. Jui.i aAOaUAMM naiiukust4Ttt I fine Ciiina Ten Set J One Ti" ket wi'J, rverv ", WILL CURRIER I THE GROCKR l NEW YOEK LIFE INSUEANCB , , ' CO-APAKY sfw aa.4-j io L, T'P-1 r J . "tt T j i . Iuvt-fcte-l A'.-.-:-, fr-i. . Ittiud:ti;f:t.l.; . i..; It ban rvti br'or.- t, - W. J. JYtGQFJ, V awl a- aim u too y.i s - 7...r to - ooooooocococ.o - c c o-" I gggHI? Stearn Laundry 1 We are r.o:v rcalv iu: :.-:ine?s J3 A VV-Y c-.r.;-. W or CJ-O 1 - - f . - a' m V A F VP PITT Dre.;, ...... . -v A. ill JW - a s Kill 1 11LW AvViivt Ui,ULJ 0 oax3coocccco-C'coc'aocccccv We announce the arrival of Spring Goods throughout all our vavi- u lines. Buying f-.r two st in-s ia l.i-- , sir: e tait o aro iu j i.j-i T10X. New arrival in Embroxderies.Iaa jrnziis, rercaics, iUcn s ur nishins and Hhoes. HELD SEEKS nLltiLlil, I l.llOllI I Mu IlLU uLUiLii Highest prices raid i r Klv. CLickwis. s'u.1 sll Farm r rod ace. N. SELIQ, Myrtle uOCOCXXXOOCOOOCOOOOO OOGOOOOCCCOC CO.OCXXXXODCOOCCOCO 11 z: x uwwwn: yti I p&jZ&JXL. Vp From A to Z we know the Spray Pump Business. You will certainly rind the pump you want in our stock. See the Celebrated New Bean "Torrent Pump" The best Spray Hose, Nozzles aud Duuue's Solid Prepared Sprays. CfaurcM Advertise in the. ;. .r ':rxxr'.e at , , - . " - v. r! i- A ; , J:iu.f.....; rilt. - o ...r. ,i , .. . t 'jt cf PtcscburK .tt. - L - . i ,. t. ::--oa-- Soli-:: O occ :-c- --: c oro-coooc-oc 0. Wr-tcli fJr our g 791. 53 a a T a a ujvi Itlll . - frg S n n V t ' i r. - 7. r- :. has g-vls i :! d to VJ, '- ' - - ' ' ' -: c.tii rr. n:e ti.r t , Ar ;.: - rj i::;.,i:s c:,;- . . v, . tl.e .r.r rv . ; . H- 'a :kt . . r - rv, at .. ; r .-. n:..ch .-J i-j to --.i - - ...-.r , .- i- tf rin r. j . A:.) j . -f shoe SBHLOW COST cccocc cc:cc c-cccoccoocco i - " ":' 7t s t) frx'cre ccs?. Dress Goods,! Creek, Branch : Caayoaviile, Oron Ctv' 'HOC '''J::?'', & wooiiey Plaindealer