The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 03, 1902, Image 3

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    Take a Notion
from our Notion and
Faucy Goods line which
is full of the new things
of this year's creation.
We beg to call your at
tention that oui new
Spring goods have arriv
ed. We are showing
beau'iful novelties in
mercerized Zephyrs,
Chambria Lawn, in all
the new spring colorings
and designs.
to fit our new Spring
line of Clothiug which
has just arrived from our.
eastern manufacturers.
and turn to the right, then you will come to our Shoe Department
where we are showing our new Spring line of Shoes, including our
"DOUGLAS SHOE," for which we are sole agents.
Ve can fit you in Hats and Caps as we have
all styles and sizes at the
The People's Store
-V"-'XVa;iV' SVt i A ISir TO lilt UVU tf,BBEI t-iuvat
3? I Far. C. E. Gaddis, who ban lemced
k Told in Side Heads
Mb. Knm's via. ceky Bobbed. About.
oae o'clock Friday nkht tte gro;ey ;
eto-o of Urs. A. C. KMJ. on u.e carper
cfO-kanU ei-sa fUoelf, ws robbed
cl t ) in cifh, eevt-rai pscWes ot tolac
c?, cheii2 6":n and eeveral dcten
cigars A i! fr.;-rjL3 a KMced bJ
c'.iaib;.ctf tbe iiij'ibrdferxe en Main
street oi'p-. The Plainde alkb cfiee,
the:i crifin; !: bt between Mr?. Kidd'e
grocery and tbe Mj-8 era' b!cck
to froi t wii.i'oT of a tide room of tbe
elor, l.i. h is fh. l'.e red by a biglt bill
board, tbvy then removd a pane of glaf-s
Iroai tbe indor, sVo two nail" which
held lbs fim'cv Jn, and were en
abled (o raise tbe window, by wbkb they
entered th store. They tben turned
out tbe elt-ctric liirbt ard proceeded to
imniish the r tsb drawer, which con
tained ill-) io f-nMH tberg; $7i0
which vca.2 ia a p:. e-board box io tbe
showcase was a'.so Uken. From the
tracks found in the yaid and horn the
articles etoleo, it is ihoogbt tbat two or
more bore did tbe robbing. Had they
been proLesioral burIars or tramps, j
(bey wou'd bve taken only tbe money,
or perhsvs mere substantial goods.
Marshal DUlard paFEed the etore ahoot
oro o'clcrk a io? to tbe e by j til, and at
that "ime the licbt ia tbe store was I ntn.
irg, bnt on hi? it-turn about ten minutes, he noticed 'be liht was out, which
caused bim to eeaicb tbe premises Vi:4t
e.,.V.ut finding nothicg wront and as the
ekciric lights often bnrn out duricg tbe
Bight, be paid no further attention o
tbe matter.
Cabis DcnNto OvkbHis Head. John
0I era, a carpenter and miner, living
vr Arilw, bed an exciiin? experience
last Friday Diibt. Mr. O'Mera, who ia
a man about 70 years of age, lives alone
in a cb:n a few miles from Ju'fge Bid
dies mi:1., at Anlea and has been quite
eick with tbe crippe for the pett two
weeks, api 6vveral of tbe young men of
that place have been altendioR him.
Lat Friday two cf 1h!n' civisns went
to visit him and foand tbe chimney
of tiia cabin which was composed ol clay
cd sticks wason fire. A'ter exunpuiBhiog
the fire and fixing tbe old man comforta-
b'y, tbev t gain le't bim, sn 4 on return
log to see hiin th - to!!oi ? moroing,
loand that diricc tbe r.iy'.' the fire bad h-n'n n on- an I to :!v destroyed
tb;rabui. Mr. CM", wio was to
feeble ta 6t!enp' to t t ou' ibe tirw bad
escted by druzii'-c j i t cr.taido
the bni.dir-g and b 1 1 ;t; w ti-' fl imes
destroy !n ycrtcr-. J-i-V R'dd'.e
brought h'm to ! ''v Sa mdhy acd
pl.Ktfi bim ia l! c .o :i ly t:y'.
Makhied At fi i d. .coti D -ko'a,
on Feb. 11. ! 2. M- Mi'joie
Blaolon to U. N . Ak'n--. Tl- I" it ie
W!l krociuti'f'M:i t, isviii: re.
aided at Brcckw-y f r a i u-rber of tears
ebe on t ie f p'-ruof a lr?a c;rile J
fner.dsar.d rfqi3irfnrei. The grocm
is a weil-t'J ds ecck-ai-r of South Da
ko'i. Tbe marr friei-d- of tbe brHe
wi!; join wiVi tbe I'iaixdwai k m wish
ii,g iLem a full n.ea.uro ci happiness
ar.d rnccKB ee they 'read life's highway-
from a week's exjourn in Poriland,
brings news of nuny interesting events
and lb9 most inteieeting and important
was a visit accompanied by V. 8. Ladd,
of that city, to bid Bellwood farm of Jer
Eey pure bloods. Mr. Gaddis, tbongb
Lavipg over six rears exerience with
dairv stock, a-ssoaaced himself a novice
in ti. at line. HoBiya "I know enough
to appreciate Mr. Lidd's hrd of Jersiee
and am confident with its present man
agement it is on tbe op grade to a stand
ard secjnd to no Jersey herd n
tbe U. 8. Mr. La Id hss in his betd
many animals of fine blood fiotn the
greatest brsDders of the U. 8. Also a
number of get of the celebrated Jersey
Ibland eire, imported, Golden Lad.
Mr. Ladd'a maoagement and arrange
ment of t-t ck is most uo:q te and places
a great deal rf credit to his proseat supsr
intendant, Mr. McEldowcey. It will
undonbtly well reward any one interest
?d in tbe Jerbev cattle industry to visit
the Ladd E-t. Jersey stock farm, and aa
you leave it you will da so with more
than an appreciation of ihe Owcer,
Saperiateudent and oLwhat you have
S ell Pleased With This Cocktbt.
Mr. B. P, McLinden who with his fami
ly, arrived at this placo last October
from Arkaneai and Idaho, and purchas
ed a little farm on Der Creek near
Rxebu'-f, made ibis office a pleasant
call Friday. He is very favorably im
pressed with this country and says be
bas found the report thit the sua cn'y
shines here about six months out of the
year, very misleading. He says our oc
casional bright, warm, funny win'er
days, intermingltog with tbe rainy and
cloudy weather renders the winter sea
son sore pleasant acd less monotonous
than that cf any tamer place he has re
sided. Mr.McLicden is preparing to
ergaga iu poultry raisiog on quite an ex
teneiye ecale aud be will do doubt find
it a profitable and p'.eawut jndustrv.
Maokied At tbe boma of Rev. and
Mrs. W. A. Wood ia Riseburg, March
2, 100J, Mr. Isadore Selig and Mies Lulu
Huret. both ol Myrtle Creek. Oregon,
Rev. Wood, paster oL the Cbristisn
church officiating. The preity ceremony
was witnessed by a number of tbe inti
mate f iends of tbe contracting parties
from Myrtle Creek. Both tbe bride and
nnnm are well koosrn. estim&b'e ar d
popular young people ot Myitis Creek
and are held ia tbe bkbest esteem by all
who know tbm. After spending a few
d ys in Rosebnrg they will reto-n to
Myrtle Creek where tbey will make their
future borne. The Plaindealisb joins
in extending heeity congratulations and
wishes for a long life bleesed with health
happiness and prosperity.
Died -At Winchester, at 2:23 p. m.
Sundav, of typhoid, J. W
Torpin, eon of Chris Tarpio, agl 25
years, 6 months and 9 days. Deceased
bad been eick for nine days. Fnneral
em vices will be held at family residence
at 11 o i lock Tuesday. Interment to
Wincbeeter cemetery.
Lost. A silk umbrella, gold handle,
slightly crooked, bearing ti e naue, "B.
F. Hampton," ei grav 4 on band e.
Finder will please leave same at this of
fice. t2
O -TTrsnv T '
One i MLtM-ru A oi
From tbe Famous" 7 r.tietb Century" Line. This 13 the
Its wtylv
8'jggeata lt
namoi both
have added
to if phe
nomenal polling qual
ities. A moat
from the
boy'e point
of view or
. o
G felt : M
0 timf
O Vtfafc
a ? if
-i"Nuf Ced"
5 S
The ltkbel
epofeka for Ha tailoring. THERE
We- vre ahowlng the "TEDDY
jr.-cltisively m many fabrlo
and cjlorfnga.
of our special
sale ot Towels.
Get into Hue
and provide
yourself with
these goods
while you can
get them at
bargain prices.
They're two-for
y rt t t t. j.
H. A. Crow, who has been ernploved
in WoodrofTa barber shop in this lty,
for the p:et six a ueks. returned to his
home at Uiddie on Sunday evening. Mr.
Crow expects to di considerable work
ia several miues which be bas interests
in, hence bis rntnrn bene; I'e'-Te going
he d d not fxil t leavi li;f miHcriilinn
f r SnotVrn O fton'e 1 adiiig n-we.ip-r
The Plaindealer. cwclnsive evidence that Ihe
etanda'd bred Wbite Langlioa are tbe
greateet sod best a iuter layers of any
other breed of chickens. From Febrnarv
1, Io March 1, twenty-eight days, my 17
hens of this breed, produced j'ist tbirty-
tbree dczenand nine i-gts. Eggs for
hatching f 1.50 for 15. Apply to,
T. B. Cassox,
lal Eoseburg, Ore.
Winters Wallacs, tbo genial young
editor of tbe Co'.tsse Grove Leader,
spent Sonday in Roebng, visiting
with friends aod attending tbe
revival meetings.' He was accompanied
by bis ntic, Mies Ethel Woaloy, who is
one of the Leader's coa.petoct composi
tors. Tbo Plaindealer was favored
with a pleasant call.
Oa account of the irreiiir etrveys o
many of tbe townehTp; in the Roseburg
laud district, it is almost imp3?sible to
locate section earners without a copy of
tbe Government snrvev. Frank E. Al
ley, Abstractor of this citv, bas a com
plete eet o' traciDgs o! all sarveyed towo-
ships, sad will famish til us prints of
same, Ehowicj all vtcaot lacdi.
Misses Miccie atd Mir.i:ia Bell re
toroed home Fridav evening from Port
land where they Lave txen tor tome
time past, alteudieg the tpricg mLlioery
openings, and sel&ctiog t'r.eir new Jstock
of gocds for thi com t. season. Tbe
pleasore of tbeir vieit was Kreatly marred
by the heavy raits.
Consider what 'be futuro of your famb
iy W'julJ be wi'bo'i'. the iocome you now
provide. Lile i:s jrancj is tbo oaly
meaos by -vbuh y) Cvn malfe ctrtaia
their fotare eapport an I it is yoor duty
to pr07ide ibera wilhtuch prottiou.
W.J. Moon, At , Roseourg.
Attornoy Louis Bart? hts jist return
ed home from a trip to N.iriu Doaglaa
points aod reports that candidate are
beglnniog to bot up serenely in that
psrt of Ihe coanty aod that the political
pot is begionicg to simmer quite bristly .
Any partie? desiring to rent, boy or
tell real estate, city or country property
wi.l do well to call cn or address
Martin. Office aitb Attorney Louis Bar
zee, opposite McCialien. Uoace, P.oee
buiy, Oregon. j9.
Mrs. K. Boyd, accompenied by her
son, John Boyd, left I.ut Thursday for
Ashland, for an extended visit with tbe
expectation of benefitting the Leal; not
Jobo, who has been kuffsrinj from lung
trouble for tbe past two mouths.
For Abstracts of Title, guaranteed to
be fuil and correct conies of all records
effecting tbe title, call on Frank E. Alley
upstairs in tbe Aljrks bunding. His
work is guarauteed correct, una prices
are reatouablo.
Mrs. McConoell, now has charge of
tbe free leading room, Tnos. B. Badger,
wtio bas been in rbarve for some time
past, has resigned his positioo and wiib
bii family his left for Aehiand, wbeie
tbey expect to retidu.
All work done by tbo Title Guarantee
dt Lou Cj., J. D. 11joi.I;oj, mauager,
is gairanteed a;eo!at"!y correct. Ab
stracts ol titles are woitalesa unless
properly made.
Tbe ax rolls wtro turued over to tbe
Sheriff Thursday, and taxes are now due
and payable. AH taxes paid on or be
fore March 15:h will be sul j ct to a re
bate of tbree per cent.
Don't complain about bad bread when
vou can get tbe best that was ever made
delivered to your house free. Leave or
ders at Beivers Bakery or 'Phone Main
Horace L. aod E l Marsters, who have
had quite a little tuyjel with the conta
gion going tbe rounds of the country are
able lo be about and are looking little
tbe worse for their experence.
Blodgett &. Stilts, are sole agents for
Douglas county for William's celebrated
slaps i az or hone, rso barber or razor
owner can afford to be without one.
Mrs. R. 0. Goff, of Coles Valley, i
sister of Attorney Jobu L'jog, is receiv
ing medical treatment in this city, being
a sufferer from acuta rheumatm.
6enator R. A Boo'b, who has been
spending a tew d-jaio Ibis vicinity duck
shooting with his btolber and friend,
tells of killing a tinge panthrr one night
last week while ent cooo Lnntirg in tbe
Belknap settlement, cear Monroe, in
j Benton cconty. The mitral was treed
! by the doss when the v :i.t K.nator
approsclie.1, a la R?osevil', and littd
three charges of buckshot into Its bead.
The animal was a very largo srecimeu
measuring over wtan feet e;Kh' inches in
By calling on J. D. Hamilton at the
Kosobnrg court house, you can get blue
prints of any sooiion or township in the
Roseburg land district.
Geo. Blackwood.wife and twocb:ldren,
ol So. Dakotr, who have been vibit n D.
S. Stockwell and family for the pt week
re'urned borne on this morning's locel,
Mrs. Minni-i Jones, of Rosebnrg, is
vieiiiog Mrs. Vallelly, at Mis. N. U.
Wbeeler'e. Albany Democrat.
Miss Lillian Collier, of the millinery
department at Joerpbs'a tbire hrs re
turned from Portland, where the bad
beea atteudiog tbe millinery opening.
J. D. Hamilton bas the only complete
eet of abstract books in tbe county, bee
bim at tbe Conrt House, when you want
abstracts ol title.
W. U George aod J, A. Gsrmor and
wife, who have been in Roeeburtf tbe
past six weeks bit this morning for Port
land, where they expect to remain.
Griffith's Bakery, near the depot, make
a specialty of V adding and Holiday
cakbe. Tbey also keep a choice line ol
E. E. Wells, ot Ollala, E M. Smith, of
Myrtle Point, and J. W. Randal, of moe-
enw, Idaho, were registered at the Mc
Clallen house last Saturday.
6pray,syrav, spray, with MtBain'
Carbolic Compound, tbe best for fruit
trees and all kind of plants for sale by
S. K. Si kcs.
Commandant Shipley, of tbe Oregon
Soldiers Home, baa purcbssed a new
bus tssm from C. P. Barnard of tbe Em
pire Livery Stable.
tS A. J. Buchanan for insurance io
.be Oregon ri'e Relief Association.
Kooin ti, Maratera building, Roseburg,
Oreaon. If
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Adair and Mr. acd
Mis L. ll.Rooey.ol Eogeo-, retumtd
vu Friday's local from a visit to Southern
California points.
A new line of lace curUios jost re
ceived at Strong's Furniture Store,
ranging in price from $1.00 to H W per
Licenis to marry have been issued to
i vovoovosvovcvcv
Isadora Selig and Lulu Hartt, of Myrtle
Creek, and C. G.Cathcart to Cora De
nuoey, of Drain.
Now is tbe time to buy your gatden
tools, spading Forks, rakee, plows, bar
roas. Planet jr. garden tools tt: ot S. K.
6 v lies.
Sergt. William Gowland, Co. B, 4 b
Rsgt. Inft.,0. S, G., ol Ashland, Ore
goo, baa beea elected captain of iba'
company. Churchill sod Woolley-are telling
PetaUma Incubators, ibey pay tbe
Tbe McMinnville board ol trade bas
ordered 5XX) l.lders, discrip'Jvs of tbe
city aud county, lor distribution io
tbe East.
Dr. Lowe, the well ktown optician,
will be in Ko:-borg Marcb 20, 21 and
6. Peterson tbs popular salesman at
Burr's Music store, is aU ndiog to busi
ness in tbe northern part of the county.
Complete line of watches and c'.ccks
of the latest patterns at Salamar 's.
Wasted Imhediatelt. To exper
ienced dioint room gills. Apply at tbe
McCl'llen House, Roeeourg, Oregoa.
Everytbiug that i) new and o(-:o-date
n jewelry at Kiitoian'e.
C. W. Cut tarn tbe popular salesman
of tbe M. J. Kt-lly Co., ot San Frrocisco,
was a Roreboig vibitor last week.
Clocks. Clocks, Clocks, see the clocks
at J. l. liryans.
Judged W. Hamilton and Dist. Alty.
Geo. M. Brown, are attending ci'coit
court at Eugene this weex.
All kind of poultry tnppi( to be
had of 6. K. 8ykes.
Mrs. W. R. Willis teturced Thursday
evening from a visit with relatives and
fnenda in Portland.
Spray pumps and all kinds of farm;ng
tools at 6. K. Sjkes.
E. Deutecbkey, a prominent farmer of
Wardton, was a bosinese visitor iu Rose
bora last week.
Miss Ellena Reed, who bas been at
tending a Portl and business college re
turned borne Saturday.
W. W. Kent, the popnlsr Drain mer
chant, was a business visitor in Rose
burg Saturday.
Attorney A. Abraham left tats morn
ing for Portland and othr valley town
on bosioers.
Fin-man L T. Howe, is now litl r t
Juoctlon City.
Mrs. Frank Anderson it reported quite
ill at her home in this city.
Engineer Geo. Thompson is lsying off
this wtek, viaiiiog io PurttauJ.
Traveling Conductor Pat Trnan is st
tendi it; to business at this ita'ion.
Yard Section Foreman Art Green, is
sg&in in rb trge ol tbe yard crew at ILio
E:g'i.eer Jap Waits Is spsudir.g a few
wee'ia at Tuscoa Springs, California, for
his health,
Engineer Jas. Merrimsn is now io
charge of tbe switch sngine in tbe Roee-
bur yards.
Eagineer Chas. Miller was a passen
ger on Fiida.'u local for Portland, where
be goej on business.
W. R. Apperson, secretary of Portland
division ol the Railway employes was in
R reburg on bunt cess last week.
A special c.r containing several of the
officials c f ihe 8anta Fe pes-ed tbrcugh
this city on Sunday eveniog's local.
Yardman Geo. A. Trent, tbe secretary
of the school of icstruc'.ion, ia in Port
land oa business for that institution.
Owing to tbe blockade of freight cars
la tbe yard at this station tody it was
necvKary to put on and extra yard crew.
Conductor Lee Hendricks ii io this
city today and will hereafter rua on
trails 15 and 10 be'.weeo this point acd
Parrenger Brakeman Louie Aobin is
laying off and Vade Kennedy ia filliog
bis position cn trains 11 and 12 between
this place and Ashland.
Ftrrmao Donald Wbitocy baa been
taking an enforced lay-cff ol a week
caused by getting bis fingers pinched
under a heavy stick of wood. Tidings.
The new seniority list affecting yard
men and trainmen, which bas just bean
iteued by Superintendent Fields, seems
to be talUfC.ory to all parties c on
Wo, IfidaoD of West Roeeburr, bas
accepted tbe position of blacksmith acd
macbineet at tbe 8. P. round bouse in
Ibis ci.y made vacant by tbe retirement
of Eugene Ualght.
Owing t) severe storms and washout
I oa the 6. P. Railroads in California, tbe
overland from tbe sooth did not arrive
last nigbt bat is reported to arrive about
12 o'clock tonight.
Mis. M. DeVaney and two children,
left Sunday mornirg tor a month's re it
with her parents at West Stafford Can
ada; she receited word, jost before
leaving, that her mother was seriooely
ill and ber recovery doobUui.
Mrs. B. F. Lucas and little son, acd
ber mother, Mrs. E. G. Morrill, after a
vbit io Eigece with Mr. and Mrs. R.
McMurpby, have gone to Rosebnrg to
reside, Mr. Lucas, who is a locomotive
engineer, ha vie g taken a run cot of that statioo. E'lgeca Register.
Tbe fallowing rf&crrs have been elect
ed ts take charge cf ihe Railway Eio-1
ployee'a Scbco' tf Instruction, at this
p'aoe: Ergiuter E Z-mmerman, chair
man; Yardman G. A. Trsn', secretary;
Fireman Ribert GiUin . Machinists !
Dive Roberta and Jack Ualbwy,
members of the board rf finances. Aa
soon s a soi'.sble building ia erected for
ibe school, tf.e anirtes needed will be
foruiabei by tbe company.
Pajeeng'r train No. 15, wblch left
Ashland Tuttdi) alUrocori, wai brought
to a sudden stop tbree miles north ol
Deiis. Just at dmk as tbe train was
roooding a curve and running at the
rate of 25 miles an hour, Eogirecr J J.
O'Nril saw a boulder on the track and
succeeded io che king tbe mctloo ol the
train to tba' lbs collision altb tbe rock
did not result in seiioos damage. Tbe
pilot ol tbe ergioe aas wrecked sod tbe
impact of tbe tra n broke the boulder in
to tbree piece, so tost it was compar
atively an easy matter to roll tbe frag
ments from the track. Tidings.
We have a lot of Ladies' Corsets, numbering about 6o
which formerly sold at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00, consisting
of "500 Bone," French Woven, and some of the well known
"P. N." brand. Our Sell 'Em Out price 48 cents.
Come early as at tkat priee they wont last long.
We received a case of Mens' Neckwear of about 80 dozen
which are not quite as good as our 50 cent ties, but are
worth 35 cents. We want to see how many we will sell
at 25 CCntfl. All kinds, Tecks, Four-in-hands,
Band, Bows, Shield Bows, Clubs and Imperials.
'Phone 255
Keep your eye on this space
in the next issue for
W. A. BURR & COn Roseburc, Oregon
16 and Broadway. New Tork. (SaprrTiwM by 82 GoTnimtits)
Inveeted Aswt. $29O,7,3M.0O. Income in 1901, 70,902,550.87
Including 114,196.470.66 ol interests and rents.
It list bern brfnre 'tb roblie for 57 jr aad dnrsag thai tir.r It h pai't to Its
Bnficlric ft rt.T 0. Yoa do wot Imtc tndle to w;n it 1 rurrWa Mutual Oni
ratiT an th proflufo into lha pocket o( lb Policy bolWand H th stock boiin
If you are interested in Ufa fnjorajKC yoa will do weli lo consult
W. J. RIOOIV. of Roseburg
an 1 ak him to aow yoa a JD year Endowment Policy. Correspondence SolitUe P
Notice for Publication.
The Attendanct and lotcrest la
Services Still Increasing.
Gall at Wollenberg Bros, and get a
Standard lasbioa bhoet lor the monlb
of February. It will interest you if you
nave any dress-making io do.
Tbe winter term cf the Wilbur school
closed last r rid y alter a woe a 'a vac&-
i lion, tbu suriug tonu will begin Mon
day, Marcb 10,-1902.
Jost in, large bale of ilk floss, latest
productions in wall paper fancy cottage
pules. Don't buy from agents bat gel
our prices. Rice & Kice.
C. U. Van Duyn, of Eugene, bas ac
cepted a position as abelractor in tbe
i office of F. E. Alley, tbe architect aod
abstractor of this city.
New spring styles in ladies' shoes now
ready tor your inspection, at Flint's.
. L. Baeblord, tbe Roeeburg miller,
who is spending a week in Jackson coun
ty, viaited Ashland Tuesday, Tidings.
Another Southern Oregon Pioneer
has Passed Away.
Tbe sad intelligence of the death ol
Sol Marks at Portland, Sunday morning,
Match 3, 1902, was received at this place
Sunday forenoon, Mr. Marks having
been only a few weeks previous, taken
to that city from Roseburg fcr medical
treaimiot. His death, however, did not
come as a surprise as be has been in fee
ble health for several months past sod
bis condition grew steadily more serious
and when be was taken to Portland, it
was general conceded that tbo end was
not far off. Mr. Marks was born in Po
land about 70 years ago; came to Amer
ica in 1850 aod to Oregon In 1852, set
tling In this county and city.
He was one of tbe pioneer merchants
of this city and conducted for many
years a large and lucrative business here
nnder tbe Arm name of 8. Msrks & Go
Nearly twenty years ago be sold bis
business Interests to his brother, Aeher
aod node, 8am, aod went lo California
where he spent several yrats at San
Francisco. He engaged somewhat in
mining tod at one time owood some val
nable mining property in tbat stale. 1
wife and five growo children eurviv.
bim, Mrs. Msrks, Martin and three els
ters residing at Portland, while Ibe elder
sou, Hermann, conducts a large general
merchandise business in Roseburg. Mr
Marks wblle not having reached the top
most round of tbe ladder of success, was
always prominent in tba early bnsinsss
circles of this town and was identified
with tbe earlv history of the county. He
was kind and considerate, a man of sober
industrious habits, in fact a man tbat
will be missed wherever known.
Tbe funeral services and Interment oo
curred at Portland today and were at
tended by a number of Rossborg friends
The revival services conducts J at the
M. K. Church by Evangelist Marsbel ol
California, continue to draw large crowds
anr a constantly increuirg interest is
manifrsted. Tbo large edifice is filled to
ovet flowing at each service and upwards
of 60 conversions have already been
made. Tbs mtetiogs wi.l contioue all
week and will probably close ntit San-
day evsniDg, and wili no doabt prove tba
greatest revival held in this city for
yea p.
Tue evsngo' let delivered a st-rmon on
aucing SiturJay evtning aod tbe larje
church was filled to overflowing, many
being turned away. Tbe sermon con
sisted largely of quotations from eminent
divines representing tbe various religions
denominations, including tbs Rm.n
atbolic church, which was in'erspersed
with a forceful eibortation against as
sociating with bad company and.a word
portrayal of tbs evils tbat accr ue from
tbe ball room and its s'uJal associations
Tbe quotations and extracts presented,
were followed in conclusion with oncom-
prcinblog attacks on the dance as a so
cial Institution, with vivid snd effective
illustrations ot the. points raised, and
with personal and p-itbelic appeals.
Ha nrged parents to teach their chil
dren lo understand and shun tbe evils
of the ball room. Declaring tbat "if tbe
daughters are tanght to shun each places
the boys aud young men will stay away
too. Public balls are places ot evil got
ten op on a purely financial basis, where
promlscious dancers attend whom pare
women would only touch outside of tbe
dance with gloved hands. This I know.
I cry out earneetly against tbe inconsis
tency that will permit a woman to come
in bodily contact with a man in the
dance, whom she would re-fate to recog-
nisa on tbe street or elsewhere." He
did not insist that all patrons of tbe
dance were wso iog in purity or morali
ty, but suggested that suoh l'lacei were
tbe rendezvous for libsrtles aod moral
lepers and a piece at which the ptimary
lessons iu ein are iucobated and re nnr
tshed until they are developed into l
manners of debauchery.
If You Have ,
a Sweet Tooth. .
G to tbo O mdy Kilchi-n, where
yon will find th freshest and beet
arr meat of caaJles in tbe city.
Call and see oa
Roaebari, Ore., Jm. a), l.
NoUotia hereby fiiven that in compliant
wlU tht proruion of the act ol tocgrrtao!
Jnn S, UTS, entiilcri -An act tor the faieol
timbrrLanla In tbe statt ot ral'.fornia, Oraroa,
KvrwJa and W aahmnon Territory, ' u extend
d M all Uw Public Land States by act ol Aaf
Stt 4, 12,
of Two Harbor, County of Laae, Sua of Mla
neaoia, haj tbia day Sied in tbic office hi sworn
auiement No. JOlS, for the pun-he of the SWI4
of ttecuoo So. 2, Township tt, South of Ranee
Weat, and will offer proof to ahow that the
land aouirht ia more Taluible for iu timber or
atone than for anicullaral purposes, and to
establish bt claim U said laud r. ore the
Register and Recoirer of this office at Rneebarc.
Oi ejon. on Thursday, th 17tn day ot April,;
ihu- ne nainrs as wiwesaes: Joan Brown.
Thoa. A. Fnry, and Cba. A. Yernberc. of Two
Barboar, Mian., and Joa. Brown of Doiuth,
Any and all persona claiming adrersrty the
abnre-desrrlbed lands are requested to 8!e their
claims in this ofDoo on or before said 17th day
of April 1K2. J.T. BRiD.KS,
HP Keguter.
I have decided to cIos
out at cost my fine large
stock of Glass and China
Ware, Crockery and
Chamber Sets for cash.
Se our fine window dis
play for these great bargains.
Title Uuarantee&Loan Co.
J. 0
D. C BaatLToa,
Beer, and Treat,
Offloe to the Court Boose, Have the only 00m-
Xicteact of abstract books in Dooalaa County,
bstracta and Cert) Scatea of Title furnished to
Douglas county l1"! nrt minlns claims. Bar
also a complete set ot Traclnjrs of all township
lata In the Rosebtiri, Orefon, D. 8. Land Dla-
Correspondence solicited.
ahin ahowine a l vacant tiorei nment lanoa.
uhiie in omoa, insuranoa ecenia
Will mite blue print copies of any town
liln showinjr a 11 Tacani
"After the Minnows Comes the Whale"
Clocks, clocks, clocks, see the cloeas
t J, T. Bryans.
Shoe reparing that looks well at Fllots
ibos store.
A Car load of Special
Scenery. Traveling in
their own two Pullman
,. Beats now on sale at Usual
Place, at Common Sense Prices.
My stock of Staple and
Faucy Groceries is large
and complete and always
fresh and up-to-date.
Prices as low asthe
; A Few New
House Cleaning time will soon be here
and you will want new Lace Curtains.
We have anticipated your wants, and
have just received a complete line of
all the new things in Lace Curtains
and Curtain Mets. See ours before
you buy.
We carry everything; in
the Dry Goods Line
Fisher & Bellows