Ivertlshij ob Printing 4 J lc t w vvme vvt vr thai trade, la a very important factor in bnsincfja. Poor printing re- Mi J boqinefes bonne. Let as do your Job in tiling we we srnarADtna it to ha in Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868. evory way Hatisfactory. Vol. Xll. ROSEBUR.' -AS rTYOREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1902. No. 16 A if . 4 4 4 4 4 4 V 5 Winter Goods flust Go, Collcirottca, HTvlx IQcctc; 1 AND ClliUnU'NS JACKKTS ,t A M,iv.t i'Uv Wh e iav rtnlmvd we nifin it. L - ' - v WlNi: n.. NNKl., the Km W'at.i Brand, to CflUS ;VUl. CIN PKUKU.A l,;loN NKI.lv ITU, at xi oonis per yud. A t $ cent jr.nlc in anyjeity I.l)U:s' UNUKRWKAR from i,o cents u suit to $;,.oo. lvr:e SWT Wollenberg Bros. Pric Stou Op.ui unlit 8 oVWk. LOXG WILL RtSIGN. legislators of Ohio Record. Go on IIIRLEIUORE STARS tOR fUO. A Murderer confesses. A Real Kins Coming. Other Late News. - ,re From Ounr. t( Corresponde? ."J Myrtle Creek Items. Hftrtar. . STREET ASSESSMENT. Assessment for Improvement of Sberldan, Cess. Jackson and Doug las Streets, Roscburg, Oregon. I John and Louise Hooter, 25 ft off I I v. ' I An deiint lino of l.inon Wari Mattings in all tlio lati'st dotigns anil colorings have just arrived Havo you soon vur elegant Car lHtti, -ntaii)ing cotton cliains, nil wools and a full lino uf tliTve qnarttr goixls, ranging in price fr.uu 2oc to 1.S5 iH?r yard. (ur line of carpets is far saerior to anything we have ever sliown in previous years and we delight in show ing tliein. s "the B. W. STRONG, THE FURNITURE MAN. Roseburg.Ore 8 2 Bring Us Your 1- CHICKENS. EGGS. BUTTER. FOR CASH OR TRADE. Sa.n Fiascimto. Feb. 21 At ah-rely ottrnded wteticg i t IV er e; n. ath;z-;ie in Mu'ropclimn Hal1. Mavor Silm.i:z i.repidtd. ajd in nddiots ws delivered by ComOiaadif.t V. 1). Puvinao, of Gen eral Dewet'd fUH Keoliiuona ete adopted nod ordered reut to President lloosevelt aud !lm California tcuutu:8 and Kej.receutativee, orgitig IQat Con g.-evs taie euititle acti'.n lookicg 10 ia tervLniton bv the oatioes with the view of ending tLe war bv aibitraiion, nud as sarinj iudepeoder.ee to the Boers. THREE SSW STATUS. Wapiiisgtos. Feb. 21 The Hons eimmiit-e m terri'oiiiB todav uoooi- mmply voted to report bills for the d-l mission of the territories ol Ne Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma. The vote as aken apoa a moiiou mado by Moon ( fenr), declaring it to be the eeoeaol the couimittee that the tbreo teritories were emi'Jed to etatehood, and that tab coinautte'5 be appointed to prepare the bills. Toe eu'ocoaimittee aeeappomled. ARTUCR Eti&N A I1KR0. Chicago, Feb. 21. Attbnr Kgan. the -year old boy who eaved 27 lives io Lake. Michigan, will te preeenled wiib a ineJdl awarded by the Hotel Uam&oe Sjciety, of London, Etgland, tomorrow nigbt. Willi am Wyndham, the Britieb CodsqI here, will inke the i rc-eei.tatiou. The eociety gives only two medals a jear. and this is the first time that one u( them bas been awarded to a ref ident of the United Ratee. The Indian appropriation bill has tetrad both house aod is in the handa of the President. WAREH0l-6kM-.N SENTSSCKD. Salkm, Feb 21. A. M. Hamphrey the warehoaeojan who was f jnnd fuilty cf selling wheat that he held in storage, was sentenced to the penitentiary for two years today. A BSAL KISG COMING. Bbcs-els, Feb. 21. It is cflkially an- nonDc-cI tiat King Leopold of Beliom will make a t ;ur of the United S.ates the coming eomroer. - " :;- !. F. BARKER & CO. cot-mil- The Day m starts wlto Thone 1C3 oil jgsgsssssa, Right jkSsss Whcn Have a SW cupof immm0m WHITE I HOUSE kiocu. COFFEE with your breakfast. It has a fiavor that's aU hs own you don't get it in any other brand. KRISE & SEffUSD, Sole Agents, Roseburg, Oregon Staple and fancy Groceries Guaranteed fresh and wholesome and sold at prices as low as the low est. All kinds of fruit and Country . Produce Bought and Sold. . . . . . 2 HI i The newest and best They are the'Vhats what" in slices for Spring. Come in and see them. Large variety of styles and prices THE VAUuT C0SE8ED Ml RDKR. New Y.kk, Ftb 21 Charles Jonff the vlet of Millionaire Uice bus fe&sed to the morder of ths aged lionaire. At the icBllgaiion of Albert Patriclr, who forged a wiii ia his own favor, JoDee coDfes3e Uiat he chloroformed Rice while he elept. srASISH EThlKES M RSADtSG. M aprid, Fib. 21. There eeems to be a strike and riot mania in the air. It bas spread from Barcelona to many other Spanish cities. Sargoeea is a danger point, working i- I: . V. . men by tue iDoueaoua nuwuiug uj etreeta. So bad is the tiltution in teat city tbat martiul law bas teen proclaim ed. Fighting is reported Iicm widely separated points of the kingdom. SUE! THE SCCTHEB.X PACIFIC Rppebirq. Feb. 21. Mrs. L. Hend ricks, administratrix of the estate of Samuel Hendricks, deceased, has filed a toil sgaiost the Southern Pacific Com pany for f5C00 and costs. Her son, ram net Hendricks, was killed in a head-end collision just sooth of Roeebnrg, Novem ber 8, while in the employ of the com pany as ao engineer. She alleges her son's dea'.b was due to the negligence of the com pan r. SECRETARY OK SAVT LN TO BE8IOH. Washisgtox, Feb. 21. After the Cab inet meeting today Secretary Long stated tbat the report that he intended leaving the Cabinet was quite troe. He said be had fixed upon no specific time for bis leaving, sod be bad not yet formally sent bis reeignation to th President, and might not do so for some time. Tbe President, howxver, e fuily aware of his purpose, which was formed many months ago. LEGISLATORS GO ON RECORD. Colcmbvs, Ohio, Feb. 21. The Uooe of Representatives ol (he Ohio Legisla ture bas placed itself on record as btmg in favor of electing United States Sena tors by a direct vote of the people, the Worthinn resolution being adopted by a vote of 73 to 23. The resolution aiks Congress to take the necessary action. G. K Woodruff, the popV11 made a living trip to Salem &qr'" Mr. March, of North My; came doan Friday and report" gross in the mines op there. " Mrs. Willis Kramer, propr5"' tbe Overlaod Ho'el Uiade .a.WiP' to conoty seat one day las', waek. 8. C. Birtrnm, of tbe Plaisdkai.eb passed throogb this ptac6 en route to the South Myitle Cretk mines one diy 1- week. 3i (ieo. Dtment, accompanied by h daughter, Mis. Frje, itturued to-' ger.e Friday, to the bedside uf hi? daugh ter, ahohai len tick several, tnoutbe and her condition is not impiovlng. Willis Kramer, of this city, returned, Fridiy from Jahepliine Co. where 1" bas been looking eficr hia oiioing inter cs'e. Mr. Kramer eavs his starrp mill at (he (Vilden WeJs mine, ' running etruilily itb saliloctorv reiolt-i. C. R. Pa'.f, the rujtl ng saw mill man of Sooth Myitis, says prosperity ia a tfr ror ; says l.e can't get time hardly to eat, his ordi rs are comma m so l""' ; lie I' as nothing but a firtt-clau aitiele, ttai is lir the Twice-a-Week lLAi.soaALEC gea to his borne. The Plaikdraleb representative was the gocet of Mr. C. Sellars, a prominent larmer aod ctorkman. Mr. Sellars is interested in the minee, having a good claim himself. Being an up-to-date roao, be sobecrihed for tbat up-to-Jate paf cr, the Plaindealeb. TLe tew Lumber Co. cf McGee & Gallop of North Mjrtle Creek, baa com inenced haeinees in good shape. Tht-y have got one limber and are getting cot same 6 oe lumber. Mr. Gallop says they espec.1 soon io put in a plainer ana can then furnish all building material. These vouog men are reliable, courteoos and obliging and deserve success C. D. Chaney, of the South Myrtle Creek Shingle & Flour Mills, can be seen wearing a smile, and bis smile bn no sadoese either, ahica indicates he doing a lively Dueir eee. lie is always prepared lo show an excellent grade of ehiiiglcs. Being a man of bus.ness tbil i'v, he appreciates the reliablenees of the 1'laikiie.ujlb and his name can be seen on i s largs list. ltie micee of eoutn Myrtle Urctk are runuing two shifts in their dev.-lopemett work. At the liitle Cbieftan bas been placed in position a whim or botsUig machine. They have a shaft cbout 40 feot deep at tbe bo' torn of which ro-,s ao incline 3J fet. and at the bst o-ii cf the baft a 50 fco tunnel to U.o eU TbsyP hive tkken cct rtveral tecs ol ore aid hare it ready for thipmtnt. TLe Coiili n&ntat end Hall mines re alio aoikinx two ELitte. I be Continental mine is etiii retaining its good prospects and they are expecting great things from it. Van Notico ia hereby giveu tht the asieia meat nude by urlinanc S. 119, enti tled "An ordinance levying aaaesaments for improvamenta on parta of Sbsridan, 'ass, Jackson and Douglaa streets" baa - vJjoeh entered in the docket of City l.tnif. ..l is alio ana piyarxe at me oinca oi "Treasurer of the City of Rowburg, o'-bn, 20 days after d i'o hereof in law "f. ioiley of fit United Sti'.e?, aod il c paid aithio 10 days thereafter, the "J.inmoo Council will order warraots to be issued lor the collection thereof, in- H lading costs of collection. owses DBucairrtoa t)tal amt. ..Lava' t CjQutr. court to'ise ck .M tialley aud Stephen JImVo, lot 5 Mk 20 '.V R Th-Mf. !t I W 11 A A Fink. N's lot 4.blk 19 It S RtieriJan, ts;i lo. 4. DIE iv. . 'o Uaynea, estate, ri UK 3, hi a 19 S Marks A G estate, S,' lot 3 bik 19 F V Bjcs m and Georga Ca'py N1. lot 2, blk l'J A A Fii.k, t-.S, lot 7. tiia i . . . a a -E O A lay lor, iui i, hi i Htmilloo. lot 4. blk 2S 6 1! in.ilton, 22 feet off the north ri te o( lot 3. blk 28 8 H lm'.ltoo, 3o feet off the eaa'h tA of lot 3. blk ZS Lou s Lutgm. erg, 22 feet on Jack son street UescMDea as iiios: Beginning at a point 22 feet South of tbe N E corner ol lot 3 blk 23, thence E 100 feet thence S 22 leet. tbecce W 100 feet, thence S 22 feet to place begin- . 56 lo 3t 15 192 ) 241 00 44 2 ) 43 4 20 43 20 4 20 132 5 5 132 65 2G 51 43 26 51 24 10 24 Id 21 10 24 10 43 20 64 3 and 30 125 132 55 132 55 48 20 43 20 43 20 43 20 SO 15 N tide lot 3 blk 29 II Wolieuberg, lo; 4 blk 29. stale b Marks A Co, lots 1 blk 13 n O Slocom, lot 3, in b'k 13 ... Roburg W A L Co lot 4 bik 18 anry A Party, lo'. 5 blk IS C Fnllerton. lot 6 blk 18 W J Lander, 30 ft off south tide lot 7 blk 18 Mrs Willamina Kaston, 10 ft off North bid j lot 7 and 15 ft iff the eoalh eiJe of lot 8. blk 14 30 12 M b Ann Compton 25 ft off north side lot 8, blk IH 00 II Wollenberg, lot 1 blk 12 38 15 Dated this 2 lib day of Febiuirr, 1902, by order of the Common Couiicil of the City of Ro-)barg, Oregoo. Attest: V. b- West, K-.corder. Second prize at Currier's Grocery A fine China Tea Set-- One Ticket with -very fi cut purchase. Ituv yonr flroceries at WILL CURRIER THE GROCER Smallpox Spreads World Over. Portland Feb. 21. Portlerd hasn't a corner on the small-pox compleiot. Al. ovr tbe world ao epidemic of the dread ed dtseaee,morcerloosthaa has occurred jr two or iliiee y-aia, ia ragii-g. Agaitst the overwbelniing conr.e of tbe dlsesrt vjrcina'.ion is making some small head- ay. Chicago, Boj'-jo, London, Pbilsdl phia, New York are more or Irsj afflicted according to reliabls reports. Thank iatelligeut eabmition to vaccination Nsw York firei pretty well. There are 99 CMea on North Brother I lan4,Ntw Ycrk ? CICCnC DAICnv Jackson Strut. i J aILiVtitV lrVGKI, near Cass J J Our Cream and Home-ma lo Bre.-vl in a. :ool rr lx;tU:r ? than ever nnd will iw I.-liv: ed t any p.irt of the city. Jj Leave orders or 'pii r.v: .Muin Vio. J $ i. mLiv zitii, Proprietor Tbe Famous Shasta Route. 44 20 21 69 96 40 2S9 20 36 15 SO 15 192 SO 156 Go ...FLINT'S SHOE 5T0RE... Hints to Housewives. Notice to voninoutors. Notice is hereby itiven to all subscrib- era to tbe Djrjelas County Monument fund that Mrs. II. C. Stanton, treasurer will refund tbe same it called lor on or before the 1st day of April 1902. All AAllAi-l fn tn AS ItofnrA BO Half the battle in good cooking, IS to have good date will be contributed for charitable . m1 I 1111x1 UHl'B. J T UIUOI UE VlMUUHV'VUt fresh Groceries, and to get mem prompuy r j. w. Wbight, when vou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181, for good goods and good service. Brockway Items. Snnehiny weather. S. S. Bolbiuger and family vieited E. M. K;l-3, on R ce Cretk Sunday. 8. M. Paiker, of Dillard visited Z. W. Parker, his brother, last week. Ojite a number of people 'from Wine- ton attended church here Snndsy. Tbe lata bard rain was quite hard on tbe roads, opening op several sand holer. George Wixoo and Lis sister, Mies Deeds, wtre calling on friends bandar. If the ground bog bad not seen bis shadow, one would think spring wss here. Mrs. Georgs Hoover, went to Myrtle Creek Saturday to visit with ber eon, Frank. Several of tbe reeidents here have been hick with la grippe but are now able to be about again. Wm. Buxton, and daughter. Miss Mary, made a trip to Rose burg Saturday. Mr. Buxton brought out the library lor tbe school. Seveial of the farmers here are im proving their time daring tbe good weather, building fence. Rev. Reeee, of len Mile, delivered a very able sermon here 8 today, to a good eizid audience, taking as his text, Matt. 11: 23,29, 30. School was closed laet week on account of tbe teachers' examination, and re opened again Monday with twenty-seven pupils iu attendance. Mrs. Mamie Ssxby of Illinois la here visiting ber brother-in-law, VV. S. John' r-tou and family. When she left Illinois last Monday, the ground was covered with snow and abe rode to the depot in a sleigh. DiBtnct No. 16, is now the proud pos sessor of a library. It is composed of one hundred and five volumes, and about fifty books for supplementary reading in tbe school, also a new $12 dictionary, and three enlarged pictures for the school room, one each of Wash ington, Lincoln and Longfellow, Beth. niu O F Godfrey, V ol lot 3 b'.k 23 A C Marsters, bls ol lot i C W'arkVi'cV. N'oisy, lot 2 bkM ............ C V and K L Psrrott, oi c lot 2. btk -Si A C and Rebec Marbtere, N.Hi ' 1, blk 2S ro J?li County Bok, 6i lot 1 bik 23 ...... t.. ttm-tka 3d tt jQ north side if.t a ti'k S9 "2 30 llaldali K H ver, 50 ft off south id ol lot 4 b'.k 39 60 t l- i?;,-t.r.Wm. 22 It off north ...I. 3 b'k 39 2'i 61 F(ed Lu?reeo, 40 ft on Jackson st described as follows : Begin ning at a point 22 tt S cf tbe NWcornfr of lot 3, blk 39 tbeoce F. 100 It. thence S 40 ft tbeote W 100 ft, thence N 40 ft lo tbe place of beginning C H Fisberand Lej Wimberly, 13 It off 8 sids lot 3, blk 39 J O JoUntoo, lot 2, blk 39 II V. (iriveS. lot 1. D.E Eptecooal Chorch, lot 3, blk 40. . Helen G S.i.i.k. lot 5, blk 47.... UdJ Fellows Baildiog As-HMalbn 50 tt off tb'J nortn siae oi io l.'k a - S D Evaos and S C Miller, lot 4 k L Uaroiltou aod J TempUo, 79 ft ' oo Css at dcnrd as follows: UeciKuir.g at a pntot 41 It t. ol the N W corner of it'.k 49 thence E7fc.tlieDCSs0 t. thence V ?J ft ther.ee N SO It lo place ol regioning -u R B Mtrewa, 41 ft on Caee st detailed as follows: Bfginn h.g at the N W corner of b k 49 tl.euce K41 feet, there S 80 ft llibt.ee W 41 It. thence N SO ft to place of beginning ..5? W R Willis, lot 8, blk 50 168 70 J P and T R Sheridan, lot 9 blk tQ ICS 70 J P Sheridan. Yot 8 blk 51 163 70 Jes?e F Sheridan, lot 10. b!k 51 . . 163 70 Locretta Z Hendricks, lots 7 nd 8 blk 62 3 88 H J Wilkios. 35 ft on Sberidsn st described as louows: wmuu inff at the SW comer of lot 7 ..... i o;-- blk o meoce r. w i tbeuce b oo nne st - 2 in, tbeore W to Sheridan st, ik .K lon Sberidsn st iHt to dUc of beginning. . 42 13 R Troxel, 43 It 2 in, on Sheridan street, descnoea as lai.ows: e gionins at a point 35 feet S of b W corner of lot 7.blk 52. thence E to Pme st, tbeoce S on Pine treet to S line oi lot o, thence W to Sheridan st thence northerly along bheriaan st, 43 ft 2 io, t i place of begiooing... Mary A. Ziot, lot 10, blk 52, and 40 It 6 ID cn a siue oi ioi v, blk 62 L Hamilton ao.t b Hoover lot 11. blk 62 Mary D Griffith, N lot 11 bik 62 24 40 r ( KlaThpr. lot 12. blk 62 84 95 . ' .T . 7 - - .c LU Hamiltou, lot v blkoa oo ia nran A CaliforLU Kail Hoad In g.iug ov.-r tbe famous ''Shasta Route" cf the Sjutbero Pacific Co., tbe traveler ever fi ida something new to ex cits his admiration and interest. Start ing at Portlan'J, one traverjis tbe whole Ungtb of th Willamette Valley, the gem of tbe Northwest. Mt. Hood, Mt. Jbffer ton, acd the.Tne Three Sisters and ether enow-capped peaki are kept in a;gbt for boars. The beautiful valleys of the Uupuua and Rozoo Rivers, with their orchards ol pruoes, peaches, apples, and ether fruits are a delight io themselves, The crosskg of the great mountain barrier between Oregon acd CabJuroia reteale the grandee; mountain scenery in the United S'ales. The wooderiul turning, twistings, aod doublings of tbe railroad brirg into view a grind array of towering mountains and profound gorge into which we gaxe from diny heights, foreet clad roointiin slopes etretchirg rp to the line of perpetual enow, aod the foaming mountain streams dashing fiercely dawn deep canyons, now and then stopping lor a short rest ia some quiet pool. After a dys er.joyment ol od ML. Shasta, the finest peak on tbe continent, we drop rapidly down the eviyon of the Sjcratn?n'.o to fie broad plaice oi the Sacramento Valley in Calif ornia, and thecco throngb vineyards acd orchards to San Francicco. For iuars and descriptive literature addrees R. B. Miller. G. P. A., S. P. Co, Poriland Oregon icreo yj Rosebur Steam Laundry m r00 W '' SL We are now ready lor business GJ jG 4 with new and -up-to-date machine- y h- w 8 4i' We are now ready for business with new and -up-to-date machine ry. Work will be neatly and promptly done. Watch for our Wagon or call 'Phone 791. & 0. W. A. EVERITT, Proprietor. 5 SHOES "The R 1? When a person has goo-Is w hich he isobiided to ee!l, a pvrsf n with catii can name the price. Such conditions enabll cs to purchase the entire lx:k (A Mr. Holden at t:;e S-'twis Shoe Store, at a price which enables us to sell shoes below cot of man ufacture. Any pair of shoes at or BELOW COST t 0 I tlass Convcotloa. Ttie Sxialir-n of Douglas conoty, U-r n will meet in Mam cooven'ioo at the court Louse in livi-bartf at 1 o'cock, o. m. on Wednesday Mach 5, 1902, Icr purpose of elecuog Jtleitoj to the state and district convectiooe placing In Domination a fall couotv ticket, aod such other business as may be desired, A loll attendance from all paita cl the county is requested. J. Gbeex, M. E. CaooKiiAX, Chairman, Secretary, County Ceotral Commit. M3 Do You Want Eggs. . II you do trv the White Leghorns for t ggr.'hey re one of the best fowls In ex istence. After eeveral vesra of expert ence withpouliry, I have found nothing tbst will surpass them lor egg producers. I have the highest ecoring White Leghorns in the stite. Eggs per setting of 15, $1.50 J. R. Wilson, Camas alley Oregon. acket Store" OCXXXDOOOCCXXXCXXXOOCOCODCOCC In a general way our Janunry Reduction Sale is overs . However we have decided to continue Clearance Sale prices on the following: Dress Goods, Ladies Jackets: 'Bestyette Coats" Remnants and all strictly Winter Goods is is 18 mi ssi mm Come in and price any of above lines and yon will be agreeably surprised at the small cost. 63 05 07 60 24 40 A Bargain. A nearly new $150. Needbam piano cased organ lor $85. st the popular mueic House. W. A.EraaACo, N. SELId, Myrtle Creek, OOOODCXDCXXXXXXXXXCOCXXXXXXKX)C Branch : Canyonville, Oregon 465 33 I Ml. Secretary protem. C. W. PARKS & CO. OATABRi you you you you you you want want want want want want to buy a farm furnished rooms to buy a house rent a house build a house move a house F F. pattern, to to to Contractor ad ISaildsr Reseburg, ASK Druggist for IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm Git Relief at once. It cleinwa, aootliea and heal tbediDraBod mem bnwe. ltcareCawrrh nil iirivm wnT a void 1 ik. M...rl muck V. IL i. .i..ria. iir.'a ami Protwta the Mcmbraim. It'iilurratliaSeimeaof 'l atlo mid JtinelL Full lias . rr.t.i K-i. hit . mt I rtitrtriiiiA or tv mall. my4 School Teacher Wanted. School teacher, either lady or gentle man, wanted tn District no. ou, vi com mence term fitet or second Monday in March. Good references required. Ap ply to Q. W. Alderson, Diet. Clerk, Cleveland, Ore Notice I HAY FEVER There will be a sbootiDE match at Olalla on March 14th, 1002 for purses etc It will be followed in tbe evening by grand ball at the school bouse. Good music and supper will be furnished for tbe occasion. Special attention will be given to strangers. All kinds of poultry I had oi 8. K. SykM. Clnmnanv. beatoniDR at tbe N V corner ot Case and Sheridan sts, thence S S86 It 2 in, along Sheridan st, Irenes westerly to center of railroad track, thence northtrlv alonit said track to a point W of place of begicning thence to place ol beginning Oregon x California Railroad Compaoy, aieo oeginning at tbe SW corner oi L.sne ana Sheridan sts, thence 8 80 ft aloug Sheridan st, thence west erly to center of rail road track tbence northerly along, said track to a point west of the ..lace. rt rwffinninir. thinrA K to I'l.VU . UVft,.."-., - the nlace of beginning 73 SO J 8 Uiideboro, 37 ft 9 in on Cass st, described as follows: Begin ning at tbe Ski corner of blk 35 tbeoce N 80 It 4 in, thence W 35 it 9 in, Ibence 8 80 tt 4 in, to (Vita at. thence east 37 ft 9 in to place of beiiinning 81 63,4 J 8 llildeburn, also 30 ft on Cass si dewnbed as lollows: liegin ning at tbe SW comer of blk 35 tbeoce 38 ft, tbence N 80 It 4 io, thence W to tbe K side of Sheridan st, thence S along Sheridan at. lo nlace of besiu ning 8194 Neilie Uevaney, 2 it oa uasa si described as follows: Begin ning at a point 33 ft ol tbe SW corner of blk 35, Ibence N 0 ft 4 in, thence east 24 Jt, thAnrn 8 Kfl It 4 In. thence W 24 tt to Place of beginning 28 02 n H WW lot 16. blk 30 103 iO A'lnt. Mamie. Ueitrude and Jeo ' . .... . 1i0 mf Sber hlan. lot 1. blk 30 II (3 Stanton, lot 16. blk 37 168 70 Firm I'ren Church, lot 1. blk 37. . 168 70 T K Ki.tl,Un. A F and iNanoie b Stearns, lots 1 and 6 blk 38. . . . 4JJ vj J A Hmitti. Si. of SW lot 2. blk 38 24 10 MuriliA R Smith. N; blk 3S 24 1U Horace Morsters. N lot 2, blk 38 48 20 If O Slocom. lot 3. blk 38 TO 40 Sol Abraham Kktatr, lot 4 blk 38 132 55 J P a ml T U Sheridan, lot 1 and 8.' lot 2, blk 29 180 vo It Kainn NUnMnt2llk 24 48 20 nnnllea to be R VI Mnnr f5 it off 8 side oi lot -rr . ... . , 3 blk 23..... W A Liberal Offer. II yoa wish a true deecription ot South ern Uregon, address wun stamp. Kip. C. 1'cwell, Koaeoorg, vn. I could not rise t'o my feet without fainting. WI had suffered for three years or more at monthly periods," writes Miss Ella Saw. of Jamestown, Guilford Co., N. C. "It seemed as though I would die with pains in my back and stomacn. i couia not rise to my leei at an without faulting ; had sriven no all hope of ever 1 being cured, when one of mv menas iniic u r" mv tn-ine Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. With but little faith I tried it. and before I had taken half a bottle I felt better, had better appe tite and slept Deuer. Now I have taken two hottles of 'Favorite Pre- rri ration and one of ' Golden Medical Discov er v. and am happy to say I am entirely cured, and all done in two months' time when all other medicines had failed to do any good at all." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets a pleasant and ef fective laxative for women. From A to Z we know the Spray Pump Business. You will certainly find the pump you want in our stock. See the Celebrated New Bean "Torrent Pump" The best Spray Hose, Nozzles aud Duuue's Solid Prepared Sprays. Churchill & Woolley fpp's GROCERY Headquarters for Holiday Goous, Choice Confectioneries and Fruits. Fine fresh family Groceries, both staple and fancy. Ncveitie and Toys in profusion. Call while the selection ia good. Price are royal ly as pleasing as my goods, 'f hone -40. FREE DELIVERY rjpn W Dnnn Cass and Pine Sts. UCO. YY K3PP If vou don't know PAT ail oa ot address . . . Oregon