The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 20, 1902, Image 3

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    I f 1 " I'M l-r
i t i 11 ii i ii 1 1 t
lit l.mlW timl Children Jackets, Fur
CoUaKMl, IhvVtt ftiul Mens Clothing
The Jessie ShHer Cj. which i plsy- Eu'ene Haight, the roond boost W
; .1 tv. thMtr this lt U I P'oyes Lu left this place a f w Jas uo
j fast gaining in popularity with our tbea-i MnJpbtVto oor merchants t H.o etoot
goers, uniito most reperwrj c:aip
lee they keep their to bill nntil tbe Monday and returned tothL e.ty. Avty.'
t.. t..., i... nn...L..i -F.-r ! onn ix)us wno dkI tbe muriiii.u in
Us -HUrtV vx fs ft I Mrgiilur pnee, $12.50: sale price, $8.50
rt rysv " n no I " 44 6.50; 44 44 4.25
T.Aimsti run coiarettes
Regular piicc, $1.75; ale price, fri.25
44 2.00; " " 1.35
Kcgular price, $11.00; sale price, $7.00
UuU pUvx t vs
U plivT, 1,;4S
U:u.-u f h vs lr 1 1 i c, Jium
U.Vi " " 8.50
Wow iti tho time to "buy your Clothing.
You 04.1 mi vo money by taking advantage of sale
The People's Store
1 Told in Side Heads?
KSFJS. : V . - V -N - S V V A
A Narrow Escais. VUtl,
tbe lti-yeer-ulJ eon ol Jae. Fletcher, ol
tbe dept grocery, experienced en inci
dent yvbterday eveuiug which be will
not 8w forgbt. F.rl had urea for the
past wtk constructing eroall boit or
skiff after bis own idea. and yesterday,
tiie Lost being fiuiebed, the grand
lannivhirg wet lo take pUse. Erl with
eeveiel of hia boy frrendn, carried tbe
"water imp," which in niture roeut,
"was 12,' fi-el in length, 18 icc'.ee wide
and 10 inches deep, to the foot of Mosier
street. A'ter placing it in the water two
of tbe boe attempted to get in i'r byt
tbearater imp," owicg to her peculiar
biild immediately cape'.icd, giving tbe
bjy a co'. l bath. Ewltheigot in tbe
boat alon, ai.d two cf the ToongPteTi
who wert hcldiog tbe "iuij." eljoved it
far ia.o the biream whtre s?aio it npwt,
giriog Eirl bis eecjndcold balh, A nail
io the tott c&aght tiis elttvo and held
hioi fst but by hanl ftehtftg be got a
Food hold cn tbe boat and palled his
I eid out of the witere; by thii time the
m.d waters of tbe Sooth Cnipqaa had
cirried hiia far into the middle of tbe
river, hot lockily tbe current changing
carried him close to tbe bank at the foot
of Oak street and muter Earl fightinj
himself clear o! his frail craft was en
abled tj era5D the willowa on tbe bark
and was palled ashore by the willing
handa of his friende.
Expeess Orric Movkd The Wells,
Fargo Express office and Western Union
Telegraph office, Uiae Kate Bnick, agent
and operator, were noved Wednesday
into tbe baildicg next door to the First
.Rational Bank, which waa formerly oc
cupied by Iiirry SI. Holden's rboe store.
This more will afford these offices ccn
THnient and commodins Qoartera apirt
from any other bopiceea and will be
more satisfactory all around. We un
derstand Mr. C. B. Caooon will ocenpy
tbe entire room vacated t y these offices
in which be coo templates installing a
fine soda fountain and ice cream parlor
in connection with his Dews bosineee.
Kpkiso Boldikg has Cokmbsckd.
Tbe contractors are clearing tbe ground
for the fine new brick (or Mrs. Fartie
on tbe lots formerly occupied by the old
Eoseburg Bakery bniidinr. The new
brick will bo 4Jx55 ft. stI contain two
Store roome, plato giaes front, and will
be a valuable improvement to North
Jackson etruet.
New Ads The lollowii.g named buei
nesa men bave Cf ai new ads in this
issue of The Plajmsalee: CbuichiU
& Woolley, E-f. T- Ncbol and Bice &
Kice. Rostbors. and N. Sciiir aud the
Overland flniel. MrMl-("re. k
Toe Rivival Meetihob. CtHt ruia's
noieJ Methodist Episcopal hvjoelis,
Rev. R. 8. Marshel, arrived in Rsoburg
Monday evening from Goltago Grove,
where be had joet clovd a most success
ful series ol meetings with over one hun
dred conversions. Assisted by the local
pastor of the M. E. church, Rev. Molli-
g-n.1M evtngenet rjegun a series cm
meetinjrs in ibis city Monday evenirg at
the M. E. church and the a: tendance
and interest in the revival work is s'.ead-
ily increasing. He is a very earnest, elo
quent, convincing speaker, and withal.
pleasing in his address, and will no
doubt be instrumental in accomplishing
much good in Roseborg. His subject
for tonight is, "Why Woman has more
Backbone than M.n." Friday night,
"The New Man." Everybody is cordial
ly invited to attend theso meetings.
Died At Myrtle Creek Taer-day n'gbt,
Feb. lb, 1902, Mrs. Gus Lace, ater a
brief illneoa. Mrs. Lane was tbe young
est daighw of an esteemed o!d pioneer
rouple of that town. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Dement, and waa united in marriage on
ly a few years ago to Mr. Lane, who
with a six days old' babe survive her.
On the day prior to the death of Mrs.
Line, Mr. Demect was called to tbe bed.
side of bis daughter, Mies Hatt'o, who
was reported dangerously ill at Eugene.
Deceased was a highly esteemed lady
aad was htll in the highest regard by all
who knew hr. Her untimely demise is
deplored bv all and we join in extending
ths bereaved family and frieads sincere
Married, Io Heppoer, Oregon, Feb.
8, 1902, Mies Hattie Nash to Mr. Leon
Logan, Rsv. F. M. Canfield of the M. E.
church officiating. Tbe contracting pai
ties are bolh highly esteemed young peo
ple of lone. Mies Ha'.tie "ab, is the
daughter of Peter Nasb, who rcoved
from Elkton to lone two years ago. Sbo
was highly e teemed and favorably
known st Eikton aud all friends will ex
tend congralulaUobs.
Back to Rosebi'bg. Chief of Police
Fines Dillard of Roeebuig arrived on
Toeeday morning's train after Eogn
V. Smith, who waa arrested here Mon
day afternoon on the charge of stealin g a
suit of clothes at Roeeburg from AJdrich
tb rerfenrent man, Saturdiy night.
Chief Dillard took bis prisoner back on
tbe train ToefiLiy. Eugene Gaard.
Married, At tbe borne of the officiat
ing minister io this city, Feb. 19, 1902,
John Swearingon and Mies Mable Hed
rick. both of Drain, Rev. S. A. Douglas
Dr. K. L. Miller made a professional
visit to Oakland Tuesday.
Mrs. John Hall, of Myrtlo Creek is io
this city today.
The President's sun continues to im
prove rapidly.
Of Local Interest.
Q 5
I February at
Its just between Hay and Grass, as the
farmer would say. Winter trade is
nearly gone and Spring trade has not
begun. Its cleaning up month with
us aud to push business we are mak
ing PRICKS SO LOW, that if you
come and see the goods you'll buy.
You u ill find that your money will
go a long wa)rs here now.
Mens Heavy flannel Shirts, 50c, 75c, $1.00.
Mens Heavy Underwear, 35c, 45c, 90c.
A few Ladies Jackets left at $2.00, formerly
$3-50 $45 nd $5-5 buvs vour choice of the balance of Ladies
q jackets, former prices were $7.50, $10.00 and $11.50 q
r 1 1 J t n 1 nr.d v jtt rtr
P UomiortS, IUU Size, guuu yvv, a.3
O Fifiy Dozen large eize Turkish Bath Towels at
U 15c and 20c.
Great reductions on all Winter Goods.
No old stock, everything fresh, and
this season's goods.
We were informed by Attorney Louis
Barzoe this morning that the little farm
edvertired in oor columns under tbe
head of "A Double Bargain" was sold
very readilr, and that be was surprised
at the returns received from tbe ad,
he having received, besidee numerous
ca'le, letters from Washington, California
and the Middle West, inquiring about
the piece, and that they are still pouring
io by every mail. He was cot aware
that an ad, though placed io a live local
paper would bricg such great and far
reactiirg results.
A few of our many little money say
iogs, 2-S inch files 23 eta., 5 dozeu clothes
pine for 5 cts., wash basin for Sets, fry
pan for 10 eta., large lemon rquet aer cntv
10 cts.. 500 tax for 5 cts. Mouse trape
for 5 etc., spud maflier 5rts., cate
turnes 5 cts., knires and forks SO cts. set
spoons 5 cts., sec, large soap racks 10 cts,
and many more as good values. Look
up your Eastern catalogues, compare
these prices. Kice & Eice.
Mi?s L:uie Orpurd, a niece of Mrs.
W. C. CoDner, rttorr.ed to Raeeborg
Vedneedav evening after a two weeks
enjoyable visit with her parents and
otber relatives and biecds at Cottage
Grove. She says a number of youog
people who were converted or took active
part in Evangeiiet Marsbel's meetings
at that place, contemplate coming to
Roeebnrg the Uiter part of the week to
attend the revival mteiitgi here a few
Ua aceount ot tne irregaiar surveys o
macy of tbe township io tbe Roeeburg
land district, it is almost impossible to
locate section corners without a copy of
tbe Government sorvev. Frank E.. Al
ley, Abstractor of this city, baa a com
plete ret of tracings ol all surveyed town
ships, and wilt furnish bine prints of
same, showing all vacant land.
County Clerk Sbambrook has mailed
otf ioe to all iK?g-s end clerks of eieo
t oo informing tbcm cf their appoint
ment by tbe countr court, t.cb jnge
aud clerk is required to notify tne county
clerk within two weeks from the date of
the letter of bis acceptance, otherwise
the court will appoint a new judge or
cierk in bis stead.
lbs progressive farmer to keep up
with the times must do away with the
old (Mbioced way ol rawing cream in
pans. Tte improved U. S. Cream op-
htor will take alt the cream out of tbe
milk in a few micu'ee and the warm
milk can go to tbe calree or pigr,
Churchill and Woo '.ley can tell yoa about
A woman living io tbe suburbs waa
aroused by a noise at the window, and
dimly eaw a man's face peering in
through tbe blind. She silently crept
out of bed, and, reaching the window,
popped up use a MK-in-ine-box wito a
sudden "Boo!" The man dropped as if
shot, and fled. Hartford Post.
Why waste one-half your material
and do no effective work using a pcor
spray pump. Pressure la what is needed
to make a fcood fog to permeate through
tbe limbs and foilage. Ihe new Ream
Torrent will di tbe business. Chorchill
and oolley are selling lota of tbem
J. P. Jones, traveling passenger agent
of the 8. P. Company and L. J. Hicks
of tbe Hicks-Cbatteo Eogravlng Co., of
Portland, are in this city securing io-
doctrial scenes, and pictures of our pub
lic buildings to be used in illustrating a
new descriptive circular or pbemplet tor
the "Sunset Limited."
If your house is valuable insure it. If
your life is valuable why not insure it
And insure in a company tbat will pay
your claim without a lawsuit. Such la
the "New lork Life." Policies are in
conteelible and nonforfeitable from date
of issue. tf.
Willows, maples and other varieties of
our native trees and bashes are on tbe
verge of leafing, which reminds as that
the "Spring time has come Gentle An-
ni.V and tbat the wild flowers will soon
"Scatter o'er tbe main."
To arrive soon, large shipment of all
kinds of carpets Rags a Draperies alio
I carriages and Go carts, direct from fac
tory, and at prices that are right, the
very latest productions. Uall and
for your Belt. Rice & Kice.
Tbe box supper and shadow social
which waa to have been held at tbe Wil
our school bouse on Friday evening,
Fe'j. 21, will be held Saturday eveninc.
Feb. 22. Proceed for the library fund
aud the minister's Salary.
Any paniee aesinng to rent, bay or
sell real estate, city or country property
will ao wen to can on or address 11. M
Martin. Office with Attorney louis Bar-
see, opposite McClallea House, Roee
burg, Oregon. j9.
The J. G. Flook Co., is building
large addition to their milling plant in
this city iu contemplation of a vety busy
season. This firm manufactures doors,
windows, mouldings, in fact, all kinds of
mill work.
! Fair Virginia," which from ths rise cf
tbe enrtaio kp. lb aud'ence fully
: terested io tbe plot of thit beautiful
: play. Mtrs Shirloy and Mr. Abraham
were uao"t effective in their ciirt'e
j rolling scene In the first act. Li'.lle Ver-
na Fe' won tl,e h-arta and ap)Uiie
I of the andiecce from her first appearance
I her emotional sense caused the In-qoeot
u.e of haedkerchib's moDg the B'cmer
! rex as sJl as tbe ladies. Wodne-day
the cos: tany presented Nell Gwynce to
a packed house, tie entire elimsx ol
tbe play wsa opon MUs Shbley, and the
i j part could not have been more effectively
, i pluycd. Tonight, "Dad's Girl."
Oct epricg carpets are arriving daily
ai.d we can show yon a greater yarioty
than in previous years and tbe prices
are reasonable ; remember the place to
find tbem is at Strong's Furniture Store.
Sol. Marks, who baa been quite seri
ously ill at the McClallen hooee for some
time was taken to St, Vinrenls hwpitul
in Portland on Tuesday's locai, be was
accompanied by Simon Caro, of.lbis city,
Window shsdes io all popoiar colors.
poles for your cm tame. 1 rooks im
valiecee. Lace curtains 50 cts. per pair
Irish point cuitaius special $3.50 Rics
& Kice. House farcishers.
E Iwsrd W. Riddle came down from
Riddle Tuesday to look after burinept
matters and greet old friends. This
office waa favored with a plecsant call
snd a fine order tot job printing
All work done by tbe Title Guarantee
bon Co., J. D. Haro'.r.oa, manager
is guaranteed abeolntely correct. Ab
streets of titles are worthless on lees
properly made.
Pieeident McCoy bas returned bonie
from Myrtle Creek where tbe oil dri'linr
operations are progressing. Tbe officers
are elated over their bright prospects foe
s'riking o-.I in paying qnantites.
Birbf rs and owners of rnors stould
evil at BlodgeUaA ilts and see Wil-
iam s great glass rssor boce. o trooole
to keep a raxor in sbspe with one cf
those hones.
The last issae of tbe Plajsoiaur was
delayed twelve boars by a break id tbe
precs after a short ruo. We truet oar
rodors will bear with ns in bur slight
teresis inehsrse rucreode't in letting
n il.i io forfeit bis railroad ticket to
New Orleans, a gun, bicycle and $11,
Halght waa released on bit promise to
Py the balance as soon as ha could get
Lime auJ ceevHit at very low prices at
Warners Dru StO'c.
It is reported tt at th badly mutilated
boby o a tuun was discovered by the
crew f the north bound local this morn
log on tho ni'roal track near T- lent,
the head and limbs were completely ae
r?red from the body, the rema'ns were
placed on a botrd neir the track and the
authorities at Medford were notified.
Everythiog that is new and 0Ho-date
n jewelry at Hslzniati's.
E. V. Smith, who was arrested at Eu
gene for the larceny of a nit of clothes
from Aldrich'a mtaurant, in this city
Itst week, today pleaded guilty to a
charge of simple larceny and waa sen
tenced to 60 days in the couaty jail by
Judge Kobinelt.
All kir.dt of poultry enppiies to be
bid of S. K. Bykes.
L. D. Carle called at oar office this
mornlog and ordered the paper sent to
an eastern ancle, for a year. L. D
knows how to make him sell solid with
the home paper.
Spray pumps and all kinds of farming
tools at y. K. Sykss.
Dr. Geo. E. Hoock visited Myrtle
Creek Toeeday evening on professional
boaiceea. '
The swelled small-pox bas narrowed
down to two families now who are eon -valet
Clocks, clocks, clocks, see the docks
at J, T. Bryans.
S. K. yka left fat Jackson and Jo-K-pUioe
counties on a business trip Tues-dav.
ihe clocks
Good bargains in Dress Goods of all de
scriptions Also a few of the 50 per cent
discount Collarettes left. Largest and best
assorted stock of General Merchandise in
Douglas County at
Don't complain about bad breed wbeo cn get tbe best tbat was ever made
delivered to your boose tree. Leave or
ders at Seivera Bakery or 'Phone Main
It is now announced upon what ap
pears to be reliable authority tbut the
Bulgarian brigands bave received their
rsnsom and that Mies Stone bas beeo
re1 eased.
Blodgett & Stilts, are sole stents for
Douglas county for William's celebrated
glass rasor bone. ro barber or rssor
owoer can afford to be without one.
Rev. 8. A. Douglas, returned home
from Albany Monday evening where be
bas bfen attending revival meetings for
tbe past two weeks.
Say if 100 need a stove or range snd ft
and fail to ree ours before purchasing yon
deprive yoor self of saving money for
ciber purposes. Riot & Rice.
Roeeburg is through with its smallpox
ecare and tbe public schools have agsia
been opened, very correctly annoaoces
ths Eugene Register.
Call at Wollenberc Bros, aad n a
Standard Fesbioa Sheet for the month
of Fsbraary. It will intarett too. if yoa
bave any dreee-maJtrng to do.
Sir, txereoo rnber. cf Koee-oa-r,
arrived In Eugeoe todsy to v jit ber
parents, Mr. and Mis. W. M. Prertm.
Eogece GuarJ.
Jnetiu.lare bale of silk floes, laieet
productions in wall paper fancy cottage
polee. Don't boy from agenUbutfiet
our prices. Rice A Rice.
It is reported that L. Waldah), who
formally conducted a tailoring ecteblisn-
mentio Ibis rity, bae committed suicide
at Boise, Idaho.
By calling on J, D. Hamilton at tbe
Roeebnrg court house, yoa can get bine
prints cf any section or township ia tbe
R-ieeburg laod district.
Jnds II. L. Benton, who baa been
visiting bta brother, F. W. Benson, of
this city, left on Tuesday's local for
Grants Pass.
Clocks, Clocks, Clocks, see
at J. T. Brians.
Walter Williams of Wilbur, waa at
tending to ba.lnees lo Roeeburg Tuesday.
Shoe renaiiog that looks well at Flints
stioe etore.
Licet: as to wed bave been leaned to
Green C. Powell and Maude Clayton.
Tbe pretty little violet, one of the
moet fragrant of flowers, ia blooming.
An sxchanga states thai Oaklaod ia
quarantined on account ot small-pox.
Mice Claudia Thompson, ia visiting ber
sister, Mrs. Smith of Winchester.
J. L. Whiteside, of Peel, waa In Roee
burg on buaiaeea, Wednesday.
W. A. Perkins ot Drain, was in Rose
Larg on basinets this week.
Dr. Lowe, the optician, is comic g.
Death of Mrs. S. W. Tooley.
Vose & Sons,
: i .
Chicago Cottage,
Mason & Hamlin,
Clough 6c Warren
Uee "Dunne" Solid
and save yoor eyes as
scale on your treea.
Woolley aell it.
On Tuesday afternoon Feb 18. 1902.
Mrs. Sao W. Tooley died at ber bon.e
in this city after aa illneea of only aboot
two weeks of some kind ol stomach ooo
piicatione, aged 34 years, 9 months and
Imogeoe Uouser wsa born ia the state
of Kansas, May 9, 1S67. . She cam to
Oregon with ber parents in March 1&37,
and located at or near Oakland, this
wouty. She waa nailed In the holy
bonds of matrimony with Sam W Tooley
Jan. 1. 1699. and beiidee the bereaved
husband, a father, mother, two sisters
and tire brothers are leit to (soma their
great loss. Deceased united with Ibe
M. E. church at tbe age of IS years and
bas always lived a true, consistent christ
ian life. She was el--o a prominent
member, aod a devoted worker in tbe
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
and was an honored member of tbe order
of United Artisans, asd wherever ber
iuflaeoce went it was felt for right eoue
neee. Of the relatives, a Mother, A.
Uouser, jr. and a sister, Mrs. U. L.
Msrsters, reside in this city, tbe aged
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs, A.
Honser. now leeiding in California.
Funeral serficee were conducted at
the M- E. church Wednesday afternoon
atS o'clock and were very largely at
tended, the W. C. T. U. and members of
tbe United Artisans attending ia a body.
Bv our easy payment plan every family in moderate circumstance can own one of these
high grade Pianos or Organs. Call or write for cauloeuo and prices.
W. As BURR & CO., Rosebure, Oregon
MS axl IS) Broadway, New York. (oprrriKd by -C Gornua.-ni)
t Invested Aswrt. 2nO,7,W.0O. Income in 1W1, irO.XC.SoO.b"
Including U,19rt,470.)6 of interests and rente.
II aa been enoiw tbe petiUe for 57 jffun aad daring that V.r. tt ha. rid tn iu
llinuaitMiii. it MriT Muiuai
Bo6cian al,u.rj 00. Yoa do ao
Mar aat eb profiu ao into tb rockcu ol the PoUr;
ik-y aoMr and no the :
nsurasce you will do well lo cvawii
lor bol'fers
profiu ao into tb pock
joa are lalcmt! la Lue loaui
W. J. IVTOOrJ, of Roscburg
and ak aim lo allow row a X year Kneowascnl Policy. CorretroaJracr solicits
CburchiU and
prepared sprays I A very Impressive sermon wsa preached
ell as kill tbe bf jfeT a. 8. Mulligan and on behalf of
the W. C. T. U. Mrs. Ferguson, resi
dent of the local Union, paid ao eloquent
A neat boat of Turkish towels, bear-fwibot-io the memory of their departed
ing the sign "a sail of towels," ia the ailter.
window picture st Hiidebrand'e this I ti,. maina were tenderlv laid to rest
wwk. I in th I. O.O. F. cemetery near thia city
J. P. Hamilton has the only complete smid tbe grief of tbe sorrowing relatives
setoti.b -tract books in ths county. Bee land friends, wto bavetbs sympathy of
him at (beUouit House, when yoa want -ji in .j. Md bereavement.
The Overland Hotel!
Mas. Wtuti Kaanxa, Proprietress
First Class AccomrrHxlatlons.
Tables supplied with the best In
the market. Commercial Trav
ellers Hri rlqnsrtrn -i
Notice for Publication.
For Abstracts of Title, guaranteed to
be full and correct copies of all records
r-uecting tbe title, ceil on frank h. Alley
upstairs 10 tbe Marks building. His
work is guaranteed correct, anil prices
are reasonable.
Mre. W. 8. ipplegate, of Drain, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
J. CawlfieldoithU city.
abstracts of title.
Tbe Rosebnrg Water and Light eom
pany, are shipping all their old boilers
and other machinery to Portland this
Griffith's Bakery, near the depot, make
a specialty of Wedding and Holiday
cakes. They also keep a choice line of
Geo. Miokler, an electrician, snd line
man, who baa been employed in tbia city,
left Taeeday morniog for California.
Spray, array, spray, with McBain'a
Carbolic Compound, tbe beet for fruit
trees and all kind of plants for sals by
e. K. bykes.
Misses Mae Fisher and Emma Smith
haye returned from a visit to Ashland
and o'.ber Bonthern Oregon towns. .
See A. J. Bachsnan for insurance In
lbs Oregon Firs Relief Association.
Room 6, Marsters building, Roeeburg,
Oregon. U
A. J. Buchanso left on Wednesday's
local for a business trip to Tonoalia,
Drian and possibly Oakland.
Now Is tbe time to bny roar garden
tools, spading forks, rakes, plows, bar
rows, rianet Jr. garden tools etc ol o.
W. H Jamiesoo, ol the Roseleaf If
vialting Grants Pass and other Southern
Oregon towns on business.
A new line of lacs cortalns just re
ceived at Btrong's Fornitnre Store,
rsnging in price from $1.00 to M 50 per
Mrs. Willis Kramer, of tbe Overland
Hotel, Myrtle Greek, ia in tbia city to
day on business.
Churchill and. Woolley are selling
Petal u ma Incubatois, they pay the
Hon. A. R. Mattoon, the Riddle, mer
chant, ia transacting brtilneea at the
county sest today.
MUses' aod cbildrena' sorlug heel
shoes new ttylea, patent tip at Flints.
G, E. Woodruff, Myrtle Creek's popu
lar barber mads Roeeburg a business
tlbit Tuesday,
Weather Report.
U. 8. Weather Bureau Office,
Roseborg, Oregon, Feb. 19, 1902.
Week ending 5 p. to., Feb. 19, 1902.
Maximum temperature, 74 oo 16th.
Minimum temperature, 83 on 13th.
Rainfall for tbe week, 0.37
Total rainfall sines 1st of month 4.05
Average rainfall for ths month for 24
years 4.70.'
Total rainfall from Septa 1W1 to date,
Averass rainfall from Sept. 1, to data
Total deficiency from Sept. 1, 1901, to
date 4.01 .
Average precipitation for 24 wet sea-
sw .
SOna 33.d. 1HOB. UIBBOB,
Best References.
All Work Guaranteed. '
1 Leave orders at McClallen House
at Cost
rsniD states laxd orncg,
Koaeberc. Ore- Jan. 30. IS"
Xotlcela aerMtT rlrrn that in nm.'jim
wit the prorialona ol tbe act ol Coaair ot
Jon a. iST. cauud "Aa act for Um ail
UnalMTlaad la the ttata ot rlUoraU. Onm.
I 'rreda asd WakfainrWD Terriiorr." u ninul.
I ed to all Ute PnoUe Lead States bi act ol Aut-
of Two Harbor. Coco trot Late. tat ot Min-
Maota, naa uiu oay &wi ia ton office Bia rwora
Ulrmral No. JOlt, tor tbe purrfaaiv ot til 8W Ki
Of AectMM No. i. Tnwiobin D. South ol Ujni.
T Wrot. and will off- r pivot to how that the
lanJ foaahl la bkmw Talmble ior lia Um ber or
tooe than tor acricaltural purrwws ml to
nublish hla Claim to raid land brtnr tha
RecUter and RccrtTirr of tbi oifio .1 KnvinH. I
Ot eaoD. en Thursday, the 17 da of Arr.i, j
lOt. He namca a wtuieim: Brown. '
vboe. A. Vary, aad Chaa. A. Yerabere, of Two
Harooat, junn and Jos. Browa of DoJath.
mid n.
A.QJ and all persoaa claimias aurenrty de
Iabee domlbed taads are relocated tn Se their
eJalms In thia office ea or bKMe raid ITth dav
of April IWt. J.T. BatD .hA.
cp HegUIM.
I have decided to close
out at cost mj fine large
stock of Glass and China
Ware, Crockery and
Chamber Sets, and those
w ho call early will secure
unheard of bargains in
this line.
My stock of Staple and
Fancy Groceries is large
and complete and always
fresh and up-to-date.
Prices as low as the
Monday Night,
February 17th,
Do You Want Eggs.
K you do trv ths Whit Leghorns for
egge.they are one of the best fowls In ex
istence. After several Tears of ex peri.
encs with poultry, I bave found nothing
that will aorpaaa them for egg producers.
I have tbe highest sooting Whits
Leghorns In the state. Eggs per setting
oj 15, $1.60 . J. R. Wasow,
Camas valley Oregon.
A Record-Breaker.
Here is conclusive evidence that the!
standard bred Whits Langshans are tb
greatest and best winter layers of any
other breed of chickens. From Sunday,
Jan. 26, to Saturday Feb. 1, seven days,
my 17 bens of this breed, produced Just
seyeo dosen and seven eggs, and Ibis too I
during car recent cold snap. Eggs for
hatching 1.50 for 15. Apply to,
T. B. Car hon,
lal Rossburg, Ore,
A Few New
House Cleaning time will soon be here
and you will want new Lace Curtains.
We have anticipated your wants, and
have just received a complete- line of
all the new things in Lace Curtains
and Curtain Mets.v See ours before
you buy.
A Liberal Offer,
Ii yoa wish a true description of South
ern Orsgoo, address with stamp.
121 p, C. X'u wku., Rossburg, Ore,
An Excellent Company
Band and Orchestra j
A new repertoire ot strong plays :
MONDAY "A Young Wife."
TUESDAY "For Fair Virginia,"
WKDNES DAY "Nell Uwycne."
THURSDAY "Dad's Girl."
FRIDAY "The Two Orphans."
SATURDAY "The Sultan's Daughtei
Specialties by Vema Felton, Vir
ginia Brisac, Miss L. Adams
and Tom Loiters.
We carry everything in
the Dry Goods Line
5 1 Fisher & Bellows
Prlcs:-i5. aSi
35 and 50 cents.