The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 30, 1902, Image 2

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    The Twicc-a-Vaek
Roseburg Plaindealer
Published Mondays anil Thursdays.
W. C.Conxkk, Editor aud Publisher
Lack K. Jones, City Editor, Solicitor.
- A cgi tT J. Krantz, Foreman
S. C. Baktki m, Traveling Solicitor,
Twice--Veek Plaindealer, per year, $1.50
Entered at the Poet Office in Roeeburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
Acrotlinv to some of the latest 1 newapa
ptr publisher? ifcav cause individuals who lKf
a paper aud refuse to pv for it to be arret-u-J
foi fraud. Cudr Uiis ruling, al, auyoue who
' allow s his subscription to run along tor a time
unpaid and then or.iers it discontinued, or or
wen.ibe postmaster to mark it relused, or sends
a postal card to the publishers W liable to ar
rtai and fine the same as for theft.
ClabblnK Ktj
We hare arranged with a large number of
papers and magazine for rates which will give
leofcr subscribers two publications for a slight
advance over the cost of Tbb Plaikdcalcb
lout. Following is a partial list :
' . Twici a-Weki Flaikdcalki and the
Toledo Blade
Sew fork Tribune..
a. V. BuUetin
.11 75
2 25
- 2 50
.l 75
t. F. Call
Rural Korihwest.
JANUARY 30, 1902.
The Review of last Monday great
ly belabored itself and in its desper
ation produced an array of figures to
try to show wherein the Plajxdeaxee
should publish the delinquent tax
list at less than one-half the price
formerly received by the Review.
We do not object to publishing the
list at one-half the former price, but
toast draw the line at following the
suggestion of the Review to sccepti
the job at one-fourth the original
price. True, tne Review was only
allowed 30 cents per line during
Sheriff Stephens administration
from the fact that the Republican
county commissioners, in the inter
est -of the tax payers,. very properly
brought the price down to a reason
able figure, it having originally been
50 cents per line, while the Plats-
- riAxra this year is allowed but 23
"eente per line. The Review further
makes "a great spiel about the type
- ased then an now. The Platxt'Ealeb
is uting for this work a legal 6tyle of
type the same as is nsed for this
purpose by every psper in the state
both democratic and republican, and
which the Review would now be us
ing were it receiving this patronage.
The Review bad jest as well advo
cate oiug back to the days of the
ctage coach and canal boat aa to ad
jrocate discarding the product ol
the ty pe setting machine for the old
style band composition.
When the County court feels in
need of any newspaper ad rice regard
irg the conduct cf the county's af
fairs it will probably give our es
teemed contemporary due notice.
Mr. Wimberly by his mirth provok
ing an'ics is furnishing the comma
city with a great deal of amusement
and gaining somewhat of a reputa
tion as a humorist, but to the more
conservative be appears as our poet
ban eloquently portrayed hiio in the
.following pathetic lines:
I saw a something on the street
As I chanced,to pass,
At first I thought it was a man
But ah! it was an ass.
"-' The hat, the collar and the tie,
I . The clothes in full array.
Bat ch! those ears stuck up so high
-They gave him dead away.
The campaign will open in Dousr
laa couuty next month and there will
be less scramble for preferment this
year thaa asaal ic the Ilepublicau
ranks. ' We see no valid reason why
candidates cannot be selected for the
ticket by the party that will make a
clean sweep for all tbe officers from
legislative- down. The party can
elect every man on the ticket pro
vided factional strife is frowned
down, and the republicans loyally
support their ticket at the polls. The
effieial record of the present republi
can incumbent in the County omce6
will bear the closest scrutiny 'and
very official has proved himself
faithful to duty and true to the troat
reposed in him. Jvery courtesy and
favor wiihin their power to grant
huB been extended those , who have
visited the court nouse for the pur
pose of transacting basiness, and
each official hns particularly distin
guibbed himself by tbe non-par tisa a
cnanner in wTjicb be bas conducted
bis respective yffice. Of course the
forced improvement of the county's
loads in bridge has incurred consid
erable extra expense to the county
but since tbe tHxpayers of the county
Are directly benefited by lbi& outlay
of Couuty funds ihey are not likely
to ether than commend tbe court for
its good work in this direction.
A0aw.x..,.,.. - uo.i, uoaeriLifne A car Int." ju-t rece v d .t tbe
which tha two heartless Portland Canyonvill-. and Myrtle C eek Flonr
EHurderera have bean execa- Mills. ' dI16
jf uyAUd .tfomm
T Absolutely Pure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
ovt fiA.fNO powrva
te.l according to law the f last eeene
in the DaltoD and Wade niardor ca.-e
' ... . m i l - .t - - -
will end oi wnicu me vreguumu
says: "The caut of Dalton is scarcely
less wearisome thao the bravado
of Wade. Cowards both, the one
seeks to veil his true feelings under
bnnglingly assumed piety, the other
nnder grew some gaiety. Equally
guilty in intei t wheu they Met oat to
gether in quest of unearned mouey,
equally guilty now as they face the
gallows, they are oue m cowardice,
which is rendered by the one as re
pentance, by the other as mock
courage. 1 he public, in facing this
double execution, is under a grievous
6train. It will be well when the
drop falls aud the paiuful scene
Latter day poliiics has lost much
of its former siguiticauce. Id days
gone by men were called from the
plow, the profest-ious kind every walk
of life to fill positions of honor
and trust not because they eonght
the honor thus bestowed. !5ut because
of their worth and ability as loyal,
honest American citizens. Xow po
litical aspirants who canobr hope to
win except by r-barp practice in ma
nipulating primaries and conventions
are early in the field confident of suc
cess. The elimination of the former
feature of politics forms the basis of
degeneracy in American politics and
throws the control of legislation into
the hands of. schemers and manipu
lators whose motives are never the
A fool's argument "it is a lie," is
the only argument the Review editor
offers to the Flaindlai.eb'8 plain
statement of facts. Being unable' to
meet local or current issues with this
paper fairly and squarely theTieview
editor, with the low instinct of bis
base nature, grunts out ''its a lie" in
reply to orr statements,' bT f i l to
offer proof or argument to back up
his negative position.: Any-stupid
numskull could do as niocn.
We have been considering the ad
visability cf publishing a list of
the citizens of this county who have
met with financial reverses daring
the past twel re months. By referring
to our books we can furnUh the pub
lie with a very complete Directory
of those persons, who appear to be iu
bu insolvent condition.
Our esteemed contemporary.
Review, heartily commcuds Alia for its saving to
county in the publication of the
linquent tax list which we are
lishing five cents Ler line cheaper
than it was ever done before, aud to
will the tax-payers of the county.
Authentic' associated press reports
state that Miss Ellen Stone has been
killed twice by the Turkish brigands
this week, bas been ransomed once,
has escaped once, has been released
tUree times, and is stiil a captive four
times. Q lite a lively jog for aa eld
erly maiden like Miss Stbue.
England has been a free-Trade
nation and the United States a Pro
tective Tariff nation. And now Eng
land fears that America, who has
preserved for Lerteif her own
mark-Is, is about to control
ruaikets of the world.
What does any intelligent
mean when he declares he is in
tics a democrat? Does he mean tha
be is for silver c gold ? Is he a pro
tectionist, or an anti-prolectionist ?
Jack- Wade, the Portlaud murderer,
mourns because be cannot enjoy the
skating. Maybe he' thinks ' there
won't,.b9 any where b is go;ng.
Glbdst one's piophesy that America
would eventually ' outstrip Great
Britain in the race for ha woild's
commerce has become a fact."
Schley eay he doen't waut to be
j President. He seems to know 'how
to krtp his bold on his reputation as
a hero.
- ."Y." Meeting.
Tbe Y." m.e'ing rt th,e Reading
R xm last F.i.iay . ws to have been a
onioo mee'ii-g aitbtbe W." C. T. U.
0ing to utter a'ira tionethe rneeiing
was not very well represented by tbe
"We," there Lei g lot one of that
society present. J itte a r Omber ol the
'Ys" aerain aUleadanee it Uting tre
rMTnlar iiit til It p n-uiilar nritr
oi bnfliD.M mM g,tl..1B,t.tIth du-ing
mbich time Mr. Badv-r, the gentleman
lo charge f tbe bo-tn, given 5 as a
donation iron, the Y. W. C. T. U. to be
used or the support of . the hVsdii g
Koorn. A fcLort prcgram was rendered.
Mies Mayme Neil recitt-d in a meet pleas
ick manner; Mies Mary Hatfield reads
comic selection ; llernert Pruuer reciied
nfcely a recitation, cotitaitiing good
nurals for yonrg ie. pie; Miss Kate
Miller pletetd oe .milb another comic
readicy, alter mbii-b the refreshments
ere passed abicb tx-Dneu d of tmo boxes
of cbcice borne made candy and tonie
nuis. which tbe joocg eople ' enjoyed
TheY.W. C.T U. wi l meet Tburs
dy at 7:30, at tbe R-ediug Room ; all
axe invited. . p.
An. Vr.ll I1...V.1 T, t...o . Tf .n
CO.. f m tnmm.
The Stone Case. K Mine of Pure Sli
ver. Saloon Raid.
Portland, Jan. Will O. fcteel, ol
P.trlUud, in heading a movement to se
cure Hie Snt'intt HMiile of CraU-r Lake ai
a Natioual Park. Hon. Thus. H. Tongue
had already iuirodiiced a bill pr.iviilirn
(or it. Tuia is uim ol the- (jurat ualuiai
toJii-8 of :vatr in the world. ' The sur
face of the lake is 0,239 feet above the
sea, it is about six niilfs ia diameter,
surrounded by perpendicular walls ol
1000 to 2000 f-et. It contains a circular
inland Sob tee) uirfb, in tun top uf which
is an exlinct crater '.(0 feet deep. lb
crystal water ie 20i!0 feel deep, a tioli
Hue. The surround it) its are grand.
W'amiisutos, Jan. 2S. By a vo e of 3
In 7 the Iloui-e Coiii tui; tee on vouinivrct
today decided in favor of Uovernmert
roust tuition i teration and maintenance
t-f-a Parifie cable, ami ordered a favora
ble r. ( i)it of the bill of Representative
Coiiiss, tf Michigan, providing the de
tails oi tui h a Government undeitakiop
Pjamai.a, Roumania. Jan. 27. The
release of Miss 8trre and Mine. Tsilka is
now expected bonrly. At the nqusst of
she An.rrican ntgotiators, the govern
ment bas granted tbe former entire free
dom to ernes and rt-croea the fiontier, so
ae to facilitate tbe liberation of the cap
tives. THE AfBHlP A BrcCB8. 1
Nick. France, Jau. 2S. Tbe experi
mental ascension of Sintos Dtimont iu
bis new air ship as a tna-ess in every
particular, not a single biicb occurriDp.
Dumont directed tbe airship at mill
causiug it to rise and fall, to go ahead or
luckaard. H seemed to have com
pete control of the fler."
W.AfHtNGTo", Jan. 2S. The bo-rd of
trustees of i be Natiuual University,
kicb baa been endowed by Carpegie,
mill meet sod organise tomorrow.
Oiily the inteiest oo' tbe fl 0,000, 000
will be osed, the bqiieflt providing that
tbe erdoanunt aball remain in per
petuity. . A Mi5Xr rCkK ULVKR.
Suhakt, Mutil., Jan. 2S. Two pro
spectors, Dave' Liewellyn aud V. H.
II.triiJOD, hd are leasing lb O'Erien
uitne have struck what is believed to bt
a mine of pure , tilver. They have
secured 13 tJi.o of t'ie ore ahicb it almost
otalleahle. An avrr ge assay ia ld,0u0
OOiicee, bicb givts a Va'ue 'O li.e IvD of
nearly iS.l'OO, in ihe mbile metal.
T'ie i-dloaing caars bare been ilitr
podeJ ol aince our last isaoe:
EJwiu A. Mark vs li. W. Peters,
action to recover mouey : continued lor
.he t-rm.
W. O. Wilson, et al, v. lieo. W. Wil
on, et al, sa:t u eq-iity ; cLotiuo to Set
asi ie nor vice denitd.
J. O, Bo-. tb ve. L. D. Love, awtinn to
ret over m juet ; j i Igmtui for plaiutiff lor
fo7 10 and cueta.
J. A. Palmer vs. Lul Mav Darrov, ac
tion to recover money ; demurrer to cqov
plaint sustained.
11. C. Siccutn vs. Ntttie L. S locum,
S'.ii' for Uivoice; plniu-iff urdertd to pay
f jO into txurt lo asdsi Utleudant in
maLiua- brf defence. " )
Alice J. Malbeae, el al, vs. ' B. ' F.
Malhewe, el ai, paTUtlJIi fcUH j patlltion
la decree order.
J. U Bantu vs. Rtinbow Mining Co ,
ctiOu to recover pvceaaion ol a claim,
liter bearing considerah.f evidence be
fore a jurr the el flu was disuiiseed by
Judge Hamilton.
lb jarv.ueu wern txcoeed Monday
evening lur li.e ierui. Guuri a-j turned
WeUueeday u..t 1 Fiiuay aUen Uje ba;i
ueee ol tte term prill be C liaoed op.
Saloons Raided at Albany.
A commi'.tee from tbe Aoti-Salooo
L-Mgua have c-ued considerable com -aiolion
in ci.y by a Wiolesale raid
in tbe sal juns. Sju At evening the
cooitniitee, divided iulo gruups, visited
all tbe sail iu f r t he purp jee ot eecor
ii g evii'ei.ce for couvictiou on a charge
ol violating lb ordinance prohibitiug
the Sale ol 1 lor on Sunday. The com
mittee made purchases of li U0", it la al
leged, in all th ealootis in town except
io aud secured mituesees ol violators of
tte law iu all except oue, and there were
only ten saloons iu to a, which w-.ll
make nine caets.
Hewi t & S. x have ben retHined to
aFMHt in fe proeecution, and it is ex
pected tbat warratiie mill probaoly be
issued tcday. Tne trial ol the cases will
oo itoubt .levtlop a maim contest
Tuesda)'a Uerabl.
Interested in Douglas County.
Tbe followitg ie.ter ie the kind me ate
receiving almcet daily, 1-owever, the
most ol them o-ttie . Lout Miseisaippi
yuiley points:
. WabT MlNbTKB, Calif., Jan. 'il, '02.
Eliitok rLAiKUKALKB: 1 received a
fw days sg'; tmo ctpits of the Tmice-a
Week Plajnok ALaa as per my reqnest
and bate duly digested their conlet.ti.
As the samples were fair I would like a
larger slice, so phase find herein a mon
ey t rder for a six months meal. By tbat
time, perbapa, I shall have decided fO
cast my lot aith yuu. If you can guaran
tee all tbe good thiugs in questions ans
wered in issue of Drdtith. Would like to
eae some more weather reports.
Yours respectful!,
, H. 8. Whitney.
Political Gossip.
Tbe Populist County Central Com
mittee has met and from the talk of
the members present it is evident
that au effort will bo made to keep
the party iutactiu this county. The
st ate committee "gave up tho ghost''
several months ago, but Liuu county,
the old populist stronghold, will re
fuse to follow suit. At a fair esti
rnhte today there are perhrtps 1200
popnlinth iu Vi im county who do not
owe fJlegiM! c lo sny . other party.
The democrats can w:srcely connt on
"more" tbim lltK) uietuliwis of the
t-irnight out dyed in the moo! - Jack
soiiiaii nl rip", while the republicans
have in rougd uumbers 21(W.-lIeraJd
SC.V.-N ; v vv. v. -v.-v: ' r: :
! High School Notes
-! Tikw. R. TowNnrNn, Kilitur. ,
y MlM bNllt tlDUKK, Ajuuviat Ut
Tim- A'bletic Club has elected officer
for the e isuiog yeai as follows: t'rvti
d nl, L. R. Traver;vice-prei-ideo,Tbr-.
e. lneend; seoreiary, Walter
i.rcn inl ; treasurer, Tb. R. Townsem' .
retKeaut-at-arms, Floyd C. Kttnp.
basket ball team, captain, Floyd -Ramp;
manager, Tbcs. R. TnwDtei-
Bae ball and track team, captaio,
Floyd C. Ramp; manager, L. H. Traver.
1902 Foot ball team, csptaio, Flovd C
Ramp; mnaer, Tbos. R. TowuMad.
1 be Athletic Club, is, to use the slang
phrase, ''in tbe hole" or quit a littl
sum, ant upon Friday, Jan. 3;!ibey
will give a eocil at the Native Hons'
ball for the purpose of clearing tketn
selves fronn debt. Gome every bddv, ea
j y joorself and help along a good cause.
Admission, 25 cents to all.
Meet of tbe sick pupils have returned
to school.
New classes have been formed I tbis
week in German, geornetry, higbtr
arithmetic and Roman history. '
Smelter Would Payj
A conservative estimate indicates tbat
a smelter in Foitland, II in running con
dition at this time, would rtceivs- tbe
following: Eastern Oregon, 22 to 27
cars of ore per day ; Southern .O.-egQa, 11
cars per day ; Bohemia, wiib iLs prospect
ive railroad completed, would ship, not
less than six cars per dy aoa . tbe 6t.
listens and Watnoagal d.stiiiti will ship
twice as much, with their railroad com
pleted. By the way. tbe Vancouver
road mill soon have 32 milea of track,
which, rty iis short route, will take it
very cl ss to these district. Tbace
estimates would, ol course be doubled in
no time alter tbe smelter commenced
operations, for development is nom
more than eqnal to such iocrea. tJabo
people tay thev aill give us 8 or 10 cars
of ore per day il we had a aoud smelter
at Portland. Pacific Miner.
Coming Thousands Strong.
The wonilerfu'- prosperity and tbe
brilliant fu'urs springing from tbe va-t
undeveloped resources ol field, orchard
forest and mine is certain Co attract Ibis
vear to tbe rtcifio el'pe and especially
lo the rich spots of Oregon ao- im
tnigrai ion lar larger io vjIohiq ead well
to do in character thaa evea tbat o
1901. Foua their information gather
ed, railway managers are preparing for
the transportation of many tnoosaud
Irom tbe inhospitable east to lbs boe-l-itable
western slope. Tbe great, ma
i rity ol iboee wbo visit the meat this
eeeon ar? bona fide eeekera lor bonier
and generally poeeeseei of the means
mitb mhictt to prosure that of tbeir
iiking. Tbev will scatter over ibis
broa i and reeiarcsfol west and eater iia
every avenue ol irate and i .dactry.
The Rcbarts Destroyed by Fire.
The little to- Kol ar s, t' at frqinlly
called at tbis port from the Siuslaw, b-s
in all probability made ber last visit lo
Cocs Lay. She bas been having a series
of mishaps, and the chapter oi accidents
was elated last wetk, ai Florei.ce, mbtn
a firebug applied a rna'ch to her, and re-
pons say that tbe damage ia irreparable,
cd that a new buil mill te rotiatruc'rd
for the machinery, Tne Robarts bad
been baaied ool on jlhe ways lo bave hi r
rod4r, which was damaged 'v bompipg
. i i. : I i . i t i
I uq li.e repaired, auu wnuesne was
! in tbis position the fire occurred. Our
information comae from a reliable sou res
but tbe detaile ol tbe affair are meagre
Mam fie. d Son.
A winter trip to 8)U'hern Califo-oia
rod A'liiat via tbe f-nuns Shasta
route is one never to be forg. fen. Re
newed acqlaintance wi b this section
mill ever develop fresh point of interest
nd added sO'Os of etj meol unier
i s sunny ekies, in tbe variety ol inter
est s and added iodnairiee, in its prolific
vgtalion aud among its Doooterleea re
sorts o( mountain, shore, valley aud
Two trsiol leave Portland daily, morn
ii g and evening lor California. Tbase
trains are equipped witb ibe most im
proved pat'ei-n ol s'andard and touriat
s eepii g care, and the low rate place (be
trip in rekCb of all.
For illustrated guides of California and
Ant .na wiuter reeorte, address
Gen Pass. Agen', Fo. t.aud, Or.'
Weather Report.
: ;-v
. U. S. Weather Bureau Office,
R.eeburg, Oregon, Jan. 29, 1902.
Week ending 5 p. m., Jan. 29, 1:02.
Maximum temperature, 46 on 23ib.".
MiDiuinm temperature, 19 on 29lh
RxiDfail for tbe week, 0.2J
Total rainfall since 1st ol month 1M
Average rainfall (or tbat mouth for 24
T) al rainfall from Bept.l 1900 to datsk
15.24. . .. . .,
Average rainfall from Sept. 1, to date
Total deficiency from Sept. 1, 1900, to
date 4.63
Average precipitation lor 24 wet sea-
sou 33 25. Tiios. Gibson,
At Roseburg.
Dr. Uoble will be at the McClfllsn
House lor one eek, Feb. 2nd to the8tb
inclusive. Ho is prepared to handle any
and all cases of defective sight tbat
clasf es will remedy, using all the lat
est and most t-ciei tide methods and in-
. trnmetits known ' to tbe profession
Glasses ground for ail complicated cases
and a perfect fit guaran eed. Coonulta-
liou free at bt-l.
Experience Convinces. .
Trove iU value by inventing 10 centa Id
trinl size of Ely's Crearu lialm. Druggists
sujiplr it slid we mail it. Full size CO ceutn.
IiLY BHOS., C WriTren 1st, New York.
Clifton, Arizona, Jan. 20, 1899.
Messrs. Elt Mnos.t I'lcase send me a SO
cent bottlo of Cream liulm. I find your
remedy tbe quickest and most permanent
enrefor catarrh and cold in tbe Lead.
Dbl&M. I'otter, (l?n.Mgr.Ariz.GoldM.Co.
Messrs. Elt Bboh.: 1 bave bean afflicted
with catarrh for twenty years. It made'me
vo weak I thought I had Consumption. I
got one bottle of Ely's Cream Halm and in
three days the discharge stopped. It lathe
best medicine I have luted for catarrh. '
ProberU, CaL Funk . EfirnLiapiBS,
The complete line of shoes handled by the Sorosis Shoe Store
must be closed but within thenext 0 days regardless of cost.
Krippendorf Dittman Ladies Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price
Drew, Selby & Co. Ladies' Shoes, former prc$ 3 .50, sale price
Kast-GUnville LadiesGhoos, former price $3.50, sale price
Handberg Brothers Ladies' Shoes, former price $3 00, sale price
Sorosis, the popular Ladies' Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price
Queen City Sadies' Shoes, former price $2.00, sale price
Little Red School House Shoes, former price $1.75, sale price
John Meier Men's Shoes, former price $4.00, sale price
Smith Wallace Men's Shots, former price $4.00, sale price
George G. Suow Men's Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price
M. A. Packard's Men's Shoes, former price $5.00, sale price
Buckingham & Hecht Men's Shoes, former price $1.50, sale price
Men's Work Shoes from
Being compelled
a suitable location, I have decided to close out my stock of goods
'5 -TB llrtna under t'-i;i be fhanr.!
for 4t I e ratcol Aepcrli r for each neuon, '
(I'h 10 r-r cent off ti. :r u.nic tn.! with
ont rbarttfe tor ifalrty i it lruccr ' fet-t.n
I all ai.u ol hltl.r anied. -EafU'r '
" I hjve tie Exc-lst r Licli is a
large, reU berrv and very rarlr. 1 :av
hipped ine bnt crati l O.egon berne
to tbe 1'orilaod niaik. t fur itie last tao
tears. My fcri crate lat tpiii.g sohl for
J'J OO. Tte are aLat would he cal.ed
everbearins, as I p rk bet nee otf of tneui
aloirjkl every iiioutb lu toe vear. I ship
led a crate to Portland tbe Brsi of Oct
ober and there is at least ten gallons or.
my vines now just tb'i.k of ice ripe
s:raa berries alu.oal every day in tbe
year, aud then say you wont rot out a
patch ol yoorowu. I also have ibe liood
Kiver which ie a large, red, seel berry
and a goo I shipper. Prices on cars a
Dillard: t50, f 1.60; 500, f-' W; 1000
3.00 L. S. Coon,
tf Diilard, Urrgoc,
PGR SALE, CllEAP-U-0 acres of
improved land, 20 acres ot good
garden land, 3 ao of branrtg ore-hard,
balance good par-un. Teu miles sooth-
set of Koeebar on Myrt'e Point stage
road. Call on W. !. J .hnstor, Brixk
way, 0r., or addrres Aebby Kicbards,
Giants Pane, Ore. oolO f.
rPEEsiiPASS NUTJCE Notice is here
by given, that any persou foun't
limiting or otherwise Iresfpsaeiug npon
Kivrrdale Farm.'V'Corry Esiate," will
he prosecuted, Ohas. T. Curry.
V ; it c- . fit, y; -4 I -L . .
fT A I tI
" rAB tttr ev
. Groceries and
Glassware . . .
to give up the building, and not being able to secure
In the J Court ,.r tTer freek liltne t
nij .,1 Imj.,,, -u,.fl olongi.n.
. 1- C"vt-t
The lt loitherie In rest- (
nwt Co .a corp. -ration. j
Lvlr-lalit j
! To tUe Tall.iur Outhme Iorrftment Co.. a
oir- r:!..n. XUr al -jr t;a jie.1 lfn,laai-
D 10c oamr me - :r ol U"e. d. too are
b 'rtr rrauc-l u ( jar be.'oie ihe nujrr
ivnxl. iJui;ioIiiif 1-rac tor the b::rie
t'T rm.l. on or U-Iot Ih the liln dar of
Krt.niary. A. I . lvj.,1 hio(5w in Host-tAir
r.ton al the h xiro.' 10 ocock ia the lore
mn ol ui-1 .taj. lonacr tlie comprint Cit
agaict; too io ihe a-Tentul a. !ion. and
il ton tail u.r ix-ar an,l u herein re-
1"ilr"-Ior laervol. the I'laintiff will uUts
jad .mini aia.!ii ynn ior tf.) ii. aq 1 bis coats
anj d .l'irx-i:M-nu n tni action.
TM moiriKTi i. pa'jliihrrt om a wrrk tor
ix mcwwve veekf In the BovNanr P'in-0.-
rr.iKB,i ui!t retuer lubi .hed at
Kour. nn-rnn t, orJ. r o( thvjusureol
The Heaix- ot .a:U I)iuirt. ma-le Dc ,
The fiikt .Uh H-ation of tbt auinrnona i oo 0a
Ad day ol January,
Ju'lcoof the Pea e. for Der Creek Dutnct,
!Hi-ia. r wnir, (reon.
Atiomeji lor Piaintifl.
SpecUl Mle on high cut ladies shoes .
Harry M. Holdcn.
Get Your
cs ou rt a i i r. Roseburg, Ore., Dec. S, 1901.
Mate Chemist, Oregon Agricultural College, .
Corvallis, Oregon.
DEAR Sir We send you by this mail sample of sulphur taken from our
stock of spray material. Please make a careful analysis of same and inform
us if it is of such standard of purity that it will fill all requirements for mak
ing first class spray compounds. If it is not sufficiently pure for such purpose
please inform us where we can obtain sulphur which will meet all require-ments-
Very respectfully,
Mr. A. C. Marsters & Co., CrVallis reg0n' December i.
Roseburg, Ore.
EenS7etervSr"YUr le"Cr CUCerninS sulf nd the sample of sulfur,
I have examined this sample and find that it is almost entirely pure
sulfur. I think that it would answer the purposes very satisfctorilv for
spraying compounds or insect c des. . I think that if you v 0" th s
quality, or can get it that it will be as good as any sulfur that can obta n
for spraying materials. ,tjy t0 CaU bUin
A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Drusro-ists
Are you going to spray?
Z 2v E-
A Car load
just received
Flouring Mills,
Myrtle Creek . or Caoyonville
Title (Juarantee& Loan Co.
D. Baaiuoa.
O. C. Hnan,
secy, ajd Tmaa.
Once ia the Court Hoaae. Hare ii oely eoim
Peteaet of attract books In Douciaa CoantT.
Afaatraruand Ceniieate ot T'.Ue fnraiahol io
UooKiaa eoaniT land an I rainiac claima. Bar
ajo a complete aet of Ttacinn of all townohip
plan la the Roaebam. Orecoa. U. B. Land Dia
incL Will make biue print oopteaot any towa.
ahijafcoin all racant Guretgaeal Uada.
Notarv pablic in offlcw, lneuranoe areata.
Corraapoodeace aobdtea. jU
Spray Material at
- 2.65
- 3-00
- 3-
2. 90
$1.00 to $2.50
If You Have
a Swest Tooth. .
G j tv ti Oan 1y fvitcha. wherw
yoa will ft id the Inesh t and beat
anr: moat o! can liee io tb city.
Call a ad se as