The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 30, 1902, Image 1

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    Ore0"' pr.wi'""
bb Printing
Iii Inisy seasons brings
you your share of trade;
Is a very important factor in
bnsinefcs. Poor cirintinff re-
advertising in dull sea
sons hrinurs yon your share, and also
that ot (he merchant who "can't af
ord" to a.lvei rise.
fleets no credit on a go d
bnsmees house. Let 00 do yoor Jr.b
Printing we guarantee it to be io
every way satisfactory.
Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868.
No. 9
f3Tjp lit $r4 'zt'
tj? ?
at a price yon can
not equal in any
Child' en's Rubbers 15 cts. per pr.
Wollenberg Bros.
Open uutil 8 o'clock.
A Happy and Prosperous
New Year
is the wi,h of K. W. STRONG, the Fur
niture man, and in line with our wishes
wo have a few special bargains to offer
lor 15 days. TO CLOSE OUT a lot of
remnants of Wall Paper for 5 and 10 ets.
per double roll to make room for new
stock that will arrive later.
i HI Bill E
A few
we Lave, only i;i broken ts, at siiecial
Bring; Us Your ...
The Day f
Hocha. COFFEE Jav-
xn'Jh your breakfast. It has a flavor that's all
its own you don't get it in any otier brand.
Sole Agents,
Hoscburgy Oregon
starts vrtf
off Smm
When Uz?'
Have a j cf 'j-tjps
Cup of
Don't be jollied into buying out of
date shoesat $2.98, when you can
get a snappy, up-to-date shoe for
We have no old shop-worn goods, but we have the greatest
line of Ladies' and Gentlemen's shoes that ever hit the town
Ask to see the "Pedcllis" . a Lady's Shoe
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in
v fresh. Groceries,
when ou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181
for gof d goods and good service.
If you want to buy a farm
Ifv you want furnished rooms
If you want to buy a house
If you want to rent a house
If you want to build a house
If you want to move a bouse
If voti don't kaow PAT T C
e. ill on nr address ... I 1
fa tj? tt? ti? ? tl? H
in fact everything
in the store at a
price yon will
know is right aud
quality good.
1 -
lots of Brussels anil Insrain Car-
reninauts, containing; from o ti 1"
that we will soli at special bargains.
odd chairs that are a? good as anv
values. Kemeuiber the place.
Roseburg, Ore
'Phone 103
Staple a nd
Fancy Groceries
Guaranteed fresh
and wholesome
and sold at prices
as low as the low
est. All kinds of fruit
and Country .
S i
Produce Bought
and Sold. ......
good cooking, is to have good
and to get them promptly
sad Builder
State and Ueneral News Condensed
for the Busy Reader.
Hi'K cholera prevalent at Pind'e o',
Ie!av in repot tiny conal bill mftns a
saving o( tiu-.e la'er.
Victi'ii of bvpnolic upell at Spokai e
awoke inpane Tuesday.
S. blej's last day in Chicago was one
urea! rounil of pleasure.
t-opren e (Vii't tufcea railroad merger
' caee nudt-r advisement.
K' user's hen lib wi'l hardly permit
ht coming to America irj April.
Emperor Willum celebrated his 43td
birthday M unlay wib ureal pomp.
G" at id Chicauo. The city i lo have
a ftJ.'iuui lSOxSCO foe', that m ill teit
T.tHHi people.
1'ii'tnl Miueworker levy an ai-rexi-ment
to help etiikers Ght but'.le
wth 1 peratcr to the end.
H it de'iate in the Senate as to right of
Army i.tli ra to criiKire utterances re
narding Ptiilippioes occaned this week
K-ikhuj, U1. ieconeiderirg the matter
of akiu.2 Audi ew.Carnt Ki" for oue of his
$-0,0u) library contributions for that
Ttie City Coui cil ! Medford has re-
crutiy jaeeed au ordinnDce proviJirg itr j
the payiueut of au annual license ol
uiUrt te paid each year cn or befote
FcbrUirj l;t.
Tuere hip leen to uiminuitlon io the
proref? o! JiilliDg ot the well of the
)j:heru Oregon Oil Co., eabl of town.
lmlicatioi.8 of yas continue to be at-troi g
feutaie ot tne eiiualion. Ashland Ti J-
The c'ceional ceea of tmallpox
tl.rvLticut the Norlbe-t have a titling
v muieut in a fc'.alemeLt mat'e by the
cieur oi the Micueeoti tUte Board
ol Health. Lie dccUrea that as the pre-
v 1. live va'ue if vaccination has fen
ti.oroOahi.y demonstrated, that every
p tpou funni with amallpoz ehoold 6rt
be cated, then feei.t to j for ninety
diyi. He eaye there in no excuse for
euja.lpx io civilized conutries.
t-torniB hav? been general ever the
mid iie west aod I'j. ilic coiet faring the
Pt week. A t ;nrl ta been racing
beyotoi the Kxkiee, aod a section of it
atrmkt-.e Puget S.onJ country anil
proetratei bueinesa for a day or two.
Portland has been io the grip of the ice
aud 8;io air r, too, while lo the eoo'h
unnenady cold weattier baa been the
ro'e, notably at tan Fraucitco.
Considerable flui:er wae cause) in
Loudon by t!.e aiiD'iut.cemeot that Kiog
' E ivrard hid appeared in a fr ck coat
! ol fashionable men immediately rushed
1 , iii.
' to their taura and ordered etrnd a'
parmei.ts in suite of Ibfir ei'racrd.i ar
rov-ity. Consternaiuo row prevail.,
as it is learned thai woat the Kiog wore
was a frock overcoat on which velvet
cuffi are oiti-n Peen.
In a special t"nrit-t si e per, attached
! ... ....
to the southbound everUnd train which
nassed through RoseburBundav morn- '
ng, was a Ktiard ar.d ten military pris
oners, en route Irou Vancouver Barracks
to San Francisco. Among the p'ieon-rs
was Frank A. Kakoagki, degraded sol
dier aDarchiet, who ill serve ten years
in Alcatraz prison for threatening to kill
President- Kooeevi-lt. and voicing approv
al of Czolgoft and his crime, lbo other
prisoners will eerv terms trim six
mouths to two years, and tbe ofTugs
for which they were cou'tmartialed
ran from simple deseer'ion to striking
a superior -ffiir.
Contest Notice.
C'ltted Slate Land Office,
Ri.-iur. 'Jr?iii, Jn. li. IWU2
A sufficient Co: lest aili.Um haviDg,beea Hied
iu tliis oOic- oj
-ntetent sgin-t homeu-al entry No. Wit.
male JiiiniHry 12, lor.SK1 NK'i, E'j SEJ
ali i M H XI. M-ctiou 11. towllhlu 26 . K 1
i CuiiUrs'e, ia u liic-b il m aiivtfU.,ih it the said
i:litri-f S. aiKliu bus arnolir abandODed Ihv
ni'l: tlial he ban Dot resiK-l uixia nnr culliva
t"i lh -atne lor mr. than six nonihs last
at, aui that said claito has been abandoned
b- the said eutrTmen for a lonir pertfd ol time
aiid that said entrynun Ik not residing In tbe
DeiKhborbood ol the land, and that said alleged
at.uoe f toia th- Urid is nitt due lo his mploy-
1 tn.-nt in lh" Armv mv-v- ..r M.ritipf-firtis,f Hi.
CiiiU.-d'H ai a private soldier, otlicer, sea-
nan or mHiiue. durinir ihe war wilb npmn or
luriiiK any othi-r war in whn:h Ibe I'Dited
iBt ii. av Ihj ewuu, sai parlies ard bert-bv
noli tie. U aiear, pfjtuiJ and offer evidence
tmichlnu saul all-iratiiiu nt lu o'elock a. m on
Marc-b 4, IWJ., belore the Keicis'erand Keeetver
ot United biaU!' Laud Ufliee, KoscburK, Oregon.
1 be saia ftpuwuni narinir. in a pruir am-
davit, Bied January 16, l.o2. set forth lads
which stio that alter due diunence personal
service ji this notice can nut be made, it Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be K-ven by due aud proper publication.
J- 1. MK1UI)19, Kl-KUltr
JJOp J. H. BOOTH, tteceiver
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court lo- Douglas County,
State ol OreKOU.
In the mailer ot the estate
ol Crawford (iaidla, Ueceawd.
Notli-e is hereby iriven that tbe nnilerslk,ne1
'Iminiht atrix ot the above named estate has
tilt-d hi-r tiiial account in settlement of said
eiHt- and mat said court by order duly made
on 'he 12th day ol December Ivoi has directed
Mondav the 3rd dav of February 19(i2.
be set fur hearing obJ'-iHinus If any there be to
xald final account aud the selllemeut ol said
This notli-e Is published In the Plaindealcr by
order ol l he laid court and pennant to the or
deruloresaia. bahh a vjadiiis
Dated this l'th day December 190L dlilp
Notice for Publication.
t'nited States Land Office
KnsebnrK. Oregon Jan. 26. 1902.
Notice is hereby Riven that In compliance
with the proviMotiH cf the act of Conices of
lune 6, in.evui;w -an acr lorine saieol tlm
bT la' ds in the States of California, Oregon,
isevaoa Hii'i h?-iiiiik'iii ii-rrnory, aaexiena.
d U all the Public Land ritatct by act ol Aug'
ut t, lnw,
nf S'RtlIe. roiinty of Kins, Htsteof Vt'asnlnrton
hH.stMs (Ihv riled in Ihlsoftic-shis sworn state
nici.t No, for the purchase of the W' HK'
siiii lfie r- 7 ftn j, oi section pio. j, iownhriii
south, raime 7 weNt aud will otter proof to
show that Hie laud soiiKht is more valuable for
ltx tiuilxr or Htiine than for agricultural pur
t-ihe. and to establish his claim to said land
tjutoretlie Kt-Kihtcr and Keeetver of this ofllce
at KoHebura. oreitou, ( n Wertnes lay, the 9th day
ol April, i2 lie names as HltiK'XHH: C. A.
Yoiiiik, 'ei.nji; lditeman, Albert Wl'lla and
Ihomax llnuanl, all of Kosebuiv. Oregon
Any and all p'-nuint claiming adversely the
above described lands ant reo tiesle-1 to III. their
claims In Uilsottke on or before said nth day ot
X From Our &
I Correspondents-!
liayhurst Notes.
Mr. and Mre. Chae. Stanley were call
ing on friends here last week.
Mis9 Alice Miller went to Voucalla
Monday to attend Yoi.calla Circle
Women of Woodcraft.
Mr. A. M. Applegate who was unite
indisposed last week, we are glad to say
is very much improved.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Applegate and
Mrs. 8. Oawlfleld, were guests ol Mr
and Mrs. J. G. Miller last Sunday.
The children of S. W. Davis returned
borne from Milltown latt meek, where
thev have been attending fchool.
M.s W. S. Applegala arrived home
from Seattle las, week and mith her bu -and,
is now viailing the iatter's paieta
Ilere is a question that has puzzled
the residents of Hayharal: Some years
ago, two men of families combit td their
efforts and built email bouee in which
to hi-ld school. The bouee was built on
and belonging to one of the two men.
No ("eed was ever eiven ihe die'rict
10 the house or site. But it as legally
vo'ed to bold school in tl e booe. Now
alter some 14 years, the majority have
voted to select another site aod build
anewbiose. Some claim that in order
to change lbs cite it will nq'isre a j
m jrity vote as it id be virtually a
removal ; wliiie the me.j jrity claim that
..s the dit-tritt owns do bouse or site it
will 1 ot be iheeame as a rtinoval, but
will be li e same thing as building a Few
tioute in the first, and will there
fore require tot a mt-j irilv vote. As the
new hooee advocates received 8 ont of 14
voies ie., a majority of 2, they tonsider
ibry mighi Lave the It gal right to put a
ne bouse on ano.ber t te. ow let us
have the candid opinion of sme of those
ahoare experienced in snch matters.
We are willing lo abide by the :a.
Ccsm rouTax.
Brockway Items.
The firet snow of
the season fell the i
other night
Grain is looktDg due, and farmers
about done tanning.
Mr. P. A Healer u sick with the la
grippe. Mr. Hirdy H)war.1, of Tm M.le, is
cleraiotc io Mr I. B. Nichols tt jre.
Arthur Jotiott' O. who lias been inlLej
employ of the 8. P. K. K , wae called lo j
ihe bedside oi his mother who is serious
ly ill.
Mre. P. A. Heater and daughter, Mits
. '
were vieitir.g irieuds Wedoei-
G A. Hamilton, of tlippv YaTer,
j 'i,eJ ilh iIr- Bj, UM Uj" dr 1 ol
tne wees.
Rev Keee delivered a very in'eres:
ng dtcours4 to a small but attentive
.ii.t it.reA Iiafa Knnil.v lla hrMfti.,
..-v. J " "
L .1 . 1 : 1 . , . I . .
c"0 lue lu"" uou ul ""r uiomo.
Ever' ooe u coidiallf invited to attend
Mr. W. A. briog. of Diilard, attend
ed chruch here Souday.
School is prog i ee in nicely under the
management of Prof. Jamee Fattereoo.
Mr. i. H. Hoover returned home
Thortdav, alter a brief visit iih his ton,
Frank, at Myrtle Creek.
Prol. Paltersoo and Miss Annie Knt,
of this place, atte- ded tbe institute at
Mylle Creek last Saturday.
Miss Lora Parker, visited her neele,
S. M. Parker and family, at Diilard Isst
Mr. I. 6. Nichols' new honES is com
pleted and has a very handsome appear
ence. Mr. N J. Richards and son , Cecil, are
herefrom Grants Peas building fence
aod improving their pl ica,
Mis Marv Buxton has re'ornd to her
home from a position at the So diers'
Home, and in a't-snding school here.
Oar roads are in fairlv good condition
for tbi time of the year.
Tbe Plaindkalkb's represeutive, S. C.
Bartrum, passed tnrotigti this place last
week from a trip in the western part of
the C; untrv. He dined with Z. W.
Parker, a prosperous farmer of this
valley. Mr. Parker appreciates the in
creasing popularity of the Plai.ndkalkb
and ill have it come to bis home tbe
coming year. Dadoy's Boy
Looking disss Items.
Waller Laird, of Sitcom past through
our valley Saturday.
S. Wan en of tbe Paiauce country wae
visiting in our burg last week.
Rev. J. H. Howard of Diilard preach
ed here last Sunday to a good audience.
Perry Foster of Roeeburg, bas been
visiting bis parents aud many friends
iu the valley lately.
Tbe Coo Bay mail rarrier lost one of
bis horses Sunday between here and
Roeeburg and was behind time.
Tbe Ladies Aids met at the residence
of Mrs. Geo. Marsh the 22nd. It was
enjoyed by all present. Tbe last year
they have taken in and spent about one
tundred dollars.
The Williams Bros, have lost several
bead of cattle lately with larkspor. Tbit
is a very poison plant and every spring
or winter tome one loses cattle from this
cause. Fidkb
The Bohemia Railroad,
At Cot t sue Grove nothing is talked
abcut eicept the new railroad. Tbe
surveyors are now laying cfJ, having
about completed the survey. Tbe farm
era along the line have all granted rights
of-wav through their lands except two
audit is pioposed lo run the railroad
along the dividing line between their
places, which flee mi to be agresable to
all concerned.
Matter of Great Importance
Every Tax Payer.
By rrqnest of the sheriff and onanty
court we agia present lo our readers a
summary id the new tax law, which fol
lows: "At the last session of the legislator
a new law was passed in regard to the
collection of taxes, which law took ef
fect on Dec. 1, 1901, and its .substance, is
a follows:
1- If you i-ay yoot tsxes on or before
March 15th you will be alloaed are
bate of 3 per cent.
2 It yon pay yoor taxes between
March 15th and op to and including the
firtt Monday in April, there will not be
any rebate and neither will there be any
penalty or interest added.
3. If yoor tsxes are not (-aid on or be-fi-rs
the first Monday of April, they will
income delinquent, when there will be
added a penalty of 10 per cent, and the
tax will also draw interest at the rate of
12 per cent per annum is addition lo the
4. If von pay one-half of Ycur taxes
on or before the first Monday in April,
theo the remaining hall may ran op lo
and including the first Monday In Octo
ber fo lowing ; but U the last half of tax
due is not paid by the first Monday of
October it becomes delinquent, and there
a ill t e adiled to socb balance, a penalty
ol 10 per cent, and in addition, sncb
t ilaDce will bear it.tsresl at the rate of
12 per cent per annom from the first
Monday in April until paid.
5. On all personal property taxes, if
one-ha.f is not paid on or before the first
Monday in April, the law compels theJ
sheriff to levy np on ard collect the same
after Mar 1st, hence to prevent a levy
opoo personal property after May 1st it
a ill be necessary for ooe bail to be paid
as al-ove stated.
6. Tbe law compels the sheriff to sell
all lands ou w bit b taxes have not beto
paid, aod thai socb sales shall not be
held later than Marcs 1st of the year in
which the tax levy is male.
7. The property will be sold to tbe
perton bidding the lowest rats of interest
aod certificate will be issued therefor,
and deeds given to such property sold,
utile redeemed within three years from
tne dale ol socb sale."
Extra Horse
Required on tbe
Frosty oighte and cold cays.
Tbe fir?t snow of tne winter fell on Ibe
Clh ins!., which barely covered tbe
! W k Wells oar poetmaster, who went
to Pui-ai d last eefe is uprctad home
Inoda , today.
W. t. I elaJj mho baS bad srcallpoa
in Marshheid is reported mncb Improved.
H. Ttot-er, a ho baa bad an attack of
soretbioat is geitkg much belter.
Co1.. J. U. l)av made a short visit to
this patt Usi week but baa returned to
Portland to look alter bis interests then.
We understand that Mr. T.J. Will
iams has bong it the General Merchan
dise store ol W. L. Cobb at Wilbur and
has gone to that burg to take charge of
tne business. Ten Mile's loss is Wil
bur's gaio.
Since the Plai.okalkb's r nailer, S. C.
Bartrum, baa worked this part ol tbe
country, the mail carriers hare bad to
add another pack horse to their train.
W. H. Oami.
Ten Mile Items.
Mr. Sy moos, tbe genial book agent of
Camas Valley passed through our valley
last week.
Mrs. T. W. New'.and aod daughters
were tbe goes a of Mrs. Wilson of Restoo
last SunJav.
Grandpa and Bessie Morgan, of Lrxk
na Glass were visiting Mr. snd Mrs
Churchill and family last week.
Marcellus Ireland, of M trehBeld, wbo
was visiting bis old borne the past week,
was suddenly called to tbe bedside ot bis
brother Will, wbo is reported to be quite
Several of the yonng people called at
tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. New
land last Sunday evening where tbey
spent set eral boors io the enjoyment of
an old lasbioned candy polling.
First Well In the State to Produce
OilGreat Excitement In Baker.
Baker City, Or., Jan. 27. A messen
ger arrived in Baker City today, bring
ing with bitn a bo-tie of tbe first oil
struck in the Malhuer Basin. Tbe oil
came from tbe Newell well, a abort dis
tance from tbe town of Nampa, aod was
obtained at a depth of 110 feet. The oil
anaivsea 73 per cent pari-ffioe, the high
est grade of natural oil known. Much
excitement prevails.
Two miles from tbe Newell well oil
has been reached st a depth of 450 feet.
This well can now pump twenty-five
barrels per day.
This Sounds Queer.
A party of thirteen young ladies and
gentlemen, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs.
0. C. Hammond, rode to the ponds lo
Bangs' Park la-t evening, built fires and
spent a delightful evening oo the ice.
Coffee was mads and a lnoch was enjot
ed. Skating parties ars indeed a novelty
in the Willamette valley and nur vo'ing
people make the most of cold snaps such
as the present nne. Eugene Gnard.
Indian War Pensions.
Washington, Jan. 27. Tbe Senate
Pen-ion committee today .reported favor
ably Senator Mitchell's bill granting
pensions to survivors ot Indisn wsra
,tbt took, place, betwMn ISi? snd
9 Educational Notes.
By F. B. Hamlib Co School 8upt. 0
Tne next rep-olar examination of teaah-
ers for state and county papers will be
held at Boseharg February 12, 13, 14,
anJ 15.
Arthur Bnrt, has opened school io
Dist. No. 82, aod forwarded bis program
aod classes.
Miss Edith Aldrieh wbo ia teaching io
Dist. No. 33, Edenbower, also lorwsrds
ber program aod classes.
lleory Hebard bas been retained as
teacher in Dist. No. 45 for ao additional
Peter Naab, Jr., wbo ia teaching In
Dist. No. 17, Coles Valley, reports an
enrollment of 36. Daring tbe first two
weeks ol this term there were so eases Of
tardiness, and hot two of abeenee, and
these were caosed by sickness. Ao ex
eellenoo showing this.
There will be so entertainment at tbe
school house io Wilbur oo Triday even
ing, February 7tb, given for tbe becsflt
of tbe school library. Prof. Whittlesey
is arranging ao inleresting program aod
extend a cordial invitatioo to all lo
Tbe next 8:b grade final examination
will be held Tebrnary 5, 6, and 7. All
teachers having classes desiring to take
be same should, if they have not al
ready done so, notify me of tbe fact,
giving tbe number of applicants, as
nearly as possible, tbtt the proper ar
rangements may be made.
Enormous Quantities ol Mercbsatab le
Timber. Douglas Count is
tbe Great Timber Belt.
The timber of Oregon reaches tb
eocxmooa tclal of 234,653,0 0,000 feet
board measure. The state's greatest
timber belt is to be foood io ibe coanties
of Clatsop, Colombia, Washington,
Tillamook. Coos, Dooglaa aod Lane.
There is also magnificent timber in Po a.
Lincoln. Benton, Yamhill, Marion. Lino,
Clackamas, Multnomah, Wasco, Crook,
Klamath, Jackson, Josephine, Corry,
Lake, Harney, Gilliam, Grant, Baker,
Umatilla, L'oioo and Wallowa. There
are about 55,000 square miles of timDer
land in Oregon. This forest would yield
from 20AXX3 to 30,000 feet per acre. Ooe
eighth of the uoiber lands baa been
bornedover. Teo years ago it was not
known that there was soy redwood io
Oregon, bat io Curry .county there are
1000 acres.
There are Millions of feet of lumber of
tbe smaller woods osed for finishing and
cabinet purposes. Tbe varieties are ma
ple, myrtle, ash, black oak, white oak,
live oak, tan bark oak, medrooa, dog-
ovt, wild rberrv, yew, juniper, mount
ain mahogany, cbicqipin, alder, willo
b:rb, bewiboroe, craOepple, berberry
and maoxauita. At tbe low valuation
of (6JjG per thousand feet of manufacto'.
ed lamber, tbe standing limber of Or
goo represents on the basis of Mr. John
son's estimate an aeet available at
some tm of nearly 2.200,0tO,000.
Io Western Oreeon tbe merchantable
timber consists ofOregJO pioe. Si ka
aproce, cedar and hemlock. Besid-
these tbere are found in tbe soot b west
ern part of the slate sugar pioe. noble
fir aod the yellow pine. By far tbe
greatest part of tbe tinner io Western
Oregon consists of Oregon pine. Il oc
cupies, tbe entire timbered portina of
tbe depression.between tne.Coest and tbe
Cascade ranges wita tbs eastern slot o
ihe former and the western slope of the
latter. Oregon Tim)ermaa.
Don't Forget to Read This.
Oar fall aod winter goods have arrived
and you will Sod here tbe largest aod
moot complete line ol dress gouds, outing
flannels, fascinators, underwear, hosisry.
blankets, curtains, closks, capee, etc.
Also Bockinhsm A Hecht, boots sod
shoes, mhber good, oil clothing, over
coats, sod a line ol men snd boys' cloih-
inc that cannot be beat. also
carry miners' sn pplina and a fresh aud
complete s'ock of groceries.
Come and let us show yon oor large
assortment and give you prices. Our
aim is to give yon good values and treat
yon right. Give os a trial.
A. K. Mattook a uo., Kiaaie, ur.
We are also agents for tbs Oliver
rChilled plows aod extras. (n4il)
Special Notice.
Dr. J. G. Goble, ihe optician will visit
Glendale Tuesday an 1 Wednesday Jan-
nary 21 and 22. Caovooville, Thursday
aod Friday 23 and 24. Riddle. Satur
day 25. Myrtle Creek Monday, Toes
day and Wednesday, 27, 28, and 29.
Oakland, three days, 30, 31 and 1.
Those wishing to consult him about
their eyes or wishing glasses fittedshoold
call on him at the hotel. AU work
goaranteed. Prices reasonable. Coo
sultation tree. J. G. Goblb.
For Typewriter.
If, io the past you have bad trouble
with yonr typewriter ribbons, send a
ssmple order to E. L. King, No, 818 San
soma Street, San Francisco, and see il
yon can't get a better ribbon for seventy-
five cents then yoo have been paying a
dollar for. $7 per doseo any color and
for any machine. E. L. King,
Pacific Coast General Agent.
213 Sansome Si.. San Francisco. N18
In all Its stagss there
should be eleanlinesa,
Ely's Cream Balm
clean tea, too thee and heals
the ditiased membraae.
It curat catarrh and drtvea
away a cold la the head
Crura Balm It placed Into the nostrils, apraads
over tbs membrane and Is absorbed. Rallaf Is Im
mediate and a car follows. It Is Dot drying does
not product tneealnf. Largs Bias, SS oeats at Drug-
gitU or by mail I Trial Sum, IS caate by mall.
TXT sRQTBKStt Varna 9wVti Tar
Second prize "Currier'sGrocery
a-A fine China Tea Set-
Oae Ticket witliZ;very 50 cent purchase. Buy your Groceries at
Will continne to b, as it has been, the leader in quality
and price. Dm't fo-jie that oor goods are all new aod
lreb. A trial is rpectfa!iy solicited.
CsF"We handle Albany Creamery Bolter.
A. S. CLOYD, Proprietor
Price, S35.00
Goaranteed to equal any
$103 machine
E. L- KING, Gen'l Agent,
OT. C. CONNER, t,ocal Agt., Roseburc
Rgseburg Steam Laundry
We are now ready for business
with new and up-to-date machine
ty. Work will be neatly and
promptly done. Watch for our
Wagon or call 'Phone 791.
W. A. EVERITT, Proprietor.
0 (T
Just received at "The Racket"
a shipment of China ware di
rect from the potteries, which
we are giving away absolutely
Free. Ticket with every pur
chase at
"The Racket Store"
Furnishings. Notions, Stationery
We name such prices ou Ladies and Misses Jackets and;
Walking Hats mentioned below that had ought to move j
them very rapidly. This is our full stock in our Myrtle
Creek store. Same reduction applies to what may be j
in stock in Canyonvule.
Sise 35 Cape, hardlv enough to mention, only 1 plush, was .'..?. "3 now $2.50
Sise 3ft Cape, 1 cloth cape, splendid value, was ,$t 50 now $4.P0
Sue 36 Cape, 1 cloth cape, splendid value, was $4.00 now fi.50
Sue 36 Cane, 1 clotn cane, splendid
Jackets, i Misses Jackets, sire 14 yrs
Jackets, 8 Misses Jackets, siie 4 and
Jackets, 6 Ladies Jackets, siie 30-3S,
Collarettes, only one left, color grey, was $5.50 now $3.50
Just 3 dosen Ladies and Children's' Walking flats, 2 was $2.50 now $1.50
do. 7 was $1.50 and $1 75 now $1.00
do. 6 was $1.00 and $ 1. 13 now .75
do. 1 was f j.OO now $1.25
We ate beginning early to close out Fall Goods
hence these splendid reductions for you.
N. SELIG, Myrtle Creek,
in theT.-ssfr
''y'f LT&'Li "X
j.s Sansome St., San Francises)
-r w-.yvv--ii
.. Kodaks ..
Mate Good
Xinas Gifts
See those $i and $t
Sale Begins
value, was $2.00 now $1.25
, was f. 00 now 13 2S
6, was $3 00 now $2.00
was $7.00 now M50
Branch :
Canyonville, Oregon