The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 27, 1902, Image 3

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We are redoubling our efforts to mate the 'PEOPLE'S STORK
the most popular place for bargain seekers to make their head
quarters, as our Eall and Winter goods have arrived and we are
selling them at a very low margin.
Our Fall Millinery Stock of Street and
Walking shapes are the most up-to-date
styles that has ever been in the city before,
25 to 50 per cent, cheaper than you cau
and we are selling
get tlieui elsewhere.
them from
Our Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing are now in and one of
the latest and most up-to-date, and if you will step in and give
us a call you will be convinced that we have the most complete
aud up-to-date line in the city, and you will see that we cau sell
you cheaper then jtou can get them elsewhere.
We are also sole
agents for
W. L. Douglas Shoes
and Monarch
t IP PPOn P7Q StOrP Proprietor
x- i x . : x : x x.x x:
I Told in Side Heads
X x . x - X X . XX. X -X
Tui iy NtoiiT's 11 .. "Tne Vil
lage Pais-ii"' dm- a gji ituiieoceat
the open houe Ust Thcrsd y night.
Tue play wa i lten'e'.y dramatic io clion
and while to" i ve's'rained, ti;"re were
climaxe? liich is !. t'.e Interest of -the
spectators wro'Kti' to tti hi;be8t point.
Mioy o' te iijfg were v-ry pa'hHic
id there t-r icu-h In ubicb the
element of Luin.-r redoniiciated. Tue
fot tkt well defined and the story end
ed happily, an J there w?r no regrets. The
p'av was far ahjve the averse aid those
who witi.eesed it appreciated the fact.
Died it the S lJi-ra' H ime Satur
day afternoon Jan. l5. 19. '2, John U.
Parent, tied 56 ears, oi tuberculosis.
Ieceasd was a oieaiber ot Co. G. 7tb
Kan. Cvirly, and was admitted t the
home from Waeo county, July 25, 1901,
and leaves a wiie and son at The Dalies.
Tee holy wai interred in the Homecem
e!ery today.
To Lk?k. For a tirra of ?ere a farm
. cf 100 acr-e well improved, g od fences,
- fine buiUixge. H) acres in a high state
of cultivation, bjtio:ii land, tiozd family
orchard. Xca'ed in center of Cannae
V-dief near a good school and churcb,
ho port office Apidy to this office or
to L. F. Waloo t, Camas Valley, Ore.
f iRt-r Ssuw Fall. Last Friday night
a ligiht maLtel of snow feil io the valley,
nr. of tuffi-'iem depth to thoroughly cov
.. " r tbe ground, ba urday dawned bright
and clear and the following evening the
tUermoneter registered 22 degrees above
x?ro the coldes'. we.ttiier fjr the winter.
Fawns Plestifcl Rose urg Lodge of
E kg will have a big time on the evening
of Janiary 3). Tue occasion is an initia
tion bje. TdM are 42 fawns to be initi
' aed inlj t ie inys'eriet of the order, and
' this means that there will be things
. dipgf eya the Eaetse Ga ird.
. HbFoh Heivj- DMGts On ac
count of the deaths tf Y. H. iVbiie,
engiceer, aid H. F.ei, fireman, in a
railroad wreck t Si'eaa eariy In Decern
ber, the S. P. 8. U. Cj. le i-een sued
iur 5.0 in each en'ti. Se.'lizerice of
the coxpiDj is itlleed io each case.
DitD At Elk'o-i, Orf gon, Jan. 21,
the infant ton o Mr. aud Mre. Robt.
Boas, Sar G!id,, Jm. 19,
1902, to Mr. and Mr. 8. M.
A Pleasant Occasion. A large num
ber of invited uets were royally enter
tained at tax I. O O F hnll Friday eve
ning by ths ladiej '!)5 Mental Culture
Club. Tue eirly baurs of the evening
flitted by rapidly bsing occupied with
archery, progressive whist and other di
versions, partners for the games -beiig
selected by pissing email bright colored
cords across the large room forming a
maii-, the geota being stitioned at one
eida of the room and the ladies on the
other. At a givea signal the cords were
wound frou both ends bringing the re-
epec'ive couplee together at the center of
the rjom, a card bariog the number ot
the couple aud table being attached to
the cen'er of the cord. Following the
gaaoee a epUndid lunch was served con
sisting of fresh -oysters and waiters, pick
les. cke, off -e a-d ice cream. At the
cl'iee of this deliciois repast the fi ir
was cleared and music and dancing was
indulged in up to the wee small hoars.
The club has a large and select member.
ship and its well known social features
and splendid opportunities afforded for
the intellectual advancement and devel
opment of ita members, mtkee the or
ganization a very popular one. Th
c'ub has established an enviable reputa
tion for its ins motive, entertaining and
elevating social functions of which their
annual entertainment is always mad
OLe of the most pleasant and enjoyable
A Vaixabl Mist Devilopxd. Capt
J. T. G. Nash, who has been developing
a placer mine on Grave Creek just over
the divide from the fa moo a Victory
placer mine, recently etrock the rich
blue gravel beds the earns as is found in
the former mine. The captain is confi
dent that this blue gravel strata or bed
extends through the mountain from the
Vic'oria mine to Grave Creek and that
be baa strock the same rich gold bearing
gravel beds which will prove no less ex
tensive and rich aa they are found in the
Victoria mine.
Keeping th Marshal Straigbt.
The Medford couccii has instructed the
m.rahal of that town and all offi
cers that they must uever enter saloons
at nv time, except to make an arrest
or quell a disturbance. Any such officer
found disobeying this order wi'l be sus
pended from duty. Ashland Town Talk
There is not likely to be any objection
ninad to this order bv the saloon men of
Medford. .
Ari Too Going to Sprat? If so use
Lime. A car load just received at the
r T 1 u.pfi. f iui f mnr i .
Briu a vanyonvmo -"j i properly maae
Mill. OHO
r T I Ti. a.
B.M.Armitage andGW. Crews of Myrtle
Creek, spent a few days in Roeeburg
iaet week. By them we were inlormed
that John Heinricb of Seattle baa jnat
paid his secood instalment on the valu
able mining property on South Myrtle
Creek, rereutiy purchased by Seattle
parties. This new company baa also pot
two crews at work on their tunnel aud
shaft and development work is being
rapidly proeecoted, with a very en
couraging eboaing.
From now until the 1st of Februarv,
ever) one having a d"zo cabinet photos
made at the qorearu Photo Parlors will
hi presented witb their photo handsome
Iv framed tu a beautifully embofee! pbo-
fiime with glass, eaael. back and
hanger. y27
E. McBroom formerly of the Review
returned to Idaho the middle of last
week, C. U. Fieher r maining nntil af
ter the meeiiDg of the democratic Cen
tral Commiitee Thursia evening bef. ro
retorning to his I o ne at Boi-e, Idaho.
He wi I probably be down again in the
spring about the time th county prima
ries are held.
For A hat r lifts of Title, gairaoteed to
bo foil and correct copies of all records
rtfectirg the nt!e, rill on Frank E. Alle
opetairs in the Mrks bailding. Hi
work is guaranteed correct, anr prices
are reasonable.
A number of wfll-Vnowp reoiden'sof
Jacksonville and Medford will be a in
ducted into the m yet-ries of the Bt-oev-o'ent
and Piolective Order of Elks at
Roeeburg on the 50, h inet. A dele
gation cf Portland Eike is expected to b
io sitendance to aitt in tbn cererroni
n rid festivities of the occasiou. Ashland
When ycu are in want of a Cook stove.
hteel range, Heating t-tovc, or any thing
in the line l Hardwire, Tinware etc,
go to S. K. isykeeand get his prices and
yon will go no further. .
U. E veritt, of Hillsboro, father of Wm.
Everilt proprietor of the Roeeburg Steam
Laundry baa taken np bis residence io
this city in order to aesiat bis eon about
the laundry. The busiuess of tbejiew
laundry is incrtasitig at a very eatif
factory rate and the woik is generally
considered first class.
All work done bv the Title Guarantee
Si Loan Co., J. D. Hamilton, manager,
is guaranteed abeolntely correct. Ab
stracts of titles are worthless nnlees
Saoday'e OregocUn ccutaiced a B'Xid
picture of Frai k McKenale of Golden-
dale. Wash., who is wall known In Roee
burg, be being a nephew of F. W. Wool
ley and bis IMber having formerly been
connected wttb the hardware firm of
Churchill & Woolley. Of the voting ath
lete the Oregoniao rw: ' Fraak Mc
Kenste, who now holds the title cf
North-west feather-weight champion
wref tier ie a novice on the mat, but be
bide fair to become one of the cleverest
men in bis MsKeriie entered the
recent wrestling tournamiAt wt the
Multoomah Club, where be won the tit
le which be now holds. Hhi success is
largely due to the efficient coaching of A.
C. Gilbert, who worked diligently witb
bis protege. Toong McKeniie Is a
freshman in Pacific Uoivaraity.
Wantkd. A borse and boggy; will
pay cash. Apply at this office. j27
Another Business Cbakci. T. J.
Biown has sold bit interest in the Sun
set Grocery to bis partuer, A. 8. Cloyd,
who will hereafter conduct the bnsineas
alone. Under Mr. Cloyd'a able manage
ment, the 6unset Grooerv is ei-joying
a large patron ige, which the change will
not affect in 'ny way, since ba baa been
practically at the bead of the business
eyer sinoe be bought an interest. Mr.
Brown will give bis Urns and attention
to looking after bis valuable mining interests.
I will willingly exchange any Simond'
Cross Cot saw nut satisfactory to user,
if the fault is in the aaw. bold only by
8. K. Sykea.
In this issue of the Plain dealer will
be seen a large patitleo from Myrtle
Creek requesting the county court to
grant a saloon license to A. T. Thomp
son granting, mm tbe privilege of con
ducting a saloon la that city. From
what we can learn a licensed saloon
would be a desirable eequistiou to that
town, where al present jags are supplied
on short notice by a tew internal applies
tiona of scrap producing pruns juice.
Tbe TJ. 8. Cream Separator sUnds
away np in frot t. If you milk cows for
profit see Churchill A Woolley about
Our city recorder fonnd bis office as
well as bis ardor somewhat dampened
this morning, eaated by a broken water
pipe leading tbrougb bis room al tbe
city ball. Things were getting about
ready to float out when discovered, and
Dave ears froio now on be will keep bis
valuables (?) on tbe top shelf.
J. D. Hamilton has the only complete
set of abstract books in tbe county. See
bim at the Court House, when yon want
a uetracta of title,
Tbe O. A. C. cbemist al Cor vail is baa
analysed the extenaively advertised
chicken food "red albumen" and pro
nounces it a fraud, composed principally
ot red mineral paint, bone ash and a trace
of albomeuone matter. Pool try men who
buy it, aa well as local dealers who
purchase from wholesale or agents, are
quite sure to be tboroagblf swindled.
Gentlemen, Edwin Clspp shoes, new
style, now ready for your ineptciioc.
Flints Shoe Store.
Mrs. J. M. C od has purchased Mrs
liriffitha interest io tbe bakery near tbe
depot, Harvev Griffi b retaining bis in.
lereet. Tbe new firm will nodoobt con
tinue to give goo I satisfaction and tbe
beet in their line, aud merit the large
pa'ronge they ar receiviog.
Tbe "Pedalia" the classic shoe for
women, Is tbe latest at Flints a hoe store,
see tbat pale lit pocket for the laces Its
a winner.
Was Sentence, by Jidge Boise
Jury Finds In Favor of Crawford
this Loot; Drawn Out Case.
Other Court Notes.
U Oft
o e
M'Naf Ced"
Your money's worth or your money
back, in another pair of shoes. Now
that does not mean that the second
pair should be free, if the first were
not right. Suppose you bought a gal-.
Ion of milk from a man who had no
measure but he guaranteed a gallon
and when you used it there were only
three quarts, would you expect anoth
er gallon? Wouldn't you be satisfied
to get the quart it lacked? Now no
one can measure the wear in a pair of
shoes, and it must be remembered that
wear is not the only item that goes to
make up the value of a shoe, appear
ance is an important feature. When
a shoe wears too long, no one offers
to pay for the extra wear they get
and no article of wearing apparel re
ceives such hard wear or such abuse.
You'll be satisfied with HILDE
for Men and Women
$2.50 to $4.00
O. Barker an energetic Oak Creek
farmer was transacting basinesi in town
Friday and favored tbe Plaindbalxe
with cash on subscription. He reported
a light flurry of enow at bis place Friday
morning, January 24, the first of tbe
Carpets and matlings, oil cloth and
lenolium. We have in a'moet all colors
Oar special patterns ol 3 ply can't be
heat. Bay your window shades and
beds of us. Kice 4 Rice.
Prof. J. E. Love a member of the
Ceutral Oregon State Normal School fac
ulty at Drain, spent Saturdav and Sun
day in town the guest of friends. He
reports tbe Normal progressing as
smoothly as ever since the holiday vacation.
Orcbardiets of South Djuglar will
want lime for spraying their orchard.
It can be had at prices to snit purchaser
at the Myrtle Creek aud Canyonvill
flour mills. dflO
Daniel Cortain, a well known ci:iin
of tbe nor Ih part of the county, but now
of A tales, spent Sunday in town tbi
guest of o'd friends. He left a deposit
for a year's worth of Sjuthern Oregon's
leading newspaper tbe Plaikdealer.
Don't complain about bad bread when
von can get the best thalt was ever made
delivered to your hoose free. Leave or
ders at Hei vers Eatery or 'Phone Main
One of the oldest newly married
couples in the state live io Independence
Polk county Joseph Bioose and Mrs,
Brouse. They were only recently mar
ned, be at the age of 79 vears and she at
5. Both have been married before.
8imond.s Cross Cut 8aws will do more
work witb less ex'rtioo and bold their
cutting edge longer than any other
Brand, buy them from a K.. Sykes
H. Hodges, ct Canyonville, Oregon
was in Medford over Sunday upon
visit to bis brother, Townsman J. 8
Hodges. He will return to Medford io
a few weeks and will probably remain
permanently. Medford Mail.
Call at Wollenberg Bros, and get a
Standard Fashion Sheet for tbe month
ol February. It will interest you if you
have any dress-making to do.
At tbe special school meeting at the
City Hall, Tuesday, a special tax of 10
mills, for the maintenance of the public
schools, was voted unanimously. Ash
land Town Talk.
Ove?-gaiters, legging tad rubber low-
I cat pricei at Flint's.
mote like bis dad every day."
Griffith's Bakery, tear tbe depot, tnke
a specialty oivtedding and Holiday
cake. They also keep a choice line of
Alfred Cornutt ot Riddle, wss in at
tendance at tbe meeting of the demo
cratic county central committee ia this
city Thursday ,a. committeeman and re
mained in town over Sunday. Alfred's
politics ia bis only bad fault.
Rev. Davis, who has been assisting
Rev. Dooglaa ia a very socoeeefol and in
teresting revival services at the Baptist
church in this city, returned to Albany,
Hoo. Robert A. Booth was fn (own
Saturday on business connected wit
tbe Djnglaa county bank, and tbe newly
proposed bank building to be erected
Mies Kattie Perry, wbonas been tbe
gneet of Miss Kate Plymale during tbe
past month, leaves for ber home in
Roeeburg this week. Jackson vila Timi a
Mrs. Nettie Kirklsnd, wbo baa been
io tbe city the past few days a guest of
Mrs L. G. Williams, left thie morning
tor ber borne at Independence.
Capt. J. T. C. Nash, tbe principal
witness for defendant in tbe Willis vs.
Crawlord case has been in attendance at
circuit court for several days.
Claude Cannon, proprietor ot Ibe city
news stand, bas had the front ol bis
place of business treated to a new
warm" coat ot paint red.
Met. Al Vealcb and daughter returned
home last night from a pleasant fort
night's visit witb Mr. Veatch's parent's
at Cottage Grove.
E. D. Day. of Csoyonville is in at
tend 1 nee at rircuit court and a guest 01
his cousin Cbaa. Roberts, second depnty
county clerk.
Miss Evaline Jackson, returned home
from Myrtle Creek this morning, where
be bag bee 1 visiting for tbe past tew
Postmaster E. R. AppIegaU of Drain,
returned to bis homo this morning titer
a few days spent at tbe county seat.
Misses Msggie Deardorff and Irene
Boone, of Oakland, spent Sunday with
Miss Delia Cole in this city.
Hon. E. B. Watson, ot Portland, was in
tbisvUr on business before the circuit
court Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. 8. 0. Alexander went to Yon
calls this morning for a .visit with rel
W. H. Olllvsnt and Jeff Williams ol
LDokinn Glass, were in tbe city, 8ator
Fred J. Blakely baa gone east to bo
absent about thirty days on business.
Circuit court will probably adjourn
Tuesday evening for tbe term.
Mrs. E. P. McKay, of Winchester, was
shopping in town today.
Ray Otey hat gone to Albany for
few days visit.
Frosty nights sod bright loqnT dayi
L. L. Welch, wbo was found guilty
Thursday of the crime of rape, was sen
tenced Saturday to three years im
prisonment in the ataU penitentiary.
Judge Boise was the recipient of the
brief acknowlegement of "Thank yon"
from the culprit, wbo seemed in no wav
or manner undisturbed by tbe tbooght ot
spending a few years in penal servitude.
One of Welch's attorney. J. A. Buchan
an, gave notice that the case wonld be
appealed to the supreme court .
J. A. Bolyon, wbo plead guilty Thurs
day to the charge ol larceny, having
stolen some tools from L. A. Sanctuary's
plomming shop on Main street, and who
Friday, throogb his attorney, Louia Bar
see, withdrew bis former plea and stood
trial, tailed to convince Judge Boise ol
his innocence and was accordingly given
one year to meditate over the matter lo
the penitentiary.
1 n
Willis vs. Crawlord.
Tbe case of W. R. Willis against A.
M.Crawford waa called Friday. This
case baa previously been tried in this
court, witb Judge Haona on the bench,
the plaintiff winning. It waa serried to
tbe supreme court and reversed, being
remanded tor a new trial. Judge Willis
alleges that Mr. Crawford Lis law part
ner at the time, received a fee of $10,400
from Capt. J. T. C. Nash, for negotiating
the sale of I90.0UO worth of bonds of th
Victory Placer Mining Oo. The defend
ant denies tbat be receive J more than'
(1,600, which ia alleged be divided with
plaintiff. PiaintiS further alleges that
be only received $300 as his part ot fee
in transaction . from defendant, leaving
balance due bin of $4,300 and interest
from April 19. l&K. Plaintiff therefore
demanded judgment against defendant
io tbe sum of $5,160 and costs and dis
bursements in this action. Tbe plaintiff
waa represented by L. R. Webster, Dex
ter Rice and T. T. Parker as counsel, and
the defendant by Jodge Fullertoo, O. P.
Ooahow and Jodge E. B. Wetaoo.
Tbe jury selected was aa follows ; E.
Wall, Benj. Boiler, W. R. Neas, C. G.
McNeal.J H. Clements, B. A. Sieierf,
E. Brothers. J. W. Epaolding. C. H. Al
len, W. H. Seals, O. E. Marks and E.
D. Dy. The case was sabml-ted to tee
jaiv Saturday eveniog. Tbe iurv re
turned almost instantly with a verdict
for defendant, A. M. Crawford, thns
ending another chapter in this long
drawn out legal prucwedtng.
ax lmp jrrasr decisioic.
An important suit io equity wss de
cided F-iday by Jodge Boise. It deals
principally with tbe right of persons to
take gravel from tbe river bank, whi
, i.uvm 11101 vuiuw, w fit 1 i It WIVUtlU
Friends of H11. J. Hiary Bmtx bive ! to private parties. latheoaseof W. 8.
been em tkiug "Hory the II" cra t'Heftiloo v. Heooah Joeepbson, the
hi exuene lor lbs past week, all on a cjunbeldthat tbe defend ot bad no
count uf me acq nailioa ol aa beir at the right lu take gravel fioa tbe river boi -
Bo 3th borne. Henry aavs the boy Kros daiL,? on tbe land known as Hamilton
CUosl bastgUw hi Dms Goods of all de
iwriptiwu. Alma a few of th 50 per cent
diMOKnt ColkrettM left. Largest and best
asMrHsal stock f General Merchandise in
aWfUs N$y at
01 ran sin a
Each and every article here priced "are special ralut aa4
many are below actual cost. Small lots, broken sets of
ekairs. Many tiatterns whirli w Vioti :
ui artlll.
f? Wall Papers IS
Will Arrive
Next Week
and 4 roll lot to patters
t- cts., now 5 &od 10 cts.
w. ki 1 t r t 1 1 a a
eeiHag as tew as 5 cents per mil. pcil price oo our entire line of Wall
lr . " Fubrur. the Urvest shipment of Wall Pap-
er evershiprioRoseburg. All frh and direct from factory ii yon
Uw r 1" r V1' ?n' TOU miM 'PPortonitv of seeingthe very
ft!!?. PwduetioM. Wear highly eUtei in -enring ?o nice a
a2LfiPrMi' owa,of,a paper ba-mw. Window
rl?r .V,0,T S.25,- 4)1 lin"' oalT t is price, thev'ro
J?l2 Oil - 7J1? werrT- ct'n in QJ t we have set aeido
tor sbie Special Sale. Matting as low as li cots per yard.
lf ft'Jft1 T"iN- VJi.'n 1 JP-. direct from
laewry "jfl-da7; this 2-inch Trunk, oalv I2
sells in Portland for 15.75. Ws lead all competitor, on Trunks
and Valises. Wi aniun nomMhini i. .v.. , .
Stow, and Rang. Cutlery and Caress iaataled in this al.. took Stove No 7 fcw SO
No SforrJ OO. Bedroom Suit for $14.00. Seat knives and lorkV Ln tj.t fa Si
sake advantage of this lew prised Eala. line and
Addil;oo, and that tbe right of private
ownership extends to tbe canier of the
stream. This decision not only settles
the property rights npon gravel beds but
will probably affect togttog aoj boom
operationa along such streams as the
Copqua river.
M1K150 CASE.
The Booth Dooglaa coouty mining
case entitled J. H. Baum, plaintiff, vs.
Rainbow Milting & Mining Co., delend-
anU, action to recover pos session of
mining claim, is being heard before tbe
following jary and is still in progress ss
we go to press: U L Marsters. 8 W
anZile, R L Stephens, C A McKabb,
Jobn F Mathsws, F M Simpson, Q W
Shram, E Brothers, O G MtNeil, Ben
Boiler, E D Day, J a Cle nente. Albert
Abrahams, is attorney tor plaintiff and
8. f ackson and A. M. Crawford, for
Jsmea Clarke, who stole a $10 over
coat from Lee Nealy, plead guilty. He
was sentenced to speod a month In the
oounly jul. Io passing sentence Judge
Boise stated that tbe p'ieonsr's offense
was less grave because be bad stolen tbe
coat from a barn and not -from a hones.
I sentence yon to one month's 1m
prisooment In tbe c jonty jail," said the
jodge, "and yon will understand tbat in
imposing such a eenteoce the county re
ceives more punishment than you do."
octuti raocEXDisas.
W, R. Wells, admr., vs. Tnoa. Coatee,
admr., confirmation; confirmed.
Nettie Gird vs. A N. Utr 1. suit for di-
yorce ; J. C. Fullerton for plff. Divorce
Roth Buchanan vs. Sarah E. Gardner,
confirmation; W. 8. MeFeddeo tor plff.
Degree of confirmation.
L. H. Hamilton vs. Albert Clayton,
action to recover money; Geo Byron for
plff. Decision in favor ol defendants
8osie Clayton vs. Jessie R. Clayton, et
al., partition snit; F. W. Benson lor plfl
Report of refers approved ; order con
firming asms.
Tbe Odd Fallows Building Association
va. f aciuo btttea Paving, Loan, ana
Bailding Ass'n., suit in squity; J. C.
Fullerton, F. W. Benson and F. G
Micelli for plffi Dismissed without prej"
Notice for Pablicatiom.
Cniiw maraa Laaw OSW
Boaaixuir. Ofta, Ju U. Sst
KaUea la htmbj wo lt ra r.lana
with uw pnmniooa l ih mi ml
Coosraaa t Jbh S. 1S7S, vatitM
An act for the tale el am -mt lands in tea
fimtM of Ca.ttnrnta. Utaa. Nevada aal Waah
lodoa temton." as xioid as aU ta fas
llXa ad Staua T act at Aa-a 1SJL
of LalattLcoaaty of JtMephia. Stats ef Orw
too. aa U'jiUt file I la I an o9m taH tmm
. imoi Ko. hst. tor ta pnhat i b S W
ot acrtloa Ko. v tnwaaorp Si toiita, renew S
t an4 will otTrfr prol to thorn Utat ib lane
uuKbt la mom vwioittla tor IB Ubm er atM
toaa tor trw-jllurmi poran, aod wUh
Uaa bis rlalm to aa d laad oelom the Br"r
and Receiver ot uuoSm at Howbwrf . Ortfrrn.
oo TnaMay. lb io d. of April. H
nameaaa tilawia: KimimL. OoaT. Charlaa
A. 6ujag. Sjr SeDUt; , 6anwa at- ewena ail
of Ln4, Uncaa.
adj and ail persons lalmtof a4vrtl7 thm
atOT di ilbVd Imnds ar itwacatad t t'm
thair clira in iht oBoa oa or Orrnr hM txA
day of April. M. J.J. BBUDwca.
aJTp Eagistwr.
Notice for Publication.
TDitrd Fiatra Land 09
, . "ebo.rsj. Onwr.j. ix
vnth ib proTtnona of tba art of ongtWf
L"?'.""" - aaart fc tfc m of
S mzi I? . SMm ". vncn.
vwva, eaasu w aiw a , n ax :ni iviinsv " t
ad all lh PbMIc Land S ua bi act ot Srda and WaaiuBrtoa as rivrad-
. lAa, iwia pai c ad-a(ava bj act of Auanal
STAT.IAKIF.t. riVPRrit 1 4. Istt.
kaa u ader sl1 ia ihtoS bit na .ioJ
"-lo lri,joribpurcaae of th lc 1
andaaodfKEVolt.n.S, t v.niblp
S3S, rang . wm. .ad will mW u,M.
usaitaaiaaiMKihtia m-vr T uile Inr ita
unbrr nr inn ihAn for
and u niabi h hi claim bi Mid I n-1 tLion
m HrrraiMI lteriero lh oo At t,e
March. Ha aamr a witarw.- u ii
Bobm HeCi 'auh u.n ..u..r.
bantOMw. "
ADT IB4 ill Wnnnt r!,im(u mA- . -
ahoT (Wnbri land- r mioini lo CI
thair I'litl ll iht oft. n or brior
day el Marah, WJJl J. T. BKIDo t
Notice for Publication.
Caltad ftataa Land OSce.
Boarbart. Orvann, Mm- II. IJpl.
Votios la arabr f .Teu tbat la onmpliAaaa
with tb psoTtaooa of the ar af Coosmw of
Jons a. is:s,eenul "Aa act Sw In aaie al
timber landj la tbe State of California. firea
KeTada and W aahinatna Terrliurv," aa exltad
ed 10 ail tbe Pubitc Land Sauaa kr atial A sa
int a, ISM,
el Leiand.eoonty of Jneephiae, State ef Oia.
(oa. baa tbiaday Bie4 la this oslea eja evera
Ulamenlaio. laTi, lor the pniehaaeot the KI
4 of section bo. a, breablp U aratk, ranae a
rt and will ofler praol to aba that the land
ought la more v.laable for Ita fatter r atoae
tbau for acrtcuilural ponineea. and t estafe-
lith his claim So aaid land be rare Baateter
and Kareiver 01 this oaire at aoeebarg, Ofrsjna.
onTaetday, the sih day of April, 1SL He
limn as wltniaaia: bharlea A. SUoas) Will
iam at. Teai. eor(e Beatiay, 8ae M. bsasac,
all of Lelana, Urecon.
Any and ail persons ctalmftiE ad y the
above deernb! lands are rsej nested to lie their
ciainu in tna osioe uaor Dctorv said sn day el
April, 1SJU, J. T. IsftlUOKS,
tr.f Beaiater.
Notice for Publication.
J!-?lJZ TT T V ,h tn l"lw'int
ae sertjer hea STed nobm i k . .
adolpr r PLAVTX.
S . ei V Sea- it. Tp.
Be Mtm the U)ri, .
U.. n D . - . ' " - -
j ' an a. a. n
). vjj mum.
Notice for Publieatioa.
Dnlted 9utee Land Oflee.
Boavbars Omron, Jan. 11, lfoj.
Hollo ia aerebr f iven that In eompliaaee
with the prevision of the act of Coosreaa et
Jane, lira, entitled "An act Inr the ai el
timber land in tbe States of CaU'ornia,UrBVa,
acvaaaana w.amngion lerriiory, as eatend
ed lo all toe fnblie Land Slate by act el aat
Ut 4. lfW,
ot Lland.oanty ol leeeubine, Stat af Ore
gon, baa this day Bled In una oraoe hia swora
tabameut No liTl tor the purchase el lbfi
ol aaoiioa No. S, towoaaiu XI coatb. ranci a
weal and iU offer prool to show that tbe land
ougbt is more valuable tor Ita limber or (toae
than lot aahcultarai pairosea. and to eetab.
llah bi claim to aaid lanii be (ere tbe Resistor
rod Heoelver oi mu ome at aoeebnr. vroo
on 1ued y, tbe Mh day of April, 109. He
uameaaa wllneaa: Mllllam i. Teal, Ba-
gene L. OofT. Charles a. blrona, Georgw M,
strong all ol Lai aud, Urecoa.
Any aad all peranna elalmlna; advenaly Ibe
abovedeacrlbed land ar requested to Hie Uir
claim in tbi onto es or beioie said St a day oi
April fXn. J. T. BBLDUB,
Jp BaarUtar,
DtED. At tbs Orsgon Soldiers Home
at this place, Sunday Jan. 26, 1902,
Comrade Thos. J. Wix.Jaged 73 years, ot
paralysis. He was an old esteemed
Indian war veteran being a member ol
Co.B, Second Oregon Mor.oted Vols.
He was admitted to the Home from
Juoction City, Oregon, Feb. 22, 1900 and
has always been held In high regard by
tbe Inmates ot this Institution. His re
mains will be interred at the home cetn
tery, Tuesday Jan. 28 ih.
Dr. and Mrs. E M. Chsadle, bsve re
turned horns from an extended visit In
different parts ot California, and the :Dr.
has opened bis office and taken, charge
o( nil dtntBl p'cUc hwt.
Notice for Publication.
Catted BWte Land Offlw,
R nap bunt. Oregon, Jan. llrnaoa,
Notice la hereby given that tn eompliaaee
with the provision ol me act oi ixtnereaa oi
June a, Ls;s, entitled "An act lor tbe aaie of
timber land In the itate ol California, Orearoi
Nevada and Washington Territory." aa exteod
ed to ail the Pnblio Land States by aot of
Auguat a, 1892,
nl Laland. eonntv ol Joeephlne. stale lOresea,
haa tbi dav Died In tbl office hi sworo state
ment No. ltftLtor the purchase ol the SW of
action no. au, townsaip at soutn, rang
west and will offer proof to ahow the
the land sought t more valuable for Ita Umber
or ton than for agricultural purposes, and le
establish hi claim to said land before the Reg-
later and Receiver ol thla office al Roeeburg,
Or goo, on Tueaday, the 8th day ol April,
IW1 lie name a vllneasee; Eugene U 6oT,
William M. Teal, Ueorge Strong, George Beatley
all ol Leland. Oregon.
Any and all perma etalmtng adversely the
above described land ar rmueeted to file
their claim in this office oa or before aaid 8th
dayol April, 1801.
JZTp J. T. BRIDGES, Feaisla.
Notice for Publication.
. , Bascas. Ore , Jaa 11. 13.
sfcTK t hereby giraa ttat ia eoapUaacsi
-. i iwwna ot ih act ec tmgree ot
Jane . eaci d Aa act for Uw a-e
ribT lande ia tbe ataMe Cal Jarnia, Orrcoa.
... - GEnsSS f . SrR05t
of Leiaod. frftatv of J.-eephtDe. etaKef Ore
g -ia tb.dv fliel in this cB-.-e h-e evora
ttateoeat No. U:t. I jr the pahaM of the sr-
of ertion ". S. inwnihlp II aoaUi. lane 8 W
and will eifer proof m ahow uwt we iafe4
ouht is nor va oaote tor it rimaer or stone)
than lor itncoUunl aurpoeee. aad to aatah-l-h
hi el aim io wid lan-i belore the Kegiter
aad Rectver of to oav at IU-s-g, Oregno.
on Tuesday, the u oav of April i i Ua
name e wii aetata: Oott BenUey. William
M real. Enrrne L. Goff, Charles A. etrsaa. a-1
of Lciaad. Orrgoa.
Any aad all penoas elalmlog adverwre the
abaTe-dcacrised landc are requested to file their
eaaias in ttu office oa or before laud MA day et
J. T. Banwaa.
On accooat of tbe irrecalsr onrveys of
many of the towoebipe ia the Roseoarf
land district, it ia a'moet impossible) to
loeate s-cttoa come'-a viit-oat a eoy ol
tbe Govern n-ot survey. Fraaa E. Al
ley, Abe-tractor of tbi city, haa a cosa
plete ret ol tracings of all aorveved toejit
ships, and will lnrnib blow prints ol
same,aboing all vacant lands.
Any parties deenrin? to rest, bey or
o l real estate, eitv or country aronerty
will do well to call oa or addrsew H. V.
an of oial-1 Martin. Office with Attorney Loot Bar
B'O.opprejite VcClallew rLMsey Rosw-
barg. Oresxn. jj.
Prof. F. L. Washburn, of the State
University at Eugene, bas nsigneo bis
position and accepted the offer ot stale
entomologist of Jdionesota, wblch haa a
salary ol $2,400 attached, so iocretsa ol
$400 pet year over bis present Mvp a
S RAfCnV Jackson Street. 5
' -V 'VUf I , near Css
Our Creara and Home-made Brvel is as rood or better
than ever and will be delive ed to any part of the city.
Leave orders or 'phone Main 165. 7
wwm wwwwWar,v,ssvww:.
S The Greatest Thine: That Ever 8
J Happened is Our January Clear- S
a aa-v . "
ance ana Kemnant bale now on (
Remnants of everything from the finest
silks to the cheapest muslins at your own
Jackets and Capes at less than wholesale
On Ladies Furs the wholesale cost cuts no
figure with us. THEY MUST GO.
We will not carry any Winter Goods over
if prices will move them.
Bargains in Every
f ; : 1
,0,0,0,15 70A0A0 JA.A
J o