The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 27, 1902, Image 2

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The Twice--e-Veek
Roseburg Plaindealer
Published Mondays and Thursdays. '
W. C. Conner, Editor and Publisher
Laura E. Jones, City Editor, Solicitor.
- August J. Krantz, Foreman
S. C. Baktrcm, Traveling Solicitor.
Twice--Vetk Plaindealer, per year, $1.50
Kntered at the Poet Office in Roeeburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
law aiHTiKG to masrAFKB srBscairttON.
Aoconiitw lo come of the laWt laws newspa
p r publisher inav cause individual wlio !
paperatidrefutopavforit to be am led
fo' fraud. Dndr ihls rutin, also, anjoue who
alio hta subscription to run along for a time
rnpaiJ and Ihen orders it discontinued, or or-
din. the postmaster to mark it refused, or seudi
a tjntleanl to in publisher is liable to ar-
. rrs. and fine the same as for theft.
dabbing Rate
.W have arranged with a large number of
papers and magazine for rates which will give
to oar subscribers two publications for a slight
advance over the cost of Th Plaindsali
lone. Following is a partial list:
TwiCE-a-Wan I'laihokalu and th -
Toledo Blade .11 75
Kew York Tribune... 1 'i
6. r. Bulletin 50
8. T. Call W
Rural Northwest J o
It is the plain, unvarnished truth,
forcibly and fearlessly presented
which invariably enangers and fills
with consternation offenders, both
great and small, while the gniltless
. free from an Hocusing conscience
are undisturbed and continue to pur
sue the even' tenor of their way
Again, "let a stone be cast among a
band of worthless canines and a vig
orons howl is instantly set up by the
cur receiving the blow, and never
was this old adage more fittingly il
lustrated than by the Roseburg
Daily Groan, sometimes called the
Review, of last Friday evening.
Jodging from the great interming
ling howls and wails which were
emitted in that vicinity, the Plaix
iealb must have damped a whole
quarry into the Review kennel. Tnis
vigorous howl on the part of our
fceiffhtxir finally modulated into a
rambling murmur against the editor
of this paper, who was at the same
time trea'ed to a column of vituper
ation and harmless personal abuse in
the "daily groan," this being Messrs.
Fisher & Wimberly'a only method of
argument in fact no plausible
argument could be presented to re
fute the Plaixdealeb's plain state
ment of facts and its able expose o?
the Review's unscrupulooa political
methods, our review of Chas. H.
Fit-tier's connections with Douglas
connty politics being a part of our
county's political history, which is
too well known by the members of all
parties to require any reitei ation on
our part or any confirmation of om
former assertions. Further, his well
kuown selfishness, and nnion or
fusion Lobby was so conspicuous in
the article which appeared under the
ciptiou of "Official Extravagance'
thtt no one familiar with Mr. Fish-
: er'a style of writing and political
trickery could be convinced that be
-was not the author of this infamous
editorial, which 'he Plaixdealeb bo
effectually set op for public ridicule
On the other band, who would ever
accuse Mr. Fisher's man Friday, Mr
Wimberley, of thinking or writing an
editorial, when the fact is so weil-
known that be has not the ability to
- produce an effusion of even the small
literary mr-rit of the one aboye met.
tioned. True, editorial paragraphs
- appear in the" "daily groan" from
time to time even in Mr. Fisher's
absence, but they are either 1 be pro
duct of tome of that paper's em
ployes or produced by the aid of Mr
Wimberly'a over-worked office ecis
aora And when it comes to appro
printing local and general news
matter the editor of the Plaisdealeb
roust permit the bine ribbon to re
main in undisputed possessiou of our
otherwise unworthy neighbor, even
the boagted"epecials"of that sheet be
iog secured by questionable methods
which we will fully explain at some
.. opportune time.
The "Groan'' 6ays we have repeat-
edly made assertions regarding the
affairs of our county and schools
which it has shown were absolutely
false. Ye Gods! We should think
that Fi6b-r & Wimberly, if they have
any sense of shame whatever, would
rt-for to their connections with our
(school affairs with about as much
pride as would Maclay to his natal
Lfstory, or a traitor, to the virtues of
his country, whpn I be fact is so well
known that the very bchool tax pro
posed for the pnrpofe of providing
a building fund, which was vigorous
ly opposed by ihe Review, was car
ried almost unanimously by the
voters of the Roseburg' school dis
trict, aud tLe able principal. who that
contemptible tbeet has been libel
ins for the past three yearn, is still
retained in his emcieut school wort
by each successive board "of directors !
coinposwl always of ihe city's most
..rnmmvi.l liiisibet men. 1 he Plain-- I
CEsLtK La flood loyally by the pub
lic ecboole, its party and home inter
ests and is enjoying the high esteem,
nfi.Uw and moral and financial
support of not only the entire com-
muoity, but tbe whole county asaj
result thereof. . " j
l'r anriftit method employed by
IhaGroau'iU throwing tuud like a
uw wruau m
trn .rtur mill Vllllfl mir '
everyouenot in accord with its nar
row partisau policy, is universally
condemned and has Buoru it of pres
tige and respect both at home and
abroad. We greatly dislike to take
issue with Ibis unworthy and - totally
irresponsible sheet and its braying,
long eared editors and ouly con
lescend to do so when its attitude
iHSconies a menace to the progress,
;eaee and happiness of our community.
The following explanation of the
recent tax levy by the Jackson county
court is very applicable to Dim gins
county's t as levy:
"There is au error in reporting the
tax levy of the county at 2 mills-
The lvy is only 25 mills, the extra
1 mill for scalp bounty purposes not
being required uuder law. This
6ema a very large lery, but when it
is understood that this levy includes
the levy for road taxes and thai no
road tax will hereafter be collected
by the road supervisors and that all
road taxes as well as others taxes will
be collected by the sheriff, and . when
the fact is considered that the state
levy this year for Jackson county ap
proximates about 7 mills, it will be
seen that the court could do nothing
bat levy the tax required. The court
was also required to make calculation
for the rebate of 3 per ceut which
each taxpayer who makes payment
of hU taxes on or before the first of
April is entitled to. Each taxpayer's
taxes will therefore amount toi7 per
cent of 25 mills on the dollar, and
not 25 mills if he takes advantage of
the lawgiving him the rebate allow
ed." Here is where the greatest draw
back is found in our otherwise grand
and productive section of iLj tute.
Between the many fine trait, grain
aud stock farms of the county and
the railroad stations, primitive meth
ods linger. In many cases the high
ways are no improvement over the
pioneer roads. They are dusty in
summer, quagmires in the rainy
season and full of ruts aud rough
places in all seasons. These prim
itive conditions impose enormous
burdens on the farmers. Any-.inll
ligent effort to provide better roads
merits earnest commendation. Rep
reeentative farmers in every com
inanity will do well to apply for the
free circulars offered by the depart
ment of agriculture. They set forth
a great deal of valuable inform
ation derived from long study of the
improved highways of this country
and Europe.
It is the business of police
officers to see that the laws are en
forced. That is what trey are paid
for. It may not be a pleasant posi
tion but it is their datv to guard the
public interests against crimes and
misdemeanors of all kinds. In this
it is their business to take the initia
tive, not to wait for others to make
complaint. Instead of doing this in
Pendleton. Or., according to reports,
the officers are winking at the law
for a consideration. If the charges
are true the city government did a
very commendable thing iu ousting
the nufaitbful officials, and a good
example has been set.
The democratic state committee
will meet in Portland January 30. O
P (Joshow is tbe Douglas county
member of the committee. Imme
diately following this meeting, the
Democrats will open headquarters
in Portland and will begin the active
work of the campaign. Chairman
White will leave Portland within the
next two or three days for Salem,
Eugene, Albany, Roseburg. Grants
Pass and Jacksonville, to look over
the ground and will return to the
meeting of the State Central Com
The editor of the Eugene Journal,
who has been there says the matter
of salaries aud fees of state official
is not? the serious one witb Oregon
Tbe difference would not change the
total of receipts and expenses much
The great items are tbe grafts voted
by the state legislature, aud it is an
interesting fact that when Brother
Elofer, of the Sa'em Journal, was in
tbe legislature he voted ' for all of
them. . ; .
It should not be" overlooked that
Congretc, and not tbe Canal Com
mission, will choose the route for tbe
Isthmian canal. The House has al
ready passed the Nicaragua canal
bill, and a majority of tbe Senate
committee on Canals favor the same
President Itooeevelt baa issued an
executive order calling the attention
of the heads of departments to tbe
laws giving veterans of tbe civil war
preference in making appointments.
Advancing price of cereals, hay
and hops give the farmers renewed
hope. Boeides hogs, sheep and cat
tle are worth much more than form
erly. The democrats of the House have
na1 "other caucus wrestle with the
'question, wuat is a deuiaeraiT
H bUU uniUHwprwi
Gov. Oil ell basfbown by removing
1 the sheriff of Bnfftdo for neglect of
duty that he knows how to do the
lioosevelt kick
Ohio democrats have ?umiently
recovered from their lat wolloppiuir
to discuss the ied of pally reorgaui-,'
r B
Wade and Dalton Most Hang
Twenty-two Dead Bwdlea Have
lie en Recovered. Other
News., Jan. 25 Oltrenoe Yeare at
paaitd utftureGi v -riioitieer todiy to cat r
4 iu beuall of Dal tot). J. T. Loioii,
attorney f..r Wade, was also pnaant. Mr.
YeKxie claimed tdat there ware two rea
aoua why DuIiod coutraee I, out to ob
tain tbe reward, the other to secure len
iency of the court. Mr. Logan's pur
pose was to auk lor reprieve for bit client
until a new trial could be aeked for or
appeal taken in case commutation aae
granted to Dalton.
Toe Governor answered that there la
not a gleam of Hope to far as be Is con
cerned for either pritoier nnleea tbe
District Attorney and tbe Judges who
presided at tbe trial feel tbatan injustice
woul I be done and would j in in recoan
mending execniive clemency.
Pae Mounts, la , Jan. 25. Twenty
mo dead boJies were this morning tikeu
Iron) l;8l Cieek coal mine, as a result
o! tbe worst mine disaster ever ex per
lenced in lova. !"me bodina were man-
ifted beyond recognition. E'ereu i"ja
mi are improviug. Cjroner Foehlioger
t t-nlding an iuqoeet. Tbe ditatter wat
aaaed by an explosion ol dost, ignitei!
by a ebot too heavily charged.
Delivering Miss Stone's Ra
Skats. Macedonia, European Turkey,
Jan. 24 Tbe bearers of tbe ransom ol
Mist Ellen M. Stooe and Mom. Tallka,
having with them f72,70., reached
Dmir-Uiesar (Eonmelia), January 21,
proceeding to tbe mountains on borer
back, accompanied by a strong eecorl,
. ncKJnley Day.
Palkk, Jan. 23. Governor Geer tods
ieened an address to th people ef Ore
too, asking their observance of McKio-
ey Day, Jaonar; 29, hen contributions
to tt.e Mc&inlry monoment lend will b
Political Gossip.
Oregon soil is being bored promis
cuously for oiL Soon Oregon voters
will be bored promiscuously for
. A Misfeourian puts it thus: "At
Uie earnest solicitation of those to
houi I owe money, I have consent
d to become a candidate for county
Dr. William Kuykendall, of Eg
gone, one of Lane county's state sen
ators, was in Saleui recently and in
answer to a qiestion be 6aid he has
not yot decided whether be will be a
cadidate for re-election.
Tbe State Republican central com
mittee has been called to meet on Feb
ruary 8, Chamber of Commerce
Portland, Oregon, when an agree'
tnent will be ha 1 as to time for
uolding th State convention and the
As a sample of what politics will
do for its followers. we notice that
the man who uominated Horace
Greely for president at the Balti
inoreconventiou in iiz is now an
inmate of the Delaware county
t,X. Y.) poor house,
1 a at ,
ine cauaiiiates tor uovernor are
oeiog augmenieo. iue list now
include T. 1. Geer of Marion, H. E
Ankeuy of Jackson, W. J, Furnish
aud S. A. Lowell of Umatilla and
. a V 1 f tt I m
o. a. tionns oi mser county wno is
the ' latest to shy his "caster" into
i be the riu'g of political preferment
At Tn Oil Well Since reaching
depth at tbe oil aell to permit tbe at
tachment of (be steam walking beam to
he bis drill, rapid progress ia being
nide, 'Jb drill baviL? penetrated to
Jepth ol 100 fret. A bit amen formation
s encountered by tbe big drill almos
daily, but a blue sbale formation stilt
predominate, all indications being ex
oeediugly favorable f r the success of lb
enierpiiee. rreeiueni ai. MiOy re
turned home yesterday from a lew day1
titit at Hie plant and expressed hi meed
as being well pioaoed mitrj the pro re
of the ork and tbe proeptrts Ukm
f'om the well. inb-rest 'ia grow
u g rapntty io the enterprise and tbe
company's stock is in g jod demand.
Eder Simeon Hsr.sen and Elder
Hiram Anderson, of Brigbam, Utah, re
presenting the Church of Jesas Christ of
La t-r Dty 8ant4, are in Koteborg to
remain a few weeks in tbe interest of
their chorcb. Tbe Plain uraleb was
favor-d witb a friendly call and we
found tbem to be very genial aad enter
mining gentlemen.
Mias Lib Me Kohibsaen arrived beie
recently from Rochester, N. If., for an
extended visit witb her brothers, Louie
aud George Kohlbageo.
Albert Bollenbangb, of Riddle ia trans
acting bueinaes iu Roeeburg today and
favored the Plaikokalbb with a sub
stantial business call. '
Miss H-xel K. Perry of the Burr Music
House, spent csunday at Myrtle Creek,
the gaeat of Mre. Willis Kramer.
Keep an ey oot for T K. Richardson's
new car loid of pianos and organs.
Poniand has enough snow for good
sleighing. . ,
.Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat,
tnent by Ely's Cream Helm, which is agree
ahly aromatic. It ia received through the
nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole rut
face over which it diffuses itself. DruggiiU
still the 60c. adz ; Trial size by mail 10
cents. Test it and you are sure to continue
the treatment. .
To accommodate lacse who are partial
to the dm of atomizers in applying liquid!
into the nasal passages for catarrhal trvu
tie, the proprietor prepare Cream Balm ia
liquid form, which will b known as Ely's
Liquid Cream Balm. Frioe Including die
praying tube is 75 cents. Droggiate or by
f4"-, J hquidfona embodied the m4
tfiuiai proparUtf of Uba solid preparation.
The Southern Oregon Oil omminv
Make Interesting Developments
Sear Ashland.
Th progress of the I'lg drill of tbe
loutbern Oregon Oil Company's plant
at i be wail east of ton, tLe paet le
Uv.4, b.e Jeveloped aom oomlstakabit
Oouianm feature. On Tuet lay aon.i
genuine oil "bloasoiue" weie eneuiiuter 1
ed and brought lo tLe aurlaee. Iu th -
early part of tbe afternoon the drill we
through a ! ratification ol . very whit-
and, and tbia waa followed later by
formation of black bitaminoat aand.ven
oft, oat of which Ihe drill weald eome
to tbe surface dripping with a substance
olack as ink. Driller Fred Marsh, wbr
is disposed to be verv conservative, wat
oot a little elated with thee indication
and could not wholly repress bla entbu
aiasm. la h!i ei perience in be fenn
ylvania oil field these conformations
tlnioet invariably portended the diaeov
ry ol oil. Farther development yes
terday broogbi tbe drill again into con
tact witb tbe white tandetone which was
somewhat harder, bat Superintendent
Poster reported laet nigbl thai strong in
dentions of gas were being encountered.
Tbe work of drilling la proceeding oan
iously, as it ia deelred to avoid, if potei-
ile, any more of the, disheartlng aeei-
leuta such as are so eommotf in drilling
at ao great a depth. Id. the eolt forma
tion encountered Tuesday, tbe drillers
made 90 feet. Yesterday, the progress
was slower, being 14 feet. About 50 feet
of depth has been added to tbe long bole
iinc drilling waa reeamed a few daji
go. Tidinits.
CoRdltioBs ia the Pklllpiat.
Jodje W. U. Taft, governor geneaal of
the Pbilippinee, wuo reached (au Fran
cisoo last week on bit return to tbe Cni
ted fctatee on leave of abaenee, in itne
onrae of an interview, gave ont tbe fol
loaing inloma kaa ol tba lavorable eoo-
litioos now prevailing in tbe tela ode:
"I wish tbe prea could correct tbe
impreeeicn that there is war. in all tbe
itlaoda. Tt.e! inarresua i eoc fined
'o Iwo localities; tbe province ol Batan
tea and tbe iaiaod ol Samar. Tnis morn-
tog I received a meet encouraging eabU
ram from General Wright, wbo is act
ing Governor ia mi absence. It said
nat owing to general Bell a rrjcg re-
jteeaive measoree tbe trouble io Balao-
PM is being qai-ied. JU further said
htl 700 rifiaa bad been surrendered, and
a there are only 1100 or 1J00 rifles in
he province, there is no doubt that Bat
tngaa will ha aa peaceful aa any ol toe
ithe.r province.
"I don't think that General Bail will
have lo adopt tbereooacentrado principle
to Bafetangae. I don't aee that ther e
will be any neceesitv lor this, aa this die
p.tch plainly indicates that the province
is in a fair way lo pacification.
"Tbe dupatch theo aaya that there are
M3 teachers io tbe islands io 450 places,
and 200 ol tnese placet are aooeenpied
by United State troops. I mar say that
tbe Filipino is not toe tile to tbe teacher.
One was captured some time eg. but n
waa sent home io a hammock. The in
ference is plain that tbey eotertaio do
loetility to the pedagVoea or te ptd
sfy. "Now, I wish to impress anon every
body that eivd government is at euctx.
There is a strong peace party rm the is
land, aod it ie e ;mp jed ol the most io
fl'ieotial men among tbe Filipino.
They are working arnty and te!oos
ly toward orio. iog about happy relatioo
oetweeo tbeir countrymen and tbe gov
ernment. Tbey are osicg all that i in
tbeir power to bring io tbe recalcitrant
leaders. I bate never been ti encour
iged aa to tbe vropeca of tbe Philip
pioeaaalbave within the pjtt three
mnbt. There bat certainly been a'
reit change io tbs sentiment ol tbe
people. Tney are beginning to ap
oreciate the lact that civil government
mtan better times lor them.
If you had seen the 'arsjell reception
that were given me by tbe p-ople on my
leaving the ialao I yoa oald have real
ind that ther we sincerity io the ex
pression ol tbe wish for civil government
io continue. Belore I left I received re
port from tbe governor of Ihe different
province, aod the lone of aacu report
was most eocoaraging. I am en coup
aged aod shall so report ti Washington.
There are 35 province capable of guv
ernmeot." Petit loo for a Saloon LI sens.
To the bnnorabla, lb County Court ef
siaieoi umroa i..r uooRias cooniy.
We, Uie auderslgncd. beiiif a majority f lha
tal Toterao! sf yrtiat-Teca arwluvt, Donflsa
0iUDfy,Omna,do bcrtby rUlimi your honor
stile body to (rant a lierosa at lb Mart a sth
IvOl terra of eoumy ormrt to A, I. Ihompsoa, to
sell Spiritneiis Malt and Vlonos Uquoss la
anaouitca leas thaa od srslloa la ia said
M Trti( r.k pnsinst lor tba term of on yaar
aa ncsvar,
J M Berlins
a i Wiifnt
H Pratt
a H Kntibt
C W Calvin
i D Rnbrrta
I W Klnset
J T Metis
1 O Jackson
W Kramer
R I McUullock
V S Isaacs
Q W Fawcett
C W BiUnr
Q W Robinson
:T Rubioson
Jot Miller
I L Bullock 1
If O Hatsoa
8 8 Ktons
C A Whilsell
Pred Sinltb
John Smitb
Oustof Waaslosa
J W Ho' low ay
Wm MoBee
W J. CockeriU
E V Parsley
Ezra W Brown
fry Hoarsrd
A M Akcrs
Petrr Deardorff
Frsnk aack
L F Lana
B M Armltaaw
CF Mnikey
(1 E Woodraa
Isaae Selif
A Carson
J W Wbirsett
J M Martfn
I N Hamilton
Ed Cartand
ABM y. rs
J iprincued
Kit Miller
P A fauna nu hi
1 1 Stephens
Jobn d Dies
Jas W Dirks
A N Kenny
O H Koltiown
Jas A Pius
M b Miles
B K Ateander
O T Henry
teo-ge Hlronf
C C Hollowsy
0 1) Smltb
Ben F Pert as
H L Htlv
6eo Weasnor
: a otts
WJ Armitaa
1 K Hail
Jobn Nod raft
F T. Brewer
W W Bwafford
L Hhepp.rd
G A Kodfaft
M F F.enny
W M Hrrvey
eeo Trask
J D Coraelisoa
F F OenmnR
Cbaa Bsrnard '
Jan Weaver
OW Kws
K G BrowntPf
Philip Fl.iser
Rooert f.aaes
0 H PUis
John EoKlsni) .
Johnn a rinar
C Nt
Chas W Rrawa
1 A Brown
Oeo A Adams -Monro
Isaacs "
A M Dalley
H fCorncIiwn
Nolan Hudson
W K Bates
L Brmnliaush
tfsonre Dement
0 K MrOee
Jobn Hill
U M Caiman
I A Lane
C Weaver
J W weaver
C H Track
Wm And vrs ,
W P Willis
Neo Klsch
W a Stephens
H W Jones
Jobn Hall Jr
Ell Brewer
W WMie
Hnj Weaver
C W Carsoa
Ira Miles
red V Hhsmplne
Nosh Sellers
Mark Smith
C K MctAia
E wirt
W A Pitts
J S WVsver
J H Hsrlow
1) L Judkint
J A Brown
Fred Oalibert
C E Gallop
C H Mirk II n
F.ra w Hrown
R K Htnllh
N bfllv
CO Whit
iledst Rosebnrg. Douglas l ouniy. OrtKon.
tbe 27th da; ol January, law, ,
v a. BOffiie
The complete line of shoes handled by the Sorosis Shoe Store
must be closed out within thenext30 days regardless of cost.
Krippendorf Dittman Ladies Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price
Drew, Selby &. Co. Ladies' Shoes, former ; 3 .50, sale price
Kast-Glanville Ladies' Shoos, former price $3.50, sale price
Handberg Brothers Ladies' Shoes, former price $3.00, sale price
Sorosis, the popular Ladies' Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price
Queen City Sadies' Shoes, former price $2.00, sale price
Little Red School House Shoes, former price $1.75, sale price .-.
John Meier Men's Shoes, former price $4.00, sale price
Smith Wallace Men's Shoes, former price I4.00, sale price
George G. Snow Men's Shoes, former price $3.56, sale price .m
M. A. Packard's Men's Shoes, former price $5.00, sale price
Buckingham &. llecht Men's Shoes, former price $1.50, sale price '.
Men's Work Shoes from
Being compelled to give up the building, and not being able to secure
a suitable location, I have decided to close out my stock of goods
S-.tb. Items under th. siil t rranrtd
for all e rali-of be nrt It- e lor each In-.ion,
ttib 10 per cent otT wlirie pnrlre rtaads wiib
oat rbatce lor thirty raitor kr.eri exrepene
aU m.o of Porttlon Wanted." -Eaiplot-imul
Wn-'-" and -He.p an!J." abicb
wiii batuacrted ra er Ha.E.
1 b.v ti.e Exc-lei r abicn it a.
led twit j early. 1 fiav
hippd lUetiret era'- t.f Oregon berries
to tbe 1'onlaud mark t lor tbe laet to
eare. My trM crate laet frinic sold fur
f9 bO. 1'tiev are aoold tie called
everbearing, as 1 p k berries otf ol tbeoi
almost every ojontfi in tbe year. I ebip
ld a crate to Portland tbe hret o( Oct
ober and tbe re ia at least ten gallons ou
my now jost tbtok of due rip
sir a berries altuoet every day in tbe
year, and tben ay yon wont pat ont a
pacta ol yonr own. I also bare tbe Hood
Ktver which ia a large, red, eweet berry
and a goo 1 abipoer. Price on cat a
Dillard: i50, $1.50; 500, 2U0; 1000
3.00 L. 8. Cook,
tf D'llard, Oregon.
improved land, 20 acre ol good
Harden land, 3 mam ol bt-artnR orchard,
balance irood peine. Ten mile onih
estol Koeebor in Myrte Point eUge
road. CallouW. S. Johnston, Brock
sray.Ore., or adJrte Aahby Kicbarde,
Grants Pass, Ore. nnlO f.
mRESSPASS NOTICE Notice is here
by given, tbat any person found
bunting or otherwise tresepaeeiuit oikio
' Ktversd.le Farra," "wry Eetate," will
be prosecuted, Cha. T. Curry.
Groceries and
Glassware . . .
In the Ji-.i-ic Court for Ier Creek Diatrle t
To'inty of Doo(t as, 9(st of Urecvn.
W . t cxb.
The Ra'.four Ontberle InresV (
went Co., a corp. nation, j
leien-lanl t
To tbe Falfour Uutberl Inrestment Co., a
cort-'rmtion. the abore named d-fendanf
in tbe name lae -j:e of Orv.m, yon r
Berebj required to appear beloie Ihe under-:ita-d.
a J .: of tbe Peace for the I'l.tricl
sNre nimel.t'O or before the tbe 2lt day of
Ke'.rnarr. A It , a: bu oftee in Koseours;.
On-on.4t the boar of 10 ociuck is tbe fore
nn of a:d daj. loanvwerthe complaint bled
wain.t you in tbe atTe-entiiled action, aod
it tou fail tosppearasd ansaer as ben. in re
qtiirvt, tor want thereof, the Plaintiff will take
jud tm-ot aiaiasl you for KU6. and bis cotu
aud Jub'im-mtnu in tnas action.
This summons is pubtubed ooce a week for
ix Mieocoive weeks in lha Boar bone P!in
de:er. s semi-weekly reaparcr rubl:sbd at
R.wtiunt. On-xon hy orl, r of the Justice of
the Peace ol said District, made Dec a). ;9'U
The nisi publication of ibis summons is on tbe
nd day of January, M.
Jus'lrrof the Pea-e, for Deer trwek Utric t.
Dou:aCountc, Oreron.
Attorneys for PiaiottA.
SpecUl sale on high cut ladles shoes.
Harry M. Holden.
Get Your
Roseburg, Ore., Dec. S. iooi.
State Chemist, Oregon Agricultural College,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Dear Sir We send you by this mail sample of sulphur taken from our
stock of spray material. Please make a careful analysis of same and inform
us if it is of such standard of purity, that it will fill all requirements for mak
ing first class spray compounds. If it is not sufficiently pure for such purpose
please inform us where we can obtain sulphur which will meet all require
ments. Very respectfully,
Mr. A. C. Marsiers &
Roseburg, Ore.
'-IwsG ENTLEMEn: Your letter concerning sulfur and the sample of sulfur
have been received. '
I have examined this sample, and find that it is almost entirely pure
sulfur. I think that it would answer the purposes very satisfactorily for
spraying compounds or iusecticides. I think that if you have plenty of this
quality, or can get it, that it will be as good as any sulfur that we can obtain
for spraying materials. Very truly yours,
A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Druggists
Are you going to spray?
A Car load
just received
flouring Mills,
Myrtle Creek or Canyon ville
Title (Juarantee&Loan Lo
J. D. BaaiLToa.
. rrassdwat.
d. c. HsatLToit.
,. rreaa.
Offlcs In tbe Court Hoeaw. Rare tbe only ecxa
piete set of abstract books tn Doorlas County.
A be tracts and Ceruflcatee of Titie furntshad to
Dooslascoanty land and rniaia claissa. Haew
Siso a comp ete ol Traclon of all lowaahia
piata In tbe Rosebam, Oregon. C. 8. Land Dis
trict. Will make blue print coptasol any town- i
shiji sbowiDR a U vaean t Goto nment Lands. j
iwwr paoiic id omoa, iHumoot afwaia.
Cornapoodeoce aobcilad. U
Spray Material at
Corvallis, Oregon, December 1:
U 1.
ii iou ii are
a Sweet ToOtil.
it r s
Go tt tb Candy Kitchen, wherw
yoa will fitd the Ireeheet and beet
asrr roent ot caadie ie the city.
Call aod eeeoe
9ti (or wit, at K'U9 4 Hswlwd.
f " .