1 ii MRS. H. E ASTON f J - ig , repared to wait upon old aiid new customer and frienda with m full and complete stock of GROCERIES - v All frouli unil tit il,A 1'urp ltofit f V -quality. Tea aad cofTeeg are A ry specialties, lour patronage solicited est C D nuku r m BARBER SHOP, For a Prompt and Firrt-clase Shave or Hair-cut. Compe tent Workmen, Clean To ela, Tools aJ ways in shape. ii Baths in Connection. Nthop on Jackson St. Abstract of Title to Deeded Laud, . Papers prepared for filing on Goveru- jr ment Land. Vw IS'ie P-inU of Township Maps showing ill acnt Lands, One Dollar Each. E. ALLEY, V- Architect Abstractor Plans and EstimatesforalI Bulld- ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures OEce in Marks Building. Thone 415 ROSF.BUKG, OREGON Barker s Timothy, Red Clover, Orchard Grass, EnglishRyeGrass M cs quie or Velvet Grass, Vetch Seed. GREATEST PLAYGROUND ON EARTH vxttc.2Eai CAN - BE r'ETETlT-pURSE S SUITED r . : V ' " . SPECIAL RATES... . ' kv ten eeublished by t' ePOUili ! ERS PACIFIO between alt prt". California-- . artTiti great numWuf fatnoas refor by which ts ex ne of trip is r daced to "a : very, low and aaaeonat'l rate. For example: From all patU of Califorcia To the resorts in tre Shasta region, Lsk Tahoe and enrronniirm, Yoenni'e, it Bif Trees, ftm Kiogs River Coemry.-. From 8a3ja.niD acd 8dCramenta Ta)- To the Moa'.erey Bay Coast. From the Sin Jo. qua Valley, Aiixir and New Mesico v. . . To the Seas' ore in Son; hern Cali'orr and the report f S thern Califuroiv For fall f To'mt'ion, nqnire of'L." I MOORE, agent of the Southern ' Pacific ROSEBCKG. OREGON Is Absolutely PURE, and will OUTWE AR all other - '" ""Leaai. ' ft tcnit frr fle!?r 1ie a:A furnr it vnle taytaatl wtUatstbat youWtl W.f.fuller&Co! Portland, Oregon ' i . - - - Notice" 6f Final Settlement: nh-kC-i'j ."rt for Doilu Coutii; eiatol oon. Iw'thc a nf the - eiat J t . . I oi &wfo! lyl.leH-4. ; ( J t 1 1 i i . Iie u )icr.;l) : eUen iat tbe uuJ''ri, nw adminiat ataxy 4 tl.tiare, J)uifiu Uw., titerl Ii., I J r'e fci kettliBJeui of etttMi- an J lltt ni'l wuri bv onler iaiv insii t,B the i2L2I?l Syitl 7? LijftV.t1Teev " Moada tb3 ddav of Febrnary 19, '2 bttctio tierlti .-ilij'-ciiom If hit there be t Mi4 liai) account mid the neulemeiit oi nai TW i-'tice i Tn!)!ihel 5b the Pl1ndtler b; ordarof 'he laid wourt wd oerMant Ui tim i J . .' . ,J JlL.U . . I . T 1, 1 . Adiniuntiatri 24atl thta H'li "ay l)eceiier ljt dlf.i Su uinous. It the Circun (iiirt o( ba State of 'On-tron It, and tor IKiugla Cuniy , ! i ' ' J.OlJiooth, l'laint ir ) ' l ".' v ' leiiD, liove.beivti'lsnt..,.) . , ' .' To Lewie D. tiv- above uam1 nefenriarit: la tLe name of I tie elate oi Xjtnti you an heteby rwjuirfd Ui apin-ar and a- wer ihe Com ularnl fllei a?insi ou iu the above entitled uVt'f-o ani 'inn on ,-r rtefure Momiay tlie 27th oajol Jantiin, at.a n you iit n tm i pear aad alii maiii t-oniplim. fiiaiiilid a n; tame jiiiffmew ay iiiiar Trrfir the wim of rix Vftrr and twelve u n iM?ruf '.h dollar. ultWiji threat Nier-i i -T-nt- far am inn lujn No -m rH al nfi'Wlt Cot-it iiia dmanr ruawt of-", d action. Aud will amily trrri coijrt for an onlr of i1-IT'The Toilowiiiu iW ciltad real i) rty li.-r fnre at'Dchid ii sai'l aaiou Oniiucni im at ft SB hirti'fuf MiatT'rtalti paraot of laud -on-yl fcv ir .-ry iniiea an U) t Jobu KaaiC laauaa-' 1-t . lax;. -rW, thciKje aoul h 10 derfTtiti. eal lirf fuel. lh iiik Sbqr dtrw hi miiiui, wt i ir t iium or Jens to ti i ,.i jmkt v,iu'Mawwui c. It lh ctT it-k -ft whim in cuLefof H'ter t'ree,,tii-i)'j: n-rrin nre B. iainule.-a-t iu"i " p"'?"" uiiiuuia 'Iwi'Juy OJ iuM.Miarif.ouai T . I U,UII.rj J .... I ..UV Or r nt XW nnin v p'iii-i . -nr r " . . ...i.v. - f M-r.iniiIiiw udir''atnreeobi coQri ifl(- ' r-Jar-n'n'itttff.tli '1t of U-n,iri lii - TSar'i cfr i.tp'lii aal ar-atuwanf U, t i -it r Klb. I'-OI. ""rt tlM pribiicatinn tb.-r. will . ) d.le jHiimirvi'J,1,l.nai(itiir 2t ...... i .(..h ,.f ii lii iviili taw. W-vt-1 " t Ui.tA MX X , i-Jsiu id alloroey, a.aaaa,aaa,aMaMaa,.a,aa.a,aaiaai. . Tlllfll VriPlfffSfS' W . W a I liif. H. WOODRUFF W. - - - AT- - Soaicty Meetings. 0. T. M. Roeeburg Hive o. 11. Holds its regular reviea, upon the second and fourth Wednesday eve. of each month in the NfttiTe Son,' Hall. Sisters of oilier Hives visiti. g id ibe city : are cordially invited to attend onr re views. Fannie Morris L. Com. D.Udk C AMikKHON, K. K. I. O. O. Jr'. PluleUriaa Lodjte u. 8. Mdf ts in Odd .Fellows' Temple, cor ner Jackaoa bd Case street, on Saturday evening "t each met, 'Mem- ,ile xt-ihe poods and chattels of the bej of the order in id aianditig ar aVUiujueni taxpayer named In the de moted to attend ! n - ' ' '' finquent tax roll of said county for the ' - h a u.rirnt S fi. irwar t thereto attached, and if none T. Jtwtrr, becretsry. P. O. ELKS. Koeeburic Lodge No. Holds regular coinniunira tioi.s at I O. O. F. Hall on second and fourth Tliortx'ay, of each montb. All members requested to attend regu larly and all visitioti brother, are cordi ally invited to attend. W. H. Jamiksos, E. R. -. V. C LoN iost Secretary. w OODMEN OF THE WORLD. (.tea, Caoin No. lo. Meets at tbe Odd Fellows' Halt, in Rosebors, every first and third Monday evening. Visit in neighbor, always welcome. John T. Long. C. C. J. A. BccHASAS, Cieik. 0.' E.: fc. Eoeeborr Chapter Xo. 8. Holds their ret alar meeting oa tht first and third Thursday, io-esxh n'onth. visiting tneuiberein rood jtandiog are reepectfnlly invited to at tend. MRS-CaMJIl fcSARD, W. M., Mka. Ijama Coaauw, Secretary. ft' VBEKAHS. Roeebnrg Kebekai Lodite No. 41. I.O. O. F., mte'a n Odd Fellowe' Temple every Toeinla? evenine. isitiog sister, and brethrei invited to attend. Insz Micki u, N. G. A ATA 'iSADKoliD R. S. a: F. 4 A. M. Laorl Lo.)ge No. 13 Hslds retrular meeliuge on necoix and f orth Wedr.eedays of eacl month. E. J. S'THOli), W. M. JS..T- Jxwktt, Kfcrelaijr. Kof P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meett eyery Wednesday, tar U O. O. f Hail .7:30 p. m. Memher, i fiod el andiog are inv ted to attend. x - E L. Biikobd, C C. C E. Roberta, K K. S. 2 il ' ' 1 ' If W. OF A.tM vt te Ca-np No. 633i i Meets firtod third Wednesdav each moutii at N-tive Sons' Ha'l Da.i FlHKB, V. C. Geo Bvkon, Clerk. LILAC CIRCLE. No. 4, Women Wo alcraft. Met0D 6 rat and thin Thoredavs of each month at the Na tive Sone, HalL ' Vifbtcg -tneinbers ii ood standine are iu rited to attend. J E bAWYE8, Goardiau Neigbtwr MiNMK Otr4', Seiy. fOF A. Coart Donula, No. 32, For etr, f Auierica. Meet, ever Tuesday evening in Native Son Hall. Visiting brothersVwa, welconi HAS GiLVl. C. k. Aro. J. Kkactz K. E V. Hoover, I'tii hkiau AO. U. W. Reborg LoVe No. It Meeta the second aad fourth Moi a days of each Drouth at 7:30 p. a o the I O. O. F. Hall. Member, i ood Blanding are invited to attend. H. l MrCLAii, M . W. F. W. Roach, Recorder. D. .S We!, Financier. v . . 0' EG REE OF PDNOK-MyrtkJxKi No. 13. MetaSod and 4 h Thor day eveo'E.41 of- each n on h in N five 8nns' Hall. Visiting memb roi lially ef to attend : Mr. Mkbit Wnt, C of U. E. H. Le50x. Kec: ' - PO. FOURTH RtGlMST I. G , tueMB at Armn'y Hall eve v Tbaradav evening, at & o'clock. ' F. B. Hamiji. Capt. ADIKg of tbe G. A. K , Atraham Li coin Circle No. 2 wefts at 'tf.i Son's Hall at 2 .Vlock on ti.e sec ond and foor-h Fridays of fach mon'h. .s Confectioneries .. Tbe S 'cut er-am aal nitxi1 ctn die, fancy caxes aad Coukiea. robacvo, Ciar sod Ftuit D Taxied aaaorunentft aai lb floeat quadty. - I. J, NORilAN Ii. Little DENTIST; Oakland, Oreg-on. i . I. B. RIDDLE, Prop, j KLSLa or . r 'jr Freeh -Drugs, -riedicinea, J Toilet Articles.-Paints? ' V . . Oil,, Olas. Sundries! f - ; - - ; - 'aWT'rescrljjtJuh, prompt! filed "XXREfJON; .MENWANTlD. ; & To cat .railroad wr.od at Wolfcreek H-e:u, -ti.Kxl timber: -fine locailrjai, laant Himale and long- job. Address 'nnbar & Kojkeudail, vVolfc-e,k oV, ' 1 Contest Notice. ., ' . Jiiilu-ri iilKUnLnl Office?? K' W-liU-L', on-Kiiu. Jnri. 7. 19 i.K nrIiHiit yUr-l aflnlavH iwviUK been ftied 6 tlii bfllcc iy ' " , THOM AH M POK. 'T -nli-ataDl, axaiD-t the homertead entrv Jim liv mad- Heblemla 1 lor the S VM HVfi. -t.'si and lou i and 2 acviion In towiiabip S., faiiKe i went, hr . ; .-JT a- . affcicuvAceny, v ;i 7- otitca'.i-, ! (Mill rt t niltrfe l at the Said ! i) aMii'lrnr.l tht trai t emlirnaed liLkii o Ttry m jmruxi, atn huh novsinee Uat ooe relti'tiea l,prin n w,v linpnivul. trie a u liacia. or imioo ai'hiU tli mi ili'Ttir ol r erryn lr r vhla ti '! iw uv(iiir,Mi by (aw,. 'lip l!H '-na ni'i iHnritai I wu, pn- r4Va J y t' "''Sl 1- -iiitdoj imii in ihu Armv. ',r.rT'M.iniii!i''im oftiitf l nl ed H1iiii ii ate aildi-rjifi'n-r, ,i'an;a ot marine, rtur- n ihe wa- with ntaln. .r nu 'lie anv etiier u m, mAUtu iiitea a mn, ai. be- enirau. -1,aW wirttea are tieieny notltipi to appear, Mhmi nU otli-reviili'iu'e U;ii!. iuk alienation i K.o loi-k a. m. on l-ehruary f , imri, neiore -O. K, F.irnd Keoaiwr ui I tlillfl elalca y-nd tittifff ti.'Rnu-toirf , Orin," i -l : i nun ill ', inw'm ii'. iifliir,, jy lnvT'cr BUI--.t :.a-,..i. -i ...tk r... l.Wi hort,ai"if -due'4iHii'i'c iturnonal :r' of tht iio-ice ri,n uot 'e made, ft J. j'liy otrtto l apd ilin cleil Ih't m:h nutice b tivcu by aue ud rfMir publication. ii Riddle Pharmacy.' JVji J. H. BOOTH, Kwiaiver. j SHERIFFS SALE. Notice of Sale of Real Pioperty for Taxes for the Year iooo. Notice is hereby given that by virtue .............. l.alla.l ..,, t flttlt tinder the neal ,.t the county court of Douglas county, atate of Oregon, on the t7ttr-tir of December. A. D. isui. ana to jne directed and delivered, coin- m.uidlna me to levy uion and make be found then upon the real property. I as set forth and described In said de i liiigiK-ni t;uc roll for the year 1)100. for tsaid eounty, or so much thereof as may be aurtii-iioi to satisfy the amount of delinquent tuxes ihargred thereon for the year ISfOW, together with 'the costs and expenses of nuking such Bale. In bursuiuice ' thereof I have on the l&th dAy of January'. I"0-. levied upon the iulioiiwf deacrlbed real property in said county and state, which aaid real property is owned, described and aa setwed as follows, to-wit: ADAMS, ailtS. FRANCES Lots 6 and 7, block t, Yon- calia. . $ 2.25 ADAMS. H. P. EST. WH NYVi, Sec. 22. Tp. 2. R. fct acrei 2.90 ADAMS. SAMUEL K. Sft lot 4. block . Toncalla S.35 Ai.LKN. R AND A. Lot 7. block I, Devore Addition, ToncalU 4.45 ALLKN, W. M. SEVi less 3 ttcreeSec. 35. Tp. 27. R. 7.. 15. 80 ANGLO-AMERICAN NICKEL MINING CO. SE of Sec 1 Ti. 10, R. 6: 160 acres.. K.70 ARRANT. E. J. SVj S'4 Sec 16, Tp. 26. R. 7; 160 acres.. 4.70 AW MACK. L. S.-SWV NW4 Sec. 36. Tp. 22, R. 13; 40 acres .10 BANGS. MRS. ADDIE Lot 12, block 25. Riverside Addition to Roeeburg: .30 BATES. ARTHUR NEV Sec 14, Tp. 22, R. 6; 160 acres.. 3.2u REASLEY. JAMES. HEIRS V,, SWV NE4 SWW. NW SE'. Sec. 7. Tp. 2. 11. 7: 160 acres - 3.20 I5ECANN AN. W. J. EH lot 1, olock 1. lot 10, block 4. De vore s Addition to Yoncalla 5. 0 UESTWICK. NELLIE J. Lot 2, Sec. 16. Tp. 22. R. 8; 24 acres BLOWERS, A. S. E'. of W14 of NEi4 of NEV. EH of of lol i. Sec. U. Tp. 26. R. 5: 20 acres. 2.4u BRIG HAM, O. P. Lot I In I'nipoua Fruit Ranch. Sec. 14, Tp. 27, R. C; 25 acres.. i.30 BILLINGS. T. W. Lola 1 and 6. block 17, Gleadale 30 BROCK. JACOB Lot 6. Sec 11. Tp. 20, R. 4; 23 acres 2.40 BROWN. CHAS. U W SEVi. Sec. 36. Tp. 24. R. 4; &0 acrea 1.(0 BUCK. W. S. Lot 14, block 25, Riverside Addition to Rose- burg .30 BULLOCK. WM. A, N'H XW. SV4 NWVk. Sec 14. Tp. 3u. R. 1; 120 acres.. .. J. 70 ril'SH, 1). B.-W1, SWV,. SE4 ah. SH SEV. Sec 16. Tp. 21. R. S; 200 acrea .25 SUTLER. WM. Lots 1 and 8. block 2. CanyonvlUe S.40 CAMPBELL, M. W. Lot 8, bkck 8, East Oram .50 'AM PBELL, TEM PERANCE Part of W NEVi XEV, on E side of river. Sec 16, Tp. 2S. IS- S W; 10 acrea.. .. 3.60 GANNON, MARTHA. EST. NEV, Sec. 8. Tp. 29. R. 8: 160 acres : 5.60 CARROLL. F. W. Wfc Lot 8, block L Roseburx 8.25 CARTER. G. W. Pt James Clark D. C. Sec 27. Tp. 30, R. 5; 3 acres; Und. H Lot , block 11. Riddle 5.70 CHALIFONE, P. . NH NEU Sec. 14. Tp. 25. R. 4.; fcO acres 1.50 ;ha:e. Dora Lot is, bloc 25. Riverside Addition to Roacburgt.. ............ . JO THAPMAN. STEVE Lots 5 and 6. Sec. : lot 1 in Sec. 16, Seta. and 16. Tp. 25. R. 4 2.10 :LAYTON. M. O. Lots 3 and 4. block 1, Bruummett's Ad dition to Yoncalla .So CLEMENTS. CHAS. Und. H of blocks B. D. E. F and Und. S lots 3. 4, 6 and 10, block M. Hasseil's Addition to Rosebunr 1.3 IKRV, VIOLET SWVi Sec. 6. Tp. 23, R. 5; 78 acre, 1.60 DAVIS. U. G. Beginning; at the NV corner of NEVi of NWVi of Sec. 32, thence 8 ') rod. E 30 rods. N 80 rods, W 30 rods to beginning. Sec. 22. Tp. 23. R. 4: 15 acres 120 OIXON. NANCY J. C Und. Vi NWV less 23 acres. Sec 25. Tp. 27. R. 5: S acres 1.20 DUERAUL, MRS. JANE Lots 3 and 4. block 16. Myrtle Creek 1.55 ul GAS & LAUGH NEVi of NEV .NWV of NWVa. Sec 1?. Tp. 21. R. 4: SO acrea 1.80 Ol MI liREY, ED. Lot S In Vmpcjua Fruit Ranch. Tp. 17. R. 6: 23 acres .40 JlTCHKEl, MRS. Und. H SW4 Sec. 18. Tp. 27. R. 4: 52 acres. . 1.50 JiER. H. NE'4 of NEVi, Lot, 1 and 2. Sec. 20, Tp. 29. R. 6: 5. hurtm.. .. 1.20 EASTMAN. W.- G. SEVi of r SEVi, Sec. . Tp. 28, R. 4; 40 . : acres.. 1. .. i.j iJ-STtS. J. L. SEVi . Sec 30. Tp. 2S..B. 8: 160 acres 7.00 rECLKS, . JASPER NWVi SW"4, Lot 3, Sec. 28, Tp. 22. R. 6: 41 acres. t.J t-EBGUSON. ARCHIE Be ginning at the NW corner of ' land deeded by John Jones to D. Ferguson, thence 8 70Vi degrees, E 3.02 chains. S. 6.61 chains. N 70V,, degrees, W j 3.02 chains. N 6.61 chains to beginning, containing 2 acre. in Tp. 27, R 6. . USHtK, ANDREW Lots 3. 4. 5 and 6, block 8, Gabbert'a Addition to Myrtle Creek J. 00 USHER, W. B. SWVi of NWVi, W of NWVi. Sec. 19, To. 22. R. 10; 120 acres.! .. .. .. 2.40 r L LLERTON, J.. B. Pt of D. C. See. 22 and 23, Tp. 30. K. 6T 22 acrea. . .f..-.. .. S.J Oabbert, FRED Lots 7 and 8, r.ln.-k 14, Myrtle Creek 2.8 GOODMAN, A. H. Lots 1 to 4, SW"4 NEVi. Sec 82, lot 4, SW'4. S NWVi, W4 SEVi. NEVi, Sec. 33, Tp. 25. R. 6: 669 acres.. .. .. .. .. 14.00 UOltSEUMi O. E. Lot 5, S Vi SWVi. Sec 32. To. 27. R. 7; 80 arres. . ' l.Sft UKAY. . FRANCIS Beginning 6.15 chains E and 17.48 chain, N of Vi mile comer on S side f Sc. 84. thence W 11.15, S "'21.75 chains, E 9 chains to river, thence northly along "river bank to beginning; also part r of lot 4. Sec 34, oon vey(I by Smith to 1. M. Kberlfne, Sec. 34, Tp. 27. R. 6: 2 -acin.-. ., '. .t i. ... , 4.80 GRAY, MOLUE SE4 of SEVi bi!C at, Tp, 24, R, 5; NEVi of KKM, Sec. , Tp. 25, R. 6, and SWVi SWVi. Sec 32,Tp. 24, R. 5: 12'l -acres.. 1. 25 GREGORY, J. SWrVi SWVI. Sec. 86, Tpt 22, R. 7. 40 acres .80 GUSTAr FSON & EVANOFF NEVi NEVi, Sec. 19, Tp. 23, R. i: .-. ;. .'. .. .'. - .80 liAUEIyiliGN-rPt SWVi SEVi, Sec. 13.-To. 20. R 6: 2 acrea.. 1. HALL.' JOHN" R. SEVi. Sec. IX; ?. :3Z.'R. I.. .... ,-;. 1.60 1IAN.NA, J. 8. HEIRS SWVi NBVi. Sec. 15,-To. 23, R. 4; 40 acres., .90 MAKL.A.N, TH OS. Lots 8 and , . Mock 12, Gardiner's Addi tion to South Drain .. .. ..3. BO HKATHELD & ANTEN NV4 --NEVi of 'NEVi,' Sec 83, Tp. 32. It. 7:-20 were,. . ... ,x .. iil.NO.M AN. p;. SEVi NEVi, Sec. 13. T11. 21. R. 6: 40 acres 1.00 MOLLIS, OLLIS. WILLIAM S part of I. 4.. To. 27. It. 4: 98 acr 12.70 JtOt SE. ERNEST EVi NWVi. Wi NE'4. SEVi NEVi, Sec. 36. Tri. 30. R. 7: 200 acrea a r, HOUSTON, A. O. NWVi, Sec. ! 6, Tp. 2. R. 7; ISO acres..;. 3.60 OIINSON. L. F. SWVi NWVi. Sec. 31. Tp. 21, R. 4; 40 acres 1.00 OHNSON. MRS. M. SEVi I-JVi.' Sec. 35, Tp. 22, R. 4, - 40-ftcre.-. .. . . .'. ....... 1 on KENDALL, J. R. NV SWVi,'" SiiV. SWVi, Sec 2, Tp. 21, R, 4; 120 acre,.; ,,; ,, . ,qo KESSEL. A. J. nd JE, 1. NVi SW4. SK'i NW. SeC i, Tp. 2S. K. ; 120 acres KING. (HAS.- SWW NEVi, BW SEU. i-v. 2. Xp. 21, U. 6; U acres , KINO. M. L. Si KVTM, NE?4 SW'.i. Ntt'lj SEVi. Sec. 32, Tp. is. K. 11; it aero . . ., KLINE. C.KO. E. Lots 1 and a, NEV, riWVi. Sec. 16, Tp. 4. It. 4; b acres.... .-. .. .. 6.80 1.80 6.10 3.00 ! K-JMK J. W.-Lot 1. block , xuii urain . - ,. .. i. ... K RAV BERG. MARTIN Und. S. SE'i. SV SWVi, Sec 34, Tp. 24. R. 4; 80 acres.. .. 1.80 KAUPT, JOHN SEVi NWVi. NEV SWV,. Sec 19, Tp. 24, R. 6; SO acres l.&J 9.20 KURT1IER. F. O. EVj Sec. 36, Tp. 20. R. ; 320 acre.. .. LAWRENCE. C. W. NWVi. Sec. 36, Tp. 23, It. 8; 160 acrea 3.50 1.60 .90 6.00 LEACH. JOHN. Lot 2. Sec. 3, Tp. 21, R. 11; 39 acres.. .. LUFER, W. A. NEVi SWVi. Sec 1, Tp. 24. R. ; 40 acrea Light, J. E. Lota 7 and 8. Sec. 2. Tp. 23. R 7. 80 acres.. .. LINCOLN. SARAH NWVi. Sec-. 22, Tp. 29. R. 8: 160 acres 4.50 .90 5.60 LINVILLE, WM. Pt. lot 6. block 21, D. Cunville LOCKETT. F. M. NWVa Sec. 18. Tp. 23. R 5 LUTKINS. C. P. NVi NEVi, SEVi NEVi. NEVi NWVi. Sec 36, Tp. 22. R. 12; 200 acres.. MAHER. JAMES Lot 1, Sec. 5. Tp. 20. R. 12; Lota 1. 2. 3, Sec. 30, Tp. 20, R. 12; Lot 3, Sec. 19. Tp. 20, R. 12: Lots 2. 3. 4. Sec 32. Tp. 19. B. 12; 139 acres MARSTERS. W. E. SEVi. 8ec. 10, Tp. 26. R 7; 160 acres MARTIN DALE. R. L. Lot 3. Sec. 29. Tp. 29, R. 8; 14 acres MeAPEE. J. R Lot 1. Sec. 33. Tp. 21, R. 11: Lota 3 and 4. Sec. 84, Tp. 21. R. 11; t0 acres McCURDY. U W. SWVi SWVi Sec. 27. Tp. 2, R. 11; NWVi NWV Sec 34. Tp. 20, R. 11; 80 acres. . McDEVITT, FRANK NEVi. Sec. 32. Tp. 28. R. 8; 160 acres MCDONALD. AGNES Lots 2. 2. 6. 11, Sec. 33. Tp. 22. K. 12: Hi acres McGUIRE. THOS. Lots . 7. 12 and 13. Sec. 35. Tp. 21. R. 11 : I60 acres McKERCHER. M. T. Lots 7 and 8. block 23. South Drain McKlNNEY. JACOB WVi. Sec. 30, Tp. 23. R. 5; frac. part of NEVi SEVi. Sec 25. Tp. 23. R. 6: 350 acres McKLRDY. JOHN SWVi Sec 24, Tp. 2 2.R. 6; 160 acres McWILLIAMS. NEIL NEVi SWV,. Sec. 36, Tp. 29, R. S; 40 acres MENDENHALL. MRS. MACK Beginning 61.54 chains N and 4.79 chains E from the SW corner o( CI. 45. thence N 1 deajree. W 85.76 chains, E 25.66 chains. NE 3.83. chains 31.05 chains, S 77 chains. S 13.45 chains to NE corner of Brookside Add, thence west to beginning, containing 501 acrea. Sec. 11, Tp. 27, R MERRILL. E. H. Lots 1-9. block 3, 'Krewwon's Add. to Drain MICHEALS. E. SEVi. Sec 34. Tp. 20. R. 7: 160 acres MILLER. IL B. NWVi. Sec 9. Tp. 25. R 4; 160 acres.. .. MILLER. J. H. Lot 4. Sec. 9, Tp. 25. R. 4; 17 acres MILLER, J. SEV SWVi. Sec 13. Tp. 28. R. 4; 40 acres.. .. KXKHUSEl J. C S4 SEV,. Sec. 1. Tp. 24; R. ; fcO acres MOORE, S. J. Lot 2. Sec. 33. Tp. 29. R 3; 40 acres MOORE. F. M. SE4 SWVi. rc. 17. Tp. 29. R. 6. 41 acre, MORNINGSTONE. MRS. SA RAH Lots 10. 11. 12. Col ton's Add. to Drain MORRISON. W. T. Und. 4-7 of SS NWVi. Lot X. Sec. 19. Tp. 29. R. 4: Und. 4-7 of SEVi NEV,. N pt CI. 50. Sec. 24. Tp. 29. R. 5; 128 acres MOSS. H. A. NWVi Sec 34, Tp. 25. R."4 . 160 acres NASH, MARY Lot L block 15. Firat Add. to Elkton NOAH. J NO. F. Lot 1. Sec. 30. Tp. 29. R ; 9 acres NOBLE. HARRY C Lots 1. 2. 3. Sec. 31. Tp. 22. R. 12; 61 acres 4.80 3.75 (.76 1.10 3.60 1.60 8.34 4.70 7.00 1.00 12.90 4.90 1.00 44. SO 1.25 2.15 3.50 1.50 2.80 1.80 .90 1.80 4.60 3.5o 1.40 .65 1.50 RANKIN. M. B. NEV NEVi. Sec. 21, Tp. 21, R. 5: 40 acres LAIRD. R. R SWV, NWVi Sec. IS. Tp. 13, R. 10; 40 acres ESSELSTROM. A. SW', Sec. 25. Tp. 23. R 10; 160 acres. . COPELAND. H. ML NEVi NWV, Sec. 21. Tp. 24, R 3; 40 acre, Norman, f. h. nevi kev Sec. 5. Tp. 24, R. 7; 33 acres WORLEY. ANDREW SWV4 NWVi. Sec 19, Tp. 30. R. J; 40 acres PALLETT. GRACE C SEVi - SEVi. Sec. 16. Tp. 22. R. 4; 40 acres., .. ..- .. .. PANTO N. A. C. SWVi SWVi, Sec 36. Tp. 29. R. 5: SVt SV Sec 16, Tp. 22. R 4: 200 acres PARAZOO. PETER E NWV,. SWV, NWV,.,NWVi SWV,. Sec. 26. Tp. 27. R 3; 16, acres - .... PATTERSON. A. C Lota 1, X, blcxk 2. Elkton PARKINS. 8. A. and AL. EVi of lot 3. Wock 4, Gardiner. . . . POLAND. W. J. SWVi NWVi Sec. 8. Tp. 27. R 4; 40 acre, PREBLE. E. B. Lot 3. block It, Flint , Add. to Roeeburg.. PRYNE. CHAS. Lot 1. block . East Drain .' " RAPP, M. - F Beginning at SW corner of lands deeded by 8. Hamilton to J. R. Bell, thence 8 10V4 degrees, W 92 links, 8 7H degrees, E 2.18 chains, N 33', degrees. E 1.71 chains. W. 2.61 chains to be- ' ginning: also beginning at . SW corner of lands deeded by S. Hamilton to J. R. N. Bell thence E 2 II chains. N fcOVi dea-rees; W l2 chain,, S 19Vi degrees, W 4 links to beginning, containing 2-5 of acre In Roeeburg . . . REED. H. S. SEVi NWVi. Sec . 31. Tp. 21. R. 4; 40 acres.. .. RID EN, TOANCIS 1. SV4 -8WV, 8Vi NWVi. Sec. 24. Tp. 30. R. 8: 160 acres.." .. .. .. RICE. MARY E. Lot 4. block 25. Riverside Add. to Roseburg RICE, MARY. EST-SVs SEVi. ' Sec. 6, Tp. 24. B. 5, UICHEY. C. J. and W. F. Its 1 and 2.- block 16, Hall's Plat of Myrtle Creek..-.. ... KIDDLE., C. 8 Tract adjoin ing plat of CanyonvlUe on W , side. Sec. 34, Tp. 30, R 5; 2Vi - acres) Lot 1 block 8, Can yonvlUe ... , Ridel, joe eh NWVi, sec. ' 16. Tp. 29. R. 7. W; 80 acre, ROLFE. FREIr-LoU 1 nd 2., block 6. R R. Add to Oakland .90 .80 X. .80 1.60 .80 .80 6.00 4.00 .40 4.04 1.00 2.54 7.25 2. 00 3.50 .30 8 75 5.05 10.90 2.50 . ' -6 SAWYERS. J.' E., HEIRS Claim 46 and strip adjoining E side of Claim 50, To. 22, R, 8: 192 acres.. : 7 :. " 2 i 18.00 SHELLOCK, MAX W.-Lot 6.' block 30 South Drain,. .., SHERMAN, L. F. PL SWVi .60 a , 2.60 NKVi, NEVi SWVi. SV NWVi on left bank of Suislaw river.' Sec. 11. Td. 19. R. 8: 60 arrai SMITH. D. J. Und. Vi of all Sec; 3, Tp. 29, R. ; Und.-Vi of NVk WV -SWVi, Sec. 86, Tp. 29. R. 4; Und. Vi of NWVi Wi SWVi. NEVi 8WVi, EVi NEVt, NWVi NEVi, Sec-18. Tp. 29, R. 3; 360 acres.. ... , . 8.60 SMITH. GEO. Lots 1 and 2. block 33, South Drain, ..: - 415 SMITH. JAMES Part Wock n, Gardiner. 2.50 SMITH,' JACKSON L. SWVi, Sec. 24. Tp. 29. R. : 160. acrea. 'r 4.50 SMITH, MARTHA Lot, 6. 6. block 12, R. R. Add. to Oak land. . . . . . . . 2.50 SJhITH, MARY E. PL ' SWVi SEVi. Sec. ,13. Tp. 80, R. ;. 1 . acre ' 2.50 .66 SPORES, EMMA p. Lot " 2, blKk 7, East Drain., ... STEPHENS. A. W. Lots 11 . and 12, Sec. 11, Tp. 27, R. 3; ' Kl acres. . , ... i. i .... .. 1.80 STERLING, MRS. MARY E. Lot 1 and pt. lot 2 of Gar- ' diner's plot -NWVi "NWVi," " See, 17..TP, 22, R. STEWART, ALICE SVi Sec, 16. Tp. SI, R. 5; 320 acres 7.00 4.86 TAYLOR, WM.NWVi See. 22. Tp. 21. R. 6: 160 acres.. ... TENNENT, MRS. PHOEBE, SEVi Sec. 10, Tp. 32 R. 8 160 ft era,,, ,, 1.4Q THEISLER & SCHNEIDER NEVi NEVi. Sec. 16, Tp. 19, R. 11: 40 acres 1.00 THIRD, JAS. W 3-4 NWVi NWVi. Sec. 16. Tp. 27. R. 7: 30 acre, 1.00 THRUSH. E. H. NWVi NWVi Sec-. 1H, Tp. 29, R. 8; 40 ac re TIPTON, WM.. EST. NVi NEVi Sec 10. Tp. 26. R. 3; 0 acres. ... : -, . . 4.55 3.59 TnXOLL STEPHEN, SVi SWVi Sec. 11, Tp. 21, R. 4; 80 acres J. K. TOOLEY, NVi NEV Sec. 14. Tp. 26. R. 7 TURNER, MRS. E. M. Lots 6. 7. 8. block 2. Chadwlck's Add. to Roseburg TYLER. EDWARD Begin ning 22 degrees E 4.50 chains from the NE corner of E. B. Ottlngers" Land, thence N 33 degrees E. 3.50 chains. S IV degrees, E 2.06 chains. N 6 degrees, W 2.16 chains, S 31 degrees, W. 2.33 chains, N 72 degrees, W 2.75 chains, N 41 degree. E 2.08 chains. Sec 6. Tp. 26. R. 5; 1 acre UMPQUA. BILLY NWVi NEVi. NEVi NWVi. Sec 18. Tp 22, R. 4; 80 acre, VEi-iAIN. ISAAC, EST. N'i SWVi. Sec. 14, Tp. 29 R. 8; 80 acres VERRILL, NELLIE SWV4 NW'4, NWVi SW Vi. Sec. 33, Tp. 27. R 4; 80 acres VOSE, G. F.-Lot 1. block 27, lot 3. block 28. E4 lots 4 2. 00 4.10 13.70 1.45 2.00 2. 36 2.45 and block 2S. Winchester, Douglas Co., Oregon WALSOM, M. SWVi SWVi, Sec. 21, Tp. 21. R 4: 40 acres WARD. C. L.Beg. 21 chains N of Sec. comer between Sec. 8 and 9, thence S 10.37 chains, W 24.77 chains. N 10.37 chains. E 24.45 chains to beginning. Tp. 27, R. 6; 24 acres WARNER. GEO. SWVi SEVi. Sec. 19. Tp. 23, R 4: 40 acres WARREN. MRS. M. SWVi SE. Sec. 4. Tp. 28. R. 7; NWVi NEVi. EVi NWVi. Sec 9. Tp. 28, R. 7: 160 acres .. WARREN. ANNIE S. Lots 6 and 6, block 1. Soutn Drain.. WEAVER. WM. L. Und. 2-3 SWV, NEV,. NW Vi SEVi. S4 SEVi. Sec. 16. Tp. 29. R 3; 107 acres WH1TIXJW. J. SES NE4. Sec. 34. Tp. 26. R. 3; 40 acrea WHITLOW. M. M. NWVi NEV,. Sec. 34. Tp. 26. R. 3; 40 acres WILLIS. BENJ. F. NWVi NWV,. S-. 29. Tp. 27. R 4; SW, SW1,. It 5. S.-C. 20. Tp. 27. R 4; 87 acrea WILSON. H. A E4 SWV SEVi, Sec. 14. Tp. 2. R 7; 20 acres WILSON. JAS. E. Lot 1. Sec-. 14. Tp. IS. R 12; lots 1. 2. 3. SWVi NEV.. Sec-. 15, Tp. 19. R 12: 150 acres woodman, w. f. sevnev. Sec. 23. Tp. 21. R 4; 40 acres WORLEY. F. S. Lot t. Sec 23. Tp. 30. R 4; 39 acre,.. .. WILLIAMSON. C. B. That part of SE on left bank of river. Sec. 19, Tp. 26. R. 6; 46 acres 4.20 1.15 3.10 .90 r.40 1.00 2.30 2.90 1.9u 2.00 1.00 4.15 .90 .90 3.15 SHERIFTS ASSESSMENT. BALFOUR. GUTHRIE CO. Lot 1. less 10 acres. Sec. 2. Tp. 29. P.. 6: 27 acres t BO OLE Y. W. T. NEVi NEV. .8" l.oo S-. 17. Tp. 21, R 4 : 40 acres BRIGHAM. S. SEVi NEV,. NEV, SEVi. lot 2. 3. Sec-. 26. Tp. 29. R 5: 157 acres CARPY. SUSAN Lot 5. Clo- verdale. Tp. 27. R. 5; 1 43-100 acrea COX. A. H NEVi SE'-. Sec 21. Tp. 2S. R 6; 40 res . . . DANIELS. D. F. NEV, SEVi. Sec. 17. Tp. 27. R. 6: 40 acres DURHAM. PETKI KI.LA E't 6WV. EH. NWVi SWV, NWV. Sec. 36. Tp. 23. R 3; 60 acres ELLIOTT. THUS.-Lot 3. Sec 36. T. 20; R. 11; 19 acres GLUM. M. H. NWV NEV. Sec. 36. Tp. 32, R 4: 40 arrs GLUM. J. F. SWV NEV. SEV NWV. Sec 36. Tp. 32. R 6: 64 acre GORDON. RUBEN Lota 1. 2. 3. 4. SWV. Sec 5. Tp. 2i. R, 11 : 310 ai res HAMILTON. A, C NWV SEV. Sec 29. Tp.SX R. , 40 a, res HARRISON W. N.-N, NEV. SWV NEV. SEV NWV Sec. 24, Tp. 30. R. 7; 10 M.-re HIGHT. trCTAVIuCS E4. NW V. See. 36, Tp. 27. R. 3; 40 acres LENOX & RAZOR Lots 9 and 10. block 12: lots 1 and 3. block 2; lota 6. 7. S. 9. 10. block 11: Terrace Park Add to Roseburg MADISON. SIREN SEV NWV. Sec. 5. Tp. 24. R. 7; 40 acres MASTON. WM. NWV NWV lot 1. Sec. 21. Tp. 29. R. 7; 61 acres NUBERG. JNO. E. Lot 1. Sec 30. Tp. 20. R 1: 37 acres REED. WILLIAM S. Lot 4. Sec 10. Tp. 2L R. 11; 39 acres P-OSK, AARON, EST. Lots 1 and 2.- Nock 34; Roseburg.. STEWART. E. W. Part of lot 5. Shc. 19. Tp. 27. R 5, IV acres -. , . . WILSON. J. K. Lot 4. Sec. 15. Tp. 19. R 12: 36 acres.. OXER, MRS. R. J. NEV NWV. Sec 36. Tp. 23. R. 5; 40 acres. . , . ; i LYONS. JOE NVi NWV. Sec. 3. Tp. 22. R 6; 80 acres.. .. BURKETT. EMMA NEV NWV. Sec 25, Tp. 24. R. 4; 40 acre, POST. A. G. Part of SWV of SWV. Sec. 13. Tp. 19. R 8. lying on west bank of SIus- law- river; part of NWVi of NWV. Sec 24, Tp. 19. R 8.. lying on west bank of Sius- law river: 30 acres. . WHITCOMB. ALICE That part of NWV lying on W bank of Sluslaw river. Sec. 14, Tp. 19.. R, 8: 90 acre.. DIXON. J. W-Part NWVi Sec. 11. Tp. 19. R 8. lying on west side of Sluslaw river; . part SEV SEV, N4 SEV, Sec 10. Tp. 19, R. 8. lying on west side of Sluslaw ' river; 60 acres ; COZAD. A. E. Eli EVi Sec. 16, Tp. 19. R 8; 160 acres , PATTERSON, MABEL Lot 3, v Sec. t.-Tp. 31. R. 11: S acres DREW. E. P. Lot, 1. 2. 3. 4. SWV NEV. NWV SEV. SEV SWV. Sec. 31. Tp. 21, R. 12, Lot 4. Sec-6, Tp. 22, R. 12: 255 acres. wl BARKER A. G. Lots 1 and 2, Sec 6, Tp. 27. R.. 4: 40 acre. 3.95 .40 .90 1.00 15.50 1.49 .50 .90 10.00 3.10 1.30 1.49 i.:s 1.(0 3.20 3.00 .80 1.00 2.10 2.00 .80 2.00 2.10 4.83- 1.00 5.20 .90 2.65 SITT. JOS. Lot 2, block 9. CanyonvlUe, Or McCOY. J. J. Beginning at a point N 98 degrees. W 6.66 chains from the V Sec. corner, on the line between Sees, 19 and 30, Tp. 27. S R 6 W, thenc, S 89 degree, 3$ mln.. E 35 rods on N boundary line of Jefferson William's D. L. C, thence S 80 rods, N 89 de grees 35 min, W 35 rods, thence N 80 rods to place of beginning, containing 17Vi acres. Also beginning at a point N 89 degrees 35 mln, W 5.56 chains from the V Roc. corner on the line be tween Sees. 19 and 30, thrnce N 89 degrees 35 mln., W 33 rrts. S 120 rods, thence 8 89 degrees 35 mln., E 33 rods, thence N 120 rods to place of beginning, containing 24 3-4 arre, ,11 tn' 8eer 30, Tp. 27, " R. 6: 42 acres 3.00 BACHMAN, C and S. E. Part of NWV NWV. Sec. 19. Tp. 22, R. 4; 35 acres ; . . .. 1.40 1.60 1.50 2.80 BISHOP, J. P. NEV NEV. Sec. 6. Tp. 23, R. 4; 41 acres BLANCHAT. F. N. Lots 1, 2. 3. 4, block 12, CanyonvlUe.. CASTOR, E. S. EVi NWV. Sec. 36, Tp. 27, R. 8: 80 acres EDWARDS, F. O. S'iofNW'i. NEV SWV, Sec. 1C. Tp. 22, R.'4; 145 crot. . ,'. .. .. .. 4.50 8.10 2.60 2.80 FEARING, H. U SEV. Sec. 16, Tp. 25, R. 8r 160 acres.. FRIEDMAN. - I. WVi SWV, Sec. 16, Tp. 23, R 4: 80 acre. GARDINER. F. M. EVi SWVi, Sec. 25, Tp. 22, R. 4; 80 acre, HANNA, J and FANNIE SWVi SEV. Sec. 15, Tp. 23, R. 4i 40 acre,., . ,. 1.3,0 Oil in Douglas County. The Bich Fields Uncovered Will Rival Those of California or Texas INVESTORS WILL REAP A HARVEST The old days of Titusville and Oil City, where fortunes were made in ght will be completely outdone by the magnificent oil fceids to oe overed ;nid develord in Southern Oregon. THE UMl'QUA a ni uncovere V ALLEY' ( IL COMPANY controls the cream oil lands. If y m want miiie of tbe first hundred thousand shares send your orders to the Secretary of the Company, or through Wells, Fargo aud Co, express. Umpqua Valley Oil Go. ooxooooooocoooooooooooco HARVEY. A. W'j SEV SEV. Sec. 21, Tp. 23, R. 4; 20 acres JOHNSON. A. NVi NWV. NWV NEV. SEV NEV. Sec. 10. Tp. 23. R. 4: 160 acres .. 6.00 JONES, J. W. NEV NEV. Sec. 16. Tp. 22. R 4 : 40 acres 1.40 LETSOM. J. S'i NWV. Sec 34, Tp. 22, R. 4: 30 acres 2.80 MooRE, C and R ROLLINS SV NEV. NVi SE'i. Sec. 10. . Tp. 23, R 4. S NWV. NV- SWV. SWV SEV. NWV . NEV. Sec. 11. Tp. 23. Ii. 4; 4'0 acres 15.00 NASIL PETER -SI, NEV. S-c. 22. Tp. 22. R. 8; 80 acre, 2.00 PALMER, P. P. Lots 8, 10, 11. 12. Sec. 10. Tp. 22. R. ; 155 ' acres.. .. 6.70 PHILLIPS. C. E NEV SEV. Sec. 36. Tp. 25. R 8: 40 acres 1.50 ROBSON, E. P. E'i NEV. Sec. 36. Tp. 25. R. 8: 80 acres 3.30 SEARS. A. F. Lot 1. Sec 14. Tp. 22. R. 8: 15 acres 40 WATKINS. E. E', SEV. SEV SWV. Sec 17. Tp. 22, R 4; . 120 acres 4.50 EENNETT, J. The NEV of Sec. 32, Tp. 22, R. 4: also beginning at a point 78.69 chains S 89 degrees 52 mln, E and 6.11 chains south of NW corner of Wm. - J. J. Scott's D. L. C. running thc-nce N S9 degrees 52 mln, W 13.96 chains, thence S . .23.50 chains, thence -13.77 chains to tbe SW corner of the NEV of Sec 32. thence N to the place of beginning, containing 32.82 acres, situate In Sec. 32. Tp. 22. R 4 W.; also the SH of SEV of Sec 29. Tp. 22. R. 4. 80 acres 1.30 BRADFORD. E. N. Coro-men-ing at the SE corner of Eli W aifcer s D. C. and run ning N Vj mile, th-nce W 40 rod?, thence S 4 mile, thence E 40 rods to pUce of begin ning, containing 40 acres, Tp. 21. K 4. Douglas county. Or. 1.10 DRfc?"OL, C. Commencing at the NE corner of Sec 3. Tp. 23 S. R. 4 W. running thence W chains, thence S 7.2 S chains, thence E 4.84 chains, thence N 7.23 chains to place of b.-Rinn!nic. containing 5 af res In Douglas county, ore. And i!l on Monday, the 24th day of Feb., 1902 between the hours of nine o'clock the forenoon and four o-clock In afternoon, via: at one o'clock p. m. ti.,1'3 d.iy. sell at public auction at curt house front door, in Roseburg, mupi.i! county. Oregon, to the high est bidder lor rash in hand, ail of the above described real property, or so much as 1I1 be necessary to satisfy tne amount of the delinquent taxes charcel herein for said Douglas county, Oregon, for the year 1900, and for coel of this sale. Mated at Roseburg. Oregon this lSth day of January. 1902. E. L. PARROTT. Sheriff and Tax Collector for Douglas County. Oregon. Professional Cards. )R. ALKIRE, ...Nerve Specialist. com Kinmatni. XirvM, Affmioaa, ' "uwuitr imuoii-a. tpiuat mi inlrr. G-urrai IVbl ht. K, m. Iniwai klUrrc ruiaiorj auU ruuaouary DiMirbooa. H. ura: to Uu; lUji. T-8 Tayliw A WUjuo Bl.Sr. kuarbarg. Onroa gLMEK V. IioOVKE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Kosnrwi Uuoox Teciaj altraUoo irrj 10 Dlacases el the Ho vail Thro.t. Jmoe-Mafn Ht,aMdoar auuU ul CI I) Ha a,riksr mkui Ml, Q V. FISHEU. M. D, Physician, Surgeon. Office over P. 0. KoeuiM, 'Phone Main 591. Ossooa. QK.UEO. K. HOL'CK, . Physcian & Surgeon. jiBot ReTirw Km. PH. ne. Kain XI KOeVltl'KU ORE'.v W HAYS "is. DENTIST. aencw PnlMing, Olepbous No. i. HOSKBrun, OkKliOK E.M. CHEADLE, DENTIST, Office or.piate -" 11 11 1 n,u BWSBUKii. ORE M. CRAWFOB-D, Attorney at Law, HooaalAt. Hantera Bide., ROUBBPEU. Ok BaalnaatHihwethsC 8. Laad OfBoa ana aluiu eaaea s specialty. Late tUrelTer D. 8. Land Oalra. OHN H. SHUFE, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W, RortCMIBO, Orsooh. Bunlnea. be lore P. 3. Land Offleeand Fiobate bu,i(n s arwcialt. Ofltee Abraham Hnildlnc C. FULLER ION Attorney-at-Law. WW practice In all the 8 late and Federai ivuir,. OWce In M-trka Plrlr. Rnw-bnrr. Onrnn QOMMODORE S. JACK. SON, Attorney and Connstdlor at Law. Mining Law and Water RighU made a specialty. a.atera Bid ROmsBT RG. OSrr.OK P W. BENSON, . - At toruey-at-Law. ion 1 aud 2 "l.'?g--li"IMIn' RWEBrRORg(Kw BKOWN, Attoruey-at-Law, Court HniiM Dowudtaira. R(8,Rf'BO (K JA. BUCHANAN, Notary ral.lic. Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. RiK,m a Manlrra BuiMlnc. ROHKBPRd. O, pT J. K0BINETT, Attorney at Law. Roora II, Taylor 4 WUaoa Block. - KoaKBGKQ, Oal, : .90 : i ATOUHCEflEHT If So that tbe holiday tare over, tnatnee, doa, 00 abate at tS Eictardaon iJaaic Mere tai 'es ba!f the piacoa and Ogao, aeil re nrTer seen in Rueebarg. Wo ,oo!d I ke to nrMiin a fe of lb, d ffereat Piina, bar, botwut and sold sioce tar, baas is bosv De,, ,howttig to t pablic that w, ar !! pjste-1 na si 'h, diSV eat aiakee of Piaoo, sod kbO which U it. Lea to hattdie tod abtcA Eifea the best eatiaiaciioii. Have sold Chickering, Steinwaj', Knabe, Ve . bei, SteckT Xeedham, Kimball, Uehr Bros., Vhit ne Hinzie, Haines Bros., Weser Bros., Vore & Son, Leicht, Shonsinger, Howard, Kingsbury, Cable, Sherwood, Ludwig, Allen & Son, Wing & Son, Fischer, Walraven, Webster, Wheelock, Standard, Stone, Jacob Doll, Foley & Williams, S .vick, Opera, Hardman, Jewett, Slozart, Milton, Sick & Co., Euterpa, Decker Bros., Decker & Son, and a number of other makes and we ought to know just what kind of a Piano gives the best satisfaction. We could give purchasers name and address, but space will not permit. T. K. Richardson ROSEBURG. ORE W.V.VaWWAV.VWAVW.VaWAVsWAVW a" I Drain COOS BHY STRCE ROUTE ("otnniencirjr nhh M.-vinIar, Jannary 2. W.-ae wui cLarge VJbO for the fare frm Drain Vj C. Eay. allowance w th each hiS fare, oJ uri.lff. Travelling n en are aliened 75 rx-aa.ls baaj when they have 300 pound' or mTe. AH excels Uirijv, 3 tit. i-r rona-J, an-1 no al low An e w ul be made for oond trip. For IiirtLer information address .40 In the . J of the WAV.V.VV.V.VAV.W.V.V.V.SWaWa"V.WVVWrVV oocxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooocxxcxoooccoo AZALEA HILLS .The finest Rough and Dressed the LUMBER Fine Cedar Fence Posts, Wood, etc. Fine Port Orford Cedar Finishing Lumber.: We want your orders for building material. All orders promptly filled. ..GEO. W. RIDDLE LUMBER CO., . - AZALEA, OREGON c.,r- aVa. Cor. Oak and Ro treeU. Phono Main M. m mi fi 1 sues Best Rigs and Teams in the Citv. Transient Stock Given Special Atte Call and see me. 'Phone 6m .r. t i . . i , Xy "iaieiDeen.etlIarg and I have added several v rigs ana am better prepared than ever to lu'"1a JO" K.t.V'r"!'' T V!iJr Go-'' tin, I'esU faniilt tirocerie,, boih it as pleaeina aa'tor rxvls. FREE DELIVERY Cass and Pine Sts. Publication. TS1TKD STATKS LAKb OmOR " . . Ksri, trp.. Jau U iVn wttH the nrovn..,,!!'. .Tl , V X""'"'. Jnr a, 187.s.eut..lM.-Ai Act I..V tots! J job. Nevada ana W..biot.,B Temior,. JAVE8 T. AnirtVd : .r. ' i a, norm. ol Klil.lU', TcmniT ..f lMirl. (State t4 iw,, haa .1,1, .lav tilol in tht. ht. .worn ZZ' ScdunN., ,Thl, Ainlh. f R,Va 7 aoaaht la more T.Uial.le for fa t.mhvr or at'n. nu alalia lo ntut l-na b. l it Kpalaivr.,.. KMwivrr ol thia onto at R.wbtpa;, Orxvo on Kri.lar. tbe -.'l ilar ol Man-h, Hv nu,,"-a wtinw-: tieonte Ratoman. A'ncrt Will a Bob MeCiilliKh aud Tow Howard all f Eoabu Onuon. Aavand all lyraona clalmlna advcracly the almvcMlraeribvO lautia are miuratett I., in. ik.,. claims in hla oiiice oa or uviora aJd U dav oj UirrK. I ,li np T. BRIDORH. rtnrrs GRQTFRY of Southern Oregon Gardiner J, Ha Sawyers, Proprietor, Draia, Oregon EMPIRE- LiVBrj, Feed End gale fitlltt C P. BaxsaJto, Prop. 5aJJIe Mors$. Sintie nd Doubl Rigs at all boars Transient 5iock jveo very bet of care Rates always reasonable Roseburg, Orecoa CA5E, Proprietor ion Rood turn-outs. CboieeConfectio aianl. . i , lorveriea ,nd Frail. OCT. No Vfe'llA. mmA wtjoa is good, frice, ar, eoo.u -BM- a - Mm. Geo. W. Rapp County Treasurer', Notice. Sotico i, hereby girn to all parti, holding IVulaa Coonty warrant, i doraed prior to and inclodiB Jot-., g, 1H). o present th, saose t th treaaor er', ortio. at tha court hoos,, fcr pay. mei-i, a, inter .ill cc.mj tW-wou after the dat, ol this nc t ce. - r . ...... 'iej inis th da of Jan 'iw,i J Rorobnr,!, Oreiroo G, W. D1MMICK, County Treaou rer. h, tZ. Xhlnco nrar,ted to awiCK the title, rail on Frank E All., op' ar, .a ih. Mark, huildin,. HJ X pit Hp- . - ."1. ' ' - 1 i X .V