The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 23, 1902, Image 3

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We are redoubling our efforts to make the PEOPLE'S STORE
the most popular place for bargain seekers to make their head
quarters, as our Lall and Winter goods have arrived and we are
selling them at a very low margin.
ml we are selling
theiu elsewhere.
them from
Our Fall Millinery Stock of Street and
Walking shapes are the most up-to-date
styles that has ever been in the city before,
25 to 50 per cent, cheaper thau you can
Our Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing are now in and one of
the latest and most up-to-date, and if you will step in and give
us a call you will be convinced that we have the most complete
and up-to-date line in the city, and Tou will see that we can sell
you cheaper then you can get them elsewhere.
ufof.0 W. L. Douglas Shoes
and Monarch
j The People's Store
6 1 'i'a-'i'5lAiSSAo'-2'5S9S'',WV-3
Told in Side Heads
a;:v;vaaa :
Pklimivent Tax List Ou the last
pajie ol ihe rLisintiLKB today ul be
loan J the Sii iff'e !e of real property
for Uxh? for the ver lt)0. The Plain
dkalku rrcelvrs for tne vnhlica'inn of
this list p- oti" h( the price rewivtd
by the R-vi.w dnryig the boasted
"econoni'c" mion administrations ol
k few years ro. Here we have an
illustrat on of tbe IA ity of die Review'
cliarg of republican "official extraya
gauce." To Lbas. For a term o' yere a farm
of 100 acn e improved, good fence,
fine bui'ulm. iiOacieeioa bigb ata!e
of cultivation, bottom land, cojd family
orchaid. Located io center of Camas
Yallev near a good school and church,
a Wo post office. Apply to this office or
t j L. F. Wakoit, Camas Valley, Ore.
Ckkam Wasted Tbe T.S.Townsend
C reimery Co. at 44 Second St., Portland
w 11 py i.uben market price for cream.
WJle-il 50a Creim Separatore.and take
our in payment. 031tf.
Are You Going tj bPKAVi U so ne
Dtne. A cr load jnt received at the
TanyoLTille and Myrile Cxeek Fionr
lhe. - - dfl
Wasted. A ho ae and buggy; 'H
p-..y -cteU. Apply h this office. J2T
WHEATJN'. 1 3 Kieenere, Saturday,
Jan. 1, 1902, to Mr. aod Mrs. Tbad
- Whe-.ton, a eon.
GRUB BE. In 0k!ar, Monday, Jan.
13, rJ02, so Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Urobbe
. a daughter.
riCKETT-ACP.lS. At the borne of
ihe briJe'i brother on Mill e'reet, in
thie ciy, Sai.djy. Jan. 1, 19t2, Frank
1 Tickett and Mis? Alic Aobin. The
groom is an em pi -y e of tbe S. P. Co.
GRIZZLE At Mvrle Cwk Jan
-. lyO:.', J. D.Griiizie, miel oS yers. .
He leaver a i and nine children to
moora hi !-. The. deceased was a
good mm. Ue r ill bemused from
among o?.
"The Village Parson," a new drama,
will be presented at the Roeeburg
theatre, Ttiimdsy evemog, January 23,
and wiih a well balanced company.
The plaT has not onlv a well constructed
plot, but n ol intense human interest
throughout. There are a great many
powerful situations la the piece. In act
first, where husband and wife separate,
the scene becomes one of heartfelt inter
est and brings copious tears to the audit
ors. The situation in act third it another
string scene in wbirb Little Myrtle, the
blind child, does soms very clever and
earnest work, and holds the audience
with the clueeet attention. The play
presents a number of exciting climaxee
which nthrallall present. "The Village
Parson will be given with complete eUee
settings, the scenery being brought here
by the management. Toe company in
cludes actors of recognized ability.
Prices are 35, 50 and 75 cent.
Two cars of a south boond freight
train left the trecr at "Grecian bend" on
Rice Hill early Tiies lay morning aod in
coneeunence Ibe over land passenger
train following soon after was delayed
eight hours while the track was beirg
cleared. Fortunately no one was in
jured. Carpet; and mattisgs, oil cloth and
1 nolium. We have io a'moet all colors
Our special patterns ot 3 ly can't be
beat. Boy yoor window shades and
beds of us, Kiee-A .Rice.
David Roberta has returned from San
Francises where be attended the chief
council of the United Brotherhood of
Railroad Employer. The order was in
atitu'ed a year ago and has enjoyed a
wonderf aKgrowtb, now having about 6J
division and over 5000 members. Geo.
Eetee was re-elected president.
Orchardiste of Sooth Doaglar will
want lime lor spraying their orchards.
It cau be bad at prices to suit purchaser
at the Myrtle Creek and Canyonville
floor nulla. dfl6
Wm. George, of OtUe Grove, a
br ther-in-lew of Good actor Sam Veatcb
was in'town Wedoesday ou buainerc be
fore the Remoter and Receiver of tbe V.
S. Land Offloe. Tbe 1'laikdialeb was
favored with a pleasant call.
Don't complain about bad bread when
oa cin get tbe beet that was ever mads
delivered to your bowe Iree. Leave or
deif at Reivers Bakery or Thone Main
Jan. Frter, of Grants Pass, arrived
here this morning for a visit with bis
parent and snany friend. Jim is run
ning a cigar store in tbe Pass and doing
a good business.
Simoud. Cross Cat Saws will do more
work with lees exertion and bold their
catting edge longer thao anv other
Brand. Bay them from 8 K. fykes.
JI)f Local J
0 2
n . ' - ----- -. 9
Si a
o o
. a
o - "' o
a p
o o
g Only a few left, new and g
a stylish goods, will be n
g closed out at just what g
o they cost. It's your own O
g fault if you don't let us
g save money for you g
1 o
o . o
n g
E3 - i Q
I. W. Tompkinr, late of Iowa, but
now of Cottage Grove, was transacting
business before tbe register and receiver
of tbe U. S. Land Office in this city Wed
ne8ay. and wis aleo a guest of bis cou
sin, Mrs. W. C. Conner and Mlsa Laura
E Jones. Mr. Tompkins ia well
pleased with onr eta'e aud climate, and
being a gontlcman of considerable tict
and bnsinen ability, is taking advantage
of some of the fine bonnets opportunities
afforded in Lane county, and will no
doubt find bis investments very profita
ble ones.
One of the present succesees in a
dramatic way is ttt new aod beantitol
melodrama entitled "Tbe Village Par-
eoti" which will be presented at tbe
Roeeburg theatre, Thurwdav, Jan. 23.
Tbe play deals with tbe affections of the
heart, and the cardinal virtue of trutn.
and strongly portrays intense human
emotions and arooeee keen interest
Tbe piece baa been likeoed to that sue
reeeful drama "Human Hearts," but
from a literary staailpoiut, U considered
a bit superior in characterization. Splen
did scenic environment is oed and a full
acting eooipaay has been entrusted with
liie varioas roles, rrices Si, ou and to
The annual meeting of tbe Odd Kel
love' Building Aarociation was beld
rotaday evening and tbe following
officers aod direttore were i-hoeen : Hon
D. S. K. Baick, president ; v Jje. Miceiii,
secretary ; W. T. Wriuht, treasurer; B.
W. Siroav, L. Wimoei ly, Carl Hoffman,
J. C. Fullerton, direct rs. Ibe auditors
are: F. G. ilicelU, F. H. Churchill, F.
W. Benson. Tbe fiuaocial affairs of tbe
associaliou are reported in good coudt
Oa account of the irregular eurvete of
many ot tbe towuehipa ta the Roeeburg
laud district, it te al'n-rH iaipaeMble to
locate s -ctioa corners wiiboat a cpy ot
tbe Government survey. - Frank E. Al
ley, At-tractor ol mi ciiv, has a com
plete set o' tracings of all surveyed towu
ships, and will furnish blue prints of
same, showing all vacaot land.
S. C. Bertram of the Plimbalsb was
tbe guest of Mr. and Mre. T. M. O ivant
at their beautiful borne it Ten Mile val
ley. Mr. and Mrs. Olivant are very en
tertaining and estimable people. Mr
Olivant is a suoceeefal stockman and in
his beards one can eee tbe best tbe
country produces. They appreciate tbe
reliableuees of the Plal.nox.ujb and that
is why it will yisi', their borne the
following year.
From no a until the 1st of February
everyone having a d a -o cabinet photos
made at the Sunbeam Puoto Parlors will
be presented wiiu tbeir pnoto bandsime
ly framed in a beautifaliy embossed pho
to fiame' with K'aai, easel, back and
haDger. - ja7
H. A. Crow, tbe well known barber
formerly of this city, bat who baa been
spending tbe past Tear or more recup
erating bis declining htialtb at bis old
Riddle borne, haj accepted a position in
f . H. Woodruff 'a barber shop in this
city, where be will be glad to meet his
old friends and patrons. Mr. Crow is a
first class barber and an all-round good
fellow as is aleo tbe proprietor of the
hop "Jock."
Any parties desiring lo rent, buy or
The Bookkeeping clafS at Ihe bight
school contibues to grow. Siuden'a may
enter at any time by calling ou Ihe Pro
fessor in charge. Tuition only, 2 per
Call at Wollenliern Bros, and get a
Standard Fashion Kliet Io' the month
of February. It will nfeieel vou if you
have any dreas-makiug to do.
The Y's will meet at tbe Reading room
next Friday evening Jn. 24, when
tbey intend to donate 5 to the Reading
Room. A program will be rendeied and
refreshments seiv.d by the W. C. T.
U. . V, ' '.I:
W. R. 'Veils, the Olalla postmaerer,
nsrebant and farmer went to Portland
Wedoesday to spsnd a few day attend
ing to business matters.
I will willingly exchange any Simond'
Cross Cut saw not satisfactory to user,
if the fault is in tbe saw. Sold only by
S. K. Sykea.
a vols to build and furnish an $800
school booee in Dist. 23, Calapooia, was
defeated by vote of 13 to 10 at a special
meeting beld Saturday.
J. D. Hamilton has the only complete
set of abstract books in tbe county. See
tim at the Court House, when you want
a tie tracts oi title.
Benjamin Butler, a well known farm
er of Elk ton and G. W. Scbruio of East
Umpqua favored tbe Plaiudkalxr with
a pleasant business call today.
Gentlemen, Edwin Clapp shoes, new
stylee, now ready for your inspection
Hints boos More.
The many friends ot Johnie Boyd will
be glad to learn that he is able to be up
and take an occasional walk oat on tbe
Tbe "Pedalia" the classic aboe for
women, la tbe latest at Flints shoe store.
see that patent pocket for the laces Its
a winner.
Conductor Bam r. eatch baa recov
ered from bis recent illness and taken
bis did position on tbe road' again.
Griffith's Bakery, near tbe depot.make
specialty of V eddtng and Holiday
cakee. They also keep a choice line of
Darwin BrUtow, Jaa. Uemenway and
. 8. Medley returned to Cottage Grove
this morning.
Tbe U. 8. Cream Separator stands
away op in frotit. If yoa milk cows for
profit tee Churchill & Wool ley a boat
Mrs. D. Y. Allison has (one to Astoria
fo' a visit with relstiver.
Lime and cement at very low prices at
Maretera Drag Store.
Welch found Guilty and
do Time in the Pen.
"The Village Parson" tonight at tbe
Roeeburg theater.
Ovet-gaitere, leggina sad robber low
est prices at flint's. '
Oats for sals, at Krone A New land's.
Interesting Farm Notes.
Several Larcenv and
Cases Disposed
Torkeys ere very thirsty fowls and
may be given milk instead of water.
Foals may be oeoally separated into
two classes, ornamental and useful.
Comfoit is tbe first thing to consider
in the rural borne, tor comfort asakee
For tbe small farmer bog raising is
ooe of tbe quickest and sorest wajs of
making money.
Tbe Albany creamery mads during tbe
Tbe arguments In the Hart case weie
concluded at six o'clock Tuesday even
ing and tbe court's instructions to the
jury were given between sevsn and
eight. Tbe jury retired at once for de
liberation and far several boars it ap
peared as if no agreement could be
reached. However, between two acd
three o'clock Wednesday morning, tbey
came in, bringing tbe following
In tbe csss of Ibe State of Oreitoo vs.
Alfred Henry Hart, iudicted for murder
in the secood degree.
VN e, tbe Jury empanelled to try tbe
above entitled cause, find tbe def undent,
Alfred Ilenry Hart, guilty of tbe crime
of manslaughter end recommend Lim
to tbe extreme mercy of tbe court, to
wit: Tbe lowest penalty under tbe
statnte. -
"Dated at Roeeburg, Donglae county,
Oregon, this, tbe Z2od day of January,
A. D. 1902. R. L. STsrti sns,
".Foreman ol tbe Jorv."
Tbe court fixed tbe date for pronounc
ing teotence at 1 o'clock p. m. Thursday
This case has attracted more attention
than any other tried here for some time
past, and both aides were hotly conteet-
ed . Tbe closing plea for tbe state made
by Judge L. R. Webster, ot Portland,
baa been the subject of mnch favorable
comment, as was aleo tbe plea on behalf
of tbe Bute by Deputy District Attorney
Harris of Eugene. Tbe leadership ol
tbe defense was ably conducted by Attor
ney Looia Baraee, who was assisted by
A. 11. Crawford and Dexter Rice. Tbe
final plea ia behalf of tbe defendant was
made by Attorney Earze and be was
lbs recipient of bearty congratulations
for his able effort, notwithstanding the
fact that U was his first imporUut crimi
nal case since entering upon tbe practice
of law. Tbe further text that tbe defend
ant was nvt foaoJ guilty as chargrd . cf
murder bot of maaslaogbter, with tbe
jiry's reoommeodation of extreme ien
inricy of tbe court ia another evidence of
tbe ability of tbe defendant's coonailor,
who gives promise of taking bigb rank
in tbe pr jfossion.
Tbe case above referred lot, is that in
which A. H. Hart was accaaeJ of shoot-
IOUU liuin JipMinv ihiuH uihu I 11 Mil a
at Wilbor Dec. 20, 1901. who it is alleged Will AlTIVe
as adapting to bre-k lato Hm'a IVT lflr
borne et tbe time of the shooting in or-1 liCAl TV CCtV
der to recover from Hart bis ports and
money which it ia farther alleged Uart
bad stolen from Ibe Jap,
At one o'clock this alter noon, Uie time
fixed for passing sentence oa . Hait, tbe
Good bargains in Dress Goods of all de
scriptions Also a few of the 50 per cent
discount Collarettes left. Largest and best
assorted stock of General Merchandise in
Douglas County at
11 mill, ni si
Wall Papers sgj
Each and every article here priced are special . value and
many are below actual co?t. Small lots, broken, sets cf
chairs. Many patterns which we shall not carry again.
in 1, 2, 3 and 4 ruil 14 to pat term
fllar Z ct., now 5 and 10 eta.
rer doable roil, uua noraersana
ceiling as low as 5 cent per rolL Special price on our entire line of Wall
Papers. We will receive in February, the largest shipment of Wall Pap
er ever shipped to Roeeborg. All freeh and direct from factory if yon
fail to eee na for Wall Pa per, voo mia an opportunity of seeing the very . .
latest Eastern productions. We are highly elated in secoriag so aice a
line at prioea which assure as of aa immense paper bosioeee. Window
Sbadee as low as 25 cts. each, all lino, only a few at this price, they're
regular 45 eta. Shale. Some specials in Carpets, in fact, we have some
specials in every line we carry. Curne in and see what we Lave set aside
for this Special'Sale. Matting as low as 15 cents per ran .
One-half Carloal of Trunks. Valieee and Telescopes, direct from
factory. SPECIAL 30 days, this SB-inch Trunk, only f?60, it
sells in Portland for 12.75. We lead all competitors on Traaks
and Valisee. We proteose eometbinz warm for this cold month.
Stoves and Rangee, Cutlery and CarpeM inrloded in tbis sale. Cook Stove No 7 for $7.50 ;
No. 8 for WM. r-lrorm 'Suit for $14.00. Beet knivea and forks, 50 cents, tet in line and
take alvaatage of this low priced Sale.
year 163,000 pounds of butter, show tog a
big increase over its product ol Ibe prei- court room waa well filled with those in
oos year. It supplies a great deal of tbe I tarested in tbe dosing cbspter ta the
batter consumed in this e jnnty especial- I Wtlbor bom lei da. Jodga Boise at the
It at Roeebars.
We do not tbiok there bae beo a sea
son belore for many yaars wheo so large
a proportion o: the prone crop of Ibe
northwest was oot of the bands of grow
era by Janaary 1 ai oas been tbe case
this winter.
The cost of establishing a creamery
cowadaj s is not more than half that of a
decade ago. Oi twenty-aevea new cream
eries, tboes having two separators range
in price from $."200 to f 4500 and average
$3300. Nineteen having bat ooe separa
tor ranze io pries from $1200 to $3250
and average $2150.
How mocb poor butter aod cheeee can
be traced directly to dirty milk cans will
never be known, but tbe loss is sufficient
to bay mny new cans every year and
would go far toward paying the coat ot
cleaulng tbe entire supply of the conn-
appointed boor requested tbe prisoner to
s'and 9f, stating that be bad been con
victed ot Ihe crime of mass aogbter.
and asked hitn tf l-.e bad an thing to sy
why sentence should not be passed upon
bim, Hart. seemed eosnptstfd and said
he had iot. Tns Jadge tben aoooo&ced
that be weald carry oat Ibe reoommea-
datkjoe of tbe jiry aod give bim the
lowest limit of tbe law one year ia tbe
State vs. Wekh Criminal Action
Tbe Welch Case.
Wednesday morning tbe case entitled ,
State of Otegoa vs. L. L. Welch, where in
defendant is charged of the crime cf
statutory rape was introduced ia court.
District Attorney Brown ead L. T. Har
ris represented Ibe state and John Car
son and J. A. Bocbauao the defeuee.
Ibe jory being selected ae follows:
A Ho vera, Beoj. Butler, S W anaile.
E Brothers, O W fehrum. J D McKay,
W 8eala, C A McNabo, T J Alexander
I . .. i s o a, a fr rv f .
John A. Carson, of this city, has been U W Banaers, oewart ana
engaged as cennsel for Aithor Welch, la tne aoovecomp..u.
who is on trial at Roeeburg et tbe pree- "he crime was committed noon tbe par
ent term ol tbe drcoit court on two son ot tme sicvuuoco, ww. uuur
I c tc .r .
charges. Welch formerly lived in 8a- toe legal age ot wuwiv-w ,. .
lem. He was married to a 8alem woman 8borUy aiw stcue rr wp .u.
with whom be bad some trooble, alter charge of adoltery, preterrea oy ue ae
wbich be went to Roeeburg. Soon alter leodenfe wile, Uattie Welch, of Albany ,
going there be became Intimate with a the McCollocn girl committed eaiciae in
Miss Effis McCallocb. Hie wife learnrd Roseboig Nov. 15. 1901, by ehoouog ber-
of tbe latter affair and went lo Roeebnrg aeU with a revolver, ibe cnarge against
toseebiai. Tbe girl wltn wbom be was I naicu -
entangled tben learned lor tbe first lime changed lo thatot rape oy we etaie.
that Welch bad been married. Know-
log tbeie waa no chance of being married
to bim, ahe shot herself and died a lew
hours afterwards. After ber death, I
sell real estate, city or country property Welrh's wife bought aoit agsinat bim
win oo wen so can on or a.iarese u.M. ,or .do,er- ,d ,be girl's famUy for
WSMWU. , vuite wau AtMllUQT BJMUIB Dlf I . . . w a
see, opposite McClallen Uoose, Rose- ,lIDlor7 rape. oaiem -ourn.
burg, Oregon. j9.
Steward Fife, well known in Roeeburg,
wnere ue cierxea last summer, wno was
arrested in Washington state recently on
a charge of murdering F. W. Richard
son, at Savannah, iio., some time ago
has been lodged in jail at that place to
await trial. Tbe wife of tbe murdered
man ia aopposea to nave been sn ac
complice and is now on trial at Savan
nah. Mo.
Wben yon are in want of a Cook atove.
kiieel range. Heating etoye, or any thing
i in toe line ol Hardware, Tinware etc.
go lo S. K. Sykea and get bia prices aod
yoa will go no lurtbsr.
D.J.Noah, one of Camas Valley's
progressive farmers spent a few days in
town this week transacting business
He favored tbe Plaikdkaleb with a
pleasant rail and received a receipt for
the PLAtKDKALsa to Janaary 1003.
All work done by the Title Guarantee
et LiOjm 173., J. I). Hamiltou, manager
ia guaranteed absolutely correct. Ab
stracts of titles are worthless nnli
properly made.
Oar merchants having completed their
annual invoice, report satisfactory re
...II. . m II I.I. him ndiia III. ....
and if indications count for anything
this time next year tbey witf .be happier
Tbe best paints are not sold cbesp,
Shsrwin & Williams make tbe best
I Churchill & Woolley sell it.
O W. Baebford, of Medford, ia here
visiting hi) son. E. L. Bashfurd, ot tbs
I Htm Era flouring mills, .
Weather Report.
For tbs state, John McCallocb, father
of Effia Mcculloch, A. atcuoiiocn, an
ancle, and Mrs. Apple ton, ber grand
mother, testified positively to tbe age of
tbe girl, aUting that she was bat 15
years old. Mrs. John Freeman and
Mrs. Ed Patterson corroborated uiu
testimony, remembering positively the
date of Fffis MoCollocu's birth In Olalla
15 years ago, " . . i - ;
Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. Uildebarn teetined
to tbe defendant and the deceased girl
living together with a child, tbsy bsviog
occupied rooms in the Hildebara bond
ing for.: five weeks. Alter ward tbey
moved to West Rosebarg and . rented a
U. 8. Weather Bureau Office,
Roeeburg, Oregon, Jan. 22, 1002.
Week ending 5 p. mn Jan. 22, l'J02.
Maximum temperature, 49 on 19tb.
Minimum temperature, 32 on 15 th.
Rainfall for the week, 0.74 .
Total rainfall sines 1st of month 1 .70
Aversge rainfall for that month for 24 DOQM w. Rapp, so that gentleman
years 6.84.
Total rainfall from Sept 1 1900 to date,
Averane rainfall from Sept, 1, to date
18 63.
Total deficiency from Sept. 1, 1900, to
date 3.59
Average precipitation lor 24 wet s
sons Sd.Ud. auob. uibbor,
Irj inir preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the BecreuoiiB,
w hich adhere to the membrane and dscom-
pose, canning a far more serious i tronnieuiaa
ni;nur form nf catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inbalanta, fumes, smokes and snuffs
and use that wuicn cleanses, iwui
heala. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
M l- a. Vaail
tesiifled. :
Tbe atate sought only to prove that
lbs two were living together without
having been married, and that tbe girl
waa uoder tbe statutory age ot 16 years.
Tbe only other evidence introduced was
that ol Deputy Sheriff McClallen, who
testified as to admissions made br
Welch in having admitted that
be bad done wrong, and would like to
clear tbe matter np and live honorably
with tbe girl In tbe future.
v ;tuk dkvkhsb. .
The defense was aking the line that
tbe girl was over tbe age ot Id years, and
tbat ahe waa of difcsoloie clia-acter.
Q. M. Fisber, city marshal ol Redding,
Calif. testified that be aaw the girl in
and wiUyurtiArrnww. w.- that city la a "crib" tn 1900 and laOl,
mailed for 10 cents. All arnggisw "'
iuv, iA F1vTtrnthra. 66 Warren St., Xi.s.
rri,. u. in mini wiuioni rain, uvitjw mv
irritate or cause aneeang. It spreads iweu
over an irritated and angry surface, reUev.
Ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm yoa are armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Haj Fsv. ,
place. Ooce she told bim sbe
years old and at another 19 years.
W. M. Welch, a Salem contractor, and
brother of tbe de'eodaot, gave immater
ial evidence bearing indirectly oa tbe
J. C. Cometoct, Willis Martin, Lincoln
Brit and D. C. McWilliasae, bad each
reeo or fenoan tbe girt and believed tee
to be at least 18 years of age.
Attorney J. A. Bocbanaa testified tbat
be was attcmev for Welca after bis ar
reet for adaltary. Effis McCallocb came
t bis office to see a boot getting bail for
Walch, sod be asked ber ace. Sbe re
plied that it wa 19. A. J. Bachaaaa,
who wae, also, present, corroborated this
Toe defense rested at 3 p. ca. and tbe
argamen's of tbs sttomeya was began.
Tbe Jodge instructed tbe jory eboat 5
o'clock p. m. aal tbe following verdict
waa reached b tbe jury at 9 o'cock p. m.
"We. tbe jury empanelled lo try tbe
aNve caoee find tbe defendant, L. L
Welch, auiliy of tbe crime ol rape aa
charged tn the ioforaaatioo. Dated at
Roeeoorg, Djoglas eoaniy. Oregua, this
tbs 22nd day ol Janaarv, A. D. 190J.
' "ii. W. SlXDBU,
"Foreman oi tbe Jary
Tbe jory waa then eacoood from at
tendance on tbe case sad i anuary 25 , at
9 o'clock a. u. waa set for senteociag
Tbe penalty for tbe crime for which
Welch waa convicted ia not leas than
thrre nor more than fifteen years, ia tbe
penitentiary. -
Brookhart va. Petereosu
la tbe case of H. P. Broakbart, plaint
iff, T8, John W. Peterson, defendant,
the complaint fi:sd, charges tbe defend
ant with alienating tbe affections oi
plaintiff's J wife, Mre. Emily E. Brook
hart aod that defendant carnally knew
the wife of plaintiff without tbe consent
of said plaintiff who affered great di
trees of body and mind, wherefore be
demands judgment against defendant ia
the sum of $5,000. together with costs
aod disbarsemeats ia this action. Many
witnesses were called and it was not an
til a late hour .Wednesday evening tbat
the testimony waa completed, fc. a.
Parker and W. R. Willis were attorosjs
for plaintiff and Dexter Rice appeared
for defendants. Tbs case proved a very
spicv one and was continued over ontil
tbls morning. Tbe jury conilsting of
Cbes. H. Allen, R. 1 Stephens, Joha
M.tbews, a E. Marks, Eoos Wall, U
ii.' McNsal. Horace Maretera. J. H.
Clements. B. C. A gee, W. E. Mareters,
J. A. By lien and Geo. Noah, Tba Jary
submitted tbeir Verdict at noon today,
vis: "We tbe jory empanelled to try
the above cause after due deliberation
find tor defendant." The jary was tbea
dismissed. ' '
Larceny Cases.
This afternoon Jas Clarke was arraign
ad on a charge ot tbe larceny ot aa over
coat in this city in December. He plead
guilty to Ibe charge and will be sen
tended tomorrow.
J. A. Bot Wo, was arraigned oa a
charge of tbe larceny cf tools from the
tbe plomming sbnn of Saoctoary A
Svkes lo this city. He plead guilty
; on ii
.Thursday, January 23:
a a a
4j y.
The Villa
Thrilling ia Climax. .
Powerful in Actios, .
, Intense Heart Interest
AH Special Scenery
; A story ss sweet as th
fragrance of roses.
PRICE'S 35 50 and 75 cents.
Jackson Street.
nesir Cass
Oar Cream and Home-made Bread is as tood or better ;
than ever and will be delive el to any part of tbe city.
Leave orders or 'pbone Main 166.
J. SIHVIIRS, Proprietor
S The Greatest Thing That Ever )
Happened is Our January Clear- q
ance and Remnant Sale now on O
t , : Remnants of everything from the finest
; i silks to the cheapest muslins at your own
price. -
.Jackets and Capes ati less than wholesale
cost. . ' -
On Ladies Furs the n holesale cost cuts no
figure with us. THEY MUST GO.
We will not carry any Winter Goods over
if prices will move them.
and sbs bad a child with bar. lie or
dered ber to leave or tbey would take
tbe child from ber. Witness thought
that tba girl wai over 18 years old.
Ray Welch, brother . ot defendant, a
bartender ol Delamar, testified to seeing
the girl lo a low dance house t tbat
the ebarge aod will also receive his
tsnce tomorrow.
. : Divorce Oranted.
Gerunds E. Rice va, Fbil O. Rice pe'i
tion to mcdily decree. Petition granted.
Nettie Whipple va 8. D. Whipple suit
for divorce, J.. T. Long attorney for
plaintiff. Decree granted.
arffamS in Every
Fisher & Bellows