The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 23, 1902, Image 2

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?Tbe Twtce-a-Week
Rosebiirg Plaindcaler
Published Holidays and Thursdays,
AVi C'.CfN.NtK, Editor aud l'ublialier
4l Laura E. Jonks, City Editor, Solicitor.
cgjwi. J. Kkantz, Foreman
S. C. BMstki'm, Traveling Solicitor.
Twice--Vetk Plaindealer, per year, $1.50
Eutered al Hie Post Office in Rose burg,
- : Ore second claea mail matter.
' Adrertisiug Rates on Application.
Aorordiba to aonie of the latest laws newspa
r r publishers may cause individuals wbo use
napcreud rcfui to pay lor it to be arrested
fr traitd,. Undr ihi rating, alst, anyone who
lk buVjmbscnptiow to ma aloug for a time
.paid and then or. I en it discontinued, or or-
tv the poslmatT to mark it refused, or scuds
r eoil card to tae publishers is liable to ar-
n- aud, line the same a lor theft.
- r j,
J . V- ClabbtMK Rale
' " 'c baYe arranged with a large number el
aad magazines for ratea which will give
- Ao our subscribers two publications for a alight
dTaoe'.orer the coat of Tm PtAMibXAiaa
aloue. following U a partial list:
; rwritA-Wiia PuoKDaALlBand the
Toledo Blade 11 75
Pew Vofk Tribune., - 1 7$
i5. F. Kipielin..
. IT. Call
. 2 l
-1 7
Sural Northwests
JANUARY 23, 1902.
Ths - iifst -.-political boomerang
laanched forth in this . county bear
ing on the approaching campaign ap
peared in Monday's issue of the
Koseburg Review under the above
caption. This misleading and mu
truthful article bore all the ear marks
audi characteristics of that unscrup
ulous ward-politician and corrupt
.political boss, to whom the democrats
aud populists of this couuty owe
their demoralization and ultimate
".downfall; the fellow whose mauipula
"lion and political juggliog brought
abort the fusion for spoils regime in
this county which became so- ex
tremely obnoxious to the citizens of
the couuty regardless cf party affili
ations .who held principle above
spoils, and who so resented the un
fair treatment accorded the weaker
faction of the reform forces the pop
ulietsby the domineering faction
therlemocrats, that the whole outfit
warxepudiated at tbe polls in this
county two years ago, or more prop
er, iany of the ' populists, stinging
from the, injustice received at the
band of the Coasted democratic "re
form!' Jeadare And this selfish boss,
wkose,. mouthpiece was the Re-
" viewf which sheet be was the so
called editor, very properly pooled
i issues with tbe republicans and as-
- ei&ied in the "complete overthrow of
the gang who were fattening at the
couuty crib, at their the populists
expentKv.Xow, after repeated sting
ing rebukes and finally complete
ovei throw, resulting in bis retirement
Iroui the paper here, eh," from the
couuty . aud state, this self sam e
bpoi Ionian neglects bis business al
Boise, Idaho, returns to this city
temporarily, to attend the firsf meet
ing of the democratic central com
mittee for the campaign, for the pur
pose of dictating the : policy of hi
prty aud laying down a plan of
raoipaurQ marked by all its old time
questionable characteristics. It has
many times been stated that since tbe
bauibbmeut of, . this evil political
genius, the democratic party of this
e.ionty would uo doubt arue to a
higher plane of usefulness as a polit-
iclJrganIzation, adopt a more, con -
T arvative policy and re assert its time-
haored principles, but it appears
t liar fate has not so ordained it. Tbe
a l vent of Mr. Fisher upon the scene
of action here afthis time appears a
direct 6lam upon the intelligence and
ability of tbe democratic leaders of
tue county, who were supposed to
possess brains enough to direct tbe
affairs of the party without any par
ticular outside assistance, and it is
more' than probable that Lis coming
rasntirely unsolicited and the re-
suit of bis own egotism and imagin
7. ary importance. -r
'lu the article to which reference
above 4 made geeat stress is laid op
ottXh increased tax levy of the pres
ent, oer the farmer year, it being al
lesJ, of course, tbat this condition
ia"atl Mae to republican extravagBoce
aud- -mismanagement, . bn. do sane
peraon will be thus deceived, lie
girding the increase in the state levy
111? a well known fact that ample
jMxivifeion must now be made to en
able the next session of the legislat
ure Jo grant a liberal appropriation
k for the Lewis and Clark Exposition,
C an investment fr.m which the state.
will receive three-fold returns.. Mr.
Pisher, whote mission here is evident-'
ly to register bis usual kick and stit
op a moss, sa regardiug county af-
" When a nriion administration was
elected in t hi conutv. the officials
proceeded to redeem their pre-elec-!
WUU1T ajeraj-a- awaav. -S ibaOi
TTr. v.r raa..nll.r-nn tnU ttlA ht Umm !
been increasing steadily ' and tbe
amount of taxes to be raised ia high
er than ever before."
True, Ihe union aimiuislratiou did
economize aud to I be extent tbat the
roads and bridges of lb couuty be
came in such a deplorable and nn
safe condition that the -ouoty judge
and commissioners were confronted
with, the proportion of making
eome extensive improvements at
once or iuvolviug the connty in ex-'
't-enR!ve aud heavy damage HTi', aud
-w0;-.t,-,. ..u t iln'k tieiutuJ fairlv
r ' . . ....
the fasioo connty jndge tendered Lib
resignation and was barely succeeded
by a republican, jatbe wheu one of
tLe largest bridges in the county
East Umpqna collapsed, the loss of
life and personal property; barely
being averted. The republican
county administration has met the
demand for extensiye improvement
rail lj and squarely and while this
has incurred considerable expense
and lessened their chances of " re
election perchance, it is of direct
be.iefit to the tax payers who we pre
dict will uot resent a slight mcrease
in taxation while enjoyiug . the
security and advantages of this out
lay of couuty funds. ,
We remember reading a few years
ago a funny account of how some
body thought he could turi for Gov
ernor of New York on tbe strength of
the good character of himself and his
ancestors, but bad .hardly started
wheu he was accused of aettiug fire
to an orphan asylum und tf barely
escaping lvncbiug out West, and ot
various other offences. At his first
speech several small hoodlums were
sent on to tbe platform to claim him
as "Pa," and a followiug nipbt he
went out the back door of bis bouse
as a mob entered tbe front door, and
the next day announced that he had
retired from tbe gubernatorial con
When Genera Butler ran for
President of the-United - States
against three other candidates, he
claimed at the close of the campaign
that thonirh defeated he was the
onlv man who had come oat with a
good character. - -
No matter what action is taseu on
other reciprocity treaties, thatwith
Cuba should be promptly made aud
ratified,-for the lndnstriil a-iJ !jVi"i-
cal situation there is ' acute.-r
American producers and jronsumers,
as a whole, are also interested in this
mtter, for a proper reciprocity
treaty with Cuba will give us impor
lant markets," which is new ' largely
RUDDlied "by other - countries, aud
give our industries cheaper raw ma
terial in raw sugar, tobacco, iron ore
and woods, and our fruit grewera ,
preservers and consumers cheaper
refined 6ucar. Uur beet -and cane
sugar interests will oppose it, but
the interests of ninety-nine out of
every hundred -American citizens
will be benefitted, aud this should be
considered, even if the present exor
bitant orofits of the one percent of
our population should be somewhat
reduced. At piesent they euj jy a
orotection of about 100 per cent. - at-
against 50 per cent. . for all oiht? r
American industries. Why should
thev not be willing "to live .'and .'let
;The Democratic county "ceutral
committee met pursuaut to. call this
evening in tbe law office ul O. P
Cobbow in this city. There was a
fair attendance and basinesa pertain
tug to Ihe coming campaign 4 w'ai
transacted. It is said that C.1L
Fisher, a non-resident of tbe county
and state for the past two yeans was
the principal adviser and counselor.
Ere the close of tbe campaign Mr.
Fisher will find himself aa Becureiy
entrapped as he was on a certain oc
casion io a fishnet at. Scottsburg io
his happy (?) schooldays" He will
find that be is of Uo small f caliber
mentally to successfully dictate the
politics of Idaho and Douglas 'county,
Oregon. "'
It is evident that 'the democratic
nirt v of this county . is still to be
mismanaged and doimoeered ""oyer
by the same old Roebarg riugster
and would-be boss Or -ILFi&her,
wbo two years ag put the party, in a
political hole from which . it will - be
unable to extricate itself in a decade.
Thin tact, therefore, should be very
encouraging aud gratifying news' to
tbe ReDnblicans, .who have much
4-ause to rejoice thereat. ' ' '
.- Mi8 Roosevelt . will , go through
the oeretuony of breaking, abott&of
wine over the prow of ' tbeGermab
rjtnperor s Amencaa-ouux jacui i. a.
little rehearsal with: bottled water 4
will enable her to do -it correctly.
The Kaiser, however, missed it 5 when
be failed to select Mrs. Nation. By
the way, why hot epill .'Ltger beer
instead of-champagne .Hoch der
a . . tn , -
1 1
The PiAispEAiJB is just m receipt
of anadvertrsing. proposition' from'
some 'fake' Chicago " advertising
agency: which "reads as jfolivf S: j
"Handeontav and . .immense lj rich
young widow, wants immediately,
able honest hobband. . Address, etc'.
The man who is so green" as to be
' taken in bT Bacb tako "vould
fill i
cabbege'heaJ with envy..
U ... :
j - 't , ,r i
The Statesman thinks it is high time
the death ' penalty we're abolished
when the gallows is arranged so that
the trap is sprung by cutting ' three!
ropes, by three persons, as for Wade
and Dalton at Portland so arrange
jfl urder that no person ' may have
on his!
. , .
Despite tbe biHious wail of octopus
hunted fiction writers. l world in a
tJpr ,lUce , 0 work. 8U.,S ettt 80(j
thibk iu tbau at any pievKiu fpoch'
We bave promise tbat it will be bet
ter tomorrow tLsu it is today, r Mill-
. ; i
iouaire are helping hnuiaiiity np tbe
steep with a wuuificeiicu tbut is sub-.
s -
. Tue followiu gentlemen -.of
have been chosen tore be
UuiteJatttw Kiuff EJwardbtCtt-
onatioa this soring: Capt. Chas. E
Clark, of battleship Oregon fame-,
Brigadier-Ueneral Jas, S. WilBon,
Dowpu retired, lisC aad Whitlow
Keid, editor JS'ew.York Tribune.
Democratic sympathy for the
little brown men of the Philippines''
is particularly touching in view of
democratic effort to exclude from
suCTrage "the ig black men of the
sooth," and "without the consent of
the governed,' too. -
--Tbe subject of eooialieui is attract
ing very little attentiou ia the east
outside of socialistic . circles, ; as a
parry measure, and it will never' play
much of a figure in politics. St,
Paul . Press.
The ' Panama Canal route is now
offered at a cut price of J40,l00,000.
It ia dirt cheap at that. When peo
ple knock off $ 10,000,000 it is plain
they waut to sell.
Democratic leaders are seeking to
drop-free silver from their platforms
iu the future and return to tbe cry
of tariff rtform aud national poverty.
The outlook for a prosperous year
in Idaho -is so 'very good that its
democrats are very much' discoar
Southern Oregon miuers are not
getting enough rain. They are not
enjoying this incomparable winter
Political Gossip.
nou. ueo. U. isrownell, state sen-
a r of Clackamas county, will be a
candidate for re-election this spring,
wuicn inaus uiai ne win . taKe Lis
i .- t . , I, . .
usual place in the senate chamber at
tbe State Capitol next legislature, for
the people of Clackamas know bis
true worth too well to give him up
He is a genUeuiau'Of nnqueatiouahle
ability and one of tbe most brilliant
orators ever sent' io the Oregon legis
Word comes from Washington that
George V . Bibee of Sheridan, who
was recommended . for tbe receiver
sbip f tbe Oregon City land office
by Senator Mitchell some time ago,
will be appointed sqou Mr. Bibee
has been hung up by Senator Simon
on a charge of incompetency, but
President Roosevelt has investigated
ana decides that the charge is not
well founded. Mr. Bibee is a Ten
uesseean by birth, a etaancn republi
can and a hustler.
. Council Meeting.
The Roeeburg city council met Mon -lay
evening in adj raruad aeeeion with
ul present except Ctoinrf'meu VTol!en
'rg and fcrewo. The propose-! ordi
ance for an aewment of adj jinirg
Property lor the improvement of parte of
Sheridan, Case, Jackson and Douglaa
streets were read for tbe first time.
r . F. Patterson labmUted plans for
croesirg on streets to be improved. On
motion tbe mailer was laid over until
next reeling.
looiniUte on etr"el imprnvemeull
wete empowered when Uiey deemed it
I roper to permit parties to icoprcve
treeta adj iiniug lbe:r propetry by pUc
tng gravel thereoa. at ibeir van
rxpenae. '
1 ne treaenrer waa lnetriK.le1 to repor
.a S a
t'i aenoq'jrni licenses at next regu ar
Complaint aa io boga bsing kept wi'h
mine cite iimu" waa referred tJ coa.
'ml ee om bealtb and police.
Aojourned to first 51 wday in Febroa
y- r - ... -
Real Estate Transfers
iiX.U . U trdner u I W Gard
ner lore , 5. 6 7 and 10, in Mk
1; 1 1. 2, 3 ,4, 5, 6 aud 7 in
-WkS; loUl.2,3. 4.6, 9, 10.
ll.Ji.lyaixi 14 moJk7: also
tlk 2,4, , ii, 10, H. 12. 13 and
14 In Gardner's adlitjon to
Sontn Drain :
11590 00
Ritert P Herdeo and wile to N
f P Heydea 160 -crea in see 23,
P weet. ...... ....... 400 00
E Jooea and wife to E D Brign
. and aife ..0 acres in to 24 a S
west (hH) DO
C L Jewell et al to A E Nichols
fiWJolNWyofaeca, tp 31
- er 7 w-wt ... 40 0o
R A Booth to - DngUa eoanty
Bank tbe $)i ol Io; I Wk . 2$
io iDeuiy oi K-v-bart 50OO 00
Don't Forget to Read This. .
thit fall and winter goods have arrived
and you -wul find nre to taraeet nd
most oouvilu Hoe et dress gouda, oti'ia g
8a i Del", Uacinatora, underwear, boeitry,
ilaokeie, rarlaine, cloaks, caee, ec,
Aieo- Bnckbtbam 4 Hncht, ttoota and
4boes, rubber gooda, oil clothing, over-
ooala. and a line ol men and bora' clotb
og .tbat Mnuot .be beat. We alto
carry miners eopplit and a trash and
complete snick of groceries.'
Come and let us show - yen "our m
aeaortuentj and give you prices.: Oar
aim ia to give vou good valoea and Weal
you right, (jive na a trial.
' A. R; Mi-rroiK A Co., Riddle, Or, t
.W are, aleo agents lor tbe Oliver
ChiUed plows and xuraa. (o4U)
Special Notice.
v, the opLtctan will visit
UleDdale Tuesday anl Wednesday. Jan
oarv' 21 and 22' Cauvonville, Tboraday
o3 Friday 23 and 24.,; Kiddle, gator
day 25 . Myrtle Crepk . Monday, Tues
day and .' Wednesday, 27. 2t, and 20.
A,.LI...J' il.. oil n 1 . .
uakbuii, torre uajp. ou. oa inu A. 1 t
Ttiuee witliing to coneull him about
their eyea or wishing alaaMM tiuedihould
call on him at tb. hotel. All work
guaranteed. Prices reaeonahle. Con
nlUiion Iree.' ' ' f ' J. G. Goblk.
Edlior Jv C Koberta of the Myrtle
Point Enterpriae, baa made another bad
B'ert and trircommtinHy,"rrgSr'ds'TiIro
in T nnceitiin I'gbt aince be rame out
. with 1 6m follow jng apology"in Ida last to
eue; .'Dan't "tbe men' tor nut
aaoiing'lb 'bold the baby. . A man can't
go ont into the. bther room' and return
itb an apmn on alter he bai Leld' the
bahy JewJmoinnia."T A man who
would lb lie libol innncenii 'would swipe
4.htckua friftn bis mother 'a ben roost.
x . f-... l. i 1 . . j . 1 , '
Three Road Bosses will bo Appointed
by Court, f r t .
The rrineville Journal tav repardinr
t .e . iY''iutaeot 0 road musters ir
Crook i-ouotr by the cinnty comt;
"Three r-'ad masters a ill ba appuiittt-r
he m- j orned meeting of 'lis coiinh
Fi'tnuar. riie cuauiy:hna been dl-
ill ad into three dialtictu and a' rorr
maater will, be appgiuted for eflch di
trict. Good Dei. will be selected i
be C iurt wv III consider '- the - appllcatioL
of tboee wbo want a j b. There will be
but three mouths work and (rood waset
rill be paid for tbe 'time , autoally em
ployed.' Tbe Work on tbe roads eboaW
be done inride ol three tuoi.ti p, as tLe
spring it the time lor such work to I e
effective. Tbe law caiitempUtoa tbe ai-
poibtment of one toift matter to aerve
nine mouths, but iu a vouuty as Urgi
e tliia, one man cannot do the work t
the proper time aud to get It done in
time is tbe proper thing, so tbe court bi
change 1 tbe forui. eoraewbat aud will ap
point tbre to lorre three moaiha act-
lal work, and the remainder of the time
the roads will be in the banda of the
road supervisors of tbevariou districts.1
Olalla News.
V. M. Ireland who has been bom
vieiting receiveJ a meaaage from Mar&h
field calling him to tbe tick bed ol bit
brother W. E. Ireland, who, tbe xeeaafte
stated, bad small-pox, and a latei
meeeage confirmed it. '' A ' speedy recuv
ery irom mat ureaaea deeease is verj
much hoped for by bis many friends io
this county. - - - ' -
Owing to auch a light rain fall thh
w inter there ie a acarctty ol water , min
ing U thereby greatly retarded a bile
with plenty of water there would be a
reatdeal of tna yellow' meUl tken
from tbe rich placer grounds of Oialla
this winter.
There was a social party and dams
given at Weh'a hall Saturday cigbl in
oouorotV. M. Irelaud who baa been
visiting here. . A very enjoabla time
was bad by all.
A little eurprise party was given. Mr
od Mrs F D. Xwiud of thus valley
Moudar evening. Mr. aud Mrs. A. 8
BOiDnelf, ol ten Mile, were in attsoJ-
tnca. lit. Xtewiaud ia a proeperoua
roang farmer and a cloeesiudcnt in the
matter of road making. He ia the prevent
popular road eopervienr of tbia iiawlct
Opportnaitiei I or lavestmeat
Sute Food aoo Dairy Commiaaiooer J.
W.Bailey ia qu-jUd in the following
tUtement alter aa otbaal trip lb rouge
Southern Orenun :
'"MedlorJ and Unburn I found to te
wit boot creaiseriea. The crramery near-
-t to Uerllord ia Aebland, aod tbe aar
eat to Roeebnrg i ogea. CreamerM
;o tneee t wo towns cou.d be eatabtiaheJ
nd operated at a prjQt. The ceceeaarv
jlant would not coat more than $2000
and in plane of tbe farm flutter aow eol
l 10 ana jo cents a- pound, creamery
alter unered at froaa 2ti 10 ) cent
joald be aobstita el. .
"Ooe great need of SonlLern Oregon
is an apple cMer an vinegar factory
coougn appiea 10 eoppiv tbe wLo
rtUte wuu ciuer and vmecar no to vtii
eveiy year. One lira of nrchardiata Oj
IrjOacrea 'A Uaes, labtJ 10 vvara gf,
cleared fZJ.OOOnet tliia ar, and je
erw 01 app.ea went to waste."
Sra. ttetaa QB'V'r thla hrad will be hari
lor at tse rale of 6c per (or each inctuB.
, hl0rr eoto!r wbere twice tandt with
ul cbaue Inr Uitrtjr )ayi or ioiigrri. rxctvfot
U iutiia ol -PoiUf-ti WanTnl" -Km(i.ox.
ntut w aaujd" auj ' Hf'.p Wanted," aaWa
ill be Ineiiruwl raas urcHajasa. .
''I have ti xuelsir which ia a
large, red berrv and very ewrlr. 1 ba
hipped tae first crate of Uregoa berriee
kj tbe Tortland market fur the laai two
veara. My first crate last sprit. g sold fvt
f-J60. Tbev are what would be called
everbeartoi, aa I p ik berries DO of theni
lmoet tj n.iH th 10 the ver. 1 Lip
ied a crate :o FoiUaud the nrl of Oct
ober and there ia a' leart ten gallons on
tny vines now just tutrk - ot due ripe
rawberriee aiinoet evtry Uar iu tbe
rear, and Hire ay yon wont put out
uch of yourean. 1 also have the Hood
Kiver which ta a larae. red, aweet birr.'
aodagooj a'tiniier. Pr.c on car a
Dillard: 150, 1 60; 500, 12 00; 1001)
UJ00 L. S. Cor-y, .
. tf ' - ' Dtt'ard, Uregoo. ,
improved land, .20 acres ol good
tarden land, 3 aerra of bearina orchard,
balam-e good paetoee. Ten milxe eooUi-
eetof Koaebnrif on "Myrtle Point etge
ftad Calf, on VT.' 8 Jotinston, Brock
aav, Ore , or address Af.hby Kicharde,
Uraau Peas, Ore; .-;.. rinlOf.
rpHKbSPASS NOTICE .Notice ia here
by given, tbat arfy ' person found
h'intiog or otherwirc trspaeiijg npon
Eivetad-le Farnj.'V'Corry Eatats,"wil
he prosecuted, .- CbaaT. Carry.
SU. . ... . . ... ...
f I 7; ; B-
fl! r-;e 1
Japanese napkins-
. s FOR, WHItH !:"
- ". - f t., t I .1 .1 U
Groceries and .
.a ,a a .
, r- - t tm itBina. mil . H4 a 1 J
The complete , line of shoes handled by the Sorosis Shoe Store
must be closed out within thenext 30 days regardless of cost.
15 A
' ' Krippendorf pittman Ladies Shoes, former price 3.50, sale price ...... r
Brew, Selby &. Co. Ladies' Shoes, former prce $3 .50, sale price v
Kast-Glanville Ladies' Shoos, former price $3.50, sale price..?:..:.:..-.:'-..-:'..
Handberg Brothers Ladies' Shoes, former price $3.00, sale price
' Sorosis, the popular Ladies Shoes, former price $3.50, sale, price
Queen City Sadies' Shoes, former price $2.00, sale price.-:.::.r-r ..r. ........r...
Little lied, School House Shoes, former price $1.75, sale price
John Meier Men's Shoes, former price $4.00, sale price
; Smith Wallace Men's Shoes, former price $4.00, sale price
George G. Snow Men's Shoes, former price 3.50, sale price
M. A. Packard's Men's Shoes, former price $5.00, sale price
Buckingham & llecht Men's Shoes, former price $1.50, sale price
Men's Work Shoes from
- .a .
Being" compelled to give up the building, -and not being able to secure
a suitable location. I have decided to nlnso nut mrr fztnnte of o-nnrlq
Are you going to spray?
A Car load
just received
cuve'andsee It the
Creek or
Notice for Publication.
Cnitcd 1aji4 Ofllfr.
Rear bum, Otvson, Jan. , 1WJ.
Noiioe la hervlif etvm tbat IB towpL.nce
wilb the vmvliao toe tit ol l-onarw et
Jane i, DO, rn'tUc4 "An act lur th? aic n(
timber iainla in Ui? SIsm ot Cali.'o ni, Orv
gon. Nrraua and WftAhinrtoa Trrrttonr,-eaivo-lol
iu all tbe fublle Uin.1 Uiei by act
o( Auiut 4,
ot i eland, cuunii ol Jmki1iIbc. Mate ot Orvjron
ba thiilay fird la thia office Ui ron tat
mrnt No, l.Hi, (or tbe runhM ol lb Xotb
at quarter ot wctwo No. i. lowntbip U -011111,
raiiite 7 wcet aad w ill pilar proof in Uioir that
Uk land juxbl la more valuable lor Ita litnt-cr
oeton rban lor atrrtiwltaral enrotM-a. al to
rotab'lub huclaiia touid Un l betortf tba K f
iirtcr and Kervlvrr- u( tbia office at Rotrbiira.
'-rufon, on luetklaf. lb 1Mb dj o! March,
1. Hr diuu r mae. N.l'nipt:i, ol
Laialhl, Oiw O. HmtJ MKllVia. tMmx bate
Biao, and tobert Mci ulloi ti ol dotcbarg, Ore
gon i-
Any and all pernotn claim n alvpm-lr llic
abore OraL-ribeJ land an: rttnteit to n'.
1 heir claim in thi olbue on or bJure aald 1Mb
day of March, 1j2.
1. T. BBIIvKa. Ksuier.
Contest Notice.
t" 'tiled Suun Laud 'mce,
Roaelani. Jreaon. Jaiwln.
A tnOirientcoJlcst ailidavll haviubcen tiled
la tQuomce oy . - -
oontinlcnt asalnst bomwu-ad entry !?o. 9il
made January U, iMtJ, iorei' .VK1,. K itit;;
uia ti't, muni 1 uwnuiii a, u.
ContuMee, In whk-b it i a.Kirellht th fai
Cbarlca r, VatKdn ba wholly abaudoul tbu
and: tbat be baa not raided upon nor i-iil'Iva-
led tbe taate lur nun than atx aumtba- lat
taat, and that said claim baa. bcn aoaudutieil
, ir the aatd entrymeo far a lont peHo.T of tln'io
and tbat aaid entc raea ia not rwidiB In tba
Deiabboruoodoi tbe land, and limt Mid allegt'
abM-nce liotn tbo laud la aut due to his , niuior
racnl in tbe Arniy, Navy. or Marine t'irjv.o; tbe
CDiled aiatoaask pnsata avt.tii r, otnt-er, aes-
luau or inarinn. durina theaai wttb spia
ilurlua any other war iu which the Coiled
btabw may be eugaajiil, said paruea are hereby
liolibed to appear, reond aad nnVr eviiK'tic
lonchina said allegation ai iu a cioes a. m on
Uiirh 4. 1W . before the KcKiatur and Receive
ol United Htatei Land Office, Ro.burg, Un-aon
The aaid condestant baviuu. iu a proper am
lavit, iilod January lb. L-Ui, tet iorth lacts
which show that a cut due diliirenoe perfcotial
eivice il tliia notice can not bo ma-lu, it ie
here bt ordered aud dire'led' that aucb noiice
be g.vcn by due and proper publication.
. , . ,. , J; T. liKIDKS Resistor
" JfjBp J. M. UOOTU, Receiver
Notice for Publication.
f Roeaai'vu, Ureiou, Dec. la, lal.
Notueta hen-y sivm that in o-inphauee
with the provisions ol the" ai-l of tniivof
June H. l!fiis eutiUwt. -An aut lor tba wlaol
tlmoer lauds In the mates i l.'aiiloru a. tnKon,
Nevada, m a Wsfthlogtou Trritiry." aa oil. n.t-
mi u ail the 17uullu Laud runic Dy set ul AUK-
Oat 4, ' " alBKRT A VVARRKN
Of Portland, ootinty of 'Multnomah, Ptait- ol
Oreuon. las this day Kiel In this olti. tin
worn aiait-im-nt No IsM, lor the- tuirehaw yi
the NbU ul MH-lion No. lit toxtiship oul)i,
tsnge Nu 7 west, and will oiler proof u sliow
thai th land oturttiui inure vaiuauu i.r iu
aud tooslablish hiscUim to said lauil before
the Register slid Receiver ol Ibis ottiee at hovs
bnnr. Or6.-Min, on Wedimslay, Ihe itu day o(
,in.h..rriiuinfl tlian tor aitncuiturai IMirooseK.
Fchruarv, I'.nti. 1 - . -
Bu liaiiioa as wHlH't !: deorKu Salciiian,
Robert Mct'otltMmh.Thontaa Howurd, nl Kwe-
bunt; rnel V. aeruicaoi foriia-.u. nrei;..ll.
Any aud all crWiiiM laimiim adversuly the
abova descxliiea . imiu ar ioiuesHi 10 nio
their claims iu tMx uthceou or beiore said .Dib
d.yofKci.ruary.lJul. , olllrvjk.a
Special aata onhixhcut ladies ahos.
Harry M. Moldcn; !
Administrator's Sale of Real
No-.iv 1. hrcvby clven, tba br irsne of 'aa
: tu k- by :be Countr Court ot lv-j(.a
oBt'. .ta- o Orwicua. to." ta matu-r ot tbe
r-i; ul Xiiiaix-ih mn. ,W.-caed. on tbe
54Utay oi rVwiuUr. 11. a-l rttrivt iu tbe
rronU uf did rwnrt oa tid dav, d:m-:ias. ao
Uionrin aad Bie. the an.lori;3t.t ad
tniniMratorol uid rtute. tuM-ll atettbr-r pub--
"T i.-.i a-; a pr.irided br law. Ibe real
Totny twioae n to the l.t ette. t the
' ( "'I bidJrr (orcarb in haa.1, Inr Inr purpoee
0! v oa" the Claim, utiiul Hit M , eute
U) :aeeipcnF-!iot ad ini.;rmlK.O. Tbe:rloie
v. , m n aata oruer 1 wtu on and after
- 1 ... 1 . o.. l . , r- .
iu .0 uuayot reo-oarr. V3,!I private ale to the h!h.
eat butderlorcaU) la hand, tbe !'.ovinr de-
5. noCTi r. i .mpt-ny be 10 tbe al r,mid
e.ta. tvwit: L.l So. 1 In h:.,ck X.i. . and
N1. in bioi-li S s I'.ot anJ barn owIt)
a 1 in the cr.y ol KoKbtirg, iJotig!aa Cvuatr
ur-j.n. v
Kiied at Rburc.Ore(va. thi lUb day ol
tViTt-r. a D. 11. H.1.WIL),
Administrator ol ibe estate ol Euubvlb liarri
on. deevmtcd.
Notice for Publication.
.. Rt a.i, Oreaoa. lK-ecmhT ,
- Notice if hervby riven that la eonpiianre
wuu t.te , o tbe aii ot Conaivaa ol
..iKirioi vBum-g An ac t
Get Your
. m ... Roseburg, Ore., Dec. S, loot,
btatc Chemist, Oregon Agricultural College,,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Dear Sir We send yt'4 by this mail sample of sulphur taken from our
stock ot spray material. Plense niakt?
a us if it is of such standartt of purirj- that it will fill
ing nrst class spray compounds. If it is not sufficiently pure for such purpose
please inform us where we cau obtain sulphur which will meet all require-meuts-
. w Very respectfully
Mr.A.C.Marsu.s& Cn., Oregon, D.ccmWrn ,90,.
-.. Roseburg, Oie. . ... -, ., . . .
ZGkntlemex: Your letter concerning sulfur and the sample of sulfur,
nave been received. ' . . r .
I have examined(this sample and find that it is almost entirely pure
sulfur... I think that it -would answer the purposes very satisfactorily for
spray ing compounds or lusecticides. I think that if you have plenty of this
quality, or can get it tnat it will be as good as any sulfur that we can obtain
for spraying materials. Very truly yours,
tr-. - - ': A. L. KNISELY.
A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Druffffists
t:raler land, in tbe (btiaa ot Caiilarntw. Onaoa.
Sera.!a and ahituia Temtuiy,'" aa encod
ed 'o a 1 tae Kaal Laa4 ia by act ot lie
nt t, l.-A
n Lend. eowniy ot Joafhioe, atatwoi Uaai
bm ibia day tliod in UktautKoa bia aom ,iaie
sent So. 191.1. inr tbe parcaaae ot tbe 6 ol tae
N ,o( !mon Nx towabiT 1 MKilb. ol
Kaiirr et,an l wiliooVr proof to tbow that
tbe Und kni(H m more rmmaule for ita timbrr
orrtone Ihxm lor anrul-uraj Hirpowa. and to
lal-'.ib Elcaim toaid ianj boore tbe Bw
tfter and R-retrer o tbia o.- at E'Xbaii,
OTeeon . oaTb i.rviay the lata day ol Frtnary.
XIL UtMuriu tl (mm: Kn'titt BaU-iaa
A: ben Hi Si a. Bob Met wilocb aad Tboa HO'ard
ail ol l wii. Umtuo.
Any and aa renuoa ejaimir.f ad v erw It tae
atwea-icp.Ort n-w ti .iufiri to ' tbeir
; - laiinj hi taiaaccoaw id Idhwayol
I earuar J. T. BK.iO .bx
Reg wter.
Title (Juarantee&Loan Co.
j. u. haw'ltos. d. c. Bawn.Tti.
freaiJcat. . eecj. add Treaa.
Ofice in tbe CVvirt B.ioae. Rare the em ron
p e-e e I ,4 artra buoka to Dooeiae Toanty.
AbtracUaaJCeflibcmtea oi TiUe iurniabed 10
DouclaiaoMinty Un-1 and min:ac ciuma. Hare
aiaoaeorap.etwo(Tracinn ol all lewathip
r-u In tbe Roaebnrt. Oreaoa. C. . Laad Ua
mct. Will ad biae rnot eopteaot aay town
bipabowinn ail vacant toei anient taada.
lor tbe aako'CorretpoadeaoeaoUcited.
dtarv pubue ro aAoe. lwetuaaoe acenta.
Spray Material at
I ... Jr ct
- 1.65
:.. 3. 00
.. 1.25
...!. . $1.00 to $2.50
' If You Have
C...a T at.
GitthCntv Kitchen, wbara
yua will fi et tb4 freest aad beei
aaarmment of eiaiisa ia tbw city.
Call aud eee aa
all requirements for mat-
j:U in
1 CJ