The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 20, 1902, Image 2

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    The Twice -4-Vk
RoscDiirg Plaindealer
Published Momlv and Thurndaya.
W. C.Cosnkr, Editor and Publisher
Lacra E. Joxbs, City Editor, fcolieitor.
Awast J. Kbantz, Foreman
S. C. IABTiii M, Traveling Solicitor.
Twice-a-Vek Plaindeakr, per year, $1.50
Entered at the Post Office in Roeeburg,
Ore , as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
Accmdin) some of the lateat Ui newnpa-i-r
puhliubfj iiiv cause individual who UH
a paper aud wIum- to pay for it to be arrested
lor fraud. Bndjr thin ruling, al., anyone who
allows bis subscription to run along for a time
i.uMid aud then or-ers it discontinued, or or-i.-r
ibe postmaster to mark it refused, or sends
a postal card-lo tne publishers i liable to ar-n-M
aud fin tbe same as for theft.
Clubbing R
We bave'arranged with a large number ol
papers and magazines lor rate which will give
to our BulteuTibers two publications lor a alight
adv-noc or the cost of Thi Plaindsalsb
alouc Following is a partial list:
Twicb-a-$eu Plaihdbalbb and the
Toledo B)aie
liew York tribune '. 1 5
Oregouian . 2
8. F. Bulletin 0
8. t. Call SOD
Burst Ko&hwest.
JANUARY 20, 1902,
Salem Journal's Bugaboo Discussed
by Hon. rl. R. Klncaid.
IIou. H. R. Kiftuaid, ex secretary
of state and editor of the Eugene
Journal, says regarding the abolish
meat of fee system and reduction of
the salaries of state omcers and he is
certainly good authority on the ques
tion. Mr. Kincaid is at present the
Lane county judge, having been el
ected two years ago on the democrat
ic ticket:
"The Salem Capital Journal is ad
Tocating the abolishment of all fees
and perquisities for state officers and
the establishment of fixed salaries.
It says the average annual state rev
enae for the past seven years, from
1S95 to 1901. inclusive, was f40,175,
state revenue required for 1.K)2, is
$1,100,718; increase in annual state
revenue required, $400,543. It fig
ures! salaries, fees and perquisities
for two years, $182.0(0; on a fair al
lowance, SSO.0O0; reduction possible,
51(&.W)0;clerkphip graft by Legisla
ture "TJUl, f 22.000; on a fair allow
ance; " $12,000; redaction possible'
$10,000; higher education, normal
echMjs. university, etc., "$351,40 ; on
a fair allowance, $150,000; redaction
preibie $201,409; scalp boanty for
twoyeais,$115.000; on a fair allow
ance- TiotiiTBg. reancnon dobsiui.
$115,000 total -saving possible on
forrr HetOs, $42,69". It figures the
net amount received by tbe Govern.
or annually for. his salary at $4,250
and the total expenses of his office
for salary, clerkhire, etc, not includ
ing services as commander of the
National Guard, $6,950; net amount
received by the Secretary of State as
salary and fees annually, $13,36846,
and the total expenses of his office.
including salaries, fees, aud clerk
hire, $22.32; net amount received
by State Treasurer annually as sal a
ries and fees, $5,312, and tbe total ex
penaes of hs office, including salarie8
fees and clerkhire, $8 212; salary of
Superintendent of Public Instruction
$2,500. not including traveling ex
peusee aud perquisites, aad total ex
pensee of his office annually, $7,827:
State' Printers office for printing and
binding, averaged for 1899,1900, 1901
and 1902, not incladingdeficiences to
be made np by the next Legislature,
exoenses annually, $45,989. Wheth
er state officers receive fees, (as now
(only Secretary of State and Treasur
er aud Supt of public Instruction
do deceive any) or should be placed
on Axed, salaries, as proposed, or
should receive a little more or less
tbe! present amounts or nothing at
all, is not a question of any practical
importance to tbe people, although it
was' made i he standi og r hobby of a
few unscrupulous demagogues col
nec ted with tbe press tor tour years
previous o tho present term, when
theffees were -very juoch less than
nofrT; WBefher'tnere be fees or no
feeilC)Wed the Secretary of State
and-Stats Treasurer, . and whether
these officers and thj Governor
eheftu 1 receive more or less than
doW, would make no perceptible dif
ferenc in the revenues and expenses
of jhe State. It is the useless and
extravagant appropriations made by
the "Legislature, all demanded by the
people themselves, aud for which the
people who elect Legislatures ae to
blstne, that inke large expenditures
and high taxe, such appropriations
al were made by the last Legislature,
almost doubling the amount by add
ing $46',000 to the already large
amounts of former years. These are
the mountains. Tbe pay of three or
four stale officers are mole-hills.
' Idaho has to yet gotten over its
populist folly. I be Populists of that
state a few days ego put a manifesto
that has all toe iurmirks of ancient
history. After numerous ' where
ases" of aucieut date, they have re
solved to '"nominate and support a
straight .Populistic ticket in the com
iug election." l is evident thai
their-lines of- couiuinuicatfou with
C H Fibber, of ibe lioine Capi'al
News, and E M Droui, of Grange
wil'.e Free Press, bv uot ueeu opeu
4utiug the vieit of Iheee democratic
editors to Uo'eburg. otherwise they
woo Id uot have tnttde this Btnpid
blonder, bat would Lave effected a
"onion for spoils" alliance with the
Idaho democrats. This is what onr
friends et for uot attending to bobi
neea at home.
The l'aeilic Coast delegate have
agreed ninui a Chineee exclnsion bill.
The trouble is that Cougiess will
probably not agree npon it. as it
goes considerably father than the
Geary bill, aud it took pushing to
get that through. However, we pre
dict that the bill will be finally
parsed with but few amendments.
Tie Ssleui Independent says,
Governor Fletcher, tWiuer editor of
that paper, tin become such au ad
mirer of Presideut R-jo-eveU that he
has turned back to the Republican
ranks. And there are others.
Political Gossip.
Politics is,begiuuitig to warm np.
and a good many people will think
of scarcely auythiug else for the
next six mouths.
An Albany paper predicts the re-
nomination of all the present state
officials with one exception, and says
it may be a clean sweep.
The Salem Sentinel has opened a
vigorous campaign against Gov
ernor Geer and is making the alleg
ed injudicious loaus of tbe state
school fauds as the principal issue
against him.
The Salem paper have announced
lion. Frank T. Wright man, of Salem
as a candidate for the nomination of
attorney general on the republican
ticket. The priucipal claim set forth
in his behalf for the nomination, is
that he was elected sheriff of Marion
county and filled this office accept
ably for two years. We are at a
loss to see wherein this particularly
qualifies Mr. Wrightman for the of
fice of attorney general
Bakeh City, Or. Jan. 15. "Yes, I
am an open candidate for the elec
tion to the United States senate, to
succeed Mr. Simon," said Hon. C. W.
Fulton, of Astoria, this evening, who
has been spending a few days in
Baker City. "I am here solely in
my own interests, and have nothing
to say on the gubernatorial or con
gressional questions. All tbe candi
dates are my friends and I have all
I want to do to take care of my own
battle." "As to the question of im
proving the Columbia river to navi
gation, you know where I stand. I
want to see the month of the
Columbia river deepened, aud I want
to the upper Columbia river
opened to navigation for the benefi I
of the inland empire."
Astute Repobheiaa of tbe bunch
ra&s country, who are able aud will
ing to take a long look into tbe
future, candidly say that Eastern
Oregon, ro-aregiou, as a separate
section of the state,'has no candidate
for the Gubernatorial nomination
There are two candidates for Go?
-rnor from Eastern Oregon, and
both of them are from Umatilla
conuty. B th of them desire the
Republtcian nomination. It might
be mentioned that the personnel of
this bunch of Umatilla aspirations is
Banker W. J. Furnish and Hon.
Stephen ALowelL The politics of
this combination is varied and main
uued. Mr. Furnish has until very
recently been a Demuctat, .and the
politics of J udge Lowell are largely
Utopian. Judge Lowell has no lm
cortant newer aper backiug, while
Banker Famish is being boosted by
:o Eastern Oregon dailies, one of
them a Social Democratic'. paper,- of
Pendleton, and the other. a sheet 'of
ambiguous policy, printed in the
mining camp of Baker. It is not be
lieved that either of these gentlemen
will come into the convention with
anything like a solid Etsteru Oregon
delegation, and that the nomination
of Mr. Geer or some other Willam
ette Yalley man is rather desired
and altogether expected in the east
ern con u tries. As a reward for, all
this, tbe eastern countries expect, to
name the next Congress man, who
they desire shall be a mao after their
own hearts. They profess to - expect
a new division of the state, or they
will secede. It will be a bloodless
war. Telegram. --.-
Cam ts Valley Pick-ups. '
The Ctuiaa Yailey 4rne held it
regular mio-hly nvetibs 8'tirdy Jm,
18th. Tbe Graugi was oriraoioH a lew
mon'bi a by L. Strong of M,rtle
Point. The me?tiogf are bsld once each
month and this has a floe pr pect of be
co ning a flourishing orgtoiz t'ion.
Owios to tbe favorable winter, arm
iog la the vlle is well alone, most of
tbe people bbinz d ne seeding.
Mr Poil Htandlev i at n'esea' prep.r
ing oroe ground for piaotia :. (i-aia of
all kind in tbia valley looks remarkably
w -II fur the time of year.
Mr. Cluster ws in tbe v.lier tbe pant
week, bis business being to register the
voters of this p ecinct.
Mr. Devios is still very sick at tie
boon of Mr. KirkendalL
Lewis Brown, whi in teic'iiag at
Dri'ige, v'jos couofy, is naving vaca
tion, his school being cloie.l on account
of the smallpox beioj in th t . rn;gh bar-
hood. It is thought tha the echo l will
brgiu ifin in a short lla..
Wm. Pitor is tn" n ;w r p iutr l
notary pu'tlic. W untrrrt ml that he
is going into the rel ettte b l ',lso
that ot locating Urul set Iters. -
Mrs. A. L. B owu, who tiHB leen ant
(enoK 'rom the t jAh.rc'ie f r n ti ne had
tbe tO"tb tiken out, soit l!ing betier.t
Misses Grai-ie le , L ic ScranUni and '
M'tliit Hrnwn mail a rladn . !! ...
Grandma J jnee hat Thi'nly. i
AtvT wamakthv. j
flany Civil Cases Deposed of. Hart
Murder Case Now Being Heard.
The January term of circuit court ia
now in session. One-half the civil cases
were acted upon Friday forenoon and
the balance required but a short time
Saturday for like disposal. . The , time
for hearing the chief criminal case
State vs. Hart was set for this morn
ing and is now in progress.
Following is the list of civil cases dis
posed of Friday and Saturday :
15. Mary M. Beckley et al va IXmglas
Co, appeal from Couuty Court; OP
CokIiow and F W Benson attys for ap
lellants. Continued for term.
C. C lledden vs Douglas county, ap
peal from County Court; F. W Bensou
atty for appellant. Settled and dis
missed. E Cbas Brnneau vs G G Warner et
al, action to recover money ; A M Cra w
ford and J S Medley attys for plff, F W
Benson and O P Coshow attys for deits.
Dismissed as to Warner, continued as
to other deieudanta.
G. Mary J Heydon vs Robert P lley-
don, action to recover money ; J C ul
lerton atty for plff. Contiaued for term
1. CV Fisher vs Herman Wilson et
al, action to recover money ; Geo Byron
atty for plff. Continued for service.
K. R A Woodruff vs Fred Bateman,
injunction : J C Fullerton atty for plff
and F W Benson atty for deft. Con
tinued for term.
O . Randolph Rose vs 11 Wollenberg,
action to recover money ; C S Jackson
atty for pi If, J C Fullerton and F W Ben
son attys for deft. Submitted on motion
Q. W K Vinson vs TheRoselmrg
Water & Lwht Co. action to recover
money ; J C Fullerton atty for plff.
Submitted on motion.
R. V. C. London adni vs E E Wells,
suit in equity ; Geo Byrou and O P Co-
show attys for plff, Dexter Rice and Geo
M Brow u attys for deft. Dismissed.
T. W T Kerley vs Harrison Allen,
continuation ; U P Coshow atty for plff,
1. F Knrtx vs J A Hansen, action to
recover money ; J T Long atty for plff.
2. Wilmerding-Loewe Co vs F A Pike
et al, action at law ; O P Coshow atty for
plff. Judgment lor plff s for $77.07 and
3. C E Wade vs J A Shook,' action at
law to recover mouey ; C L Hamilton
atty for plff. Dismissed.
4. Albert Abraham vs J W Tool,
action to recover money ; J H Shape
atty for plff, Continued for term.
5. T P" Simpson vs Joseph Williams,
action to recover personal property ; J
C Fullerton atty for plff. Default aud
judgment for delivery of personal prop
erty. 7. Isaac Seiig vs P T McGee et al,
action to recover money ; F W Benson
atty for plff. Settled.
If). E V Hoover vs Wni Gaskell,
action to recover mouey; C L Hamilugi
attv for olff. Default, judgment for
plff for 1 75.
It. Douglas Winningham vs J L Mar
ten, appeal from Justice Court; J T
Long atty for plff and T T Parker aud
Dexter Kice attys for delta. Settled.
17. A F Brown vs L D Love, et al,
action to recover money ; O P Coshow
atty for plff. Continued for service.
18. Johu Preechern Jr vs Julius Am
brum, O P Coshow atty for plff and A
M Crawford and J A Buchanan attye
for deft. Permisson to withdraw de-
n nrivr aud tile a answer.
20. Hattie E Tarker vs M F Callahan,
action to recover money ; J C Fullerton
atty for plff. Continued for term.
21. T S Tickett vs Mary Tickett, suit
for divorce; J A Buchanan atty M plff.
Dismissed on motion of plff.
23. T W Teters vs The Pacific Mutual
Insurance Co. action to recover money ;
A M Crawford atty for plff. siettled
and disuUHsed on motion of plff.
27. Josephine Grout vs J T Goodman
et al, action to recover money ; A M
Craw ford atty for plff. Default, judg
ment for plff for t-JUj and cost, with in
terest at 10 per cent from July 12, 11.
baii rday's session.
Tbe second day's session of the circuit
court, w bile not so marked as -the nret
d ly in the number of cases dispose! of,
was none the less bus v. The moderate
concern about the civd cases gradually
gaveaway to greater interest in the
criminal cases of which these two State
vs Hart nd State vs Welch will be the
absorbing features of the court's remain'
ing work. In the former action the
state-w ill bj represented by Atty. L. R
Webster of Portland, and Ieputy Dig'
trict. Attorney Harris, of Eugenejn ad'
ditiou to. the district attorney, Louis
Barzenand A. M. Craw ford will defend
Hart. ; In the case of Welch, J. A. Buc
hahas, of this city, and John Carson, of
Salem, wtlf act in that gentleman's be-
talt "Ttb JUrt and "."Welch were. "ar
raigned Saturday, Below is the list of
Ca?u ifiione! of Saturday.
V, J. fi. Throne Vs Catherine Th rone,
sn it for divorce ; C 8 Jackson atty for
plff. Decree granted. '. i r .
J. HP Brookhart vs John W Peter
son, action at law'; E E Parker and W
R Willis atty for plff, Dexter Rice atty
for ' deft. , Permitted to withdraw
motion and file answer. Demurrer to
answer sustained.'
M.' ' Downey McCulloch etal vs Emily
Preble et al, partition suit; Geo. Byron
atty for plff, V W Benson atty for deft II
Wollenberg. Refered to F. W. Ben on
to ascertain if any liens exist against
the prorty in litigation.
12. Daniel Bement vs Minerva Bern
ent ; J C Fullerton atty for plff. Decree
granted. .
lti. II C Slocum vs Nettie L Slocuni
i suit for divorce ; A M Crawford atty for
plff and W R Willi! atty for deft. Mo
tion to strike complaint from hies of
court overruled. Application for suit
money denied. .
30. J II Baum vs Rainbow Milling &
Mining Co, Albert Abraham atty for
plff and C S Jackson and A M Crawford
attys for deft.' Submitted on motion to
strike out part of complaint. "
Wm Currier vs W W Cardwell et
ux, action to recover money.; F G
Micelu atty lor pm,
Default, judgment
for f 72 and cost.
Tbe Regular January term uf tiircnlt
court convened this morning, Jadge ; Ki
P. Boise of 8slem,' presiding In the ab
sence l Jidge J. W. Hamilton to Port
laud, who is also disqualified in a' few
c isee penlio. Judge Boise is" o of
oldibt aud most highly efteemed
tu i8 in tbe State, . U was a member
of he O egon Constitaiional Cosvautkn
ot J857, and one of the signers of tbe
constitution. " ,-. " T
The first case called tor hearing, thi.
morning was thai of State oQOregon vs.
Alfred II.' Hart, a criminal case in which
Hart is accused of having murdcrej a
Japanese section baud at Wilbur on tbe
evening of December 20,-1901. the report
ol which and the findings of (he coroner's
jury was published in lull at the Urns in
the colomus of the Pljindjsalhi, . All the
forenoou of todny was occupied in draw-
loir a jury, which was not completed aod
aworn in by Deputy Couuty Clerk Saw-
) era no til aboat 2 o'clock this afternoon
aod la as follows T x i . . ; Li ; , ,
F. M. Simpson, Drain ;r'3j W. Braid
ing, Drain ; K. L. Stephens, IJalapooia ;
S. W. Nau Zile. Itoseburg: G. W. San
ders, Praia ; W. W. Scott, Cleveland ; C.
G. McNeal, Elkton ; Kdos Wall, Gleu
dale; Ben Butler, Scottsburg; F. P.
Brown, Rosebarg; A. E; Clayton, Mul-
oee; DanBement, Rosebarg.
Doputj District Attorney U irris, of
Eugene read tbe complaint against de
fendant and stated tbe case to. the .jury
tor tbe State, Attorney Louis Bariee fol
lowing wiin a statemeM ol the case to
the jury on behall of the defease.
Tbe first witaess called was Coroner
JC Twitchell, who recited tbe testi
mony and dndiags of the Coroner's jury,
which was formerly pobliahsd in this
paper. He showed the jury by actual
measurement, tbe exact location of th
gunshot wound as indicted opoa the J S
laborer by defendant, -its Entrance and
exit from tbe boiy, Ukiog Diat. Atty
Brows as asubj-ct for illustraliug this
imporUot evidence, lie shoarsd that
the ball entered lbs center of the back
between tbe shoulders, ranging a little
apward, making us exit front the right
chest a little below the poitt of the
shoalder; that on arriving qm tbe scene
a short time alter midnight follow ing tbe
shooting and tbe death of the Jap, the
body of dcaeed was foood in the sec-'
tion house it having been rinuv
ed from in front of drfeodani'a
loor, where tbs fatal; shot
Bred ; blood stains weie foaud
in aeienoanis iront pore n, me door u
t attered and front window was brokeiH
io as if with a clot; that Hart first slat
d that deceased after being ordered
away, pan It forced his way through de
ietdaat's front door, bat after wards dis
poted this statement ; that the Jap ti
iven him his purs to lake care ol coo
taiuiog over $J, which, was turned over
0 Jack Cbenoweth. wnicb was also aft
erwarde contradicted by tbe defendant.
Deeodant told coroner Tailcbell, thai
be shot Jap after repeatedly telling bi v
he did nt have hie money and demand
ing him to deaist from bis rTjrso break
into nis noma. iroaer iwtcUvU was
being croje-exsaiineJ by couueel for de
fense as we went to preai. Tbe case
vromises to be a hotly cootet d one aod
will occupy Bwce time owing to the large
number of wiloetses to be exaoiiued.
Fireman Joe Stafford Sustains Se
vere Injuries at Grants Pass.
A very antortanate aod serious acci
dent occurred at Grants Pass Saturday
evening at 6:15 o'clock while tbe north -bound
overland was "woo ling. np" at
that place, fireman Jos S-ffjrd of Rea
(org being tbe victim of the ui fart mate
affair. Tbe engine on which St afford
was fireing for Engineer Dick Morris was
run op by the aide of tbe wood dump
aod braaeman Al Morian, before Spring
ing tbe crate and damping tbe . graat
mass of wood into tUe teit-ter asked if all
was ready, but tbe steaau exhaust of the
engine rendered his words, inaudible to
Sufford who was at that timj clearing
tbs tender to rereiv the new canto o'
wood and the brakemaa receiving no re
sponse to bis query supposed that all
was well and tipped the crate, dumping
the great mass of wool a poo tbe fireman.
Us was anoo extricated from beneath
the wood by tbe trainmen and Jt wss
found tbat bis left arm was . broken, bis
-hoolder dislocated or severely injared,
hit lower jw frigtWully braised and
probably broken and it was tears i th' (
hfbad alsosuffired istemsl bj irr. He
wss taken to tbe otfi of Dr. Kramer at
Grants Pas whodresod bis wonnds and
be was placed on board, the local - and
pased throagh Ibis city SQoday - morn
ing on bis way to the company's hospi
tal at Portland. Tbe incident delays d
the overland sboot 80 minutes at Grants
Pass and alter Stafford . bad somewhat
rcnvered from tbe shock . he requested
bis friends to " teU . Al" - (referring to
Brakeman Morian) that it was not bis
fault " However, Mr. Morian. greatly
deplores tbe accidant aod is sorely
grieved over the unfortunate' Mr,
Stafford runs out of tbia city on . Koe. . 15
and 16, aod is a f well, known fireman.
highly esteemed by all aod a very , ex
etnplary young man, At Jaet accoout
be was repotted as resting eav at tbe
borpital with ubaocea favorable for , bis
Latter List. -
Remaining oncjiled for at the- Koes
borg poet office. r,
Per-ou8 calling for these letters will
please state the date on -which they are
advertised, Jan. 20, 1902:
Bocks, J. B. McNsroerT. C.
Ciirisp, A. C. ' Martiudale Mrs N K
t urtle, Wm Powell. Wm.
Fraucom, Lark Reiisel, Merritt E.
Hobwood, Miss Liiiy
The letters will be chsrged for st the
rate of one cent each. .
W. A. Ksatbb. P. M.
Social at Edenbower, ''
Tbe rounir wople of Edenbower will
give Twemielb.Otiturv Cap Im.t s
at Mission (Jbapel, Jan. 22, lor the b 91 Hi
nt ol tbe sidewalk fund Kvery one in-
fliea. sanies srw requesieo to, bring
v s- . . ' a .
holes with enpper for two, also to bay
two cap alike, pnttlnir one in the .bo !
snd keeping the, other. Tbe gentleman
Wbo bays ttiS bos is to DUO tne Is-Iy Who
has the cap to match bin. There will b-
a short oiOaTam With plenty of inaaln.
nnmm.nninii it R n. in. , z 9t
. - m , r. ...... i
State vs A. H. Heart Crlm'paP Case
MaaassaaaaMsqsMaMsaiaaaaaaMaasaiMisji.iii' 1 .v rBrmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmtmmTT!
-Vy.Vlf ?' vJ TTk T jft ... TT YOTTl1
The -doinplete line of shoes handled by the Sorosis Shoe Store
- inust'v'be closed out within the next 30. days regardless of cost.
Krippendorf Dittinan Ladies Shoes, former price $3 .50. sale, pricz v. T
Drew, Selby & Co. Ladies' Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price ...... .-..4,
Kast-Glanville Ladies' Shoos, former price $3. 50, sale-price... ......:.........)
Haudberg Brothers
Sorosis, the popular Ladies' Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price 3
Queen City Sadies' Shoes, former price $2.00, sale price......... - - 1.65
Little Red School House Shoes, former price $1.75, sale price I5
.John Meier Men's Shoes, former price $4 .00, sale price 325
Smith Wallace Men's Shoes, former price S4.00, sale price .t 3-
George G. Snow Men's Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price - 2. 90
M. A. Packard's Men's Shoes, former price $5.00, sale price 375
Buckingham & Hecht Men's Shoes, former price $1150, sale price 1-25
Men's Work Shoes from '. $1.00 to $2.50
Being compelled to give up the building, and not being able to secure
a suitable location, I have decided to close out my stock of goods
Real Estate Tr aosfers
llenrv C'impton, to M.t tin Ra
mns liJ acree in eC 35. I p '.0
s, r 9 Mt .'0-' 00
Jav C Twitchell snd t a'
esaudfr MrPhersu acres
io sec 16, p 27 s r 7 west 300 00
W T Br:gif", Jr. and wife to Sam
nel and L II Ball th nodivid
ed one-balf i-if met i' tne N W
" 4' of sec 35. tp 31 s r 7 wat.. SW 00
E 'ward A Potnan to H'vmce
Pat atu an audivi-led of
tbe , ol D L 0 of C " Pat .
' nam, being claim No 34 in
s-c 9, 10, 15 aui 16, tp S r 6
i uo
Chae F Painan to. llorao Put
nam too sv4' ot C& r rot
namDLOtbsec 9, 10, 1,
16 also tb- N ' of llio Jopii
Putnam DLUia MCV aad 16
all in tp.t2s.rtf west.
1 uo
C F Counts and wife to Annie K
Drain lots 7 and 8, blk 1J ia
South Dtaiu...-.
1 00
8 J Culver and wife to E V Ilw
ver lots 13 aod 14 is twk 6.
Cbadwicks addition to ltose
borg SU10O
A F Wtnnliord ami wile to J no .
Bavleea the NV corner cf lot 0
' blk 14 io R K a tdttion to U k
I'JOO 00
Wiilametw Real Estate to
Geo vY Finna iot 7 b k 7 in
the town of Youcatla .... ..
Tujs M G trdoer to Kilen M Fiu
neyMot 6 Wk 7 in tbs town of
". Yoncalla . .........
Feed Saoderson and wile to Car
rie Parsley 2 seres in sec 24 ip
SOs r tt west
Mary E Hrobride to J 4 Simp.
so.i 163 acre sec 11 and 2d in
40 00
30 00
15t 00
tp2 1 r 12 waet.
1301 U0
OACRRCotoWm Kelleher,
, quit claim de d to 120 acres in
, eeol tp23 s r 6 West .
Gen K Nirhols et si tj D.8 Nth
ls S3 ac es c -4, 'p 30 e r 7 w
alau in see 61 to 30 s r 6 w uuil
5.V 00
alsoineeel6tl60sr6 wesa. 100 00
Joe Lyons and wile to Horace
' Putbam an nnil video of the
X of tbe Cbas F Putoaui I L
i. O in esc 9 10, 15 and 16 tp '22 s
r6 west ....
Ada Mires et al to Horace Put
nam an undivided M of tbs a
S of tbe D L O of Cnas F Put
nam In Brc 9. 10, 15 and 16 tp
25sr8 west, ...U.
Cbas Pntnara and wife to Horace
Pntnaiu sn undivided x ! the
(il o! the tLC 'OltLaa-F Put
in a: 9. 10, 15 and 16 in tp '11
irS (t.;.A,.i.. .. ......
5 K) 00
1 00
1 (0
Notice for Publication.
' I'nttniStaoi l-and nfltrw -1
:io ouiK, ot Jan. 17. :kl
. Nolle 1 httn-br aiven Ilia- iu tiunuliitaca
with Ihe imvtaina ol the art of i'limirt-M ot
Jane A, liiM. enttlli-d -'An atl for the aale uf
limber lamlaiu IheHItU ot l alilornla, Oregon,
Kn.ili .nl S .tii union Ternur)V a ctt-n.l-
e t to all Int) luuiia Lauu aiaiu. oy aui oi auk-
of Mclrone. county of UoiiKlaa, llo of Oivkoii,
nan mwaav nie-i iu ton -imuu i.uni
uivni No. lna. for ihe ptiH'buw of the t-K'. of
CI ion No 8, touhlp 27 omh, rnn 8 weal
.I will oKut pnKif Io show thai the land
ought ! more vhIiiII for Its limber or .lono
than for ar cultural purpow, and to eaialiliHh
hla cla m to ail l'il before thu K-nl Ur and
Keeetver of Ihla ofllee at
Hnwnnrs, ureRon, on
frill V .ne iin nay 01 npm,
LY,..m: J. W. Conn, ol Melroai-. .Orceon
l harUw Thorn, of Cleveland, Orawoii, dwtge
t hiireiiiii oi , uniKuu. , uub imrai, oi
r'inJ ..nd claimlnir a.lveil the
abore dowrlnel Und.aiere-iiiente-1 Ui flle their
oiaimttn thltartloa on I aolurd aalrt lib day of
1 Ki"itsr.
.1 , ,.i
Ladies' Shoes, former price
If You Have
a Sweet Tooth. .
GtthCfHy Kitchen, whers
yoo will fi.Ml tbs freelii and beet
aaw in-Hit of candiee io ihe city.
Call aud see os
Get Your
State Chemist. Oregpn Agrieiltdral College. RScburg' re-' D- S- SOi.
Corvallis, Oregon."
Dear Sir We send VOU llV tilts mill einmlof o..t..l .t -
kc . .
of snrav mifpr 1
please inform us where
ments'. '
Wr. A. U. Marsters &
... . . aos, u,aNC 4 Wtciai aiuiysis ot same
11 C it ll Iff rf . . t. .(...J J r ...... ...... - - .v-
fc " uv" 3l4UU-li purity urn it will Ml all requirements
lu U1:- iprav compounas. It it i not 5nfflo;.n
Roseburg, Oie. . '
haTeTere0" "" of
I have examined this sample and End that it is almost entirely pure
sulfur. I thtuk that it would answer the purposes verv sitUft t n P?
spraying compounds or insecticides. I thiukPth
quahty, or can get it that it will be as good as any sulfur thxt obu n
for spraying materials. Very truly yoars caa obta
a r ... - . A.L- KNISELY.
A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Druc-ffists
$3.00, sale price
UP - TO -
Title Ciuarantee&Loan Lo.
J. V.
C H.BlLTnw.
oecj. tjA tivaa.
i OSce ia he Vfnt Rowx. Hare Ibe ao'T cora
1 Ti.l mm t itl . -!-m in T .w j '. .
, . - 1 w uvm . ur lurauurvu tn
j Uoucla KinlT Ua4 an4 taioinc rUiat. Ht
i ajo a comp.ria an ot Tracing of ail torntiip
Plata ia lh Kaaebara. Oivcoo. V. &. Law) Dta
tnrt. WiU awaa bu pnm copies ol any tows
ali:j aboviua aU vacaaloTeiameol laa4.
Notarr oftua, lKunaoe evnta.
Notice for Publication.
B.aa-a.. t)nt . Sot. 14. lil
1 lirtT irtTra that in roiaoii&are
wiita the pfoTiiona ot tao art of CokivmsI
June. l-. -l A ar for th of
limlx-r lan.S m tk .talo of i irnta. Orreon.
Neva.ta aixl Wah:Bta TutiuHy."' uuwoi.
c-1 u all the ou ji UoJ Malra by act of Ass oat
of HUr Karidmtnunivaf Xnnu uilrof Mkhl
rn baa inn day nU-1 la ilu offiv hia ora
iatrant S-v t. tnr tbe parrhiu of tb fi,
of lh ,. SK-Uoa Sol i, T.nh p 27 tvnta.
of lUncvl L ami will niW prwx to .how
tnai Uia lanJ aotiicht is morr va-uaole lor ita
l;iQbororMioc Ukaa for acricniiatal parposr.
aad to ,u blub bu claim o aaid laod before
Spray Material at
J j muin.
,PI,o.,.U r..i -
we can obtain sulphut 'd i
; - Very respectfully,
Corvallis, Oreeon. Decemlwr t-.
Co.. w
2.75 ;
f Ute Be-j-rr aad Becri xei of ti toes'-; at tnm
. awr. trwj. oa TMBday. Ue iUt dj ot imm-
arv. Hx. Ha aaiarr a w ac : Biicy
J i-mlih. H. a. Varney. LaJv Ecflea aad Track
rmy. all of Kiwaa. ore.
j Any oJ all nvu claimiae mirrrmHf tk
' above-trwrtcJ aalw aw ra-ail Io tie tanr
fimi iu thu odct oa or be lore taud Z1M day i
j JuHA-7, iMi.
, J. I. BaiMBa,
aUv KVcapaaer.
Notice for Publication.
Btwoara. Orrr. Jaa. 2. !..
Soiir i brbr it:rr lAal ia ompiiaar
viib tb roTj;nf of ibe an of Cooxm-a of
Jnamy X. Iztk cautjrd -An art for tae j
Itmbrr laai. ia tbe Mate of 1'aJitorBia.Orevo
Svi!t u.l i'H:alo Triwnr," aete-l-l
to al tbe Public Laad Mala by act at Aa(-
of Rwbarr.enaatT of L-oelaa. tut of Of.
r. hu .,i..ti ii ma b- .o-w
uatement lHl, lor tbe ;arrbane of tbe f '
of teetioa No. i. htvwtbip ti oaua. of rmuae 7
W ,w .H. and mi.l oSrt proof to. bow lb ml tba
buhl anoicbt Ls more Taioabie for it tiaibee r
M.Mie lb. a for acTWWtlurml porpw. aard toea
tabath hclaiai lotuud iu4 brtort Ibe Srcta
ler ao-1 Kereieer of tiiu oftt-e al Eebrf, Vnt
roa. on toeolar. Dm 1Mb Uy of Mares, tsot.
He uim aavuamee: wej i
ben Wil.M, R.xwt Md'iiwk aad Tboeaae
Howard, all of aoarbctrr. Orrwow.
Ast and all letrat ibbc aJTerarty tb
aboee-d TJ ibed las-la aiw fviaoxed H e
tbeirela'ma ia lba nOkw oa or before va. Ia
day of Mareb, 1AU. J. T. BKI
o- seclier.
ui auiuuui laKcrt irnni our
f""' "-u ifom our
aud inform
for mak-
' '