t -vvv-vv'Vvtv.a '.. .Mi j 'dvertising In busy seasons brings you yonr share of trade; Is a very important factor in Loaiiifcbs. j.i'cor t rintiof re flects r,(j cicl.'l a" 1 ft rrww advertising1 m dull sea bods brings yon your share, and also . Ibat of the merchant who "can't af-; ord" to advertise. f business hoasj. Let as do yonr Job J 1'rintiDff we frnarantee it to be in every war RatihfH,rv basn Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868. J - " - - w Vol. XXXIII. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY1, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY" 26,;' 1902. No. 6 m t . . ! sad ,. INVENTORY SALE aw. DRESS GOODS, SHIRT WAISTS, v FURS, CAPES, t jackets; - . , 4 SHOES and UNDERWEAR 4 . r at a price you cin- ; not equal in any 4L - .city.. 4 MEN'S SUITS, SHOES, SHIRTS, COLLARS, ties, : in fact everything in the store at a price you will know is right and quality good. LATE NEWS SUMMARY Important Events of few Days. the Past STATE, GtMRAL, fO REIGN. Cream of the Dispatches Dished Up in Condensed horm for the Busy Reader. I Children's Rubbers 15 cts. per pr. 4 1 Wollenberg Bros. Open until 8 o'clock. I y A Happy and Prosperous New Year is the wish of B. Wi STRONG, the Fur niture man, and in line with our wishes we have a few special bargains to offer fori5da's. TO CLOSE OUT a lot of remnants of Wall Paper for 5 and 10 cts. per double roll to make room for new stock that will arrive later. AH HI fl! Several loU of Brussels and Ingrain Car pet remnants, containing from 5 to 15 yds. that we will sell at special bargains. A few odd chairs that are as good as any we have, only in broken sets, at special values. Kemember the place. I B. W. STRONG, THE FURNITURE MAN. Roseburg.Ore Bring Us Your 1 41 CHICKENS. EGGS. Butter. FOR CASH OR TRADE. J. F. BARKER & CO. Albany baa voted an eUbt-mill tax to boild a new school house. Goal burning engines ars cow ranoins ont of Ashland as Ur north as Rosebarg. The Duke of Manchester his finally compromised his breach of promise suit witli Portia Knight, ihs Salem, girl. The Duke piiJ her $5,000 and ;costs in the case for a clear receipt. Ireland continues to hold the Euro pean record f.r low percentage of crimes. Tbe Irish laugh and the Ii-h joke are great safety valves tor impulses whicn are often dangerous aben represee.l. Although the diame'er of the earth baa been roughly known for many years it has only lately been aenrately ascer tained, after 30 jetrs' labor and a cost of 1300,000. It it 7926 miles at tbe equa tor and 78". 9 from pole to pole. W. H ScL'oeder's store at Arago Cjos Co. in which the poetoffice was located was destroyed by fire last Tuesday morn ing. The Gre originated io an empty wing of the building and is thought to bave been of incendiary origin. The loss is estimeted at 13,000, of wLich 2,- 000 was covered by in nrancr. The Fan-American exposition treas ury is bankrupt after bein bolstered op t y oational grafts and almost every other oli way. It was a colossal affair, though r,d baa been a great thin for tbe Uui ted States and particularly Oregon. Wbat is tbe odds whether tbe medals a e delivered or not. Tbe honor bus ueen given. alter almost a year of acin! operations in the field, af'er expending $19,000 in cash, to say nothing of th-i time nJ en sit contributed freely by directors and those closely interested, the Shasta 0n IidaW oil well on tow creek dm Bella Vis'a is abandoned and the hoot for oil in Sbat-ta county, for tbe present at least, has absolutely lapsed. Tbe wrll is down 1000 feet bat it is rendered worthless by a string of tools packed in the sand near the bot'om which for f mr months bave resisted all efforts to get them out. They could be moved but not raised. Tbe directors have good rea son to believe that oil is not far to the bottom of the wall, but that 50 foot obstruction of hardened steel, weighing 0,000 pounds, bars tbe way for the drill. Don't Forget to Read This. HexicanXity' Destroyed by an'Earthr quake. Six Hundred Killed. Want; Fair Postponed. Laredo, Tex.,ri7.A telegram fronfthe'City of Mex ico says'a telegramhasreached that city ''announcing that the City'of Chilpaningo, in the Stateof Guerrero suffered severely'from yesterday Vearthquake shock " and that 600 people were killed. No details. The shock of the earthquake last evening was felt by all cities and'towns of the republic. In the CityJbfjMexicojthe earthquake was felt at 5:17 p. m. The first'movement was very sharp. It was followed by a gentler oscillatory move ment, north northeast to south southwest,the" duration being 55 seconds. Beyond a few cracks in buildings no damagewasdone in Mexico City. WANT FAIR POSTPONED. foBTLAHO, Jan. 17. Jack vade, un der sentence of death to be faaug Friday. January 31, together with Dalton, has con Wade made his confession la tbe pres ence of Clarence K Veasie, attorney for Daltoo, and J bn Logan, bis own att jt ney,wbo was present byjreqoeat of Mr. Veaxia. Mr. Grees, tbe day watch,' at tbe jail, was also standing by when Vea- sie took Wade's statement and secured his signature. Later be asked to TepreeenUtive of The Evening relegrr m aid to him made a more complete coi - Washington, Jan.'i 7. TheJJmanagers'of St. Louis ex- fswion, giving deuiu of bow me shot . ... ' ..... .. . I baDDened to be fired. uoMiiuu, w uc usiu iu uuuui mviuumuauiwv, Both men seem bsopv. Wade becaow will ask Congress for authority to postpone the'exposition the strain of tbe secret u off bis mind till iri nne vPlatpr than the nronosed 'date ' IThev as- ,nd D-lton to protrsd tba ha ' J r ti e i I told tha troth aid did not firs lbs shot sert that it will be impossible to fully arrange for the open- which killed Morrow, iney wer both ino- nf the fair in too 'the date set. willing to talk regarding tbe crime, Dal- I tin mrtrwk f raw! V thsn asr Kfnr at. SURVEY COMPLETED. iboogb after going over tome of lbs ds tails bs remarked that enough bad beeo Cottage Grove, Jan. 17. The surveyor.the.Cottage aid Qrove Bohemia railroad has been completedand instruc tions from the headquarters in New York'is expected in a ew days, meanwhile the local committee which was ap pointed by the citizens to assist in securingythe 'right of . . i . i nr-j J T 1 . way are lnausinousiy ai woik. cuuc5uayauoui noun Messrs Burkholder, Phillips, Veatch and . Bristow of the committee, accompanied by Mr. Morphy, the representa tive of the company left town to look over the line and in terview the property owners along the line in regard to the The Day g starts -yf off Thone 163 U . V. a. I r When tg-, .you . )f&xi SfftitsJ Have a ) I WHITE HOUSE : i Mocha. COFFEE JTa- with your breakfast. It has a flavor that's all iia own you don't get it in any other brand. t ' Sole Agents, ; Roseburg, Oregon Staple and Fancy Groceries Guaranteed fresh and wholesome and sold at prices . . as low as the lowest. All kinds of fruit and Country: Produce Bought and Sold. Ill Our fall and winwr goods bave arrirsd and you will find here tbe larcrst and most complete line of dress goods, ooting flannels, fascinators, underwear, hosiery. blankets, curtains, cloaks, capee, etc. Also Bock ii ib am It. Hecbt, boots snd shoes, robber goods, oil clothing, over coats, snd a line of men and bo?s' cloth ing tbst cannot be beat. We also carry miners' supplies snd a fresh and comDlets stock of groceries. Come snd let us show yon our Urge assortment and gtve yon prices. Oor aim is to givs yon good v aloes and treat you right. Give os a trial. A. K. MATTO.S UO.. JKICldie. ur, We are also a cents for tbe Oliver Chilled plows and rx'ras. (n4tf) Ashland OU Note. After an interval of two or three weeks tbe Southern Oregon 0:1 Co, resumed its drilling operations on tbs Alfred place. one and one-half miles east of town, Wed neday mornioz.witb a fnll fores of wo'k mn. The drill is now at tbe 16C0 foot level, and it is tbe determination of tbe Com pan v to continue woik until sea lev el is reached, toe indications continue to be most favorable and those corape- ! tent to iodee. who have seen tbe black sbals through which the drill is passing are saturnine as to tbe ultimate results GETTING NEW SHOES? Don't be jollied into buying out of date shoesat $2.98, when you can get a snappy, up-to-date shoe for $3 HALF A MAN. When a man is sick and can only work half the time he is practically half a man. It requires his whole physical energy to do half a 1 man's work. We have no old shop-worn goods, but we have the greatest line of Ladies and Gentlemen s shoes that ever hit the town Ask to see the "PedallS" a Lady's Shoe ...FLINT'S SHOE STORE... Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly wrhen t ou order them for gw goods and good service. If you If you If you If you If, you If you want to buy a farm ' want furnished rooms want to buy a house want to rent a house want to build a house want to move a' house In eenecal the weak run down condition yrbich cuts the strength and energy in half is due to dis- ot tbe stomach ana other organs of digestion and nutrition. You could not expect a hail starved man to work more than half tbe time. The condition of the man with weak stomach is that of the half starved man. He is weak through lack of nutrition. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other or gans of digestion and nutrition. It enables the perfect nutrition of the body and so re stores the strength. I had stomach troub le from birth, write Mr. wlllts braman.-ol WanhinirtonvillK. Or- Pall im tPknna M t8 an Co., N. If.. "nd mlffrH "f with it more or leas a I grew up. At the asre 01 as I was broken down with dyspepsia. Mysufler- ing was terrible. Could not eat without dintrexs. Could only eat few certain thing and was not able to work half the time. K ery thii" tried only cave me temporal v reuei. Riywiiennany persuaded me to try Ur. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and 'Pleasant Pellets.' I took six bottles of 'Golden Medical Dis covery and two vials of Doctor Pierce's pleasant Pellets. I then felt so well that I stopped taking medicine. Several months have aaaed and I can do the hardest that is set before me and en; C. W. PARKS & CO. I LATEST NEWS. JACK WADE. COW ESSES Says : He fired the Shot .that - Killed Morrow. . -i , . A VISIT tBOM OfBMN BOYALTY. Prince Henry's Early Visit to Ameri ca Discussed byT President '' and Cabinet. This is tbe confession, transcribed by Mr. Yea lie, read to Wade and then tim ed by bim, after the attorneys bad heard him UaU bis story. tbs cosrtasiox. "I bavs known all along that there was no cbaoos lor me, and I bave want ed to see Dalton (punished too. because be Rave us both sway. But I bave thought it over and cooclided it is right for me to tell ihs truth. I fired tbs shot bat I did it acdJeutiUy. I did not want to kill Morrow nor anybody, and wonlJ right of way. The committee realizes the importance of se- Lot have done it iotentiosaiiy, even to th ritrht nf wav as soon as nossihle in order triat myself. I hope this will save Dal- 6 to""- ; . I ton. I a .a foing ibis because it is right no time may oe lost in starting active wor on me roaa as Uod not because I am afraid to die. I cami as the coinDanv is ready. Every thintr is workine h1'1 itniot u it for me. , - v ..-i:.- .1- j ...:ti l t..-si- "AllUUue. JACK. WAT)E." nicely ana in an proDaoiniy tnc ruau win uc compieiea oe- . . 1 11 j -t. . :r - . 1 ...... Ore tne next, 12 monms iuhuuuuu. n is Kiaiiiyuig to Wasbixotok. Jan. 17.-Tbe time o see the committee take such an interest in the matter thatrbeCaWcet meeting today was largely afTai'rc anrl rt n occupied in the diecusskM of the formal' and do some rustnug. me oonemia rauroaa means more ihe visit of Prince Henry oi Prnasia. it p the desire of the prvident to show the prir.ee every honor be6tting bim as a 1 rit.ee 01 tbe rojal blood, and as Um i isooal n-preeota'ive and kinsman of German Emperor. Eut at tbe same time the programme is to be as staple aa possible. The programme as agreed opon is as follows Upoo the arrival of Prince Henry in New York be w'll be met by a rquedroo under tbe command of Bear-admiral to this section of the country than any other one thing. GERMANY-ENGLAND RELATIONS STRAINED. New York, Dec. 17. Feeling between England and Germany has been bitter for many months, dispite the ap oarent efforts of their rulers to impress the people with a show of friendship. The growing breach has recently been greatly widened by the utterances of Count von Bulow the German Chancellor, and Joseph Chamberlain, Evans, and SsUooai salutes of 21 guns British Colonial Secretary. Incidents and circumstances of the war in South Africa are the brunt of the controversy which, aided by outrageous caricatures in the German press, might bring about complications of a far-reaching nature. - sT?- w 9,f . r ajbvwuupxuu - turner surocery A fine China Tea Set One Ticket with rvry 50 cent purchase. Lny your Groceries at WILL CURRIER THE GROCER THE SUNSET GROCERY... WiSlcontinne o le, as it baa been, the leaier in quality anl pricf. Don't foret tba? our zooda arfc all new and frb. A triat is nvyx.i fully tfljsJrd. WWe handle Albany Crean-jry Bctt.r. J3 ' Vl-UYU c5c BKUWN. THE Chicago TYPEWRITER L S3 P Price, $35.00 J V- I -. - OnaranUl to eual any 10J machine E. L. KING, Gen'l Agent, 21S Sansome St., San Francisco W. C. COW1VER, Local Agt., Roseburc I Rogeburg Steam Laundry o 1 8 VVe are now ready for business with new aud up-to-date machine ry. Work will be neatly and promptly done. Watch for our Wagon or call 'Phone 791. gj W. A. EVERITT, Proprietor. will be fired by both tbe warships and bv tbe sbote batteries .J Meeting of Stockholders. Tbs annual meeting of tbe etock-bwld- ers of the Bcotn-Kelley Lumber Co. was held in tbe company's office FrUsv. Tba Tt. ;ppms that even Emperor William has at last been stockholders met io tbe forenoon at 10 e 1 rt.nin enmnitliv iv! tli tri snirif nf TiJc eiiUfc o'clock and were together all day since he has just announced that he will not attend tha coronation of King Edward nor the memorial exercises in honor of his grandmother, the late Queen Victoria. OFFERS TO RETURN BOER WOMEN. discnssiog tbe bosinsee affaire of the cor poration. Tbe old buard of disrectors as follows was re-elected : John F. end Geo. H . Kelly, R. A. and J. H. Booth, G. X. Weodtlog, A. J. Hrchtman and P. U. Back. Tbe directors met and retained tbe old officers who are: John F. Kelly president; F. H. Back, vice president; It is understood that very impDriant matters ars beln taken nnder consider ation by tbe company at this meeting but Hon. It. A. Booth, when seen this afternoon, stated that nothing could be Riven oat to the public at present. Eagene Guard. For Typewriter. If. In the past yoa bavs had trouble with your typewriter ribbons, send a cample order to E. L. King, No. SIS San some Street, San Francisco, and see ft yoa can't get a better ribbon for seventy five cents than yoa have been paying a dollar for. 17 per doaso any color end for any machine. E. L. Kino, Pacifies Osast Genersl Agent 213 Sansome St.. San Francisco. N18 If you don't know PAT cLl oa or addrsa , , , Ml Ml F F. fatten rSrr Reseburg, Oregon kind of work, can eat anything that is set before me and enjoy it. I am it years old and this ia the first time I have ever been well." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure coa- stipatioa. London. Jan. 17. General Kitchener has forwarded a letter of the acting president of the Boer Republic, Schalk-1 J. B. Booth, scretry bueer. to Lord Salisbury of the British cabinet, protesting against the British treatment of Boer women. General Kitchener met tne proiesr Dy an oner to give all Boer women in British lines safe convoy, to the Boer army or any place within the Boer lines. . , KRUGER ANXIOUS FOR PEACE. London, Jan. 17. President Kruger has made an offer to treat with Great Britain in behalf of the Boers. He agrees to waive all claims lor inaepenaence tor boutn African Republics. A ROYAL SCANDAL. Vienna, Jan. 17. Alexander, king of Servia, has com menced divorce proceedings against his wife, Queen Draga. It is alleged that the queen has been unfaithful to her marriaee vows. Four co-respondents are named with 9 whom it is charged she has been unduly intimate. DON'T. WANT LEADERSHIP. London, Jan. 17. Lord Roseberry refuses to accept the tender of the leadership of the Liberal party in the House of Lords. GERMAN ROYALTY'S VISIT. Washington, Jan. 16. Prince Henry of the reigning house of Germany will not be the guest of the German em bassy while here on his visit to the United States. FAVORS SHIP SUBSIDY. . Washington, Jan. 17. lhe senate committee on Commerce has made a favorable report on Fry's ship sub sidy bill. Constantinople, Jan. 10. Montenegro Has made a demand on Tuikey for an indemnity for the murder of a servant of the Turkish royal harem. Russia stands back of Montenegro in her demands. City Trersurer's Notice. Notice ia;hersby given to all parties hoMintf eity warrants Indorsed prior to and including Jan. 1, 1SW, to present the same at the treasurer's office, In !tbe city ball, for payment, as Interest will cease thereon af ter tbe date of tbis notice. Dated tbis 9tn day of January, 1902, at Roseburg, Ore Haby 0. Sloccx, City Treasurer Lime and cement at very low prices at Marslera Pro biore. CATARRH TBS CLKANSINO AND irK.AI.INQ CVKK Full O ATA DDL! iiuiunnni i r.-v. wniMiuill I ytC- 7fi Hr,7 la lwm3W Easy and pleasant to nan. Contains no la- (urinns drug. It is qulrkly ahaorhed. Ulvrn Kalief at oac. .K.'Vr..T iL:""- n is. urin Heals and 1'roucla lha Mem bran. Restons Uh Bonsai ot Tut. and HnuIU Larga 8ow, Sn evnta ai f '53) O Eastman .. Kodaks . Make Good Xmas Gifts See those $i and $2 Brownies ALBUiLS AND PHOTO MOUNTS AT CHURCHILL d W00LLEY FREE A SET OF DISHES Just received at "The Racket" a shipment of China ware di rect from the potteries, which tog are giving arc ay absolutely Free. Ticket with every pur chase at "The Racket Store" I Furnishings, Tslotions. Stationery VVV 'V-sV -.-vvf VVw" OCXOOOOCOCXXOOOOOCXXXXXXXDOCOOCX Clearance Sale Begins We name such prices on Ladies and Misses Jackets and: .Walking Hats mentioned below that had ought to move S them very rapidly. This is our full stock in our Myrtle, ureek store. aine reduction applies to wuac may oe in stock in Canyouville. Jiie ort Caie, bardlv enoi:i:li to monti-'ii. on! v 1 tkis!i. was. . ,f V now $? 50 , riie 36 Caje, 1 cloth caix, sploi.did vulttv. wiw i 50 uuw 1-t.lM) r Siae 36 Caie, 1 cloth capo, splendid vaiuo, was jt.OO now 5 Piae 36 Caie, 1 cloth cape, spleiulid value, was 2.00 now $1.S." j Jackets, 2 Slisst-s Jackets, sixe H yrs , wns 00 now 3 So Jackets, S Miiwn Jacket, niits 4 and t, was $3 00 now 2M ; Jackets, 6 Ladies lackets, iiae StKW, was 17.00 now t V) Collarettes, ouly on left, lor jtrvy. km.... ,lo.50now IX-V) j Jcs'. 2 dozen Ladies and Childrvu's' Walkinj; Kats, 2 was $:!..V now f I H) do. 7 was 11 SO and t T. now ,l.i! do. 6 was 11.00 aud tl.2" now 7o! do. lwaa.... : ?l' 00 now l.b We aie begiuuiug early to close out Fall Goods hence these splendid reductions for you. M CHI IH ri-roL- nramh: 11. av'L.UlU, I 11 Cairyonvillo.Oregouj t 000XOCOCXX;COOOOOOOtXXKXXXOCK-V) Advertise piaifideaier wii?isia nr nj man; 1 nw bum, i.ceau "J Mil, onviu&ivva warraaav hUQX lttt,lW lMk.