The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 16, 1902, Image 4

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" III I 1 . -
isri repared to wait npon old
au3 new customers and friends
wijii a full and complete
svi k ol
A! f "h and of the very best
quality. Teas aad coffees are
specialties Your patronage
"Vor a Prompt and First-clase
f have or Hair-cut. Conipe
i tent Workmen, Clean Tow
'els, Tools always in shape;
y I .
-Baths in Connection.
Shop on Jackson St. 5
Aletract of Title to Deeded Land.
FaperV prepared for filing on Goveru-
mentLand. ' .....
Bine PVviits of Township Maps showing
all iut Lauds, One Dollar Each
Z Architect
Plans and Estimates for all BuilJ-
: ings.
Special designs lor Office Fixtures
Office in Marks Building. Thone 415.
Orchard Grass,
Hflesquife or
Velvet Grass,
Vetch Seed.
Have been established by the SOUTH
EKN PACIFIC between ah. parte o
.; California
and its great naajer of famous retort?
by which taa expeoee ol a trip is re
duced to a very low and eeeoo all
rate. ' For example:
From all parts of California
To the resorts in the Shasta rwiw, Lab
Taboe and mrronndings, Yoermi'e, tb
Big Trees, the Kings River Country.
From San Joaquin and Sacramento Val
ley points
To the Monterey Bay Coast.
From the San Joaquin Valley, Arizon
and New Mexico
To tbeTSeashore in Southern CaWorni
and the resorts of Northern California.
For fall "inform i-m, inquire of L. B.
MOORE, agent of the
Southern Pacific,
, - via -
Southern Paciilc Co.
Train leaTe Roseburg tor Vn rtlanil aad way
Uliont al 11 5 a m. and ll:ii p. m.
i. U. 1 Lv. - l-ortlaod - Vw. 8:30r. a
' 5.S0 r. a. I L. - Rrweburs - Lt. Jl 5 e.
125 A. . Kt. - Anhiaad - Ar. 1 11:35 T.
5:10 r. . I Ar. - Scrmmenlo- Ar. ;
1 U . m. ' Ar. dan Franeneo Ar. 1 S:45 A. a
t Go to .. .. ' X
4:'w a m r . tKtrten rl ' "
91 a m u Denver ar 9 la p m
7:2 a m ar KanwCitr ar I iSia
7:42 m. m ar CPicago ar 1 & Jf p m
3:00 p m ar Lcm Aufrule ar utt a m
C (W p m 1 ar 1 Paao ar . 6$0 p as
: 0 a m ' ac Fort Wurtb a' 6:0 a ni
II :. a m ar City ( Mexico ar 11:3 a m
IMiu if HaiiHlott ar 7 00 a is
6 p m : ar ' Ker Orleans ar 6 J0 p B
6:41 a m r Wchinco!i ' ar 6:42 a n
12:10 p ra ar New Vork ar li:10 p a
t'ullman and Toarim cars on both rint
Chair cam Sacramento to 0-4den and El Para,
ud touriit ear to Chicago. St. Louia, Ne
Orleaniaud t aahiogton.
.Mineciinc at 8an Francisco with aeTera
t u.iuiii line tor Honolulu, Japan, CUiu.
Fhiiippuiea. Central and booth America.
Sw L. B. Moore, agent, at Bojeburt ttatios
or addraM -
f . . T. m faaa. At tBU
Notice for l'ublicatiou!
Roi-brf Ore.Jee. hi, 101.
KMlre I hereby ciren that (he foUowiun
n mec wtiler hax ri ed not it of fail intention
-l i make final pnjot n kt:piort of M ciaini, and
th i Mill proof will e maae beiore the KeKiKter
and Kneeiver V. i. Laud Oltioe, at Kwebun;,
Orein,n February C, 1902, Tic .
... alKJl.HH f. PLANTZ,
on his ft. K. No lOlii for the N 8ec. 24. Tp.
2a 8 , a b ..
He tia-tif ih 1 dloa ii(? witnewa to prov
biconUnu ra reni'ien vupon and cultivation
ot ail 4ud, viz: J. H. Vaudev-r, r". l. New
land. D. K.btCVaQli aud.K. t. Welle, all of Olal
la Orejjon. rJ- l.BHl Ix.Kfl,
d!6p iur- aeiter.
to write for oor conndential laUev before ap
plTinf for patent; h. may be worth money.
We (semptly obtain V. 8. and Foreign
andTJJADE MARKS or return EN
aivrney lee. bend tnde1, rtetcri
or ri"toaad we ftend an IMMEDIATE
FREE report en pattataoiht. vv piv
the legal nervio and advice, and MX
charges are anaderale. Try na. -
Patent Lawyers,
OppC U.S. Patent Office.Washington, D.C
Soelety yieetlngf.
LU. X. M.Roeebnrg Hive Ko. 11.
Holds its regular reviews upon the
second and fourth Wednesday eve.
of each month in the Native Sons' liall.
Siateie of oilier ilives visiting in ine citj
are cordially iuvited to attend our re
views. Fannie Mobkis L. Com.
!o. o. v. 1
Meets in C
ner Jacks
F. Plnletarian Lodge No. 8.
Odd Fellowa' Temple, cor-
sou aiid Case street, on
Saturday evening of each week. Mem-
jrs ol the- order ju troed Haading are)
iuvited lo at) end. --' ;3l
: , J L, BoeoSj.N. G;
i: W. Tkkkv, Secretary, i -A
BP. O. ELKS. Rueeburg Lodge No.
320. Holds reulitr wuiuiuuiea-
tionK at P O. O. F. Hall on second
jitd fourth Tliursiiays ol each month.
Ill members requested to attend regn
isrlv mi) ail visit lug brothers are cordi
ally iuvited to attend. .
W. H. Jamikhon, K. R.
V. C. Los wn, Secretary . " ' '
Camp No. 125. Ments t the Odd
Fellows' Hall, in Rosebors, every
drat and third Mouday evening. Visit
tnn neighbors always welcome.
John T. Lonu. C. C.
J. A. Buchanan, Clerk.
OE. &. Koeehurg Chapter No. 8.
Holdj their, regular meeting on the
' first and third Tinned ays In each
nonth. Visiting members"" food
taoding are respectfully invited to at
uend. t 1ks. 0luk BsARi,-VAi., '
Mrs. Libbie Coshow, Secretary.
Lodffi No. 41. l.O. O. F., meets in
Odd Fellows' Temple every Tuesday
evening. Visiting sisters and brethren
invited to attend.
Isst Micklli, N. G.
Amata Brauforu R. S.
AF. A A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
Holds regular meetings on eeconu
and f nrth Wednesdays of each
month. I. Wollkkbkru, W. M.
N. T. Jbwktt, Secretary
Kof V. Alpha Lode Uo. 47. 1 Mee-ie
every Wednesday, in. I, O. O,,
9 Hall at 7:30 p. m. Members in
good at lading are invited toaUend.
H. 1 McvLAUJUl, U. w.
Fbsi JohiUok, K- R; 6. t (
MW OF A. Mrtle Camp No. 6330.
Meete nretand third Wednesdays
each mouth at Ntive Sons' Hall
Das Fihxk, V. C.
; Gxo Bvros, Clerk. . .
I ILAC CIRCLE. No. 49. Women ol
1 Wojdcrafi. Meets on first and third
a- Thnnfaa ol pacii month at the Na
tive Sons, Hall. Vieitiug members in
ood standing are invited to attend.
Hattik Morian, Guardian Neighbor.
Lot Sacrt, Secy.
OF A. Court Donalas No. 32, For-
ivtrt of America, Meets even
Ttieedav eveniue in Native Sons'
HalL Visiting bmthersalwaya welcome
W. J. VO 'Ki. C. R. '
Will Ci rkikr R. if.
E. V. Hoovsr, Phj6ician.
AO. U. W. Roseburg Lo1i;s No. 1.
Meets the eecoud and fourth Moe-
days of each month at 7:it0p. u ,
n th I. O. O. F. Hall. Members in
food standing are invited to attend.
H. r., M. W.
F. W." Roach, Recorder."
D. .8 West, Financier.
DECREE OF P0NOR. MvoticLodae
No. l.MeU Xad and 4b Ttoore
day eveniKs of each niun'h in Na
tive Sons' Hall. Visiting members cot
lially 'wl to a' tend.
M rs. M krit Wst; C. of H .
E. H. Lknnox, Rec.
N. G , me-8 at Armory Hall eveo
Thursday eveome, at 8 o'cloi k,
F. B. Hamub. CapL
A DIES of (be G. A. R , A'rvaham I Jo
coin Ciri-!e No. 2 meets at N itiyr
Ko..'e H1I t 2 u'ciuck on tue ser-
ond aad fonrh Fridays of each roonti.
- .Lead ..
Is Absolutely PURE, and
will OUTWER all other
. Leads.
II your local dealer doe n il carry it
write lo uiaiid we will tee that you net it
W. P. fullers Co.
Shortest, Quickest
and Best Route to
and all Coos Bay Points,
r " , - ' '
Leave Roseburg every morning at 6
o'clock, arrive at Myrtle Point, 8 p. m.'
. Leave Myrtle Point at 6 a. m., arrive
in Roseburg at 8 p. every day.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Offii-e,
Roneburg, Orecon, JjB. 6, 19.12.
Notice i hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of t'oUKron of
June 3, 1 , entitled ' An act for the na'e of
timber iand in the Slate of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and H'awhitifrton Terriury " as exuud
ed to all the Public Land Slatea bv act of Aug
uat 4, ItU,
f U-land. eoniitj- f Joav.ihine. tate of Oregon,
ha tn h day filed in this oflice bin aworn tale
m ntNo V.m, for ibe puruhaxe of the Low 1
and 2. aud H N of eciin Nti 2, township
r.l H, range 7 wi, and will ofler proof to bow
that the land aought U more valuable for IU
timber or none than for agricultural purpoacn
aud to ectabliith his claim to atd land before
the HegittW and Beoeiner oi this oflice at Koae
barg. "'ivKon, on Tuesday, the 1Mb flay (
March, lSt'2, lie name as witnetw: M. H.
Bmckinsn. of Leland Oregon, tleorge Bateman,
Robert McOullougli, Henry Blt'gleton of Kone
burg, Or.-gon.
Any and all peniix clsimti'g fUi-rxelj the
above de:ribed laiHis are rt-q iost d to file
t hu ,r cla I ma in t h It office on or beforo avl lfctb
ii 9l March, I'JUtt. . -.T. BBlIiOi'S,
; , : -i v Ke-wt t.
Notice of Fiual- Settlement.
In th - ojift;?.ftrt' lo- foii(tM County,
Kiate of Oregnij, ' . i --
In the nwtiTiit tkf'wlstst ' -of
(Jrawford tn-1di. Dfc-Bsnl.
Notice fs h"rt,v el er ihst th nnd'mi;.ned
admtntst arrH t ttn abw- tatmM estiite h8s
filed her flnal eeiiiint in " settli inetit of said
ektate and that said cotirl bv .order 1ji1t made
the. 12th day oi Deoembcr lW'l has airecU il
at . a - . . i.- ..-v '.
I on "in ti 8'd t nf l-pbimrv 1?)12
beset for hearing objwions If aiivihere be to
.aaid final account aud Ibe setttemsnt of a aid
This notice Is nultlihed In the Plalndealcr by
orderof the said eOnrtaird pitninant to the or.
rl4reaJd., -AAAH A GADD18 .'
I Administratrix
- Patud Uik inh da; December im. di6p
t A.1'?' it' ' ' v V fe- '
to Come Up for Hearing Next
Week J inuary Term.
A. Edwin A Mack vs W Teters,
action to recover money ; 0 P Coshow
utty for plff ami A M Crawford atty for
Ii. Mary M. Heckley et al vs Douglas
Co, aijeal from County Court; OP
Cosliow aud F W Benson attys for ap-
IeltauU. , ..,
C. -C Hodden vs Douglas county, ap
peal trom County Court; F W Benson
atty for appelliuit.
D. J. R. Throne vs Catherine Throne,
suit for divorce'; C S Jackson atty for
E. Chas Bruneau vs G G Warner et
al, action to recover money ; A M Craw
ford and J S Medley attys for plff, F W
Bouebn andO P Coshow attys for defts
F. W C Wilson et al vs Geo W Wil
son et al, suit in equity; C S Jackson
and E B Watson attvs for plff and J C
Fullertou attv for" deft.
G. Mary J fleydou vs Robert P Iley-
dou, action to recover money ; J C rul
lerton atty for plff.
H. Ruth Buchanan vs Sarah E
Gardner et al. confirmation; Is Mc-
i. v-. .
Faddeft atty lor pin.
1. I? Jisner vs Herman viisonei
, action to recover money ; Geo JJyron
atty for plff.
J. H P Brookhart vs John W Feter
son. action at law ; E E Parker and W
R Willis attys for plff, Dexter Rice atty
for deft.
K. R A Woodruff vs Fred BaU-man,
injunction ; J C Fullertou atty for plff
and F W Benson atty for deft.
I.. H Wollenberg et al vs Rolcrt
1'liipps et al, continuation ; F W Benson
atty for plff.
M. Downey McCulloch et al vs Emily
Preble et al, partition suit ; Geo. Byron
attv for plff, F W Benson attv for deft II
Wolleiiberg. ' " "
X. Susie Clayton vs Jesse R Clayton
et al, partition suit; F W Benson atty
for plff- - :.".- i
O. Randolph Rose vs H Wollenberg
action to recover nionev ; C S Jackmn
atty for plff, J C Fullerton and F W Beu
son attys for deft.
P. W A Doney vs Mart Friend, suit
in equity ;C L Hamilton and Albert
Abraham attys for plff, J C Fullerton
atty for deft.
Q. W R Vinson ts The Roseburg
uatar & Light to, action to recover
money ; J C Fuller ion atty for plff.
R. V. C. London adm vs E E Wells
suit in equity ; Ge J Byrou and O P Co-
show attys for pi f, Dexter Rice and Geo
M Brown attys In deft.
T. W T Kevley vs Harrison Allen
confirmation ; 0 P Coehow atty for plff
U. Gertrude E Rice vs Phil G Rice
petition to modify decree; O P Coehow
atty for pctitiouer, A M Crawford atty
for deft.
- 1. F Kurts vs J A Hansen, action to
recover mouey ; J T Long atty for plff.
2. Wilmerding-Loewe Co ts F A Tike
et al, action at law ; O P Coehow atty for
plff. "
3. C E Wade vs J A Shook, action at
law to recover nionev; C L Hamilton
atty for plff.
4. Albert Abraham vs J W Pool
action to recover money; J II Shape
atty ior plff.1
.5. TP Simpson vs Joseph Williams
action to recover personal property; J
C Fullerton atty for plff.
7. , Isaac Selig vs P T McGee et al
action U recover money ; F W Benson
ally for plff.
8. Oscar A Fan no vs Lula I Fan no,
suit for divorce ; J A Buchanan atty for
plff and C S Jackson atty for deft.
!. Nettie Whipple vs S D WhippI
suit for divorce ; J T Long atty for plff
10. E V Homer vs Wni Gaskell
action to recover money ; C L Hamilton
atty for plff.
11. Ella Carter vs L H Carter, suit
for divorce ; A M Craw ford atty for plff
12. Ihiniel Beuient vs Minerva Dem
ent ; J C Fullerton atty for plff.
IS. baraii A t,evets vs J L. bstes, sur
for divorce ; J T Long atty for plff and
J A Buchanan atty for deft.
14. Douglas Winningham ve J L Mar
ten, appeal from Justice Court ; J T
Long atty for plff and T T Parker and
Dexter Rice attys for deft.
15. J O Booth vs L D Love, action
to recover money ; J C Fullerton atty
for plff.
16. H C Slocum vs Nettie L Slocum
suit for divorce ; A M Crawford atty for
plff and W R Willis atty for deft.
17. A F Brown vs L D Love, et al,
action to recover money ; 0 P Coshow
atty for plff.
"18. John Preschern Jrva Julius Am
bruin, O P Coshow atty for plff ami A
M Crawford and J A Buchanan attys
for deft.
19.. J A Palmer v Lula May Harrow,
action to recover Money ; J C Fullerton
atty for plff and 0 P Coshow atty for
20. Haltie E Tarker vs M F Callahan,
action to recover money ; J C Fullerton
atty for plff. .
21. T 8 Pickett vs Mary Tickett, suit
for divorce ; J A Buchanan atty for plff
' 22. Alice J Mathews et al vs B F
Mathews et al, partition snit; C 8 Jack
son atty for plffs.
23. Nellie Gird vs A N Gird, suit for
divorce ; J C Fullerton atty for plff.
- 24. S B Hendricks vs Estate of S
Marks & Co, appeal from - the County
Court ;WK Willis atty for plff and F
W Benson atty for deft.
25. T W Peters vs The. Pacific Mutual
Insurance Co, action to recover money;
A M Crawford atty for plff.
28, The Odd Fellows Building and
Loan Assn vs Pacific States Savings
AjAti and Building Assn, suit in equity ;
J C Fullerton, F W Benson and F G
Micelli attys for plff. ; ; '
; 27. JoHephiue Grout vs J T Goodman
et al, action to recover money; A M
Craw ford atty for plff .
28. Owcar Applegat vS W P Apple-
gste, suit for partitiou ; "F ' W Benson
atty for plff. i
l:!. .W R Willis vs A M Crawford,
ail ion to recover money; T T Parker
and L R Welwter attys for plff and E B
,Watwn, O P Coshow and J C Fullerton
a.Uys.fur deft, r
150! J II Bautn vs" Rainbow ' Milling &
Mining Co, Albert Abraham utty for
plff and C S Jackson aud A M Crawford
attvs for deft, .
31. Wm Currier vs W W Cardwell et
nx, action to recover money; F G
Micelli atty for plff. ' :
32. E (i Yonng A Co vs T J Gillam,
action to recover money ; F W Benson
atty for plff.
33. 1. U Hamilton et al vs Allcrt
Clayton, action to recover money ; Geo
Byron atty for plff and A M Crawford and
II Shupe attys for deft. ,
34. W S Hamilton vs Hannah Joseph-
son, suit in equity ; J O. Fullerton and
F G Micelli attys for plff.
35. Rachel DeBaw et al vs II Wollen
berg et al, suit in equity ; E B Watson
4nd C S Juckson attys for plff.
A winter trip to Southern California
and j Ariaona via the famous Shasta
route Is one never to be forgotten. Re
newed acquaintance with this section
ill ever develop fresb points of interest
nd added sources of enjoyment under
ita sonny skies, in the variety of inter
ests aud added industries, in its prolific
vegetation and among its nmuberleni re
sorts of mountain, shore, vallev and
plain. . "
Two traios leave Portland daily, morn-
Ipg and evening for California.' These
traius are equipped with the most im
proved pat'ern of standard and tourist
sleeping cars, and the low rates place the
trip in reach of all.
For illustrated guides of California and
Anxjna winter resorts, address
R. B. Mtllali,
Gen. Pass. Agen, Portland, Or.
Notice for Publication.
KKIM'a,,Un-goii, Pec. 2, lttll.
Notice Is hereby givt u thai in compliance
with Ihe prousitUs of the ai t of OuigrvMot
JuueS. lsTk. entitled "An art for the sale of
Umber lands in the hlaUn ol Worn la. Oregon,
S, and ashlncton Territorr. as esto-nd-
e i tc ail the public laud stales by act ol August
of RoceburK. conuty ol lMmislw, State
of Oreron baa this da Sled in this
eihoe, his saorn slatemtnt No. lvlt.
I.Ttce purenase ol tne t.', 'i r.-,. "i
Section No. 12. In township o. i H o Kanfce
No 7 w and will oner prool to snow mat ine
land souaht torcore valuable for ita timlxr or
stone than for agricultural purposua, and to es
tablish bis claim to said land tx lxre ine Kcgis
ter an t Keeeiver oi this office at Kosebtirg, Ora
rnn, on Friday, tha Uih day ol Kebuary, VMi.
tie names as wit ncssrs: tieorce Batt uiau, Kob
ert Hi-Culltva, Albert WUiia. Aha sosllb, all u
Roseburft. On-son.
Any and all arsons rlalminf adver-ly .he
above-dt-acnljed lands air requested to nle tbeir
rlanns in this office on or belore said If th day ol
Fcbrnsry, li 4. T. BB.1 Ou Ki,
d.p Kctuitr.
Notice for Publication.
rnilvd States Land Office,
Roaebure, Onrsron. Nor. l"s l.d.
Notice is henoy giren that tn comp'.iaoce
with the proviMous of the ai-t ot Cougresa ol
June 3, lh. entitiod "An art for the sa of
tisal-er lands in the states of caiilorn'a. Onto',
Nevada and Washington Territory." a extend
ed to all the Public Land Male by act ol
August 4. 1-4-'.
of Ashland, eountj of Jarkson. tiate of Urecon,
has tnis day filed in this offic? his sworn state
ment No. 1K.T, for the purchase of the t1-, Nt'4
and N', 84of serliou No. Is, township ti.
range i weal and will offer proof ta show teat
the land sou i: hi is more valuable for il timlvr
oraiooe than forairrk-ultnral purposes and to
establish his claim to said land belorv the Keg
Uier and Keretverof this office at Roarg,
Or gou, on Tuesday, the 'i -lay ot January,
1901 Ue name as witm-ssvs: t baric Tboin.
John Thorn. Idward Von Pcsal, Joba becket
all of t rvclaud. Onsron.
. Any and all person, claiming ad-erly the
above described l.nla are reuetrd to file
their rla ma iu this ofbue on or belorv said .ta
day of January, 1AU
- D21p . i. T. BRlIXiES, Eeglster.
Administrator's Sale.
Sotice Is hereby gtven that the ondendrm-d,
the admiuistrator of tha estate of Mattie Chan
dler, deceased, in pursuance of an order ol the
couniT eun j o.uuiy. niaie o; "re-
November. 1901
ill on anu alter
ToeAdav, th 2tat day ol JiDOary, 1'Hr.',
at R-webunr. Oregon, sell at private
sale, tor rarb in
hacd, or upon rmlil ,
.ilh .ntdnvMl ..iihl. , k. f , iIIi.m In . ,1 ..i,it,.,l !
real property, lo-wlt. The east US) fret of sou
anl in t:oi a ,4 seeood southern Addition tn
the Ci'y of Koban:, Unnglaa county, Oregon. I
Bids or offers for the nurehase of sajj nrora-rtv
Bids or offer for the pore has
may be made to the undersigned or to
' . - - r L. (
Wf .-urn
Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, this 6th day of
November, 1 JUL
B B. ( HsslMjAR.
Administrator of the estate of Mattie Chandler,
deceased. (n7
In the Circuit Court of the Stale ol OregoB
aua hit uougiaa county. .
Nellie Otrd, piaiotid,
A. N. Ulrd, defendant.
To A. N. tiirdthe above named defendant:
In the name of the biate of Oregon, yon are
hereby rcjiiirvd to appear and answer the com
plaint of plaintiff Bled against you in Ibe
above entitled court and cause, on or before
Uonday the Joth day of January, 19uJ. And if
yon fail to so appear and answer the said com
plaint, plaintiff will applv to the court lor the
relief demai.ded in said complaint, to-wiu
That the marrisge contract now existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant be dissolved -ud
that plaintiff bare and recover fro 31 dcfeiidaul
her cos La and disbursements in her said suit In
curred This summons is publi-hed by ord -r a(
Hon. J. W. Hamilton Judge of above cnt.tled
curt made in chambrra on the 2rd day ol Nov
ember. U'H. The fl ist publication of this sum
mom is of date, Novemlier V. l'jul aud the last
publication hereof will be Monday, January 13
11, making the full period of six weeks pro-
viueu oy law.
1. C. rri.t.ERTCN.
Plainiifrt Atlorner,
In the Circuit Conrt of ba State ol Oregon in
awl for Douglas County
J.O. Hoolh, Plaintiff )
a. '
Le i is D, Love, Dclcndaut. )
To Lewis D. Love above named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon you are
ocrvov reouireu to apfiear aim a'-swer tne com
plaint Bled against too in the above en ll tied
cause and court on or before Monday the 27 tit
usy oi January, lyiu, aad ii you Ian to so ap
pear and answer said complaint, plaintiff will
take Judgment against you for the sum of six
ty -sn ana twelve nuudreains dollars, with In
terest thereon et 8 per cent per annum from
KAV.mlU,l KH11 .ml Ka MttA Hl.K.. u
menu of said actiou. And will apply to the
court for an order of talc of the following de
scribed real property heretofore attached in
alu action to-wu:
i'ow nctng at the NK corner of that certain
parcel of laud conveyed by Heury Uatea and
iffcbJohn Rast on lanuary 15, ImiT. from
thence south 10 degrees, east 100 feet, thence
south ti degreea 1:1 minutes, west 800 feet more
or lem to middle oi Deer Creek , thence north- r
ly in center f lieer tlrn k 101 fe t to point in
center of Deer Creek,, thence north U df gives
m minutes, east 300 l-t to p ace of beKinnlnv.,
adioininc the City of Rosebnrg. Douitls c.iunrt
Or gnn This summon Is published by order
ot j. tiamiiuin jungeoi anove entitled court
made at chambers on the 6th day of December.
luoi. The first publication thereof I of date,
Decemlier 9th, 1901, and the last publication
thereol will be of date January 'JO, 19ui, making
sue lull penou oi six weeas aa provinea ov law.
J. C. FULI.hKT-',
' ' flalnnfl s attorney,
Notice for Publication.
United Slates Land Office,
Reaehurg. Oregon, Jab. , 1TO2.
; Notice ii hereby given that iu compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1H78. entitled "An act for the sale of
limber lands in the Btstel of Csllio'nla, Ore
gon, Nevaila and Wsnhiugtoii Territory," as
extended to all tbe Public Land Utatui by act
of August 4. lhifj, ... ; ,
of Iclsnd, county of JoM'phlnc, Htalaof Oregon
har. this nay tiled in tnis onioe a is sworn state-
Bient No. DM2, for the purchase of th Mouth
east quarter o section No. 2, township
range 7 west and wl I of fur prhol to sh
w that
the land s.uight is more valuable for its timber
or stone than lor tent uilural piirposes
and to
extablisb his claim losaid land before the
isler and K-eiver of this oflice at Roseburg.
onxon. on Tuesday, the 1Mb day ol Much,
HU. He names as witnesses: N Campbell, of
Lelxnil, tiieg n, Heury Mnileton. Oenrg hate
man, and Bnbert Mot'ullocli o( (iosubuig, Ore-g.-in
Any and si) persons olalm'ng adversely the
above deacrlbed lands are requested In file
ibeir clsima In thlsolheeon or before said Ibth
day of March, 12.
46f 1. T. BRIDQEd, Register,
7ocut railroad wood at Wo!fcrek. 1
0 .:oii Good timber, finn ! chiton..
ple' ant climate and long job.. Address.
llnu-iar ft K.0IU)utUU, luU:-c. a Olt-
Ron. (23.
Notice, Dissolution of Partnership.
The co partnprtihip herd .fore exist
ing 1 1 tae. n W. A. Everitt nnd W. M.
Mcors uader" tho taina and style ol
''Rosebnrg Steam Laundry" in the city
f H sebnrg, Douglas county, Oregon, is
dissolved by mutual consent, W. A. Ev
eritt purchasing the entire- interest ot
the retiring partner, W. M. Moore, an l
assumes the payment of all outstanding
iinbiliiies. Thtsewhoare indebffd to
the firm will make payment to W. A.
Everitt. . M. Moouk.
Dated Dec. 28. l'XJI. 4
The flnot cream and niixci rau
diea. alley cakes and Cook ie.
Tobaco, Cigars and fruit
lu varied assortments all
Of th flnuat ;iia,ity.
Ii. Little,
Oakland, .
Riddle Pharmacy K
I. B. RIDDLE, Prop.
Fresh Drugs, ilelicine5.
Toilet Articles, Paints,
Oils, Glass, Sundries.
Prescrii'ti'jua promptly filled
ji by com pt-tent druLet.
Contest Notice.
Tniled 9!aUw Lnd Offie.
Roseburv. Creeou. Jn. ',. iSnt-
A S'-.nVi.-nt contct aililaru UaMUg bivn nlcd
in this odiocliT
tttOMAs POE.
cxnlclsnt, a:iiI th boiiiitt svl entry No.
MM. n;aiie.piiaoer I't 1-91. I liie SK' r- 'j,
i-K'4 Ss, and lots 1 and 2, nxu on to Osbip
2 range 4 wet. b
KEI Vl-;il.
fontestee, 'n wh:ch it j .: -t.-i-l thsl the said
eulryman aban-ionot thi trsi I ei:il,ra-d in bis
s d entry iu July W. an 1 hs not si.nv ;lis!
lime returiK-1 t, or in stir war iinp.!. the
a d tracts, or done anyihing in iurtiirruc. of
lr ecting his r li; ta.-reto as ;rj'jir- i ty law.
snd thai th's ssud abandotinieol wsa cau 4
lr n-a'on of his emi.l-'nt-nt in The Army,
Naiy. or Msriae t'orpsol the I ni id sum a. a
private old;er. officer, Kanxar. r iariee, 1ur
ng the war with spain. or any 'lir
war in which She I inl-.l SIU- may oc enc.j
ed. said parties are hen-by r!t:;iol to . ar
n-spond and ofl.-r evidence tone in a'lesaiion
at 10 oeinrk a. m. on Kitraarj 1-, IfZ, tH-i.rc
the lUgistersnd Ri-rciTer at I ! e t"nue-l Mate!
Land oflice in K.fc-biinr. t'nnji ii.
1 he s?d contestant hasinif, in a l rrp-r afT
davit, filed Noresnbcr . svt form tacts
which show that a's--r due diliKeore
service of this no ice can not r-e made, it s
hereby onli o-d and direett.I Ihst sK-h uolk-e be
given by due aud proper pu'-l'i-atiun.
j. l . Kiii.r.
J. H.
hOuTH. lUceirer.
Contest Notice.
fnlu.l 'tat. Land Offwe
Roacburc. o.ikoii, Jan. 7. 1'Vi
A suftvlvnt contest s....Lavit having Un
e!cd in this office by
u. u. a
contestant, acslnst ,he h..m,--al entry N
KtJ. maie Aprii 15, V A. for lois V, 1.'. n and U
t xlion i, town-hip X s . ra-vc. t weal, by
conicab-e. In which it u a.leged that the said
cnlrysaan has wholly aoaudoui-l th. tracts
embraced in his sld entry, and has a4 n-si,nl
i utn or culUvlel them as by i
aw rciUired. lot
a riid tM more lLan two year last past, and
i rm ' mtD . " Army, avr. or Mar.ue
I t ..n l ,K- f. l-l titmt
invate soldier.
or marine during the war a im
f Pin r durmg any other war in wh
1 I nile.1 e:av-s may be engag d. said pal
icq the
parti, s srv
berebv notiQed to appear. rwiond and offer
eveience touching said aiiegation at lo o clua k
a-m. on Ketruarr JU l o.', Uhire the R. riu-r
and Beret ver at the rulted Males Laud VfiitJ In
Knsebunr, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a proper affi
davit, filed December 1. IScl, set forth lacu
which show that after due diligence personal
service of this notice can not he made. It Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and p-orT puhlicalinn.
J. T. HHlLMild, Register,
JP J, U.BOJ1U, Keoeivtr.
In the Justice Court for teer Creek District
onr-.y oi uongiaa, state ol Oregon,
n . U Cobb, i
vs. 1
The Balfour (lutherle Invest-;
uientCo., a corp tration. I
Defendant. )
To the Balfour Uulhcrie Invculmcnt
corporation, the above nailed deiendant
Co, a
in the name ol the ovate ol Ore"n, yon
nereby reuulrtL to apix-ar behne the u
sigued, a Juftii-c of the Pcare for the Dii
above named, on or before the the I' I I dav of
February, A. D , l'.vi. al hi olllce in Ko-eb'iirg,
Oregon, at the hour of 10 o clock in the fore
noon of said da), to answer tbe complaint tiled
against yon in tne atmve-entllled action, aud
ii you lail tosppearand answer a herein rr-
quireJ, lor want thereof, the Plaintiff will lake
judgment acainst you ior $K) .. and hi com
and disbursements in this action.
Thia summons is published once a w,vk for
six successive weeks in the Howbnrg plain
dealer, a semi-weekly r ewspaper publbed at
Roseburg. Oregon by ordi r of the Justice ol
the Peace ol said District, made Ike sn, ;mi.
The 11 1 st publication of this summons Is on the
2nd day of January, IvU.
Jus'lceof the Pea-e. for Dcr Creek District,
Douelas Counlv, lrcgon.
Attorneys lor Plaintiff.
TliroiiKli I'liiaoe anil Tourist Sltt'pwrs,
DiuiiiK and Buffet Smoking Library Car,
Paily Traius; Fast Time;
Servif.'e ami Scenery Untqualled.
Tifkets to iwints Kant via Portlandand
the (iREAT Noktiikkv Kv., on italo at
Boutlmrn Pacific OejKit Ticket Ollice or
Great Northkhn Ticket Otlica.
For rates, folders and full information
reiiarding Eastern Trip, rail on or ad
dress, A. B. C. DENNISTON, '
City Pass, and liaet Agent, Portland
IBS 1IH 1!
Oil in
The Rich Fields Uncovered Will
Rival Those of California or Texas
The old days of Titusville aud Oil City, where fortunes were made in
a night will he completely outdone by the magnificent oil fields to be
uncovered aud developed in Southern Oregon. THE UMPQUA
VALLEY OIL COMPANY controls the cream of Southern Oregon
oil lands. If you want some of the first hundred thousand shares send
your orders to the Secretary of the Company, or through Wells, Fargo
aud Co, express.
Nora. Items under this head will be charged
for at the rateof 6c uer lice for each insettion,
(mih 10 per cent otr where Duller i-tattds with
out cbanKe lor thirty Cator longer), ezreptlug
all uoUcts of "Position nantcl," "iuploy
mailt wauu-d" and ' H-lp Wanted," which
will be inserted rtm uriHif.i.
Utp;e, red Derr and veiv earl v. 1 Lav
bippKl l tie brut crate of Oiegoo berriee
to the 1 uriUtid mark t lor tlie lat two
tear. My frid crate laat cpririp; sold for
Y-l 00. Tbey are cLal would Do cal ed
everlieam g, as I t t k U-rriew off ol tlieuj
almost efoij tuontti lo the year. 1 hip-
a a crate iu 1 ottiaud tbe br.l ol Uct-
brr atid tliere la at least teu failure ou
ay now just ttiiuk ol fine n$
rt'erriei aluioat every day in itie
year, and tiieo fca you wool put out a
patch of your own. 1 also bate the Hood
Hirer w hich la a laige. red, naeel berry
ah1 a ifuo t ahipier. Priced on cars a
Dillenl: -50, 1 1.60; 500, f2 00; 1000
f3.00 L. S. Coox,
tf Dlllard, Uregoo.
character and wood repatation ;b
stale (one in tbu roonty r-quired to e
presetit and sdveiU-e eld eetabhabed
wealthy Uieiuee bona ol solid finaociai
iUndtci;. HsUrly $1S.(0 we-kiy w;tl
eipeosew additional, all payabla in cash
eacb Wexloeeday dlrtxt from Lead
flicw. Hors0ai'i rAr'.:g larniehKi,
tipn tieceajy. Kelrreocea Eocloee
relf-addipesml etamprd eoTeiop. llab
aer, 316 Caztoo Buiiditi;, Chicago.
-12 Jl.
IJVlIi SALE, CHEAP I'jO acre oi
ttuproved land, 20 acrea ol good
L' leixj, 3 acres of bearioa; orchard.
I'm'sd.-tj acd pture. Ten miiee auot'j
estol K.iwl nr po Mrrtio Pict st Re
road. Caiiot. W. r. jchrmtnn, Br k
wav, Ore , or aJJren Aabby Hirbards,
(tracts Pans, Ore. QfclO f.
rnK EM?PASs NuTK E Noicw ie here
r.y givvo. that aov per eon loon
! 'lntirg cr oilieiwisw tr,spaie:uir npew
Kivrp.l.!e EartD,","Corry Eatate," wdi
m prosn-oied, Cbaa. f. Cmry.
Cali at Wollenberg Broa anO grt a
Standard Kaahiou Mift lor the month
of Ja-tatv. It will nt-eet rou tf yon
hive any drrre-rtiik ng to do.
Professional Cards.
...Nerve Specialist
Cnn-s Shraciatisn. Nervous arVriinns.
ftoma.-h an-i ijvrr Im-i'jies. epia". in.
t..itre. Gvneral LK-bility. rcris.e Diseases, Cr
ematory anU I'uloicNiary IrislurtiaDcea.
Hears: t to 1I:; 1 lo it
T- Ta; lr A Wilson B'.Sg. Roseburg. Orrgna
KoSIUit'Btl tlBkOO.t .
Sciai atteatloa riven to Diseaaea at I'm No
nt Throat.
iidce-Maia St.. oue door aootkof 01 ijHa
Phone. Main ML,
Q V. F1S5UEH, M. D,
Physician, Surgeon.
OiEce over P. O. Koskbi ai,
4'lione Main 51. IIrhki.h.
Physcian & Surgeon.
t)fflc Review Kid.
rhooo, Main 11
Review Buildiu,
Tclepboue Ko. .
Office or ami to
"locum s Hall
Attorney at Law,
Booms 1 At. Marster Bld., RWEBCKQ, OB
staW" BuslDesa be lore th 0 8. Land OtBoa and
Buuiug caae a specialty.
Late RefielTer D. 8. Land Ofloa.
RoSBBfKO, ORa.wa.
Builueaa before 0.8. Land Office and Piubata
buslnes a specialty.
Oflloe A bra 1 1 am Buildiua.
Wll' praelioe In all the State and Perioral Courts
' Office to Mark1 Bltlg., Roaebunr. Oreton.
Attorney and Councilor at Law.
Mining Law and Water Rights made
a apwialty.
asiiuin Bid ROaKBCHii, ORXGOH
oim 1 anil t
wrrlew Builaillg. BOHKBl'Kta. OKKtKIN
turt Hon
Dowu Stain.
JA. 3UCIIANAN, Notary Public,
Collections a Specialty.
' Koom 1
Marster Buihtiua.
J. K0 111 SETT,
Attorney at Law. .
RKim 11.
rlor Wilson Block. . KoaiBDRO, OBI,
Now tha the holiday s'are orer, baaiaeaa does not a bat at tba
Kichiriidon Mnsic 8 tore beaidea bail tbe pmcoe and Oifom we fell
are never en to Koeeborg. We would like to Oiention a lew of Ibe
differeut Pwt.oa we have Itooirbt and eold since we bave bwn in txiii
n-rt, showing to the piblic that we are w-ll ptsd on all the diffee.
eut makes of Pianos atxi know wbidi Is the best to handle and wbieb
Kive the bet satislaciion.
Have sold Chickering, Steinway, Knabe, We
bei, Steck, Needhaui, Kimball, Belir Bros., Whit
ney, I linzie, Haines Bros., Weser Bros., Vore &
Sou, Leiclit, Shonsiuger, Howard. Kingsbury,
Cable, Sberwood, Ludwig, Allen & Sou, Wing &
Sou, Fischer, Walraven, Webster, Wheelock,
Standard, Stone, Jacob Doll, Foley &. Williams,
Swick, Opera, Hardman, Jewett, Mozart, Milton,
Sivick Co., Euterpa, Decker Bros., Decker &
Sou, and a number of other makes aud we ought
to know just what kind of a Piano gives the best
satisfaction. We could give purchasers name aad
address, but space will not permit.
T. K. Richardson
Drain Gardiner
j. WINTER Kil EDULE-Sue leave- Prain M-jndays, Welneedaya
aud Fridav. and air ire in Slari-hrielJ the fjUowinj: dar. Leaves Mareb
"a fi-ld Mondii g, Wedj!-days and Friday and arrives in Drain the flowing
a, dar. GokJ covered converancee. FARE fo.50, incladicg 50 poande of
B For farther information address
i Ja H. Sawyers.
J Proprietor, Drain, Oregon J
The finest Rough and Dressed
Fine Cedar Fence
Posts, Wood, etc.
Fine Port Orford Cedar
Finishing Lumber.:
We want your orders for building
material. All orders promptly filled.
Cor. Oak and Rose Street.
Phone Main 51.
a I 4"V
. - .1-' j f
WW 1 1 81 fflffi
E. C. CASE, Proprietor
Best Rigs and Teams in the City
Transient Stock Given Special Attention
Call and see me. 'Phone 601.
My barn haN lately been enlarged and I have added several
new rigs and am better prepared than ever to
furnish von rrood t
HfsWnnir(Mra f. 11 i.! fl : -
Toy. io profnaioo. Call whil. th. to&'rJS
It aa pleasing aa mv gooJa. 'Phona24d. ' rtc are eqoai-
Cass and Pine Sts.
, . R"aai-aci, tire.. Jan. U li.
Notlit? la. herrhy sixrn in compliant-
with llw rrovtsions ot tha A ot Congim of
June S, milled. 'Aa Act ior tho sale ot
timber lam's lu the tiiatvs ( I'ailiornia. Or
tt'iiilitl tnall th public lauil slates tj Act ol
AiiKUNt 4, lay-',
of RlMle, Cixiiiljr ul IhhikU. ftate ol Citwn,
bas this day HUM In this ofBVo bis sworn sute
nu'iitNo iy3i, l.r the pun-hast' ot tr SWi. o(
StctloiiNo H, Township Si Month, of Raue7
West amt wlUotTvr pMol losliow that the laud
sotiRht la tmiru Taluahle lor It Umber or stone
than ior acrtt-ultural purposm, au.l to talli
hi claim to saiit Ina briot tb Reaisu-r and
Kfreirvr of this ottuv at Ktwhma. Otvirtm. ou
Krl.lar. tbe Jl day ol Marvh, lsti. Ho iiamt-s ss
wltnwes: l,.-onc Ratcwau, Albtrt Willi Bob
MtH'ullib and lorn Howard all of Roavbuia
Any and all persons climln
artrersely the
abovsxIrscritK-d lamis are reiiueated to Sl th.r
claim In oflicu un or beiure said 11 day ol
H' P . " 4. T. BRIDGES.
LiVEPj, Feed find gale $aMes
C. P. Bamako, Prop.
5add!e liorts. Single and
Double Rig at all hours
Transient 5iock
very be5t of care .....
Rates always reasonable
art. ....
Qeo. VV. rapp
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notioo h-n-by .is. to aIl
holdin IVU!! Coanty w.rr-nt. iB.
Jrd prior to and inclnlioB j0ne
l. lo Prent tl.a aame t tb, tg9munm
er a ntfie. at tho court bjow, lor par
ert, a, in,.wt .ill c-aM lbroo aittr
tha data of thit rKtr.
PateJ tbia 6th da, ol Jan., 1V-J2. at
tba C7 ol Wb.,,,, CWd. '
' G. W. DIMMtCK,
Connlj Treaauiar.
Usf. landcorm roPi o .
ffe:iing tha title, rall.on Frank E .Ha"
npttalra ,n th. Marka buiidiDe. Mia
workia 4n.r.u,W(1