The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 16, 1902, Image 3

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to make tbcir head-
are redoubling our efforts to make the
the most popular place for bargain seekers
quarters, as our Fall and Winter goods have arrived and we are
selling them at a very low margin.
and we are
get them elsewhere.
them from
Our Fall Millinery Stock of Street and
Walking shapes are the most up-to-date
styles that has ever been in the city before,
25 to 50 per cent, cheaper thau you can
Our Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing are now in and one of
the latest and most up-to-date, and if you will step in and give
us a call you will be convinced that we have the most complete
and up-to date line in the city, and you will see that we can sell
you cheaper then you can get them elsewhere.
We are also sole
agents for
W. L. Douglas Shoes
aud Mouarch
1 ne
People's Store
rt t 1 Ti- .
'Oo pm won't tk you very far
You've g'-t to ketpon wilkina;
Oue ord won't 'eU folks v-hat you are
You've sot to k-et on talkirg;
One inch won't make you vry tall
You're f- t" kfp on growing;
Oue liillt. wn't do it all
YoiTv f--t t( k-ep Va gjinft-"
Some time agi tbe editor of the Eo
g ne Register advartiied Jttiat be had
found an article inade of black elastic
web, wh cb. locked oo r mall for a belt
and too large lor a fcleeve bolder, whi b
tbe ow ner could h&ve by calling at tbe
Register tfi :e. Nalee for notice attach,
ed. Tbe nex; SinJay a young Udy
CAine asked for tb article. Tbe editor
blushed oiepiy, bat reppin to tbe wall
tojk it from the u-dl where be bad bung
it, and banded it to ber. She thanked
hiji, elipped the web over Ler B:le and
proceeded on her way to Sunday school
with a look of sw-t peace that ie known
oclytotlioee who live rare lives and
have tt.eir names written in the Lamb's
B jok of Li e.
We make a specialty of (wiling from
furtory.' Sive monev by onr system.
We will Maintain head quarter for wall
papers tfcronbia l'Jji. We will have
tL- lar ft euck and ran prices
with an fi-o. Rii & Rice.
T. R. Wi liains, the unfortunate mao
who was pierot-d with a flj iug piece ot
w wi at tbe Lepn niilla last week,
died Sm dny i-veni:.,: at eis o'clock, after
a most remarkable struggle for life. Both
longa wee pWcd y a piece of wood
over an i.-ich in diameter, end being
w-!ged between t!-e ribe required tbe
aid of two m-:n to withdraw it, yet bio
life was prolonged lor over fire days af
terward. Wi.lii-m! wm abont 35 years
of age. He leave a wife but no other
relatives in tl.i- etase. Ua mctMer live
in Michigan. He w a tocUl member
of :Le ffoodwn of the World Camp at
Diin at,d was bmied by that order
Jiinday in the Drain cemetery.
Vi will open np ox wek a fioe line
&. ww t'imk an ! values direct from
tbe fiart'try. We w!l the below any
o'.ber dealer. -JO inch frank", wl.i! Bale
lase -$2 50 ieleecopts of all sixes.
Eire & Khm.
Mrs. J. W. Bak-r. wbo ba. been
epeudin ibe past fvw lsys with hereon
and hie ait-. Mr. ai.d Mre. Clare Baker.
nfirwito her borne at CoUsgn Grove
Mrs. Cometock, who recently sold ber
bakery business here, was in the city
a lew daya this week, a gaest of many
friends. Tbiti fBcewaa favored with
pleasant bnsmeea call. Since selling
her bo6inees intereets here, Mrs. Corn-
stock baa been residing with ber bus-
band on their fine farm abont 15 miles
eaet of town where, ebe telle as, they
are erjoyisg deligbfnl weather, tbe fog
which baa prevailed so dense here tbe
pset few dae not extending to their eec
iion, also that tbe bills are covered with
ild flowers acd their garden filled with
green vegetables. Truly, we have a
favored spot upon . this great mun
dane sphere.
Any partiee desiring to rent, bny or
roll teal eetate, city or country property
will do well to call on or address II. VL
Martin. Office with Attorney Louie Bar
aee, opposite McClallen liouee, Roee
borg, Oregon. j9.
Yesterday noon, during the band con
cert and street parade given by tbe
Queen of Havti Co., the fine team be
longing to T. K. Richardson, which was
hitched to a light spring wagon, became
frightened and took a lively spin down
Main birett, turning at the corner of
Donglas, and past the court bouse and
then into tbe narrow alley just below ths
court house where one horse was ditclied
and only after hard work, extricated.
The wagon was considerably damaged
and it is feared one horse will be of do
further value.
. When yon are in want of a Cook stove,
Bieel range, Heating stove, or any thing
in tbe line of Hardware, Tinware etc,
go to S. K. Srkeeand get his price and
you will go no further.
Miss Anna Hant, who bas been doing
night work in tbe central telephone of
ficethe past month baa resigned ber
loeition and left Tuesday for Portland,
where she will enter Dr. Coffey's san
itarium to study for a trained nurse.
Mus Hunt bas manv friends in tbis
county, having taught in tbe scLools Of
North Douglas with good soocees, and at
will wish her success in fast new field ol
labor. Bennie Lobr bas succeeded Miss
Hunt in the telephone office.
All work done by tbe Title Guarantee
t Loan Co.. J. D. Hamilton, manager,
is guaranteed absolutely correct. Ab
stracts of titles are worthless unit
properly made.
Sam Ball of Riddle, was transacting
business in Roeebnrg Wednesday and
favored tbe Plaikuealcr with cash on
subscribtion. Mr. Ball reports consider
able placer mining in Sooth Douglas
this winter and says tbat business is very
satisfactory in tbat part of tbe county.
..Anniversary Sale.,
We call your particular attention this
week to a magnificent line of Outing
Flannels at prices that will "move 'em
out lively." Its a quick turn on very
close margins to satisfy a lively de
mand. There is some money in it for
us, and a good deal more for customers
and friends who are quick to appreci
ate good values. These prices will
"move 'em out lively:" 6 cts., 7
cts., S4 cts., ail i2Jyi cts. Outings
are now IO Cents. Sharp reduc
tions in Flannelettes, 10 cts., 11 cts.,
i24 cts., 15 cts. Ladies Outing Flan
nel Night Gowns, very much under
price: 65 cts., $r.ooand $1.25.
C. B. Clements, representing tbe Cas
cade Coal Mining Co., of Lane county,
with head offices at Eugene, is in Rose
burg introducing the company's stock
and exhibiting tbe product of tbe mine,
two well defined eight foot ledges bave
iog already been prospected. This com
pany was organised for Iho purpose of
developing and mining coal from , tbe
f.moos Wilhelm Coal Miue, located
about four miles cast of Creewell, Lane
county, and was organized aider tbe
laws of Oregon. It is undoubtedly
mv1 ... 1 1 . I. k. 1 J .
veloped will pay a gojl diviJaot to its
Carpets and mattings, oil cloth and
lenoliom. We have in almost all color..
Our special patterns o! 3 ply can't be
beat. Boy your window shades and
beds of ns. Kice A Rice.
J. W. Maiden returned borne yester
day from a months visit at bis old boms
in Alva, Oklahoma, where be owns
considerable property intereets. He re
ports a verv pleasant trip, and says the
winter months in tbat couutry are ex
ceptionally fie this year. Ha re
turned borne v Sacram nto. Mr.
Maiden owns a nice farm of 20 acres in
E ienbower, and expects to put out the
entire tract in berries.
Dou't comi liin abjot bad bread when
von cn ret tbe best tbat was ever made
delivered to your booae free. Leave or-
Inrs at rviveri Bakery or Tbone Main
Dr. E. M. Cheadle writes for tbe
Plainokalkb to be sent to him at James
town, Tuolumne county, California,
where be and bis wife are enjoying a
brief visit and from which place they
will soon proceed f other soitb. Tbey
repoit delightful weather and state that
ihey ate copying their trip very
Siauond.e Crose Cot Sjws will do more
work with lees exertion aud hold tbeir
cntting edge longer than anv other
Brand. Boy them from b K. Si kes.
B. F. Welle, who lately returned to bis
O'alla home from Manila where be spent
twenty months in the postal service, was
in town yeeterday greeting old friends.
He has gained much in weight and looks
himself again since be bas fully recuper
ated from .bis loog tiresome voyage and
season spent in the tropics.
in nearly ait Hues enoug will give
special bargains for 15 days to make
room for new irouda that will commence
to arrive Jan. 15.
A. S. York, circulation agent of the
Evening Telegram speut a few days in
Roeebarg tbis week in the interest of
bis paper, adding a Urge number of new
oanies to tbe poeular evening daily's
Roaeburg list. Tbis office was favored
with a pleasant call.
Griffith's Bakery, near the depot ,rosk
specialty oinedding and Holiday
cakes. They also keep a choice line of
Wm. Irwin, a well known and highly
respected citisen of Ten Mile, was trans
acting business at the county ,eeat firtt
of tbe week and favored this office with
a pleasant cad, an J cash for another
year's subscription.
I will willingly exelnnee any Simond'
Cross cut saw not eatiaiactory to ueer,
if the fault is in the saw. Sold only by
a. a., eyies.
A. F. Rogers, traveling salesman of
lbs Blake, Met all stationery firm of
Portland is in Roeeburg Interviewing bis
many reguur customers. His is a fins
company with which to transact busi
J. D. Hamilton has ths only complete
set of abstract books in the county. See
uim at tbe Court House, when yoa want
aostracta oi title.
Oicbsrdiete of South Donglar will
want lime for spraying their orchards.
It can be had at prices to suit purchaser
at tbe Myrtle Creek and Canyonvills
floor mill". dI16
Tbe "Pedalis" the classic shoe for
women, Is the latest at Flints ehos store.
see tbat patent pocket for ths laces Its
a winner.
W. A. Webber and daughter, Mrs. 8
S. Catching, of Riddle, are spending a
few days in tbe city, the guests ot rel
atives and friends.
Why boil and burn out your eyes pre
paring spray when vou can set Dunnes
Solid Spray already cooked at Churchill
& Woolley.
H. W. Stewart, S. P. station agent at
Comstock, was looking after business
matters and greeting old time friends in
this city Tuesday.
Tbe TJ. S. Cream Separator stands
away up in froLt. it you rank cows for
profit see Churchill & Woolley about
Mrs. Wm. Currier bas returned boms
from Lebanon, where ebe attended tbe
last sickness and burial of her
Yoa can get 12 photo stamps and 1
nice phota button (Unique) at Taylor's
tent tor T-i cents, until atter the holidays
Aioauy scnooi o strict ai levied a
1 seven mill school tax,
V. M. Ireland formerly of this loui.ty,
but now of MarsbOuld, wbers bs holds a
a position on ths Marsbfield-Myrlle
Point passenger train, was in Roaeburg
Wednesday transacting basinets. Tbe
Plaindialkr was favored with a pleas
ant business call and was informed thai
ths reported sniallpoi uf Coos county
is not of an alaimitig nature and is
nothing mors than the Manila itch
which ba been going the rounds of
Southern Oregon, only onn death having
resulted In Coos county therefrom. Mr.
Ireland has been enjoving a brief vaca
tion visiting with bis brothers and other
friends at Olalla and spent a day In Roee
burg before returning to Marsbfirld to
resume work on tbe C. B. A E. railroad.
Call at Wollenberg Bros, and get a
Standard Fashion Sheet for tbe month
of February. It will interest you if you
have any dress-making to do.
8. C. Oar tram, tbe Plaindsalks'b
genial and hmtling representative spent
the week at Camas Valley, Looking
Glass aud Olalla and has been ding
excellent work for the paper, receiving
many new subscribers as well as the
renewals of old ones. Mr. Bartram
hnde the Plaindealeb growing rspidjy
in favor and popularity everywhere and
it requires onlv an Invitation cordially
extended to securs new subscribers.
Mr. Bartram is also doing good work for
our job printing department.
Try a package of Red Albumen to pot
in your chicken feed it will make your
bens lav Churchill A Woolley sell it.
Attorney Louis Barxee, who lately
fitted np aneat, commodious office on tbs
corner of Jackson and Dooglas streets
opposite Uie hotel McClallen, received a
valuable addition to his law library Wed
nesday, over one hundred fine new
volumes of law books being placed on hie
library shelves at tbis time. Though
haviug been established in tbe profession
but a short time Attorney Barsee is re
ceiving bis full share of business and is
laying tbs foundation for a very remac
erative practice.
A package of Cleeu-Eety given to
every purchase rof Stranskey enameled
ware sold by Churchill A Woolley.
Tbs Eugene Register is agitating tbe
organisation of a commercial club in tbat
city. Albany Las ths Alco club, Salem
the Illibes both in a prosperous condi
tion. - Roeeburg would do well to tall in
line and organise a board ol trade or
bosiness mens' club.
Gentlemen, Edwin Clapp shoes, new
styles, now ready for your inspection
rlloU Sbos Store.
Ths following Douglas connty people
were registered at hotel McClellan this
week: R. W. Tbomason, Rajuboa
Mins; J P. Denn, Jr., Camas Valley;
Mrs. A Fielder, W. B. Rjber, R. W.
Harbenbrook, Gleodale; Dr. C. W.
Whitcomb, Myrtle Creek.
Bargains t Strong's Furniture store in
wall paper, carpets and odd dining
chairs for 15 days.
Chas.H Fisher, editor ot tbs Daily
Capital News at Boiee, Idaho, and E.
McBrcom oi the Orangeviile, Idaho,
Free Press, both formerly cotnected
with the Kosebarg Rtview, are in tbe
cilv greeting old time friends.
You can gwt 24 photo stamps for 25
cents st lay lor'a photo teat, until after
the holidays only. dl9
Conductor S. P. Veatch is off Lis ref
uler ruo between here and Portland, on
account of sickness, and Conductor Cbaa
Minkler is taking bis place. Sam'a
many frietds vieh him a spetdy ri-covery.
Straniky four coat euamettd wars
gaareuied lor 5 yer Cuuictiili A
Miae Lena Foreman, of tbs T. K.
Richard music booee, has re tamed boms
from a trip to Jefferson, wbers lbs dons
a good business for tbs boose, placing
several pianos and organs in homes in
that vicinity.
Nice fresh breed, aeeorted cakes, and
pastries of all kinds, at Griffith's Baksry.
C. B. Clement went to Roeebarg this
elternton. He took with him some
samples oi coal irom toe wret Wdll mine
and will dispose of stock in tbe company
to Rose burg people. Eugene Guard.
Special sale on high cat ladies shoes.
Harry M. Holden.
A l. Marsters Uo., druggists, were
distributing some handsome little
calandera tbis week, bearing a marine
view witti a picture of a fall rigged ship
under sail in ths foreground.
Lime and cement at very low prices at
Marsters' Drug foiore.
Mrs. Shelby Churchill, who has been
visiting ths past two weeks with ber
I r other, Frank Brown, near tbis city re
lumed to her home near Oakland to
Northern 8py and Spitasnberg apples
at H. Marks and O.
Hon. R. A. Booth and J no. Keliey,
ol the Bootb-Kelley Lumber Co., wars
passengers on tbis morning's train re
turning to Eugene.
A tie train went through sooth Tues
day. Tbs 8. P. company is preparing to
fix its road bed in tbs moet approved
CapU Ben D. Boewell, ot Boawel
Springs, arrived in Eogene on this morn
ing's early truin. Wednesday's Guard
Miss Edna Harvey, ot English Settle
ment is visiting bsr niece, Mrs. R. W.
Terrell, and otber relatives in tbis city.
Mrs. W. T. Wright has returned boms
after spending a brief season on basioees
and pleasors at Oregon's metropolis.
Hon. G. W. Riddle, ol Ai ilia, is spend
lug a few days with his family hers, snd
looking after business matters.
Alya Bellows, ot ths mercantile firm of
Fisher A Bellows, made Wilbur a buai-
nees visit today.
' Among ths Lodges. ' -
The new officers of Rosehurg Rebekah
L.'du., No. 41, and Union Encampment,
N i. 9, 1. O. 0. F , were installed Tues
day evening. After the installation a
delicious louch was served, and the re
mainder of lbs svenlng whiled away in
gaoit-s and social converse.
New officers for ths Encampment are
as follows: J 1) Hamilton, C I'; P 8 K
Buick, HP; 11 B Gillette. S W; L B
Moore, J W; R Robertson, Scribe; W
T Wright, Treas; FG Micelli, Guide;
E J Buttrick, I G ; L Bcbmeieser, O G ;
Jne Vicelli, let W ; L Wimberly, 2nd
W; Carl Hoffman, GT; F W BeoroL,
Tbe Rebekahs new officers era as fol
lows: Delia Brown, N G : Sarah Gad-
dis.VG; Cora Wimberly, R 8; Delia
Jewett, F 8; Marie Jones, Trees; Kittis
Mc Williams, Wsr; Emma Smith, Con;
Mrs. Emma Fiaber.IG; Laura Spalding
OG: Marie Bchmeiaier. R R N T.
Mary Jones, L8NO; Amsta Bradford
RSVG; Mrs.Trant.L8V G; Merit
West, chaplain.
Officers installed for tbs K. of P Lodge
Wednesday evening were as follow : E
L Bash ford, C C; G W Kimball, V C;
WJ Landers, Prelate; WT Wright. M
of E ; B W Strong, M of F; C E Roberts
KofRS; Jos Micelli, I G; U T Mc
Clellan, O G ; Installing officer, B W
Strong. After ths installation an oyster
supper and social was sc joyed by those
Tbe Modern Woodmen ot America
held a public installation of officers an l
t-anqoet in the Native Sons' ball lact
evening, ex-venerable council Geo. By
ron being tbe Installing officer. The
new officers entering opoo their official
doties wsre: F. M. Beard, V. C A.
Salsman, W. A., 6. 1. Thornton, Banker,
Geo. Byron, Clerk, W. C. Conner, Man
ager, Dr. R. D. Barrow, Examining
Physician. H. J. Robinett, Escort, John
Botcher, Watchman, Dan Fisber, sentry.
I allowing tbs installation a brief prr
gram was rendered, addresses being
mads by Attorney Geo. Byron, Rev
Douglas and Jostles Robinett and Miss
Hasel K. Perry delighted tbe members
and tbeir guests with a vocal solo. Miss
Mabel VanBoreo presiding at tbe piano.
Excellent refreshments wars served and
games and social con versa occupied tbe
time of tbs assembly nntil a late hoar.
1st Jus tics and Equity Courts.
A salt in equity was beard Wedoesday
under Releree John H. Shape, the prio
ctpel persons involved being Fred Bate-
man and R. A. WoodrofT. both of Mel
rose. Both parties have I Arms watered
by tbe sms stream, and tbe former wbo
lives at tbe upper part ol said stream
recently turned its coarse in such a
manner as to excioiely irrigate his
own land thus leaving ths latter practi
cally witboat any benefit from tbis Wat
er. Tbs final outcome of the case will
not bo known ootil a decision is rendered
by ths circuit ooart. Tbs case will pro
bably not bs beard therein notil ths
session ot tbs May term.
On compUint oi Henry Lauder. Jr.,
Cnas. Bchnanfer was tried in Justice
RobioeU'e court Wednedav on a
charge ot unlaw lolly p-iiutiog a firearm at
tbe first named person. Mr. Scbnaufer
was Jismissed. Tbe circumstances in
brief are as follows : A feces was erect
ed or tbe Landers boys on what they
claim M tbeir own property. ScbnaaUr
dissented I root this assertion and !
urn says the property ie bis own. Us
ccordingiy Urted lo cat had tear tbe
fence dowi, when eakl Henry Landers
appeared oo tbe eueoe. I: is alleged
that Landers Besomed a threatening at
titude and started to either pall off his
coat or draw a gun with ths apparent in
tention of inflicting bodily iojary, upon
movements it is asserted that Scbnaufer
picked np a shot gun and pointed it at
him. Lander retreated to his boose
And subspqueotiy swore oat tbs above
Probate Orders.
Good bargains in Dress Goods of all de
scriptions Also a few of the 50 per cent
discount Collarettes left. Largest and best
assorted stock of General Merchandise in
Douglas County at . 5
6 I TH6
Preferred stock ot canned goods, high
est grade goods on market. Kruee &
New land s.
Now Is tbe time to sprsv your trees.
Ons spraying now is equal to three In
tbs summer.
Pendleton is to bays a second woolen
mill, proving conclusively thst tbey are
good things.
Fred Hooter, ol Portland, is spending
a isw weeks in this city, visiting with bis
F. P. Collier & Sons' handsome collect
or, Allen inland, is in tbe city too ay
Born, in Roeebarg. Jan. 15, 1902, to
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Perry, a daughter.
In the matter ol the estate ot W. T.
Wheeler deceased, tbe final account ol
ins administrator, u. K. beeler, was
allowed and approved and he and his
bondsmen released from farther liabili
M. F. Rapp as guardian of John B.
Rtpp, a minor, bas filed a petiton for the
sale of real property belonging to said
ward, . and ths ooart has appointed
Wednesday forenoon, Feb. 13, 1902, at
ths court booee, as tbs Urns and place
ol bearing objections, if any, from the
next ol km and tnoss interested, why a
license should not bs granted lor tbs
sals of such sstate.
laths estate of Jan. A. Moaroe,
miLor, Vt m. IS. Msltoo, guardian, baa
sold tbs interest ot said minor in and to
ths WJ, of D C No. 39, in tp 28 8, R
west, except 50 acre off the north end
thereof, also kds 1 and 2, sec 11, tp 23 S,
R 5 west, to Henry Jargena lor S1200,
and said sale is affirmed by tbs court.
In the matter of tbs estate ot Margaret
Ward, deceased, order made approving
final account and diecbaiging adminis
trator. J H. Muropowsr and bis bonds
la the matter ot lbs estate ol Wm
Ward, deceased, order made approving
final account and discharging adminis
trator, J. H. Mampower and his bonds
In tbs matter of tbs estate ol Otto
A.'.Anlauf, deceased, order directing ed
ministratrix, Robertlna Aslant, to make
payment of preferred claims against
estate amounting to 283.30 and that re
maining 1975.40 bs paid oat pio rato to
remaining creditors.
Tbs January term ol Circuit Court will
convene Monday at tbs court house
Tbs docket will bs round on tbs last pags
of this paper a portion ol which will be
disposed of at ths preliminary session
which will be convened by Judge Hamil
ton Friday and Saturday.
Told in Side Heads i
RiMtoNBO as Dntrrr Poem Asrca
T. W. Peters who lor some time past,
bas filled in ths most satisfactory man
ner, the poet ion ol depnty postmasur in
Roeeburg's poetoffiee, terd red bis rui
nation Tuesday to Poatmasler Frater in
order to accept a position with ths Wells.
Fargo E (press Co.. at Portland. Hs
went to Oakland today to spend a Isw
days with home folks and old friends
and will report tor doty at Portland
Monday. Mr. Peters is ons of the most
exemplary young men of the county,
strictly sober, industrious and rsiiablsa
and woithyof tbs confidence and esteem
ot all. He rendered vetoed services both
to tbs postmaster and tbe pablie daring
bis connection with tbe Roeebarg post-
offioe and made a boat of friends ta this
city, wbo regret bis departar, bat wbo
join with tbe PLAraoALBB in wishing
bim sacc'wa and rapid advincemeot la
tbs eiprses service. We can moat cheer
lolly and heartily recomaseod Mr. Peters
and feel sare that hs will prove true to
every trust reposed in him. His srncessor
in ths Roeebarg poetoffios has not yet
beencbosen. "
At Mtbtlb Cxkck Hiram Gallap, of
tbs Myrtls Creek faraiiore and under
taking firm of Fen loo A Gallap, was
transacting bosiness at tbs connty sent
Wedoesday aod favored this office with
plrasant call. Mr. Gallap reports
Iniiing operations progressing witboat
interruption st ths oil well and better
progress being made ss tbs drill rear rise
a greater depth. Tue mines tributary to
tbat place are also making an excellent
showing and tbs district promises to pro-
docs considerable wealth in tbs near
future. A petition tor the granting of a
license to T. Thompson of Roeebarg to
conduct a saloon in that erstwhile "dry
town is jo now agitating its sedate
populace, and judging from reports, will
meet with considerable opposition. A
Ucng remonstrance, will bs filed sad
net what ths oulcoms will bs rsaslea
to bs seen.
Mabjuid. This Wednesday forenoon
at 10 o'clock at ths residence) of tbs
bride in Fairmoant occared ths marriage
ol Miss Lavinaa Y eager to Mr. '.Herbert
Hodgrs, ot Canyonvills, Donglas county,
After ths ceremony ths wedding party
eat down to a bountiful dinner and tbs
happy couple took tbs a Iter noon train
for Ashland where tbey will spsnd soma
time. Ths bride is ths poslmistrssa and
storekeeper at Fairmoant and has hosts
ol friends in tbat suburb wbo wish ber
much happiness and prosperity. Tbe
groom is a substantial yonng man of oar
neighboring county. Eagens Guard.
10 Eichasgb, A good, aloxMt
1901 model bicycle to exchange foe a good
shotgun. Wheel valued at f?3 and la
good shape tor ths nearby wuteliog
season. Apply to "H," this office.
wbers wheel can bs seen..
Oar Cream and Home-made rval is as rood or better
than ever and will be delivered to any iwrt of the city. " "
Leave orders or 'phone .Main 165.
J. SIEVERS, Proprietor
Notice for Publication.
NoUo. U tM-4rr nM V.- T-j,-
proilMoM ol IIm mr t mt oturr-a of
f"""? M. "wtitW -Km arc fnr Uw amle et
uaib-r laaxte la lb MXr oi lUiitomia. Oncoa.
4 to aU (fa mblt laa4 Moan by act ol Aucast
BEX RT iJRRicnntrc
ol Bit EaaiaA. ol Mtmia. nate ot Mlchl
raa waa late da- Slot ia u aftV him nan
(alesmt . 1Mb. tot tfea avidiaa- tbe r',
of tb t?t ol ftrrtioa No. i. Towaraia 1- euum.
i "- Wew, and will eeer vrooi lo snnv
inai im laod m wxm rmiuaMe lor ita
lJabtrtfHaHU.lWunrilut.1 .nrr
aaJ la ubkk hiaclaia lo aud laad briora
l iLncwter ant Krmrerol fxM or st Eoe
lr, Uroroa. an Toeadar, Ibe list day at Jaa-
cwiw. a. m. v irnrr, Laje M
Varwry. all ol aiarbviw. Ora.
JKsuoi aa4 Frank
ar aM ail Hrra eiajmiaj: advnj the
aaora-deaCTttt-d lasxfc. aia reaeatcd SJe that
rlmiaui imlhlm otU on in fcckuir aud Urtdaf ol
Jaaaary, 13UL.
Administrator's Sale of Real
Kotlw la IwrkT cl-ea. tbat hr Ttrtne of aa
r BMda br Ua ton air Conn ml !!;.
moatj, ftata M Orvana. ia tar naurr o iba
oi auaancia hunrn. rwrtawri a Utt
i ar ! ITwwbw. 11 tMrcwnd la the
rrroma -M rrmrt oa av at dav. dirrrdaK. -lonitB
aad oramaa are. Uw an.Wr.rxii ad-i-tror
at aald faiato. ta aM. .1 ttii cr aah.
lMorarivaia a-kra fn.rfb-l b- Uw. tae rral
aroeartT h-ioorrlu u thr atd "Mir. ta tbe
kiabrat bnMrr in rk k..i u.
l Mnnc oa laet-laiBKamoat tbaaad atate
a- taaaaptaait X ad riwiMnMton. TbereloR
by Ttnac M aud areer 1 mill oa and atior
Eatarday thn oth day of January. 1902.
I e-m-STOrad M a-U at. private ti. tbeaub-
ab la haad. the K lelwf
tmbed ami ptnocrtv oaMoctaa m tae ai-jmatd
aa-wil; Lot Nn. 1 ia htueft .V.
Notice for Publication.
Eowbars. Orrwrn, Jmm. US9.
5oU-e t kmfby (irea taat ta toapliaaea
-with the proviaioDa of lb act af Coaaraai oi
Jnae A. 17. eatiiivd "Aa art for the aaio of
rial ber laadsia use otaMa oi Canlora ia. Ol iou u.
ed to all UteJ'ablie Land atataa by art of Aae-
t , Lieu.
of ftVwbnrf .eouot yof Itoafiaa, state of Ora.
. baa t :.! Btea ta taw Mm mm nnn
atalemeat Ko. L., lor taa potrhaavol Ibesww
of Bprtioa Na. A, losbip it Soata. ot fara? 7 '
. w .Jt. aad atii eaer proof a aow that lao
laad aoocht ia aon valuable for ita tiBber or
n ibaa for aancaitaral parpoaca. aad to aa
tablua bm claim to aud laad before the aerie.
ler aad flereiTr of tan oStt at aVoaabarg. Ora
rne,oa I aeadav. the LRb day of Maaaa. MS.
Heaaam aa witaeawa: wma BaieaMa, AW
rt UU. Bobert neTaiiocJi mat Taoaaas
laovard. ali of aVaaebatc. Or agio
art aod all peiwjaa riaiamar aarcfaaly taa)
ore-oeatribed laads aio maoMod lo S'a
taearclaBM ia tbiaoSbte aa or beinre said 1Mb,
day of March, 1ZU. 4.T. SaMUbES.
MT-13 Unc W L lot and bara oaW)
aillatbewty .a BoarkMiv. Dooiaa loaacy.
al tnahllil I Wia ULttm Am
!eeaiher. A. D. 1I ' H J VkHM-.s.
Admlniatratorof taeeausr of Eliaaoath tjarri-
Notice for Publication.
Eoaasoaa. Onaaa. Der. M. 1-AlL.
Kobrels aeieev rtrea that la eoainliaB
with Ihe Munaloaa of the act of Cooareai orf
jaae a. is.a. oanuoa. -A.n art tor the aaie ai
ttaibat laada ia the Statea of CaAUoraia. Orceoa.
Kerada, and Weahiartoa Temaarr." aa axtaad-
ad to all tharahlM Laad, States by act mi A-
ast . uaa,
of Porttaad. ouaatr ef 31 oltaomah, (Male of
Orreoa, bas tbla day lied ta ihu office aia
wore etateaMot Ko. ISSI. for the aaorhaa of
u Haol ercuoa So. Ut, lowaahip SI aoath.
raoca o. 7 west, aod will otter nonf lo
that the laad aooahtia anra vmioablo for ita
tiBberoratooe thaa lor aenealioral rvroneea.
aad to eetabitib, hi claim lo said laad before
tha aesiater aad Receiver of thw odaca at Boar-
bare, Oteena, on Wedn eaiay, Ua Ui 41
rrf-roair, lU.
He aamea as wltneawe: Ueoree Ratetnan,
Robert HoCnl Wjoih. Thomait H-xrant. of
banr. Kmeat V. Berwick of ttortlaad. Oreroa
Aay aad aJS peraooa elalatlas advonely the
aboea deaoibed lands am reqtMetetl to Sla
UtewciarawlathHodhraocbeioresaM SbU
day of Fehnauy, mol.
DOS. J. X. SAVUrBB, - '
, Jtcvwter.
Notice for Publication.
CKinro tatth la kd orrtcit.
Bmcaraa. Orsjaa. Deeeaiber.a. 14.
HoUreaa benrbv aiTeo that la i iiaiallaaia"
with Ihe aforfenoaa of tae art of Cuaaitaa mt
jQsei.a.tiUF -Aa art tor the aaieaf
Unoerlaadain the state of CaiUoreia. Oriaaa.
Keaila. aad Wakiunstoa Trmtafy' aa aatead
ed to ail the Pohue Laad etaaa by act af Aas-
af Lriaad.coaatT of Jcerpfeiae, stale of Oim as
taiuuiiartaaiiua oc ka ewora aaa
Beat .No. M1J, ir the parraaaa of the ef the
k'ajof w-ctioa No. av, tovaabia a aoath, ad
Raorea west. and vuloSer aeaof lo aaow thaa
Ihe laed aoosht ia atorr Talaabie for ita hat jee
or etuoe lhaa tor asrarnlraral ym auaea. aae aa
aatabliidi hteaii toaud laad keaaretaa Res
iMer aad fcrrlm of inia oSk at Biarbarw,
Uttwod. oo TS aradaT the Itth day of Pebraary.
tAtt. He aaaea a wi Beam: 1m rm Saaaiaa
Albert WUIU. Bob MeCulloch aad Thoa. Uawd
ail w kuweoarf. Ureaca.
Aay and ail priauua elaJjaiaa adauaaly the
aboTe-dernbfd laad are leqaeated to air taew
rtaim ia Utnedkceaer bnoreaaid Uih day at
Feanurf 10. J. T. SUIKiU,
Notice for Publication.
IBIliB Ol A 1 Xb LAND OfFltTK. -
RosaCB. Oaauow, Dae. X bjSU
oura i nereoy nvea taat la
aaichae ot
So. Ul Twwa-
wita the aroviaioaa of the act of Coarraai mt
Joae S. uca, eantied "Aa an far Uw wmm af
U laser land ta the statn of CaHformia. Oracoa
Kerada aad WastUxortoa Territory," as nana
ad to all the Pnhiulaad Staaas by act of Aa
aot,laSt. (RA'C13 ARTHCR MrCALt,
Of Roaeoun, Con air of Doasiaa. Slate of Ove
rt a. aaa this day Bled la
tateawal Kv Uofi, for
SKW of eWV, of Sartloa So. Ul
afetp Soaua. of Raaaw 4 Wat, aad will
otfer proof to ahow that the laad aeasht bi atora
valoahle for ita Uatberor etoao thaa lor agrt
eoitaral parpwe aad ta awabibih his dataa aa
aud land beiore the RafrtMer aad Ratal i ot
Ihuofficeat Roaebare. Oraroa, oa ttatardar.
the La day of March 1JBL Ho aaakas a Wv
a Lata: Charles Kmbree, James Baa Ul Fna.
L. B. Pre. aad Thomas Poe,of Boaabars. 0do-
laiiouaiT, imvoa.
Aay aad aJ per
above Ofcorritod laad are rauamted to
erms dalaiaa; adTeraety the
Ihelr claiBM ia thia edaca oa or aafora aaad uah
day of Marett.UtA,
jt J. T.iRrwss.
OvM-caiters, lenrins aad rmbbes Wsr-
s prices st Flint's.
Real Estats Transfers
Jas Howard
23, s r 6 1
Born. A pretty llttls specimen ol
femininity arrived at ths horns of Dr.
and Mre. K. L. Miller this of
city Jan. 14, 1903. Mithsr aod
babe are fretting along very well.
Abb Yod Goinu to'Spbat T II so use
Lime. A car load Jost received st ths
CanyoDville and Myrtls Creek Floor
Mills. dll6
8 G Miller and wife to
6 acres in sec 29 tp
Ralph Mark to II 8 Conn 8 acre ia
sees 15 aad 16 tp 27 e r 0 w. con 250
H N Foreman and wife to L M rear
son 31 acres in sees 19, aad 07
screa in sec 30 all ia tp 27. 4 w
con 2100
Edward FarlooR to Wm J Kslls'jer
1(30 sciss in sec 12, tp 23. r 8 w.
con 250
Cbss Q Neet sad wifs to Knby C
Bonne lots 5 snd 6 in bln-k 10, in
MyrUs Creek, Ora. Con 400
Jas U Gilliam snd aits to Daniel
Father all ot blocs 4 contaiutu.r IS
iota ia Froitvale, tp 27, s r 9 w, on 200
T R Sheridan and wife aod A
Osouf and wifs to J B sed Mary
E Poo, lots 6, 7 and 8, block ? in
CbaJoRk addition to Roewhor.
Con... 600
Andrew J Tomer and wife to P If
Tomer 40 acres in see 11, tp 21, a
r 4 w, con
Aunnlo Peiini and ails to Andrew J
Turner 40 acres in sen 11, tp 21, s
r 4 w, con
E G Yoona & Co to J P Anderson
240 acres in sec 4, tp 23, s r 7 w,
John P Sheridan lo R A Booth tbe
s1 ot lot 1, block 28 in the city of
Roeebarg. Con 5000
g The Greatest Thing That . Ever
C Happened-is Our January Clear- )
aao o-a -l T)m e-e - r. 4- Cnla rtnttr AM
a) tllicc ciiiu ivainttAiii. vuiw iiuy jki iq
"Remnants of vrything from the finest
silks to the cheapest muslins at your own
Jackets and Capes at less than wholesale
cost. ' -
On Ladies Furs the wholesale cost cuts no
figure with us. THEY MUST GO.
We will not carry any Winter Goods over
if prices will move them.
Bariker T. R. Rberidan went lo Salem
tbis morning for a brief basiobss visit. Ths best paints are pot sold cheap,
.. .. .. . Bherwin Williams mass tbs best
U. V lrraiD, ot uram, is usnssciinR CborchiU Woollsy sell it.
Krtbbl ma at a ita tltsm ftfw? t.rwtat .1
' , 1 Dr. J. Curtis 8 nook, dentist, will be
T. J. Williams of Ten Mils, wsut to! In Oakland for a few days oommsootng
Wilbur tbla morning, Monday, Jan. zo, u.
On acconnt ot tbe irregular snrveys ol
msny of Hie towosbips in ths Roseborg is almost impossible to
locate section corners witboat a copy ot
tbe Uoveromeni survey. jTank H. Al
ley. Abstract: oi tnis city, has a com
plete ret of tracings of all snrveyed town.
sbips, snd will furnish bios print ( oil
B(Ut "fetus att .raw est aaa
Bargains in Every
Fisher Bellow