The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 16, 1902, Image 2

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    j Th Twice--Veek
Boseburg Piaindealer
Published Mondays and Thursdays.
W- (j.Co5KE, Editor and Publisher
LAck a E. Joxks, City Editor, Solicitor.
J Argr8Tt.J. Kkaxtt, Foreman
is. C. BabtSl'm, Traveling Solicitor.
Twise-a-Vetk Plaindcaler, per year, $1,50
Eutere.1 at the Tost Office in Koseburg,
Ore . as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
Law bslitikg to Btwsraraa MUK-mmox.
Aoording to Home of the Utert Uwt rtfwspa
frt SMiblishcrs mar cause individuals who tase
par-fraud rvlu-e to par for it to be arrested
Ih fraad. fnd. lliia ruling, also, anyone who
allow his subscription to run a'ong for a time
nttd and then or Mrs it discontinued, or or
dm the postmaster to mark It refused, or sen
a poa' card to tne publishers l liable to ar
ros o4 fine the same as for theft.
Clobblosr Rate
We nave arranged with a targe number of
papers and nacasines for rates which will give
to our subauribers two publications for a alight
advance wrer;the coat ol The Plaisdkali
a lone. Following is a partial list: . .
Twica-A-WKtt PiaiKDEixu and the ,
Toledo Blade .., ... II 7
New York. Trlbaae 1 7i
Orepminn , . X 23
8. F. Bulletin,.. t 00
8. r.fall ;" 0B
Bars Korlhwest..
1 75
JANUARY 16, 1902.
Thus far tbe new Congress Las
Ieen a businesslike body, aud the
reputation lor each ability is worth
keeping and extending. .
Tbe Oregouian Bays A. C Wood
cock, of Eogeoe, is a candidate for
United States attorney to succeed
John Hall whose time has expired.
When h makes speech the Kaiser
trusts to the inspiration of the mo
ment, and- nervous German states
men trout to the expiration of the
moment. , .
As far as experience can be accept
ed as a guide the Panama canal is an
admitted failure. The sum of $40;
000.000 is a large one for a relic of
that kind. -
It i jast possible that Senator Depew
intends ;o devote some of bis time to
matrimonial work actions tbe unmarried
Senators: .Thai sort of thing usually
goes with tbe honeymoon.
Young Corbelt has decided to
abandon pugilism and become a sur
geon, lie wilt be able to take np his
new duties With a t borough knowl
edge of fractures aud uppercuts.
Tbe new machinery for Eugene's
a ap works were shipped from San
Francisco to the Lane county metro
po'.is this week. t There should be
cleaner politics in that county than
usual this spring.
N -w York stale baa big sorplas on
h-n I, abile Aew Turk city has about
tbe largoei bonded nndebtednees of - any
city in ibeVorld.' There'is a political
moral in t his. Tne city baa usually been
governed by democrat and the State by
republicans. .
If Mareoui succeeds in putting his
wireless telegraphy on a commercial
basis, tbe ordiuary American citizen
will be able to send an ordinary mes
sage to a crowned bead in Europe for
10 cents, orj perhaps three crowned
heads for a quarter, which, consider
ing everything is ridiciously cheap.
After - every nniversity match we
are told that football fits men for
scholarship and civil life, but now
aftet tbe match between West Point
and Annapolis we are told it fits
tbeta for war and strategema. By and
by we ehall bear : of its introduction
into business colleges as a means of
teaching the students how to stand
off a creditor and rush a debtor.
Senators and representatives wonld
do well to think twice before allow
ing iheinselves to become assistants
in the game of delay that the Pan-B'-na
Canar Co., is trying to play in
Washington. 'The'people are pretty
well postedon the merits of this
question and it will be difficult to
make a satisfactory explanation to
ingin the German ileichstag pro
vides for the imposition of a aoublo
rate of duty npoaisiportj-from- any
nation whose Tariff rates are higher
on German products: than 'on the
products of any other competirig
conntry. The German Emperor has
lately declared that if snch discrimi
nation be eu forced against Geruiau
products be will "smash things. " It
is uuderotootl that this threat was
inspired by the concessions to
French manufacturers embodied in
the proposed French Jieciproeity.
The iWuocratic county central
committee meets' "next . Thursday to
arrange preliminary matters for tbe
coming "county campaign. Our
friends, the enemy, - evidently take
considerable stock in the old adage
relatives -the early bird catching tbe
worm. . Tbey will have to get np
early if they expect to make a res
peclable showing alongside the solid
rauke of the paity of prosperity and
good gownoietit.
Tbe practice.
of altering Tariff
by.; moans of sjwcial trade
treaties is certain to provoke ill-will
and retaliation t.n tbe part of nations
not especially favored by snch
trestle. The Tariff bill tfow tiend-
It will Ims wuoonruging news to
good rtvtds advojutes to fenrn that
the government is njw conducting
uuder tbe directions of the agricul
tnral department a series of practical
conntry road building experiments,
various systems of road bnilding be
ing given au at-ttutl and practical test
to demonstrate the best, cheapest and
most permanent methods of road
building and thone the most feasible
and practical for adoption by the ru
ral districts. The feoult yf these, ex
periments will be watched with inter
est by all aud. in this -good -roads
movement it is not unlikely that the
government, will aid materially in
solving the perplexing Toad
problem and greatly increase interest
in this direct iou by the work now in
City Officers Dismissed From Charge
of Injuring Public Highway.
la the case ol tbe State of Oregon vs.
Mayor E. V. Hoover, Matahsll; F. W.
Dillard, B. F. Page and U Seal, charged
with inyiring the public highway by
taasingtobe removed two crosswalks
on Sheridan fctreet, said case being tbef
outcome of a complaint by J. M, Fletch
er, tbe tallowing result wss" obtained " In
Justice Robinett's court Monusv after
noon: From being argued on deniarre
the case bad teen continued over - from
Friday bnt on Monday afternoon tbe de
murrer was set aside and the case was
taken op in the nature of a direct trial.
Marshal Diliard wsa dismissed to be
come a witness for the state. TJ post cot -elusion
of tbe state's evidence both Pagr
and Neal were niemiseed as it was showi
that tbsy bsd acted antler Instructions
given by tbe mat or, in whose case, a aw
ion by bia attorney for hie. dismiil
was overruled. Regarding final actio
on the mayor ' we quota lroac- Jnstict
Robioette: "Dcfeudant . Hoover
dismissed, ths preponderance of evidence
showing tbst tbe aliened ii jary was
benefit to tbe highway as well s an in
jury; the coort a'so fiuds that .tbe 'de
fendant did n it t zeroise that degree o
careful sopervisiun over bis obordinatt
officers that be should, but finds tha
the detendant, Hoover, in exceeding bw
ao'b -rity in an official capweitr, can rot
be held criminally reepo.. stole for Uie
acts ol bis snbordiuav officers wbi'e act
ing under his supposed authority."'
Looking Glass Items.
Miss Susie Ollivam has come home to
stay ll.e reel of tbe wiuler.
eavy Harry and daughter Siella, of
Brews er V4ltev, was visitiug with frkncs
and relatives here Sooday. ;
Win. rifrton atd Frank Red wrr
seen in our midst iookiug' after bet:
cattle lately. 11
Mies Wixea didn't suttesej in ge tin.
up a sariecripiioa scho1, moch a- oei
diapiointmeiit. Mtr-s'Wiven aud at iev
Badger havebo:h been einploj ed to
teach the spring term commeucing tbt
24 h of Minh. k
Rov Spaugh had quite an scci lent tbe
otherday. ' His pony fell down 03 bii
leg ai d spraned his ank'e very badly
but we are k sd to sav he ia able to te
a roan I again.
We had a special school mee'ing o
U.6 14th for tbe pnrpose of ' vo'ir.e a lax
to pay for our wbod shed and wood f j
1401-02, tbe remainder to go ' for scboi
pnrpose. A seven mill tax was voted
Tbe pe pis o' Lo-'king G'sss are wo'ku
in tbe interest of chonls which we bsd
JV reed." Tbe district ie eignty dolla'f
in debt now, and we have only fivt
months school. We ought to have nitw.
Fine weather fur January. 0rg-i
against l he world lor tchrrute and
pretty wemen.
Cba. 8pauirh and wif were visitinn
relatives in Tt-n Mile Saturday aud Sun-
We didn't have any preaching in
Looking Glass Snoday and it looked
like every bxlv went vi'itiog. Well, no,
that wouldn't --, bnt I say one bah
went to see the other half.
Our Jastice, G. H. Buel!, ' Is kep
busy registering voters lor the .J ate
election. - - ' ' " .
A winter trip to B atnern Uaiiio'oiK
and Arisona -via the; famras "Sbasu
ronle is one never to be forgotten. Re
newed -scqnaintanco wi'b this section
ill ev I develop fresh point ol. latere
and added sources of " enjoyment nndet
its auuuy skies, in the variety of inter
eets and added indnolries, in its. prolific
vegetation and among ile numberless re
sorts of mountain, shore, Vallev . and
Tao trains leave Portland daily, morn
it g aud evening for ualtlornit.- These
Iraiue are equipped wiib tbe niot' im
provtd pat e.n of standard aud tyuriel
s'eepirg cars, and the low rates placet be
trip in rescb of all. ' ' '
Fir illnetr4ted gnid- of California and
Arix ;n winter resorts, addrea
R. B. Milled,
Gen Pas. Agen, Pott'and, Or.
husband's promise.
Yt-a dear, I five uiy solemn promise
'To qiiU today jui babits vile; .
And torthsloLg new year coming,
Abstain from all thing that defile.
- - - - ' f
Til leave eff smuking poor cigars,
I'll "abakb" the nasty cigarette;
I'll spend my evenings all at home
With Daby, and with you my pet. r
You're langhing, eh? Well' ' I'm In
earnest; -
I know you think it all a j'ke;
But for the next twelve month I swear
it ,w . ..
I'll neither lie.awear, cbew nor smoke.
I'll give np all my clubs snd lodges,- --
I'll drkuk no whiskey j wine ur ler ;
I'll go to church with you on Suu'day
The parson's words of truth to hear.
I'll gUe to vou my dimes and nickels,
Aud never, uever mure be seen
Either in saloon or "ninoke-euop" i
Bucking that cus-eed alot machine.
..,, Ax Cova.
Brief Dispatches Condensed for Busy
WvtiuisuTos, Jan. 15 The Isthmian
Canal Commission will meet here tomor
row to consider tbe offer of the Panama
Canal stockholders to aall the franchise
and plant for tbe lump sum of $40,000,-
It ia asserted by those' in position to
know thai the Commission will probably
favor the purchase by tbe United States.
EissiA, Jan. 15. Q ieen Marie ol Hol
land is seriously ill. Sbe ia suffering
from syncope of tbe heart.
Pskis, Jan. 15. The unwarranted ac
tion of R'traisn auiboritiea in placing
American officers and sailors of lbs
Utited States warship. Vicksborg nnder
arrest baa caused a clash between tbe
representatives of tbe respective coun
United States Minister Conger is mak
irtg a full investigation of tbe incident
for the information of bia government.
" a dtisg roi'B.
Londos, Jan. 15. Reports from Rome
that tbe Pope ia coneoua only at iuter
vale. He is staking and hia death ia
momentarily expected.
Wauiutox, Jan. 15. Tbe House
feat set Wednesday, February 27, for lbs
McK nley memorial exercises.
London, Jan. 15 King tasara re
viewed t!ie troops that were departing
for South African service this forenoon
He was greeted with great enthusiasm
The king addreasedtbe departing soldiers
expressing tbe hope that the war would
soon be brought to a close.
' Washington, Jan. 15. Ex-Coo greaS'
man Payne, of Michigan, took tbe oath
of office as postmaster general this morn
iog and tookjebarge of tbe department.
Loxdos, Jan. 15. Tba Doks of Man
cheater baa not paid tbe thousand
pounds agreed on as a compromise in
he breach of promise suit of tba Oregon
Ctrl, Poras Kiiigat.
S!ie threatens to proceed with the suit
in cate the money ia not paid over by
CoLi-xRVf. O., Jan. 14. The Hones
and Senate of the Ohio Legislature , ba
oted separately today for United Sta'et
.Senate, benator Joseph is 1-oraksr can-
ctarKMnmee ot 'tbe Republicans, was
elected over Hon. Charles W Baker of
ttneu-nati, the Democratic nominee.
Fbaxkfobx, aly.. Jan. 14. James B.
McCreary waa lorniaiiy elected Senator
by the tao honsea of tu Lsgislature to-
isy in separate smooi.
White Howae Has Saae for the First
Time la Many AasalalstratloBs.
There are no chi'dren in the whit
house now. says a Washington letter
to the Chieafro Icier Ocesn. It is tht
first administration since that of Bu
chanan where there have not been cbii
dren in the president's family. Lincoln
had three boys when he came to the
white house, and the Christmas festi
al was celebrated with enthusiasm in
the good old-fashioned way with a
Santa Claus. -Grant had his three bovt
and the pretty Xellie to make merrv at
Christmastime. Hayes had a complete
domestic household, with romping boy
and. a winsome little girl, who hap
jrrown to womanhood and has recently
been spending--her honeymoon at th
white house, where sbe was a child. ..
1 Garfield and Arthnr had children 1c
celebrate Christmas, and Cleveland ir.
the last year of his first administra
tion had a baby girl to make Christmas'
for.- Harrison a -children were g-rowi!
to ' manhood, tivrt he had hisr grand
children with him in the white house,
and Jlaby McKee became a more rele
lira ted character in the child history ol
the white house than any since Ted Lin
coln. In Cleveland's second administra
tion there were two little girls towel-
come Rinta Clans. There are pictures
of two beautiful babies in Mrs. McKin
lev s room and many fonrt rrmem-
bfaTlcea of them, but they sleep in th
old graveyard ot Capton, where thi
were buried many years ago. ,
"JCri president ever occupied the whltr
h'onSe who was. fomlrr cf children thn
the present chief rnnHstrate: Norni--tress.
of the white fcrwse ever hr.d mo
loving care for the babies of others tht
haiTMrs. MrKinley. They both love tl
prstlh- of children and gather tl
little ones of fhrir friends about thet
wheri' opportnntty offers. ' ''
Til. - . ..
. - " " VI It. ... ,
m Mermaid Aren't you the whale that
swallowed Jonah?
Whale-Yep. ' '
"Well, why did yon let him go?"
"Ob. It's pretty .hard to keep a good
mart-down." Judg-e. . ,
Finest Cake
Is made with Royal Bak
ing Powder.1 Always lights 1
:sw.eL pure wholesome;
In th County Court for tbe County ol loiig
1m atM State of Oregon. .
in toe maiwr of the KnarllaDsblp Of '
. John. B. Kin, a minor - .
c To V. Hapji, Mrs. Mettle Brawn, Joba B
Jtavp, and all- nther partirs interested In tbe
salu esute Urectim:
In tbe name ol the State of Oregon, iou are
hereby cltKl "nd rotulred U spp-r in tba
founty Court oi tbe elate . of Orvyon, for the
Ceontvof (loaiilss. In the Court room thereof
at Uiw-bii-s, in rai4 O.iintjr ef DohkIsx on the
lAh day of FoUnary, lutti, at 10 n'e.lock In the
forenoon of that Jjj-. turn nod there U how
cause, If any yna hav,-, why an nMot of sale of
tin following diwur.ho-1 real pranertr belonging
to the estate of the sstd minor, to-ii: An an.
divided one fMieeiuh inlermi lit tba Nottn.
West quirt of Section In.rpW Slouth of Hants
( West W. M.. In fserhln County. Orecon,
shomd nol be ma.le aiuborli iiij M. F. Bapn, the
OnanUan of th penxin and extate of of John H.
.Kai'p, a minor, to sell said property lor tbe
benefit of bt said ward,'
Wlioexs ib-iMon. M. 0 Tbompnon, Judire of
th Ooumr Court ol ikni rl County, Ktate of
.t'l'-Kon, with the eal ol a'd Court affixed thl
U h dtkt of January A, D. i'jol.
ilrst piibllyttos of thl utjee being January
e,a i "' . CgUUIj Uwk.
Ii ... . .- i -
Ia Pwrealt Saved a Mas fro as Proba-i-We
Oeavth la a ralllws
V ; I ' Blavator.
. vAinonp a handful of small change
which a young business man pulled out
of his pocket in a St. Charles street
c'gar store was a well-worn nickel in
.. hirh a heavy gold rhig had been in
serted. "Ut'i merely a Im-k piece," he
explained iu res tonne to the question
of a bystander, "and I keep it because
on one occasion it probably saved my
life.- 1-was in Philadelphia several
years agg," he continued, "and had oc
casion one day to call on a gentleman
who had liia oflice on the fourth floor of
a targe buaiuesi blorlc - ' ' 1
"After leaving him I was standing ill
the hallway waiting for the elevator to
come up. whan this nickel, which 1 was
turning between tuy lingers, slipped out
ot my hand and rolled downstairs to the
next landing. 1 was at lirst inclined to
let it go, aa the clevutur just then ar
rived, but on secoud thought I told the
boy iuside that I would walk, and start
ed dow n to recover, the coin. Before I
had 'descended5 haH a 'doreu steps-1
heard a tremendous i tishing sound, like
a Ion of coal tearing down through a
chute, followed by three deafening ex
plosions and a dull crash. The elevator
had fallen and the three.rrports.were
caused by the blowing out of the glass
doors on each floor sh it shot past. The
crash, of course, was the noise of its
wind-up in the sultcelkir.
"The thing was no sudden and unex
pected that it left me. momentarily
paralyzed with consternation. Then I
ran downstairs, uud noticing something
bright on the landing stooped mechan
ically and picked it up. It waa my lucky
nickel, but for which I would have ln-en
at that moment considerably' nearer
earth. The elevntor boy was fatally
injured. I had the coin market with
this ring to keep it front getting mixed
with other nickels." N. O. Times-Herald.
A Brhesnr That Dlsa'f Work.
This good story cornea from Ceylon:
A tea planter he had a glass eye was
very drsiroiik to go and have a day's
shooting with a friend, but he knew
that immediately the native whowef '
at work on the plantation got wind that
he wasawar thev would not do a stroke
of work. l!o wub he to get off? . Thf
was the question. After much thought
an idea struck htm. doing up to the
men he addressed them thus: "Al
though 1 myself will be absent, yet I
shall leave one of my eyes to see that
you do your work." And. much to tbe
surprise anil bewilderment of the na
tives, he took, out the glass eye arii!.
placed it on the stump cf a tree and lefj.
For some time thr natives worked like
elephants, now and then casting fur:
tive glances at the eye to see if it werr
still watching, but at last one of them!
seizing his lin. in w hich he carried his
food, approached the tree and gently
laced it over the eye. ' As soon as they
saw ihey were not lie trig watched they
all lay down and slept peacefully until
sunset. Chicago Inter Ocean.
Itakea To lss, i ,
A jolly old boy from the Midland en
tered into one of the hotels at the sea-,
side, and seeing or. the slab on the right
a rrab dressed on tbe shell with leps
claws and twrsley ranged around. ni'
to the landlord: "Whasd've cail thal?"1
vCrab." was the answer. "Looks rotvl-.
HI have 'nti, ard gie US a plr.t of ale."
Tread and butter was added, and thr
liner left to his dinner. In about so
Hour. the genial btr.dlord enttred th
inir.g saloon to see if his guest wr
Tettirg on all right; he found bin
ibawii.? up Ihe last claw, the chawe:
red in the face, hut Iwamirig. "Lile th
crab, sir?" "Ye, he was capital. 1
nrter lasted one afore, but I thir.k yoi
baked "un a little too lorg. the rrti;
was so hard. have anoiher p'nf."
He had eaten the lot shell, rlffwsanf
all complete. London Spare Moment.
Swlsa Saera! rastosaa.
Swiss funeral custom are most pe
uliar. , At tbe deash of a person the
amily Inserts a formal, black-edged
nnoucrement in the pspcrsaskiogfor
vrnparby. and. stating that "the
totirning orn" will be exhibited dur
ng certain hours on a special day. In
rnnt of the house where Ihe person
lied there is placed a little black table,
orered w'th a black cloth, on which
Sands a bhek jar. Into this the
rieods and acquaintances of the f am
ir drop little, hlnck-rrrargitird visiting
nrds, sometimes with a few words of
ympathy on them. Tbe nrn is put on
he table on tbe day of the funeral
Doly men ever gr to the churchyard,
iod they generally follow the hearse
un foot. London Tit-Bits.
A Sasattt fa BIL.
Den msmarek was i'ruaaian am-
basaador at Frankfort an interesting
incident occurred. to him. At that mo-
neni he lodged in the bouse of a mer
chant who detested tbe . Prussians.
Bismarck sskej the landlord to put c
bell In hfs room. The latter replied
that it was not in the lease, and that
if Bismarck wanted one he would hare
to put at, up himself A few days after
'he whole house waa suddenly aroused
by a' pistol shot fired in the rotm. -The
landlord rushed to the apartment out
of breath and found tjje ambassador
quietly smoking a large pipe sested in
front of a pile of documents. On the
table wss the pistol which he had Just
fired.1 "In the-name of goodness, "
cried the landlord. . "what has hap
pened?" "Oh, nothing.", replied Bis
marck: "don't be alarmed. I have
simply called mv servant to come and
speak to me.' It is quite an inoffensive
signal, to which you would do well to
get accustomed, for I ahall no doubt
make use of It more than ones.,,'.,The
landlord took the hint, and Bismarck
got his btl!.--London Globe.
Cabas Tofcaaaa.
. Before the war Cuba contributed
about ne-twelfth of all the tobacco
used in the world.
Social at Edenbower. .
Tbe touog people of Edenbower will
ijivs a TwentietblUentary Can box social
t Mission Cbapel, Jan. 23, for tbe bine
bt of tbe sidewalk fund Every one in
vited. Ladies are requested to bring
loxes with supper for two, also to have
wo csns alike, patting one in tbe box
v d keeping tbe other. I he gentleman
bo buys the box Is to find the lady who
has tbe cap fo match bis. There will be
t abort p tog ram with plenty of music,
ommencing at 8 p. ro. ' 2t
Dyintr preparations, simply devel
op dry catarrh; they dry np the secretious,
which adhere to the membrane aud decom
pose, causing a fur more serous trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
lug inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs
and use that which clean sea, soothes and
heala. Ely's Cream Balm is snch a remedy
and will cure catarrh or old in the head
easily and pleasantly. ' A trial size will be
mailed lor iu cents, au druggists sell tbe
OOo. size. Kly Brothers, 66 Warren St., N.Y.
Ihe imm cures witnout rtn, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads Itself
over an Irritated and angry surface, reliev
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Belmyorj are armed
again Kiwi CUrrh and Bey Fver,
Ci (TW'l tvl5': ; AH IT
The complete line of shoes handled by the Sorosis Shoe Store
inust be closed out within the next 30 days regardless of cost.
Krippendorf Dittmau Ladies Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price $2.90
Brew, Selby & Co. Ladies' Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price :.- 275 '
t Kast-Cilanville-Iadies' Shoos, former price $3.50, sale price .; 2.65
Handberg Brothers Ladies' Shoes', former price $3.00, sale price 2.50
Sorosis, Ihe p-ipular Ladies' Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price 3.00
Queen City Sadies' Shoes, former price $2.00, sale price 1.65 '
Little Red School House Shoes, former price $1.75, sale price 1.50
John Meier Men's Shoes, former price $4.00, sale price 3.25
Smith Wallace Men's Shoes, former price $4.00, sale price 3.00
George G. Snow Men's Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price 2.90
M. A. Packard's Men's Shoes, former price 5.00, sale price 3.75
Buckingham cc Ilecht Men's Shoes, former price $1.50, sale price 1.25
. Men's otk Shoes from $1.00 to $2.50
Being compelled to give up the building, and not being able to secure
a suitable location, I have decided to close out my stock of goods
Weather Report.
U. S. Weather Bureau Office,
K-aiebarg, Oregou, Jii. 15 , l'.J.
Week ending 5 p. m.. Jin. 15, 1 JJ.
' "Maximatn Ujrnper-i'ore, of on 9th.
,;' Minimum temperature, ii on loiti.
Rainfall for tbe week, 0.0:!
' Total rainfall since 1st ol month Oi
Aversee rainfall ler that month for H
years 5.96.
Toal rainfall from rpt.l l'00 to date,
U.30. ' "
' Average rainfall from Sent. 1, to date
17 31.
Total deficiency from eept. 1, I'JtW, lo
date 3 01
Average precipitation for 24 wet sea
sons 33 26. Titos. Uihsos,
Ckbax Wa.ntcd Hie T. H. Townsend
Creamery Co. at 44 Second t., P.irtUo d
will pay highest market p'io for cream.
Will sell you Cream Separators ,and uk
your cream in payment. C3lif.
Oats for (ale, at Krnse A NewUnd's.
Are you going, to spray?
. -, --: r 'i-'i -
! l' C- .
Kz a!
Y if jf i i
mi mi ii n i
Wall Papers
Each and ever- article here priced are special value and
many are below actual co?t. Small lots, broken sets of
chairs. Many pitterns- which we shall not carry again.
in 1, 2, 3 an-l 4 roll Lu to pattern
regular 2i ct.., now 5 and ct..
ter d-able roll. Md borders an-I
cvilin as !w aS rent ner rill. Siex-tal price n our entire line f Wall
Taper. We w ill rwpetve in February, the larje't shipment f Wall Tap
er ever sliippl t KojvlMira. All freh an-l dirwt frm faevvy if yoa
fail to us fr Wall Taer. y ni;.s an opjvrtnriity of sreeins the very
latest r".-tern pnrluctitmiw We atv highly in securing fnice' a
line at prices which assure tu of. an immense paper b.isiuets. Window
Sha.h-e as low a 2ict. each, all line, only a few at this price, they're
regular 45 els. Shle. Smte specials in Carpets, in fact, we have some
sicvials in ewrr line we carrv. Come in an-l 'd what we liave set aside v
for this Sjiecial'Sale. Matting ad low as 15 cnU per yard.
Will Arrive
One-half C-trlo! of Trunks. Vali.e and Telecpe?, direct frru
. . factory. STKCIAL 3d days, this 2-inch Trunk, only $i50. it
JgV VVeGIC 1,1 I'-'rtland fir 12.75. We lel all competitors on Trunks
and Vali'S. We propose !iu.'thiii warm for this el l month.'
Moves and Katiges. Cutlery and Carjiets incltt le.1 in tis sale. CVk Stove No 7 ior I7.5) ;
No. S for f i.OO. IVdroom Suit for f 1 1.00. IV-1 knives aud forks, 50 cents, liet in line aud
take advantage of this low priced Sale.
"t"R.v.,re' i's-a-'ai
A Car load
just received .
Flouring Mills,
Myrtle Creek or" Canyonville
If You Have
a Sweet Tooth. .
. , . .
! f O l to tin Candy Kitchen, 'where
1 . you will find the freshest anil Iteet
aasorimiint of candies iu the city.
Call and see us
Get Your Spray Material at MASTERS.
Title Guaranteed Loan Co.
D, BaaiLTOH,
. frwiiluut.
0. C. Hamilton,
Sect, and Treaa.
Office In the Court Hoiish. Hare the only com
plete set of abstract books in ixiiirias cniintr.
altatrauts and t:crtjHcatw of Tlllv lurulsliul lo
lloiutlaseniinl land ami mluina ctnim. Have
also a oomplet rt of Traclntra of all township
Plata to Hie Koaobunt, Onfroa; U. H. Ijoirl IMa
iriot. Will make hluo print ooili-sol any towa
shin showlna all vacaut Qovei nmeD t lamia.
Kotarv nubile itv offios, Ineuranos agents.
CwrtwpoudsBotsoUoitwi, U
- Roscburg, Ore., Dec. S, 1901.
State Chemist, Oregon Agricultural College,
Corvallis, Oregou
Dear Sir We send you by this mail sample of sulphur taken from our
stock of spray material. Please make a careful analysis of same and inform
us if it is of such standard of purity that it will fill all requirements for mak
ing first class spray compounds. If it is not sufficiently pure for such purpose
please inform us where we can obtain sulphur which will meet all require
ments. Very respectfully,
Corvallis, Oregon, December 12, 1901.
Mr. A. C. Marslers &. Co., -
Roscburg,. Ore.
""Gentlkmen: Your letter concerning sulfur and the sample of sulfur,
have beeu received.
I have examined this sample aud find that it is almost entirely pure
sulfur. I think that it would auswer the purposes very satisfactorily for
spraying cr mpouuds or iu$ecticides. I think that if you have pleuty of this
quality, or can get it, that it will be as good as any sulfur that we can obtaiu
for spraying materials. " ., Very truly yours,
A. C. MARSTERS & CO.,- Druggists
asawngyrisaKW.wi ua.iwsnjiy,ff1T