rum i. am r dvertising J Iq busy seasons brings 1 ITTTTl 18 a verv imriortant fartr.r In 0 Itiilli' yn yor share of trade; 0 "" " " advertising in dull sea s' sons brings yoa yonr share, and also that of liie "uierchaut who "cau't af 0 ord" to advertise. jk Immm vuoauvmo. x ir printing rw dbcis do credit on a good J business bouse. Let ns do yonr Job J Printing we guarante it to be m 5 every way satisfactory. ' Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1902. Vol. XXXIII. No. 5 A i a A e.a)xfV AAA INVENTORY SALE .. J DRESS GOODS, 4 SHIRT WAISTS, FURS, CAPES, JACKETS, SHOES aud UNDERWEAR . It at a price you can not equal in any city. MEN'S SUITS, SHOES, SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, in fact everything in the store at a price you will : kuow is right and quality good. Children's Rubbers 15 cts. per pr. 5 Wollenberg; Bros. IATE NEWS SUMMARY Important Events ot few Days. the Past STATE, GENERAL, FOREIGN. Cream of the Dispatches Dished Up in Condensed Form for the Busy Reader. One Price Store Oi 11 until 8 o'clock. A tlappy and Prosperous New Year. S is the wish of B. W. STRONG, the Fur niture man, and in line with our wishes we have a few special bargains to offer for 15 days. TO CLOSE OUT a lot of remnants of Wall Paper for 5 and 10 cts. per double roll to make room for new stock that will arrive later. Several lots of Brussels and Ingrain Car r't remnant?, containing from 6 to 15 yds. that we will pell at special bargains. A tew odd chain that are as good as any we have, only in broken sots, at ecial values. Remember the place. B. W. STRONG, THE FURNITURE MAN. Roseburg, Ore 1 1! Bring Us Your 41 CHICKENS. EGGS. BUTTER. FOR CASH OR TRADE. I J. F. BARKER & CO. The Day Starts off - 0 you" r Have a MtSv 'Phone 163 Staple a nd fancy Groceries Guaranteed fresh and wholesome and sold at prices as low as the lowest. The new woolen mill building at En sece has been completed ready for tbe machinery. Portland eeems to b wakio op in Kmv nbape. Tbat city is now to bare a 25 ,000 beet syrop plant. A committee of fifteen bended by II. W. Cor belt has been elected to manage the Lewis and Clarke expieition. Governor Naab was inaugurated gov ernor of Ohio on Lis tecond term Mon day amid great civic and military display. Chauocey M. Depew and bride arrived at Mew York Sunday evening and ot coarse were given a hearty welcome. Ubauncey is a gay old benedict. One by oue tbe European countries are finding tbat tl.e United State can unJereell tbeui in tbeir own markets. As lip& as we can keep that op no fear need be eotertaioeJ about the continuance of oar prosperity. Fitzhugh Le has consented to lecture and will do so under the 8outbern Lyceum Burea'i, of Louisville, Ky. His lecture will he on l'eare and War in the Uuited S'ates and Cab. He ill probably be iu Oregon. it is noticeable tbat ot tbe increase in tne state's taxable property, about two- thirds of it is in Multnomah county showing tbat ottter counties, aa a whole, have not raised the valuations tn anj such proportion as the Assessor of this coonty has done. According to tbe official estimate of the directors ol tbe Mint, the production of cold and silver ia the United Stale for 1901 wan a slight increase over tbe previous year. Alaska fell back about 11,000,000 io goM, while Colorado made a gaio of about tbat amonot. Mies Jeaoie Smitson, the you of lady who bad both legs cut off by a Southern Pacific train at Springfield several years ago and wbo recovered f 10,000 damage from tbe com pan), will start a new grocery store at Srringfi!d in a few davi. It will be located in tbe Walker blacksmith building. Eugeoe Guard. I. may have been sentimental for the Emperor of Germany to request tbst President Keeveii's daughter chritteo tbe yacht he is having hailt in this coun try and for President Roosevelt to cor dially grant tbe request, bat it should not be overlooked tbat sentiment is an important factor in the world's affairs. - Tbe chief of police and city recorder ot Pendleton have both been roosted from tbeir offices for receiving tips from gambler, nickel-io-tbe-slot manipula tors and otbers. A goxl example. Wherever there is gambling in a city suspicion at least is sure to attacti t tbe officers whose business it ia to rtguiale such things. Albany Democrat. From Ours I Correspondents Central Normal Notes. Drain, which was very quiet during the holidays owing to the absence of so many of the students and teachers, is again fall ol life end activity. It is a significant fact that the reopen ing ol the Normal on tbe new year, not only found the old students in tbeir seals bnt five new ones as follows: 11 iss Mag gie Bishop, of Oakland ; Robert Hunter, of Roeeburg; Geo. Meaner, of Days Creek; Harry Thompson, ot Eugene: and Ernest Whipple of Drain; The Zairztmian Literary society ren dered an interesting program to a large audience r rid ay evening. Tbe princi pal featore of tbe evening was an ad dress by SopL P. H. Daily of Jackson coooty, class ol U5. Tbe subject ol bis address was "Literature and Reading It was bandied ia an original manner, and was both interesting and instruc tive. Tbe Normal reopens at tbe begining of 1902 nnder conditions molt fialterirg and toptlul. The enrollment at this date is just fifty per cent more than tbe total enrollmetit of last year. Tbe entire student body is an exceptional one Tbev are earnest, conscientious, and in dutlrioaa. Etidbrt. TROUBLE fOR CHINA rired Upon a British ship. Steam- v.s x: At sr. -jsr.r.-yr. : v , g High School Notes I THOU. K. TOWKNINO, Editor. "i Mint Bum a Kijik, Ajauciala Tbe football sea-on in over and the j basket ball season is now on. Those who have read and probably tired of! nothing hot football in this column for aVwtnt tKma mnnt Ym essttl haea a 00RM tN ELECTED TO THE SENATE uu team. th. male sex aie practicing as diligeotly as those ol the feminine gender and bops to have a gams in tbe near future. As toon aa the weather permits the track team will begin training for tbe big field meet to come off some time this spring. Tbs classic class baa fiuwbed "Burke's speech on tbe Conciliation ot America" and are now poring over tbs pages ot Sir Walter Scott's "Msrmioo." At a recent meeting ol tbe athletic clsb it was decided to give another social. Tbe "big thing" will corns off Ia a boot two weeks. Tbs date will bo saooaneed later. The new term begins ooo week from next Monday. New classes will be formed in Geometry, German, Higher Arithmetic, Botany and several other studies. Tbe attendance tbls year has been very goid and the outlook for next ear is belter. Senate Considers Panama Route Portia Knight Wins Her Suit. Homo Koaa, Jsn. 14. The British steamer Manning, belonging to tbe Hong Kong, Caoton & Macao Steam Coal Com- pevy',. Limited, of Uong Kong, baa been fired on by Chinees soldiers in tbe Tarn Chan Channel, West River. Tbs Chap lain of the British flagship Glory, the Rt v. Cbas. E. L. Cuwn, M. A. who was on board, was severely wounded. Maryland Democratic Boas Elected. Hayburst Items. Al Srnitb, a friend ol Stonewall Cawl field has been spendiog several days rus ticating at tbe Cawlfield ranch near bsre. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kellebtr enter tained a few friends at dinner Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Cook and John Kelleber, abo your correspondent being among those present. Mr. Geo. Staley, of Yoncalla was sbak ing bands with bis many friends bars last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Sweet came op from Lane County last Friday to visit rela tives here. W. J. Kelleber msde a business trip to Roeebnrg last week. Miss Jessie Applegale a ueice ol J. T. Miller ia spending a few days bere this week. We are s little late in rending in items but we trust our friends will consider that we have only a small territory to re port from and coosqnently sis compelb d to save op uews till we bave a respecta ble abowing. CtwmroiiT.tK. Asmrotts' Md., Jsn. 14 Arthur Poe Gorman waa today elected United Stales Senator to succeed George L. Welling ton. Tbe total vote was: Gorman ((tn.) 68; Jacksoo, (Rep.) 53. Tbe vote in tbs Senate was: Gorman 17, Jackson 9. In tbs Uoose: Gormaa 51, Jacksoo 43. Arthur P. Gorman first served in tbs tbs United States Senate ss a page, Was elected senator from tbs body where be held official position woea s boy, and was re-elected several times, losing bis seat to Wellington, Republi can, six years ago. - S. P. TO THE RESCUE. Senate Considers Panama Routs. WHITE HOUSE octa- COFFEE JaTa- with your breakfast. It has a flavor that's all its own you don't get it in any other brand. KRUSE & iEWLVD, Sole Agents, . Roscburg, Oregon All hinds of fruit and Country . . . Produce Bought and Sold. a a a a KB i HI GETTING NEW SHOES? Don't be jollied into buying out of date shoesat $2.98, when you can get a snappy, up-to-date .shoe for $3 We have no old shop-worn goods, but we have the greatest line of Ladies' and Gentlemen's shoes that ever hit the town Aik to see the Pedal IS" a Lady's Shoe ...FLINT'S SHOE STORE... Hints to Housewives. Don't Forget to Read This. Oar fall and winter goods bave arrived and you will find bere tbe largest and most complete line of drees goods, outing dannels, fascinators, underwear, hosiery. blankets, curtains, cloaks, capes, etc. Also Bockinham A Hecht, boots sod shoes, rubber goods, oil clothing, over coats, and a line of men and boys' cloth ing tbat cannot be beat. We also carry miners' supplies and a fresh and complete stock of groceries. Come and let us sbo you our large assortment and give you prices. Oar aim is to give you gojd values and treat you right. Give ns a trial. A. K. Mattojn A t;o , Kiddle, Ur. We are aleo aitents for the Oliver Chilled plows and extras. (n4tf) entertainment at Cleveland. There will be an entertsicmrnt acd box social at Cleveland. Saturday Feb. I the proceeds to be need lor tbe benefit of tbe Cleveland cemetery. A cordial, in vitation is extended to all. Tbe loliowmg program will be ren dered. Song by congregation. Prayer. "Recitation, "The Widder Budd,1' Miss Vivian Blain. Recitation, "Tbe Ride of Jennie Mc fieal," Miss Mae Simmons. Solo Cbas. Thorn. Dialogue, "Married by tbs new Jus tice of tbs Peace." Instrumental Mosc. Recitation, "Grandmother" story tt Bunker Hill," Mita Mabel Woodruff. Recitation, "Family Financiering," Adoll Djerner. 8ong, "Down by tbe Shady Brook," Misses Lucy Doerner and Vinnie Churchill. Dialogue, "An Uncomfortable Predic ament." Instrumental music. Song, Mis W. D. Simmons, Mrs.J. 1. Fttrgerson, Miss Vivian Blain. Washixtox, Jan. 14. Tbs Senate took s vols today on ths proposition ol consid ering tbeoffor of Panama stockholders to sell all tbeir rights to tbs unfinished canal for tbe sum ol M0. 000,000. Tbs vote resulted in tbs affirmative, 40 to 31. This is not s teat vote on lbs merits of ths canal routs to be definitely selected, ssvsral of tbs senators voting lor consideration of tbs Panama people's iffer simply to allow free sod fair dis cussion of tbe relative merits ol tbs Panama and Nicaragua rontea. Salem Qlrl Gels Casta. Lomuus, Jan. 13 MtM Portia Knight, formerly a resident of Salem, Oregon, bas been paid one thousand poonds by ths Duks ot Manchester to keep tbe breach of promise case, wih which she threatened bun, out of court. Oregon's Assessment. SiLkM. Or.. Jan. 12. An inciese of 125.000.0CO aa the aaeeeaed valuatioo ol all the proporty in ibe state, as com pared with last year, is shown by. tbs assess ment summaries for 1901. filed iu tbs of fice of tbe Secretary of Stat. Owing to ab increase ol about f S00.000 in tbe ex empt ions, tbs net increase in too veins of Usable property ia now $141 W, 613 -96, as against fll6.0s5.874 13 in 1909. HE HAS READ THE BOOK. For Typewriter. r.-.,v i If, In the paat you bave had trouble with your typewriter ribbons, wend a eampJti order to E. L. King, No. 219 Sao- aoms8t reef, San Francisco, and see if yoa can't get a better ribbon for seventy five cents then yoa bave bean paying a dollar for. $7 per doseo any color and for any machine. 'E. L. Kimo, Pacific Coast General Agent. 218 Hanaome 8L. San Francisco. SI 8 West a Subscriber to The Oregonlan Says of "flodeni Eloquence." Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly when ou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181, for gor d goods and good service. C. W. PARKS & CO. . want , want" want want want want If vou loa't kaiw FAT caii oa or tiiron . . .. you you you you you you to buy a farm furnished rooms to buy a house - rent a house build a house move a house to to to FT, pattern.. Coo tractor tad Builder Rembarg, Oregon FREE! , IMPORTED Japanese raphhs- TO ALL chu&chn suppers society dinners FOR. WHICH IAL COFFEE mm City Treasurer's Notice. Notice ishereby given to all parties holding city warrants indorsed pricir to and including; Jan. 1, 1399, to present the me at tbe treasurer's office, in fthe city hall, for payment, as Interest will ce tee thereon sf ter tbs date of this notice. Dated tbia 9U day of January, 1903, at Roeeburg, Ore. . ; ' Habit C. Bloccm, City Treasurer. t Special Notice. Poctlaxd, Nov. 16. (To the Editor.) There is the stagnation mind matter. just as there is a general lassitude of all bodily functions following any physical condition aside from the normal, wheth er ancb impaired vigor is due to disease cr to the results of indiscretions, aa an inevitable result of all excesses. It is noticeable tbat nearly all forms ol di versions which appeal the most strong' ly to tbs human race are pernicious in tbeir effects, until at least ths lesson ol loouVraiion tbat experience alone teaches bar been lolly learned. Athletics appeal most strongly to ths maa in tbe lull vig or of youth. As be grows older he. drops athletics, either from Inclination loilo ing bis lessened bodily powers, or from necessity as tbe result of tbe lesson be baa learned of lbs grave dangers of ove exertion, He tires ot horses, of general amusements as ths term amusement is construed Iu tbe popular sense. He does not take up with cards if be is sen sible, because devotion to cards implies a loss of meutal and physical vigor be ia not ready to incur, and for the further reason tbat interest in cards implies greatly lesseLed interest in all other farms of diversion. To the man who takes a serious interest in life, and it is tbe serious aspect ot a men's tnske-np alone tbat guarantees contentment, his beat diversion is found in his books. Tbe cultivation of tbe habit of intelli gent reading is ooo of ths greatest safe guards of good citissashlp, and it stsures Cmpqua Valley No Longer to be Lett fa tbe Cold. Pobtlasd, Jan. 14 Tbe extension ol tbe special settlers' rates recently aa- nooured to every point oo tbe lines ol tbe Southern Pacific in Oregon, will prove mors of a boon to tbe Cmpqas Valley than may be supposed. This is the 6rst time tbat special rates of any kind from Chicago, St. Paul and Missouri river points bave been extended to tbe valley. Heretofore tbsss special rates bave extended 'only to Portland, and sealers who desirea to locate ia Western Oregon were compelled to pay tbe local fare wbicb for distant points nearly equalled tbe special rates made Ir.m St. Pan! to Portland. Wnen the recent special rates were aa ooonced and be saw tbat tbe Westers Oregon was ieit oat, General Passenger Agent R. B. Miller, of tbe Southern Pa cific got slightly .'warm in tbs collar. Us did not propose to see the great Western bsll ol tbs state, with its fertile farms. get the worst ol it u be could help it. and at once set in motion tbs 'machinery capable of giving the desired rebel, Tbat bis efforts were highly successful is evidenced by tbe fact that tbe Union Pa cific and O. E A S. Companies bave al ready agreed to tbe arrangement, where by all points on the Southern Pacific in Oregon will get exactly tbs same rates sa Portland and Paget Sound. This met ibat bomerkere can travel nearly 350 a.ilee farther after reaching Portland ia the eysnt that they desire to locate in SooUiem Oregon. Tbe fare from Chicago ia 33; Iron SwLuOis, $30; from Ssoax City, $27 90; sad from St. Peal and Min neapolis, $25. Wer t tbe local fares add ed settlers going as far aontb ss Aablaad, for instance, would be obliged to pay about $16 more. Now oke fare takes them to tbeir destination. It means tbat tbs Willamette, Cmp qua and Rogue River Valleys hereafter are to participate ia all the benefits gained by other sections of tbe Northwest. That it will be productive ol much good to Westers and Booth era Oregon there can be no qoestkm. Tbe special settlers' rates will become effective March 1 and continue for two months. Lemons, Oranges, Bananas. IsTuts of all Kinds. Taffy Candy and Gum. A Fresh Supply. WILL CURRIER THE GROCER THE SUNSET GROCERY... Will continue to be, aa it bas been, ths lesder in quality and prices. Don't forget that our gooda are all new and frneh. A trial is respectally solicited. CtyWs bsndle Albany Creamery Butter. OLOYD St BROWN. ' THE Chicago TYPEWRITER n?, Price, $35.00 "-JSTH ... a awa .af ' Zm. '-f F Guaranteed to ojual any $IUJ machine E. L. KING, Gen'I Agent, 218 Sansome St., San Francisco W. C. COItfrJER, l,ocal AgtaRosebum Roseburg Steam Laundry We are now ready for business with new and up-to-date machine ry. Work will be neatly : and promptly done. Watch for oux. Wagon or call Thone 791. g W. A. EVERITT, Proprietor. &5202eEE2ESe Eastman .. Kodaks Make Good Xmas Gifts See those $1 and $2 . Brownies ALBUMS AND PHOTO MOUNTS AT. CHURCHILL & W0QLLEY Anecdote of "Lies' Applegats. , evwVVaeaw' F. C LADD. Q. OLSON Dr. J. G. Goble, Ibe optician will visit Glendals Truasday anl Wednesday Jan uary 21 and il22. Canyonville, Tbareday and Friday 23 and 24. Riddls, Satur day 25. ktyrtle Creek Mondsy, Toes dsyand Wednesday, 27, 28, and . 29. Oakland, three days, 30, 31 and 1. Those wishing to consult him about their eyes or wishing glassta fittedahould call on him at the hotel. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Coo saltation free. J. G. Goblb. ild THE FINEST' CROWN is purchased: FOR SALE SY For Sale Cheap. Detroit MR5.ii.B0YD Groceries and Glassware . . . ROSEBURG, OREGQN I Jp; "Musical slot marliines Pucks, and Black Cats. vV. Doyle. d25 Weet End Hotel, Alezsndrie, La. On umnnl nl til irreffulsr SUrveVI Ol vaany ot ibe townships in tbs Roeeburt. rand district, it is almost impossible to locate reel ion rorners without a copy of tbe Government survey. Frank E. Al ley, Abstractor of tbls city, bas a com- nletA ant ot tr.ftintm nf all anrVSVed tOWO- r : , -. -1 futnisn Dtue prints w that mental rtsbility which always ao companies the inteUectuaU 1 - I subscribed for tbe eat of ."Modern Eloetce" in 10 "volumes, now being distributed in tbe Northwestern field through the sgeocy ot Tbe Oregonlan. 1 most say tbat I am greatly surprised not only at the scops of this ysloabls . publi cation, but also at the ability shown in editing and compiling what I regard as one ol tbe greatest literary productions ol the dsy. It is my candid opinion tbat Thomas B Reed will be resaember- ed better by posterity for nts work on "Modern Eloquence" than be will be for tbe years of bsrd service be rendered his rou ntry in ths National capital : "Modern Elcqoencs" is the greatest literary production in the popular sense evtr tffered for distribution in the United 8tates. I trust tbat it may be aiven the recognition by the people ol th. Pacific Northwest tbat I know it is so justly entitled tv - A Rsadss. 6. A. Olaen, representing tbs Oregon isn is in Roseburg t .king orders for this valuable work aod . bas already placed several sets in local libiaries, inoludint ths ons at tbs 1'iajHDaaua office, . and we can heartily ooncur in the above ia- doraemant. The tour terms of Jobu B. Ball Us ited Slates district attorney, and Z. Boossr. United Stales marshal axpired last Fri day, but as lb sir successors bave not been appointed, trtey will, nnder tbe Is passed in ISSS, continue to bold their offices until new sppointees hsvs beea duly qualified. This situation recalls to mlad ol an old Federal official, s char acteristic anecdote el tbe well-known "Llah" Apple ate, who once filled the position of Receiver of tbe lend office st Roseburg, end whim in reported by th e Oregoniann aa follows: -rreeiaenv ursnt appointed nte aoo ceesor. sad Applegats did not take this in good part. Us left the office sad nev er went near it nor bis successor durln, tbe four years be was la tbe office. rhen a new Receiver was appelated aod Applegate went to the land office to wel-i corns bim. Bs arrived before tbe new in cumbent and when be saw bim coming he took tbe ksys to ths office and going to the door handed them to tbe new Re ceiver, remarking, 'Yoa will Had things about tbe office 'n vary bad shape for there bss been nobody bsre for tbs last four years.' Inst was bis revenge on T HANKING you for past favors and wishing you much happiness and . prosperity for 1902, we ask-for a continuance of your patronage which will be met with our careful attention aud appreciation. ITurnishings, Motions, Stationery VVAVeVAww "The Racket Store" w ROSEBURG, OREGON the saan who took his position." WASTED SEVERAL PERSONSJOF character and good reputation iu each I stsle (one iu this county required) to re nresentsnd advertise old established I wealtby business booae of solid Unsocial I atanrttiiff.-Salary sis.w weeaiy wttn expenses additional all pafablsia cash I each Wednesday direct from bead! offices. Bores snd carriages furnished, I when neceessry. References tncloee I sel f-sdd reseed sum pad envelope. M an- agar, 310 Caxton Building, Chicago. 12J1. OOCOCXXXXCXXX30COOOOOOOC)0 Clearance Sale Begins We came such prices ou Ladies and Misses Jackets and; Walking Hats mentioned below that had ought to move them very rapidly. This is our full stock in our Myrtle j Creek store. Same reduction applies to what may bej in stock in Canyonville. Sise 3tt Cape, hardly enoogh to mention, only 1 plush, waa Site 3A Cape. 1 cloth caw, splendid value, was lATARRB THK CLEAN8INO 4KD H KALI NO CURB FOR CATARRH Ely's Creara Balm Euy and plMMBt to Mis Cuotain. bo tn )urima drug. It t. quickly atKnTlwd. Qina UMnt one. It (Iprn. and (1ndm 111 ihimi nuaca. A Dsn Brl. and Protects th. MenbruM. ReMorM UH BraM ol Tut. and HmrlL Lug. omU ai nrnrirlct. or h mall; TriaU 91m, lSncta br BiaiU kLY BKUTUitKti, M Warm BtreM, Has COLD n HEAD Sio .Hrt Cape, 1 cloth cai, splendid value, was. Siae 36 Cape, 1 cloth caje, splendid value, was . Jackets, 2 Stisses Jackets, siae 14 yrs , waa Jacket, 2 Miws Jackets, site 4 and tt, was Jackets, tt Ladies Jacket, siae was rollarvttes. onlv one left, color irrev. was Just 2 doaen Ladies and ChiUlreu's Walking HaU,.2 do. 7 was do. aas- ; ...........t do. . 1 was. .. . . . . . ..J.75now 12.50 ..fi50now 14.00; . 14.00 now -.50 1 ;.fi00 now $1.25' ..fiOOnow l-t.25! .. fcJOOnow ..00i ,..7.Wnow $4 50 ..tVWnow $;.S0 .. .$i50 now tlJM tl.Wan.1 l 7S i,ew I.W MJUOand ll.l'Snew .75, ....t-'.U0nowl5i aaa. We are beginning early to close out Fall Goods hence these splendid reductions for .you. j . rVT CCI in M r-l Branch: 11. JCLilU, il VI 11C VI tCtV, CanyonviUo, Oregon ICOOOCCXDCXXXOOOOCX)OCXOOCDO Advertise in the Plaindealer i I vscint iwa.