The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 13, 1902, Image 4

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    ' The Twice--Veek
(ioscDurg Plaindcalcr
Published Mondars and Thursdays.
V. CCosner, Editor and Publisher
Lacra E. Jones, City Editor, Solicitor.
j Acuisf J. Kbaktz, Foreuiau
S. C. Bartbcm, Traveling Solicitor. .
Twice-a-Teek Plaindeakr, per year, S J Sp
lintered at the Poet Office in Roeeburg,
' Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
Actonlint to some ot the latest lsws newnpa
m miblixhtTi may cause individual who Ukr
ii.IK-raudrv(utoyay loril W be arroweJ
lorfraud. CikI. UiU ruling, also, anyone who
Uowe his subscription to run Vong kr a Ume
uniid and then nrJers it discontinued, or or
dure the postmaster to mark it refused, or sonrts
a postal card to the publishers i liable to sr
rusi and one the same as lor theft. .
j Xn exchange thus bids farewell to
la iWitrtAd citizon: 4,IIe was roan
of push. He played marbles. fo
keeps when a boy .and cheated 11
his playmates out of their alleys; ie
swapped a bladeless knife, eight on-
seen, for a fonr blader, sold that for
fifty cents, bought a pound of sugar
and made a barrel of lemonade which
he sold one circus day for $8. He
started in business and,sold bad meat
(or choice cats and made a fortune.
When he sot a thousand dollars, he
orcBi.izid a company with AyOjOOt
capital, mostly water and sold the
6tock at par. When the company
busted it was fonud out that he hall
sold out nome time before: When he
died he was a millionaire and he left
t all here - It is wui m where he Is
I Educational tfotes:4
Ra T A nkaimCn School' HuntJ-'v
Sketch of jhe Lite of J. P. Mills of the
Soldiers Home.
ClsrtMBlBK Kte
We have arranged with a large number o
papers an J magasinca tor rates which will Rive
to our subscriber two publications lor a slight
.dTnce orer Uie cost ol Ths Plaindialx
lone. Following is a partial list:
TwicB-A-Wu, rLAiNDiALiA and the
Toledo Blade , W
New tors Tribune 75
Oreconiaa .. , 2
a w
, a oo
Sural Korthwwst 1
6. f. Call .
The wreck of the sooth bound
passenger t,rain aboat eighteeu miles
south of Ko-ieborg Thursday evening
in which the engineer and fireman.
together with many others came so
near losing their lives, is another re
cent reminder that something is radi
cally wrong with the Southern Paci
fic road bed between . this place and
Grants Pass. If deserving -.white
laborers were given the preference Jtu
the cheap cooley laborers employed
on the sections between these points
the roadbed would no doubt soon'
be greatly improved.
JANUARY 13, 1902.
II Supt R. H. Daily, of Jackson count J
delivered lecture at Drain, Friday even
ing, and spent "Saturday in Roeeburg.
Thiti oflise acknowlege a pleasant call.
Supt. J. H. Ackerman will lake part in j
tbe Local Institute at Myrtle Creek Sat
urday Jauuary lStb end -w.U probably
ppend some time vieiting school in this
lection. The next regular teachers ex
amination will be held at Roeeburg,Jeh-,
ruary 12, 13, 14 and 15.
All teachers whose certificates expire
in April. li02 ebo jld tke the February
examination, it they Winn to . teach be
tween February and August.
' PrOgraut for' Myrtle Creek Ioslilate.
Organisation 'and opening exercises,
9 o'clock.: .,
Primary Reading.. ..Miss IoetDepew
Penmanship ..Prof. V. V. Willie
Mental Arithmetic ....D. R. Parker
lliatoiy. i. . .Sopt. J. U. Ackeruan
t , arTkRSd N.
gusinees Arithmetic-Prof. A .F.Coruutt
ivil Government Prol.Tbnrman Chanev
L-ncusBe.'. .' Pres. J. H. Oorcult
Public Libraries...: '.F. B. Uamlio
County Surveyor Briggs and his as-
sistaf,FVankCaTn,have completed the
charts and maps of their recent sur
v-r of tbe North and South TJmpqua
rivers and their tributaries- The
surrey and maps ot tne Sooth Ump-
nna cooraaeDcea at Dead Man creek
and extends to Soottsburg a distance
nf 162 miles.' while the maps and
survey of the North TJmpqua cover
a distance of about 40 miles, com
mencing at' Eock Creek and extend
inff to the confluence of the North
c , -
and South TJmpqua river a few miles
below Koseborg. This survey, maps
and charts were made for the Oregon
Boom and Timber Co., of Ifcis city
so 1 cover the exclusive Use of streams
mentioned above lor -floating logs
and timber to railroad points
mills which will probable be located
at convenient points on these
streams.' The document filed with
the county clerk by this company
covering tnis enterprise is one of the
most voluminous documents ever
filed at the court honse, and accom
panying the set of maps is eighty
eight paga of typewritten field notes
of tbe surveys. The work has cost
the company, represented by Mr.
Fred Bfakeley, manager ,Hon. Dexter
Bice, attorney, a - large snm of
money. Following the completion
of 3be work -to be pursued in tbe
spring of , clearing these surveyed
Btreams of obstructions, the building
of one or two large .saw mills, and
box factories, u almost ' assured
The completion 'of , the snrvej
ibJ w charts of the Lmpqua
rivers and tributaries has consumed
about four months of County Survey
or Brigg s 'lime together with that of
his assistants and the work reflect
much credit upon his ability in thit
line of work and means much for tht
future development of oar reeoarcet
and manufacturing institutions.
The industry of mat n fact u ring
feuds between President Boosevelt
and republican Senators and llepre-
Konttivp is reiEtr overwoiked in
Washington, but our people are
perts in recognizrDg, tbe earmarks of
fakes, however f killfnlly tby may be
dicgnised. ' Ooneeqoeiutly ao-! seiious
attention is psid to the oulpnt of the
" Gov. Shaw made a hig hit with Ihe
prominent tnen be met during liie-re-
cent Visit to Wat-hingtoo, bV-that
wasn't Rnrprreing to anyone who
knew him. He is one ot the coun
trv's modest men. and he will, make
another big hit, with the country, by
his management of (be Treasury .De
partment. . i , .
Ro?elurg stoies reported - a Tng
business Saturday. . They deserve it.
This is getting to be a Rood business
town, for one thing beeainte the mer
chants 4iere are prepared to furnish
the needs of a larger number of pe--
ple than ever before.
The Prineville Journal is still of
the opinion that Senator V llham'
son is all right and will Ret what
ever he troes after." But what does
- - v
be propose going after? - That is
the -.burning, i frying, siuiihg qnes-
The Douglas conntv Democratic
rentral committee will meet .next
fhursdav to outline planafor-'tLe
coming campaign. The boys are get
ting ready;' to march up to the pie
counter early in the day.
S. crelary Hay ie at tb head of the
"Carnegie7 Institetioo,''' organized
and incorporated in Washington
carry out tbe plans of llr Carnegie1
J10,000,tXK) donation for. higher, edo-j
cation. ti
: The lack of democratic leaders iit
Coneress is 6imuly a case of cause
and effect. Having no fixed pnoci
pies except oppoeition there w little
or no opening for.a leader of brai dp
Considering tbe increase in the
state tax levy, the levy for the coun
ty as fixed by the county court last
week i not so high as was con
templated, yet is high enough. The
levy as based on last year's assesti-
neniia a follows: State tax 7.55
mills; school . tax, 5 mills; county
rtax, 9 09 mills; road tax, 3 mills; iodi
fg nt eoidier, .23 mills; school libra
ries, .13 mills, a total of 25 mills
against a total of 20 mi'ls last-year.
when the' stale levy was 5.70 mills.
h The total taxable . property in the
'county, according to the assessment
for 19C0 was $ -L231,010. ' With a levy
el 20 mills tbe total tax ' for the last
V ver. t xclusive of - special taxes, wa
-t$$4,G20.20. The assessment for 1901 !
'ehowa the total taxable propeity, ex
clusive of exten sions, to be 1,200,
117.16.: TJou this assessment , tbe
' levy fifJ25 mills will make the total
' taxes,? 105,153.68, or an increase oyer
lasf j ear of 20,533.48. V
t 1'h levy for oar neighboring conn
ty on the north, Lane , is placed at
"22 mills, which is 41 mills more than.
Tjtnn county's lev, which is the low
'3St tai levy so far reported in'the
elata. Clatsop . county and Astoria
ondembted'y have the heaviest levy
county 31 mills. Astoria, including
county state and municipal, 51.5 mills
.The Lewis add Clark exposition will
come pretty Lien but we must Lave
it .
The Salem Journal IasT weetf gave
the republican state adtnipist ration a
six column article of eulogy aud de
clares that it has been an exemplary
business almibietrstiooJ - f "
President Koosevehjs'ractice of
telling the truth to those who call on
him on business. evn"wbtn it hurts
and disappoints, is -cue that cann'i
be too Lif hly commended.
- - d.
Andy Carurgie bajbually succeed
ed in arranging that f 10.iO,(XX) gifl
(oUudeSpm. : The old man has
some nephews who are open to simr
lar' negotiations. J?!
' ' ;V
It is stated 4bat Hobson, the hern,
will resign bis commission in toe
navy and try to go toCongrebaJrym
Alabama. . . - i
Political Oosslp.
Kegibtration is going on at a rapid
rate. Everybody , must register be
ore each election.
State Senator J. N- Williamson of
Crook county has announced him
self as a candidate for congress, to
succeed Mr. Moody.
.The remarkable statement is made
that the. new. Governor of .Washing
ton refuses to ride on a p and. buy 8
a ticket just like any ordinary person
thns bot placing himself under obli
gatiori to any railroaii
It is sUted orTgood1 authority, that
J. M. Church of La Grande, is not . a
candidate for governor. The author
ity is cone, other ., than , Mr , . Church
himself. This somewhat relieves
Ui? Eastern Oregon situation. .
A call is iesoed to the Democratic
County Central Cohiixrittee"of Doog-
fks county, Oregon, to meet in lloee
burg, Oregon, on "Th nrsday, J an. ' 23
1002, for the purpose of fixing dales
for te democratic, county primaries
and,- coaf entioa .for : 11)02, . . and . to
transact any other business which
may -properly come before the Com
mittee. v - ": ' '.
One trouble with the' Oregon legis
lature is the salary. Too many men
are sent w bo coold not earn three
dollars a day at tLeir business.
Real EsUte Transfers .
Tbe McUee Ci. to J. T McGse '
Me 12,-7 mniS in Wk 5, atad
lora2,3. o aud 6 m blk 13r io
Myrtle Creek l0u0 W
I T McUee andatfi flcGee SrP
w h Keirer ow zrt 4-aoai m .ta n
bat 13, rrfMrtleUods4,).l,j:U
C.A B'ackmanand.'snie-to i B
Morris lot 9,, bik. 4 in Sionh
Vark addition, tu' Rotfborg. : .'20 00
W T Ciillam and wile "to Lottie
" M'oolev one acre in tbe Booth-
-jrra partes ttowborg. 850 C
Mrs Kale Med'ey o ' Annie E. - --
e Pearson Darrow lote4,jr,.7,. so
blk C, B'OvbV addition to:tb -
H R addition of OakUnd....1.., tJJO Of)
f?) aad Gsv C H-nrnaa to L, J3 !
Carle lot 2 and a part of lot 4, '
hkl, Hamilton addition to .
Roeeburu ; also a part of lot 16 .
' in blk 54 R R addition to '
Itoeeburg, 130 00
A i Young and its to Snsan '
rBacke all of blk 23 in Oakland 500 00
Locy AppWh to JoDn Krnae
lot 10 b'.k 13 Yoncada. ....... 50 00
J f H itaa atx! wife to E II
Pinkaion 4) acres in aec 8 tp
;tJt,..ji;.1 230 00
,i r ,.r rr . .
. I . t ' fTax Levy. . . .-
A correspondent of tbe Grants' Pass
CurrWjf sivee tbe following. intereling
ekelcb i-l a venerable inmate of tbe' Ore-
irrn fc'o! liera.HoDie at tin place. Speak-
t!ol tally setilrra of Divden Valley
ihe crrwpondeot taja:t -( , (
"Ti.e first name taken la (bat of J. P.
Mills; be is not the first settler, buf the
facts connected with hit life while living
in the Drydt-n valley . ara more easily
narrated than any oilier., came .l,J'arj
tbink ol at present. Mr. Bill Is la a na
tive of New York. lie. had good , school
auvantaee in early life and graduated
from a good college of that state- belorfl
be reached bis Slat birthday, lie after
ward served a number ot years a a reg
ular tolJier. He was one of the men
who was sent to tbe front in tbe Mexi
can war and toon after peace was de
clared, he came west, where be has -re
mained ever sine. Sometime .In tbe
early 60, Mr. Mills .came to .Josephine
conntv and a few years later settled In
tie Drydun valley and continually madp
it bis borne until about five years ago,'
when be cold his farm and went to ' the
soldiers' home at Roeeburg, where be is
living today. II- came to oar valley in
time to see a groat many early frontier
hardship and Indian troubles. He guid
ed men through Ihe mountains and
stood guard many nights in order to pro
tect the women and children from tbe
barbarous treatment ot the Indiana. Mr.
Mills took great intereetln schools, and
spent a great deal of time towards tbe
upbuilding of education in this plao.
He helped build tbe Gist school boate
tbat was ever erected in tbe connty. He
is a bachelor and has no relatives th'is
side the Rocky Mountains', but tbe peo
pte ot Drvden treated him as though'' ft
was a step father to them alU . The
children were . never forgo'tten by . Sir'.
Mills. Retook great interest In'tHe
welfare of hia neiehlora and visited
tbryngbout tbe valley several time darl
ing each year, and bis visits wtre greatly
ppreciatedepcjfty by tbe children and
yonng people, for be was an accompli!)-
brmP'-- Hi' it
i.iiyi... 0U ...
The complete line of shoes handled by the Sorosis Shoe Store
must bev closed out within the next 30 days regardless of cost.
- 3.75
Krippcndorf Dittiuin Ladies Shoes, former price $350, sale price,.....'.
f Drew, Selby& Co. Ladies' Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price
Kast-Glanville Ladies' Glioos, former price 3.50, sale price
Handberg Brothers Ladies' Shoes, former price $3.00, sale price 2.50
Sorosis, the popular Ladies' Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price : 3.00
6ueenCity Sadies' Shoes, former price $2.00, sale price I.65
Little Red School House Shoes, former price $1.75, sale price 1.50
John Meier Men's Shoes, former price $4.00, sale price
Smith Wallace Men's Shoes, former price $4.00, sale price
George G. Snow Men's Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price
. M. A. Packard's Men's Shoes, former price $5.00, sale price
Buckingham & Hecht Men's Shoes, former price $1.50, sale price.
Men's Work Shoes from
$1.00 to $2.50
d untartainer. The kind deeda of Mr.
Sli!h?ffie S1VG UP ne building, and not being able to secure
hie name will ever be Immortal wifh tbe
people of Dryden.''" . .
Facta About the Maine
Ttid cimiitT coon'jaBi before adjourn
ment last we-!,' fised the tax levy on tbe
past yearVaeeeeenieot at follows: :
State tax':. xt . . , . A ..!... .7 56 mill
School taxn .. .: . I .'. . .6 00
IConoty Ux. 9.09 '
Road Ux . ;3j00 "
Indigent Foldieri..,.;. JZZ "
School liorariea. .13 "
Years bave elapsed since "the Maine
on a mission of peace, at rest in Havana
harbor, was blown to instant destruction.
With the ship, there was lot a total ol
20G men and officers. It wa tbia event
that piecipitaUd a War, the remits' ol
hicfa have been etapendons. ' There
was no restraining tbe outburst of furv,
and Spain was driven from tbe western
continent, its prestige broken, while the
United Bute assumed a place amoux
nations aa a power. Incidental to the
war was tbe exteniion of lis possessions,
the Incretse of its arniv and tbe strength
ening tf ha nayy. 8ime of the old Ira
ditione of excloaivenees ' were ehattered
along with the fated Maine. A new era
wa given eoddrn birth." Tbat for tbif
country and for the nations of tbe globe,
thti Win be a bleeeiog, there b bo reatoa
to qneetioo' On this continent there
ha bten 'a type of crvflsUlon tbe apreid
of which would be a oenisoe
Tet the exact caaae of the wre:k will
never be known. Some will brtieve
that' it was sent to the bottom by tbe
Spanish, acme that tbe Cuban them
selves did it so aa to impel tbe Ameri
can to aid tbem. Other will bold to
be theory of accident, either an inter
nal ei plosion or interference with torpt
doee placed in the waters for protection
and fired without hnmandeeigo.' In all
biBlorj tbe episode will continue a mys
tery, if an exploaicn occored on board
it killed all who might have told a boot
: lilt was canard deliberately. Ute
wretches guilty of tbe awloi deed will
keep sealed tbeir lip.
Tbe wreck of tbe Maine was tbe most
important tragedy of tbe sea. ' Tbe
death it caused were numbered - br
tboueaode, witn tbe liel .not., complvle.
It changed the map of lu coiilimn'
and brought under tbe ray of liberty mil
lion who still biiafc - in -tbe -aowoned
gleam, and with rode nnderataading
leel tbat an ill is being done theu.,. La
years to come they will know more, an I
L. .ill t IuHm -f- i . - ' - .
tj kiii asaivw iririi a-A
a suitable location, I have decided to close out my stock of oods
Oscar L.Triggs, professor in the
Chicago TJniveriiity, save, rxetry is
-out of date. li 6VcIars there is do
. great thought, no worthy emotion,
which may i.ot le better expressed
in prose thun in erse today. Verse
- was tbe prirui'ive expression of man's
thought. KbytbtD was tbe charac
teristic of ite first erode literary ef
forts. Homer, Dante, and Shaks
peare cast their thought and emo
tions in verie because the ivetrical
form was the oniy adequate method
of expression invented in iheir day.
.fcwclisb prose has been developed to
ihe point, however, where it is a fin.-r
end more enMle instrument of wider
ieeope than EriKlihh veie,Varii poe
trfe chief excuse for being bus Iwti
destroyed. Literary truth ' is trot h
to nature. I'ory is artficial and
Oar neighbor on tbe . Soalh, Jo
sephine county, bas a tax levy of 80
mills. 5 mills higher than Douglas
county's levy. . ' ;f . ;
. . ,
Tie Crude Knbber Company has
failed for $3,000.0OJ, but tbe local
rubbernecks are etill
time... .. .
' wottfog Wer
'The liberal ' party in EngTund
seems ta be almost aa badi.v split
as oar rwo dem oc rat i e party. . I
B;bin with all its other troubles
has a bunch of anarchist plots id
deal with. - , -' i
New Road Law.
Hr af'rr all road taxes' must be paid
in i ash, while the toad supervisor wilj
hire men and trsme, 4heir wage being
lid frtm tbe c oi'ty trea"ory. ' A codnj
it road master w ill be i.pniii( d to have
general tu,:ervieion of the work, Iherebv
Hiving icsd witk sl1 -'in.prr.V'meni
a more connected sveiem. Tbe road
master will vltllull O'don of the Coun-
ty anl coiilf wiih ll.e toiryih)r as to
tbe neds of ihe toads belore makibg an
appoi'iormei t. a
ll.e couiuiiB.-iooe e' coint appoint
i lie road um ner, pn.hably " at the March
term of Coort. lt hi brere jiiimaled
thai Uie (ouif aoultlliLf iti I er from
tbe taxpayereip rKtiidc to be polnt
(jueiit cuht-r by tetiiun ij .ijberw.iee. .
The levy made one year "ago for the
1900 assr sement was
8ta-e Ux .,
School tar
Coun iy tax
indigent ldier .
State scalp bonntf.
:": ; . Totaf 20.00 mills
, j ' i
.......5.70 mill
,V.:,...5 0O "
a i -&85
.:.-.,vV '"
. ..r.i. .25 "
Jit- i i
Don't Forget to Read This.
Our falfand winter good have arrived
and you will find here tbe largest and
moe't complete line of divs goods, outing
flannels, fascinators, underwear, hosiery
blankets, curtains, "cloaks, 'capes', etc
Also Bnckinbam A Hecht, boots and
shoes, lubber goods,' oil clothing, over
coats, and a line of men and boys' clo'b-
tng tbaVVanbof be beat. We also
carry miners' en pplies and a fresh and
complete aVrk Of groceries. '
Come and let us show you our large
assort ment apd give you prices. Oor
aim is to iiive-yoa good values' and treat
you right. tiive na a trial.'. ... .
A. It. MirrooM A Co.. Riddle, Or. t
We are also' agent . for the Oliver
Chilled plow and extras. ' (n4tf)
Will fleet Tonight.
The Roeeburg Prohibition Club wilj
meet in tbe W. C.'T. U. reading rooms
this evening at 7 '30 o'clock, for tbe
purpose of organizing. A' literary pro
gram will V) rendered, and al! Interested
are cordially invited to attend.
- : -;..- Mrs. Io Mabstkks, '
'. Ma, Inookmk Toolky,
u Aaar A tchuku, - j
.'- t -.. Qommittee.
, Letter List. ..
nr l v -j&4W
i r-mm
w i .. . - r. i e'v-.fc
' - k-v -
Japanese napkins-
D on't IJke1 the PMIipfrtoes.'rs
' " 1
Private John C. Kraoee, of tbe Sixth
Gtvalry, bow in tbe I'bllippinee, . r a
Piitabnrg boy, aad he 'as givwa - taia
geography ot ' tbe U-landa in . a letter
bom: "Tbe isUeds art a buntAt of
trouble oo tbe-western borix in.. ''Tttt-y
are bounded oa ibe west by faoadooitm
and maKg1iog,.on tbe eM by vpbpeoa
and munJooos, on the north, by. rpeka
and dwtruciiou aod ou , the soQta .by
canotbalMm and earibqoakee. .
mate ia a combination of electric cbargSi
especially adapted to 'raising Cain.Tbe
soil is extrao dinary fertile io producing
large crops of insurrection and .trickery.
The inhabitant are very induatrion, I r OC7nTjT?G
tbe chief occupation being the maxing I '
of boioe and knives, and nnlqjvdibg Rem
ington rifles . aod cartridgev ' Jhelr
aoiueement are eock fighting and cheat
ing. The -diet cooaiale at .beilet) rice
stewed rice, fried -riee- and lioe, .The
Philippine marriage service ie very im
pressive, especially tbe claasa wherein
the wife can obtain the privilege of work
log a mocb aa. bar bos band .deaire.
Maniia, tbe largest citj, ia aituaUtd oo
beautiful Manila Bay, a large landlock
ed body of water lull el disease, shark
and obmariue boats ol tpaniab make.
The principal ex porta of ihe island are
rice, .hemp end sick eo.'diere. The-moat
important i id porta are Ametwaa. loldieia
arm, ammunition,, . brer aod ; tobacco,
Commomcaliout have been, cttabliebed
between the bumeron island by tabeti-?
tutiog mosquito for carrier pigeons,!, the
moequits being much larger and better
able for the j oorney . The nave costume
consists ol a floor sack tied around the
wair,t, anything under 12 year ot 'ag
wsltes until next' year." ' " ' '
-:"r'-. i
Groceries and .
Rrmaibrg uncalled fcf at tbe Bote
bnrg poetefflre. i - -i ' ' 1
lilt in an, Htniy" McGregor, N. E.
Barnee, jJ. B. Rd, Mis. M. GL? !
Di'y. Mta: Alam ( Sil aute'l, Lorance
Ecleeoii. Job! "3" . We.t, Mia Birdie
Perotie cailimt for tbeee letter will
flea-astetbi date on which they are
advertised, Jev 18, 1902:
It it, an important pe4iiou auo a care- Tbe letters will be charged for at the
Experience Convinces. ., ,
Trove it value by in vexting 10 cents in
trial size of Ely's Cream Balm. DrtiggisU
U''lv it end we mail it. Full slzo 50 eenfa.
ilLY BKOH., 60 Warren St., Kew York.
. .. Clifton, Arizona, Jan. 20, 18U9. :
Messrs. Ely 1(boh.: I'lpftaesoud me a CO
cent bottle of Cream Balm. ' I find yonr
remedy the qulckont and moat permanent
cure for entarrh and cold in tbe bead. -1
Deli, M. Totter, Gan. Mgr. Ariz. Gold M. Co.
Messrs. Fxt Bnbs.: 1 bare been afflicted
with catarrh for t wenty years. It made me
so weak I thought I had Consumption. I i
If Vou Have '
a Sweet Tooth.
i ;..,0. Ut, the Candy .Kiluhpn.'whew
jon will find the freshest an I lieet
asnri ment ot Canutes in l tie city
Call and aee ns " ' "
i'! .' f i s-i ' '
Title (juarantee&Loan Co.
J. D.
HiaiLTtiw, ! D. O. Wamii.tixi,
rnwldcnt. .. Seey. ajd l'nia.
Office In the Court Houne. Ha'0 the outy Cf.n
nletesrt ol atwliurt hooks tn Houxl. ( funt .
AbslraoUand Ortlllcslcs ol Title lurnl.hud to
ii.n.!unuinii l.nd mill mluiua clnlms. lUvu
also a complete fl ot Traoltim ot all lownhlp
. bear th6 deadly brau4 of iuamceriyr fol selection aboufd-b made.Eogen rate f one cent each. -'
ta ita'fortu. -..;,-'..; :l till tV ' ' ' " Ka.W.P.M,
cot one bottle of Ely's Cream Itnim and ia ' nisia In the Kowhunt, Orison, 0. X. lnl I Law
threa dava the d scliaroe stonnoH. Tt th irit. . will mass maepntnoopie. oisyiwn
T - Ji ... L all I) SHOW 1UK Sll HUH"
cuiutuv a into unvu xur cnuirTD.
i r .
t best m
' all TacantOoveiumeul UnUs.
" - '"""" Kolarv public In omoa, XDUurtmce agonu.
PaK E. KatDLxama, corrvspoaduuoe soUollud, JU .
f mm
Each, aad every article here priced are special value and
many are below actual co?t- Small lots, broken sets of
chairs'. Many pitterns which we shall not carry again.
w "w T ft 1 ' in 1, 2, 3 aavl 4 roll lots to pattern
Wflll rflflfir regular 2 cU, now 5 and 10 ct.
Y T Clll I ajJWlO pVTAioble roll. Vld borders an.1
ceiling a. low a5 cent per roll. Social price on oar entire line of Wall
Pairs. We will rereive in Fvbmary. the Iarat shipment of Wall Pap
er ever shippr.! Rwburj. All fresh aad dirert from factory if you
fail to s us for Wall Pap-rs, vou mise an epp-rtnnitr ot seminar toe very
latst Eastern prolnctione. Ve are highly elated in securing w nice a
line at prices which acare ns.of an immense paper bovinees. Window
h.k a kw ae V eta. each, 0i lines, only a few at this price, they're
regnlar 41 ete. Shades. )me specials in Carpet, in fact, we hare some
eicials in every line we carry. Come in and see what we have set aside
for this Special Sale. ' Maaiiig a low as 15 cents per yard.
'.." ; - -
One-half Carl'iail of Trunks. Valise and Tescope, direct from
fai-tory. SPECIAL 9 days, this JrVinch Trunk, only -12 50, it
in Portland for f-."5. We leal all competitors on Trunks
and Valis. We nronna omthinir warm for this cniJ!i.
Stoves and Kaiigt-n. Cutlerv and Carrn't inclu ieil in this sale. Cook Stove No 7 for $7.50;
'o 8 for f vi.OO. IVdroTMn Suit for f 1 4.00. Best knives aod forks, 50 cents. tet in line and
take advantage of this low pricwd Sale.
Will Arrive
Next Week
Get Your Spray. Material at MARSTERS.
' u Roseburg, f)re.VDec. S, 1901.
State Chemist, Oregon Agricultural College,
Corvallis, Oregour .
Dkar Sir We send you by this mail sample of sulphur taken from our
stock of spray material. Please make a careful analysis of same and inform
ns if it is of such standard of purity that it will fill all requirements for mak
ing first class spray compounds. ,If it is not sufficiently pure for such purpose
please inform usVhefe we can obtain sulphur which will meet all require
ments. ,-... , ? Very respectfully, ,
v - . A. C. MARSTERS & CO.
. - ?
a n ' . c o CPS011. Dcaiber 12, 1901.
Mr. A. C. Marstcrs cc Co., . -- v., . . .
, . Roseburg, Ore. ' -
Gentlemen: Your letter concerning sulfur and the sample of sulfur
have been received. : . r
ir 1 rf!!1' th'S mpk and find that U is almost entirely pure
sulfur. I think that it would answer the purposes very satisfactorily for
spraying compounds or insecticides. I think that if you have pleut v of this
quality, or cau get it, that it will be as good as any sulfur that we can obtain
101 i-pug luduudis. , , , , Very trulv von r
A. C. MARSTERS &' CO., Druo-o-ists