The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 13, 1902, Image 2

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JU -
The Tmrice-a-Veek
ftoscburg Plaindcalcr
Published Mondays and Thursdays.
v W. C. Conner, Editor and Publisher
Lacka E. Jones, City Editor, Solicitor.
3 ActiisT J. Kbaktz, Foreman
S. C. Haktbcm, Traveling Solicitor.
Twk-a-Veek Plaindealer, per year, $1.51
Entered at the Post Office in Roseburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Bates on Application.
M.W LATIKG tO-KtWSPArEB suBscairnos.
Aceonliiie to some of the latest lsws newspa
per wiblinhtTf my cause tnuiriduals who take
ilMiIHTaudn fuMslowlorit to be arnieJ
lorlraud. Cid.r thin ruling, also, anyone who
allows hiii subscription to run Voug lor a time
unpaid and then nr-lere it discontinued, or or
ders Xbe postmaster to mark it relnsed.or sends
a posUl card to the publisher ia liable to ar
ruci and fine the same as lor theft.
- ClrtfaMK Rate
We have arranged with a large number o
tuners anJ magazine lor rate which will give
to our subscribers two publications lor a slight
advance OTr tfee coat ol Taa PLiiNDuna
lone. Following is a partial list:
Twicb-i-Weh, PLAJXDEAUa aad the
Toledo Blade i W 75
N.w York Tribune., , 1 75
OreKoniam ,. ,T 25
B. F. Bulletin..-; 1 00
R r. f all 1 s
Baral Korthwast I
in exchange thus bills farewell to
a departed citizen: "He wHs'iman
of pnsh. He played marbles tot
keeps when a boy .and cheated fcll
his playmates ont of their alleys; 'e
swapped a bladeless knife, sight nu-
seen, for a fonr blader, sold that for
fifty cents, bought a pound of sugar
and made a barrel of lemonade which
he sold one circus day for $S. He
started in business and,sold bad meat
for choice cuts and made a fortune.
Waen he srot a thousand dollars, he
orgaMzod a company with $5,'.HXV
capital, mostly water and sold the
stock at par. When the company
busted it wh fonud ont that he haU
sold out some time before! When be
died he was a millionaire and he left
t all here - It is wai m where he is
I Educational Notes.
B Bj F. B. HAMU Co School liupC
Sketch of fjie Ute of J. P. Mills of the
Soldiers Home, w -
JANUARY 13, 1902.
County Surveyor Brings and his as-
eistanf JVankCaIn,haTe completed the
charts and maps of their recent ear
ver of the North and South Umpqna
rivers and their tributaries The
enrvey and maps of tne Sontb Ump
qna coawaenees . at Dead Man creek
and extend to Scottsborg a distance
of 162 miles.' while the maps and
Burvey of the North Ucupqua covers
a distance of about 40 miles, com
searing at" Rock Creek and extend
ing to the confluence of the North
and South Umpqna river a few miles
below Roseburg. This survey, maps
and charts were made for the Oregon
Boom and Timber Co., of Ibis city
and cover the exclusive Use of streams
mentioned above - lor - floating logs
and timber to railroad points
mills which will probable be located
at convenient points on these
streams.' The document filed with
the county clerk by this company
covering tnis enterprise id one of the
most voluminous documents ever
filed at the conrt honse, and accom
panying the set of maps is eighty
eight pagns of typewritten field notes
of the surveys. The work Las cost
the company, represented by Mr.
Fred BJakeley, manager , Hon. Dexter
Rice, attorney, a large sum of
money. Following the completion
of 3b work to be pursued in the
spring of ; clearing these surveyed
streams of obstructions, the building
of one or two large saw mills, and
box factories, is . almost ' assured
The completion 'of . the snrvej
aaJ charts , of. ' the ' Umpqna
rivers and tributaries has consumed
about four months of County Survey
or Bring 'b lime together with that of
his assistants and the work reflect
much credit upon his ability in thit
line of work and means much for ih
future development of our resonrcet
aud manufacturing institutions.
The wreck of the south bound
passenger train about eighteen miles
south of Rosebarg Tuarsday evening
jn which the' engineer and fireman,
together with many others came so
near losing their lives, is another re
cent reminder that wmething is radi'
cally wrong with the Southern Paci
fic road bed between . this place and
Grants Pass. If deserving white
laborers were given the preference to
the cheap cooley laborers employed
on the sections between these points
the roadbed wool! no doubt soou"
be greatly improved.
The industry of mat nfactnring
feuds between President Roosevelt
and republican Senators and Ilepre
sentatives is being overworked in
Washington, but onr people are ex
perts in recognizing, tbe earmarks of
fakee, however skillfully thy may be
disguised. Coneecioently no' senons
attention is raid to the output of the
! . - ' . (
r Supt R. H. Dnily, of Jackaon county
delivered lecture at Drain, Friday even
ing, and spent Saturday in Roseburg
This I'llise scknowlegei a pleasant call.
Sopt. J. H. Ack'erman will lake part ii
the Local lusiii'nte at Myrtle Creek Sat
urday Jauuarj IStb and -w.ll probably
ppend some time visiting schools in thir
lection. The nest retrnlar teacneig sx-
amiuaiion will be held at Roeeburgri'sur
ruary 12, 13, 14 and 15.
All teachers whoso certificates expire
in April. 1902 aho ild tke the February
examination, if they wish to. teach be
tween February and August.
' Program for Myrtle Creek Institute.
Organization 'aud opening exercises,
9 o'clock. ..
Primary Reading ...... Misa Ines Depe w
Penmanship Prof. V. V. Willis
Mental Arithmetic u . .D. R. Parker
lliatoiy...,-...Sopt. 1. H. Ackeraian
gil'iness Arithinetfc-.Prof. A .F.Cornutt
ivil Government Prol.Tburmtn Cbanev
Lrncnags.. Pres. J. H. Oorcult
Public Libraries.....".. :.. F. B. Hamlin
fake mills.
Gov. Shaw made a tig" hit with the
prominent tnen lie tuet during jLis-re-
cent Visit to Wat-hingtoa, bu4--tLt
wasn't snrDnsine to .anyone who
. - . t .
knew him. He is one of the con
trv's modest men. and he. will, make
another big hit, with the country, by
his management of tbe Treasury 33a-
partmeut. , .
Ko'ebarg stores reported - a 'big
business Saturday. . They deserve it.
This is getting to be a good business
town, for one thing because the mer
chants 4iere are prepared to furnish
the needs of a larger number of peo
ple than ever be for a
The Prineville Journal" is .still of
the opinion that ' Senator William
son is all right and will Ret what
ever he goes after," But what does
bepfopose going after?- That is
the -rbnrning, frying, sizxuhg ques-
Political Oossip.
Registration is going on at a rapid
rate. Everybody , must register be-
a : -
jre each ejection.
State Senator J. N- Williamson of
Crook county has announced him
self as a candidate for congress, to
succeed Mr. Moody.
.The remarkable statement is made
that the. new. Governor pf Washing
ton refuses to ride on a pass and. bays
a ticket just like any ordinary person
thus not placing himself onder obli
gation to ny railroad ?
It is stated ongood1 authority, that
Al. c Daren or La uranda, is not . a
candidate for governor. The author
ity is none, other,, than - Mr . . Church
himself. , somewhat' relieves
tli Eastern Oregon situation.
call is issned to the Democratic
Con dry Central Cotnmfttee"bf Doug
las conrity, Oregon to meet in Roee
burg, 'Orf goh, on Thursday, 3 an. '23,
1002, for the purpose of fixing dates
for the democratic . county primaries
and,- coaentio& for :1'J02, ..and to
transact any other business which
may -properly come before the Com-
mittee. v " . ; - '
One tronbifl'with the1 Oregon legis
lature is the salary. Too many men
are sent who could not earn three
dollars a, day at tLeir business.
Real Estats Transfers
The Donelai county Democratic
rentral committee will meet riiext
Thursday to ootHne plans- for the
coming campaign. " The boys are get
ting ready-' to march np to -the pie
counter early in the day.
& crelary Hay m at the bead of the
Carnegie' Inetitetien,-- organized
and incorpora'ed in. Washington to
carry out the plar.sxf Mrv Carnegie's.
il0,000,0tX) donation for. higher edu
cation, t
: The tttck of democratic leaders m
Congress is simply a case of ' cause
and effect Hkving no fixed princi
ples except opposition there is little
or no opening for.a leader of brainy
Considering the increase in the
state tax levy, the levy for Ihe coun
ty as fixed by the county court last
week in sot so high as was con
templated, yet is high enough. The
levy as based on last year's assess
xneniis a -J follows: State tax 7.5-"5
mills; school, tax, " mills; connty
-tax, 9 09 mills; road tax, 3 mills; indi
jr nt soldier?, .23 mills; school libra
ries, .13 mills, a total of 25 mills
.against a total of 20 miUs last-year,
tf.wheu the' stale levy was 5.70 mills.
t The total tsxable property in the
'county, according to the assessment
fur -J 900 was $431)10.' With a levy
iif 20 mills tbe total tax ' for the last
:nr. t xclnsive of special taxes, wa-
S4,C20.iI0. The assessment for 1901
'chows the total taxable propeity, ex
clusive of eiten piions. to be J10G,
,147.16.. Uon this assessment the
"levy ofJ25 mills will . make the total
taxes,? 105,153.CS, or an increase oyer
lasf 3 ea of 20,533.48. :
Thi levy for our neighboring conn
. ty on the north, Lane , is placed at
22 mills, which is 41 mills more than
Iiinn county's levy, which is the low
'est tat levy so far reported in'the
state. Clatsop . county and Astoria
undoubtedly have the heaviest levy
county 31 mills. Astoria, including
eonnty state and municipal, 51 .5 mills,
.The LewiB and Clark exposition will
come pretty high bat we must have
The Salem Journal IasTweek- gaye
the republican state adcnipist ration a
six column article of eulogy and de
clares that it has been an exemplary
business admieistrationJ "
President Roosevelt's "6ra'ctice " ol
telling the troth to those who call on
him on business, evnuVben it hurts
aud disappoints, is one that cannjtl
.... i
be too bipbly commenaea.
A rorrfspondiSDt of tbe Grants' Pass
CurrWr wivB the following.. interesting
eketcb i-l a venerably inmate of tbe' Ore-
tri n t-oMiera.IIonie at tine place. Speak-
i! of t ally settlers ol Diyden Valley
(he orrwpondeat iajs . ; .
'T..e first name taken is that bf J. P.
Mills; bs It not the firitseUlar, hot the
facts connected with his life while living
in the Drydi-n valley , are more easily
. xi -1
narrawu iuan anj otoer name i ran
tbink of at present. Mr. Mills is a na
tive of New York. , lie. had good . .school
advantage In sarly life and . graduated
Iroin a pood college ol. tna( state beor
he reached his 21st birthday, lie after
ward served a number pf years as a reg
ular rolJier. He was one of the nieri
who was seut to tbe front in tbe Mexl
can war and toon after peace was de
clared, ne came west, wnere he naa -ra-i
maioed ever sine. Sometime in ihs
early 60, Mr. Mills came to Josephine
coantv and a few years later settled in
tie Drydun valley and continnallr made
it his home until about five years ago.
when be cold his farm and went to the
soldiers' home at Ro-wbarg, where tie is
living today. 11-t came to our valley in
time to see a great many early frontier
hardships and Indian troubles. Ue guid
ed men through the mountains and
stood guard many nights io order to pro
tect the women and children from lbs
barbaions treatment of the Indians. Mr.
Mills took great ioteresiln schools, and
spent a great deal of time towards tbe
apbnilding of education t in this plac
Ue helped build tbe Diet school boats
that was ever erected in tbe county. He
is a bachelor and bas no. relatives this
side tbe Rocky Mountains', but tbe "peo
ple otDrvden treated him as thoagb' he
wuastep laiuer w mem au. . ice
children were . never forgotten by . Mr.
Mills. He took great interest lo'tM
welfare of bia ne!ghlira and' visited
throughout tbe valley several times dor
ing each year, and bia visits w,re greatly
-appreciated ercily by tbe children and
yonrig people, for be was an accomplish
ed entertainer. . 1 be kind deeds ol sir.
Mills will alayt . be. remembered by
tbose with whom be wa srqqaiotpd aid
his name will ever be immortal wifh tbe
people of Dry den."" " '.'
Facts About the Maimer
Tbe McGee Ce. to J. T McGae '
lots 12,-7 and i in blk 5, swd ,
lota ' , b aud 6 la blk 13r in
Myrile Ceek. .10w) 00
J T MJee andltatb Mc'Gee
v h neiier lots z,t 4-aoeiTj nt ,t n
bat lS.brMtrtleCeMjwi.ji AVVt
C A Back man and-iWise -to i B -
Morris lot 9. .bik. I in Sonh
Vark addition, to Eoaeborg.i SO 00
W T Gillam and wife to Lottie
' AVootev one sere in tbe Sonth-
xripartet &osetgrg.:..i.T.. - 850 W
Mra Kate Med'ey to Annie r. .
Pearson Darrow krta-rj6,.J,. a.;. iit
blk C, B'own'a addition to :th .
K R a.Witioo of OikUnd. ..'.'J, tDO PC
8 aad Gay C HfiTrIan.)d j' ,
' Carle lot 2anl a part of lot 4, f ' '
. bik 1, 11 .mill on addition to .
Koeeburx ; also a part of lot 16 .
in blk 54 R R addition to '
Hoeeburg. 150 00
A'U Yonng and its to Sesan '
.anke ail of blk 23 in Oakland 500 00
Lnc Apple' to John Krnae
lot io b'.k 13 Yoncaila.. :. 50 00
Jf H.gau and ife to E H
Pinkaiun 4 acres in sec 8 tp
'it5,ft.,i.;.i 230 00
. , .. . .Tx Levy.. , -
Tli conntv "cobrCjaai before ad journ
ment last we-l, filed tbe tax levy on tbe
past year Vaeeeseoient f follows: -
State tax.:..M
School tax-tt.
iCoonty Us...
Boad tax
Indigent soldiers.
School lioranea..
...756 mills
...5 00
.. .9.09 -
..:3i "
... JR ,l
13 "
Years bave elapsed since 'the Maine
on a mission of peace, at rest in Havana
harbor, was blon to instant destruction
With the ship, there was lat a total ol
26C men and officers'. It wa tbia eveni
tbat ptecipitattd a war, the results' ol
ahicb bare been stupendous. ' Inere
was no restraining tbe outburst of furv,
and Spain was driven from tbe western
continent, ite prestige broken, while" the
Cnited St ites assumed a place amo"ut
natioDe aa a power. Incidental to the
war was tbe exlention of its possessions
lbs increase of its arm v' and tbeatrenKtb
ening Of lis nayy. Same of the old tra
ditions of excloeivenees were shattered
along with the fated Maine. A'new era
was given ioddn birth.' Tbat for ibis
country and for the nations of tbe globe,
this Will be a blessing, there is no reatoo
Ito question, ub this continent there
has been a tjpe of cfviTisition tba spread
of which would be a benison
Yet tbe exact cause of tbe wreck will
never be known. Some will believe
tbat' it wss sent to the bottom by the
Spanish, soma that tb Cuhans them
selves did it o as to impel tbe Ameri
cans to aid tbetn. Others wilt bold to
the theory of accident, either an inter
nal explosion or interference with torpt
does placed in tbe waters for protection
and fired without human dee igo.' In all
bis'.ory tbe episode a ill continue a mys
tery. If an txploftlon occored on board
it killed all who might bave told a toot
. ; If it was canard deliberately, lb
wretches guilty ol tba awlol deed awl
keep sealed tbeir lips.
Tbe wreck ol tbe Maine was tbe tnoet
important tragedy of tbe sea. ' Tbe
deaibe it caused - wsre numbered .by
thousands, wiua tbe list .not. compute,
It chanced tbe map ot tau. cotilintn'S
and brought under the ray of liberty mil
lions a bo sun biiak ln -ttie nnwon'ed
gleam, and with rode understanding
leel tbat an ill is beina dooe theo.,.la
years to totne tbey will know more, an
so will know better. Ex. 1
The complete line of shoes handled by the Sorosis Shoe Store
must be, closed out within the next 30 days regardless of cost.
Krippcndorf Dittmau Ladies SHoes, former price $350, - sale price, ... $2.90
Drew, Selby & Co. Ladies' Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price 2.75
Kast-Glanville Ladies' Ghoos, former price 3.50, sale price... .. . - - 2.65
Handberg Brothers Ladies' Shoes, former price $3.00, sale price 2.50
Sorosis, the popular Ladies' Shoes, former price $ 3.50, sale price '. "300
6ueen City Sadies' Shoes, former price $2.00, sale price - i-S
Little Red School House Shoes, former price $1.75, sale price... 1-5
John Meier Men's Shoes, former price $4.00, sale price A - 325
Smith Wallace Men's Shoes, former price $4.00, sale price 3. 00
George G. Snow Men's Shoes, former price $3.50, sale price 2.90
M. A. Packard's Men's Shoes, former price $5.00, sale price '. 375
Buckingham & Hecht Men's Shoes, former price $1.50, sale price - - 1.25
Men's Work Shoes from $1.00 to $2.50
Being compelled to give up the building, and not being able to secure
a suitable location, I have decided to close out mv stock of t?oods
....... ar
;- Oscar L.TriggB, professor in the
Chicago TJm veraity, says, poetry is
oat of date. 11- declares there is no
. great thought, no worthy emotion,
which may i.ot t-e better expressed
. in prose than in ver&e today. Verse
' was tbe primi'ive expression of man's
thought. Kbythui was the charac
teristic of its first crude literary ef
jforta. Homer, Daute, and Sbiks
peare cost their tbongbte and emo
tions ii verrfe because the metrical
form was the omy adequate methuii
f expression invented in their day.
.fcnlish prose has been developed to
the point, however, where it is a tio.-r
end more subtle instrument of wider
cope than Eunlibh vei-nv o P
ry's chief ext'Hse for beintf has been
destroyed. Literary troth is truth ' bt en
onRtnre. Poetry is artibnal
. . - - . .- - : 4-
Andy Uarurfrie bajtiually encceed
ed in arrangiiig Ibal $ll.(WI,a() gilt
Io Utcle 55am. The old man has
some nephews who are open to eimr
lar negotiations. !
' ' - : t
It is 6tatedihat Hobson, tbe herc
will resign bis commission in tne
navy and try to go la.CougrebaJryto
Alabama. , .
Onr neiKhbor on the . South, Jo
sephine county, bas a tax levy of 80
mills. 5 mills higher tbaa Dongtas
connty's levy. , I i . S '.:
The Crnde Rubber Company has
failed for $3,000,000, but tbe local
mbberbeiks are still rot'kfojr; '"over
- -
"The liberal ' party in England
seems to-be almost as.ld!y split p
as oar own dem oc rut i e party. . I
ipain with all its other troubles
bas a bunch of auarcbiet plots ii
deal with. " I 'A ' i
New Road Law.
Hrf'-r all road taxes ' must .be paid
in t ash, bile I be toad supervisor wiij
hire men and teams,- Jhrir wsges being
paid fi m tbe c only treaorr." A. cottn;
ly road master a ill be ip)-iinl d to have
general u,)ervision of the work, Iberebv
Kiting icsd.atik L(1 aprr.v'Bieni
a more connected eysietn. Tbe road
msslei will vlibull (O'lion of llie cuun
ly anil :onlfr lib II. u toiyiMirn as 10
apportinrimet t
Tl.e coin in ith-iooe.s' i'l appoint
ibs road ma star, pn-liably " al the Marcli
pierm uf rort. It bai bt indmated
tbai ibe uuif ouIii;.te (o I J-nr from
tbe lax pyerc in r(tt'd. to tbe appoint
! .. . Totd 25 QOmills
Tlie levy made one year 'ago lor tbe
1900 seeesement was; ' ,' .
8ue Ux . . A ..r .. .5.70 mills
ticnou! tar .' .-. . : ...5 00
Couniy tax .;;.'..,. ,.....85 "
lBdiganJdieri. c .20" "V
Slate scalp boonty.,-V..'.-.V.:. 5 "
Ji w ; Touf 20.00 mbla
Don't Forget to Read This.
Our fa!T and winter goods bave arrived
nd you will find bere tbe Jarxeet and
most complete line of drrsi goods, outing
flannels, fascinators, underwear, hosiery
blankets, curtains, cloaks, ''capes, etc,
Also Boxkmbam Hecbt, boots and
shoes, lubber goods,' oil clothing, over
coats, and a line of men and boys' clo'h-
ing that cannot be' beat. We also
carry miners supplies and a fresh and
cotnpttte stock ol groceries.' ''
Come and let na sbow you our large
amort ment and glv you 'prices. Oar
aim is 'to 'iciVrt-you good values ' and treat
you right. Uive ea a Utal.'. - ". .
- K, It. Marroos A Co., Biddla. Or.
We are also agents for the Oliver
Chilled plows and extras. ' (n4tf)
Will fleet Tonight.
The Roseburg Prohibition Club wilj
meet in tbe W. C.'T. U. reading rooms
tbia evening at 7 '30 o'clock, for tbe
purpose of organizing! A literary pro
gram will V rendered, and all interested
are cordially invited to attend.
.. ! Mas. Ida Mabmtkus,
: Ms. Jnookms Toour,
, Committee,
D on't Uki 11 he PWIipplnca.'
Private John C. Krause, of tbe Sixth
Ctvalry, now in tbe' Philippine! ' '
Pittaborg boy, and - ha 'cav givwa'' this
geography of tbe Ulands in . a letter
bom: "Tbe istawds arw a bundH of
trouble on tbe-western boris in. ' Ta
are baoaded on tbe west by boedoaisai
and stanggliog. oa tbe east by tvphpooa
and monjooos, on tbe north by . rocks
aud dwiructioo end ou . the aootn
canoibalatui and earibqoakee. . Tbe .eli
mate is a combination ot electric charge
specially adapted to 'raising CainV.fbe
soil is extrao dinary fertile in producing
Urge crops of insurrection and .trickery
Tbe inhabitants are vary industrioos
tbacbiel ocvnpalion beiog the masiug
of boloe and knives, and nn loading 'Rem
ington rifle , and cartridges .jfbelr
amuaemenU are oouk fighting and cheat
ing. The diet coo&islS ot . belled rics
towed rice, fried - rice- and ioa, . xTbe
Pbilipplns marriage service is very lm
pressive, especially tbe claaaa wlierei
the wifs can Obtain the privilege of work
togas mocb at .bar. husband -desires,
iianaa, tne targeei city, is ailuatnd on
beautiful Manila Bay, a large land-lock
ed body of water lull ol -disease, shark
and submarine boats ol Spanish-. aaaks
The principal exports pltba islands are
rice, irmp and sick soldiers. Tne- moat
important imports are Ametkua ioldie
arms, ammunition,. . brer and ; tobacco,
Commooicationa have ben establibbed
between the LOmeroua islands by cabsU
tutiog mosqoitoa for carrier pigeons,, the
moeqmt being much lager and better
able for the journey. Tbe native coetuois
consists f a Hour sack tied around the
waist, any thing under 12 years ol ags
waitss on til nt-xl" year.' '
rr?r :a -.' A
m i r- mmi
1 I r
Japanese napkius-
mi n akt i i r t bf. ts
Groceries and r
Glassware . .
Wall Papers
Eacli aad every article here priced are special value and
many are below aclual cost. Small lots, broken sets of
chairs' Many patterns which we shall not carry again.
in 1, 2, 3 and 4 roll kits to pattern
lar 2 cts., now 5 and 10 cts.
rer foaole roil, iwj mrur irci
ceiiing as low a 5 cent per roll. S-ial price on oar entire line of all
rairs. e will rwetve in Fehmary. the larj.n shipment ot u a.1 r ao
er ever shippoil K'bur. " All fresh and dirt frm factory if yoa
fail to ee us f-r Wall Papers, too mise an pp'-rtunitr ot seeing tbe vry
latent Kantern prvvlnctions. Ve are highly elated in securing so nice a
line at pruM which assure a of an immense paper holiness. Window
Shl- at low as 25 eta. each, all lines, only a few at this price, tbey're
regular ? eta. Shades. $)m sjiecials in Carpets, in fact, we have some
specials in everr line we carrv. Come in and see what we have set aside
for this Special Sale. Matting as low ae 15 centa per yard.
' J t : ' . -One-half
Cartad of Trunks. Valises and Telescopes, direct from
fartorr. SPECIAL days, this 2-inch Trunk, only 50, it
slls in Poriiin.l for J.75. We lead all competiiors on Trunks
an! Valim. Vl nnnrnw imlhin j i,rm (,ir tlii ml.lm.tnth.
Sto-k-es and Kanp-s. Cutlery and Carpet incln-led in tis sale. Cook Stove No 7 lor $7.50 ;
o 8fi.rfii.0O. I.elTOJmSuitforU.00. Best knives aod forks, 50 cents. C.t in line and
take advantage of this low priced Sale.
Will Arrive
Next Week
1 , V;
If Voir Have
a Sweet Tooth.
j,. Letter List..
. "n '-'-
Bern siting uccalleJ kf at tbe Poee
the nenJs ol i tie toada belore makii.c an t ttorg costomie. i
i St -' ;-1,
Eultman, Htny McGregor, N. E. ;
Barnes,. B.,' Keed, Mrs. M. GC !
Di'y. MtSi Alam Silanis'l, Lorancs
Ecleoon. Jli ff Wet, Miss Birdie
)PersOts cailioK lor tbase letter wll
f Mif-tete ttie date 'oi' which they are
advertised, Jao 13, 1902: ,.- ,.
Tbe letters will be charged for at the
i... .. . - ..I
iiuoubrniiri .ur . vt . vA'jrm ire, .
,r"'. It ie an iniporiaiit pis,iion atioscare-l
bears the deadly braui of iiibiuceriiv fo selection should -b .tujde.ogene rate af one cent each. 1
. -.1 v . i. -l .-.'. ' it-'i -a-.,-.
ISxpcrience Convinces.
rroTS its value by invetiting 10 cants, la
trinlsizaof Ely's Cream Halm. DrngyiiU
sujiplv it end we mail it. Full size 60 eeuta.
JiLY BHOF.., Ctt Warren Kt., Ksw Yk.
Clifton, Ariaona, Jon. .20, ItS'JS). ;
Moesra. Eli Bbos.: l'leaae send me a 50
cent bottle of Croam Balm. I find yonr
remedy tbe qnlckcRt and moat permanent
core for catarrh and onld in Uia bead. - (
DaixM. roTTEB, Gen.MgT. Ariz Gold M. Co.
Messrs. Fjlt Unnx.: 1 bars been afflicted
with oaiarrh for twenty years. It mads me
so weak I thought I had eonsnmption.
cot oca bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and
three days the discharge stopped. It is the
t best medioine I have nxed for catarrh,
j .'..?'. '' ".'J .-- .' . '-
. to-,the Candy .Kilchpn.'whew
Jon will fl'iH the free be I ant lxft
asoriment ol candles to the city
Call and see us "" -'
.--' . -
Title (JuaranteecsLoan Co,
J. D. Haii.t, ' I), o. Vumi.Ton,
riustlnt ', tvc;. a. id Ires.
OfBce In the t'oiirt Houw. Have theoulycom.
letesei ol anairaci dikiks in ifiuKian i wmiy.
bstraoUanat.eruncauM oi l ine iiirnisnwi hi
? lines in inu nmei"f ri; . vit-ku, ti. o.
not. Will make blaa print co.l ol anj town
ship show Inn all Tacant Ooyeiuuitut laiicla.
NoUrr puuuo in omoa, iuwurauva aaonia.
r i bouRlasoouuty land and mluiuR claims. Ha
I also a complete wt ol Traoinifs of all townul
In nlats In the Roselmrt:, Orptron, 0. K. IaiiiI fi
tTOOsna, tai. rx i. felHDLxarixx, comsponaonoe solicited, "' ll
Get Your Spray, Material at MARSTERS.
' v Roseburg, Ore.", Dec S, 1901.
State Chemist, Orejjou Agricultural College,'
Corvallis, Oregour .
Dear Sir We send you by this mail sample of sulphur taken from our
stock of spray material. Please make a careful analysis of same and inform
us if it is of such standard of purity that it will fill all requirements for mak
ing first class spray compounds. ,lf it is not sufficiently pure for such purpose
please inform us 'where we can obtain sulphur which will meet all require
ments, v - ,i: , ? Very respectfully,
- . - A. C MARSTERS & CO.
r a n m , o r- CojYallk, Oregon, December 12, tooi.
Mr. A. C. Marstcrs cc Co., . - - - y
, Roseburg, Ore. " -
Gentlemen: Your letter concerning sulfur and the sample of sulfur
have been received. . . '
I have examined this sample and find that it is almost entirely pure
sulfur. I think that it would answer the purposes very satisfactorily for
spraying compounds or insecticides. I think that if you have plenty of this
quality, or can get it, that it will be as good as any sulfur that we can obtain
for spraying materials. , .; 4 , Very truly vours
A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Drue-o-ists
p its for oi.
tiuaru. . , n A, raaisa, r. n,
" - ti i tf