The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 09, 1902, Image 3

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We arc redoubling our efforts to make the PEOPLE'S STORE
the most popular place for bargain seekers to make their head
quarters, as our tall and Winter goods have arrived and we are
selling them at a verj- low margin.
and we are selling them from
get them elsewhere.
Our Fall Millinery Stock of Street and
Walking shapes are the most up-to-date
styles that has ever been in the city before,
25 to 50 per cent, cheaper than you can
Our Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing are now in and one of
the latest and most up-to-date, and if you will step in and give
us a call you will be convinced that we have the most complete
and up-to-date line in the city, and yon will see that we can sell
you cheaper then you can get them elsewhere.
We are also sole
agents for
W- L. Douglas Shoes
and Monarch
11V JL WVpiV 2 V r
fC T t Ti. 4-
Monday evenioc, Jan. 61 P91 Coneol
Command it S. T.Jewett, installed the
iollowisg officere of Oak Camp So. 125,
Woodmen of the World : J ' n T. Long.
C. a ; Js. E. tjiwyere, Aviv. Lieut. ; W.
T.Wright, B.tkr; J. A Buchanan.
Clerk ; A. M. Craaf ird, Manager; G. J.
Eestou, Eecort; E. C. Gaddie, Watch
man; M. Fu-ile, Seotrv. The caoip is
making extensive preparations for Head
Cooenl Falkenberi's visit, February
the I2ih.
When yon are in want of a Cook stove,
teei range, Ueat;np stow, or any thing
in ihe line of Hardware, Tioare etc,
go to S. K. Syki 8nd get his prices and
yoa will go no farther.
TbeW.C T. U. meets Jan. 10L at the
Public Heading Room. Papers on to
bicco and cigarettes, will be read by
lira. Moore and Mrs. Eatrnm. The W.
C.T. U.'s met last week at the home of
Mrs. Acnes Fisher. A very interesting
and instructive meeting was held. Mrs.
Fisher served delightful re'resbmente
coaeieurgof cocjb, cakes and candies.
She was assisted by Mrs. Eiitb Chorea
AU work done by the Tale Gnaraotee
& Loan Co., J. D. Hamilton, manager,
ia guaranteed absolutely
etracte of titles are
properly made.
It appears as though it is a question
some times as to bow drnnk a -man
ehonld get before he is arrested and
. placed where he can sober op. We
would eoggest that when these drnoks
are drnnk euoogh to nee profane and ob
scene language on the streets, language
not fit for Deitber tteD, women or child
ten to hear, they are then drank enooh
m h mn in and fined and it should be
SitnonJ.s Cross Cot Sjws wi!l do more
work wilh less exertion and h-ild their
rnttinir edee looser than anv other
Brand. Bay them from S K. bykes.
Ihe latest railroid horror is reported
from Sew Yoik City. Two passenger
traioe collided 00 the X. Y Central in
the tonnel underneath the city. The
. a tea in pipes hnrsied aud many were li-
lrll cooked. Twenty-eight dead
bodies have been recovered.
In nrlv ali . lii:es Strong will give
necial bareains for 15 days to make
room for new zooJatht will commence
to arrive Jan. 15.
an lees
The K. O. T. M. lodge, of Roeebarg,
installed the following officer! last Fri
day night : li. W. Rapp, P. C. ; Wo.
A. Sovero, L. T. ; E. E. Blodgett, R. K. ;
Robert Robertson, chaplain; John
Rants, sergeant ; F. M. Tozier, M. A ;
Aeber Agee. 1st M. G.; J. S. White, 2nd
M. G.;S. W. Van rile, tentinal; Will
Marti o, picket.
Griffith's Bakery, near the depot, make
specialty of Wedding and Holiday
cake. They also keep a choice line of
Tne Modern Woodmen of America, at
their installation of officrs on Wednesday
evening, Jan. loth, will serve a tine
Ianch, after the business of the lodge is
concluded. An interesting, program will
be rendered and quite a number of out
siders will be .n vi ted to share in the jolli
I will willingly exchange any Simond
Cross Cut saw not satiifactory to neer,
if tbe fault ia in the saw. Sold only by
8. K. fcykes.
In J a slice Robinett court Taesday
morning tbe following civil action was
beard: Mrs Ann Com p ton vs. John
Jt?gv, in euit to recover money loaned
and for rent of rooms. Judgement
awarded to plaintiff by default for $00
and costs.
J. D. Hamilton has the only complete
set of abstract books in the county. See
tim at the Court Hoose, wben you want
abstracts of title.
J. I. Chapman, of Wilbur, was doing
business hero Tuesday. He baa been
handling goats tbe past year, but bad
more applications from purchasers than
be could supply at that time. Tbe
Plawdbalkb was favored with a sub
stantial business call.
Are von aware of the fact, tbat.wa
have tbe beet repairing department in
the city Flint's Shoe btore.
Tbe store of J. Nnoan in Jacksonville
was virited by robbers Friday night and
$15 in money and quite a supply of cloth
ine and handkerchiefs were taken. The
robbers were captured Saturday and are
now languishing in tbe county jail.
Yon can set 12 photo stamps and
nice ohota button (Unique) at laylor's
tent for 25 cents, notil after th e holidays
Mrs. J. Walls, of Elkton, spent a fe
rtuT in Roaebarc this week, a gu est of
the Misses Bell. Mrs. Wells condacts a
general merchandise store at Elkton,
and is possessed of many business,
well as social qualifications.
Bargains at Strong's Farnitore store in
wall paper, carpets and odd dining
chairs for 15 days.
o 0
n n
I Genuine Values g
Those of our readers who are looking
for trade bargains and appreciate fair
and courteous treatment are requested
to patronize the boeinees men whose ads
appesr in this paper. They are tbe
leading business men of Roseburg and
You can get 24 photo stamps for 25
cents at Taylor's photo tent, dntil after
the holidays only, dl9
Dr. and Mrs. II. Little, of Oakland.
aiid Mr. and Mrs. W. Kent, of Drain,
Attorney and Mrs. I. B. R-ddle, of Rid'
die, and John Weaver of Myrtle Creek,
were among the gavel at the Elks social
and ball in this city, Taesday evening
Ladies: Call at Flint's Shoe Store
and get a "Few Pointers," you'll be
Mrs. Hoack left Taesday on tbe morn
iog train for Portland to meet ber bus-
bind, Dr. Geo. E Hoack, who is return
ing home from New York, where be has
spent the past three months atlendi
medical lectures.
Preferred stock of canned good, high
est grade goods on market. Krone &.
Sewland s.
San Francisco's new Union Labor
Mayo-, Scbmitz. was formally installed
in othce Wednesday. Mny minor
changes in municipal officers occurred
the Union Labor Democrats being given
tbe preieraoce.
Special sale on high cut Ladies shoes
Harry M. Holdcn.
M. 8. Marks, the well known com me r
cial traveler of Portland spent the week
in Roseburg, the guest of relative and
frieuds and was in attendance at tbe
Elks splendid entsrtainment Taesday
See Salzmans upto date line of watches
Arthur Mahony is in temporary clur
of the Postal Telegraph Co. 'a office at
Medford, in tbe abeetice of Mias Carrie
George, tbe regular operator, who is
taking a lay-off Ashland Tidings.
Ovei-gaiters, leggios and rubber low
est prices at Flint's.
The owners of tbe Coast Mail have bt-
gun tbe publication cf a daily fd tioo,
which affords the people of Marshfield
vicinity a good, newsy paper. It b.-a a
telegraphic report.
Patent leather and box calf shoes for
Misses at Flint's.
Yesterday's sunshine and gloriously
pleasant weather was a genuine fore
taste of spring that it in hoped lubei-
quent weather will not dispel.
W. F. GUlam has suc-at-ded to lie
management of the grocery st we at
Winchester, having recently porcbnB?d
the stock and business from G. S. L ihey.
Mr. Gillam was a pleasant caller at this
office wbils trans acting business in this
city Wednesday aud Informed us that be
will keep a nioe fresh stock ol faiui'y
groceries which be will sell at very reas
onable prices. His store will be a great
convenience to the pecple of that vicini
ty and he should be able to build op a
verg good trade as he is a genial and
obliging gentleman with whom it is a
pleasure U transact business. He has
tbe thanks of tbe Plaindkaleu for kind
Any parties desiring to rent, buy or
sell real estate, city or country property
will do well to call on or address U. M.
Martin. OUiee with Attorney Ixmis Bar-
zee, opposite McClallen House, Koee-
burg, Oregon. 'J.
Judge A. F. Stearns, of the well
known Oakland firm of Stearns A Che. -
owetb, was transacting business in Row
burg Wednesdty and as usual favored
tbis office with a pleasant call. Mr.
Stearns Infomed us that bis partner,
Mr. Cheoowetb, want to Los Aogeles,
Calif,, Dec. 2oth, where be is spending a
season visiting with a brother.
Meat meal, ground bone, oyster shell,
dried blood all kinds of chicken fodder
at Churchill & Woolley's.
A.G. Holden.of Eagene, a brother o
Harry M. Holden, of the Soroeis Shoe
Store, is in town aud will assist bis
brother in the store for a few days. Al
is an old friend of ye editor and bis cordi
al hand-ehake and kindly greeting re
cads old times in Lane County and
South Douglas.
Lime and cement at very low prices at
Marsters' Drng btore.
Chas. F.Watson, a stockman of Glide,
was transacting business 10 Rosebnrg
first of the week, and was also a guest of
relatives here. Mr. Watson will in tbe
future, receive regalar visits from tbe
Twice-a-week Paikdialkb.
The Plaikdsalbb is ibe local butinees
man's popular advertising medium.
The work of tbe county court for tbe
January term was finished np Wedni
day evening and court adjourned. Tbe
list of tbe Jone election jadges and clerks
for the various precincts will be pub
lished Monday.
Nice fresh bread, assorted cukes, and
pastries of all kinds, at GriffiiL'a Bakery.
Mrs. A. Hill and son, Ralph, of Fruit-
vale, Calif., are guest of relatives in this
city. They were on their way home
from a three week's visit with Mrs.
Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Palm
er, at Eugene.
Northern Spy and Spitaenberg apples
at H. Marks and Co.
Y. W.C. T. U. MsimKo. Tue regular
meeting of the Y. W. C. T. U. will be
held in the M. E. church in tbis city
Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. All mem
bers are requested to be present' and
bring their friends.
Red albumen will make bens lay
Churchill & Wootlev sell it.
W. W. Kent, a prominent Drain mer
cbant, axompanied by bis wife, attend
ed tbe EUs Social Toeeday eveuing, and
were guests of Hon. and Mrs. J. T.
Bridges, returning to Drain this morn
ing. .
"Manns" bone mills lo grind green
bone Cburcbiil & Wool ley sell them.
Frederick Ward plays in Rosebnrg
Saturdav, January It, in Tbe Mounts
bank. Eagene is loo small a town
rather sbe bas only a shack, by coartety
called a theatre. Guard.
Silver novelties ol all deeigns at Salz-man's.
W. B. Clarke, tbe Millwood Naabv
wee transaction business in R-jeeburg
few days this week. He reports tbs
New Year dawning with bright pros
pects in bis section of the coanty.
Oats for sale, at Kruee & Nealand's.
Mrs, S. Simmons, of Portland, is in
tbe city for a few days on ber way f o
Riddle to visit ber daughter, Mrs. Ira B.
Riddle, after which sbe will spend a few
weeks in Los Angeles.
Mrs. B. Casey end two children return
ed to their borne at Dallas Wednesday
after a two weeks pleasant visit with
Mrs. Case) 'a parents, Mr. and Mrs, M.
Parrott, of this city.
Died BUy, wife cf Grge W. Whit
lit, rlld at I'rinsvllle, Oregon, Jannsry
1st, 1902, aged 36 ysars. - Be s ' llarliw
was married to Geo. , W. Wbitsett in
Missouri In 1871 ; came to Lane county
In 1875, locating near Cottage Gruvs,
where ihey resided nntil -October' of last
year when they moved to Prineville.
Mrs. Wbitsett was the mother of 14
children, 13 of whom survive ber, the
oldest daughter having died at tbe age
of twj years. All the living children
were at her bedside during tbe last ill
ness. 8'js liugered nine week, at times
rallying and giving hope for recovery.
JOo tbe evening of tbe last day of tbe
old year she woke from, a slumber and
said, "1 have been over the river ; I am
going soon. Don't be alarmed about me,
I am all right." Then fell asleep, not
fo awake in tbis world. Tbe fnneral
was held from the Methodist church
Rev. W. C. Clark, pastor, preaching the
funeral sermon. Eogene Guard.
Tbe breaved family bave many rela.
Uvea in this county , who will be grieved
to bear of the death of Mrs. Whitoett.
Joboie Boyd, who bas long been as
sociated with bis mother, Mrs. N. Boyd
in tbe grocery business in Rosebnrg, is
reported seriously ill at his home, his
many friends will be sorry to learn.
Ernest Riddle, a well-known orchard
man of Douglas connty, wss in Asbland
last week and went over to Coles, Cat
to examine some mining properties.
Ashland Tidings.
Supt. McCoy, of the Umpqua Valley
Oil Company, returned to Myrtle Creek
Monday, to look after tbe drilling oper
ations which are in progress near that
Mrs. Wm. Kopers, of Paodleton, who
baa been spending tbe past six weeks
with her sister, Mrs. W. Everett, return
ed to ber borne yesterday.
R. L. Weekly passed through this
section last wsek with 50 bead of beef
cattle for Geo. Kolheagan, of Rosebnrg.
Myrtle Point Enterprise.
Chas. Meed, postmaster, Pat Cowan
and Henry .Compton, all of Sulphor
Springs, tbis coanty ; were transacting
business in Rosebaic tbis week.
1 Atty. L B. Riddle and wife, of Riddle.
were in the city lew days tbia week in
attendance at the Elks social Tuesday
Dr. and Mrs. Cbeadle bave gone to
Los Angeles, California, where they will
spend about six weeks.
County Court Orders.
fbe report of viewer, on the Roberta
creek-Camas alley road came on lor
reading for tbe second time. Cyros
Smith appeared and claimed damages to
tbe amount ol 3o0. II. M. Martin. C.
J. VanzUs and Henry Scbrenk were ap
pointed viewers to ai-pratse tbe daman
claimed by Mr. Smith, and ordered to
meet at Roseburg tor this purpose on
rsb. lsu
Upon petition of A. S. Boell and 28
others, Mrs. Frank Mathewa, of Looking
Glass, was granted an allowance of 5
per month.
The resignation of J. W. Burse as so-
pervieoc ol road district .. 34. was ac
cepted, and RobU Blakely appointed to
nil tbe vacancy.
10 roed district o. tbe following
change in 'he noondery was made: Be
gimog at Nfc. corner of bee li, tp. 28 tv
K6 w.tnenceeonm IU miles, tbence
west mile, thence auuih to tbe North
Umpqna river, thence down the river to
township line between tpa. 25 and 26,
thence east on said line to NE comer of
Sec 3. tbence south one mile, east two
miles to place beginning.
- ihe loiiowinar boundary cnange was
made in load district No. 59: Begioinc
at N W corner of Sec 30, tp. 25 S. R & W
tbence eootb 2 miles, west 2 miles, so a lb
1 mile, east 2 miles, south 1 H mill
west yi mile, thence sooth to ths C mo
an 1 mer, theoca up said river to Sec
has between bees. H and Z3, tbeoce east
to SE corner of Sec, 13. tp. 28 8. R 5 W
tbeoce north 5 miles, west 6 miles to
place of beginning.
W.F. Davie was appointed road snper
visor 01 Dist. .o. to, 10 succeed J.
Wilsoo, resigned.
John tsrowa was a pdoi Died road sup
ervisor 01 district .o. 41 to succeed
Frank Mnlkey, resigned.
Louis Rapp presented s petition for
public road 30 feet in width, a gstewsy
through the lands of J P Anderson and
iaiPen u nnen. inoa. usococK, war
ren Cberer and A. J. Howard were ap
pointed viewers to meet at the residence
of Mr. Rapp Saturday, Feb. 1st, and
proceed to locate said road.
Good bargains in Dress Goods of all ' de
scriptions Also a few of the 50 per cent
discount Collarettes left. Largest and best
assorted stock of General Merchandise in
Douglas County at
X Told in Sick Heads
Dkati or Mas. Bcixsast. Mrs. J.
W. Barkbart, another of Mrs. Wm. Cor
ns, of tbis city, died at bar home la
Lebanon at 10 o'clock Monday Bight,
aged 3 years. Sbs bas bee Ul lor ever
a month sad as sbe became rradaeUv
worse ber dsogbtsr, Mrs. Corner, van
telegraphed for sbont ten davs ago, sad
bas since bee at ber bedside, kin.
Carrier's many frieads here wnite in ex
tending ber sympathy ia bar sad boar of
Arras Oil Wm- E. B. Brewer was
in town tram Myitis Creek Taesday.
HsJsportstbsoU veil having reached
a depth of over 60 feet and tas drill
la working In slats, making moch better
progress than ia the bard, tough rock
which wss first sswooniered. The) walk
ing beans sad fall equipment of dull
tools can soon be sUacbad and work wDl
tbea progress rapidly. Tbs machinery
thus laris givja good satlsfactioa.
' Foclxst Associatkw MsxTrsa. All
member of tbs easodatiaa araranaaat.
ed to meet at Slocaai's Hall Wednesday
at 7 JO p. m.)for tbs bearing of reports cf
officers for the past ysar aad slcdioa of
officer for the eosoing year. By order
of F. L. Calkias, President. -
Mr. aad Mrs. B. M. Byes aad two
ciuidrsa weal lo Oakland yesterday for a
lew days visit with frieads.
Geo. Kimball returned to Roeebarg
yssterday morning from a basin ess trip
to Sooth Dooglea.
Jae. Iaman, tbs Looking Glass Oil ex
pert, was uaaaactiag boeinees ia Rose
burg Wednesday.
Walter TooJey sad Edgar Long of
Roeeborg entered the Medford Academy
una week.
Miss Myrtle Lamb, of Wilbur, made
Kossbnrg frieads a brief visit thai week.
E. W. Riddle aal wits, of Riddle war
Koseborg visitors Taesday.
Miss Echo G add is weal lo Oakland
bis mornings train.
Now that tbe holiday ears over, bosineee does not abate at tbs
Rirhardtoa Mnsie Store besides ba.1 the pianos sad Organs we sell
are sever area in Roeebarg. We wowJd like to mention a Jew el (be
different Pianos we have bougbt aad sold sines ws have been ia bavt
aese, showing to tbe public that we are wU posted oa all tbs diSsr
sat makes of Pianos and know which is tbs best to baadla aad which
Rivss ths nest aaltfacuon.
Have sold Chickering, Steinway, Knabe, We
ber, Steck, Needham, Kimball, Behr Bros., Whit
ney, Htnzie, Haines Bros., Weser Bros., Vorc &
Son, Leicht, Shonsinger, Howard, Kingsbury,'
. Cable, Sherwood, Ludwig Allen & Son, Wing &
Son, Fischer, Walraven, Webster, Wheelock, "
Standard, Stone, Jacob Doll, Foley & Williams,
Swick, Opera, Hardman, Jewett, Mozart, Milton,
Swick & Co., Euterpa, Decker Bros., Decker & -Son,
and a number of other makes and we ought
to know just what kind of a Piano gives the best
satisfaction. We could give purchasers name amd
address, but space will not permit. ' ' v -
T. (. Richardson
T. R. W I Haass Struck By A Pfece ef
Beard st Leoaa Mills.
T. R, Williams aa emoiovee of the
Perkia& Bledtos Lemper O... st Leoti,
thai coonty. met with a frigblul accident
Tassdsy afiernoof. H was working at
the edge wben a txero of board ws
berled by tbe saw sir km him ia ths
left breast jae sbove the heart, piercing
bow longs aad lodging agint tbe right
shoulder blade. Dr. C E. Wads of
Drain, was ramssoaed end succeeded ia
extrication ths piece of board, which, up
on actaaJ a-easnramaat was foand to be
nearly eoe Inch aqaars sad elevea inches
long. Ths chance for ths injured maa's
recovery is considered hopeless, aad tbe
ks reaosred tbs more deplorable
from ths feet that be b a
npoa wboaa a familv is
was, however, oae of tboss
acrideote, the btams for which
lac had to no oae.
1 be at
For Ty pew 1 Mar.
If, ia the past yoa ist had treaties
with year typewriter ribbons, sane!
sample order to E. L. King, So. US Saa
aome Street, Saa Francisco, aad sssif
yon cast get a better ribbon for ssvaary
fivaeests than yoa have beea paying a
dollar for. 7 per dosea saw color aad
tor aay machine. . L. Kias,
Pacifies Coast GeoareJ Agent.
SIS Sansoms SU. Saa Fraacsxco. Sit
Gold peas, optical goods aad Dos rat air
spoons at alxmaas.
The Greatest Thing That Ever Happened
And we have made every one of them
sufficiently strong and attractive that
you can afford to come here after them
no matter where you live, a value
here is a genuine bargain. .
A large line of the new "Panama
Shape" soft hats for men in Black and
Colors, $2.50 and $3.00. They are up
to the present time. They will place
vou in line-with well dressed men.
Remember our Anniversary
is on. Sweeping reductions
all over the house.
Eemnants of everything from the finest silks to the cheapest muslins at your own price.
Jackets and Capes at less than wholesale cost.
On Ladies Purs the wholesale cost cuts no figure with us. THEY MUST GO
We will not carry any Winter Goods over if prices will move them.
f U n I ill