The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 06, 1902, Image 3

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    We are redoubling our efforts to male the rKOPI.K'S STOR K
the most popular place for bargain seekers to make their head
quarters, as our Fall aud Winter goods have arrived and we are
selling them at a very low margin.
X we are selling them
jv.t tuciu elsewhere.
Our Fall aud Winter toclc of Clothing are now in and one of
the litest aud most up-to-date, and if you will step in and give
us a call you will be convinced that we have the most complete
an.l up-to dale line in the city, and you will see that we can .sell
'ou cheaper then you can get them elsewhere.
cnTsefois.o s.ok. W.
The People's Store
f- - f -.-nv- rv -
Japanese napkins-
LA 1 1 i I I L ?!:Tt ;
Groceries and
Glassware . .
Read this...
For all kinds of Candy,
fresh, pure and harm
less, t)sters served in
any st le, call on ... .
1.1 r 1
Wholesale and Retail
- - Candy Manufacturers
Tbe Sr.rst ortn and mixcl can
dies. Fancy cakes ami Cookies.
Tobacco, Clears and K jU
in varied aK&tirtunnig all
oi the finest quality.
H. Little,
character aud good .reputation in esch
plate (one in this county required) to re
preeeut and advertise old established
wealthy busireee Looms of eoiid financial
Kaodinp. Hilary $18.00 weekly with
expenp" additional all payable m cash
each 'Wednesday direct from bead
cfQcee. Jlon-e aud carrisgea furnished,
when necewery. IMeretifes Enclee
peif-addreesJ etamped envelope. Man
ager, 316 Caxton Loiiding, Chicago.
12 Jl.
1 u m nn
v iv I kiul
ULI U 111...
Fruits and Vegetables,
'PHONE 671.
Our Fall Millinery Stock of Street and
Walking shapes are the most up-to-date
styles that has ever been in the city before,
25 to 50 per cent, cheaper than you can
L. Douglas Shoes
) r
Of Local Interest.
The new brick two Btory restaurant
and railroad eating boaee of Jasper Wil
kin", opposite the depot, ia now com
pleted and finely furnished throughout.
Tbe second flxr contains many nice airy
noma elegantiy famished and which af
ford very convenient and desirable
quarters for those seeking lodging at
reasonable prices. Mr. Wilkin' tables
axe supplied with tbe very beet the
market afford, and meals are served
on ebort notice at all boors, as well as
freeb oysters in any style. Lunches are
also pot up on short notice and tbe pub
lic ia assured of good set vice and accom
modi t ods when thev patronize this pop
alar retUnratt and lodging hooee.
Oo accoant of tbe irregular surveys ol
many of tbe townships in tbe Koeeborg
land district, t is almost impossible to
locate stction corners witbont a copy of
the Government survey. Frank E Al
ley, A tVtr,i tx of Ibis city, has a com
vlria ret o' tracings of all surveyed town
ships, and will famish bine prints of
same, (bowing all vacant land, at $1
President Orcntt, of tbe Central Ore
gon State Normal School at Drain, spent
Saturday in Roeeburg looking alter busi
ness inatUra and making tbe acquaint
ance ot our citizen". Prof. Orcott in a
pleasant call on tbe Plalsdbalkb, report
ed a very interesting and successful year
tbus far at the Normal. Tbe attendance
is larger than osual there being a good
representation of students from neigbr
hiring counties enrolled this jear.
The Central Oregon State Normal is
gtirinz prestige every day and is taking
rank among tbe very beet educational
institutions ot the state.
It is an old axiom that "bread is the
staff of Ufa" but this depends somew bat
on its quality. Tbe fine cream and
home made bread made at J. Siever's
bakery on Jackson street near Cass never
fails to please. A nice variety of pastries
also kept constantly on hand.
Bay less A Stermer, proprietors of the
Roeebu'g Cafe and Restaurant on Case
street near tbe depot, have jaet fitted np
neat new boxes for the accommodation
of dining parties, in tbeir establishment
and are prepared to serve tbeir patrons
promptly and with the very beat in the
market. Freeh oysters are served in
any style, and meals and lunches at all
boars. You would almost "leave your
happy borne" to board at Bay less &
For Abstracts of Title, guaranteed to
be fail and correct copies of all records
effecting the title, call on Frank E. Alley
npetairs in tbs Marks building. Hie
work Unguaranteed correct, ana prices
are reasonable. .
A crowd ot young and old people while
charivaring A. A. Fuller, a life insurance
agent, and his bride nee Mrs. Norton,
at Empire City last Monday night, were
made a target by the ill-natured groom
aod one of the party, Andrew Peterson
received a full charge of No. 6 shot 101
in all in bis thighs. H is not fatally
injured. Mr. Fuller's version of the af
fair is that he (apposed Lis cartridges to
be all blanks.
If you want tbe best ami most health
ful bread von will us our "cream" and
"home-made" bread. Foil weight
loaves. Our pastries ill also be found
very palatable. Give ns a trial, J.
Sievere, Jackson street uear Cats.
In our last ibsue we neglected to state
in refrrnce to the New Year ball that to
Will F. Ltweon is due the credit for the
oniqae locomotive which appeared from
an improvised tannel on tbe stage at
tbe opera bouse at tbe appointed hour
bearing tin fjgiiresof the new year 1902
on the number plate of tbe engine .
Boots and
Prompt Delivery.'
and Monarch
No actor who comes to Portland ie
more welcome than Mr. Fred Warde,
not oecaose ot any transcendent genius
he poeeeses as actor or producer, bat be
cause of his conscientious methods, bis
almirable character and his lovatle per
sonality. It is to be hoped be brings ns
that beautifal play "The Mountebank"
this lime nncnt, says Sunday's Oregon-
ian. Mr. Wards will appear at the
Roseburg theater next Saturday.
When you are in want of a Cook stove,
bteel range, Heating stove, or any thing
in tbe line ot Hardware, Tinwhre etc.
go to S. K. Sykesand get his prices and
you will go no further.
A student who has paid some atten
tion to tbe matter says that the amount
of money that each student spends dor
ing the year ranges troin $150 to as high
a foOO. A very low estimated average
he thinks is $2u0 each. At tbe ra'e tbe
4-50 students at tbe college m&st spend
something like fO.OOO a year in Corral
lis. A good school is a valuable acqniei-
tion to any town. Corval'.is Times.
All work done by the Title Guarantee
A Loan Co., J D. HkuiUqi, manager.
is guaranteed autolately correct. Ab
stracts of titles are woitbleca nnlese
properly made.
. C. Conner, editor and pabiieber ol
the Roeebarg PLAisDKALkK, was ia the
dove a few days last week visiting re
laliyes aod friends. He wore new store
clothes, was beaming in smiles aod bis
hearty handshake bad the trne touch
ah wnicn goee to show that w. u. ia
holding his own if not j-iat a trifle ahead
for a starter on tbe new vear. Bohemia
Simond s Crom Cat Stw wilt do more
work with lees exertion and hlj tbeir
cutting edge loogar than aov other
Brand. Buy tbeoi from S K. Skes.
Mefrs. McGbehey A Kirkpst ick, tbe
depot grocers have moved into one of the
store rooms of the new Troxel brick ad.
jjiog tbe Wilkios restaurant while Chas
Harmon has opened his raloot ia the
other room one door roa'.b. Both firms
bare fitted op their respective qaartrrs
in fine shape and both now Lave neat,
commodious quarters.
T I - -
in nearly an lines strong will give
special bargains for 15 days to make
room for new good tbit will commence
to arrive Jan. li,
Hon. C. A. Sablbreds returned to
Roseburg Friday from Mynle Creek
where be went to look after come min
ing interests. He delivered a very in
tereeting lecture at the Christian church
Sunday evening on the subject of Alaska,
its people, their customs, he having
spent several years in thst country
where be traveled extensively.
By calling on J. D. Hamilton at the
Koeeborg com t house you can get blue
prints of any section or to snt hip in tbe
iwituurg tan l aiatricc.
Miss Laura E. Jones, tbe Plaindeal-
kr's city editor accompanied by her sis
ter, Mrs. W. C. Conner, will arrive borne
tomorrow from Portland, where tbey
have speat tbe past few days on business
I - TTT ... . .
auu pleasure. t one mere tbey were
tbe guests of tbeir old friend, Condactsr
and Mrs. 6am P. Veatch .
Griffith's Bakery, near the depot.mske
a specialty of Wedding and Holiday
cakee. They also keep a choice line oi
R. K. Montgomery, aeent at Glendale
and t rank fcxo.t, agent at Riddle, bave
been at the auditing office in San Fran
kibuq receiving instruction in tLe new
Union Pacific eyetex of keeping accounts
These two begiu the New Year by in
trading tbe other agents along tbe
route. Ashlan 1 Record.
Nice fresh bred. asmrteJ ciksa. and
pastries of all kinds, at Griffith's Bakery.
Airs. W. K. iStzzjlI is quite ill at ber
borne oo Deer creek near this city.
Ben F. Lntir pnsseuger brake man on
trains Nos. 15 and It) and 0. W. Ballard,
brakeinan on Nos. 11 aud 12, UjiIi run
ning between this place and Koet a
have resigned, as have also M sr. J.
M. and F. W. Doty, running on the
same trains bet veeu it whurg mi I Port
land, and their ni" urn hiille inerl for
bids. Ben Lohr has been iu ttio passen
ger service on this division for I or 16
years and was nn board t' e ti -i train
which ever ruu into Ashiaud as couJuci
or. He owns a ranch near Roteburg to
which be will probably devote I..B entire
tantiou. A eh lai.d Tidings.
I will willingly exchange any Simond '
Cross Cot saw not satisfactory to OBer,
if the fault is in tbe saw. Hold only by
S. K. Sykee.
Tbe recent iction of the c'ty c Unci! in
increasing the business license does not
lend lo promote the growth and business
ei paneion of our city, bat retard it. Tbe
license in many reaped la discriminat
ing and in others exo bitant acd nhould
have been equalised rather than in
creased. J. D Hamilton has tbe ouly complete
ot ol abstract books in the county. See
iiu at tbe Court House, when you want
abstracts of title.
The city council's "Happy New Year,"
to the local papers : "Publish tbe coun
cil proceedings 'as a matter of news,' tbe
treasurer's notices at half price aod pay
city license 33 1 percent higher than
last year." runny uomment un
. mm a
necessary !
Childrens two wheel red carta 15cta
bovs stsel wagons from f 1.00 to o.00,
oen rrope.ier wagons etc., at Churchill
A Wool leys.
In tbe Oregon Poultry Sbow at Port
land last week Roy McClallen, of this
city, was awarded tbe second prize for
Black Langtban pullet. This ism fine
showing for Douglas county, considering
tbe large number ol choice birds on ex
You can eel 12 photo stamps aod 1
nice pbota button i Unions) at Taylor's
tent for 25 cents, until alter tbe holidays
Geo. W. Catcbiog, of tbs Booth, Kel-
ty Co., who baa been spening tbe holi
days at bis o'd borne at Riddle is visiting
bis daughter Mrs. (9 race Flook in Rose
burg and will toon return to the mills.
We acknowledged a pleasant call.
Are voo. aware of tbe tact, that we
bare the beet repairing department in
the city Flint's Shoe Store.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilkina, tbe old
pioneers, who reside in Eugene, cele
brated tbeir 67ih marriage anniversary
Christmas dav. Tbey were mariied in
Missouri, coming to Oregon in IS 17.
Mr. Wilkios ia ovsr 83 years ot age.
Bargains at Strong's Furniture store in
wall paper, ear pen and odd dinine
chairs for 15 days.
Tbe First Congregational Church of
Portland will soon be without a pastor,
nnlese a suitable successor to Rev. Ar
thur W, Ackerman, tbe present incun .
bent, is found. Dr. Ackerman has ten
dered bis resignation.
You can get 24 photo stamps for 5
n's ai Taylor's photo tent, until ahr
tne holidays only. dig
My fine stock of Boots
and Shoes most hecloMHl
oat in lbs next 30 day.
Here's the place lo get
BARGAINS in Footwear
Leo Cannon. Robt. Hunter, Vern
Uarpbam, Violet and Lillian B own re
turned to Drain Saturday to resume
fieir studies in tbe Slate Normal fc tool
after spending their holiday vacation at
LaJics: Call at Flint's Shoe Store
and (.et a "Few Pointers," you'U be
Msny of our merchants are busy lakiog
stock for the new year a-id all report 9
larger bosinse than otual daring Ibe
past year and ar preparing lor another
increase in trade daring the eosaing
Preferred stock of canned roods, high
est grade goods on market. Kruee A
Newland s.
Misses Nellie and Leon Perkins are
spending a few days with Roseburg
riend. Mim Nsllie is tb afficienl
bookkeeper for the Leon Lumber Mills,
sod also assistant postmistress.
A Take-down 22 bovs rifle onlv liJiO
vuurcuiu a nooueye.
1 11 . ... . .
Me-srs, Cloyd A Brown, of tbe Sunset
grocery, bsve improved aod remodelled
the interior ot tbeir place of lu tineas and
bave added an additional stock ot fin
fancy groceries to tbe shelves.
Churchill A Woolley the stors that
has tbe beet goods.
Mrs. F. A. Denny and children moved
from Hornbrook to Rjeeburg Tueeday to
make their home, Fred now being tin
ployed firing out of tbat place for tbe S.
P. Ashland Record.
Special sale on high cut ladles shoes.
Harry M. Holden.
Hou. A. R. Mat'ojn, the enterprising
Riddle merchant was transacting bosi
nee at the county seat Friday and favor
ed tbe Plainoxaxkii with a substantial
business call.
See Salsmsni upto date Una of watcht-a
and jeweiery.
Misses Djrothy and Mayme Dixon
rnioroeu ui uruo cunaav to resume
1 I.. T-V f ., .
tbeir studies in the Normal Schwl, bav
ing spent tbe holidays with horn folks,
Over-gaiters, leggio and rubber low
est prices at Flint's.
Geo. Protzman returned borne from
Junction City last week and reports that
bis wife who bas been very ill at that
place is slowly improving.
You should see that elegant "Meridan"
cut glass at Churchill & Woollsys.
The United Brotherhood ot Railroad
Employe gave their first ball la Rose
burg New Year's eve. It was a succeet
ful affair. Ashland Record
Patent leather and box calf shoes for
Misses st i lint's.
Lee Thornton returned to tb O. A. C
at Corvallis Sunday to resume his studies
after enjoying the holidays with horns
Northern Spy and Spilxenberg apples
at n. marks and Vo.
Roseburg merchants generally report.!
good business last year. Tbe prospects
are good lor a better one this year.
Lime and cement at very low prices at
Warners' urut More.
Oats for sals, at Krose A Nwlnd's..
Fred J. Blakely, o( Roseburg, secre
tary of tbe Oregon Boom nd T mber
Co., with his attorney, tbe II m. iVxter
Rice of the same place, paid our county
a bueioees visit in tbe interest of tbeir
company. Tbey made apti-tion to
oar cleik to file on an unmu-lgahle tribu
tary of Coos river nnder an act of our
last legislature. There being one filing
on record covering the same stream, the
clvik refund to tile Uiin-Mrouit applica
tion. The parties will pr bebJy apply
to our circuit court for adj 1 linent of the
matter at the next Ui in. Coqmlle
Geo. R. Riddle, of th well known
Grants Pass hardware firn , ia spending!
tbe day in Rweborg, making bis final
report and settlement of the estate of
Johu Catching, deceased, of which es
tate he is administrator. I le reports con-
eidorble mining activity about Grants
Pat and very satisfactory t usiness con
ditions. The Plainik.ilkii was favors!
with a pleasant call.
In about thirty days the lease of Harry
M. H olden will expire on the building
in which he has bis Soroeis Shoe Store
installed and at which time he will be re
quired to give possesion, a .d being nn
able to secure another room suitable for
bis business he is compelled to announce
a closing out sale. Mr. Holden has
built np a good business here and this
unfortunate state of affairs is to be
grestly regretted.
Archie Leonard, the efficient stenog
rapher the in Chief of Police Depart
ment, ol Portland, is spending a lew days
visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G.
Leonard, of this city.
Rev, W. W. Davis, ol Albany will con
duct services at the Baptist church next
week. The present week is being ob
served as prayer week by that church.
Dr. L. W. Brown, of Eugene, was in
tbe city Friday, leaving Saturday tor bit
borne to attend Miss Dement, who de
parted tor that place for treatment.
Root. Eccieston formerly ol Ruckles,
tbii county, write concerniug bis
I'laixudalxb from Fresno, California,
where be ia spending tbs winter.
And now we bear ol a cigarette beetle
which destroys cigarsttee. It generally
has a vacant star and parts its hair in
the middle. -
A. B. MoU, Oakland; Win. Perry,
Roseburg, aod B. Isinhoot, of Alene will
ead in ruuxosaLga daring tbe eus-
ng year.
Jes. Devlin, an esteemed Dnglaa
county pioneer, who reside at Brock-
way is transecting business in Rseba rg
Many more otour subscribers than
asual are sUrtiog in at tbe opening ol
tbe nsw year with paid np aubscriptiotia
In lb Nsw Year issue of Ibe Oregon-
tan lion. U. a. K. Baick writes no
Doagle county very interestingly.
In City council convene ia regular
moolhly session thia avsning. Import-
sot basin will bo transacted.
Hon K. A. Bootb t able to be on tbe
street again after his protracted illness.
Eugene Register.
lt.j.. oooca, aeniiet, will be in
n . f . ...
Oakland for afew days.commeociog M o
d ty Jaauary 'JOih.
M. W. A !dricb be opweJ a resUar-
eat opposite the Rojeburg Water A
l-iht Co.' office.
Dr. Little of O.klanl was transacting
business in Roseburg the later part ol
last week.
WjfkU tha Coaaty Court.
10a meaner ol the Djoglas county
court are now in the midst ol their ds-
tie. Tbey bave coocIudeJ the iurv list
those for Ibe year and for the January
term and ar now engaged in examin
ing tb report of viewer on the new
rooty roads. Tha following action was
taken: "Tbe report of viewrrs ol tbs
Drain-Eiktoa road waa read the second
Unie, also tbs report of appraiser of
lamage ot said road, and it appesring
that the newer assessed the damaso of
W.Gardinarat 3o0, that ot J. U
Mocker at $125 and that of R. E. 8tocker
1 1 15, it Is therefore ordered that said
road be opened when Ihe petitioners pay
said damsg."
he port of viewer on Cow Creek aod
ReoUn Spar road read second time
Viewer report favorable and road order
ed opened.
Saturday was taken np by ths eoort in
examining and auditing bills.
ToJay road matter war taken np
again asd th report of viewers on
Windy Creek road was read the second
time and reported favorable. No dam
age claims appear. Ordered tha said
road be opened as a county road.
Following is tb list of jurymen drawa
lor th January, 1902, term ol court:
E, Brothers, Roesborg farmer.
F. A. McCall.Rotebnrg. farmer.
A. F. Brown, Oakland, merchant.
S, W. Vaosile, Roeebarg, laborer.
J. B. Mackay, Oakland, laborer.
Ewell Barker. Oak Creek, farmer.
W. R. Neas, Oakland, farmer.
R. L. Stephens, Oikland, farmer.
B. A. Stewart, Canyon ville, farmer.
' W. W. Scott, Cleveland, farmer.
' Eno Wall, Glendale, merchant.
' Ben Butler, Scottaburg, farmer.
J. W. Spalding, Drain, drayman.
T. J. Alexander, Olalla, farmer.
H. Pettit, Camas Valley, farmer.
Horace Marster, Roseburg, merchant
C. E. Marks, Roseburg, farmer.
B. 0. Ague, Winston, farmer.
C. A. McNabb, Calapooia, farmer.
J. H. Clements, Glendale, farmer.
E. D. Day, Canyoovllle, farmer.
Cbas. H. Allsn, Looking Glass, farmer
, T. K, MuCoKum, Kellogg, tanner.
Geo. W. Shrum. Glide, farmer.
C. G. McNeal, Elaton, farmer.
A. S. Phillips, Yoncalla, farmer.
Lewis Sbepard. MyrtU Creek, farmer,
F. M. Simpson, Drain, farmer.
G. W. Sandsrs, Drain, merchant.
W. F. Seals, Yoncalla, farmer.
John F. Mathews, Melrose, faimer.
In all Its itairts thst
should b deanUMM.
Elj's Cream Balm
cleacm.toothc and heals
the dlMaaed tncmbrao.
It oarca catarrh and drWca
away a cold la lb head
Cream Balm It placed Into tha noatrlla, tpraads
rer tb saembran and la absorbed, lteilaf la tar
mediate and a cure follow. It la sot drying dots
ot prod ace eneealng. Large SUe, SO ohiU at Drug.
riiti or by Bail ; Trial 8tae, IS ceata by auIU
SLT BUOTOERStW Whim 8Uil.Hew Torkx
Of somo suitable Xmas Present for some friend or
relative? If so, we can help you by a sugges tion or
two which should be valuable to you.
For a Gentleman
A Cue Muffler, Necktit, Suit, Overcoat,
Pair of Shoes, Silk Handkerchief,' or
something In the Furnishing Goods
line, makes a handsome as well as useful
Or if you desire to make Fancy Work, Handkerchiefs, Point Lace Work, etc., we
have a full and complete line of Battenberg and Point Lace Patterns, Braids,
Thread, Handkerchief Linens, Footing, Edgings, etc. We sponge and shrink all
Dress Goods by means of our spotless Steam Sponger, thereby insuring the wear,
fit an color of any pitce of Dress Goods, for 5 cents a yard.
Told in Side Heads?
Plaucobalxb's Taarsun CoucrroB.
8. C. Bartrnm baa accepted tb posiiioti ,
of UaTlio solicitor and repreeentaiiTs
of tbe Twice-a-Week PLaisrcsaLt and
will visit erery precinct in the eonU at
an early date, doly aotboriied lo recsrir
and receipt new sabscribers. ul d
old aocoanU, receipt eld snbacribw for
reoewsls, solicit all kinds of job printing
and transact any and all bosi nee con
certed with the paper. Uwill present
some splendid dabbing rat with other
paper which will be of latere to all
newspaper reader. Mr. Bartrnm is
strictly reliable Rentlemaa, yosstsssi of
many sterling qialiti, with whom th
people wih fin J it s pleasure to transact
bosines. Any faTor or coorteai
tended him will be appreciated tb
as if attended lo ye editor.
Nsw RoesBcau Biizar. fernc Mc-
ceeamg Mrs. Uomstors. ia tb bakery
bosi usee, Carl Scbcenrsteln, who was re
cently borned oat oo Jackson street, bas
opened hi' -Roeebarg Bakry"ia nis
y acquired quarter and ia better. au-
lisbad and prepared than tt to plea
it many oia ana new rpstroa, A f o
new oTsn waa plaoed ia hia tbfiah
nem last week by CbarchlT. A Woolley.
10 main room Da rt alamd andf
th bolldioc completoly reoo rated, which
rur, oat conrtnodioaa uoartar.
Mr. Nttnearstsm UL keep const antlr on
naua tb bast bread, ptM and naauiew
oowinaoi in u city and aolieit th
sams liberal share ol patronage former
ly accorded bin
Bewssss Okajiob. CUod B. Cannon
has socccded to tb management of
thexity news stand having porchased tit
bosin from L. Lao gee berg. ltrXaonoo
ia a well known Boaebnrg bow, bat bas
spent tha past two years in tb ens torn
service at Kodiack. Alaska. Hi ia a
very Mlimabis and worthy yoong man,
a good bnaineas manages and thr i no
donbt bat what be will make a nccea of
hi newly acq aired basines. which II r.
Langenberg ha aatabliahadl oa a nrofis-
abl basis. Here's whinr tha mm aa
well a the old manaremeat. socos
snd prosperity lor tbe new year.
Fob 8 alb Two yoong coons, mala
and female. Inqnis of LaNoir Ran
dal, 1017, Mill St.. RoMborg, Oregon.
W. C. Winstoa, th Winston fruit
grower, is transacting basins in town
At Norman, of Grant Pass, 1 absklnr
namis with Koseborg frieads today.
Tb real estate man' boy describe a
wis man a on who know lota.
Th Plain dbalbb'b Glendale o beer lo
tion list i growing rapidly.
Sl noTs!UB.otall deoign at Bal.)Gallcry 50 cts.
For tho next 30 days we will
cent discount on our entire
furs, including
A Magnificent Ilnt3. Gome and Sec Them.
What could be better than a handsome
Collarette, Cape, Cloak, Lace Collar or
Dress Pattern?
Tbe FaUl Revolver.
It is soggested with aotn degree, at
Wast, at rsasooablensss, that tb niann-
factor and sal of rsvoltwr sbonld I,
If not ptohibited, at least piscad under
swvere reatrietioos. Tbe rraton for thi
argnmajnt is not far to seek. Tbs revol
ver ittb waa poo of mnrder, designed
for tbe porpoee. Tboofb eomftime
nasi ol Jor porposea of self, it is
tha weapon of brawls snd bloodshed and
b littl respecubl use. If a nan
gws bontiog. bm takes a rifle. For 9re-
tsrtioo ayaintt borglais or boo break
wtb, a ab4-gan is worth a diirn revot
vers. Its prime as i to shout human
beings and no ether game.
la tb bett of a qoarrel, an ill bal
anced Inoivtdual find pistol in bis
pocket, shoot bis adversary and to
come slayer of bis MIowmsB. Tb
iSToWer make tragic an occasion whicfa
witbont it woold bav been only ridicn
loas. Fx.
l"EABCE. At tbe horn ol ber daugh
ter, Mr. John MrRaaa, oo Deer creek
Satordav, Jan. 4, Mr, llartba
Pearc, aged 67 year.
Deceased waa aa Oregon rooeer, hav
ing torn to ttua stale in anl set
tled oo a I arm near Philomath, Benton
coonty. Later she moved to Dmis
noooty. 8b leavve cne s- n. W. A.
Pearc, and on dauphiaw. Mr. John
MrK-MH. lu rsnwrn her dth, her bo
had having diet! m nnmbrr of yetr ao.
Tb lurwal f-rv,oM wens lae' l KnnOav
t on o'clock, with Lariat at ibe Mason
ic ceasetery near Koeeborg.
FngaeiDent of
Eminent Actor .
mr ii
who will preeent here
his greatest success . .
"The Mountebank"
With a grwtt cast, including
Charles D. Herman, Barry
Johnstone, Misses Antoin
ette Ash ton, Virginia Drew
Trescott, May Warde, Ail
een Bertelle and 15 others.
Flat, $1.00.
1 C
a Lady
The S
Store X
Csctv Wastid. Tb T. 8. Townaeasl
Creamery Co. at 41 Set on I ., Portlaad,
will pay highest market price for ersenu
Will sell yoo Cresm &paratorrKd takt)
yonr cream in payment. 031tZ.
Gold penj, optical good aod Sotrrwmr
spoons at Saitmaa'a.
Notice for Publication.
CBlle4 States Land Oftt.
aeivt, Orecva. Ja. , 192.
CiAkx la hereby glren utat in ctrapUaar .
with itae proTiiu oi tbe act oi Coacreaa oi
Jane 1. 1 . eoaUed "Aa act tor tee aa1
timber land in Lac staw. o( CaJtiorni. Orraron.
Nrrada. and a.h.orua Temtnry." aa rxlxA
ed ta ell Ut fnbiie Land elates by act ea Aaz
Data. -'r.
of Leland. couatr f oerpbi ae. etaw ol Omma,
haa Utra day Sial in Ihia office aia rmrl ta
sent a iy6. lor lb parcaaae ot the Lots I
ma-l 2. and tv-, SP. of aertioa Net X toeraabrsi
Si 8. rnr wm. and will oder proof t ekow
Uiat ine iaad eonrht u Bore Taluabie) lor tt
limoaotrum Uiao Inr acncnlwrai lei ifrars
and to fau cIaib to eaid land betare
(tie Briatrr and Errirer of tate ofltc at Sea
bare, umran, on Taeadar. the lai day M
Xurh, 1C Be nainea a Trilnri ece. M. H.
Brockmaa. of Lcland. Orroa. tieorrc Baaai,
Botort krt'ttlioaga, Henrj atnsletoa. of Bnei
bore. Or ion.
Asy and all pTMot claimln sdeervdy tha
ahote oVarnlwd iaDla arr rcaested to Si
their claim in thia office oa or befrire eaid KtA
Say oi March. J. T. BRIDGE?.
Title Uuarantee&Loan Lo.
i. D.
Secy, aa T:
OtBce t the Coort Bnosa. Hare tha eo'y eats
p4ee art of aL,'rt booca ta Doomtm (eaiy.
Abetrartaand CeruticaM of TiUe tarn laced to
Dratr'.aarDaaif lal and aiiaiacclaiBa. Havw
aim a compiet t oi TtbcIbc of all lownatv la (be Kneebara. Oraroo. U. S. Laad Dia
tnct W ui BMke bae print eoptea of aay towa
ah:y ahem ins a J Tacan t 6to nateat Iraada,
Srr pobiie in office, laemraace afeata.
Comapoodeooe eoUciled. . ilt
Raised Seats, $1.50
give a 20 per
line oi ladies