I ' Th Twice-a-Veelr. Rascburg Plaindcalcr Puoltaaed Moudays and Thumlays. RjUNDEALER PUBLISHING CO. V. C.Cosxeu, Editor and Publisher Lacaa E. Josks, City Editor, Solicitor. AiorsT J. Kkante, Foreman Twke-a-Veek PUindcakr, per year, $1.30 Kutered at the Post Office in Roseburg, Ore., as second class mail matter. Advertising Kates on Application. Ul aaLlTlKU TO KWsr"B SCBSoairrlOK. Acrdinr,4ouie of the latest laws iit-wnpa-nrr itibliiben may canse individuals woo litkr - -... 4 1 .A lw arrMiti .l a lM.fr. f .uu reiusi , iv .w for frau.l. t'ml.w ihla ruling, aluo, anyone who allow, hi surwcnptiou to run a'oug lr a time nil aui ihen orietxit dweoutiuuvd, or or aers the postmaster to mark it re (used, or cuds a pnattt rtm u me puotisnera in nauiu res and tine the same ai lor theft. Clubbing Rate We hare arranecd with a large number ol papers aud magazines lor rates which will give to our subscriber two publicaUons tor a slight advance orer the cost of Tat Plaikoeals alone. Following it a partial list: Twit-a-a-Wasa Plaiisdkalu and the Toledo Blade ,. 1 7i New York Tribune.. 1 "s Qregonian - . 2 01 8. F. Bulletin t 8. F. Call ' 2 ' Rural Northwest .- 1 JANUARY 2, 1902. The year just closed was a pro- . perous one for Roseburg and Dong las ooantj. This city experience! unprecedented building activity and besides acquiring two complete and modern electric and water works sys terns, seyeral large new brick build 'ings were erected including the new tbree-Btcrr McClellan hotel, while new commodious cottages and rem dences sprung tip on every hand, reaching a total for the year of near ly one hundred. The growth and advancement of our city during the ensuing year promises to be ever greater than for the year jast closed. Among the early substantial im provements will be the grading, graveling and permanent improve ment of oar main streets, the build in? of the new brick Masonic Tern pie and the large new two-storj Douglas county bank building. Oth er substantial structures are contem plated, while the erection of new cottages and residences promises to exceed the fiue record of the pat! year. Business conditions are most at it-factory at this place and through out i he county, owing to the alun dant crops of the past season whicl were mstketeJ at rennmerativ p-ices. M iuj Eastern people of a d -sir&b le class found homes in our county, tbe-ps-4 year and many more wil cast their lot in our favor ed section of ih t state during the present year where so ' many excel leut opportunities are afforded. L fact, immigration toOregon promise to bi the greatest in years dnritig the next twelve months and with little effort on the part of onr cit: reus Douglas county will receive it full share of the home seekers and investors. The new year opens wit I. bright prospects for activity in even avenue of trade as well as for tb rapid growth and developement of onr city, county and state. England will send a batch of pn- piis to this country next cummer io s ndy American Industries. Th-j will constat of members of Parlii tueift, heads of business hooses, col lee aud labor leaders. The plan was sngested bv Alfred Moeeley. the EuglMtiman who made a big for tune in the South African diamond fields. Mr. Moseley says that the American boy is brighter than th English boy, and consequently be comes a brighter man. Hence L believes that theie must be some thing in the American educational eysteiii which is lacking in the En? liih system, and this is one of iL things that the commission is to tn to discover. They will also study American methods of commerce and iudnstry. ' Considerable activity is being man i feet el on the part of the politician--of the Willamette valley and the po litical pot is beginuing to pirumer It appears that Governor Geer will experience the fight of his life to fo cure renom natioD, but as far as Uni lei States Senator is concerned. Chas. Fulton appears to be the com ing man and is universally popular. It 'ook-i like "Li tile Joe1' is op against the real thing. mm Perfect, Delidoas, Appetising. , CUT The Salem Statesman came on1 Jannary 1st with a beautiful New Year edition m magazine form, eou tainint: 50 paires besides its artistic covers and it handsomely illustrated with half tone cuts. It presents the enterprises and resources of the mid dle Willamette valley admirably. The Statesman publishers are to be con gratulated upon their energy and enterprise. Never has a more competent, ob liging and bnhiness-like bet of offi cials occupied the county offices than the pret-eut incumbents. N far aw ecau ttscertaiii the people general ly are well pleased wiih the present Douglas Oouuty admiuistratiou and tee no cause wh never for any radical cnauge tb coming spring. Sanator lianna is rigUl iu declar ing that uo greater public benefit could be conferred thau to iucrease the cordiality of the relations be tweeu labor aud capital, and the committee, of which he is chairman, formed with that object, will have ihe good wishes of everybody in it work. The French Panama Usual Cotn pauy is now anxious to sell out to the United States at auy old price, bni that won't make the sale. The Uni ted States is going to construct the canal, but it is to be over the Nicar agua, and not the Panama route The sooner those Frenchmen realiz that the more money they will save Ex Represent at i ye Kerr, of Ohio, is writing a life of the late Hon. John Sherman. Mr. Sherman's life louj; habit of preserving every important letter he received has given Mr. Kerr much interesting material to dra upon, although he will have to exer cise great care to avoid treading up on living toes. Hon. Henry C. Payne, the ne Postmaster General, made no mis take when he announced his inten tion to work for one-cent letter post age. That is the next step forward the people expect from the Post Of fice Department A great majority of onr people agree with Secretary Loug and the court of inquiry that the Sehlej matter ought to be dropped, but those who hope to make political capital out of it will see that it isn't. Marconi and Santos Dumoui might pool their issues and mat the establishment of au ocean " wire less telegraph line and au air ahui passenger hue a joint and siuiultaue ous affair. President lloosevelt is thoroughly practical. Knowing the important part that Cranes play in the indus tries of the couui ry be cucl tided thai a Crane would be useful in his Cabi net. One of the resolutions that might be adopted with advantage by soui high officials would be to cultivate discretion aud tact That new leaf which was turned yesterday will lgiu to look a little speckled before the close of the week in many cases. Kesol ntious yesterday, remorse to day. Remember and write it VJOft. News Today. " Gener-i'K'ttlieDer needa reinforcement The Cuban election pushed off quite Ir. Germany has wieely delayed action against eiiti irla. N rtbweeiern Governor? agree upon a plan ior fighting the propueed rilru.J teal. Power' itijanciiun aaiust the No. t rn Pacific was dn-eolvtd. Secret ary Gane rays the Treasury is o condition of onexamplrd saei gtli. Dudley Evan", an x Portland man. choseu president ol Wt-Us-Fargo Ex press Company. Many prominent men gathered at Olympia lo a tend Ui (antral olGwver nor Rogers Wednesday. Frederick Warde in the Mountebank, On Snimday Jan. II, Mr. Frederick Warde, the dietlngniehed actor, precen la uis iNmorf cbaracterizatioo, ''Belpbeu'r, be Mountebank." The Portland, Ore., Oregonian, bad title to ay of it, wben it as pre n ted there; ,The part of Belpbegor he no loi.g held a prom in? n place in Warde' repertoire, and ia eu (miliar to P.t:tlaad' ibaatre B'Jere tbtt it is difficult to say anything about it and avoid rep:. ttiou. Mr. Warde'a Belpbejzor Us' fcV'r.lug wag the Belpbegor of pre' viooi years, riper, perhaps, and perhapr richer in detail. It was the tame tender honest, heroic characterization tbat en listed tne eympathy and aroused tbe admiration of thia city's lover . of rom antic dr-m 4 a decade ago. BelphetioiV chief al to a? lies in bis essential Kulleleienepp, manliucta and in Lis brav ery the na'ural a j n.ct of a character that is both manly and simple. In Li bringing out r.d blending of these qual ities Mr. Wardwa intelligeDtly con sis' en t. Hi q'liet and qnaiot work 'in tha earlier cene was a abrewd prepar ation of hia auditory' leelin for the exciting eitnationa and climaxes of tbe third and fourth acta. Gradually aud almost imperceptibly, he carried bis public frjm a sense of placid enjoyment to a state of sympathetic pity, and then like a whirlwind he whisked them into a condition of rapturous admiration. - It was deft work, and generously s it re warded. Curtain calls were numerous and hearty." New Year Appeal to Delinquents. $weet $ulcriber limply $ball we av. fame filver dollarf fbould be nt our wav. . . - . To let tie your account and don't delay nememoer ma'., in 9 edit hia debt mof ' pay. What of the Future? Aa the old and never-to-be-forgotten year of 1901 is dying; it aeema fit, that we look ahead and try to pierce the dim future enough to gain a faint forecast o! what is going to be. Who will even dare to predict what tbe coming year ill bung usT Who can even Bay that thev are sure of even one thinR? There are several ventures on foot, viz: The perfection of wireleaa telegraphy, perfecting the submarine boat and many other questions that will command the interest of the entire! world ; but what are the prospects for tbe people of tbe United States? First will come the Nicaragua Canal, tbat will surely be well under way be fore the close of 1902. This ia going to be the greatest improvement that the world will make. The completion of this canal will place tbe products of tbe Fa cifi : co Bt States on par with those of tbe Atlantic seaboard ; of course this canal ia beiug fought by tbe railroads but when a controlling power oppoans tbe people, that ia proof positive tbat, to the people it is a benefit. Johnny Bull and U icle Sam bave agreed; tbe question is up to Congress; what will abe dot There ia danger ahead for the repub lican party. It is the question of reci procity ; this Is a quostion tbat ia ab sorbing a great deal of interest. Cuba a sister republic, and tbe Latin Ameri cana demand it. The question ia np to Congrees. What will abe do with it? In oar president's list message we see that tbe United States army and navy is to be improved. This is aa it sboald be ; times and conditions bave changed ; we have foreign possessions, they must not only be protected but advanced in tbe wiys of thia great republic. We see that our secretary of the treasury eeti mates the expenses of government for next year at 1611,000,000 of which over $411,000,000 will go for the army and navy and pensions. A large amount 1 Yee, but we are a large nation and our demands for government are larre; but our revenue will more tban pay it. Our turplus now would pay it. Tbe Philippines are rapidly donning th i garb of peace and ber revenues are on the in:reaee. How much longer be fore she will be self supporting? What will be the condition of affairs there at the close of 1902? Cuba ia rapidly forming a atable gov ernment, and the United States will probably soon withdraw from the i landa. Bat, will Cuba succeed? We ho so. For t ie ear of 132 what will be the value of the agiicultural products ol America? The same mav be asked in regard to the mining industry. Wnal iil Alaska, and even Oregon bring fortb m mineral for tbia year? Tneae are questions tbat we know will e answered oue 3 ear from now; but chat will tbe coming year bring us io war,' discoveries and inventiona? War will probably continue in Soatb A-nerici, Africa and the Philippines Where else will it break out? Will Bit J tin reai.b tbe pole and plant the stars and etripea where all directions r south, and where it is any time of day you may call it? Will aerial navigation be solved, anrl if so, wi.l a sun of Uncle Sam be lite lucky person? Will Edison perfect bt dry storage battel y and cheapen tne co t and leftwo the weight of the automobile? Wnt will the yetr brinr na in authors, pjet, statesmen, j irists? Who will be tbe library iion nex January? Who wil! write the greatest oem of the year? Bat in all that we bopa.tj ba blessed, lei us each trust and pray tbat we will not see another tragedy like tbe one en acted in Buff ilo, last September. God forbid! PlKKBB M.tBvlCIS. Coles Valley, Ore., Dec. 30, 1'JOl. At Cottage Grove. The editor of thePkAiMDSAUtit returned borne Iroui a brief pleasure trip to Cot tape Grove Wednesday evening. On tiouday evening we attended a tele bra ion of the tenth (tin) weddiug annivers ary of Mr. and Mrs J. L Jones at their commodious CotUgeGrove nonce. A large number of guests were preseut, and a moat pleasant and enjoyable evening was passed with music, games and social eou rerse. Tne "bride and groom" were the recipients of many presents useful and otherwise, tbe reception room present ing tne appearance of a retail tinware ttore after the guests bad ah deposited their tor-ens of esteem on tbe tables. In tbe midst of tbe anniversary festivi ties the boeta aud their gues'4 were eg grteable surprised by a serenade partv composed of a cumber of popular young people of the town. 1 Tbe business men aud citizens of Cot tage Grove are very sanguine regarding the early developement of tbe Bohemia mines and feel cot fij nt tbat construc tion work on tbe Cottage Grove' Bohemia railroad will commence in (be spring and be pushed to completion without de lay. Tbe new telephone line between tbat town aud tbe mines ia now iu opera tion and the coming season promises t be a very lively one bothj in tbe mines and at tbe coming metropolis of the up per wi;iameti Valley. The streets o! that city which were graded and covered with crashed rock a year ago, present a decided improvement over their former condition at this season of the year. A New W. F. President. Naw Yokk. Doc. 31. It ie announced, says the Herald, that a successor to tbe la:e President Valentine of the Welle; Fargo Express Company ban been se lected iu Dudley Evaus, at present gen eral manager of the company with head quartereia Nw York. It Is believed here that at llni nest meeting of the di rectors' ecti' n will be taken looking to tbe establish stent ol the headqnarters of the company iu this city. ASK Druggist for 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm Civet Relist at one. It cleanees, soothes and hcsls the dis'SMH mera- CATARRH rim-Ii-nlft' rmna. It cures Catarrt and drivt away a Cold in the Head anu klv. It HAY FEVER Is aioTld. Hmls and Protects the Membrane. Restore the fieiinen of '1 ante and HmelL Full six 0r.: Trisl sire ti-e - at lrni(r?ts or lijr mall. tXlOIUi.US, M Wurta 6irjet, c Tore. Roosevelt a Disciplinarian, "Tbe Personality of President Roose velt" la analyzed in the Century by one who knowa him well. He ia a kind-hearted man, yet a rigid disciplinarian, and will demand a faith fol ard efficient dircbarge of public duties by public officials. I happened to be present when graduates of Harvard and other nniveraitlea and Western mining eugineers, to tbe number of thirty or forty, collected in the office of the As sietant Secretary of tbe Navy to be en listed in tbe "Rough Rider" Regiment. Mr. Roosevelt stood in front of hia desk, while these earnest, m anly young fel lows stood ranged around three sides of hia office. Addressing them in hia pe culiarly quick, earnest manner, to the effect they must not underestimate the dangers or difficulties they would en counter, he told them that it would prob ably be the roughest experience tbat tbey ever had, and be wished them to understand that after once being sworn in thev oust take whatever came with out grumbllog. "Positively, gentlemen," aid be, "1 will bave no eqnealing," and be nrged them, if any of them lbougl they could not endure the greatest hard ships to withdraw before it was too late Tuen, turning to a pile of volumes ol mounted infantry luetics, be said : ' I will remain behind a few days and hurry for word tbe equiprrents. You gentlemen. hurry to San Antonio, and if you do your part toward getting the men in 01 der and licking them into shape, I prom isa to get yon into the fight. There are oot enough tactieetogo around, bull will distribute these, and yon mast read and study them on tbe cars." Calling out their names, be burled the books at tbe men so fast tbat several would be in tbe air at once, the men catching them on tbe fly. I could see iu their f-cte that every one of them was ready to fol low him to tbe death. One of the clouds of misconception and the false impressions thrown about this pictorerqoe figure by the cartoonists and the pargraphers, more interested in sen sationalism than in reality, there sud denly emerges this intensely earnest, forcelul, brave, patriotic, humanity-lot-ing, broad-minded, non-sectional Ameri can, thia practical idealirH, to become tbe youngest ruler of the greatest coun try in the world. Real Estate Transfers. U S Sheridan, adm. of tbe estate of Harsh Sheridan, dc to Jessie F Sheridan, lot 11 H in Hot-k 51 railroad addition to city of Rose- '" burg f 61 Chas. Moriarty to Mrs. Jhn W Gi.boy 3 seres, in tp 27 r 7 w 1 Herman A Wilson to Howard E Wilton, 20 acres in sec 14, tp 26 s, r o w 200 Frederick A. Kribbs to F M Shook 780, acres iu sec 2, 10, IS, aud 36, tp30s, r 9 w 3tW0 Cbauncey C Buh to John D Bush 160 acres in sec 20, tp 2d a r8w Jas II Howard to 8 C Miller 5 acres In tp 28, a r, 6 w and lota 7 in Dillard, Oregon I J T Bridges and wife to Frank II Marion, 120 acres in sec 36, tp 22, a r. 6 w 17Ti John Dennbart) Frar.k B Waite, 80 acres in sec 27, tp 27, s r, 6 w, 240 Viilena M Pinkston lo Jas G ' ' Lyons lo. 7, block 1, in Elkton. Oregon 4 jO Wilbur Cem. Ateo. to S Ban, a Japanese, lot 7 in Wilbur ceme tery, Wilour Or 10 Homer M Oilman to Cha G Met lot 6, block 10 in town of Myrtle Creek 2 0 A Hicketbier and wife to Lswia -St Ores, r.','i ft on west end of lot land 2, nlk 8, in Drain 50 A E S-nitb and wife to R B Dixon 100 acres in sec 3.', tp 2-5, a r, 4 w 200 R S Sheridan to Jessie F Sherida 1 lots 9, 10, and II, railroad ad dition to Roeeburg 10 J W Gardner and wile to Sarah E Gardner, a parcel of land in sees 10, 11 and 14, tp 22, s r 6 w 3500 Samuel Dyer to Jreee Dyer, 159 -. acres iu sec 25, ip 39, a r, 6 w. . 150 David Fats to M.mie Gidoey, 22 acres in sec 10, tp 30, a r 4 w... "1 Annie F Smith et a! to Fannie Hoover 3 acres in East Draio... 200 C A Sehlbrede to C L Berkley, lot 7. hlk 19 io railroad addition to Oakland 200 tat of Oregon to Geo C Jjnee, 16 J acres iu Sec 36, tp 20, a r, 8 w 200 To Organize a Republican Club. . ,. 1 A call is hereby issued to the Repub lics of Cleveland precinct to meet at tbe Cleveland School House, SUurdav, Jan. 11, l'.K)-', for tbe purpose of r. organizing a Republic m 'club. By ord r of Cbstbal Com mitt k. RICE & WISHES YOU A Xrnas Specialties. Go-Carts and Doll Buggies, 75c and up. Chairs aud Rockers for child ren, 20 cts and up. Bargains for 'all.' Don't delay, we have plenty of goods at tbe aigbt prices. Ri-Oieiiiln-r onr Kix'cial Ihsfemlier Kale. Iion't forget us. $ 1 .15 fct;iihlfl for (I. Shades, recular price, 45 ctf., now 35 cts. while they lat. Ifvotiitet tired reading tliiH adv. we can intercut you witlt prices. We w'll ebeajier than Tort land. Pi,,- 4, - r U lorc arid $1.65 Rockers 'are easy Rpckers. The price is easy too. . See them be fore you buy. Our $1.00 Chairs can't be equalled or 75- cts. Chair can't be beaten. RICE & RICE, Looking; Backward. 'Tie midnight, and the passing year .; Creep noHetsly away; No stern regret nor bitter tear, ' No pleadings in its dull.'colJ ear, Can bid it stay. Tie gone, and I am left alone ..' To ponder o'er the lost. To weep o'er wasted moments flown, To reap tbe harvest I bave sown And count the coat. Tbe flowers Hit their heads in praise ,. . In their appointed time; 'Tie man alone finds idle ways, Neglectful of tbe passing daya, Wbils in hia prime. The f mi tags ripena on tbe trees When summer's sun Is bright, While man enjoys the soothing breeze And slumbers on nor he da nor sees The coming night. The birds from instinct know just when To leave the downy nest. While oft the recreant sons of men Repent and weep and torn again To mother's breast. The sun and moon and stara roll on Nor slacken in their pace; Tbey cheer the night and gild the d wn, Just aa in ages lung agone Before our race. And I alt here alone and sigh. Another year began. And, looking back with tearfal eve Through misty days, cannot descry - What I have done. E. L. Aultman in Ciocinnaiti Enquirer. -.'' , ' Probate Orders. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Coats, dtceared, W. R. Wells, admr.. petit oned the court for an order to sell the real properly belonging to the estate Claims to tbe amount of $2000, principal and interest, has been presented againtl aaid estate and allowed by the admini trator. Tbe real property consists of lb" X of SE' of sec. 30. tp. 28 S. R. 7 wei 1 containing bO acres. Ha was ala3 the owoer of Ihe E of S, of the D. L C. of Thos. Coats and wife, being the NE'4 and N,'of SEofsec. 31, and W.t4' ol NW'-4' of sac. 82, tp. 28 6, R 7 west, coo tainiug 320 acres. A citation has been issued to said heirs to appear at tin court house on Monday, IFeb, 3 li02, lo show cause, if any the'e be why tb? re property sboald not be sold. Notice. A winter trip to Sju bera California ud Ariz oa. via the tarn ma Shasta rou'e is one never to be forgotten. Re newed acquaintance wi'h this section will ever develop fresh points of interest n 1 added soarces of enjoment nn!er its sunny skies, in tbe variety of inter eeta and added indaatrien, in its prolific vegs atioa and among its numberless re sorts of m nntain, shore, valley and plain. Two trains leave Portland daily, (sort ing and sveuing for California. Thee 1 raj as are eqaipped witb the most im proved pat'e.-n of standard and tourist sleepiog cars, and the low rales place the trip in tejch of all. ... For illuetratad guides of California and Aria aa winter resorts, addrees R. B. Miixka, ' Gen Pass. Aten, Portland, Or. Bargains at Richardson's Tne aui tion eale tti I roelit 01 d at tlte Richardson mask I umc, and a t re interest ia being -n. Thoee bavin pnr-naed inntroin. ; t eo fr are: . W. F.McLaaghlie. Guitar 50 ct. Y.olin 7Jct. Z ether fl.Or); il. Land-re, Man lulio fJOOGai'ar ft i; John Uasse'.l. Violin 13.25; Allis lUuer, Guitar 15 00 Mr. Tripp. Mandolin 2.W; Mr. I. M. Meeley, Violin -tf.OO;' E. E. Harphan: Accordion 65 eta. ; V. Harphan, Guitar 12 10; S, A. Gurney, Violin 12.75; Man 'olio 2.10; R. Ages, Mnndolin 11.00; Dr. Dii Uii, Autobarp f-.'.OO; Carl B a brae, Wliu 3 00 T. K Kit. uaioson. Don't Forget to Read This. Onr fall aud winter good bve arr vad and you will find here t'e lara. and moat complete line vf drese goods, cut ing flannels, fascinators, underwear, hosiery, blankets, curtains, clunks, c-pee, etc. Also Buckinbam A Heth', boots and shoes, rubber gooJa, oil clothing, over- coats, and a line of men aud bo e' clo h- ing tbat cannot be bear. We also carry miners' supplies and a froeh and complete s'ot k of groceries. Come and let as show you our Urge assortment aud give you prices. Oar aim is to give yoa good values aud treat you right. Give os a trial. A. R. Mattoss A Co . Riddle. Or. We are also agents for the Ul-ver Chilled plowaand exiras. ui-i.l) For Sale at a Bargain. A good gentle team of work horses and ou good milch cow. Address or sppy tO T. K. RlClMKIHk'M. RICE 705-707 CASS ST. HAPPY NEW YEAR A child toy stove for 20 cts; a better one for 75 cts. Iron Beds for 35 and 75 cents. We are strictly in it. Sewing iiiiicliiiie, drop head, ilelivereil.cinly $J.r. No. 7 Cook Stove, S : No. t'ook Stove, ! ; Stwl j Kauge, warranted lor Jo yeiiri", only f.'Jt). 1 SPECIAL SALE throughout Dec ember. Many shoppers are ex pected. Save mon ey. THE HOUSE FURNISHERS ?T?n!TtTT?n?TTT!!TTTm?TT?!tT!TTT?TT!T?!!TT!mTTT I If ruits and Vegetables, g Groceries, Dry Goods, g Boots and Shoes, BBana J PIIONb67i. ..Card of Thanks., Once again we beg to thank the public for their most liberal patronage during the past season. This is the twelfth year that we have been in the music business in Roseburg and the business has increased every year the present year has been a hummer. We have distributed among our friends over one hun dred instruments this 3'ear, and this ought to be evidence that we sell the best goods at the best prices in order to hold such a trade. All of our instruments for the past twelve years are giving the best of satisfaction. We have in stock at the present time a line lot of all new and up-to-date Pianos with all the latest improvements that goes to make a first class instrument. T. K. Richardson ROSEBURG. ORE i .o. .o; We are now ready for business with new aud up-to-date machine ry. Work will be neatly and promptly done. Watch for our Wagon or call 'Phone 791. ! EVERETT & "What are yoa erjirju ahootr' aekel a kind-hear'ed t-m - " V OtBUU ing in front of a nesrepaper offit wevp iog aa if hia heart would treak. "OH P a sooe np-ataira to whip the editor." "Weil, baa he roue dosrn et?" por ed tbe Bentle Samaritan. " Piece of htm haTe." aaM the boy with a frh burst of teara. 'and I'm r.,,. .1,. a v reat every minute." Get Your 3SSSSSSSSSSSSSS!SSXSSSSSSSS3EBSS!XSSSSSi Roseburg, Ore., Dec. S, 1901. State Chemist, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. Dear Sir We send you by this mail sample of sulphur taken from our stock of spray material. Please make a careful analysis of same and inform us if it is of such standard of purity that it will fill all requirements for mak ing first class spray compounds. If it is not sufficiently pure for such purpose please inform us where we can obtain sulphur which will meet all require ments. Very respectfully, A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Corvallis, Oregon, December 12, 1901. Mr. A. C. Marsters & Co., Roseburg, Ore. Gentlemen: Your letter concerning sulfur and the sample of sulfur, have been received. I have examined this sample and fiud that it is almost entirely pure sulfur. I think that it would answer the purposes very satisfactorily for spraying compounds or insecticides. I think that if you have plenty of this quality, or can get it, that it will be as good as any sulfur that we can obtain for spraying materials. Very truly yours, , A. L. KNISELY. A. C. MARSTERS & CO., ROSEBURG, OREGON 1 . v iF tlMWHilJJ ITWPJBWMBlBaBwaWBI 1 fff "aW Prompt Delivery. steam Laundry p; MOORE, Props. $ WASTED SEVERAL TERSONSjOF character and good .repautioa in each Ut con io thia county repaired) lo r preeentand adyertiaa old eeUbliehed wealtliy boaioeea bouaw of aolid boancial tao.ling. Salary tIS.OO weekly with expeneee additional all parable in caeb each Weilaeeday direct from bead ftio--. Hores and carriage fnrniahad. I hen necveeary. Refereocea Encloae ae.I-aJlri-fJ urapn.i en re lope. Mao j aser, 3)6 Caxton Bniidiog, Chicago. Spray Material at OFFICE OF A. C. MARSTERS & OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. -f' IIIIIbs.I I 111 Wil JBLjlll I1J1U IKjllWIllJIIW lWJT l i fUMJi HAiB 'IH.JII' I'l' f M ' H-1 ROSEBURG, ORE Professional Cards. DR. ALKIRE, ...Nerve Specialist... Carr Rheomatim. Kenrnna A M-tinnt Pliraiarh aol Lire TnMiM, iH.inal bunirfim, txritre. Aeueral UebilHT. female Dlvum. l it. culabM-y sua Pulmonary Duturbaneea. Hoars: U 11 :JO; 1 to & T-S Taylor Wiiaoo Bidg. Boaebarc. Orerrm J5JLMER V. HOOVER, PHYSICIAN AND KCRGEON. RoHKBraa Obcoos Special attentloa circa to UUruH ! Um Koa ad Tbrrwi. Ofltue- Vain ,, ouc dux auaib of Ct 1 Ha liviasi aasual Q V. FISHER, M. D, Physician, Surgeon. Offir oTer P. O. Rosaat ma, 'Phone Main 591. Oaaoos. QR.GEO.E. HOCCK, Physcian & Surgeon. Faooa. MalaXI OEXUOM p W HAY5ES, DENTIST, Kenew Balldia. TeiepaoM 8. 4. aoiiBcaa. orewx B. M.CHEADLE, DENTIST, PSre ot pn Sicrum a HaU UJrIBCES. OKK X. CBAWTOSD, Attorney at Law, Boosm I A i. HuBtfl Bid.. ROSSBCSd. OE aTlBBoalaeasbeforetaa 0 8. Laad OaV aad lama inn a specialty. Lata RaodTei 0. g. Laad OaU. JOHN H. SHUPE, ATTORSEY-AT-LAW, Roaaarao, Uaaoa. BoaiiMS before T. &. Laad 09k aa4 Pretet J bti!9M a rcia.tj. v9o-ADrmsaa Bu.kliac j c. l'ixkr ro' " Attorney -at-Law. Wir swactiaa tm aH Um Mate aa4 Federal Cearta oaea la Hart- BMtn wim liane. Q"JMMODOKE S. iACKbO, Attorney and Coaneellor at Law. Mining Law and Water Kfgtita made a spec Laity. .trra Bid ROCBtJKG.O&E(HK P W. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law. nu 1 aad J wrtew BaiUisc. ROKBrU, ORBUVW Q.EORGE U. BROWS, Attorney-at-Law," Court Hoom bvaraslaus. EOtlBCBQ. OB; J A. BrCHASAS.SoUryTnblie. Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Boom 1 arstera BaiUinc BXMBCK6. OB J J. ROBISETr, Attorney at Law. raior a Biora. Roaaaras, Orb. MARSTERS. CO. i Druggists