1 1 - THE 131 IS 51 OR We are redoubling our efforts mate the PEOPLE'S STORE the most popularjplace for bargain seekers to make their head quarters, as our Fall and Winter goods have arrived and we are selling them at a very low margin. f ADIES: and we are selling get them elsewhere. them from Our Fall Millinery Stock of Street and Walking shapes are the most up-to-date styles that has ever been in the city before, 25 to 50 per cent, cheaper than you can Our Fall and Winter JStock of Clothing are now in and oue of the latest and most up-to-date, and if you will step in and give us a call you will be convinced that we have the most complete and up-to-date line in the city, and you will see that we can sell '3-ou cheaper then you can get them elsewhere. . agfef5. ;"0!! W. U Douglas Sho 5 and Monarch Shirts M - W -WWW W Make Christmas flerry Bv remember" n your friemls We know of nothing prettier, more suit-able or l-ss exprnsive? tlian a iir of on- fainy ..... 1 Slippers Special Sale on Ligh cut shoes for ladies BABY - -HOES Sicial rales i n other lines. Call and see. I! 1 SorosisShoeParlor 1 1 Read this... For all kinds of Candy, fresh, pure and harm less, Ojrsters servedin anj'- sti le, call on ... . Wholesale and Eetail Candy Manufacturers - : ROSEBURG, ORE & ..Confectioneries.. TlieTwst cr-a-m and mixel en dies. Vane j cakes and Cookie. Tobacco, dears ani Finit in varied aoruneats ail of Um fiootf qua.Uy. I. J. NORflAN Prof. J. H. Cochran, principal of tbe Oakland public school, and on. of the foremost educator of Southern Oregon, pent Friday la Boaeburg traneactinr tueiness. Tb Plaixdbaxbb vat favor ed with a pleasant call and vera pleased to learn of the present flourish condi tion of the Oakland ecboola. Through the energy and efficiency of Prof. Coch ran the Oakland public acboola bate at taioed a high standard of excellence, ranking along with the best public school of Southern Oregon and evan those of the much larger town. The school is at present crowded almost , to its tallest capacity and teTerat new Undent will enter .alter the .holiday vacation. Bipid strides are being made in edoca ti n ! wn.k- ?n this county and 'ere loog the educational advantages of Dooglar county will be second to no county of the state outside of those containing the state imiveraities euk large colleges. This is a very satisfactory and gratify ing condition and speak, volumes for the lutelligence and refinement of oar people and the proficiency of oar ed oca tots. '''- It la an old axiom .that "bread is tLe staff of life" but this "depends somewhat on its qualitv. Tne fine cream and home made bread made at J. Siever's bakery on Jackson street near Cass nver fails to pi ease. A nice variety of pastries also kept constantly en band. Prut. J. Love, of the State Normal School faculty at Drain, spent Friday is Beeburg on bis return to Drain from a combined bosinees and pleaaara to Csnyoaville. He favored tbe Puui DBaxaawitha pleasant call, renewed his sabscription aod reported a most successful year thus far in the Normal, in fact we bear nothing bat compliment ary reports from tne school this season, indicating that much good work is be iog accomplished. The Central Oregon Bute Normal at Drain is rapidly Ukiog a position at the bead of the state nor mal schools of the state. Almost entire car of trunks and va irart from tbe factory. Almost i car bamboo Rockers, fnrnitsre. More fancy Mnrria chairs. White ma pie I deeks and dresser, expected in this week at Rice A Rice. O u n n o - - . - ---- " - o n n g NEXT THURSDAY OURGREAT g . o a o o n o o a o o o o o a o n o 1 0 o o I o (o Anniversary Sale . . . . :conriENCEs Prices on everything in the store reduced to a. minimum, making room for our immense spring stock which will begin to arrive in a short time. The opportunity is yours tobuy reliable merchan dise for less money than ever before O o o o o o o o o o n o n o o o o a o o - . - . a .THE-UNDERPRICED STORE. a o o a V. 8. Woodruff, of Melrose, was trans- log basinets in Rotebarg Saturday. Us made the Plaindkalkb a pleasant call anl renewed his subscription and took advantage of our low club rates with tbe Toledo Blade and Weekly Orezonian. He says bis brother's children vers de lighted with the prin doll from Currier's grocery. If you want the beet and most liealth- ful bread you will neonr "cream" and home-made" bread. Fall weight loaves. Oar pastries will also be found very palatable. Give us a trial. J. Sievera, Jackson street near Cats. C. D. Minton, representing be Oregon Poultry Journal aod tbe Salem Slates man was in attendance at tbe poultry show last week. He spoke very favora bly of tbe exhibit and slated that the poultry industry was making rpid trides forward in this state. Tuis office was favored with a friendly call. When you are in want of a Cook stove, Kteel range, Heating stove, or any thing in the line of Hardware, Tinware etc. go to 8. K. Sykeeand get his prices ana von will go no further. Hwe M yr Conner on Monday pur chased of Mies Lena Foreman, of the T. Richardson music bouse of Romburg. aa elegant upright Whitney - piano, aod there will be moaic in Syracruse for some time to come. Jefferson review. AH work done by the Title Guarantee & Loan Co., J. D. Hamilton, manager, is guaranteed absolutely correct. Ab stracts of titles are worthless unless properly made. Mim Laura Spalding, one of the PuukdkaxsVs faithful and competent compositors spent Christmas with home folks at Drain returning to Roeeburg Sunday .She report a very enjoyable visit with her parents aod friends. Fancy pocket cutlery for Xrnas. Roger's 1S47 knives and forki, fwtfer'a 1947 spoons, nickle plated eebwors at Rice A Rice. Ths mayor of Eugene issued an order Sitorday stopping ail gambling and or dering that tbe saloons be closed on Sun day. It is reported that the citizens were so startled at the order that ' tbe town clock actually stopped. Take advantage of oar low dabbing rate and set the Twice-a-week Paindsal b and Weekly Oregonian one 5 ear for $2. This offer is good only until Jan. 1 L. 8. Fortin, one of tbe prosperous farmers of this vicinity was a pleasant caller Saturday, while transacting busi ness in town, and made himself solid for tbe Plaixdealxk another year. Call at Wollenberg Bros, and eet a 8tandard Fashion Sheet for the month of January. It will interest you if you have any dress-making to do. Dr. J. M. Keene and Miss Mollis Baumberg, both of Medford, Oregon, were married in Ban Francisco Wednes day at the First Presbyterian church. Hs was well known here. Simond j Cross Cot Saws will do mors work with lest exertion and holj their cutting edge longer than any other Brand. Bay them from 0 K. Stkes. Dr. W. W. Oglesby of Junction City in Prineville, baying gone to that place to treat Mrs. Geo. W. Whittett, of Cottage Grove, who it quite ill at that place. Eagene Gaard. By calling 00 J. D. Haunlton at the Rieeborg coui t bouse you can get blue prints of any section or township in tbe Koteburg land district. Ira Dean, of Riddle, was in Roseborg Saturday transacting busineet and at' tending the poultry show. He reported a very pleasant Christmas tide in tbe Cow Creek valley. I will willingly exchtnze any Simond' Cross Cat saw not saiMtactory to user, if tbe fault 11 in tbe saw. Sold only by o. K. oyket. The Scientific American for December 14 it tbe naval edition. It shown tbe ex pension of the Navy, since tbe Spanish war. Tbe vessels have gr own if mem bers bavea't. J. D. Hamilton hat the only complete set of abstract bookt in the county. See faim at the Court House, when you want abstracts 01 title. This is not bad advice: Young man get a red-cheeked wife, some rocgh land and put out an orchard of red winter ap plea and it will keep jm in your old age Journal." , : ' Children two wheel red carta 15ct bovs steel wavons from $1.00 to $5.00 8!f Propeller wagons etc., at Churchill A Woolleys. Miss Ethel Riddle,, Geo. K. Qaine Kenneth Qaine and fJarvey Q Brown all of Riddles tpent Christmas with rela tivet and frlendt -in Grants Pass. Ob emr. , "You can get 12 photo stamps and n oe phot button -cUniauel at lavlor'i tent for 26 cents, until after tbe holidays J. Delmar Dixon, a prosperous stock raUeron tbe pi or t a. Umpqus, was at tending to business matters in town Sat urday. Silver novelties of all deelgai at Sals man's. - '- ' - - ' 11 1" The basket ball -gMne at the Opera House Friday evening ,by tbe High School girls, and those' of the lower grades and was won by tbe latter, the score being 18 to 9. The came wast very entbiiastio one from start to finish, and the girls fairly rieligl ted ths and' ence with their vim and . kill. It ?t needless to say, should they tf.r play in public again, that a full house will be accorded th.m. '''''.:' On account of the irregular survey! of many of the townships in tbe Roenrg land district, it is almost lmposclble to locate section cornere without a copy of tbe Government survey. Frank E Al ley, Abstractor of tbit city, has a com- 1 plete eet of tracings of all surveyed town ships, and will furnish blue prints of ! same, showing: all vacant land, at $1 sacb. Hon. 0. A. Sehlbrede, arrived in Ross burg from Salem Saturday, where be has been spending tbsOhlstmaiUds with hii family since bis late rsturn to Ore gon from Skagway, Alaska. The . Judge is a little undecided at to whether be will relocate to Roseborg or at some point in tbe lower Willamette valley. Tbe family have a cosy borne htie and their many friends are eager for them to become permanent residents of Rose borg. We were favored with a pleasant call from our fellow townsman. . For Abstract of Title, guaranteed to be full and correct copies of all records efftMSting the title, call on Frank E. Alley upstairs in tbs Marks building. His work it guaranteed correct, and price are reasonable. John H.Bolck and wife who have been enjoying e pleasant, though brief virlt with the parent of tbe former at tbi place went to Myrtle Creek Sunday evening to visit briefly with relatives and and will then return to their Northern California borne. Mr. Buick is one of the leading business msn of that Bectiop of the state and is a very busy man. Are too aware of the fact, that we have tbe beet repairing department in the dty Flint's Shoe Store. It may be of Interest to many of tbe readers to know that Frank Nan, late' of Portland, whore medicines for tbe stom ach so many of Douglas county people baye used, has gone to New York City to reside, baying married a very wealthy lady of that place. ' Tbe medicine will no doubt be still on sale at tbe Beua! place. A complete line of Xmas presents In gold or silver at tbe lowest prices at Salsmaa's. Brakemaa Ray Jack sou met with a painful accident Friday while riding 00 the engine pilot at Kinney Spur, a short distance sooth of Leiaad station, by get tiog bis left foot caught la ths switch gaard rail and badly mangled. He was Uken to tbe Portland Hoepilal lest i-bt. Boyt knives with chata. Make-fia presents. Churchill A WooUev Bell tbem. Carl Scbneursteia, tbe well-known baker, has purchased the bakery busi ness formerly in charge of Mra. Cum- mod, and will hereafter eater to tbe wants of bis many friends, who patroni sed him bet or. he was burned out at ths 1 1 slaod. Ladies and til pleased. Editor W C. Conner went to Cottage Grove on the son train today to attend celebration of the wedding anniversary ol his brother-in-law, J. L Jcoea and 1j pend New Year day at tbe od home. He will return bvme Wednesday evening. You can get 24 photo Umi for 26 cents at lay lot 'a puoto toot, until after the holiday only. dl9 Deputy Clerk J. E. Sawyers baa re turned to Roseborg having tpent last aeek with relatives in the vicinity of Scotteborg He was accompanied by bis brother 1. G. Sawyers, who returned home yesterday. Get your Xwas Krose A Ne laud's. city. Daa F. Laogeaberg returned home from Doosmuir, Calif., Friday, after an absent ol ten days, during which time he has been acting aa Wells, Fargo A Co.'s extra helper between that wit j and Glendale. Nice fresh bread, assorted cakes, and pastries of all kinds, at Griffith's Bakery. M. Dean, oue of tbe leading fruit grow era of tbs Cow Creek valley was a R e- burg visitor Saturday and was in attecd- ance at the poultry show. This office was favored with a very pleasant call. Go to J. X. Bryan for your silverware and jewelry. The latest styles out. N. G. Boyd, the genial barber, has re turned to Roeeburg from Lot Aotelee, and has returned hit old posi'iou in El mer Damotta's popular harber abop. His wife will follow him later. Gold pern, optical goods and Sooyernir spoons at baliman s. Geo. Langenberg ha returned to hit official duti-s as supervisor of the Gila River fores', reserve in New Mexico, aft er a pleasant two weeks visit with rela tives and many friends here. A Take-down 22 bovs rifle onlv $2.50 unurcbiit a WooUeyt. E. W. Redifer, of Myrtle Creek and M. A. Fuller of Glendale have our thanks for subscription renewals accompanied by kind words for tbe people's popular paper, the Plaivdbalbb. Churchill A Woolley tbe store that has tbe beat goods. Mrs. G. H. Campbell, of this city, to visiting with her daughter, Mr. J. H Booth, of Raseburg. Grants Pats Ob- SPiver, Special sale on high cut ladles shoes Harry M. Holden. G. W. Dimmick, treasurer of Douglas county, made his brother, Senator Dim mlck a briet visit this week. MarthfleM MaIL . See Salrmans opto dateline of watches and jewelery Several Wisconsin msn went to Roee burg this afternoon to file on timber claims, says Friday's Eogena Guard. Over-gaiters, leggins and rubber low est prices at Flint s. Miss Mildred Lander returned home last night, after visit of a few weeks with Portland friendt. Y oa should see that elegant "Meridan cut glass at Churchill & Woolleys. THE. POULTRY HOW.. Closed Saturday Night. A Fine Wblt of Fowls and Eggs. The Btrond Annual Poultry Show of lb D jogiat County Poultry Association closed la this city Saturday evening and while, owing to the diversion of holiday week, the at'endance of visitors was ' not at large as was anticipated, the exhibits far excelled the' show of last year In variety an4 excellence, denoting much progress In the poultry Industry In this county. . The exhibit was a most credit able one aod gave tbis Industry a re newed impetus In Ibis taction of tht Stat. Tbe officers In chsrie are to be1 heartily congratulated upon their suoteat in presenting to tbe public such an in teresting exhibition of Use fowl demon stration, lbs tact that a valuable industry of no small proportion baa sprung Bp is oar county which promises to liberally reward all those who give It a fair share of Urns and atteuMoo. Mr. W. W. Browning; of Og-d.n, Utah. finished hit (abort Friday as jodge at tbe poultry show in Slocum's balL In result thereof, more convenient than ever, for the information el tbe welcome visitors at tbe elrgant display of pet stock was the little score card attached to each coop showing the quality of (be fowls within. The standing of nearly all tbe birds vai very good and considering the fact tbst pooltry raising In Douglas county on a finer scale is yet In Its in fancy, the general degree el tbe stock wss exceptional! high. Below will be found tbe leading J U L I UU 1 nii.ill ! ; .... ... ...... i v 4Jall -at Flint's Shoe Store Ftw Pointer.," you'U bm confectioneriee at The beet la the Mrs. Cbas. MInkler of Portland, has been spending a few days la Roseborg visiting with friendt, - ' Patent leather and box calf shoes for Misses at Flint's. Engineer E.J. Stroud, who baa beta seriously ill with tooslliUs, Is somewhat Of some suitable Xmas Present for some friend or relative? If so. we can help you by aVuggesj two which should be valuable to youi. 1 a For a Gentleman A fine Muffler, Necktie, Suit, Overcoat, Pair of Shoes, Silk Handkerchief, or something in the Furnishing Goods line, makes a handsome as well as useful present. For! a Lady What could begetter than a handsome Collarette, JCapp, Cloak," Lace Collar or Dress Pattern?? Or if you desire to make Fancy Work, Handkerchiefs. Point Lace Work. etc.. we .have a full and complete line of Battenberu and Point. Lace Patterns. Braids. Thread, Handkerchief Linens, Footing, Edgings, etc. We sponge and I shrink all Dress Goods by means of our spotless Steam Sponger, thereby insuring theear, nr. ana color 01 any piece ol Dress Goods, tor 5 cents a yard. - o ; : 44 : T-t-r - BKST SOOtS F rSBS. (One male and three females.) VYblte Wyandoltta let, Mrs. A. L Kirkland, 187; J.G.Baltewsf. U7 11- 12. Bnff Leghorns 1st, Heasell Bros. 182 1-12; tad, L. Q. Mathews, 181 6-12. White Plymouth Bocks 1st, F. L. Calkios, 180 1-12; 2nd, f. B. Hamlin, 1885, ; 3rd U. M. Battel t, 183 1-12. Black Plymouth Bocks 1st, J. W MulleB, 162V; So F. L. Oalklna, 181?; 3rd, P. U Mathews. 180. . Brows Leg born 1st, I, A. Kruee, 186 2-U: 2od. F. B. Hamlin. 184W: 3rd. . B. Bontlngton, 1S3,V , SIBOLafaoOBSI. . WbiU Plymouth Bicke F. L. Calkins Srst cock 93',. flret hew 64'. eeoood new MV. teoond eockertl 83. third cockwrei 93, eseoad pulLt 904; F. B. Hamlin, second eock 91, first pullet 943. third pullet 94. Barred Ply mouth Rocks J. W. Mul len, seooad eock 9,'. first cockerel 92, second cockerel, 91 ! F. L.Oalkin, third eockerel 91, eseoad pallet 90 third pul let, 91 V, J. B. Uorris, aeoosd aea, 85)',. F. a BrewB Lswhors) T. B. Hamlin. tecood eock 89, first pallet 95, asoood pullet 94;. 4. Krase. first eockert! asoood eockerel 91 4. first hea 93, ecoMl baa 92V. third pullet 94?4' ; H, B. Huntingtoa. third eockerel 91. Bag Leghorns Hansel! Bma. eeeoad cock 8i, aeeoad eockaral 8S4'. flrat hea 91, seooad pll4 93'; U G. Mataewt. third cockerel 89V. firat poll 93V, third pollet 92. ".' " " Silver Spangled Hamburg -yr, Marsters, first coraaicl 90, first baa, 92, second bea 91V. , . White Wyandotte W. G. Hill, Mcoad cork 89V. first cockerel 4V. aeeoad cockeo-1 91V. (bird cockerel 89V;. Mra. .' L Kirilaod. third bea 92, Brat polltt 93V. rwtd pullet 93; J. U. Ballewec, womad bea 9JV- Cornish ludan Game W. L. Draing- r, first ban 90, seeond ben 89 V- Black Breasted Red Game Denny Hooter, first cockerel SS, first pullet 93V. second pullet 93. ' Gotden Poliah W. E. Marsters, first cock9uV. first ben 90V. eecood ban Boff Plymouth Bock H. E. Hunting ton, first cockerel 94, first bea 91 V. sec ond ben 8SV. nrvt pullet 91V, second pullet 89V, third pullet 88V. Black Laogthaa Eoy McClallea, flrat pullet 95V cond pullet 94, first ben 90V- White Lengths Mrs. A. L Kirk land, eeeoad cock, 89V. flrat eockerel 91. first pallet 94V. aeeoad pallet 93V. Uurd pullet 91V ; U. T. McClallea, third eock 88V- R.C. White Lechoru Mrs. W. M, Moore, firet ceckeral 91V. Arte pallet 94V. aeeoad pallet 93.V- India Banner Ducks J. D. Hamilton, firat pair 137V; F. L. Calkins, eecood pair 187. Pekin Docks F. L, Calkios, first pair eooud pair 187. n . The Big.: Storef .vovovov Told in Side Hods Mrs. F. MBeard left, laUtr part of last week for an extended visit with relative, and friends in Mieaioarl and Tenteeeee. He many friends bera wish her a pi ant trip and sale return. Bev. W, A. Wood, who attended tte meeting of tbe Christian state board in Eugene yesterday, returned borne to Roeeburg , this afternoon. Engine Gaard, t . Mrs. J. G. 6mitb, a sister of W. C Hildsbrand, ot this city, accompanied bv her little eon. Herald have gone to Bakersfield, Calif.; for a mouths visit. An Interesting srtlcle entitled "A trip along tbe Umpqaa" is omitted from this Issue on account of lack of space, but will appear in Thurtday'a paper. Mrs. Kollit. Rtmp, ot Roeeburg, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thorn aa lo this city during the holidays. Cot tage Grove Leader. J . S. Taylor, one of the depot telegraph operators, accompanied by hie wife pant uortetmes with his parents at Comstock. Jailor O. L. Williams of the Drain Nonpariel, was a business caller toAbe county seat Saturday. Mite Dolla Mum power, of Drahj , bat gone to Jefferson to, receive vdtcal treatrxent. Interettbg additional local wi will be found 00 the last page ol the Plaui- DBA LB B. Hon. J, E. Blundell of Riddle, wat a county seat visitor Saturday. Con. r. r. Xynan, h rfporta d 111 at hit home In this city, A .UaivtuB Caxbkdab This office .ec- kaowladcea with thaaka. cainpliiBaats of thaaeat as tram 8. C. Fliat's ahoe stora, la tbe shape of a neat and unique' card board folder. On tha outside front page ia tha picture of a etunnlog and ttyCthly dreaatd yoang lady. . The ascood twaa CMlaJnc a calendar for tha year and te Ivge packagat of tMadtea far all kiadt w Bearing. Tha third page has pair of laoghiog U" with tbe inaerfptioa Sva those happy feet, made harry ay wearing pair of atyliab, easalortabts shoe, from & C.Flfaat's shoe Mora." The back page eontaiaa a fine aboe ad for tbe Mora and the folder, which ia of a deU eaio bin aad baJTesJar, beare the) title ot A Few Useful Point, presented ay 8- C. FMai, Hosabarg. Oe." Tea Sraraaarra A T. M. C. A- Th. mmueamtat Christmas .evening at tha roontaof tha,rosrx Mam's Cfariseaia Aa odation was the SebBbart Eyspbooy Club, lady ojoartat acoorapaoyisg. The utemoertuip waa largely represented. Tbe aotartaJnmeat waa of a big order and the perfumers received wjaetiattd applaosa, and there was coastaaa eecoot sgaatnt to leacthea tha arotraajme. A Becbelor'a Beoarka om Miaga,' was 00a of the foBBleat hits of tha eras ing. Mia. Mabel Do any McPike. Ml. Ells Claim Garnbart and Mr. Low Me Pikt proted to be well able to hold the audaca. Tha quartea ef ladies va excaileat. Evening Tategram. At tbe Boeeborg Opera Booaa. Jan. 1. vA Bia Woob Cokybjm. r. L. L Hard, tbe geaiaJ poet master at GteatdaW, was transacting buaiaeaa ia Boaeburg Satuv day. la a pleasant visit at tha Plau dbaub ofice, ha informed ua that & B. RedGeld had jost ckvajd a eoutract with tbe Soothara Paciao Cstmaaar lor the daUTtfxxlconla olwiaaroad wood en the track, near Gleadale. Tfcie - eon- tract akeaaa exploytaaat for. a large nombet oCmaa in that vidaUy dariag d. wutur and tpfinjc.ilx. Hard amyt GleadatAklorgiai ahead rapidly. TSr Photo Trr. Jefea H. Taylor, of the wall known Wagon Gallery, has his photo tf nt at tbe old 1 stand until altar tha boUdaya aad is prepared to aapply old aa new coatonaert with fine photoa from wtamp viae up. . His pricee are bj nsusi, at tha bottom. He is prepared ta wpply tha Holiday trade ia pbotoa.' Jlp ' PABTOBAfl wanted lot one or two boras throuah tha winter. Mutt .have ccete to shad for abetter, aad light' feed during severe whiter. Address "E oars this office stating price aad keanoa. " PtU.cs to Bcr Futurra. n wwa'are looking for praaaata do not fail to ina JVT. Brvan's elegant line of ' silver- wtrt snor jewelrv. - ' ' " At rat Oil Piabtv A brief rewpitn froa driUbif operations at th. 4I plul aa C. O.Whiia's pla near Myrtle Creek we takea lor the Ctrfeta.a tide, hot ap to that time tha btg drill bad bawa stead ily poasjdiag away thrugh tbe hard' shale sad Us progrrae at ueual, while "tpadding ia" or bnrri.r iba drill tools, has heea tinw Juha Hary, aa old Ptantylvaniv U t drilfar. h.'"i.work ia charge aad is cot-doctiua the dnlltog operatioM nacat saccefolU and utir factorOy ta all e adeemed, tally demo -strati rag iba fact tha be lUcwogtily aadavataada to tMni. After twenty r thirty more . ia d.pth it taioed, the I- g drill will basis 10 ataka rapad H giasa aad the work will BtsjadUy laterwa. in inter at sail the 011 begiae to goh far li at I . t, this U tbeopiaioa ef aoa.4 th- be t gaolofiitt aad oil expert on tl.U ouaal. MabbuB. 1 tola dry. Friday vea log ait sydock, at the home of Mr. end Mrs. H. B. GUiCtto, by Juatka BobiaeU, Mr. M. H. GiUatta ef Peodlatoa, On goo, aad Mra. MoJlie Pery, of this county. The groom as a brother of Atitsaar H. B. JiUtttaei thieeity. Tha - PtAiwaaaLBB Mas their ataay friend ia extending eotajtrelslatiooa. Tbey will visit Saa Fraaciace and other California points be- Iota tbey go to Peadletoa, where the) will Make their futare home. Hbld tbs Lrcar Snui- Mcrt Woodruff, olMalrota, bold tha lucky btr 1575 ia the grand drawing a Was. Currier's Krooavy. aad waa awarded the baaatirul large prise doll. Tbe prix prevad a drawing card at Carriers gro- Title (JuaranteeccLoan Co.' BC4XBCXO, OBXSOtT. U. If. HItT. rmavi'. " r OfflcalalaeLourtHnoae. Rara U mCT em ptcacsrl of aitrct books in DoaciasCm.ty. Absuactaaad CnifiaMi Tilim IflatefHa) Doa;aacDu.ty laa4 aaJ arlnia rvaiaaa, Umm also a coanp;!ar Tracings ot mil anikli plats la the Bowbora;. Oncoo, T- B, Ia4 tnrc wai Bite bhM arfot eon t aarv .- abipabowln a J vacant Qoraaasaat auidsv hMAir M4iaMa aAaraaaagaaea awta. Gemapuodnce aoUettaL " - - Mabbibd. fa Grant Pate, at the Sswaa M. B. Chorea, on Thureday moraiag, Dec 28. 1901. Frank Me aad Mra. Jeaaia Cary. Mr. Gary's father. Bev. Bobert Booth, vflictatiag, Paator McDoagal atti isg. Foa Palb To yoang eoora, mala aad female. I.qnire ef LeNo r Rax- dale, 1017, Mill 8t Bosebug , Oregon. T. W. Andrew a aad daogVer Sa-h, ot 8eottttrarg, ware Boseburg visitors ths later part of tha week. Tbse office was favored with a pleaeaat eall, aad Mr Andrews reports every thing lively i hlsaactioa. Helaataaagar of tbataa nary at Seottsbarg at preaeat, bat is lorsn aa that Mr. W . P. Bead ia petting apt aww teaetry boUdiaa at Gardiner. scar lb creamery, aad ia til propehilt- tiea it as, Mr. Aadrews wi!l have charg al it whan reedy for eperationa. Geo. M. Basaatt. the geabl 8. P Agesl at Drain, was in attendance at the poultry thaw aad waa quite well pleated at carrying off a second prise 00 his coip . - B K . " ' of Barred Plymouth ttoctt. btuicd were picked proaieeaiaWy ftora hie ebkkea pana, ihU represent tha average of hi breed of fowls, which scored 92. Ii. Little, .133 v Oakland. , . ( - . OrexTxil FREE! Japanese hafkihs- TO AIL ... churchsuppers societYdihheiis rOrfWHlCM SEAL BRAND COFFEE TH m N EST GR3 Wfl u purchased; roll SALE BY S.iiB0YD Groceries and Glassware . .. ROSEBURG, OREGON Griffith' Bakery, Bear tbe depot .mat a a tpecilty of Wedding aod Holiday cake. Tbey also keep a choke line of confectionery. J ,lS 2 uaiil MJSj LADIES DUCTIQN Dr. J. 0. 8000k, Dentist. toaq w In bit office over tbs P. O. Miss Dora Page of OakJaaa, ia -a gar it of Boaeburg trieudr. Better commence practicing on? writing tt 1902 . ' " ' . FiNwtjlai In Qaen Qatlityah1cj at e o c S .0 c .9 9 -v. 9 O 9 9 a. a 9 p 1Por the next 30 dtys we will give a 20 per cent discount on our entire line oi ladies furs, including BOAS STORM COLI COLLARS. -yARETTE. ttttBBaBBWW IbIbbw 4s j j aBaaag " W7J" " A LlannlUccnt Lino. Come S cc Them. ... . , t J m- r I III" I improved today 1 9