The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 30, 1901, Image 2

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    i 5.
The Twice-a-Vee-
fuolubed alomlays uil Tharadaye.
W. CConser, Editor and Publisher
? Lack E. Jonks, Citv Editor, Solicitor,
t j&HL,WiX J. .ratx, Foruiuau ., jr
"Twice-a-Week PUindeakr, per year, $t .50
Eusrc4t the rost. Office in Roseburg,
Ore., at second classniail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
law actATiNu to sawa-arsa rMfumoKi
- - -.' '
AoeoMlinr, kiamit of the leW-et laws Dcwfa
TT publisher? may eauae inaivtduala who -take
eneraud rrfue In pav for it to be err!l
fw irau.1. nnil-r hi rullitg, also, anyooexwho
allow htV uoocnptioo to run eoor, for a time
npa! and iheu aMen it discontinued, or-or-tm
tru- ixwtinaster to mart U refused, or seuds
t wiUt rarJ to tn publisher la liabla t' ar;
real ami 6ne tbeaam aa tor Uieft. f
cf t-
We bar arranged witb large a umber ol
paper and maeaiincs tor rales which wtn give
an our auiiscribera i publications for a alight
atTunce over the cost of Tbi Pxainpialm
akttti.jFolUwIniapartiaJlJt: ';. j .Zi
- Twnya-'Wg HtatitBalBBd the
ToWilo Blade SZ. .,.;.,. W
frtw TtjrE Tribune.- . W
t Hc.iMn ... .-2 00
A f. BMletia i-Vi
art. ciUi ,;
fcnral "Vortbwwit 1 75
f i ? . ...
r lu the treatmeut ol so eveutlul a
year as 190Ltbe dimcaltj of com
bcessiQK iata brief space a samrn&ry
fcfjts record is'very frrea s The year
fcas beeatjuio oue in almost aJ
linea-of activity iaecieatifio discoT- j
riea, and inventions, to literature
aud iart nod industrial and eontiner-
Mt-progFai an-Oreton, aa-weU as
throughout the United States the
development of trade, industry and
jpfCricpIt,ur marks 1 be year as one of
U tnoef ijt ueperous ur on - history.
Oar political record has an especial
interest, and to a wise and American
political policy is due, to a great ex-
UmMhe present ' satisfactory condi
tion oflhtj country. Coming 'to lo
cal -matters, the Plaisdealeb rejoices
with the people of this county in the
in i pro red conditions and the bright
prospects for still greater prosperity
and happiuess daring the year jnst
dawning. The bnsiness of the paper
doring "he past year was the greatest
in its history and is constantly on
the increase, bidding fair to steadily
incfrade daring ibe bew ,ytar at a
most satisfactory rate. We, there
fore, grasp this favorable opporta ni-
tj to tbank the many friends
and palrpQit of the paper -for their
iuuJ rr .Is. liberal to pport arid pa
tronage daring -the post year and
hopiTlTjrTngTbe coming year" we will
tu'erfta' continuance of the same.
Vii cTiclrreioa, wish one and all a
ilappy aud Prusperooa New Tear.
i ne ciiizds oi asmngtoa take
congress very mncb as a matter of
ftm . trw
coarse. With the old habitues, con
.gres is no great attraction. Die
(tineniBhed public men create no seu-
aion. There are too many of them
'Bat never in the memory of anyone
.living has there been each an interest
- jug personage in the JVhite Hoose ah
i President Theodore. Uoosevelt, and
4ruor is hoped from' bim by 'optimist
who belieye iBpopnlar -government
rlhii$ wiy previous president. There
5 are ibonsands wbo wqald be willing
Ho give uiut autocratic power, and if
the conotry backs him to the endai
popolar wutimeut is backing hin
n a. he will , have the. equivalent of
Autocratic c wet- and . be able to test
loose reform in the civil, naval and
military establish meat for which hie
same is mJynonym.' Pistingnisbed
as a publ cist, as a soldier, and as a
'statesman, he is even ' more distinga
wished 8 reform aa 1 as a terror to
( pplitioaloorruptionisU and that horde
of coosciencdie'M politicians . -who
; have so long regarded public offices
as a private perquisi. If , he eae
rceeds iu drowning this horde, he will
make firmer and fairer the foanda
tiona.oljthe republic, and thaeuper-
atrncture for a thonsaud years will
befit; the marks of his master hand.
; As popolatioa presses farther and
farther westward the raiding of pob
. JicU&iberel. lends by grendy. and
, i . t .
-- tawiess jamoermen becomes more
andacions, Wide spread and danger
; ous to the public interest If unde
tocled the raiders secure rich booty
wiput cost; if haijed beforetb
courts they mike prompt settlement
' onder the i-helter of an . act passed
mdre lhaiO j eari ago, which pro
tides for immunity to timber thieves
;o,pay ment of a beggarly $2.50 per
, acrev for th'4 tinkered territory
xdenndea. Inns a hederal statute
"designed to prey ent depredations on
;Jpubiic timbered lands hue become
- shield end safeguard to premedi
tated and lobbery. - It cannot be too
- soon repealed. :
--.' There should be a law against He
'pointing of firearms at a person eyeu
'playfully. Oar advice would be in
. such a case that when a man poiuts'e
7 pistol or .un at yon, knock bim down;
dcta't stop to mquire whether it i
' loaded or not, . knocV him down-
Don't be particular what you ku.f-.k
lum. down witbv nly se that be ir
thoroughly knocked down. . If r.r
"bner's inquest must be held, let it I
On the other fellow be won't be
' missed. ' '
.. Southern Oregon can secure and
Btantial recognition in the coming
.Hte cocyention aDdCHirl-tWur
v"-uu,wu u tuese iwoeeciioi8 ine
" tate do not receive irouiiuaut plaoes
V '- v -; ' ' ' i I ' ' . '
-' ; - r. '. :-.
on the ticket it will only be the fault
of the Republicans of these re
spective districts.v FaotionaH Btrife
and divided delegations from SoUth-1
ern and Eastern Oregon means. a
scoop for tha'Willamette valley -fend
Secretary of State F. I. Dunbar
has our thanks for a copy of the
election laws. It is very complete
and wakes" a book of ' 157 - pages.
bich will be an interest study !
for tbe jiiilttes of Ibe next election.
Bad Thompson, welJknown in Or-
egtu j.uirnaliniu, and one of tbearU
ini)iipneraa)i iuis ppwv it now
ixbiug ibe.Altiuas.v ModC',c6iviiy
tJaliforniv iPl"o'iaer, aad 'm
making ajtpioy paper.
r..-.j ' t : I .
Vhile i""7 -f aubscribera. are
at this season of tneiear remembeir
insr their -frietids, HT' would -li'thi
proper thing to thinkjof the .publish'
er and send in the small amount due
bim. ' ;...-..
An exchange wants Boosevelt to
-ge mora robgfj rioWa Jnlo lia ,c&bp
jieL TheraUl ba.a boUiirne.iu.iUe
olt town . of r, Washington - j.aoon
:Preaident,lleo8evelt wwlies-it di
unctly understood that no man m
public life is too exalted to be called
down for doing wrgng , 2
If men really Ihonght their TesgSu
lions would keep it is .very drfubfefrrl
if as many would - be made as are
madeu t t- A a
i Oneof the tbiugs that should jbe
owora oSbythetwbole coautry is. (he
Sampson-Schley mesa. , f
- hi last accoanui ' Senator Pepe w
was feeling qoite-booey-BOoflial aoiJ
was at Nice, France. .. ...
The question of the hour what U
do with tie trash Christmas gifts, "f
" f
Take this paper and be happy. (
. Hott- A 1L :". Crawford, one of the
leadioaj Koeeburg attorneys, ' who. is
tell kuewn and popular iu; Curry
county, is favorably mentioned by
-everaTot the Southern Oregon pa
pers for the ltep'nblicao nomination
'or Attorney General N,aT selectio'n
fv that. office couldbe made that
vonld give greater satibfaction to tbe
Republicans of Ourry. Jort Orford
tribune. , "'..
PoUtical Qessip.
It is now said the obi love which
listed between Senator . Slrtchell
tod Mr. Scott tip to 1876 'has' been
.eKioaieo, ana idhi it is now as
irong aVefe. f'
loere are nve oe 'tnero at tar a,
heard from in tbe field f or tbe" oorA-
aation for governor on the repnbh
an .ticket -Governoi' Geer, W.X
burnish of Pendleton, Jonas M.
Jhurch'of Uiiion, Henry E. Ankeuy
f Jackeou,'. and Stephen A. Lowell,
of Pendletou.-Tbere is one farmer
hen he is not- governor -two' bank
rs, one miter and general ruBtleh
tud one lawyer iu, tbe libU U Le
armer and miner seems to be in Ute
d at prettenL Ex. "". ti
- Booeevell ' seems' to ihe j cae tit
OuxJff feiiJont" with peypla geuerr
.Uy. Salem Journal, v . "
Notice, Dissolution
Tbe co-partner eb ip heretofore ez'C.
' between W. a. Everiit and .W. at
loore arndrr .ab fiu aj tyla!
Koeenarr otom Laoedrvte) trt-rtti
ttaaeourf, awoiriMoTinty, Utrron, .
f'Sfolved by motaal coiieeauW. A. Ev-
nttjpMpat' rbeiHrflvu)trett fit
e retiring p irtner, W,M. Moore, aad
'WUireaibe paynieutof all ootatandipf
uoiiiiies. iboe 1h are indebted -lo
e firm will make payroent to W. A
"veriit. ' !' ' W. M.' Moore,
Dated Dec. 28. l!WtV - 4 wy
Letter List.
Remaining uncalled lor ar tbe Koae-
tarj ioei office,
Ufjonf , Henry :
'rroll, JobD'kni
Cmr'y, Don
rer, Mn Ma ,
! nbrie Letttia -'
'epmrliug,- Mark'' i
6indna,' Elizaet-th'
Williams, Myrtelik
William., P. O. 7
tjnnan, Mrs; Mv Wood worttj.-Idcile"'
UcLanithlin, Mra. Jubn - . . p.-Per-.oos
callinu (or tbet letters will
. lease state tbe dte oi wbach'tbey ejv
4 lvmisea, v e. zs, iauj :
Tbe letters will be charged lor at' tin
rate f one cent eacli". " ' r,
X 1 St" r W A.'karta. P.'y
"TheOreton Parioerr " Corrxreae will
lie beld at Salem, J-tuuary "61b to"9.b,
t;K)2,iDclnBive.'v Tal Q re to o"D Fry nie n V
no.uv.t. HJq ' VMCgupi AlTVBLOCa
Association will bold tbeir annual neet-
nig at tbe aune iime jad place. . Tlie
Fruit Men, i? lata Grao Abd Hop Men
will also be reprvt-euled. Tim (Veeon
Klate Board of Agrfioftjre 1 .will .lie-wipe
hold special meeiiuvs (or tlie purpoas,. nf
pre pan a a' prrnj "for - ext earsV
State fair, la view of tbe recentapid
aayancemtni la eioca raiaing una. -dairy
inibroogboottihe ftae, ibu ayeeUrg
ebool'l beat great henvUt to all irrtewiet
ed in agriculture and an uiiuuallr(fe
vttendance is aeeured." . I . -
' Cnea. Wrwtit, who recently returned
frOID Colufflli4, r"00'b A'ieiie4, was'io
Hp'writy Siturrlay tri'ioi; i h liieaieter
Mr. W. T. Wrigbt, Tbioajth ihe -kuid-nes
o' Mr. Wrinl we were permttftd
to in'pect a r-'amilul ennvenir i f i;n-
meuae value, wf.icti he baa iu liiarpo-
eeeirlon, coostetitig ol a eolid Kuld rosary,
Said to have bet n. piS'l f. r a Span-i-h
K11 f.awr 20J rera fi ulu i" sol
id aold and delicately carwd ;rnv bract.
let. Tie wurkm nabip n ih. f nnfeles '
far sarpasmi anytriicg we. have ver'
eeen, iu ibt tine, and an- eiinp'y Tauii
A E Keut baa rtto.ntMl from Or a in'
aud Ticnitj bervhe p.t X
' af L ' - ' i i V '.' i
4 ' & i 'J ? 4
From Our
. v : !'i r
' dreen Station Items. J V y
Peter Bullock baa quit tbe stage and is
a lull fledged farmer nowadays.
Lindsey II has proven btmsell ja first
class musician, aa well as a successful
ohotoa'rapbec.--- - T"T!T-
Thq recent change of weather lee oil to
have given gedeial . satisfaction among
be (arraeea.
Cbas. MsUiuee, wbo. resides OB FB
Wait's farm Is Lappy' since ha received
biS Cbrittmas presents.
Chester . Xormeii"uaB gons north on
buaiuew.-r Wonder if the "Northern
Belle" is wrecked again.' ' ' ' 7
What has becotn of Booa? It any
one will return tbe tame in good condi
tion a suitable reward will be given.
Thoe. Hatfield of Deer Creek attended
tbeUhrntsrtaa- exeAsea at this place and
spent a few days visiting witb relatival.
Mr. Albert Weatbertord has been on
theaick list for tbe past lew daje. Jt la
thought that be has a slight stroke of
paralysis.! ;---a ' ;
Miss Hut'. ie Smith, one ol oar charm
ing and accomplished young ladies spent
Christmas witb tbe Misses Winston, of
" Merlt.'Weatberford tbe fellow who is
stiongly accused ot leaning on bid neigh
bor's gate of eyeuings wears a guilty
countenance. '' '
Dr. Valertan was seen trying one of his
thsorius.eae day Ust week. It Worked to
perfect ie 3. Xose theories of yours, Dr.
should begint home. . .
.-vProf. Jas. E.iPaUeraon, of Brock way
a-aa seen indoor midst a few days since.
Ramor says be gets his meals at UaU
way station on Sundays.
Jaa.'BarBes, and Walter Wtiltama, two
retnineut young men of Ten-Mil passed
ibreugb THir -Valley a few days - tigo, on
ehedole time, going toward tbe West. '
Oar school closed Friday without any
imusal exercises, it being "so soon alter
the Christ-Das exetcises that lbs popil
were; not required to' get recitations. '
(J ode Henry Lander was fa Town the
ther day aod it was not on Sitturday
-itbar. : But tbe people thought it was
and so went to cbarch tbe asxt norniag.
Tbe S. P. K. R. Co. has bad a force oj
men' at work on tbe station building ail
taia place. Ifpreseoua very at ap
pearance since receiving, a new coat of
paiut. ' ; ' . ' j
, Mica Uittie Cooper, ' wbo baa beea at
te .ding school in' her borne district will
sooa leave for Jefferson, Or , where sbe
will take up higher siodiee, Mi.y your
o Ior;s be crowned with success, friend
Mrs. Kate Russell, wbo has been stay.
i4 with ilba Rose Green, dariag-tbe
p5t taree mouths will soon leave ior bar
Home in Meditwd, where sue exiwcta to
cwids with ber son. who is a prominent 1
illec at rhat place. Tbe loss -of ibis
noble, woman sill be', keenly felt "toy the
:ienaunUy. . vt
This .Christmas eutertaiomjiVJ,.'0u,
Obrietmas eve at tbe scbool boami was a
rand tucoaes. Every adjHoing neigh
6 jr hood. was well repreeeoted aod every
body Seemed to enjoy a tbemselvcs very
nocb, especially old uncle Santa Clan
1 bo entered the room witb a foor bushel
ack filled with every thing imaginable
ania fery valuable ' presents wet prae-
.ited. Some of tbe young tnen riceiveri
resents which had very abady compk-k
oca, Tbe program was well rtadered
; nd much. praise aod credit is due Kiae
4iua Cooper, for ber effotta aaif aourin
0 tergy in making tbe evening. Kercisa'
a aucrets. .The 'nnstc furniabed-: by the
' Hiawaibe" Bind, was excelleut and
tlie recitatiooe by -Lelia, and Wilfred
Mvoatt, were wel oeiivsrea 'sad were
very appropriate for tbe occasion. The
principal feature of the evening was tbe
na"4'ait'ed "lbs Danger tlignai"
;hich.butKl two bouts. . It was uetruct-
ve aod hoaoo'ous aod tbe success on the
p rrtupttbe actors, showed that they had
wh-u well .trained. . The . actors were
Messrs. Minor poper,-L. ,Mrnali, Rob
ert Bo.-gf, Harry. Winoton, Fraok Thorn
ton, teorte Crane, and C'ay SaUtn
Mieees Reus Lander, Martha Winston,
Edna Winston aod Ilattie Smith. ,
Qleddale Notes.
'. - ".,' .
Most beautiful spring weather per
vails io tbia f alley.. ,j
. Born, at lbs Suction House Ulendale,
t Mr. and Mrs Tom Scott a bor, Dec.
Mr. and Mra. Bueii, wno are among
,tpr uioet esteemed residents, wont' le
Myrtle Creek for Christmas.
'The in isk btlf gWen by the ladies of
the order of Peodo at tbe Oleadals opera
noQne on Christmas niabt was very mucb
ahjjyed by ah present and passed off
pleasantly. -t ...
E. E.jtedBel and wife,'. Dr. D. B
RfdfieKt, W. H. RedUeld, J, H. Tledfield
and W.C. Levins aUeoded' tbe. foaeral
1.1 tbeur stater, Mrs, j. k. Wtlion at
Medlord taat Friday, '
Mr. and Mrs.- Olinghonss of Upper
Com Creek and W. H. Ntffol Gleadale,
maae us a nice uurtetinaa visit and we
were just a little surprised. toaee the two
gentlemen waia into our aimng room
itboui an ia vital ion aud soon alter tbey
ad tooktbeii leave our surprise deepen
elwben latter on we went into the dinJ
mg room andluuud a mncb appreciated
aud vaiofd Christmas present on bur
table. We tbaok you all for your choice
gift and your appreciated vteit, -.
- K
The dedication of Oil vent Presbyterian
church l G.eudaU occuired on IXc. 16
audHrew du a large cbngregation. The
deJiCatiu seriuou was preucbedby Bty
Hays, ol Urania Pass and was an (xcel
lent dibcourse. It was remarkable for
Ely's Urearri Ba!m
Euy and tilaaaao't' to
fait, n'J
w. Ontaine no ta
ruriooa drug. , ' ,
it is quick ijr abanrbod.
Giv Kelicf at once.
It 0X-ii and Clrannes
tlie Kasal I'uriuno.
r Aliars liiflainuiation.
neais ana i-rvtecu tne ileu Urine. JUstoni th
K"na of Tat and Siyll. lrg Sia, so ctots at
? T 7 ' oiat laoenta by mail.
if I
4 awn
iitit2.H Wrrufctv,hT tw ;
impllcity of expression snrUoucbed the
hearts of he large congregation. There
ris Ave ministers present, vial . -Rei
Dr..Holt, Rev. Dr. Townaem), Rev. Hays
Ksv. W. A; Smick and Rev. Blair, who
is "out resident pastor. v
Christmas pawed most pleasantly'; ft
Cbristmaj tree at Oil vent cbarch 'was
enjoyed bVa large concourse of people".
The ,eiroses by the Sunday school
children were all welf readers' 1k ' dnet
by lbs Misses Edith Jones and Laora
Parker "was tie Teat ore oT'theSvenlufll'a
sntertalament. Many betutiful preeeoti
ware distributed among' (he large " audi-'
ence and all wbd'wffre jtresent'seetned
happy. Tbe sweet anthem of tlie angel
ic chanters; of )j Bethlehem -re-echoed
againjn our hearts, 'as fe-lho'ngbt with
leaifalbearu ol Ood'i prsf great
Cbiitttnaa gut to the worlit .mors than
B(peteeupHjaoand fancj ' we
beard tbe Aogallc message,'. Peace on
earth god Will lowy d nsavV
It ia with profound - sorrow that we
chronicle the death 01 our dearly beloved
Iriend 'Mrs. ' Emma ftedfield' Wilson,
wife of J. R Wilson of Medlord. ' Her
death occurred on Christmas elgbs . at
the family residence at MedfordT ' Mrs.
Wilson was uken ill on tbe 21st. of
vembtr and on the 28th in response to a
telephone message we hastened to tier
bedside, where with her kisi'e'r,' Mrs.' W.
0 Leveos, we spent tbeeka of tireless
vigil beside her bed, audVere rewarded
by seeing a change for ' tbe better ' aad
wilt Mrs. Levens we'terurned home'.1
A change for the wprW occurred on De1
camber 22nd and Mrs. Levens 'returned
to tbe bedside of her sister. "1 We ''were
almost shocked to here of our, frteodV
death 00 Christmas night; ' Heart fail
are was the immediate cause of . ber
death. She' was a most exemplary wo
man, a devoted wife, a Umcg mother, a
gentle sister, a dutiful daughter. Sbe
was a woman of fioe literary attainments
and bad ready for publication soote ex
cellent articles, which' will no dodbt be
published soon. She leaves a sorrowing
husband aod three children teojooro
their loss. Her aga win 44. yeare. She
was the eldest daughter of Mj. and Mjs.
John W. Redfield, prominent Southexo
Oregon pioneers. ' f:r . . ' .
Peace aod prosperity . nrevaQ in our
little citv, and lookiug backward, over
a year of health aod happiness we cor
dially extend cheerful Christmas greet
ing to tbe, PLAixpsAtaa, its. editors, pro
prietor .' od readers - fur tbe rosaiog
yeesv. Vi..- : , .Mxttum
' CooU'nx Olaas Items. J';
' aaaBM ' a -
; Morgan A Arnold did a good busioeas
Uhristma. Tbey funvsbed tbe caady
and outa tor the tree at cost, ttjodboya'
and we will remember you.
'School closed Friday' anil -ibev Miasea
Wizen and Badges 'dererve praise, as
tlie popil have advanced ics!y la totb
rooms. "We have had a' g xi scbjoV" and
cbey SbooMbotb be esnIoyrd again.
Christmas day tbey bad a 'shooting
matco to pais off quietly. Saon Bold lex
er getting tbe tut key shooting its bead eff
ibe first shot. Will Short, of Tea Miie.
Link Griiber, Role; Goodman and Others
did some very good shooting. '
The Cbriatmaa tree was a grand 'sue
cees... It was beauiilully trimed aad the
committee deserve aedit for their skill
od Maoof.1 Tbe ' entertainment ' was
very good aad lbs ' two scbool leacnera,
fiS Wizen aud Miss' .Badger' eertainly
deseive credit io the' way they trained
ibe children. At about 9 o'clock old
Santa Claoa appeared with sleigh belle
md robed in a buffalo robe, wbicb be
fid not need in Oregon, but tbe ' way Le
made tbe candy and popcorn fl pleased
'be children and the old ones; There
W 4 not very many 'costly presents t at
tbey were usertrl aodnice."
' i. T. Spadgfl closed down his chopper
Saturday anttl spring. . He Jim bade
veryjfooJ idiu. : Flora. ,
' . ScotUburg: -
' We with tlie Plausokaleb, and all iu
workers a Happy 'New Year. '
: 1 Misses Mary and Kate 8agaberd will
spend tbe holidays in Gardiner..
Mr. Ritchie's family spent their
Christms a tbeir boa iu.D(ia, . . VA
In honor of tbe Louisiana - Purchase,
the stars and riraa. floated Li tbe- burg
onlhe20lw. . v V
- The almoanhnra W a dai-.tded! rJifll I
laatwk;evetbcrtr1ttatteyrbad;QwtWirt'H, T 1L0.
to bouse op. - A H 11 last Btgba the seconii number
t A - a - seat A
J. Hedden and familv, alt ndel the
wedding' of Misj Lucy Grubbe and Jake
!aw.rers, im the 18th. :.'f '-''-'IZ'
The tannery, which baa been in opera
lion at tbie'place go many year'. w.llbe
moved to Gardiner soon.
i- ' "'
Cbsam WASTaD.' ThT;'fe: Townsen5"'j
Creamery Co. at 44'Secorid st:, Portland,"
win pav nignew ntarae pnee ior c;ream.
a .- a.... U'. l.i'..
- rise maae a nu in nis tasi rectiatiou, A
l yoo CwmBeparatorsndUkilBh,, firJUfU on -Marriage."-am
in paymsnt. - , -pregoni.n, .. .. . v. r
awr-ia i an t . i c v I
w ti sett
your cream
?-jf Xmas
Bargains for all.
Don't '" delay
bave plenty of
goods at the aight
tio-Larts and L)oU
l3uggies.75c and
up. Chairs and
R ock ers for ch i Id-
reu, 2o cts and up.
U you get
tirel reading . -i'
thin ;
is adr. we can interest J
vou with ' tMices. "We
eell cheaper than Port
land. i.
Our $i.2 Rockers
. . J V T - t . : !.
Our Sr.ob
ana M.o5-xocKer9 .
are easy Rockers.
The. price is easy
too. See. them be
can t be
fore you buy. '
t .....
i ' . :
U -f. t
A Brother of fhe 'Murderer
r tii--
- - Have identiJIed ttie Body.
G.E.Tjitidls, alUges' that tbe body of
bia.brcljet, ' JI.v &. Xiudie, tbe Coos
county jnwrderer, wxafjoried as so un
known, about 15 miles north of Corvallis
last summer Mr, Laudia claims hf.ex
humeJ the Kyjwt weelc and5 Weuti'tiea
it as that of bis brother, bv the gold fil
Jings In his teeth" The body tn question
was discovered last June.-, badly dfqouV
posed, with a bullet hole through tbe
temple, andjVatuteu'w1Tere
found, lo a thicket between 8nver and
Parker on tbe West Btde railroad, after
0 inqaaat bad peer, ffbt corpner
ol roikooasuy.' Hut&e ate Jouaaad to
think tbe statement a ruse, to tbrow:cfI
their, gnard ta.'rnay .'r. nn tr.a
lookout for tbe Coos county murderer. .
Ms. J Wright rjifrhd' e Wid.
. A telegram teljftig of U(ew)eib'o Mrs.
J. Wright Girm"ure at l1iri1anC fueaday
morning, was, received by frienda In ash
land shortly after the sad event. Mra'
Gil more, wbo bns been suffering from
stomach trouble for the past two years,
ert ber home at Klamathon a couple of
weeks ago for Portland tooodergo an
operation, the effects of which sbe did
no( survive'.1- Deceased,1 whose' maiden
name was Lollie Sanderson I wsj married
to J. Wright Gjlmore, son of, J P, Gil'
mgre,,oi. iwia ciiy, 11 mjuic arjoui 10
years aoo, and was aged -abont 36 years.
There: were no cbildeo. Her bueband
was present in Port'and at tbe time of
her death. The foneral occored Wed
nesday ' afternoon at Riddle. Ashland
ndiofB.'". DeQeaeed was, a daughter of
Wm.8anJeror-, of R'.dJIe. Her mother
died at a fee years ago: Two
brothers, Wilt aud Fred Sanderson, re
side at Bandon and Coquille City reepec
lively . - 1
Bargalna at
The anctiorBalea aUlLoontyiued at the
Uicbardson purio bouev and , a .grea
iolareatls being taken.' Iboee bavin
purelaeed. ineUomeate so far arej , ' l:
W. F.McLaoKblin.Gaitar SOcU. Violin
7J cte. Ziether $1.00; Mr. Landers, Man
loUu$3 00Goitar4i-00; Jehu Hassell,
Violio 35; Allie Hooser.'GuiUr $0 00
Mr, Tripp, Mandolin $3.00; Mr I. M.
Meeley, Violin $1.00; E.E. Uarphan.
Accordion 64 eta.; V. llrpban. Guitar
$2 10; S. A. iornay, Violin $2.75; Man
dolin $2.10; R. Ages, Mondoiln-$l.W;
Dr. DoGaa. lotoLarp .$.'.0v; Carl La
hike", Violin $3 00 T. K iicuaanaox.
e ;
. -Red Albumen" (or Hens.
I v - -. . . .... J
Taejobbicg trade -baa been flooded
aitta orders for ,'Red . Alturaea" during
i he past week, owing to the "pbblication
of articles In the lay press advocating Tbe
use of tbia product for tbe purpose U in
.lacing a larger crop of "trite ftom 'be
amily ben, We understand that "Fed
Albumen." so called, is a product ieeoed
by Ibe C. S. S.lix Co. of "black pepsin"
and "per algretta" fame, and t ia claim
ed that anal Tela shows It to consist o(
ground oyster shelve sod, red, pepper,
What effect Ibis'woul 1 have on tbe lay
ing capacity of t'te ba'ae ar not pre
pared to-iy. Waowij t add tbw'redal
bumea ia one of the . trade' terms' for or
dioary blood 1bao en,' aod th" latter 1
beingteoppliedon. orders. It should be
utote oaeful than ret . tipper. nd oyster
rbellt. McKsoa ; A Rsbbio', ,Mfg
Chi mirta, Sew York. "
Don't Forget to Read Thts. "
Our fsll'anJ wtnur goods have rr vtd
and you will find here the larost and
mon complete tide-of drtss goods, out in jt
UAaoeis, faacinator,"Utdexwesr, bosit ry.
blanket, curiaina, cloaks, .e pes, etc.
Also BorVlxbam A Hecht - boots and
ahoes, rubber goods', oU -Tlotiuag, over
coats, and a lips oi mo and bota' rlo'b
ing tbat cam ot be tat. Wo'iiw;
carry miners' eappli and a, fresh aad
compltle a'oOt of groceriee,-.
, Come and let ua show you our large
aeaonmeat and' wive yoa -friovs. Oor
aim ia to give yoo good values and treat
you right. Give) ow a trial.'
A. R. Mattou.n A Co., Riddle, Or.
r We are) also agents tor the Oliver
Chilled plows and ex'ras. tul I)
,Scbeberts Are All Right.
The fkLsbert' 8fui bony Club
o inw ctar course. . i ue re; ea ea eocorea
Qleach comber indicated an eut usiattt
i audience, .Each Lumber . aeemel to
meet Inereaatd ai pr'ovaJ ; especlaL
ly tbe ladies' qu trtet, with their excel
lently Ua'ned voicrs. Mmi' Mabel D
taney McPtks, in "Love the Pod la r," re
Ceired generous applaoae, as did also tbe
be contralto eo 1 iet, Mia. EiU' Claire
Garnbart in "Cavatina." Mr. L-uia Mo .
i Pike maxle-a hitlfl his last recitation. "A
. .W .
' .:?!;' Mi.;
A' child toy stove
for 20 cts; a better
one for'75 ;.cts.
Jrou Beds for 35
audccHts. ,Wc
5are strictly Jn it.
, . ' . ii'. 1' .; r vi
Specialties. '
. Renieniljer , our eLH!citi ' Sewing macliiue, dropi
Decern Iter Salei ,Ion't head, delivered, only $25.
forget ue. .'$1.15 Stands No. 7 Cook Stove, $8; No.
.lor- $1. Htesreirnlal ! StJodk KtoveV 'J; Steel
"price, 45 cte.', now 3d cts. -i Kanne, warranted for 16
while tbey last. , ,. t 'yeara.onlviatt.
' " K - -A.A'Jlt--.
- .
Chairs- thrbtfehout -Det-
can't ;be- equalled., ember.'- iMa n y
.or; 75 ";cts'. i Chairvi shoppers a are -ex-
pected. Save mon-
v i m
, . " - - a
ey.' .
sum?, ?jm iirbeti
n 1
' r.i')
-; ?' v il
..Card of
Once again we beg to tbaulc-the public- for
their most liberal patronage daring the past '
season. This is the twelfth year that we have
been in the music business in cseburgnd
' the business has increased every) jjear jibe
present year has'been aihummer. .i We have :
distributed ampng our friends over one hnn
' "dred instruments tbis year, ajdd tbiafougbtoj "
.be evidence that wejselftbe'best goods at the
4 best prices in order to hold such a trade. All
of our instruments for the past twelve 3-eafs
k are giving the best of satisfaction, We have
in stock at the present time a fine lot of all "
new and up-to-date Pianos with all the latest
improvements that goes'to make a first class ?
j 1
. K. RichardM
g Roseburg Steam Laundry i
We are now ready for business
with new and up-to-date machine
ry. Work will be neatly and
promptly done. Watch for our
Wagon or call Thoneqi. v
- - r , :
. The I. O. F. -. , : .
Concerning the Srbubert'a, which ap
pear here oo Jan. 1, Grafton (W. Va.)
Lodge No. 31, 1. O. O F. says: .
"Every number presented waa a gem
and tbe performers were apulaaded to
the echo The entire entertainment ar
P4aled to tbe eood taete of tbe Urge and
rpp ea iaiive aouienceand was a an
iu every particular."
J. F. Bi anrrrt, N. G
C. M. Roach, Sec
aa A - . .'?..'. i . . . mm
True economy in paint is attained only
when the best of material is used
. the "
- -
, grade
on ;
j.. the
" If first-class pitnt costs only one-fifth m ire than a poor
quality paiutaud lasts just twice as long, it stands to
.. reason that f THE BEST, IS. THE CHEAPEST. .
LINSEED' blLrPONEER WHITE LEAD at lowest market prices
A X. MARTERS; &' CO., Druggists
mi-mi Y-egemDies,
Prompt Delivery.
4 !
t .
' ' 4 ans4 "
MOORE, Props. 1
character and good .repalatioo in each
eUte (one iu this eounty required) to re
present and advertise old established
wealthy bosinees booee nf aoiid financial
standing.- Salary $tS .00 weekly witb
expensHe additional all payable ia cash
each Wedaeaday direct from bead
office. . Horse aad carnages furnished,
when neceeeaiy. References Enclose
self-addreaeed stamped enveHrpe. Man
gee. 316 Ceatow Building, Ctdcago.
12 Jl. ' - . '
i -
? f
r f t Q
- rVt:
-$pX& a?
Professional Cards.
...Nerve Specialist
Cone nbranaiiam. Vrrmm ASWtinaa.
vmarh tnA Utct Tmabtr. pinal DwmlfB.
CotLre.aWaeral DebUitr. Frauia - etr.
eolawrj and PoiaMHiary Iriatarbaacca.
' Hans: t lo UM: 1 to A
7-S Taylor a WUton Bidg. Soaabarx. Orexoei
- - - - Roskbcbo Oaaeoa
tpaeiai aileatioa cives to Dtaaaaaa af tae oa
aod Taroat.
omee-Vala St., on door soatkot CI I) la
rfrona. Maia to.
Q f. FISHEB, M. D,
. Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. O. Rosaacae,
'Phone Maia 591. Oxzeov.
Physcian & Surgeon.
0tee tertow aid.
reiepoone So. a.
aosxaraa. oaisoa
i apex a
iaaa UaU
aoexaras. eaa
Attorney at Law,
aooau let If anaars lldaw BOSX3CK8. OB
jnaVloataeaabaloretaeC L Lead OSAaa a4
1bus eaaee a specialty.
Lata Heeetver U. 8. Laad OStee.
Rosuras, Oaaeon.
laatnea before C. S. taa4 Office aad Probata
boiDa a specialty.
Ofnee Abrah Baiidisc
WU praeiioe ia all the State aad Federal Cowrie
. Office tw aUtka' Bld-. aoaebnia. Orsaw.
Attornev and Counsellor at Law.
Mining Law aad Water Rights made
'a specialty.
aunB aosBrB6.oason
' ' Attorney-at-Law.
' eeaas 1 aad 1
Boiidioc- aoeEBcaw. oaxw
Coart Boose
aoexBcan. on;
J A. BUCHANAN, Notary Tublle,
Collections a Specialty.
Vuvtm aimadinc. lOeilCM, OB
Attorney at Law.
Boon 11.
far lor A a mm Black KoaiBCaa, Oaa.
V" twi ley aa sen At