The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 23, 1901, Image 2

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The Twice--Veek
Roscburg Plaindealer
Punttsbed Mondays and Thursday.
V. C. Conner, Editor and Publisher
Lacra E. Joxrs, City Editor, Solicitor.
Aixicst J. Krastz, Foreman
Twke-a-Vetk Plaindcalcr, per year, SI .50
Entered at the Post Office In Roseburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
LAW aLTINe TO BaWRr-ArES SUBSCRIPTION. In .nme nl ihe latt llll lteWSpa
ner publisher mar cauae lnaividuU who utr
1 .,,.1 n-f.iio i nr Inrit lo be arrvsleJ
(or lrau.1. CikIht hl niliita, also, anyone who
aliens his sMNcriilion to run 'on(t for m tun
uuM-.d and then oruere it discontinued, r or
ders the postmaster lo mark it refused, or sends
. M.tal ea.r.1 to toe publishers is liable lo ar
ret and liu tbe same as lor theft.
We Have arranged with a large number of
(ape and masaxines lor rates which will give
to our Mbbcribers two publications lor a slight
advice over the cost ol TBI Flaisdbalm
aloue. Following partial list:
Tsrit-c-a-WEta PlaisdeaLEB and the
Toledo-Blade 75
New York Tribune 1 74
Oregoman ..
S F. Bulletin ... 00
r l-all J
Rural Korlhwest 1
V DECEMBER 23,1901.
This is CbriBtmas week and arouud
every hearthstone the innocent fol
lowers of Santa Claus gather each
uight to take a peep up the chimney
lef ore they go to bed. and wben
there beneath the snowy coverlids
aud kissed a night's farewell by
mother, they still let their eyes fall
ou the chimney opening and wonder
Low dear Santa will ever come down
into tbe room through that hot place
. aud hope that papa and mamma will
put out the fire so he won't be badlj
burned; surely they will when he
Las such nice gifts for their little
ones, aud to thinking, their eyes
Keetly close into the quiet, refresh
ing sleep of babyhood, and open no
more till morning's sun calls their
mind once more to action. Sweet
faith that has no doubts, that of the
tbe child is Santa, and a lesson of
valne for every adult. . The little
cues believe iu Santa and bis mar
velous ways, aud questions never.
So" man, a child as far as knowledge
of the future ie concerned, should
place his faith ru that One presented
to him in Lis baby days along with
Saute, and never raise a doubt to
eh ado w it.
Uel ling ready for Christmas maker
thfse days in December full of pleas
ant Jabers and anticipations. The
majority of people are not million
aires. They do not have full purses
Wilh wVicli lh -n cm to tho Rtrwre
"ai7JTjuy their CbriBtmas presents
without regard to coeu They have a
little money, and it requires a good
d al of planning, of invention and
loving thought, to make it go round.
Of i itn ee the money is only enough to
liny the raw materials from which
patient and Ekillful fingers will fash
ion the gifts. If we could look into
iuauy a home we -should see the
children planning some surprise on
CbriBtmas morning for fathers and
m 'titers, aud the parents in turn con
sult iug how to manage to give the
Uys and girls what they want It
is the mutual' tboughtfulnesti of oth
ers that impart to these December
da jr. 4 pecnlar atmosphere. . It will
soften the heart of the crustiest old
bachelor to go into the Christmas
shops and overbear the consultations
among pui chasers as to what they
eball get. Even as you walk along
tb?ftreets you observe a peculiar
light iu the eyes of the women shop
pers. Tbey do oot have it at any
o her season 'of the year, except, per
chance, when they are making ready
for a wedding.
Boss Lroker thinks be sees in the
geutral sentiment favorable to Admi
raj Schley, a guarantee of Democratic
success in tbe next presidential cam
paign with Schley at the bead of the
Democratic ticket. This is not tme.
Admiral Sibley like Dewey, has de
voted a life-time to the si udy of naval
tactics: -and warfare, which in tbe
case of each, has culminated in
crowning, and glorious naval victory
tbe like-i of which is unknown in the
htatory of naval warfare' and which
demonstrates the efficiency and nn
daunted courage of both of these
fcturdy heroes in the modern naval
science, but this is no criterian what
ever to their ability and emciency in
successfully guiding the grand old
ship of state Admiral Dewey has
already been found wanting in tbe
ebar act eristics aud qualifications for
a statesman aud chief executive and
these requirements are no less want
ing iu the make up of Admiral Scb
ley.- While these two distinguished
characters are regarded a-t the great -64
naval heros of tbe age. and no
one wishes to detract in tbe least
from their grea. and well deeervnd
popularity, the country generally
would no doubt receiva the anuouu
cement of Admiral Schley's accept
ance of the nomination for tbe ptesi
dency with tbe saoji coolness and
indifference which marked adrntml
Dewey's brief polictCAl boomlel.
' Every line iu a nwspapr cost
something. If it ii for au individual
it should be paid for. If 'lie grocr
was asked to couttibule groceries to
oue abundantly able to pay for tbetu,
be would refuse. The
5 oewtpiper mast pay
proprietor of
lor the free
advertising if the beneficiary doen
not, and yet it is oue of tbe hardest '
hinga to be learned by many . that a
newsbaper has apace in its cplainnB
to rent, and roust rent to live.
The thoughtful editor of the Sa
lem Independent speaking of the
murder by Wade and Dalton, of
Portland, says: "Whiskey, ganib-
iDg, cigarettes and .bad companions
have all been factors in the awful
fate now etaring these young men in
tbe face." Thte thfrigs thould all
be left alone by the yonug man
who wauls to keep away frviu the
gnllu as. - -
Secretary Long seized with ayitUlv
tbe opportunity to uphold the tuuiiugs
of Beuham and Uauieey and attempts
to discredit the opiuiou of Dewey ;an
other popular idol. Hid position
can be credited to New England
narrowness and utter disregard . of
tbe popular voice of the people.
When will this unfortuLate contro
versy end?
"I think Admiral Dewey's praiso
of Schley is just. It does not di
minish Admiral Sampson's glory, to
whom, as superior commander was
due the posit ions of tbe ships,' held
in tbe line of blockade and without
whose instructions the result might
be seen in another light," says Capt.
Diaz, of the vanquished Spanish bat
tleship, Colon. - - - -1 '
The Albany Daily Herald issued a
veay creditable Christmas number
setting forth tbe resources and ad
vantages) of Albany and Linn Coun
ty. Many excellent half tone pic
tures of Lion county enterprises and
scenery added greatly to the attrac
tiveness of the paper aud reflected
much credit on the .enterprising
Senator J.N.Williamson has played
his cards just right to get into con
gress. To secure support from per
tain quarters he at first become a
candidate for secretary of stale. The
senator was in the position to work
'em. Congress is his goal and Moody
can say Lis prayers. Woodbarn In.
Santa Clans is a very busy man in
Koeeburg now, and be has a : hot-t of
assistants iu the fine stores of this
city, wilh their magnificent stocks.
If yon own property in or ; near
Rosebnrg, it will be doubling lie val
ue to locate a factory bere that .is
worth something.
All the mean arts of his life are
juickly brought before a drowning
man or a candidate for ofiice. i
The Twice a-Week ' Pt.Ar-irrn.rTt its nianv readers' a ' Merry
Hay hurst News.
W. S. Appletcate nrrivrd
luitue from
Seattle lart week and writ visit
bit par'
ta Mr. ai.d Mrs. A. M, Applegate
ill alter tbe holidays.
r - .
J. P. Miller, of YuDcaila, spent several
lays bere last week visiting relatives
tnd friends.
Jas. Starr one of Youcalla'e roimlar
ioung mn passed tbrouch bere last
L. P. Owen who hat reen visiting rel
itives here for a fw weeks, left lat Sno-
day fur bis father 'a born) in Po!k Couo
lT- ... V' ...
8. F. Cawfield lett on Thursday of. last
veek to spwud tue holiday! with bis par
4 Ro eburg.
Leeiie Miller, ooeof the seniir o! tbe
:rain Normal is heme for Christmas.
Mrs. J. J. Kelleber and children left
Friday's li val for a visit with Mi.
Cellebei's mother at 0ndale. ..
We noticed ia last Tbnrsday's Pladi
ralkr that whenever any of oer bighlr
Hteeated old bachelors vieit the county
eat the Plawdkalrr will look up mat
ers at tbe county clerk's oflice immedi
Oely. We j'JSl thought to say there is
orpins f "highly esteemed old baclie
ort' ia the vicinity of Hay burst and. ii
he fair city editor of the Plaikdkalkk
vi I step tins way bfjre looking " op
tatters at ine clerk's effice we eball be
eady to extend coiigraiolatiooa. ,
Cokmi'Politian.;' "
The Poultry Show. ' ' -.
, ' " t
"The SecouiJ Annutl - Exhibition ef
Douglal County Poultry Association will
be held at Siocam'a Hall Dec. 20, 27 and
28. J ad ,-e W. N. Browning, of 0der,
Utah, will do the jo ULu. '
AboJt 500 f H e best b-rds in Douglas
county and Vrcmity 'and railmd pilots
as fir north ronlaod are expected lo
be -n ex'-ibitioo. ' - -- '-
Toe man ignnent . bave spared no
tains to utuke tliia the beat exhibition oj
ins poultry ever teen in Southern Ors-
- f , V
Tber- will be strong conpetition -in
otny lines. Nearly all varieties will V
'tpresented. f '- .; ;
The locatioa it ciDtral, tbe price of
Emission small. Let - ail ej(uirrt of
line poultry attend. '
A tmiioa 10 cents. Haeon ticket,
good to three days, 'la cenia.
Woman and Daughters Hoboing..
Tbe hired man at Geo. Dunn's .ranch
south ol town waa surprised J ettrlay
morning in undicg a woman snd two
itt asleep in tbe baru. He bid gout
out early to feed ibe ho-fe?, when tbe
disiveiv was mads.
The woman is apparently ehiutjl5
yrarn ol age, aud her danaler 12 ai d
15. Tbey art enroiue non L ai d dotie
mos' o' i heir Ira v ling a f ot. Aeblan d
Town Talk.
The Schubert Lady Quartette.
Hioe delightiul ricelu's, tbe fedu
bert tdr qiarttteof Chicago, a ill ap
pear at th oi r h"n- ou Weinetdaf
eveuing, n 1, 19i2, nnl the auspices
of the BttkM Bali cirls'of the Hiib
: Schoil.
Li-ivwrs of SWeet Si'lgtrig should
no', muitbis splendid euteriaiuoietit
Japanese Shot and Killed by A, it
Coroner's Jury Make a Thorough In
vestigation of
the Case. -
i the quiet little town of Wilbur, nine
miles uorth of Roseburg, was shocked by
the enact went of a tragedy in its borders
last Friday evening, in which a Japanese
section hand and A. H. Hart, who re
sides at that place with his family, figure
as principals- The officers, Sheriff h. L.
Parrott aud Coroner J. C. TwitcheU,
were notified soon after tbe tragedy, ar
riving there soon after tbe Jap had died.
Tbe shooting occurred a boot 8:45 p.
m., but tbe victim lived until nearly
twelve o clock, altbougb be never re
gained consciousness. ' The ballet, which
was from k 44 caliber Ballard rifle, bad
eutered near tbe center of tbe back be
low tbe shoulder blade and ranged to
tbe right and slightly upward, ptJeing
througbt the lung and coming out at tbe
right breatt.
Has was taken Into custody . by tbe
officers tod plaVed in tbe county jil
bere and be gives an account of the ef
fair about as follows :
Tbe Jap section hands bad received
their month's salary and were celebrat
ing tbe occasion by freely imbibing some
kind of vile liquor, which they called
whisky. VDoc" Hill, a bil.'breed
Iudian, told bim (Hait) that his bi other
Tom Hart,' and John Tapp were' ia the
house with the Jape, drunk. Ha took
lack CiMuoweth with bim to help get
(be boys away from tbers. Tbey found
Tom H4rt, John Tapp and oie of the
Japs, dead drunk. Tue others offered
him tome of their alleged whiskey but
it was to bad be couldn't drink It.
Tbe boss Jap ordered bim oot of (be
bouse. He then, went " home, separ
ating from Cbenpweth as soon as thev
left Ihe Japs' bouse, at tbey could not
fget tbe boytaway. On reaching borne bt
found. lt)t the Jap, who ordered tiim out
of tbe bouse, bad followed him. He went
inside and, with Lis wife, held tbe door
so the Jap, who bad a club, could not
break in. . lie says tbe Jap then threat
ensd to shoot into tbe house, although
be did not set bim have a gun. Ia or
der o drive bim away te took bit gua
and went out at the back door and cauia
around tbe corner just as tbe Jap pushed
the door slightly open. He tt onoa fired
tnd tht intruder fell, wounded as above
Aaud '
The Jape earnestly maintain Iba dur
ing '.be cosree of the visit oi tbe mea to
oe eeciiun house Jaffa waa robbed and
leing confident that Hart had his mo--y,
the Jp ho ' was" killed, fallowed
lart to bis boms iusiaung that hit mon
:j be rtturued", resulting in the a lterea
ion and his DuVsboby Hart. -
Coaosta Jrr-
Saturday morniog Coroner Twitchell
couuiuaiiied by District Attorney Brown
.'nd ConBtaUij,iaca went, "over lo
iold an inquest. He lojk wilh bim the
wliowing jary: "E H Lnoi, ACHoxie,
SL" Dniard, Burn Brockway, J C Hutch
neon, Lauis Reizenteiu.
Theeiamination of witdetset' contin
tied over tijuday, i be Jape and theWil-
trur tection foreman attending the exam-
nation here at tbe court bouse Sunday.
Fbe coroner cot-tinued their iaVeetiga
Uon and inquiry into the case over until
loday." 1
One of the 'ast witnesses examined lo
' ay was Jack Cbeooweth, ooe of the
rrtiee included iu tbe carousal at the
J.p.' eec'iuii bcute. ' He auted that
wben tbe Jap accused Hart of stealing
tie purse containing bit money and
stepped inside tbe bouse, as if to get a
un, that ha (Cbenowetb) left and
wont borne after telling Hart
tbat it he Had tbs Japs money to give it
ck to him, whereupon Hart replied
'bat he did not have bis money. Cben
owetb left Hart and tbe Jap parleying
and on reaching borae nearby beard, a
i loir over to Hart's borne, at If some
one was striking blows with a cluh
npamst a door. ' He also heard Mrs
'Hart and the children screaming and ;
Kun ahot soou afterwards. Then all was
.fiiet and Hart toon called, at C-beuo-
weth'a home ai d tuid bim ibat bt
was forced to kill that , Jar. at be run
bim home, broke io .a window with a
club and was al tempting to batter the
Joor down, with threats lo abtot into
tbe bouse, wben he slipped around from a
rear Joor and shot him, the Jap at tbat
time having partially forced hit.' way in
to the loom through tbe door, fearfully
frightening his wife and children. An
examination of Hart's . premises sub
stantiated lie Jtalfirnent- rejiardiogibe
window being broken oot aud tbe door
baUrtdwith a club and Hart strong, y
denies having taken or even teen the
Japs' money and declares tbat it was
only in'defense of bit horns that he
killed the Jap.
A brother of Hart's was mixed up in a
robbery scrape at Oakland about three
years ago. '
A Jeparje-e interpreter has been in at
tendance al the loquest and assisted In
eecarinz the evidence of the Japanese
laborers., f ....
At ws go to press tbe coroner's jury ia
deliberating on the verdict
J. A. Eggers of Dillard wai in town
Sunday to meet hisdaughter and ber hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. Hcogbtonof Clat
wp, who will spend the holidays in this
Ely's Cream Balm
Cine Relist at once.
It ctaati, sontbes and j
hea'is tbe diseaned mem
brane. It cure. Catarrh 1
and drives away a Cold
in the Head uui' kly. It
Is ptworlMrd. Urals and Protect the Mrmhrans.
Hstow the Benpe. of '1 aud Bini-IL Full siae
' jd.X bUXJlillli'b, M Wfieu btreet, sw York,
' n Leading Questions. tf
luck ion county has a county clerk who
it apparently something of a joker. Be
fore tbey start to Oregon to locate,, east
erners usually write t9 county officials,
or others asking for information about
tbe country, t". E. Stevens, who arrived
in Corvallls two' weeks ago, wrote before
be left Lincoln, Nebiasks, to varlooB
persons in Oregon making inquiries,
among others, to Gus Newberry, county
tlerk of Jackson connty. The latter
answered all the qnestiona of Mr. Stevens
faithfully and iuliv .and in turn, pro
pounded several of his "'own'"-Tbey are
tbe tort called leading questions and
have afforded much amusement to Mr.
Stevens who appreciates' humor. Hers
it what the county clerk raid : '
"Now let me ask you some questions
You see we are a little particular " oo(
here in the west and we want ' to know
what kiud of people we are Inviting to
our clime.
"What are your pcliticaT, . , ,v
"Have jou any anarchistic tenden
Hsre you any inclination 'toward
"Are ou a religious man? ; '
"Do you believe the earth is round?
"Are you sure Oregon is ou the map
of the U. 8.7 ' -
"Did yoa ever live in Missouii?
'Do you think that Bryanism is
live issue?
"Which state do-you think will be
beneSited by your removal to Oregon-;
Nebraska or Qtagon ...
' "Do you consider governmental poln
icies a mentis to your" liberties? 7
"Do you know that Oregon took tbe
tfrtt orize at tbe Boffalo Exposition for
butter, Iroit and grains?
, "Do you know that Portland, Oregon,
ia one of tbe very first ports of shipment
for trains especially wheat and lam
"Have rou ever bad your liberties le-
ttrained ; if to, wbtt did you steal ?
"Tbwe are many other f questions I
might ask bot.tbesex art sefficient 4e
determine vour dtsirablenets a a alt-
tea of Oregon. "
Tbe Latest Newt.
. Half a million Uertaana are unemploy
iThe Schley court has been formally
Governor Crane, of Masscbesetta, ha
been offered tbe Treasury portfolio.
Secretary Long approves the findings
of the majority of the Schley court.
8a ii peon's application for an ' inquiry
into tbe question of command ia - denied
Tbe French Panama Ctnal sharehold
er! want to sell at any price to Uncle
John'J. YslenlfneT president of the
Welle, Ferco Express Co. it dead at
Oakland, Cel.
Genera! Miles waa. reprimanded by
tbe War Department for commenting
aad meddling ia-tht Schley controversy.
..While driving iw -Povtrend betweeo
Weidler and Broadway, to get rose slips
for U9typak, Charles M. Mr ere, bi
years old, keeper of lot City Park, waa
ineUntly killed Saturday morning about
10 -JO o'clock by bit borae tbyiog tud
throwing bna in front of a Ctv & Sub
urban freight car. the wbeelguards of
which mangled bim.
. Real Estate Travelers.
T W Petart ti . Iba Webster 158 "
acres in sec 20, tp 24 s, r 2 w..$ S00 00
Wra K Stept ens and wife to Jas
C Freeman 230 tctet in tec 23,
tp 29 s, r 4 w 1 00
ft F Pheraa lo Alba. Webster 160
acres in tec 30. tp 24 s, r 2 w 800 00
Nathaniel Evans tnd wife fo
Alba Webeter 170 acres in tec
32. ip25t, r 2 w... SOO 00
Dollie R Chanty et al to Mary
A Rice 2ti0 acret io tec 11 and
3t.tp29t, r5 w 1 00
H W Miller to Ada Miller, his '
wite, lots 3 and 4 in blk 17
Rosebnrg 1 00
Wm 8 Brosi to Sidney R Hamil
ton tract of land in a cs 31.6
tp28a, rt w -4000 10
Bargains at Richardson's
Tbe auction sales still continued at the
Richardson music boose, - and a great
interest is being taken. Those having
purchsaed iastrumenta so far are :
W. F.McLangblin. Guitar 50ct. Violin
70 eta Zintber 1.00; Mr. Landers, Man
dolin 3 00 tiniiar $4 00; John Haseell.
Violin $3.25; Allie Honser, Guiiar $5 00
Mr. Tripp, Mandolin . 2.00; Mr. I. M.
Meeley, Violin 13.00; E. E. Harphan.
Accordion 65 eta. ; Y. Harpban, Guitar
2 10; S. A.'rurney, Vwlia 2.75; Man
dolin $2.10; R. Agee, Mnndolin $1.00;
Dr. Do Gat. Aotobarp $2.00: CartBa -
brke, Yiolia $3 00. T.K Richabiwom
Boys knives with 'Chain. Mate fine
presents. Churchill & Woollev tell
Xmas Specialties.
Go-Carts and Doll
Buggies, .75c and
up. . Chairs and
Rockers 'Sot, child
ren, 20 cts aud up.
Bargains for all.
Don't delay, we
have plenty of
goods at the aight
If you get tired reading
tiim adv. we can interest
you with prices. We
sell cbeaiier than Portland.
Remeinlier our emniial
December Sale. lVm't
forget us. $1.25 Stands
for $1. Shades, regulur
price, 45 Cts now 35 cts,
while they last.
Our $i.25Rockers
and $1.65 Rockers
are easy Rockers.,
The price is easy
too. " See them be
fore you buy.
'Our $1,00 Chairs
can't bq equalled
or 75 cts. Chair
can't be beaten.
New Yrab Ball The" fc. bave
arrangemenU perfected for their grind
ball and eoc'al at the opera .house New
Year Eve. The grand ball will beheld
In ths ODera ball and the social for tbe
benefit of those who do not danct in Ihe
lodge room above and both will be made
the social eveota of tbe season.
Died. Mrs. Phoebe Dy, at her home
in thia -city Saturday, Dee.-; 21, ,1901,
aged about 74 years. She was an es
teemed pioneer lady having uome to Ore-.
gon and this county iu the early fifties.
Funeral services will be conducted at
Camas Yalley Tuesday. Oue too, S, J.
Culver, and other relatives and numer
ous friends in this county mourn her
To Register Voters.
The various couuty clerks of Ibe stat
are new engaged io gettjng or looking
after supplies for the registration depart
ment! of their office!. The registration
of voters begins in Januarr, and con
tinuaa until May. A registration book
is required for each election precinct, of
bicb bera are from 15 to 20 iu ibe
smaller counties to 70 in Mnltnomab,
and various blanks and affidavit forms
are also necessary.
Voters must register (or each general
election, and consequently all those who
registered in 1900 must come forward
again. Young meo who bave just be
come ot age, and new residents, all must
register. Precinct mips must be prr-
pared in order that the clerks may be
sole to legister each elector io the . pre
cinct in which bt, resides; Tbe voterc
may register either in tbe precinct be
fore a notary or lattice ol the peace or
with the countv clerk at bis office,
Letter List.
Remaining uncalled for at the Rote-
burg postofTice.
Baktr, Mrs. C E. Mathews, John
Dickson, Esq., L D. Pierpont, Daniel
Dodge, Chas. Powell, Wm.
Edwards. Fred E.(2)Raiche. Esq. W.J
Jones, Miss F. B, Ye trees, Mrs. JLirxi-
Jenkins, Rata . . Wright. Frapk R.
Jenkins, Audrey Wulpple, Mrs. Nettie
Persons calling for these letters will
plesse stale tbe date on which they are
advertised, Dec. 2J, 1101 :
The letters will be charged tor at the
rate af one cent each,, . .
W. A. Fbatkr. P. M
A Coming Treat.
Masic bath charms te tootbe a savage
no doubt ; but tbe Schubert Symphony
Club and Lidy Quartette are uot travel
ing for tbe rxpreea purpose of toothing
savages. They art en'ertainiug tbe pub
lic, aud io a manner that it thoroughly
eoj ivable from first to Ut. Their pro-
1 gram ia full of novelty 'and artistic ele-
gince, besides giving our" readers many
opportunities to iudulge io tbe world's
famotn Amsricao laugh. -If you want to
oe happy on tht evening of January 1
you can be by going to bear tbis coot
pany't entertainment.
Tbe Basket Ball OirlsT
Tbe Girlt 8asket BaI ..7am5:voftlje
HigbSchoo' will play their initial public
gtms at ths Opr Hmae -mx Friday
eyen:nf, December ,27. Basket Kali Is
the bo4 p-.plar iodor game ee play
ed ia thit country. It is very east for
the spectators to nudersland Ihe raUs of
he gaae. Tbe teams hav practxed
fa. t if ally during the paet two moaht
and are able to furnieh au in'eieslicg
aul vly ga oe. The public ia cordially
iov.teuto be present t l'ij ty the gtin.
Thifrijeof almiwiiia ii -3 ceuts to
aoy part of the house.
Card of Thanks.
" To many sympatbixiug an I generous
friends, whoso kindly and wiliiogly aid
ed ua in oar great atflic'ion and tierave
ment, we t-ke ibis rpportonity o
expressing onr heart fll thaoka.
Mb aod Mrs F. K. Oacrrr and
- Attention, Odd Fellows.
A Srcial meeting ul O I J Flliws is
hereby calle I this evening al 7 o'clock
i i tie I. O. O. F. banqnet iiai!, to per
fect arrangements for tbe funeral atd
iutermeut vi a deceased brother.
H. B. GiLurrrt, Y. G..
Christmss Tree."
Edenbower M. E. a. will part id
pa'e in tbe enj ivnient of a well decora
ted tree Christmas eve; nnd-r the au
spicies of ihe Sunday Schjol. All are
cordially invited.' ''
To cut rsilroad wood, at .Wolfcreek,
Oregon. Good timber,' fine location,
pleasant climate and long job. . Address
Dunbar & Kujkendail, Wolfceek Ore
gon. 3.
A child toy stove
for 20 cts; a better
one for . . 7c cts.
Iron Beds for 35
and 7 5 cents. YVc
are strictly in it
Sewing iniicliiiie, drop
head, tleliveretl.only $25.
No. 7 t'ook Stove, $8 ; No.
S Coolf Stove, $!) ; Steel
Range, warranted for 15
yours, only $:0,
throughout Doc
ember. . Many
shoppers are ex
pected. Save money-
"CTssef-q.! aand. Oria.aa--Q.Q-Q-tal
ss- HIT. S7IlJ3iiTJ?Il:3
Groceries and Dry Goods Promptly g
Delivered to any part of the City.
'PHONE 671. " ' ' ' ' ROSEBURG, OREGON
..Card of
Once again we beg to thanlc the public for
their most liberal patronage during the past
season. This is the twelfth year that we have
been in the music business in Roseburg and
the business has increased every j'ear the
present year has been a hummer. We have
distributed among our friends over oue hun
dred instruments this year, and this ought to'
be evidence that we sell the best goods at the
best prices ia order to hold such a trade. All
of our instruments for the past twelve years
are giving the best of satisfaction. We have
in stock at the present time a . fine lot of all
new and up-to-date Pianos with all the latest
improvements that goes tu make a firkt class
T. K. Richardson
I 'Roseburg Steam Laundry
We are now ready for business
with new and up-to-date machine
ry. Work will be neatly and
promptly done. Watch for our
Wagon or call 'Phone 791.
;o; F.VPPPTT &
Attcntloa, Fruit Growers,
The Pacific Noraere Co of T.nMn
O e.. keep the boest oors-rv stork ol all
knds, healthv. strons and irn ii
8 .tisfaction soaranteed. Plar Votlr nr.
Oer befcre Imving tlsewbeie with
Earar Mbstrs, Gen'l At.,
Rceeburg, Oregon.
Caodiea aod nuts by tbe wholesale at
Erase Newland't. See them
you buy elsewhere
w. " bT.TT7rnajiaij
True economy in paint is attained only
when the best; of material is used
. carry
If first-class p.tint costs only one-fifth more than a poor
quality paint, and lasts just twice as long, it stands to
LINSEED OIL, PIONEER WHITE LEAD attowest market prices
A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Druggists
a'iSM.E',iiiA-JBgtw 'Hfl'mil III IIIIIIIHliMJTOtMaL- IT0
' rtiaJKKiaU?IWP'''lt-ft,ki?AfflMI.'llll ' m. U'vlvvjkium r:r.r;., nim,. in .., -w-vaaQ)
aiohdp d..
character and good .repuuiioa in each
state cent in this county required) to re
present and advertise old established
wealthy batistes hoaee of solid flnsnciaj
standing. Salary $18.00 weekly with additional all patabJa in cash
each Wednesday direct from (wad
I'ffioa, Horse and carnages laroiahed,
when ntciwiiry. . Kefereacee Eacloae
self-tddrr-fed suoaped enveOT., Man
ager. SI6 C.atoo Building. Chicago.
12J1. "
CDgd 2.
Professional Cards.
...Nerve Specialist.-
Cares RtMramatism. KerroQa Aeetions,
Stomach aad Liver TnxibU-. epioal Insnnirra.
Goitre, wvmrai Debility, remaia) Innvm s. Cif-
ealatorT an4 rounouary ituiu roascca.
Huun: t to US. ltoi.
7-S Taylor at WUaoa Bide. Roar barf, Orama
- Roetsraa Oaatrow
Speciai attsatioa ores to Vim-
1 ltboe
an. inrosL
Ace- Main M..oe door suulk e( CI
Paaoa. Maia Ml.
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. O. Kosibi m,
'Pbooe Maia 591. Oaanov.
Physcian 8c Surgeon.
0ct RTtew Bid. .
Ffeoaa. Main U
rleaaoo Ko. .
ROsEBrae. OREQca
Siucam's Hail
Attorney at Law,
Room. 11. M amen BiU ROEEBCRa, OK
AlsW'BaaiBesabeloreUaC 8. Laad OtVa AM)
miag caaos a speoaily.
Law KoodTtx D. BL Land Osloa.
Rostaraa, Oaasot.
Boat ore-, before C a. LaaJ OSr and rrobaie
OSVt ABrabaai BbuUb
U ttweucs ia all Oac State aad Federal Ceatrta
- OaV la Marks' Bids;-. Roartmrc. Onaoat.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Mining Law and Water Eights made
a specialty.
t torn ey-at-Law.
Mi 1 and 1
-view Ba:ldicg. ROeEBrEw. OttWR
Dowa stairs.
A. BUCHANAN, Notary Public.
Collections a Specialty.
Wanton Baiklin. ROSEBCRG. OB
Attorney at Law.
RoatBcau. Oas.
Tariar A W Rak.