The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 19, 1901, Image 2

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1. -
v'r X ,-f-Th Twiee--Teek . -
Hoscbura Plaindealcr
ruottaaed' Moudays aud Thuivlr-
VP. COonnkk," Editor and Publisher
u'ka E. Joxts, City Editor, Solicitor.
. AiursT J. Krante, Foreuiau
TwicVTk'PkindeaIert per year, $1.50
Kulered a.1 the Poet Office in Roseburg,
Ore , as second class mail matter.
j. ... .-.-.-
Advertising Kate on Application.
Aix-cwdinc to tome of the Invest laws newsim
or iui. Utter mar cause inuividuala who mire
iio- lihisaiweniKioii tomn a'ouK iora
unr-a.lmud iIhjb ooien it discontinued, r 01 r-,
Or inr oosiinasktr to mark it refused, tr sends
a ( tl umt i ne puoiiclivrs ia liable to ar
re aud fine the aaue as lor theft.
v dabbing; e
;W haTf arranged with a large nrnubcr of
papentand raagitne tor rates which will give
th our subscribers wo publication! for a alight
adTnce orer the cost of Th Plaimhle
alone. Following is a partial list: .
Twiac-tv u PLaiMocaua and the
Toiedo"sid. ....r.. j
New York Tribune. 1 '5
nregnuiaa . . .... t 00
H. r,ullelin.
e. r.onii
Sural Northwest-
. , , 1 TO
J 00
1 76
DECEMBER 19, 1901..
iSia-& the cooling year' -the
tortus of 10 of the land officers of
Ori,$oa will expire by limitation,
and aucoeweors to these officials will
lints to m4 named, by the present
delegation. I This item in' itself is
juk aaiinpjrtant one, and win all
fof the best tefforls of the Oregon
Seoatorsand Representatives i a or
d r That they may agree upon tdd
invery way "suited Iof "these Import
ant p .wit ions. It is the policy of the
i; Gdevelt"' administration., to" eelect
th very best men. available fo? Reg
isters aud receivers of land "offices,
a i well for other places. In the
natural onrsi of events, the xecom
njeadati ius of Representative Ton
frne. bonld tby meet with the .ap
proval of our Senators, would govern
riu appointments at Oregon City,
Roe burg and Lake view hile the
with a of Representative Moody at
The Dalles, LaGrande and Boms
wouid be respected under siniilar
conditions. However, viewed in the
light of past experience, there is
little hope tht all will be harmony
wiienpi eotues t &!!jcre - thtaj aggre
gHtiori' "of offices." Nevertheless
much interest will be manifested in
t he prolonged fight, which will con
tinue from early in January to late!
,u eeaiOer,t0 8ee wtat 1
or etabmation of , members, of. thft
dlegdtion will De strongest wun ine j
Aiminifltraboa. There has -already
been au tutimaiion as to what the re
euH will be, but the working of tbe
Oreou delegaiion are strange in
deed, and no one can foretell tbe
u ttcome. Jcdiriajr from present in
die ttious and the popularity - and j
efficiency of tbe present incumbenu j
in the Kosebuig laud office, their re- j
appointment is assured and will
meet Hh general satisfaction. 'At
all events there are 10 plnma hang-iu-
faih, and there will be an
b WJance of anxiois applicants for
most of the 10 places.
Veople will still debate whether
frnljr' is guilty, evea technichally.
' The ire at a lost to know whether
- the court of ii.qtiiry has declared for
or aKaiuet. Dewey ia a - minority in
.nrfmber,. but a big majority in pub
lic' infiwnce. Dewey'a " judgment
w ould Jbejtccepted by "a ' multitude of
good fit tZMoa, if opposed by. a acure
rfother officers of the navy. The
4iidinMt the two rear admirals is a
' eitrurise "o the Nation, but tbe fact
- 4
Admiral Dewey signed, "as a
matter of form," the findings of the
oiber two admiral lends clor to the
UHtciou 1 oat mere is at least aiigut
grounds for tbe fitdings of tbe court,
Dot withstanding Dewey's actions in
aubtmttiug, also, a minority report,
indicating a light infirmity of pur
p we. iudiciiou, if not a small degree
of recreancy on hie part. It was un
fortunate for Dewey to become in
volved in this controversy. He has
I roubles of his own : - '
Hon. D. l Thompson, capitalist
aud politician of Portland, died Fri
day morning. Ide wm born in Ohio
in 1834'. He came to Oregon in 1852.
walking eyerr step of the way across
tbe comment. In 1874 he wa ap
pointed governor of Idaho territory,
and Coring the latter part of Har
rison's, administration, he served as
Uuiled States miniftter to Turkeyi
He. wae.also a membei'" pf .the Oregon
legislature and mayor of Portland
several times. In 1890 he was de
feated for governor by S5 lejer Ten
liojer. He had been affiicted for
ttoie tiai wilh stomach troublee.
"A- former Oregon farmer who
went to K.irH a year or two ago to
engftge in farming in t bat 'state wrote
back to Oregon friends recently as
follow: I believe in diversified
epiwiltur . An exhibit of my crop
report for IW1 is as follow: I hav
raised one acre of baked - potatoes, 50
bushels of dri-d eHi:bec, 25 ncren f
prched com, one aere of roHxied
pe&mita. and I Lad sho'it two n r-K
of melon preserve. Th liHlxnce of
my crop rout-isled of cl.iuiz bug,
grasshoppers and j ck rhUbtt."
The iccident a' Sl-m renultiotf in
tbedfath -t 'h engrineer and tiie
ru an bus been racnl to a ten year
o! I l?oy, tbe soa -f Salem w er.
Tbe real bir:iu-, though lies with the
1 person who left the switch unlocked.
'The boy didn't know auy better
The niaa who failed to lock the
switch did, says a,a Albany Exchanged
- A lawyer in a court room' onaj call
a man a liar, ,a scoundrel,; villain
a thief, and no one will make a, com
plaint when court adjourns. If a
newspaper prints snch reflections on
a man's character, there is a libel
nit or a dead editor, This is owing
tothefact that" the people believe
wbnt an editor ayt.
Wtmt a pityt-Thj Pditbrof "the K
Coidtfo yellow jmrnaLi who were
'sentenced to prison by one judge, for
! contempt of court, were,, leleaaed by
j another, on tli gromid that iiarbh
' crilicisiu of a jiKiii-wL decision aiol
, litnly to have that dt-CIBloa Ci'Bie
home to roost.
There is a young matron , in Iowa
Falls, who i a grandmother-, aMhe
age of 2'.. By the time she reaches
the age of 00 she will be the mother of
her country. The old woman who lived
in a shoe is not a circumstance to the
t : i - r 's .
There is one way to break Ihe rail
road trust. The goyernment should
condemn and buy One of the, transcon
tinental routes; I hen establish equita
ble freignt and passenger rates. The
Morgan-Hill combine would have to
follow suit. .
" The. merchant who;. would give
twenty centa worth of goods for a
dollar received would soott loose Lie
bnsineesj but that itf wbat the Dewoy
gamblintr machine doea. Albany
i..r T j ' t
Drmocrat. ? I ;
The. Albany Democrat is becomii g
a fint-clasa prohi paper. We eagtfM
that Bra Nutting change the nam of
his paper To the'Albany" Frolalu
tionist."" .'-rr- Cr.
The wheat market has jumped tor
the first time in years aa a result tt
vigorous tone
of Roosevelt s
. The party that is . American first,
last and all theime i the partj tiat
has built jip this country. '
' ' - I . '
Political Qossip. 'i '
Capital JournaL J. C. Fnllfrjon
of Roseborg is named lor foyeraor.
He will boused as will other 'eauJi
dates to carry the .sute .otTOventiou
against Ueer and thon'ronnd it ! tip
for the slate. Thatjs good polities
if there is uothiug to "polittee-JuU
personal strife for places.
, Hon. J. C Foliar ton, it is true has
beenfmentiond as a jogichl candi
date for Governor, and Jus name may
1- bejore.tW iieit;- etate
J Mioot tit il W
not true lhhtHe"iIT1)e""nsd.To
further be intWWtofa'n yone? thVI
do not understand exactly 1 what tbe
Journal means by the "niate," but
Juilge Fullert on is too well known
for such', insiu nations to . injure his I
eaudidacy which, i f conducted at all.
will be in au honorable manner, aud
his acts, or tbe acts of his , friend in
that matter, will not be o the injury
of any oue intentioLally, nor for
slate' beofir.- Governor OeT bae
friends iu.thixoMf an J it ' would
be unfortunate for him if they
thougbt the Journal was voicing bis
sentimen.tB.ia the abovv
Dalles Ctromcle Eugene is put
ting forward too many candidates for
Governor. She will in all probabili
ty be iKOored in that reaped. " Tbe
peopl are of tbe opinioo f that with a
Stat) noiverbity drawing- bienniirlly
$125,000 of tbe taxpayers, money, the
city should go (way back and ait
. The Eugene Regjsler saya in reply
to the above that Engeno is putiing
no candidates forward 'but one or
two promioeor men sl the town, have
been uiged from the outside to enter
the race for the goveurorship.
Ex. Still the republican gnb-
LrnatorU1 1,, are bng pnesed
.roun(L Hon. H. W. Corbelt. of
Fortland, is tbe latest Oregonian to
be announced as a candidate to suc
ceed Governor Geer. If any one Las
ueeu oveirooKea in ine aisirioutioo
of these boqunts they will please hold
op their hand.
.Jacksonville Times Jas. Haha
brouvh, r the genial 8. P. Com
pany eouductor, made his maby
friends in Jacksonville a visit Friday.
He is a candidate lor the republican
nomination for joint representative.
r 1 t a' . t a - - -a
Weather Report.
1 S . . t.
8. Weather feureaa Oiacs, y
Roeeburg, Orton, Dee. 81,t!K)t..
Wee endiuit 5 p. m.. Dee. 81, lDOJ. J
MaxunntB .tamperataro,9 ou
v Hinioinat 'leruperalurej 24 von 13'hr
Rainfall for the week, 0.00 .
Total rainfall since 1st of TO Mith 4 53.
Average rainfall for .bat montb lori4
years 6.19. x
Total rainfall ftoui ftetn 1 1900 to date,
13.12. ' ' -''.''' "T
Average rainfall from Sept, lLto date
11 4
.Toi.1 deridet cyfro.nSip't: 1,900, to
dtp l..a5-:
Averava nrecluitalion tor 24 wet saa -
eon 33 25. Taos. Gibson,
1), B. Grant m- e' etrd Mayor
Aaiiland 41 ruij 'ity nv-r J. K. Vauj
$m tiie ans:-a x'ti Ciid d.te. .Trie.
nw eoum-il will stand fiiir to two;
Bg iitift a. ioon'. lii'unw if iierp be j o
I'hanu in the atinu ie o' siy of the'
n,emht. -j
See Si'onaoa npto da'e-liue of watcbei
a - tl j..eier-.
LtiL.Cuiisilerhle. 1
cl news o' iu'ureet aili be luii'-d on the-,
firnt pane of this iseue. ' .
Tbe nigh Sub n i iirores-iog nicoiy 1
a comineu Uo) iMii.rf ts. $
G ld pens, optic d gooJ and Souvenir,
spoon at tialsman'al ", &
Operations - Cimmenced
at Myrtle Creek.
President of theUmpqua Valley
Oil Co., Started the Bis
DriH Downward.
Wednenday was an eventlul day and
on full of intsrtMrt and promiae of a
rich reward to Uyrtl Creek and the
wi ole of Donglas couutr , us far as that
ia concerned, in fact if the hopis of the
Unifqia Valley Oil Co. are rtalUedand
their t-neigr anJ entarprise rewarded
with tuccea, a new indui'.ry will spring;
up in onf midst which will be
felt throagboat Pouihern Oregon and
greatly stimnlate every branch of
business activity. The location or
lite of the uew oil drildng plant is oa
ihe farm of C. O Whits just outside the
city limit of Mjrtle Creek. ' Tts plant
(a Urge, oonpleie and up-lo date and ia
working most aatiefactorly, the drill
makiug good projjreaa through the first
bed rock or abale formatiou. It is the
belief of oil experts that nowhere is
Oregon ia the condition m r favorable
for striking oil in paying quantities thaa
at this place, therefore the progreaa
of the drilling operation st Myrtle Creek
will be noted with, great interest. Tbe
local oil company, President M. McCoy
and Secretary H, L. Marsters in partic
ular are entitled to moch credit for tbe
energy and pa'blic-pirit aianiftd
In protuotiiig tbia great 'enterprit. th
nltimateearcW ol wbiehwMsit avsared.
Real Bktate Traaiier.
4 J HuddWoo to Cbaa Binder
W,Si of SWJ.4.t3B4 of SW
r f aud SVV .olX , K 34
;tp22r7.w s
Bjlaod H. WarJ to Pe er P Uee
cher l40acrfi. in see 19 and
,30,tpile,r 4 w.:
t L Dlnmtek and wife to Y, Ral
ua lrXiacree in ace 24, tp 33 a,
. r.6 w,.. t
CasawaU W Urabbe to J 4 Black
; IQ0 acre aec W, tp 2? , r 6 w ;
John Andrews and wife to Frank
''Andrew. 5t' acre sec B, t
; w..
I P Rice adnr to-W H Boee 40
ft at 61 k hi ia fcoxtuera addi
; tioo to Roeeborg ...........
rhiavLacge aad wife to gut
LauiI BiMrd 185 acres, btginn
I iui at 'Wcorof Jaa Co D L
C 2.9 chains E of tbe qnarur
' arc eofbetweeo sec 17 and 20,
ttwz7,r 4 w..i
Luciada arj to Jobn Mam
; pvwer l& axrea sec 17 and 'JO,
tp 21 a r 4
Samnel Ward to R H Wan! D L
C No. 37 of KamneT Hall in
aec 19 and tp tl e, 1 4 w. . .
I F Hit-e admr to Mrs H.tonab
JoeephetMi Lots I and 2 blk 75
. 2nd southern addihoa to Rne-
too 00
600 00
450 00
iue 00
76 00
124 eo
2650 00
1 to
8 0 OJ
1. borg
250 00
Lacin! E al, to Wm
Skidmnrvqnitclaiai deed to SE
. it- tii lot see 1. tp 21 a,
200 W
Roland H Ward, e al, to Lucia-
; da b aid land in eec 19 aad
j20,tp21 , r4 w 140 acres....
1 00
uur.nda r. Ward, ft al, tit Ro
land H Hi rd h of SE of
c 19 and NEV4' .Dd 8
W4' of the aame, Ne and N
,Si rl HE.'-4 of c 30. tp 21 a r
4 w 2S0 acres......
1 CO
Caroline C Apple te te tSilza
betti W.Uoa. 149 31 a re in
tp2-. r 6 w 1300 00
Vica Dblberi; an J wif to Annie ' '
IUtw Lot 9 and 10 blk 91 3rd
. Southern Riseburg 3000
tJohn T Miller and wife tn E1-
waxJ H. atevere 80 acre, eec
. 23 a. t 5 w ; 800 00
A J liellowa aud wife U J F
Clement. Lot 12. blk 2, Weet
: Roeebnrr M Cw
Paul Seifnar nnd wife o Fred
Hoe lb fcE'aol Stic 32. tp S
s 1 9 w........ 7 SO
E L Parrott aberjff 10 A Creasoa
the undivided J,' Interest in
. and to lot No. C, blk 15, Boah-
ey 'a addition to Reburg . ... 100 00
Mollie Mack, et a', to F II WbiU
320 aexdar to aec 28. tp t'7 a, r 6
wt S00 00
11 m rice Abraham to F B Wait
tW acres eec 27, tp 27 r 6 w.... 200 W
Probate Orders.
In the natter cl tbe fU Ecnry a
Marcy, deeeaaed, an order was graste d
the administrator B. J. Boviagdoa, le
aell certain' real property tbe proceeJ to
be used to pay claims an 1 charges exist
ing againi-t'raid estate.'
In tbe matter of lb. est.!, of R. 8.
Applegate, deceased, the fioal accouut ol
administrator A. P. App'eitate, was ap
proved and aaid administrator discharg
ed. ( '
In the matter of lbs sHste o Eliaa A.
Marcy, decease!, the administrator was
granted an order to sell certain real prop
erty, proceed to be oaed to pay claim
and cuargea ag linst said estate.
In tbe matter of the ertti. of Craw
iora tiaoai, neceaaea, an oru.r was
tntde flziug tbe 3rd day of February,
1902, as the time for sef.ling said t state.
' la ttie mat er of tbe estate of Henry
Armstrong, deceased, tbe fioal occount ot
the administrator W. A. Smiley, waa a
proved and be and his bondsmen di
charged from any fuithcr liabilities.
Ch'rldrens two wiieel red cirts 15cts ,
bs -teel wanona from $1.00 to (6 00.
St-1 Propeller aa:ous tstc. at Churchill
i W'ollt,y"'. ..
.Boya knives .with . chain. M ke fine
' Prestuis. Churcbill A Wojllty aell
I tham '
You ahonld S'-e th iteleifant.'Ueridan"
cut xlas4 at Oh ircniil A WnolUya.
Silver novelties of all dxigna st h
cirim fou
s' bMIM&lilil
Ely's tream Balm
Yahj and pleasant to
utn. Contmus no iu.
iurious drne.
ll In q.ilcltly abenrbeit.
Oivck lidii'f al oih'.
It 0kmis and Clranitea
tlie Naml Pawnea. -
Allan InflaniiuiittoiL
nla and "-'rotorin the Meciarane. Restores thi
it of Taste arid Sineli, Large Size, SO cents a:
Ur-iL-u-ietior br mull; Trial Bh, lOceots by mall.
. XI iiiiOimiUi, tt Yi'tmia cttwt, ow lg.
Thought from a
roe try ia the blonaora and fragrunve of all human knowledge, -hu-uiau
thought, human pawiuna, ainotLuuatlauguagaOobaaioai
. O, glorious, heautioui world of life below,
But tell me, child of heaven, dost thou know -
Augbt of thj birth, however cam'et thod Jiere T ' J ' 1 '
In Nature's universe, thou wondroos sphere?
" Ten thousands league. my mind do'.heni to oar,I'i "
Far o'er thy rounded form,, from shore to ihore, ' ''' .
Tdvlew, to feel, to drink tbina artful grace.
And catch one burried glance at thy whole face.'" ' '
A million times a million ieet I hear, ' ' "
While treading on thy side, Ihfo' atmosphere "
Wblch tbod batt breathed from out thy gracious breast
That all may live vti'.b tbee and sbara tby reset." ' ' ''
' Thy bounteous stores feed every hungry month ; -Tbv
flood of waters drink awy all drouth ; '
And giveat thee from off thine own great form '
'Refltoted rays, all iivius thing to warm.
Thou doat cloths ibyeeli in rich garment bright,
That man, beholding tbee, may view tby aight .
With approbation, and contented be, . . .: ;
Tbat he' the child of thy sweet cbaiity ..
,0, peaceful Eartb, below, o calm, 10 sweet,
But give me pjwer to write, and I'll repeat
To brother man the sacred thought I leel
This hoar, yea, in trpih to all reveal
Thy gen'rjas motherhood to belpler-s men,
And strive to teach each one to comprehend
Tbe blessings that thoa has to atndly give t
To every one that 00 thy bosom live. -',
I'd tell of tea, eavircliog thee around, ...
tJpon whose breaata ten thousand ship are fonud,
How scenic riven, dear and deep and wide,
like happy children, play 00 every aide;
Ol mountain realnSs, w boe glistening, snowy peaks,
Are but a chain ol pearls to grace tby neck i ..... w.
And giatit wood, thro' which tby pure breath blow,
Are bat as tiny grass, where mUi flow; ,
Of dtiea, thronged with works of liviug art.
Where million feel tbe beating of thy heart,
And treaaarea, far more priceles yet than gold,
Tbstln tbv boaora U100 doret amply bold. ' . .
I'd write ol that p-oud j urney round tbe sun,
Foil thirty billion uiUee of space to run,
And bending tbal great bea, with charming grace,
nTo give four beao'eou a -abon on thy face;
Vet never wand'ria from that chosen tract, '
Nor lor one moment, e'er thy speed to slack ;
How turnest thoa lor e'er to esai from west, -Providing
time for labor aud for rest.
I stand, entranced . great form, to gre on tnee, -My
toil ie filled with tby sablimiiy.
I pause, allho' I saniinoo all uy might, , .
My pen doth fall ; I can no
Ruebuig, Ore., Dec. JS. 1901.
Mr. Harah J. Curneiron, nee Adam
... hnmimhaaiateof Tenoeesve Feb.
15, 1B, crossed ine plain wiw ner par.
sou to Uregoo in ljao. wis wis nu-
aa -
ried to Joseph Covnelieoa ia Bsntoa
county ia May
1S51. They mived lo
Douglas county dunng
Ihe same year,
aud to her last home over 40 year ago,
where abe resided until bar death.
6be becatre a member of tbe Chriet-ea
ebu' h over 30 jeu ago, and ha hved a
. . . .
devoted Lbnetian since. 4,
8be !ves a lamUy of nine cbUdren
three bov and six girl to moors her
wies yoij X MERRY CHRISTflAS
Bargains for all.
Don't delay, vrc
-Buggies, 75c and
up. Chairs and
Rockers for child
ren, 20 cts aud up.
have plenty of
goods at the aight
If you get tired reading
this adv. we can interest
you with prices. We
sell char Uian Tort
land. Retuemlier
forget us. 1 1.5 Stands
fivr f 1. Shalee, regular
price, 45 cts., now 35 els.
w jiiie they last.
Our Ji. 25 Rockers
aud $1.65 Rockers'
are easy Rockers.
The price is easy
too. See them be
fore yon buy.
can't be
Arth r C. Alston's Company presenting
At the Old
:. J?o play with greater heart
,A sweet Southern tale well told by
PRICES 35, 50 and 75 cts.
CMtaaV Kit ummmi
' 1 I:
.n:f. j.
bt write. . .
' l v ,
-'i i .--ser .
Iocs. Threw cbildreu .pitcedod her to
tbe grave. . , ,
tier age at the time of hr death tt
T. j IV . . ." . "
j uicu Tory .oaaeoiv at tier Dune near
; ifru fjri; 4n Safqrlav eveuin
1 tTa a a r-k. i .
. ijj. runtrsi aot vices were
1 ffM, '?; boe lueeday by
- fa
j (
" ' "1" wr
j xue Nan. C. .. of T.rew t.
Ote., keep the tiueei nnis-ry tuh ol al:
,n.T' "f ,M,nT' oi ae to
j.-?aiitciion Koarameea. t tare y-ur or
t a., k.i.. .1 u ..u
j EwEav'MaTUfa, At .
j ., . Ro-thcrg, 0-rgn.
cass sr.
... It 4 .
Xmas Speculties...V child toy stove
Go-Carts aud Doll for 20 cts;a better
one lor 75 cts.
Iron Beds for 35
aud 75 ceuts. We
are strictly in it.
Sewing marhine, drwp
liead,dctierbd,onlv f'Jo.
No. 7Ct Stove, ; So.
A l.k Stive, : St.el
'Kinge, wsTTantrxl for 15
years,- only ;50.
Sale. Iion't
y '
Our $1.00 Chairs , throughout, Dec
cau't'be equalled, cinber. Many
or 75 cts. Qiair shoppers are ex-
beaten' ' pected. Save uiou-
T MfiswMSiiaraiaieisaisawuiT
an iutemsliug story of today etititlod
Gross Roads
Interest was ever written.' . "
cast of uniformed excellence.
Seats ou sale at Strong's!
, Dec, io
'. -m jqj.- - - --'r ' 1
iM m: mm
t aC' -i . aawaTl- V
Groceries and Dry Goods Promptly . g
Delivered to any port of the City.
PHONE 671. r .. i s ; ROSEBURG, OREGON
Professional Cards. ,
I) rT alkire7
...Nerve Specialist..
Cures Rbninati.uJ. Ntrroin ArTn-tiona,
stomach an1 I.iver Inmblc. Mbin.l ii,nir
culalurjr aud Pulmonary DUturbaocta.
H,urs: 9 Ut 1J:; 1 toi.
7-S Taylor A Wilson Bhlg. Bo.-burg, Oregon
KoBimuBa Oaaooa
Spottal attcotioa cirea to DI111111 of the Voa
and ThmiL
Offioe-Mala XL, on door aovthot Ci l:Ha
rnoue. Main au.
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. O. ' Rotui so,
'Phone Main 591. - Obsoom.
Physcian & Surgeon.
OBoa aTlew Bid.
. . foooe. Maia U
STtw Bunding,
Teicplioae ha. i.
raosiBrEu. oskgou
Siocua a Hail
aoeaacBti. oaa
Attorney at Law,
aooau 1 A t. V arateta B1U., aoeXBOES. oa
laW" BualocM before U 0 s. Lead OSUat aa4
auuiu caaea a apeciaty.
Late BoeTer tJ. a Lead Olca
OUN H. fcUtTE,
RoaiiBiKu, (ruaos.
Buinea. before C. 8. Lead $- a4 Piooalo
boiiMM a (ycuity.
Oaice Abrahaa baUdtoa
WU pra-ucc in ail the 8ui and Ft-teral CourU
ufbnt la Maxta' B totim. uraoa.
Attorney and Coaiiaellor.t Law.
Mm ng Law and Water Rigdu made
ta.U-n B14 RbncBO R6. USIOU
W. BENSON, ' "
Attorney-at-Law. "
ai 1 a-xl t
Ba-ldlnt. ROflBCEv.. OEIiKJH
Attorney-at-Law '
Court Hou
JA. BCCHASAX, SoUry Public.
Collections a Specialty.
Room I
Maratera Boildinf. KOSIBCR'J. Qtl
Attorney at Law.
ftlMH 11.
Taylor A ft tisoa Block. . Roeaacaw. Oas.1 1- J 1
ha a '
True economy in-paiht is attained only
when the best of matsrial is ussd
If first-class paint osts only o ie-tifth m jre thau a poor
quality paint, aud lasts just twicej.ts long, it stands to
UNSEED OIL, PIONEER WHITE LEAD at lowest market prices
A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Druggists
I cr .,.
rf .
nr. Jack Frost
"That all people wearini? Oxford
go wayhack and eit dowu."
t,f"il nave
shoes to match
- season.-"
Correct styles
Swell effects
i t
..Just right for winter.-
a miiAty clever dozen
rtrjs of Wonjto's
Hlioes is all the new
idea at t'-MiO. 1-0.
,ZJU0 and IJ.50.
It is ti xonrintervtt to watch tl'.
win-low for iirl thi;i in Footwear
Do not forget the prizes
to be given away-Jauua-ry,
1, 1902.
Title GuaranLee&Loan Co
i. 0
Baaii.rra. -rmuka:
II.'. Hm:ivy.
&?. Treac.
OSre In tiieToort H'we. Hit fe onTf torn
firceaei nf -jt.mrt book, is Ouociaa KMiuij.
Abatrarta and CVairjrwm f T tl lunivlwl w
tKXijtl rHi n I j L40 1 .oil Biuin claicta. Rit
lLao a ebmpLric r of Trarirc of ail ttn. ah -p
ft in the iL.w1.h3rn. V-r-c. a. C- - Laa.1 lra-
I lneu W:.I aaaa b.ce not mfors of anr Iowa
acij aoowmc alj iuda.
poDdcooeaoLciiCTl. ill
Notice for Publication. "
rsiTKD siitia nsnorricrr
twaacr. Orrron, lir. is. l"l.
Nwtux ia htnroy ir-a jiat IB omvuiH)
wiia ib r"n of ii-c act of i tonl
Ja i, u:-v nl.;.tO -Aa ctfor lha ol
Mmtt-j laodt in It ".aie ol Ca:ii,oi. Oitani,
SaJa. mm4 W mLimi TerrMorr," aa (I'aJ
4 to a-1 Ite ro, x; Land Mw by act of lu
oat 4. US1.
ALBEir u RkB
of rnrUand. coaair of n ,
Llo:w." t"1 '"T B.d ia . r.. v.
taw lt.' ot fniwa So K wnav.r i- wirw.
ranfa Jio. 7 weat, an-1 will oOr ynA to atow
lUai tbe land amizbi is aa r rt.oibi. Inr lta
timber or stra thui for amculroral aurfoarw,
and toeui.ifc kiwa to al mil be Mr
(be Kttula aad aconrrroj :kioSuat Bmo
Ihonc. n-aii.a. on We!n sJay, Uu u day of
I rrl jarr. '.A'Z.
Be oaiva a wiinrw-s: teree Bateaiaa,
Robert We .Vih. Tbnaiw U rw!, m Ruar
tura . rrneat V. bVrwict 04 IMvUan-i. lha.
Any alKl al prnrai cuiaiaf advrne.j lie
atwve d . 1 l lanl. antr ro)-M'd 10 fl
t nrir ela: m ia Uii- o&. oa or beiore aaid 'Alb
day of February, 1AJ.
biip. J. T. B&lDa'KS. -
RV later.
character and ;jod .repuurtoo io earh
tats (cue in this onty reqairexi) to re
present and advertise old established
wealthy bnaioee bona, of sotid financial
tanding. Salary tlS.OO weekly witb
eiperis-a additiooal a' I parable id cash
each Wednesday direct from bead
efficee. Horset sod carriage fumiahed,
when neo-eeary. Reference Enckwe
slf-addraM(Hl stamper! eoveiope. Man
aeer. 316 Castoo Bnikling, Chicago.
1 1
3 11 II
1 VisfV
r V r S w
Read this...
For all kinds of Candj',
fresh, pure and harm
less, Oysters served in
any style, call on ... .
Wtolesale and Retail
Candy Manufacturers
TS lont erwun aa-1 aizad
1 dies, aacy casaa and Coodra.
Tobaero. Chrara aad 'nil
ia vartvl aMjrtcneoia aU
a taa) taa qaa ity.
H. Little,
Oakland, . -
Japamese I1AF KIS-
II 1
ffg IMwaas M ''TjrT
reR salEjBT
Groceries and
Glassware ...
' j 1 a at . . . a