s w I I I A dvertising J ob Printing In busy, reasons brings you your bhare of trade; J s a very important IKV.I JO 5 buhinw,9. - Poor printing ie J auUlUDIUJ 1 U iae kww Bons brings yoa your 6hare, and also V lb at of the merchant who "cau't af- ucib no creait on gx business bous. Let as do your Job Printing we trnaraatee it to be ib every way satisfactory. ord" to advertise. "5 Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1 901. Vol. XXXII. No. ior rv SOMETHIWG.POR ...LADIES... Collarettes, Capes, . Fur Boas, " Ready-made Waists, Waist Patterns, Jaekets, Gloves, Umbrellas, Fascinators, Hn Jkercbiofs for'. Lvlies. Misses and Children ; Meo, Youths and Bivs. The finet line ever shows in the city. One Price Store Wallenberg Bros. Oih'u until S o'clock. 4 a ' 5 iLSrir- n it Our Toy Department J3SZ f Shoo Flys, Cradles, Rockers and Chairs, Stoves, Iron Express Wagons from fl.00 up aud many other things too numerous to mention. I B. W. STRONG, THE FURNITURE MAN. w Bring Us Your for cash J. F. BARKER & CO. ...FLINT'S SHOE 5T0RE... fpSCT CS EE SIS -gBSi7 3! S g G35 O O O g:E3 S3 tE;Q"0,O1 e) WiSn Dove Uo n Our cubtoniers pay as and they do il without kicking, because we sell tbe beet groceries Btaple and fancy, at the ruofit reasonable prices in the city. If yon riou't know this to be a fact, prove it by giving as a trial order. Thone 163. . Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly when ou order them. CallUip 'Phone No. 181, for ga J goods and good service. ey-VeElsSSavyL--wsa OW'T FORGET Free Demon stration of Blanhc's Famous Coffees. OWE BAY ONLY. tvtii i Mm m vw vvw m R CLOYD St If you want to buy a farm If you want" furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If you want to rent a house If you want to build a house If you want to move a house V don't know PAT call on or address ... 00 WW GENTLEMEN Smoking Jackets, Overcoats, Suits Neckties, Mufflers, Gloves, Umbrellas. On Price' Store St and we present our claims for con sideration to the . FURNITURE . buying public, confident that when goods are examined and prices com pared all purchase will be made with as. We are showing the greatest line of willow cobbler seats of solid oak rockers ever shown in Douglas county also a full line of styles of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs Roseburg, Ore 1 see -61 - CHICKENS. EGGS. BUTTER. A oiTtrade. Be Prepared for IhuJ weatlier. It is here now and will be with ue for "quite a while." We have the necessary footwear to complete your rainy day costume, and a complete line of Gaiters, Leggings and Rubbers. . . . all np to the uual high standard of quality and marked at usual low prices. 21 C. W. PARKS & CO. BROWN. Reseburg Uregon LATE NEWS SUMMARY Important Events of Tew Days. the Past STATE, GLMRAl, fO REIGN. Cream of the Dispatches Dished Up in Condensed Form for the Busy Reader. John M -tercon en Oreson pioneer, formerly of Cottaee Grove, Loe conoty, died at his Gold II ill borne lat week. It is reported that the Booth, Kelly Lumber Co. intend to eetablieb a Urge saw mill on the lower , b.uiw wnere there ta an immense body ol fine timber. Chinese pheasants are reported as be coming scarce in the Willamette raller, their first Oregon home, on the aoeoont of tbesnnoal daughter by reckless sports men daring the open season There are 2)02 schoolhooses La the eUte, and o! that number 79 were con trocled duriog the past year, two beicg in Aluitoomab county and tnree in Marion. Douglas leadt with H. while four were constructed in each of Union, Wallowa, Tillamook, Grant and Coos counties. Eight new schools Looses were erected in Lane count?. Seoalor llnca bae introdacrd in the senate and Representative Taylor in the boose a bill providing for the pymeat of a pension of 15,000 a yrar to Mrs. Me- Kinley. A similar penaioa is no paid to Mrs. Grant and Mra Gat field. There is not likely to. be any opposition in either branch of coogreee, a'thoogn there is a possibility tbat an attempt will be made to amend tbe bill so as to give Mrs. Harrison tbe same amount. Viot-Preeident KruttachoiU, ol the Soolbern Pacific, announces tbat orders nave been placed for 60 new freight en gines, fiye passenger and 10 switch gines, in addition to the 103 recently or dered and which are now being deliver. ed. Mr. Kruttfcbnitt e Hi mated tbe car shortage on tbe Sooth Atlantic divieioo at about 1000 per day, and to partially relieve it be has ordered several ban dred cars now tied up with New York freight to Galveeton, where vewle have been ordered from New York to receive tbe cargoes. Congressman Weeks, of Michigan, who arrived from Manila recently, when ask sd a boot conditions in the Philippines, aid : "I saw Aguinaldo and spent a day with him. lie is not an intelligent 1 in a. a nrLX thin k.irtt. that h interior in intelect to Americans. 11 Hems to me not clever, but cunning. The general opinion among the military men is tbat Aguinaldo should be allowed to escape. Us is a dead iseue and no longer a menace to the United States. It is sop posed that be does not want to mn sway, as be would at once be aeoassinated by the friends of Gen. Luna, whom hs or dered to be killed. Pretty Wedding at Scottsburg. Miss Lacy Grabbe, youngest dsugbtsr of Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Grabbe, and Mr. J. R. Siwyers, were joined in tbe holy bonds of wedlock, Dae 13tb at 11a.m. t tbe residence of the brida'a parent's, Judge Tbompeon of Rjeebarg performing tbe crexony. Toe bride's dress was cream alpaca, with all tbe added pretti nessof garniture. Miss Mary Sswysrs dsof bier of Japob Sawyers, Sr., acted as brides mid and Edwin Grubbe as grooms man. Mies Sawyers was attired in a andsomecoetua.eolgray. Meay haod- some presents were presented to the bride and groom. An elaborate lunch was served to the few invited guests, consisting of only a few immediate rela tives ol tbe high contracting parties They are both highly esteemed young nd both of this county. Tbey will im mediately take op their residence in Drain where tbe groom has bosinees in terests ss Proprietor of the Drain & Coos Bay Stags line. The yonng peo ple have the beet wishes of tlis many friends and may tbey have all tbe good to be foutid in this changeful life and as few of its trials and tempests as possible. Tbe Plaisdsaleh joius in ex tending congratulations and wishes for a long, happy and prosperous voyage through life. Attention, Poultry men. A meeting of the Douglas County Poultry Association is hereby called to meet at Slocom'a If all, Salordxy evening atb:dup. m. All members ol toe asso ciation and all parties interested in pool try lor pleasure or proot are Invited to attend. By order of F. L. Calkixs, Preside nt. Christmas Tree.' Eden bower M. E. 8. 8. will parlicb pats in the enj jvmenti of a well decora ted tree Christmas eve; under the au spictes ot toe uanday ecaooi. All are cordially invited. All work dons by tbs Title Guarantee Loan Co., J. D. Hamilton, manager is guaranteed absolutely correct. Ab stracts of titles sre worthless unl properly made. Drylnff preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinarv form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, 'fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanse, soothes and hmla. Elv'a Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh, or cold in the bead easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. AH drugsts sell the 50o. size. Ely Brothers, 66 Warren St., N.V. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate of cause sneezing. It fpreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reuev. ina immediately the painful inflammation With Ely's Cream ISalm you are armed snstlis4CaUriba&4aja'T SECOND ANNUA L POULTRY SHOW To be Held at Roseburg. Dec. a6th, 37th and 38th. Bfei'LAB CASH rjlKMll'MS. . Caali premiums open to the world will be paid according to oom petition in poul try cleesee, I. e Hens, Cockerels and Pullet of all varieties, as follows : BIMQLK BUDS. 1st. 2od. 3rd Gentries 12 00 $100 Gstd 8 M 1 00 W 4 - 50 25 rise. 1st. 2nd." 3rd Card 6 entries $3 03 tl 50 4 2 00 1 00 ! " , 1 00 50 Ii only one entry is mads the fee will be returned. Best Pen in American class ff.iS 50 2 50 - 2 50 Best in Asiatic class. . Best in Mediterranean and various Best pair docks (old or young) each variety 1 60 1 00 Beat pair turkeys (old or young each variety 1 60 1 00 Largest and bast ex hibit of poult nr.. . 2 60 Largest exhibit of Chi nese Pbeaaantc 2 50 Largest exhibit of Sil ver Pheasants..... 2 50 SKJBOKS ALL VABItTIM. 1st. 2nd 12 entries. ...2 00 ... 1 00 ... 50 ... $1 00 50 8 " 4 " 4 Card KOOS Ko entry fee, bat tbe exhibit mast be gotten np in an attractive form different varieties separately and each named. Best 12 Whhs Egfl SI 00 BestT? Brown Eggs 1 00 Heaviest 12 Ez, any color 1 00 Best 12 Dock Eggs 1 00 Beat display (not less than 6 vsrilies 2 00 xotk. Display of Ects most be in show room not later than Dec. 26th. nasssjo rocLrav. No entry fee. Feathers on bead and wings to remain nnplncksd lor parpose of identification. Heaviest and beet dressed turkey . .11 00 - . - gooes... 1 00 M " docs ... 1 00 " " " capon... 1 00 " pair foals.... 2 00 Largest and beet dmplev 4 00 In above dreesed poultry competitions only thorough bted poaHry will be sc eepted and shall be brooghl to the show room so as to be on etnibitioo Dec 27th and 2th. irsriAL ch rtMicxi. Fpeclsr premiums will t swarded to the bigiim ecorina: Cock, Cockerel, Meo and Pullert in t-ach variety, according to tbe following la We. Solii colored birds to be handicapped one point in this com petition. Score 92 pointe f 1 00 " " 1 25 " 92.S " 1 60 " v: 1 75 " 93 " 2 00 " 3'4' " 2 50 03'- 3 00 93?4 4 00 " W - 6 On P M. Matbiewe. Sopt., F. B. Hamlin, bee. Roseburg; W. W. Browoiog o Og- den, Utah, Jodge. Admission 10 cents, easoo Ucksts 25 cent. BeneTit Lectnre. B. B. Barton, who lately lemoved to Portland, Ore., from San Joss, Cel. .will deliver bis famous lectors entitled "In tbe Corridors of Antiquity, or a U Yankee abroad with a grit-Beck" at tbs Christian Church on Thursday evsoiog, Der. 19th ,1901. Tbs lecture is of rational repute! ion, a rplendid orator, and on who will not fail to entertain. The lrcture is both in struct! vs and bumotous, being a graphic portrayal of a trip through tbs ruins and late explorations of ancient Pale-Una, Rome, and other conn tries. Mr. Barton comss very highly recoa mended as a platform orator and as a person who is thoroughly convirsenl with bis subject, and those wbo do not bear him will miesan intsUcctoal treat. Don't Forget to Read This. Oar fall and winter goods bava arrived and yoa will find bars) tbe largest and most complete Una of dress goods, outing flannels, fascinators, underwear, hosiery blankets, curtains,- cloaks, capes, etc. Also Buciinbsm A Hscht, boots and shoes, robber goods, oil clothing, over coats, and a I ins of men and boys' cloth Ing tbst cannot be beat. Wa aUo carry miners' supplies snd a fresh and complete stock of groceries. Come and let as show yoa oar large sesortment and give yoa prices. Oar aim is to give yoa good values and treat yoa rtsbt. Give as a trial. A W .1 . . . n u m. m XJ 1,1.11. .la we are also stents for tbs Oliver Chiliad plows snd extras. (n4U) For Typewriter. If, In tbs past you bsvs had trouble with your typewriter ribbons, ssnd sample order to E. L. King, No. 218 San- Boms Street, San Francisco, and see if yoa can't get a better .ribbon for Seventy nve cents men yoa Dave been paying a dollar for. $7 per dozen any color and Ior any machine. E. L. Kino, Pacifies Coast Usnsrsl Agent. 218 Sausoms St., Ssn Francisco. U18 Foresters Ball. Elaborate arransementa are beinil Ths work is in charge 01 u 11 wan, made by the Roseburg- lodae. Foresters of America, for a grand ball De givn id vuw opera .noave unnstmaa bouse eve. ina r oreeters' wett known reputa tion as royei entertainers wtn ta fully sustanea on tnis occasion, tbs success of which is already assured. Don't fir get toe date, U IRELAND IS TOO ANGRY. forces King and Qseea to Post- pone Their Visit. TKEMW POSTMISTER GLNERU. Canal Treaty Ratified. Lon- i don Comment on Treaty. Lunooii, Dec. 17. Tbe World today ssys the proposed visit of King Edward and Qoeea Alexandra to Xraland, which was tiun take place) to ths spring or after bis majesty's coronation, has been abandoned on account d tbe disturbed ntateoftbat coaotry. vsw rcrrauSTEB-OBSaa!., W ashiihitvN. Dec. 17 Announce ment was mads today tbat Postmaster' General Smith has teadsrsd bis resigna tion and tbat It baa been accepted. Henry C Payne, National aom niiltee, of Wisconsin, bsa been offered the position. and baa accepted it. aooskVBXT'B aaiBun stud. M akchisteb, Vt., Dec. 17 A letter basjoet been leoeived from Captain John Coff, at Morocco, saying tbat be xpected a fin blooded Arabian saddle bores to reeh him from tbe interior about Dec. 10. Hs say the animal will be shipped to Wasbiogton for ths President's use. caxaxtbiitt aiTiriso. Washmutok, Dee. 16. Tbe Senate to day ratified tbe Hav-Pococefote I-th- maln Canal Treaty, bv tbe decisive voU of 73 to 6. Toe principal . speech ol tbe dy wsa made by Senator Teller in op position to tbe treaty. aSOLUM COMMKXTUX TBK4TT. rv it wi K .k--.iu, LoKDoa, Dec 17 -WU, tbe sxceaUoo of tbs Globa tbe alter noon newspioert today comment approvingly on the rati j flcalion of tbe Hey-Pauncelote treaty by ihe United States today. TbeGk) e sees in lbs overwhelming majority ior the ratificatioa proof that tbe compact is re garded as oiie-eided, and calculated to adversely effect British political and com mercial iutereei a. Senator Teller's offensive phraee, ' In her present mood cleeny eia-mbee, the paper says, "Ute convicwon mat tog- land has beooms too eui.etaeiv to stand np lor her rights sgaieet me great repub lic." Toe Globe conclude : "It is a surren der. rv,t a baricaia. We band ever ne. tional property as pnvtaase money f jT American friendship." BKR tHbaSUB kXjAOSU. SrsiJiriEU,0 , Dec. 16. Tbe engage ment wae aeDonnced today, ol Captain Richmond P. llubeoo, aud Mwe Eleanor Ludlow, of this ci'y, oeice of ex govern or Butboell. tbe weoaing wiu use place in February. Klamath Lake Railroad. A gang of workmen betas work in g tadiog, laet Thursday, for tbe projected railroad to be built te Pukegama, Klamath loouty, lur which preparatione have been going on at Laird's for sever al weeks, Tbs 8. P. Co. recently built s spar track and established a station at Laird's, and the work of surveying snd putting material on tba ground tor the proposed railroad work bas sines been progressing. On Wednesday las', sr. ticlea ot incorporation with a capital stock of $1,000,000 wars filed with tbs county clerk of Siekiyoa county. The directors for the first year are, George Mason, of Los Angeles; Uervey Lin ley, John .E. Coffin and Dean Mason, of Klamathoo ; J. F. Farrahar, of Yreka. George Mason and Hervey Lindlsy each take 300 shares, 130,000; John E. Coffin snd Dean Meson each 100 shares; James J. Farrbsr 10 shares, $1,000. Dean Ma son of Klamatbon baa been sleeted treas urer of tbs corporation and $15,000 has beea paid into bis bsada, being over 10 per cent ot tba stock actually subscribed, Ihe term ot corporation is to be let for 50 years. Its objects are stated to lay oat, construct and maintain a standard- gangs railroad from Lairds station to a point between tba lower falls snd Fall Creek, and the oca to a point on ths Oie gon and California boundary . line, a distance of 15.0 Bailee from the starting point; thence into tbs stats ol Oregon to tbs intersection with the present logging railroad operated by tba Pukegama Sa gs Pino Lumber Company, in Klsmatb county, 22 miWs ; thence In a general north-easterly direction to Upper Klam a'b Lake, a distance of 43 miles, mak ing In all 85 miles ot railroad pre jected. In addition to constructing this railroal ths company is empowered to engage in building and running stssmere on Klam ath Lake. Klamath River and its tribu sries and to eetabliab docks, . coostuct wbarvea. telegraph and telephone lioea. Drilling for oil at Springfield. Eugkkb, Dec 17 After many delay, which were unavoidable, the Great West Oil and Coal Compaoy this afternoon about one o'clock began tbe work of dril ling for petroleum on the N. Hill place, leased by tbe company, on tbs outskirts ol Spricgfisnd, just a stone's throw irom tbs big bridge which spans the Willam ette river at that place. Tbs work bas been going merrily on daring tbe afternoon snd lsrgs crjwds ot Springfield citisene snd a number from Eugene bava watched operations I wbo bas bad large experience in the oil to drllllnc business, and he is assisted lv J. 0. Bee be, wbo is sngineer, and T. O. Maxwell. I Gold pern, optical goods sod Souyernlr spoons 4t Kalsman'a, VA'dtvVM:MK V.VA A , 0 Tiium I.TnviiMvvii Mltn : Mim Bbwib KioDas, AaaociaU p Last 8atjrday afternoon was a red f&fr".? T(TYPEWR ITER ui luutuau iua naa oeen piayea oere ior several years was played in tbs Bellows Field In West Roseburg between Cottage Grove and tbs Rosebnrg High Bcboo. In the ttret hall Roseburg kicted off to Cottsge Groye. Tbroogboot tbis beli each side maintained a stnbhorn resv- tance s-i that no gains wsrs made either way and in the second half it was precise! tbe same thing until tbe very last mom snt whsn Cottage Grove scored a toad -down, Half Back Blair earring tbe pig skin over the goal line. The game was a close one from start to floisb and it was the general opinion that neither sids would scxe and that tbe game would be a draw. In tbe evening tbe teams were given a reception by the bas ket ball team in Stocums 'Htll and everybody reports a very enjoyable time. Tbs beet of feeling still esieu between tbe two teems. The Cottage Grove boys are true gentlemen and we bops' in the near fo'ure to once mors have a rooteet sitb tbem'for athlstie hooora. The grounds used In the gams Saturday wsrs given for tbs ocrasfoa free of charge aad theedi'oroi behalf of the footbill team wishes t-i most beertttr thanks Mft Bel lows for bis kindness and geoeroaky. moll or --.. Tiie following napiia have beea ssith er e'weot nor tardy, and navw received a gra le of one in each branch of study aad in department, for tbe snoots) end ing Dec 13, 1V01: Fred VToaao Francis Rialy. Van Gilbert, Maad CHa. Locy Bridges, Broee Bridges, ArcbieJack son, Raymond Hewitt, ArKe Oewgsr, Grace Marstera, Insa Clamsats, Vests Mulligan, Jos Win tare, Harold Smith P. H. Black. Bessie Carton, Bay Mus ters, Mary Uodsoa, La ore Everts, Lela Dimmick, Beaete Kidder, Parl - Heals, Fred Adams, Edna Parley, Millia Saottb I)olle Smith, Bird Tiptoe, Alios Mabn M BrT. Cecil Black, Eva Fanlkner, eots. Graos Majre, Ladle Bsgtdale Cordon, Vivian Card veil. Jack Wharton. Vtvia i French, Andrew Mat- tbeaf, Roeeoe Marstera and Adelaila Wollenberg. Pithy aad Pwiatcd. Toere woolU't be ntnch dancieg if wasn't for tbe bugginr. Now is a good time to begia prsctkiog on 'sw Ytwr's reaolut A sharp man like a tecs abenld never be set down on tbe second tiaae. It doe' t take long for a woman to find her husband oat after marriage. The "respectable" place tbat gives dit a eUrt downward does more barm than the Bombed dive. Tue work of raiaina 1 1 10.000 for tbe rausom of Mies S one go.e bravelv sm. J Tbia looks like a nntiy steep fifere lo lay for an old maid. The editors of two newspapers in Mineouri town have jaat goUeei married and now there ill be only one naps' tbe town. Tbis ie an up-to-date item A neb man sometimes envies bis poor neighbor, but if be waa to swsp p'aces UiO fust thing hs'd do would bo to try an' git rich agin.' A few days sgo s Benton county lather bought shoes in Ibis city lot bin tsmily. It took fourteen pairs of shot a to to around and even then the father went without. G alette. A liar he burg woman being enable to miik e cow whscb bad always been at tended by men went aad put on a pair of overalls, aed there wao no further trouble, sad yet there are people wbo insist tbat woman are not geniuses. A Southern Kansas editor bad ample grounds recently for taking a brief Tac tion. Tbe good sieters of a church or ganisation banded him a notice that tbey would give a "8pider Web Social," which appeared Utrr in tba paper as a Spinale Leg 8ocial." . A Tennessee girl tbe other night stole oat over the sleeping form of ber soother eloped with and married bar lover. Tbat is tbe kiod ol a wife wwth having. Il ehe can slip oat over ber mother' with out awakeniug her, aha ought to be able to slip out over ber sleeping spouse kiudle fires without awakening htm. Of Interest te Miners. Claim jumpers occasionally do a great ibjoetice to ciaim owners through a mn taken nutton as to whether the anaul representation work baa beea done. It often happens tbst tbe claim i iraper baa no other authority for assuming that a claim is jompable than the tact that no record of anuual representation woik haa been made in the offloe ot tbe coun ty clerk. In default of the record he as sumes tbat the claim baa been abandon ed. He is not jjailfled in this. Tbe taw does oot make snch a record manda tory. It does not even n quire H to be made. It merely sa j 8 tbe claim owner may" make such a record withio teen ty days from the completion of such work, settiog forth certain facts. Tbs only advantage ot making such a record I- tbat the law cons' r nee ss a piima lacit evidence tbat tbe work haa been done If a claim is jumped after tbe ssssss ment work bas been recorded, tbe bur den ol proof is upon ths jumper to sbow that tbs work has not been done as con tern plated by law; on the other hand It the assessment work la hot recorded tbe burden ot proot rests upoo lbs own er ol the claim to show that the woik bas been done. .Aside from these features of tbe caee tbe matter of record cuts no figure. Ths tuan who jimps tbe claim simply because the annual ment work baa not yet been recorded taking too many chances ThS'only sals way is o bsvs personal knowlsgs fiat the work he s not been done. Oot tage Grove l6dsr. THE iGhicago t a rice. $35-oo fM Guaranteed to eUal any siw machine. L. KING, Gen'l Agent, 2i8 W- C COlMIsTER, r.ocaI Agt., Rosebnrc n Who will win the Prize? For every 50 cei.t purchase at my store yea not only get value received in the irebet sad beet Breceriee in loan - - at lonest prieee. be a ticket which may make you tba winner of tbe haa1aoma pris lb astra Urge wax doll, now on exhibition io my store window. Call early before tbe tickets sre all out. WILL CURRIER , THE GROCER ' -4 eUL ALBUMS AND PHOTO MOUNTS AT CHURCHILL & --WOOL-LEY F. C LADO. Have you seen the. Christmas Goods just received at IF YOU WISH A NICE PRESENT FOR A FRIEND YOU SHOULD CALL AT ONCE AND GET FIRST.CHOICE "The Racket Store" Tirprtmrn rn -r?r rv - - - OCOOOOCOCXXDOOOOOCKXXXXXXXDOOCOOC As Christmas Approaches! The hearts of tbe H and yonng alike are filled with delight. r I 'SHE old as they rvmember years gone by when they were ej X I toddlers at their ni there kne, looking forwa d wit anxious deligb to what as sincerely liopeanta Claus will still rvniemb them : ? in their declining years The young well, Santa CIau will hardly forget them. We have provided o,nite liber- ,J. ally for Santa Clans' selection in suitable gifts for all. e Toys, a nice selection ; Dolls, little o ee, biz ones, pretty ones, the de tght of your little girls ; Express VVagnus, Air Guns, in fact toys I of all kiinls for your boys; Albums, Toilet Cases, Handkerch els,' Handkerchief Boxes, Xeckties, Hats, Cape, Suits of Clothes, Shoes, V Shirts. Dress Patterns, Veh-ets, Silks space will not allow as U enumerate everything we have making suitab e gifts. Many, many $p Ay things more will you dnd in our store. We invite you to look over ej A our stocks and enggeet early buying. You are well aware of tbe A :4: . . . . t . 1 . . v. .11 1 1 ' . dissppMiitiuent at the very last w WE WISH YOU A VERY N. SELIQ, Myrtle Another ComDination formed in Roseburg 1 hi 1 ii have incorporated under the above name. Their stock consisting of 475 Dolls to sell from 1 penny to $5; yx souvenir views of Roseburg from 15 cenls to 75 cents each: 100 toy trains, steam and hot air engines from 10 " cents to $3.75 each; tool chests, hobby horses, wagons, crokinole and all kinds of game boards from 15 cents to $5 -"5; Christmas tree ornaments. We ha e nothing to give away, nor do we have any arm prices lor anv competitors, but we will guarantee if you trade w ith us we will save 20 per cent on all of this line of goods. BEARD & SANTA CLAUS . . - Aa ( fr. V) Sansome St., San Francisco Eastman Make Good Xnias Gifts See those i and $2 Brownies Q. OLSON III' mm banta llaus would bring. Ll Tit en stocks are all brokeu. MERRY CHRISTMAS. Creek, Branch : Canyonvillr, Orwaon ' Kodaks