The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 16, 1901, Image 3

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    I I
We are redoubling our efforts to make the PEOPLE'S STORE
"the most popular place for bargain seekers to make their head
quarters, as our Fall and Winter goods have arrived and we are
' selling them at a very low margin. .
imd we are selling them from
get them elsewhere.
Our Fall Millinery Stock of Street and
Walking shapes are the most up-to-date
styles that has ever been in the city before,
25 to' 50 per cent, cheaper than you can
Our Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing are now in and one of
the latest and most up-to-date, and if you will step in and give
us a call you will be convinced that we have the most complete
and up-to date line in the city, and you will see that we can sell
you cheaper then youan get them elsewhere.
We are als
agents for .
W. L. Douglas Shoes
and Monarch
Shirts ......
? The People's Store
K Told in Side Heads
Tbe isoo.liwn Orgu Oil Co, ahich
has btt-o aok't g a well oear Aeblai.d,
FDFpeiuUd opera'.ions ten poirilv, last
Ifiturd y. il. well Las rviLe a depth
of over 1 .00 fee". :'Ut hiltj iie can.pny
is in eond i v to tuwa ob'.ig.itiou!,
funds weie ?u a.uij Irr, uwiag to nnoi
troas ua iJii ic i lents an. it was
deeme.l nw;-j i lacar iit indebted
re and bo tbe work was ehnt down.
At ft rublx meeting in Aebland last
Friday nearly 4000 share were
subscribed for and no boabl -eafficieot
money will be raised :o sir.k tbe well ft
Iw honored feet further and demonstrate
to certainty whether oil exists ftt tb&t
joint or not. It is 1 1 be hoped that U.e
Abblaod. people win be successful in find
iLi oiiaa 'it would ipeau enhanced pros
perity ail overlte vsliey. Some of tbis
it -k could probably be eold in Medford
Mail. "
Akothkk EkroET. Work at the oil
WillbM bten trcgrftfiiip doricg the
p st etk, the drill tow being djwu 1600
leet. Additional fctotk baa been eold
bat now a delay is occasioned by sbort
bh of miA.d, tbe roads being bo bad that
it k bad to get any bsulirg done, eajs
Sitardaj 'a AsLlaud Town Talk.
Tj Coiuga Grove-Bahemi Telc
pUon i coirpleled a: d the first mee
eg over the wire frcm Bohemia was
trinpmittvd bundiv. Some little diffi
culties have already been encoantered
tv yon the Helena No. 2, bntl this is
boped to he remedied within a few days
and then communication can be bad
with Bohemia miners at any time. The
work has been rnslied as rapidly as pos
eib'.e in order that it may be completed
before the enow got to deep in :he mount
ain. From tbe time the contract was
let oiitil the line was completed was
only about 30 days. Mr. Perkire, who
is one of tbe correctors and who work
ed from tbe rained cat came in town
Sunday eventne. Mr Jjrdn the o'.her
contractor wi'b Mr A. Seleoa the elect
rician is t till at tbe aibte, but will be
on t in a few daje.
Tbe line will be coun-cted with tbe
lone disable iioe at Cottage Groe.
fslv-r novelties cl all der-iens at
Koni-K to LacKDBT Patboks. We
take this opportunity to ey to tbe peo
ple of Koseborg and vicinity who bad
work done at onr team Laundry last
week that it was onr first attempt. Tbe
machinery being new was bardly adjust
ed for the beat of work, bo therefore if
the Berries we gave you is not satisfacto
ry send your goods back and we will on
ly be too glad to do the work over ftt our
own expense. -Our machinery and ap
pli nc are of tbe latest improved and
we are able to turn out as good work as
an be done in tbe state. We thank
jou for such liberal patronage for our
opening week and trust that our service
in tbe future will continue to merit tbe
same EvkriTt & Modbb
Propra. Rjeeburg Bt earn Laundry.
Bohemia Road Scbvst. W. F. Mur
phy, geoeral manager of tbe Collage
Grove & Bohemia Kailroad Company
wss in Portland Friday from Cottage
Grove, from which point be is euperia
tending preliminaries to tbe constuction
of tbe railroad that will give tbe rich Bo
hemia mioirg district csmmnnication
with tbe rest of tbe world. Mr. Morpby,
bo represents tbe Eastern syndicate
that is furnishing tbe money for this
railroad ebterprise, reports that tbe sur
vey is already computed s distance of 26
miles. As the entire road will be bnt
36 miles in length, there remains but 10
more miles to survey.
Mrs. Corneilsoo an eoteemed pioneer
lady, died very suddenly at her home
near Myrtle Creek Saturday evening,
aired about 70 years. Sbe was taken
eerionsly ill and physician hastily som-
moned, but death came only a.thort time
aftei she was stricken, heart failure
probably being tbe cause. Bev. W .A.
Wood of Roeelurg will conduct tbe
funeral service tomorrow at 10 a. m. at
Mji tie Creek.
New Photo Test. John H. Taylor, of
tbe well known Wagon Gallery, baa bis
photo tent at tbe old stand until after
the holidays and is prepared to supply
old and new customers with fine photos,
from stamp size up. His prices are as
Ufoal, at the bottow. He is prepared to
supply tbe Holiday trade in pbotos. jlp
Pastubaos wanted for one or two
horses through tbe winter. Must bave
access to ebed for shelter, and light feed
during severe winter. Address ME"
care tbis office stating price and location.
TcbketsWahtbd. Turkeys for Christ,
mas wanted next Thursday or Friday
Only fat ones wanted. H. MabksCo.
nit t 1 T-i. a.
At tbe regular meeting of "Mystic"
Lodge, No. 13, D. of II., last Thursday
evening, the following officers were
elected for the ensoing year. Chief of
Honor, Mrs. Merritt West ; Lady of
Honor; Mrs Mary Kanii; Chief of Cere
monies, Mrs. Dimmick ; Recorder, E. H.
Lenox; Financier, Mrs Ida Nicbol; Re
ceiver, Mrs. Jceepbice Bisley; Utber,
Mrs. Lulu Hai.d ; Inside Watch, Mrs.
Saddie Cannon ; Ooteide Watch, B. T.
McClallen; Trotters. II. T. MiClallen
lor three years. Dr. Gio. Hoock for two
years, Dr. E. V. H over for one year.
character and good .reputation in each
ttate (one in tbm county required) to re
present and adyertise old established
wealthy business boose cf solid financial
standing, t-alary flS.00 weekly with
expenses additional all payable in cash
each Wednesday direct from bead
offices. Horee and carriages furnished,
when necessary. References Enclose
seliaddreseed stamped envelope. Man
ager, 316 Caxton Building, Chicago.
Trie people of Glide held a Nix supper
on Nov. 30th for tbe benefit of a Xmss
tree at the new church at that place.
Tbe bidding was spirited and for tbe
nineteen boxes sold 127.25 wens realized.
A shooting mutch will be held there ou
Dec. 24tb. Tbe Christmas tree exer
cises will occupy the early part of tbe
evening and afterwards a dance at II. A.
Blakley's will close tl s festivities of tbs
When he looks at her, his beart goes
kerplunk. Her eyes are heaveoly bine,
ber Ireesea golden, her lips a tuniruer
art am of beaty, and rheekf like tbe
blush of the rose. Tbe school bojscair
at ber as they pass and at once forget
football, examinations and tbe like.
Sbe sweetly looks out at tbe pasters hy
from Currier's show window. She is a
targs wax doll and is to be given away to
one of Currier's lucky customers.
L. A. Brett and wife came to tb'S city
lately from Wisconsin and ae welj
pleased with onr country and climate,
Mr. Brett made us a pleaenl call Fri
day and bad bis name entered tn our
subscription bcok snd aleo tout a num
ber of papers to Eastern friends. Hs
and bis wife contemplate locating here
and say they will be joiLed by Eastern
friends in tbs spring.
It is an old axiom that "bread is tbs
staff of life" but tbis dependu som ewhat
on its qtialitv. The fine cream and
home made bread made at J. Siever's
bakery on Jackson street near Cass never
fails to please. A nice variety of p as tries
also kept constantly on band.
o ;
'i& Christmas g
Greetings &
0 o
2 The greatest gathering of desir- g
q able merchandise we have ever q
offered our patrons.
n O
O Always the Cheapest. . Store closes at 7 p. mg
We should be very glad of an early
opportunity to show you our clean,
, fresh stock of new and beautiful
, ' Christmas Gifts, because it certainly
4 contains '
Presents to Please
- Everybody s
-Any one who wants to purchase a
Christmas gift, no matter whether an
elaborate article, or a mere trifle, can
make the best selection by looking
through our complete slock of Holiday
Goods, which is full of novelties, new
ideas, useful and beautiful things.
Do .not make your Christmas pur
chases, before you see our new selections.
C. C. Pyle, fo-merly with the Cleve
land Concert Co., and S. Guy Hirscb,
late of the Van Cleve Co., spent last
week in Boseburg issuing a unique and
attractive business card for lecal business
men from tbe Plaikdkalkb office. Tbey
proved themselves genial sod wide
awake vonng men and zaade many
friend) during tbeir short stay in Roee
burg. If you want tbe best and most health
ful bread vou will os- onr "cream" and
"home-made" bread. Foil weight
loaves. Oor pastries will also be found
very palatable. (Jive us a trial, J.
Sievere, Jackson street oear Cass.
Edwin Weaver of Myrtle Crtek, was s
Roeeborg visitor Friday and favored tbe
Plaikdkaxr wilb a pleasant business
call. He says rnorh in terse t is being
awakened in the mines of that vicinity
and that drilling for oil by tbe Umpoua
Vlly Oil Co., will at once,
near that city.
Iu a fact that Strong is showing tbe
greatest line of rockers ever seen io
Douglas county and at the greatest va
riety of prices. A good cobler rocker for
2 and from that to tl3 also splendid
wulow rockers at reaoouable prices.
Tbe Forest Grove Times says regard
iug a Roeeborg buy : Tbe Athletic U n
ion held a meeting yesterday af terno on,
wound up its sffairs and wont out of ex -ittence.
This was to enable it to consol
idate with tbe student body. Irving D.
Gibson was chosen as track manager for
tbe coming year.
Free pictures made at tbe Hanbeam
Photo Parlors on Mondays andTuesdays,
between the bouts ol 10 sod 3. For the
Uniqael'boto frames,
tf. C. W. BsAnroao.
F. A. Tripp of the Cundy Kitchen
spent the greater portion of last week,
on tbe road between Junction City and
Grants Pass introducing ac.d taking or
ders for tbeir fine line of candies snd re
ports a fine business.
ror aoii carriages, boy's express wag
ons, carpet-sweepers, rocking horses,
ahco flys, toy tables and, black-boards,
stoves either big or little call on B. W.
"At the Old Cross Roals" has been
played to a record brsakirg business in
nearly every city on the Pacific Coast to
say nothing of the large business done by
them throughout the Extern states.
Jntbetrr-out debate. at Pacific Uni
versity recently tbe question discussed
was: "Resolved-f-Tuat it should bs
made a crime punishable by law to be an
advocate and sunporter ei the general
principles of anarchy." Among tbe
speakers was In iug D. Gibson, of Roee
borg, and tbe lod x ive the following
mention of bis effort: The last speak
er iu Irving D. Gibson, of '04, of Rose
burg, who made a clear cut presentation
of tbe negative aids ol the question. Us
spoke of tbe two schools of anarchy
piiosopbical and commoniattc declaring
that restrictive measures would wrong-
fully apply to the former wbicb Includes
many advanced sociologists. He ad
vanced the argument that legislation
does not put sny effective stop to anar
chy. . Hs cited in evidetoe of bis state
ment tbe growth of tbe principles of tbe
gospel of tbe red flag under Euro
pean despotisms. Bs called attention to
the spirit ol lawlessness in tbs South and
in the West and maintained it to be with
anarchy an equal source of danger to
When yon are in want of a Cook stove,
titeel raoge. Heating stove, or any thing
in toe line of Hardware, Tinware etc,
go to 8. K. Sykesand get Lis prices aud
you will go no further.
Died, tbe infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Orcott at their borne eight miles wsst of
Roseburg, Friday, Dec, 13, 1901. Tbe
funeral was held at French Settlement
school bouse Saturday, Rev. W. A.
Wood, of this city, conducting tbe iw-
vices. Tbs bereaved parents bave the
sympathy of all. .
All work done by tbe Title Guarantee
A Loan Co., J. D. liaoiilioo, manager,
is guaranteed absolutely correct. Ab
stracts of titles are worthless unless
properly made.
J. Grant Hefty of tbe U. 6. Geological
Survey, passed through Roseburg on
Saturday's Shasta Express, returning to
Drsln for a visit with relatives and many
friends. The surveying party bave been
working tbe past season In the vicinity
of Grants Pass.
Get in line Rice & Rice sre having
special December sale. Bargains in
tbeir entire line. Do yon know tbeir
line o rockers and chairs surpass any we
sver saw.
Elder H. W. Decker, of Portland, who
baa been speeding a few days with Eld
er Tabor of West Roseburg, went to Cot
tags Grove Friday and will bold a aeries
of meetings in the Seventh Day Advsnt-
ist church near that city.
No danger of that boy or girl going
wrong if you keep lhe:r time well occu
pied. Get a Kodak for Ibeas. Church
ill 4 Wooliey keep tbem as low as $1.
Tbs Fisber & Bellows Co. vm now oc
cupying tbeir additional room formerly
used bv Rspp's drag store. The two big
rooms maks very commodioo apart
ments for the big general merchandise
Simond.e Cross Cut Saws will do more
work with lees sxertiou and bold tbeir
rotting edge longer than anv other
Brand. Buy tbem from B K. fcjkes.
Arthur a Austin. "At the O'd Cross
Roads Co" wnicb plays here Thursday
nigi t, Dec l'Jtb ia said to be one of tbs
strongest organisations that sver played
the pavific Coast. Hee ad.
Tbue i only one shoe store in the
city, wbere your feet are pruperly ti'led.
If you are skeptical, follow tbe crowd
and we will show you at Flint's.
High class singing and dancing. Ttn
bet show of tbe seaaoo, spft-kles with
oi-to-date specialties DWt fail to see
Biack Paiti, Wedoesday evening at tb
opera l-o-e. See ad.
Cali at WullenU-rg Bros aod gel
Standard Fa.l.iOa Kheet lor thm nRoi h
of Jaurart. Ii ill mtereet vua if you
bave an) dreea-uikking to do.
Dr. Geo. K Hoock, wbo baa been at
tending uiedwal lectures in New Yok
for tbe l ast two n?ontbs, will start borne
January 1st, aod resume b's practice at
ibis place.
Bo) nothiug but Charter Oak Stoves
aod Ktetidanl Ranges, no otbera as
good. We are exclusive agents, 15
years guarantee. Rice h Rice.
Manager Aotbur C. Austin eats that
' At the Old Cross Roada" baa tuada as
big a bit as bis Tennessee's Prdir C.
which played here last year to a large
By calling on J. D. Hamilton at tbe
Roeeburg com t bouse you can get blue
prints of any section or township in lbs
ttoscburg land district.
Secure seats early for Arthur Austin's
magnificent production of bis new suc
cessful louibern comedy drema entitled,
"At tbs Old Cross Roads." See ad.
lbs will of i be late John Emmllt b
Den aduitt- d to probate snd makes
the foil owing distribution of i-ropertv :
To his wife, Caroline Emmitt, tbs old
boms place, together with all ih house
hold property, one spaa of horses, 10
o iws, ai d all the larming implements,
the remslning property, both real snd
persons to be squally divided among tbs
sight children. The probable value of
tbe estate is 120,000.
Miss Nora E Holton.a practical de
monstrator, will serve Blanke's fa moo
coffee free all day Tuesday, Dec. 17
at Lloyd & Brown's grocery, near tbe
depot. ,
Elder B. B. Burton, of Portland, who
Is to deliver bis famoos lecture entitled
In tbe Corridors of Antiquity" at tbs
Christian church on Thursday svsning
of this week will arrive on tbis svsning's
local and preach at tbe church tonight,
aod each evening until tbe nlgbt of tbe
lecture. A cordial invitation ia extend
ed to all to come out and near this able
speaker. .
You can get 24 pbofo stamps for 25
rents st Tsylor's photo tent, outil after
the holidays only. dl9
A new real estate business bas just
been opened np in tbis city, under tbs
management of Howard M. Martin, who
will occupy rooms witb Attorney Birzee,
opposite tbe McClallen House. Mr.
Martin is an old citizen ol Douglas coun
ty, and for some years conducted a busi
ness in Roeeborg. A properly conduct
ed real eatsts agency is always beneficial
to city, county and state.
Churchill A Wooliey are not saying
anything about their windows, tbey let
tbe public do that.
Griffith's Bakery hav just purchassl a
fins, nsw portable cabinet oven with a
baking capacity of from 75 to 100 loaves.
Tbis shows considers bis enterprise on
tbeir part, and is aa evideooe of tbeir
increasing patronage. Tbe oven wss
porcbast d front Rice A Rice, one of
Roseburg'a Uoose Fori, is bam, sad is
giyiog good satisfaction ia every respect.
Nice, fresh, whits bread, fall weight
always on band at Mrs Comatock's,
C.L. Beckly, Miss Jessie Oh marl, 0.
R. Trusaell, Oakland ; J. L. Grimes, J.
Hamilton, Looking Gisss; C. M. Bees,
Wibnr; E. E. LaBrie, Garden Vall.y ;
Edgar Long, Conrad Long, Cleveland ;
H. F. Hebard, Millwood ; are recent ar
rivals at Httel McClellan.
A complete line of Xtuaa presents in
gold or silver at lbs lowest prices at I
Rev. Armstrong snd famOy of Myrtle
Creek were passeugsis on the morning
train for Cottage Grove wbere they go to
spend tbe Holidays witb Mrs. Arm-'
strong's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P
Nice fresh bread, ftseortsd cakes, sod
pastries of ftU kinds, at Griffith a Bat err.
Of some suitable Xmas Present for some friend or
relative? If so, we can help you by a suggestion or
two which should bo valuable to you.
For a Gentleman
A fine Muffler, Necktie, Suit, Overcoat,
Pair of Shoes, Silk Handkerchief, or
something in the Furnishing Goods
line, makes a handsome as well as useful
For a Lady
What could be better than a handsome
Collarette, Cape, Cloak, Lace Collar or
Dress Pattern?
Or if you desire to make Fancy Work, Handkerchiefs, Point Lace Work, etc., we
have a full and complete line of Battenberg and Point Lace Patterns, Braid.,
Thread, Handkerchief Linens, Footing, Edeines, etc. We sponee and shrink all
Dress Goods by means of our spotless Steam Sponger, thereby insuring the -wear,
fat and color of any piece of Dress Gooes, for 5 cents a yard.
Alteotics), Foul try
Griffith's Bakery, near tbs dspof ,make
a specialty of wedding and Holiday
cboios linsof
cake. Tbey also keep a
"At tbs O.d Cross Roads" to 00a of
tbe most successful plsys ever written,
and tbs characters are interpreted by a
select company of Stella players.
J. D. Hamilton baa tbs only complete
set of abstract books in tbe county. Eee
im at tbe Court House, when you went
abstracts of title.
Mrs. W. H. Beidler and som, Cbsrlss
and Fred, of Calapooia, spent Saturday
and Sunday In Roseburg and were guests
st tbe PuuKoaauta borne.
I will willingly exchange any Bimond's
Cross Cut saw not satisfactory to user,
if tbe fault is in tbe saw. Sold only by
8. K. fsykes.
Hsnry Richardson spent a few dsys in
Portland last week, snd became a full
fledged pharmacist having passsd tbe ex
amination very successfully.
You can get 24 photo stamps sod 1
nice ptiota buuon (Ui.kjue) at laylor's
lent lor 25 eots, until alter the holidays.
Mrs. Will Carroll left Saturday to at
tend tbe luneral of ber grandfather, wbo
made bis home with Mrs. Carroll's
motbsr at Salem.
We control several lines from different
factories snd at k you to gstoor figures
on anything in 001 Una. Rice AKicu.
Geo. Kim ball returned boms from a
business trip to Myrtle Creek tbis morn
ing. Hs reports considerable activity at
Myrtle Creek.
Dr. J. Curtis 8000k, dentist will be iu
Glsodale prepared to do dental work
Monday Dec. loth lor a few days. 2(.
Attorney J. 8. Medley, Henry M.
Wsgner, G. O. Eisea and John Holland,
of Cottage Grove were Roseburg visitors
Are vou aware of tbe tact, that we
bare the beet repairing department in
the city Flint's Shoe Store.
Mrs. Gegaz returned to Roseburg from
Riddle this morning snd wdl soon open
a private boarding bouse 00 Pine Street.
Tbe bandy receipt book, also blank
notes and all forms of legal blank, at tbe
Plaikobalib office. tl
6. C. Quant bas commenced a term of
school la tbe new district at Fair Oaks.
Witb a new school boose, new furniture
and bright Undents tbe professor is hap
py and content. Oakland Owl.
Plenty el doughnuts on bsnd for tbe
holidays at M a. Corrsock's Bakery.
C. L Chenowetb "as at Drain tbe
6rtof the wek, abere he hnosbt 81
bales of bops lor a Slem firm. He also
nought the crop of Mr. Tbkl at Yoncal
la. Oakland 01.
Ga to J. T. B-yan for your silrerware
aod jswelry. Ttie late ei) le oat.
The new Pres Veriaa rbarcb, wbicb
just heel- fiekhrd at Gtondal. was dedi
caled ttaoday, D . Tuwnaend, of this city,
taking cbargs of lbs dedicatory service.
Plci to Bi t Psisexts If you are
looking for presents da not fail t exam
ins J. T. Bryan's slegant Una of silver
ware ana jswelrv.
X. L Rant, Jr., a proeperoos farmer
in tbe vicinity cf Wilbur, is in tbe city
today, and remembered this 1 ffic 1 with a
pleasant busioeee call.
See Salsmans opto data tins of watches
and jiwelery.
Jno. Culver has accepted a posit on as
sales nan in tbs general merchandise es
tablishment ol Fssber & Bellows.
It Is claimed that dentistry prolongs
lifs. As bss been said of matrimony, it
certainly makes it seesa longer.
Mrs. J. W. Gillmore of Klamstbon,
went to Portland Tuesday for medical
treatment. Ashland Record.
B. F. Sanders was in Boss burg Friday,
returning to Myrtle Creek, from a
mouths stay at Drain.
Jas.H. Dearling, one of Oakland's
busy merchant, is transacting business
at tbe county teat today.
MissLiJIis Criteeer bas returned to
Roeeborg from a plsssant visit ia Ore
gon's metropolis.
Judge Thompson will leavs tonight
for his boms near Scotlsburg to spend
tbe Holidays.
Tbe Eogens orchestra will furnish ma
lic for the railroad ball on tbe 18th inst
at Ashland.
W. R. Thompson returned to bis home
at Uapqoa Ferry Friday, going out via
. Rsv. Root. Booth went to Eugene Fri
day, for a visit with' bis son, Hon. R. A.
Booth. "
, Born, in North Roseburg, Dec 12,
1901, to Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Carmooy, a
Gold pens, optical goods snd Bonvernir
spoons at batsman's.
A meeting of the Dowglaa Coaaty
PoolUy A asocial ion ia bereiry called le
meet at Slocum'a Hall, Setarday even ins
at 6 .30 p. m. All mam bars of the ia-
datioo and all parties interested ia pool
try for pleasure or profit are iavited to
attend. By order of F.L.Clsiss,
Attention, Fnrit Growers.
Tbe Pscifk Xareerv Co, of Tangent,
Ore., keep tbe finest nursery stock af all
kinds, healthy, strong snd true to nasse.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Place yoar or
dee before buying else bete with
Eaiar Mabstbbb, Gsnf Agt.,
Roe burg, Oregon.
Administrator's Sale of Real
Notice l knrkr gitea, that by Tirloe of aa
crdcr buI br tb Counly . Coart of TJoufiaa
eoaatr, Kiate ot Oreroa. la t natter ot ib
ntt ot Elmbeta rnoa, Ammm il. M tb
Uih da; ol IVeembor. VMl. aad rtinad la ta
rworti m tain mart cm mm Mr, dirraunc. a
iboruin and arlntBt mc. tftc andetaicaari d
l DiHraior ol aald mum. u mi at riutrr oaa-
11c of i-m ai aie pnriMa dt law
property be'ioafiM lo too
OiQ4t twMr lore
01 Mmg 00 MwciaiDM
aad lae upnwt of ad
br i in ne ol mid onJrr
Saturday tbs 2S(b day of January. 1902,
at oor o'clock p. m. pmcJ lo aaH to tb hlf b
cat Uddrrtorraab la baad. tb hUlowtwr. de
crlbcd rrl prort y belomai mm to tbe aKwiM
rUir, twll: Lol So. 1 In boek No, ft), aad
Lot So. It la block No. St, (lot aad bars aaly)
a'.l ia tba dry ot Rcaeborg. Dooftaa Coaaty,
Daird at Rwoars.Oirgoa. tki lik Say of
Drranbrr. A. O. IK'I. B. I. WlLSO.v.
Adnlnwualor ol tberataiaa! lUaabetb Mrrt
t a.drcraacd.
If you want to see a fine lot of nice, new,
up-t'-date Pianos, call at the " ' -
Nothing quiet so good for the price
eer been seen in the city before .
llgpiSpecial Holiday
Nobco ia krrrbT giveo that lb aadaniraod,
adoiioMraior ol tbo oiat ol Willlaa Ku4,
ucmard, hm hiad ki baal ocroaat aa aocb ad
BilBtMrmtor. ta tbe COoul Court ol Dooalaa
conatr. Biata ol Oreoa. aad that Mid mart baa
.t Turcdaf, lac U Oar of Jauuarr. lSCO, al U
boor of 10 o dork a. m. of id day. al tbe coart
bouM In Rtvbtirf , DoaaUa Cooaty. etal mi
Orv.oa. m tb line and of aea las b.r
Uoot thereto and lor tbs Baal arlikaxBl of aaid
Dated this Itik day of Drcrotber, 11.
J. H. Mt MPQWga.
Admiaistralorof too Eatata of WUllaai Ward,
deceawiL I) It p.
Special inducements to any one thinking
of getting a Piano during the holidays.
T. K. Richardson
Riddle Pharmacy.
it I. B. RIDDLE, Prop.
a 1
i. . . . .
s ALL KUinS Of
Fresh Drags, nedkinee.
Toilet Articles, Paints,
Oils, Glass, Sundries.
CyFreecriptjoas premptiy filled
by a competent druggist.
Roseburg Steam Laundry
We are now ready for business
with new and up-to-date machine
ry. Work will be neatly and
promptly done. Watch for our
Wagon or call 'Phone 791.
r ivr TTVT c
GILLETTE. In Roseburg, TbursJay,
Deo. 12, 1901, to Mr. and Mrs. H. B
Gillette, aa eight pound boy.
For the next 30 days we will give a 20 per
cent discount on our entire line ot ladies
furs, including'
Gbkbn. In fioiiUsh Settlement, be-
youd Oakla id, Dec U, l'JOl, U.J.I
Ureen, aaed 70 years.
Us leaves a wife and Ave grown cbil-1
dren to mourn bis death. Ue bad lived 1
in tbis county since and was a high-
U respected citisen.
Atty. Louis Barsse spent 8uodsy
l bis family at Wilbur,
Prying preparntlons simply devel
op dry catarrh; tbey dry up ths secretKma,
which adhere to the membrane and decom
pose, causing a far more serious trouble than
tue oruinary lorm oi cauuru.
log inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs
aud use that whioh cleanses. Booties and
wi Oaam Balm is such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold In the bead
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bs
mailed for 10 cent. All druggists sell ths
50c. sixe. Ely Brother, 6 Warren St., N.Y.
The Bairn cures wiinoui pain, noea ou
irritate of oatus sneezing. It spreads itself
OTsr an irritated and angry surface, rehsT-
rita ine immediately the painful Inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm yon are ermad
agaia8taaUj:tAnllaa4EajrTst, .
A magnificent Lluo. Come and Sec Them.
i,iin m