The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 16, 1901, Image 2

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    The Teiee-a-Veek
ttosc&urg Plaindealcr
PunUatied Mouilaya aud TUurtaj-t.
W. C.Coxxkk, Kditor and Publibhe r
Lacka E. Josks, City Editor, Solicitor.
August J. Kkantz, Foreman
Twi--Tfc Plaindealer, pet year, 51.50
Filtered at. the Poet Office in Roecburg.
Ore . ae second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
Lm litin. to Hawm-arca acascairnoN.
ee,..1iiii loaomeot me iaiei 1111 mwi-
tr i.iibiii!?ermavca.iiar Individual who lake
(1 (mu-1. noti, bis rutin. ala, anyone who
a ow tilaautwcruMion le run along lora time
a iiaii anl iTien oraen it discontinued, r or
4 the postmaster 10 murk it reinsert, or aenda
a tat card to tue publialien if liable to ar
ret) aud dim tbe mi uit at lor theft.
We have, arranged with a large nnmler of
paper and macaainea for rate whlcb will giva
to our aubeuibera lv publicaiioui for a alight
ar..uee orer tbe cost el Tat Plaindsalxb
alone. Followlnj Is a partial list:
Tiricit i-tt uut FuiauuLa and the
Teledo riie-ia 1 75
Krw York ,Tri hune. 1 75
OrgoniaiT ., 2 00
S Bulletin 1 00
S. r.t'all ; 1 00
E lira I Northwest. 1 5
DECEMBER 16,1901.
It isn't often that we become ovpr
ci.ihasiastic over the Plaispe&leb's
success and growing popularity
aud feel like shaking hands with
urelves, but when compliments like
th j foil jwing are bestowed upon as we
witi be pardoned for growing tem
porarily egotistical: On year ago,
X. East on. representing Smith
Brothers, S. B. Cough and Catarih
euro, and other well known medi
eiuee called and closed a contract
for both advertising and job print
ing. This genial aaleeman made oar
eity bib enunal yisit again Friday
ai.d, Lhioially enough, called on the
Plaikdealer and made it his com
pany'e exclotive advertising medium
for Douglas county, so satisfactory
were former results obtained from
ear paper.. He also asked to inspect
some of onr latent job printing, which
after careful examination he declared
to be the finest and moet up-to
date work be had seen executed by
any country printing home between
Brifeh Columbia and Mexico, tbe
territory over which he travels con
tinuously. Hera ie where we allowed
or vanity t get the better of as.
As evidence of the Plaixdealer's
great opul&rity and success a casual
glaace ovr our advertising columns
and euobcriptiou list will substanti
ate these facts and bear out tbe
"FtiKUEAUB s claim as "Southern
Oregon's leading owspaper "
Fiist Blackburn, then Depew.
Have the Senators arranged to com
mit matrimony in alphabetical order?
It is a wise striker who knows
enough to know when the strike is
ever without waiting for an official
aotifi cation.
President Roosevelt seems to like
Congress at bis dinner-table which
is eel loui without Senators or Rep
re entatives.
Peoria, 111., holds the record for
wholesale jag-making. Its distilleries
transformed 800, 'JK) bushels of corn
into whiskey in a tingle week.
'Jlit Senate could not have done
an) thing more pleasing to the peo
ple than to show its disposition for
promptly: ratifying the new Hay
Paancelot treaty. .
Tbe Virginia Constitutional Con-
Teution, trhich promises to ait all
winter, has another factional fight on
its bands, over the question of abol
ashing the county courts.
President Roosevelt was a guest at
a farewell stag dinner given in Wash
ington oy. oenaior uepew wno is
about to start fot Earop, where he
will be fiarriei this month.
The Chinse ate again killing each
o her on the streets in San Francisco.
Another reason for re-tnacting the
Chinese exclpeiou law and making
its provisions more iri genL f
Tbe Philippine tariff problem
seems to be much more puzzling to
the democrats iu Congress than to
the republicans, who will speedily
show how ea6y it ie to -olve.
Big storms and blizzards are rag
ing m the East aud Middle WW.
Roees ao wild fiowert are still
blooming in the open air about Rose
bnrg and throughout the Umpqua
tehey. Come West
Nobody in this countty is likely to
be alarmt-d about the talk of a com-
nn rcisl allieuce between German;
and great Britian against ibe U. S
It will take place about tbe time that
WBter and oil are surcersfnJly mixed.
The rulirig of the Treasury Depart
tneut that under tbe recent Supreme
Court decisisou shipments cannot be
made from a D S port to Ibe Philip
pines in vessels earring a foreign flog
will help along Araer c u shippiug n
The news that Preij dent Diaz will
atead the time until next April for
wheat sud corn -to -nler Mexico fren
e)f duty was doubtlees grateful! re
eehed by the overtaxed railr adu,
cue of which had announced 'bat no
m tre wheat for Mexico could. .be
.sailed for the time.
Three Freight Car Leave the Track.
On Man Killed.
A diMSterotie frewlit (tain wrack oc
curred last night at I:0 e'doek about
ei ht miles sooth of tbla city, retailing
in the wreck ot three box cats and tb
death ol ooe man, who was perhepa rid
ing on the i r ke t eanit. Tbs eitra
ireight bad left Dillard and was waking
tbe iud to Koeebuig wtien on founding
a cur?e stout (wo miles (bis aide ot Dil
lard a box car loaded with atiar, in tbe
fur:ii irto(iLe train, iu tue track
and two rnor empt ioi eara fo'loaad.
I'i truck w. consider b'.y torn u .- aud
tbe three care thrown Ter en iiir
laes again. t tte eaiaDR nt anu. a-
iderably damaged. Au ui.kuom. uiu
who Waa ruliuir un l!i brake t-aauie ul
, , .
n wn h ihuiuuiu h ti uut m 11
toppled over and wasMguituli) cruai J.
By letters on bis peraou u was idut-
tiU e Homer M. Kli, of Cii.ciuat' 1, ut cold Wive, wh ieh struck Nebranka
U.iio, but ia. ui Seattle, -woere tie Had, Friday noon, has been tbe moat se
beeu o-cuuiiiiif a reauoa.iila uoamuu a ere experienced in December for
touk-keeer in the Washington brauch
of tbe Armour Pacains Co. He bad ex-!
celleo lcitera oi recouisaeodalion from
ibia and othar comuan:e-. in bia noeea-
11 i-t.-. ir... i.i.
mother and titter in Cincinatil. He
was fairly well dressed, only (145 cent
ia cash was touud un his person, la the
absence of Coionei T wilt he'd, actirg Cir
oner Justice Robinette a summoned,
and conducted an inquest at 2 o'clock
this afternoon, Tbe body was removed
to tbe undertaking parlors in this eiy to
wait tbe order ot relative at Cincinatti
to whom telegrams were sent notifying
tbem ot the accident. Tbe iraia was m
charge of E. T. Viuriao, conductor;
Cbas. Rummage, Engineer, Fireman
Bon, and brakemen F. M. Parrisb and
S. J. Wiley. Tue wrecking train from
Koeebnrg went to ibe eeene and cleared
op the wreck which resulted in a delay
iu last night's north bound overlaod of
about ten boms. Tbe eenae of tbe car
leaving the track is tome what of a mys
tery and as tbe train was rsnning at t
Stwcd of about IS miiee aa hour it seem
fortunate thai the results were no uoie
tui corokkb's tibdict.
We, tbe ondtraigned jary find thai
Homer M. Roll came to bis death by bia
own negligence in attempting to make
die paseage on a freight train on the
evening of Dec. lb, 1901. and after care
fully bearing tbe testimony we exonerate
t'ie railroad company of any blame
vbatevtr ia tbe deatb of tbit young
J W. Wxiear,
Fmith Bailst,
H. V. Ploctti,
G. W. Bales,
A. bccBANAa,
A. C. Hoxit. .
Deceased was ahon? 1 years of age and
rceipta on his perata indicated thtt h
ri cenly sent bis widowed onoiber 173
It ease tbe retnaiita are put ahipped E-u-t
'he Masons will lake ebarg of them sod
c odact tbe burial here at R)9eburg, his
f..tber bavi-ig been a promiuent Mason
according to papers (ound on deceit-ed.
Court Finds Him Guilty en Eleven
Points, but Dewey Exonerates
His Brother Admiral.
Washington, Dec 13. The report
1 1 ocBiey omri or inquiry was pro
mulgated by secretary Long tonight.
J bere are two reports. Admiral
Benhani and Ramsey concur in the
first, which is signed by Admiral
Dewey, also, as a matter of foinu
LHwey makes a wrmnte report.
l otwitnstauding be agrees with
the fiudiuga of facts Eobtcnbed to by
the others.
Tbe majority report condemns Ad
ciiral ScLiey on 11 poiute, while Ad
u.iral liewey siiMaius bim in uiort
lacee. Ibe majority opiniou finds
in brief that Admiral Schley should
Lave proceeded with the utmost dis-
I altb to Cienfoesos and maintained
u close blockade; that he should have
. ndeavcred to have obtained ioform-
ttion of tbe Spanish there; that he
fbooldhave proceeded to Santiago
wrtn dispatch; Ibat Le should not
I ave made the retrograde movement:
that uesbonidbave obeyed the De
I artment's orders; that he shonld
I. ave endeavored to capture tbe Span
l'h vessels in Sbuliieo: that he did
i ot do his utmost to destroy the Col-
-u;tbatbe caused the squadron to
I e distance in the loop of tbe Flag
bip; tneieby caused the Texas to
btck;tlat be did very serious in-
j tstice to Hodgson; that bis conduct
in the campaign was characterized bv
saltation, dilatorinees, and Jack of
e nterprise; that his official teports ou
1 1 ;e coal supply were misleading and
n.accurale; that his conduct during
i he battle was self poeeessed, and
that he encouraged in his own per
ron his subordinate officers and men.
Admiral Dewey, in bis report says
that the passage to Cienfuegos was
made with all dispatch; that in view
ot his coal supply, the blockade of
Cienfaegos was ffective: that he aJ
lowed the A dola to enter Cienf uegos
to get information; that bis passage
to Santiago was with as to orb die
patch as possible, keeping the squad
ron together; tnat tbe blockade of
Santiago was effective and. fioallr.
that he was the senior officer off San
tiago, in absolute command, and en
titled to tbe credit due for the glori
ous victory which resulted in the de
struction of the Spanish ships.
r jr seven weeks tbe court heard
testimony, and for fully a month it
deliberated npon'Jbat mass of evi
dence, finally reaching, the conclu
sions aLnonnced.
Ready tj Etart ihb Drill. Prett-
dwni McCoy, of tb Urui aaa Vallay Oil
C., ii Orraed as to tar that everytbinir
i now in rea ineee tttt.e o I pltnt near
Myrtle Creea in cuinoence uii lio; oper
a ions ami in .t tu tUut wid priUib'y
bo started uo tomorrow. Tti4 woll baa
been sunk to beJiock bv hand. Tue firt
r fet of driiliog ill ha at the
iieavy drilling m(-h liter; eouu be op
a -d aid t-ae (m il th - diil reauljee
i.u1 Hut -Ihiiii,. Ail ua'iir' in eret.ltr
very t o' fitJcbt of ilm eui oaa of tb--terpii'r.
Bir.i. IVr. :t, mi. at D- I, Malheur
i ,Ofr., 'oMr.tnd J' H.rtinLick
tt. a rtnKli.r. (M.. .. u iraa for
... i't Miaa K.eif S.wTei., eli knoan
n Irin ) N'rprei.
A large and 'pprm-.iatire audience
-e.-t-d "A S ra'mer in a rWange Let d"
t the opera boue iu tbia city Saturday
X n tors of all deeenptious at1
Rapu'i grocery siore, . ,
Mississippi Valley Experiences Most
Severe Cold la 20 Year.
St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 14. The cold
est weather for this time of tbe year
ia 15 years, was experienced in tit.
Loais last eight and today.
So far tea lives are known to have
been lost as a result of the recent
blizzard in Wyoming.
St Paul, Minn., Dec. H. The
Northwestern urates during the piwt
48 hours have reported tbe severest
cold wave ever known daring the
month of December. All stations re
port record-breaking "lows," ranging
j from 15 to 8i below.
. Topeka, Kaas., Dec 14.-Twelve
f degrees below aero is reported in the
i Mnlml tiorlinn nf th atnla toniirht
t lL, .... ., ., .
unn iuci. u i am a.uunu iuuilii,
j uuiuoer luree.
j Omaha. Neb , Dec. 14. The pros
twenty year.
Untherie, O. T., Dec. 14. The bia
J ard which has been raging over
Oklahoma and Indian Territory
since Thursday at miduinhf, lias
done great damage to stock i n West
ern Oklahoma. '
... An Interesting Meeting.
"Tbe Womana Christian Temperance
Union of Roeeburg held a very interest
ing meeting at tbe boms of Mrs. L. A.
Walker last Friday afternoon. The sub
ject preaeoied was the "Crusade An
niversary." A review of lbe,Cruade that
begun at HiUaboro, Ohio, was given by
Mrs. Walker. 6ne told of bow the evil
habits of that community bad caosed
this hand ol Christians to consider bow
they might do away with tbe saloon and
its many etls. With this burden on
their beaita and urged on by a strong
loan of God they were lead to call a
meeiina- at a church- A Mr. Thomp
son was chosen to lead the meeting and
an hour later they went forth with
toch faith and begun their work by en
tering tbe saloon and pleading with
its owners to give up their baeineea.
She aaid these women thought that
would be tbe end of tbe saloon, and they
tad no idea that wa would still be work
ing in ihers.ame1line. While we still have
tie ra'.oon and many other evils, we
have for our encouragement the world's
W. C. T. C. and many noble characters
euch as Francis Wiilard, . Lady Henry
Somerset and Mrs. L. M. U.8tepbeiic
niveo to os through this movement.
Mrs. Thomas, ol Chicago, then gave her
p rsooal experience in the Crusade
Mow it spread like hre from town to
t.wu and state to state opening their
n.eetings with ibe same boors and tbe
146 Psalm, and wben Mrs. Degeer came
tiher loan Ebero. III. and a meetinji
wis arranged, tbey knew what was
expected of them. Tbey marched tw
d two ana sue as a minister a wile was
wis asked to take ths lead with ihe
speaker. Tbey had vo open tbe ealocu
duor and to in first, ard how their faith
wa Ftea'fae? a-id bow the proprietors if
of tbe place were moved by their pres-e-ice
siid words of tbeae consecrated
womec), and begged that they should
not pray that any harm wcn'.d come to
them personally.
An instomental solo by Mrs. F. H.
Cnnrcbill and a vocil solo by Mr'. L, A
V a;kr wta very moeh enjoyed ty all
ve were then io viced to the dinning
room where refreehroeuts of pop-curt.
Baa penocnee were served.
Pretty Evenly
Score 5 to o.
The Rose berg High fubool football
fi am nut tbe Collage- Giove C. M. A
Lteven, batardav f:eruooo on toe Bel-
Iowa Geld in VVeet Roeeburg and a apir
it d, evenly maULed contest re ailed
ih ub the visitors outcl-tesed tbe home
ii tw id we'gh'.
Tt.e lice-up of the two tesms wsi
c tti;b bove rose hi kg
limhrik C, Davidkou
atlia L.G...1 Bryaol
A lieon R. G Tufft
MKil Itr L. T, Ionsid
D-ry. R.T FrsJey
Talor.;; L E Flaod
t uai..'. R. E....W. .Faulkner
I'll...... VI F.Rimi
biair L. H C. Faulkner
Jackeon. R. H V. Ramp
'iffin ...F Wollenfcerg
Score Cottage Grove 5, Roeeburg 0.
Umpire J. B, Talyor; referee. A.
reoben, linesmen, Morris and Bennett ;
timekeepers, C. S. Jackson aud H. M.
jnefame wes rujedin 25 micote
i alvts and was contested in a vry liv
ly minrjer: In Ibe fiirt half ntiibtr aide
-lOed and the sttobd half was n nrb tbe
same DBtil near the end wbeo, ol
CottSKe Crove. acoied a tcocb-down. A
rueption iu honor oi tbe visitors wts ten
deied by ibe High tel ool in ibe Aiido-
ry Hall in tbe evening ard a general good
time j reveiltd. 1 1 Le bet t ol f. fling wa
fueinuited thiouLout the" contest and
tbe visitors reicmed bime feeling that
4-thty 4iad been loyally treated andweie
raturally considerably elated over their
vutory. Tbe Hfgb School editor will
teport tbe game in detail Tbursdar.
"All Shows are Not Alike".
Tbia suge"tion is apropos to tbe coui-
ing of tbe Black Patii Troubadours. Pa
t oi a cf he treitie can make nomistHkr
In atieiidin the pe'to'iiiauce of this re-
Qitikapie company. The Tronbidoore
enjoy a Btai.dtug iu theatrical circh-a
which is the envy of nearly all nromo
ters of amufemeiit enterprise. Throuirii
the remarkatile talents of i s yeraatite
m(-mbere, tbi ex taordiuarv excellence
ol the eiaxe ptformauce, and its phe
nomenal populaiiiy, it bus become om
'( tbe ui'iet valuable pieces of theatrical
propeity in the coui.tiy. Me: era Voelc
kel and Nolan, the founders ar.d ptotoo
tera of the eMrrprip, bave real xed a
h-tidsorae fortune Irom their invt-a metit
Tliev are experienced fhownien. aud
( ui to t ave struck the riiiht lia i in the
Mack fain Troubadours and this ccui
p'i 'a yreat tare performance.
Ihe cuoipany includes the ereatest ai-
ray cf colored upeualty artiais in ibe
vorld locloding Black I'alti. ibe arcateet
tinner of her race and John Ruclter
"The ftlat arua BoeKxn," the funnieM
cclored comedivn and sit iier in the land
In addition to the new niunicsl ekit "A
Filipioo Mis-Fit'' Hie biir lauirhirw bit
Tlie rtperioire includes mauv anil a new
oieiktic kaleidoscoiie with Black Patti
and the entire compaoy asffstiriB are ex
ceptionally fine ensemble numbers. I be
l ioutincurs aie to anresr at the ooera
hcuee Wtdrjcsday evening. & ad.
A r-rom Uur
Looking Glass.
Several valley people attended ihe
Quarterly Conference at Ten Mile last
R. Strand has commenced building an
addition to his house, which will greatly
improve its appearance.
Ira Hjward and two sons, Frank
Aruold, and Frank tioodman, have gone
to California to work in a smelter.
Preparations are under way for a
Christmas tree. The teachers, Misses
Wis son and Badge s, are preparing the
young people and children for recita
tona, boors, etc.
Grandpa Stokee, who wandered away
last Monday evening, was found Tues
day morning and carried safely home.
With tbe exception of great fatigue, he
appears as well as uenal.
Tbe ladies of the M. E. church will
give an order supper Friday nigbt, Dec.
2-1, at tbe home of Geo. Marsb. A very
cordial invitation ia extended to all,
A large aud baudeome cake has been
donated, to be voted to the most popular
young lady. The evening will be spent
informally, with games, music, etc 0a-
ters w ill be served at 15 cents per plate.
Mrs. W. J. Kelleber visited Mia
Miller, who has been quite sic
Myers Oleson who baa come home
from Washington, says he will attend
school in Drain tbia winter.
Tbe frienda of Isom Bridges will ba
glad to know that he is still in tbe laud
of tbe living, in good health and pros
pering. He ia toe near Oregon City.
Wa notice ths Cayote huuters out in
full force again. We think the people
should encourage the owner of -bounds
to come, by lending all tbe assistance
possible iu the bunt.
Mrs. Wm. Bridges ol Colfax -Wash;
wrliiog to relatives here says, they ex
pect to be in old Oregon aain before
another year. It seems that people who
once visit Oregon always want to come
hack hers to live.
Hayhurst boasts of qaite a number of
uacneiore. tome people mink we are
doing wrong to encocrage sucb an inde
pendent lot of men to put their beads
into tbe matrimonial noose. Bo l we are
thinking of ths geueral good ot tbe Com
munity from a nodal point ot view.
Social at Clev land.
There will be an entertainment and
ir x eocial at the Cleveland Chapel Sat
urday eveuing Dec. lath. Given lor the
benefit of tbe cburvh. A cordial invita
tion is extended to all. Entertainment
to be opsued at 7 o'clock. Folloaieg ia
tbe program me:
Instrumental Ma.ic, Howard and
George Wilson.
Song, Nearer my God to thee, by
Xnias Spcci.ilties.
Go-Carts and Doll
Buggies, 75c and
up. Chairs aud
Rockers for child
ren, 20 cts and up.
Bargains for sM
Don't delay, we
have plenty of
goods at the aight
If you get tired reading
tLtjf adv. we can interest
you with prices. We
fell cbeajier than Port-laud.
Kciueiiilar onr t-ciil
Ifeniber Sale. Don't
fort us. f I. Stan. la
for fl. Shadet, rtvular
jirice, 4o cts., now 35 eta.
while thev last.
Our $1.25 Rockers
and $1.65 Rockers
are easy Rockers.
The price is easy
too. See them be
fore you buy.
Our $1.00 'Chairs
can't be equalled
or 75 cts.: Chair
can't be beaten.
RICE & RICE; furnishers
--1 111 11 11 1 1
Thursday; Dec. to
WaauaraiwiMmi1 aaaar fMwmmummmwVmmXut
Artli-.r C. Aieton'e Coinjiany presenting,
At the Old Cross Roads
No piny with greater heart
A sweet Southern tale well told hy
PRICES 35, 50, 75 and $i.
' addreas,' Rev. T.' j. Kergunou.
Male (.1 lurtette, Henry, Alex - aud Ben
Conn, Elmer Ulaytou.
Recitation, Mae Himmons. -
Dnet, Vlnnie Churchill and Lucy
Daorner. - ' -', f"
Dialogue, Comic, Pearl Simmons,
Vivian Blain, P. O.. Good and Alfred
Instrumental Music, Howard and
George Wilson. :'..
Recital iou, T. J. Ferguson.
Duet, Mrs Simmons and Viyiau Blair.
Male Quartette, Henry, Alex and Ben
Conn, Elmer Clayton.. ,
Indian Club Drill, Mrs. Ferguson.
Instrumental Music, Howard and
George Wilson. '.
Tableaa, Sun flowers.
Bride Known in Roscburg.
- Marshfield Son: Chas. R. Rolhuson
sad MifB Addie Snyder were married in
tbia citr Monday, in the parlors cf tbe
Central Hotel, Rev. Irvine officiating.
The wedding was a quiet affair, only rel
atives and a few intimate fiienda being
present. The bride ' ia the handsome
and popular daughter ol our old-time
laudlord, John suyder, and the groom is
a young man who came to tbia locality
a few months ago.
I bia is the same Chaa. R. Rollinson
who got np an advertising fake in Ash
land last summer and bilked several
parties. He did the same at Grants
Pass- .'Also in A-hland he wsi on a big
drunk, broke op a livery rip, got whipped
by a Hotel Oregon patter, borrowed 10
centajto buy cigarettes ar.d pawned' his
overcoat AshJand Town Talk.
Probate Orders.
In 'be matter of the eeta'e of Elizabeth
Garrison, ths administrator, II. J. Wil
son hai been granted an order to sell
eitl er by pahlte or private Bale, Lot 1, in
block 30 and Lot 12 in block 36 all in
Roseburg, property belonging to eaid
In the matter ol (he estate of Wm.
Ward, decs sed, and Margaret Ward,
deceased, J. U. Mum power filed his fi
nal account a administrator, and Tuec
dy, Jan. 14, appointed aa the day for
th. tettlemebt of said account.
In tbe matter oi the estate of Cl'floo
V. Weyer, deceased, tbe final account of
the admioiSUator, R. M. Cookliog, waa
approved and alioaed, tbe aaid adminis
trator and bis boodatnee diecbareed, and
tbe estate declared doly aeltM.
Letter List.
Rtniain'ng ui.called for at the Iu.e
burg poetotti e.
Andtreon, M s. Annie Ljbr A NutcLer
Cook.J.U. Mutch, A.
Uedruao, Jr, W. II. Moore, Mies ilatt)
Chappell, Mis. Frances F.
Gelec, KJward Smith, Hud
Giloun A Ireuch CobLuit-, Henry
Hagan, Mr. MiCiay, Mi Alice
The Butte Creek, L. A S. Co
r.hTAL CAaue.
Rt, R-v. C. Fer.wick
Rwd, R v.Cbaa. F.
Per ous cailiui for thee- Uin a-
pleaee elate the data on which tliry r.
aJvertieed, IV c 9, l'JOl :
The letters will be charged lor at the
rate of one cent each.
W. A. KatTKB. P M
A child toj' stove
for 20 cts; a better
oue for 75 cts.
Iron Beds for 35
aud 75 ceut?. Ve
are strictly iu it.
Sewing niarliiur, drop
head, delivcred.oiily fii.
No. 7 Uixik ?tove, ; N.
8Co)k Stove, t'J; SUfl
Rauge, warranted fur 15
years, only f;k. -
throughout Dec
ember. Many
shoppers are ex
pected. Save money-
an interest inj? story of today entitled
interest was ever written. . '
a cast of uniformed excellenue., "' ' 3 '
i i at
, Seats on sale at Strong's
,t llcoa.
aaaaa '
fZ Groceries and Dry'Goodo Promptly
Delivered to any part of the City.
Professional Cards.
...Nerve Specialist...
Corea Rhrumatiain, Werrmu Aff.r-tlon,
8-om-h and Liver Trimble. Spina) Oiauniere,
liottre, fr-neral Debility. Keuiaia lUaucs, Cir
culalorj ana f almoiiarj DUturbaocea.
Bonn: to 11:30; 1 to i.
7-g Taj lor Jl Wilaon BM-. Roaeborg. Oresno
Roskbubu Orkoob
-iuec-iai aiu-Diion riven la Diaaaaes oi Us Vo
nj Throat.
Office-if aia Hl.,oneitoor aouUof C lHa
fboiM. Main Ml.
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. O. Kosbbi bVi,
I hone Main 591. Oauio.v.
Pbyscian & Surgeon.
Office Review Bid.
Fbuot. MaiD 31
BV'Tlew BuiUHoc,
teioptwD No. 4.
ikjium a Hall
Attorney at Law,
stooma I A . Manlera Bld, EOtEBCBO. OB
f atr Buaea before th rj a. Laud Office and
a.uiu caaea a apeciaily.
Lml KecctTar 0. 8. Land Oflce,
Koeaai-au. Oao.
JuMiwa, before f.& Lui.t om,TIUhj jIObai,
buinea a .(ecli ,
S)C9 Abiahaja Buildinc
P-actioB In ail Um Male ao4 fl.ral Count
OCoe lo Maria" B.1.. jU-tn,rx. ureroo
Attornev and Councilor t j
MiU1ng Uw and W ater tiKhu iuI.
oau 1 and 2
Court Home
Uowu Slain.
J.A BUCHANAN, NoUryPnbllc. '"
Collections a Specialty
Room J J '
Maralcr. BrnMin,. ROSKBCRij, o
Attorney at Law.
Room 11.
Tajior A Hung Block Roeaacaa. Oaa.
True economy in paint is attained only
when the best of material is used
If first-class
1. .
Itr neurit-
xi " ra..,
reason that
-a m
nrJack Frost
"That all people Wf-ariug Oxfonls
go way back aud sit down."
I bave slices to match the
season. . -
Correct styles
Swell effects
. . Just right for winter.
a mighty clever Ucen '
etrh-s of Women's
f Uies in all the new
ideas at t-' CO. l.hO,
3.00 and .50.
It is to yiir inU r at to watch the
window for tl tti:i:p iu Footwear
Do cot forget the prizes
to be given away Janua
ry, 1, 1902.
1. 11
mi - .- fl J
Japanese napkins-
roti WHICH
Groceries and
Glassware . ..
Daint costs onl
, , . v -
irt.l 1 t. ...: ..
- -- j invnt
I ffl
! RV
a 1 I 1 11 ij -'!.'-
. : ..
o.uv iui3 iwite as long', tt stands to
. - U Vll j MM '
Read this...
For all kinds of Candy,
fresh, pure and harm
less, Oysters served iu
any style, call on
Wtolfa Alld Reiail
Candy Manufacturers
.. Confectioneries
Tia fl-w-rt en
Cm. Fancy
Tobaero, Cicart and Fruit
la raried anwrlaxau a-i
of tbe tatat ajaa.117.
ami aa'zr4
and Ceoaa
Ii." Little,
-Th Essence A Ole Virinny." The
Jolly, tLe Meltalious, the Lncom
parmbie. Black Patti
America's Prender Sinc-rs. Danrvr?
and CofiiMianj?, Pretty Octortmn, Pic-
amnnr .MArreis, Buck Dancing Wonders
Wrstmg take Walkers. LarkeT Fan
Makers, and the fwevt: sinwr id the
nnnv e.v:th. MME. J-I.-IfRrrTTA
JONES, The World Fanioos BLACK
PATTI. TLrw hours ol Mirth. Meiodr
and Maso with the niot versatile and
talented Airo-American nuder tLe eon.
i r.-?eni:ni:"A rilij.ino Mi-nt ' "Sact
: liivy'' "Operatic Kale-idoscvpe"' and
arietie. Prices, 35c, 5cc, and Joe,
childrwi 'Sk.
Title Uuarantee&Loan Co.
i. 0. HTLTy.
Secy, and Treaav
Office la lb' Toart Hoom. Hare the oa'.r coaa
ree art ot ahatrari book ia Dooxiaa Coaotr.
tairaru ta4 Cemaiiw i T.Ue taraiahed u
iMMiciaaooaotT- land aoJ miaiaa dauiaa. Bar a o Tr-inr nf a.l lova.bip
p.ataln ir.e Rowbuix. Oreraa, C. 8. Land Dta
inct. WU1 m-ke bio anm eopieaai aa Iowa-ar-p a;i racam i.ofrnMTl landa.
N'-iar .il.!i -n e(ti-e. llMoraoca areata.
l'orTeaoiuteoratM'iMl. jU
carry .
IU.IU it
.uiiu . 1
market prices
Hlf 2 IPC