The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 16, 1901, Image 1

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    ' -'V. :, .
ob Printing s
Tn - Vvri o v- aanenna VtPlTiiTfl
fs r Art m,rxrtf t frt-,r In
run vnnriili&r of trade: z
hn ar-ftik - Uoor priming re-
f t advertising, in doll Bea-
eons brings yon yotir share, and also
tbat of the merchant who "can't af
ord? to advertise.
J raBinfe69 Lous. Let os do yonr Job J
J Printing trnaraiilt-e it u be 10 5
J every way satisfactory.- J
Published on Mondays and Thursdays- Established .868.
No. 100
K 9Tfy
Capes, .
Eur Boas,
Ready-made Waists,
Waist Patterns,"
Gloves, ;
Smoking Jackets,
Mufflers, .
I The Way Most Southern Oregon
Places Were Named.
Important Events of the Past
Few Days.
Cream of the Dispatches Dished
Up in Condensed Form for
the Busy Reader.
HinJkercbirtfs forL-tdiet. Misses and Children ; Men, Youths
and 8-ys. Thefinet lioe ever shown in the city.
Wollenberg Bros.
Open until 8 o'clock.
UlIlllUllllllU I
Tables, Rocking Horses, 1
Shoo Flys, Cradles, Rockers and Chairs, Stoves, Iron Express Wagons j
from tl.00 np and many other things too numerous to mention. V
. and we present oar claims for con
sideration to the
buying public, confident that when
goods are examined and prices com
pared all purchases will, be made
with us. We are showing the
greatest line of willow cobbler seats
of solid oak rockers ever shown in
Douglas county also a full line of
styles of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs
S Citif TVvir HonaWmanf contains Doll Carriages
Bring Us Your
H "V . m. . I 1 m. mm. m mmm m m -mm .
Be Prepared
for bad weather. It is here now
and will be with ns for "quite a
while." We have the necessary
footwear to complete your rainy
day costume, ami a cospleta
line of
Gaiters, Leggings
and Rubbers. . . .
all np to the usual high standard
of quality and marked at usual
low prices.
Who Pays the Grocer?
Oar cabtomers pay ns and they do it without kicking,
because we sell the beet groceries, staple and fancy, at
the most reasonable prices m the city. If yon dou't
know this to be s fact, prove it by giving us a trial
order. Thonel63. '
V vssb" "Pvft lA ysJ UL. S!J jzv ii law J law IX1 Uul w i
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good
fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly
when ou order them. Calf up 'Phone No. 181,
for ga- goods and good service.
Portland exporters shipped over 1,000,-
000 bushels cf wheat in ibe first fix boti-
nms days of the month.
Ten thoueand Boer soldiers are still in
the field. Geceral Dowel's forces are
broken. The blockhouse ejelem is hem
ming the Boers in.
Geoeralniiston will Bailo r toe Uni
ted States December 16; b, on the trans
port Warren, on sick-leave. Civil Gover
nor Taft will sail for home on the Grant
December 20tb.
The state far dirertore havsfsabmitted
their financial statement which shows all
expenees paid and money on hand not-
withstnndingtbe bad weather for lbs
last fair. There is a alight deficit in the
building fund.
When George Bancroft, the historian.
died in Washington in lfcfll, a peculiar
feature of hie will a that it lied np bis
fortune until November. liXO. It hat
jnst bf en divided, and bis heirs will get
It isktiinatd tbat apple shipment
from Oregon this season have reached
five hundred carloads of six haudred
nd fiitv boxen each. There is a short-
aye in the crop elsewhere. Prices st
Portland raoe from $1.50 to $2.00 a box.
Governor Geer will atk the citixecs of
Oregon to display fls on l)ec. -'O h in
commemorauoo ot tue loisaoa par
chase anoiversarf. This is in accord
ance with a reqnoet trom tbe president
of tbe Louisiana Porcbaie Exposition
Company at Si Louis.
A fierce city election is to be held at
Ashland December 17. Ttie anli-ealoon
men have nominated J. K. Van Sant, a
retired grocery man, for waver; while
tbe license party ba nominated D. B.
Grant, a prominent hardware merchant.
Ashland bas tried prohibition tbe la t
News Las been rcired from Bacdon,
thst t . Palmer, one of tbe manageis
of tbe Bandon Woolen Mill, was found
dfad in bed Toeeday morning. U was
about oo yeara o.d, atd ! nJ been a nst
dent oi Bandoo ncce the snill was built,
several years ao. lirart tiuease is given
m ibe cauue of his death.
Grant BiockB, a Uri-r' porter, and
Kelley Wyhe. a waiter on Ue O. H A N.
lining car, both colored, were arrested
Thursday at Portland, rburgod wito rob
bing A. F. LowentSal ol $10,000 worth
of diamonds, at the lUt-i Pottland, No
vember 16th, Brooks and Wjiie were
both employed t the botrl for a tboil
time, several month ago, and chile
there became familiar wi b all parts ol
tbebuiloing. Brooks says tbai Wjlir
committed tbe hotel rbbrry.
A Royal Brute.
A year ago when the aooonrcement of
the engagement of Qaeen.Wi!belmina to
Prince Hmry was made tbe papers were
filled wi.b glowing acconuts of the excel
lent qualities of tbe yourg Queen. be
was portrayed as the pospesor of all tbe
virtues tbat go lo male op Christian
womanhood. Her name was the syi o-
oy m ol sweetness, gentleness, love snd
parity. Tbe story of Lei married Ufa is
beta repetition of tbe experiences of so
many in her station who have gone be-
fre. Married to a dronken brote ot a
banbaod who bad royst blood in bis
teios bnl not a trace cf cocFcience or
moral responsibllly. A few dsys sgo tbe
young Queen waa humilated before the
whole world by the ac ion other hat
band. '
It appears tbat at a public dinner the
Queen was bmt by ton 8 inattention on
ibe part of the Priccr, end spoke to him
aboot it. Prince Henry retorted offen
sively, whereupon M.jor Von Tela made
a remaik regarding tbo impropriety of
tbe Prince O n sort's conduct. A quarrel
followed between tbe officer snd tbe
Prince, who bad been freely di inking and
duel with swords wan (ought after din-
. 1 1 i ,
ner. von iets was tnonauy wounueo,
dying a day or so later. A rumor regard
ing tba doel baa it tbat tbe unfortunate
Von Tets received Lie Intel ir juries from
kicka in the itcmath by tbe Prince.
It is too bad tbat the hopes of a pore
and bsppy life should be blasted by each
an incompatible marriage as this.
'Joaphine County was named in honor
of Josephine Rawlins, a young lady who
came to Altbouse with her father, during
the early rash of goldeeekers in 1851.
Miss Rawlins afterward married Hairy
O'Kelley, of Yreka, and an attempt was
made to change the name of Joe ephins
to O'kelley, bat the project failed to car
ry, and Josephine it will remain, being
tbe only county with a teminiue name in
the elate.
In regard to the naming of Grant 's
Pass there is some dispute snd difference
ot opiuioa, but those who are entitled to
know claim tbat the town was named in
honor of General Grant, who stopped at
the little trading post, consisting of a few
log houses and situated at the end of tbe
rugged pass tbat leads through the
mountains northward from ibe Rogne
River Valley. Grant stated during his
visit tbat this pass through the mount
alna was tbe only teastible mate for a
rod. Alter that tbe trading poet was
known as "Grant's Pass."
The story connected with tba naming
of GraveCrsr k. in the northern part of
tbe country, is a pathetic one. The old
Oregon trail over which traveleta passed
going from California to Vancouver, led
acroee this creek. In 1846 a family by
tbe rsms ot Crowley among whom wass
daughter, Martha Leland Crowley, were
beiog piloted over tbe trail by the Ap
plegate brothers, noted guides of Ibe
early davs. Before reaching tbe crees the
daughter became very ill and died just
aa tbe stream was crossed. Tbe family
were at a loss to know what do with tbe
bo I v. Tber at last decided to bury her
by tbe creek. A wagon box was need st
a coffin and in order to ob;iterate all signs
ol a bomsn grave from the Ireacberoos
Ind tans, the cattle the stt!tB wre
driving with them were corralled over the
spot for a day. Tbe sorrowlal family
proceded on tbeir way and a few months
later sent a party baca over tbe trail to
care for the grave, but tbe Indians bad
discovered it in spite of tbe precautions
tsken and bad neartbed tbe remains and
scattered tbe bones about tbe pit.
Leland, tbe little rairosd station on
tbe creek, is named also In honor of Mies
Crowley her maiden name being Martha
Leland. Observer.
Trouble Brewing Between
and Argentine.
Train Robber Suspect Arrested
in California. Guilty of
fMher Crimes.
Cotoit, Dec. 13 A big flirht hss oc
curred at Rio San Jnan. The govern
ment troops surprised tbe revolutionists,
waa csaTsix.
Bi'xxos Atbbs, Dec 13 War now
seems certain between Chile and Argen
tine. Chile hss announced she will re
ject Argentine's claims. Both coon tries
sre hurrying troops to the die po ted terri
Lkavbxwobtr Kan. Dec. 13 Ltnra
Bnllioo. tbe Montana woman train rob-
ter, bas been sentenced to five yes re in
the penitentiary.
snow is LONDOM.
Loxoox, Dee. 13. Snow is every wbers
in this city. It fa from M to 20 inches
deep, the heaviest for years.
fatal, Dec. 13. Thurston Grim,
prominent citixen of H aboard, cams to
Salem ibis morning and save bimaslf Op
ro Sheriff Dnrbin, for shooting Job
Roppell, a neighbor, with whom be bad
a law suit concerning a road. Eight
shots were exchanged between the two
men, being a regular duel. Koppellcan
not recover.
commits snriDS
Salem, Dec. 13 Frsnk Drebm slits I
Warns, terving a seventeen yea re' sen
tence for assaulting Sheriff Dntbin of
Marion county, committed suicide todsy.
He hung himself with a bank cord.
fraudulent cheeks, bus been caught snd
lodged in jail In Siskiyou county, Cali
fornia, chsrged not only with tba of
fenses nsmed, hot also with being im
plicated la the train hold up at Walkers,
near Eocene Vernon la wrnted in En
Ken 6 Lr passing fraudulent checks. In
Grants Pass Vernon hired a horse and
saddle to go toWatkins, giving the owoer
of the borne a power of attorney to tolled
some money thst would arrive in a few
dsys. The money fsiled to torn np. An
ioqnirv sent to Wstkins elicited the fact
tbot tbe man bad lsft for Happy Camp,
California. The borrowed horse sad sad
dle were lonod by the r sir-ids near Wel
kins. Word wss sent to tba Sheriff of
Siskyon county, who captured the man
promptly and lauded bim in - jail. Ver.
non Is a bad character, or at least his
record in this vicinity would provs such.
and it is the belief ' of the officers wbo
have him in coslody that be waa impli
cated in th Walker train robbery.
E. L. KING, Gen'l Agent, 2i3 Sar.somc St., San Francisco
OT. C. COUrJER, L.ocaI Ast., Rosebure
Government Cannot Accept Carnegie's
Generous Offer aa It Now Stands.
Washington, Dae. 13. It transpires
tbat tbe gill of $10,000,000 wbicb An
drew Carnegie tendered lo President
Roosevelt for the fouodiug of a great in
stitution for biitber education was not aa
offer nf $10,000,000 in cash, bat tbe par
value of tbat amount in bonds of tbr
United SteUs Steel Corporation. The
oSer of these bonds la embarrassing to
tbe ad miaistration, owing lo the compli
cations abicb might arue if tbe Govern
ment accepted them, and tbe Preside dI,
it is understood, is now in rorreepso
dence wi!h Mr. Carnegie about the mat
ter. It is understood lo be bis desire
tbat tbe bonds be converted into cub
II this is done the only obstacle in the
path of the acceptance ot tbe generoat
gilt ol Mr. Carnegie will be removed
Pending Ibe reoU of tbia correspondence
Mr. Carnegie's effsr ia being withheld
trom Coogreee. ,
Pcnnoyer et al Win.
: J.:i
V tr
Salkm, Dec 12. JaJge Boies hss scs-
ained tbe demurrer in the sail broagtit
by Attoroev General Clack bum, eutttled
the State of Oregon vs Peoooyer. Mc-
B.-ide end Metcban wbo ekctad Geo. W
Davie, snd wbo QIaolled in tba sum ol
about $t0,u0d. lleloldsthatlbe boaid
is not reep-jnsible for the defalcation of
of the clerk, Dvia. Thus tba last
:haoce of recovering anything b the
ta'e bas diaappearel.
Benefit Lecture.
IfOri'T FORGET Free Demon
stration of Blanke's Famous
Kyr "tta" r' s
kvp lit -KuiA I 'M n,:W ? JL! f ff;ij
If.-. 'Trt-.r.T.-.T- -
B B. Huiioo, wbo ia!sly removed to
I'ortUid, O e., from San Jjee, Cel. .will
ieiiver bis famooa Ice ore entitled "In
tbe Corridors of Antiquity, or a lone
Yaoave atootd witb a gri(.-ck" al lbs
Chri'in Cl urcb on Tborsday evei iog,
Lv . 19 b ,lJl.
Tti kn-ta-e is of natioasJ repcteiica, a
ep'rf-did orator, and one a bo will not
f V to entertain. The lertnr ia both in-
tioctivr and bon o ns, baling a graphic
p 'trarat cf a trip thr ' S tberuineand
'at explorations -f ai.cwnt Palatine,
R or, and otter countries.
Mr. Burton veiy highly recoro
t ended as a platform orator and ss i
perron bo is Iborcogbly convervsat
with his snt jc, and tboee wbo do not
i hear bim will miesan intellrctual treat.
Admission, twentj-five cents. School
I children, fiiteen eente.
Price, $35.00
Guaranttsed to exjual any
$100 machine
liiiiA iu D:,rti m
hiiu win win wxkj 1 1 ill:
For every 50 rent pnr-hae at my store yen not only et
valoe received in tte freheet ard beet r i:t-TV-m in toa
t lowest prices, bet a tickf-t ab'ch av make yon tbe
winner 3f tbe basdsome prize lb extra" large "wax "doH, '
now on exhibition it? my store window. Ca:l early before
tbe tickets are all out.
I j J- 1
Kodaks ..
Mate Good
Xaias Gifts
See those $i and 2
a -
i F. C. LADD.
Have you seen the
Christmas Goods
i just received at
mi s
Bl A A
" fc i
i- J-J
irnt f
Pboto by C. W. Bradford.
The above is the latest picture of the new brick Hotel McClallen, one of the
most eommodiooa and elegantly fureiehed hotels between Portland and Sacri
men to. Tbe main building is 60 x 103 fee, three-story with a commodious base
ment and also has a large three-story annex. The main building contains 76
fioely furnished and moderly equipped go. -at room, while altogether 125 guest
rooms are available, which aflords sccomc odations for from 250 to 300 guests at
one time. Tbe main office is SO x 3 ) feet, tbe dinning hsll 35 a 45, snd the bar
room, sample room, parlors and kitchen are eqia'.lr is commodious. Many elegant
aits ot rooms are located on the second flow with baths, call bells, elsctrtct lights,
spesking tubes, etc. Tbe cost of Ibe building aggregated $15,000 and tbe furnish
intra increeed this cost to $20,000 This modern hottelry was formally opened to
tbe public Dec. 11, 1901. It ia the property of Mrs. D. C. McClallen, an esteemed
pioneer Isdy of Bosebarg, but is leased for a number o! years and conducted in
modem etvle by M. Bcbmidt A Sons, wbo rank among the beet and most up. to.
date hotel men of the state.
"The Racket Store"
Funeral of W,
H. White.
Portlakd, Dec. 12 Under tbe auspi
ces of Portland Lodge, No. 142, B. P. O.
E., tbe funeral of W. H. White, late en-
Brigands Complain of Her Efforts to
Hake Them christians,
Cokbtabtikoplx, Deo. 13 The latest
information regarding Miss Ellen M.
8 tone, the American mitsioDS-y, and
Mme. Tsilka, ber ocmpaniou. indicates
tbat tbeir condition baa been so fsr
amsliorated that they sre ahls to obtain
rode comforts. It ia even said ' that tbe
brigands have a doctor ready at hand in
case bis servites should be nteded. It
appears tbat the brigands sre now com
plaining tbat Miss Stone is attempting to
convert tnem to Christianity. While
reccgniilrg tbe illegality ot tbe abduc
tion of Miss Btone snd Mme Tsilka, tbe
brigsnds contend thst thsir action was
in the interest of a sscred csuse, and
tberelors justifiable.
The briganda apparently are prepared
to bold oat all Winter. Tbsy refuse to
sbate thsir demsnda cna dollar, srl
Took Only Two Hours
of Time ;
gineer ot tbe Southern Pacific Company, I Dtve noi vouchsafed a reply to Mr. Did
If you want to buy a
If you want furnished
If you want to buy a
If you want to
If you want to
If you want to
I' n don't know PAT
cjill on or address.,.
rent a house
build a house
move a house
; F.'F. Jattcfjoii,
11 ill
who was killed in tbe wreck at fcalem
leal Saturday night, w as held from tbs
family residence, 15 East Third street.
There wss a large attendance of friends
and aqtisintsnces, iind floisl tributes
fsirly smothered the casket. Represent
atives were present from the Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers snd Fi
delity Ledge, No. 4, A. O. U. W. At
the conclusion ol the services at tbe
I oose, tbe proceseson formed of tbe vari
ous orders, proceeded to Lone Fir Ceme
tery, where tbe last iites were perlorm-
snd. Builder
- Beseburg,
Foresters Ball.
are being
Fores te re
ball to
' Elaborate ' arranicements
made by (ha Bosebc.rg lodge,
of America, for a grmid
be siven in the opera home
eve. Tbe Foresters' well known reputa
tion as royal entertainers will to fully
sustained on this occasion, the success
wt wbioh is already itssored, Don 't for
get Utadate. U
ioson's ultimatum to the effect tbat tbey
must sccept his last offer or nothing.
It is understood that recommenda
tions hsve been forwsrded lo Washing
ton proposing Ibst an ultimatain be sent
to Bulgaria.
Wreck Has Been , Removed.
Tbe remains ol tbe wrecked engine
and cars was taken to Portland Tburt
day. The work of raisiog the engn e
wss completed tbat morning. Tbe drive
wheels are still in order, snd tbe front
part bas been pnt on wheels. Tbe track
can be rebuilt in a few days.
E. V, Slover, who claims to bay set n
a boy tempering with tba switch, a
stated recently, bss been taken to Port
lsnd to make his statement to the offi
cials there. It is thought by many peo
ple tbat no reiulta will be obtained by
this acUoo.Salem Journal,
Portland, Dec. 12. Jack Wads, who
with Dalton killed yooug,Morrow on the
East Side, a abort time ago, waa
guihy of murder in Ibe first degree D
judge eraser itiie aiternoja. Tbe case
took bat two hours of time. fc-
Wade states tbat be ia willing to atone
with his life for tbe crime. - - -
Dalton wss found guilty Pro. 11, tbs
jury being out only ten minnt.
wiita tbe gallows staring him in tbs
face as Judge Frsxer gave tbe finding oi
the court this morning tbat .leek. Wade
was guilty of murder in tbe first dsgrse,
tbs prisoner arose from bis seat to beg
the officials not to feel badly over sen
tencing him to death, as he wss ready to
meet it. Such a display, of nerve or
cooluees at each a time and under such
conditions hss piobably never been
equaled snd msy nsvsr be repeated.
Of all men In the courtroom Wads wss
tbe lesst sffected by tbedechtion of Jodgs
Frst-r, If be SDrneciated tbe serioas
nses of tbe matter, life Is worth bat little
to him, and as he said, "Tbey ssy life is
sweet, but I've trsveled over bitter roads
and I only hope tbat what's to come will
not he so bard to tear." His only re
quest at the hands of the court was thst
he be not sentenced until his psrtner in
the crime is sentenced, and bis only tesr
seems to he that he may bitve t hang
befots Dalton does.
Don't Forget to Read This.
Our fall snd winter goods have arrived
and yon will find nere the largest and
most complete lioe oi dress goods, oating
flannels, fascinators, underwear, boahry
blankets, curtains, cloaks, capes, es.
Also Bockiubsm 4 Uecht, "boots and
shoes, robber goods, oil clothing, over
coats, and a line ol man and boys' do'h-
ing tbat cannot be beat. We also
carry miners' supplies and a fresh and
complete sock of groceries.
Come and let ns ahow yon our Urge
assortment and give yon prices. Oar
sim is to sire yoa good valaee and treat
yoa right. Uive as a trial.
A. K. MaTTOjX & vo.. Kiddie, ur.
We are also stents for tbe Olivet
Chilled plows and extras. (u4lf)
A wioter trip to Southern California
and Arixoua via tbe famous 8b as la
Route ia one nevvr to be forgotten. Re
newed acquaintance with this section
will ever develop ireeh potnta of Interest
and added sources ol eni ymeut under
its sunny sies, in the variety of inter
ests and added industries, in its pr lifi
vegetation and rmong its numberless re
sorts ot mountain, shore, valley and
Two trains leave forttana dally, morn-
ins and evening lor California. These
trains are equipped with the most im
proved pattern uf standard and tonrist
sleeping cere, and tbe low rates place tbe
trip in reacu ol ail.
For illustrated goiies of usmornta and
Arisuna winter tesotte, sddresa
K. K, Mnxxs,
Gen. Per Agent, Portland, Or.
Wood Wanted.
Sealed bidet to furnish 120 tiers ot oak,
snd 10 Iters of old fir, 20 inch wood to be
delivered at the school house in Rose-
burg, on or before Oct. lot, 1IKK!, will be
received by the uodersignod until 12
o'clock noon of Jsn. 3rd, 1902. A bond
conditional to tbe laitbful performance
of the contract to furnish said oi
mast accompaay each bid. The toard
reserves the right to rejict all bids. By
order board of directors, Dist. No, 4,
Rossburg, Oregon, Dec. 9, 1901.
School Clerk.
For Typewriter.
Suspected ot . the Walker
- Train Robbery.
If. in the vast yoa hsve had trouble
with your typewriter ribbons, send
sample order to E. L. King, No. 213 San
noma Street. 8an Francisco, and see II
Station yoa cgQ get a better ribbon for seventy
five cents than yoa have-been paying a
(toller for. $7 per desea any color and
George Vernon, a traveling violinist, for aDy machine. E. L. Kino,
who stole a horse and saddle, in Grants Pacifies UoaH Uenarsl Agent,
I Pass a few davi aira and nassed several 213 Sansoma Si,. San Francisco, JS13
at -
As Christmas Approaches!
. The hearts of the old and voting alike are tiilfd with de.iht.
HE old as they rvmeraler years rne by when they were f j
toddlers at their m ti ers kn-e. looking forwa d wil- Jw ,
anxious de.iisli to what !?:nta l laus w.xiia brcg. Let
W A 1 I........ ...... -t.,., rf!M .Um, l.n. ,
. - j US fiWTIV't UlSV U V LUIS w 4H cnu tiiv.Mwri '
. V . . : - 1 ...1 ...... . Tl... .nun.. M lt. I ullB t
rill hard! forcvt them. We have provided quite liber- ; X7. '
ally for Santa Claus' selection in gifts for all. 3?,
$ Toys, a nice selection ; Dolls, little o es. bis ones, pivtty ones, the
tJ de ight of vour little girls ; Express Wagons, Air Guns, in I
jT ; of all kinds for yonr boys; Albums, Toilet Ca.-e?, Hatidkervh efs,
?i Handkerchief Boxes. Neckties, Hats, Caif, Suits of Clothes, Shoes,
Shirts. Press Pattern, Velvets, Silks space wili n t allow ns to
.j? enumerate everything we have making s lit ih c tii'ta. Many, many
eje things more will you rind in our store. We invite you to lwk oer
our stocks aud suggest early buying. You are -well aware of the
N. SELIG, Myrtle Creek,
BraiK-h :
Canyon ville, Oregon i
Another Comajination 3
formed in Roseburg
1,1 IEI a 8
have incorporated under the -above
name. Their stock consisting ot 475.
Dolls to sell from 1 penny to 5; 5' o
onveuir views of Roseburg fioui 15
cents to 75 cents each: 100 toy traius,
steam and hot air engines from 10
cents to $3.75 each; tool chests, hobby
horses, wagons, crokinole aud a'l
kinds of game boards from 15 cents to ,
$5.50; Christmas tree ornaments. 4
We ha e nothing to give away, nor do wo h:ve any arm prices
for any contpetitors, but we w ill mirantee if you trvid w .tit us
we will save 20 per cent ou all of this line oi goods.