MRS.-H. E ASTON J IS it-fiitreM to .u u" w ainl newcutmiersanil friends with t full '-and complete stock of i ; .. G R O C ER I ES All fresh and of the very best quality. Teas aad coffees are specialties. Your patronage solicited. . -. t : - Roseburf a BARBER SHOP, For a Prompt and First-claw .Shave or Hair-cut, Compe ..' tent Workmen, Clean Tow els, Tools always in shape. t Baths in Connection. SI top on JackBon St. Alwiract of Title to Deeded Land. Facra preareil for tiling on Govern ment Land. Blue P-ints of Township Maps showing all -oaoant Lands, One Dollar Each. FRANK t. ALLEY, Architect Abstractor Plans and Estimates for all BuilJ- 7 i"g. - 5pecial designs for Office Fixtures Ofbee in Marks Building. 'Phone 415. : ROSEEURG, OREGON arker s Timothy, Red Clover. Orchard Grass, EnglishRycGrass LIcsquic or . Velvet Grass, Vetch Seed. GREATEST PLAYGROUND ON EARTH EVERY NEED ) CAN BE EVERY WISH CTTTTVll EVCKY PURSE JbUlIliU 5PECIAL RATE. H e been ee'ablished by the SOUTH EKS PACIFIC between all parts tv California and its great number of famous ret-or"! by which tbe ezpeose of a trip is re duced to a very low and seasonable , rate. For exam pie : From all parts of Calif aria Tattle resorts in the Shasta region, Lak Taboe and rarronndlngs, Yoermiie, tlx Big Trees, tbe Kings River Country. From San Joaquin aod Sacramento Val ley points To tbe Monterey Bay Coast. From the Han Joaquin Valley, Arizm: and New Mexico To the Seashore in Southern Ca'i'ornL and tbe resorts of Northern California. Forfait information,- inquire of L B. MOORE, agent of the Southern Pacific, KOSEBURG, DREGON EAST AND SOUTH 71 THE SHASTA ROUTE -OF THI- Southern Paciilc Co. , Train leave Roseburg lor Portlaud and way station at IliOaa -m. and 11:45 p. m.; ; . s Go to . IfF.-HlllfF MS AT -;. t '. a. I Le. Portland - U.I 8:IDM S so r.M L. - Roseourg Lt. fllOSr. li:55 A. a. j Ar. - Ashland - Ar (lMttr. n:10 r. U: I Ar. - AcraneDto-' r.1 7 45 . m. Ar. San Francisco Ar. I 8 4o a. i 4:V a m 1 sr Ogdea . ari 7:00 a n haoaag'ar Desver ax i 9:16 p a "i:2h a m I ar Kan-aCily ar ; a d ' a a I ar. v CPicago ar J0 p a a:"! i- w I ar f u p ar ' H) n' a n .ar 7.-OI a u t ar- fc.yi p m ; ar " a tn I ar U.10 p m j ar " I Am A' Kelca o .-AS a a t El Ham f- Fori Worth City of Heziod UouUiu ' N-r Orlmna W anhlMffton Ue York M p r : a D 11. i a ip 7wa a 60 p B- 42 a a 12:19 p a - Hullinau d1 Tourliit car on both tiajun hlroui iSaTmento toOgden and Kl faiio, and ton'im rani to hicKO. hi. Loul. tie Urlcauaaiui 4abiuxua. r ' voiK-tiii ai Oan Fratiulano with aercra . Wmlii liuf for Honolulu. Japan, C'hin ' rbtiippiuua. Cvnlral aud rtouUi America. m-.-1. B. - Of addreaa Muore, acent, at Ko?burg ttatioi R. B. MILI.EB, , . K. Pi . 1 ent :-r Notice for Publication. fnlicd tiuau n Land Uftiw. Koliiir), rt-K.n. ov. 21, IMJ1. ' Notii la hm-hy Klven that tbe following ) Uiui d M-iturliar lilvd Kotloeof hia inu-utl t make hpa prHf lnapportof ilia da m. mir tltat aaid proil will be ma te bt-fore the R-Ki- ler and Receiver. H. land (! at Koaebaig. Orcxon, on Jinuary 4. Hot, m: - , ' Jot-Ki n c. I)i k , on H. K. No. ! s the lot ttec. Xp. 2U et. , H- 1'imei th folktv ina; witnenaeti to prove hit I nntniiioi nwidrnce uuu aid euliiroiioii of Kal I land, vlr.: Augut ntwltxhe, of I iliani; 4raoM; tirlili-ion Maihi wu. ol Kosbuix. Orraoii: "It-r 8. Him-, oi UowburK, oniton: "or Kh.a, . ml i"ai, OreRun. i. T, BKIiMis, . Keci.ier. . ; f n to write for oar conndenliiii letter before ap- niTiiia; lor paieni; it mar or worm money. We promptly obtain U. b. and Foreign .PATENTS . ? anrl JTRAOE MARKS orretura EN TIRE aiuirntiy a fee. tK-nrl modrl.nketch or rboioand wa aend aa IMMEDIATE FREE report on patentability. VVe rive tbe beat lenl aerrice and advice, and our elms are moderaic -Try u , j ' SVIFT ,&, CO., , Patent Lawyer,' Opp. U.S. Patent Dffice.Washingf on, O.C. Notice for Publication. US1TED f?TATK3 1.ANU OrTK K. , Koxaaraii, Ore., Oct. 1'jol. Notice i brrehy Riven thai in usmpllaBO. with tbe (iravialnna of Uie Art of tu;rn at Juni- I, ir,riuille-t, "Au Act for tki aala Of Umlw r lalida In the Blattw of, Ore nn. Nvatla. and Waithiliaton TerriUwv." aa--x. tended to all tbe public laud alatua by art of AuguKt 4, IK'.ri, WKS. K1TTV R. VOX I'ESSI.. Of Cleveland, o-unty of ItouKlax, nlmtc of Ore con ha ihi dav Hied in this office hvriworn Uitemi nt iio. Wvl, for the pun uaw- ol the ne1 of M-citoa b. towaxrilri ? aoutb, rauKo it awtt, ahd will otfVr piwol to aliow taat Ul laad MHight in more valuable for il timber or atoue tliKU fir agricultural purpurea, ami toealabliah berrVatc l'i land bHrm uie Ri-aieter aud Soceivar oi Ititoorliot u? Kair, OraKoa.-On Friday, tin; )C tay oi -lniar--lie namea aa wiiiii'e: l,hail i , Kd. Von IVaal, John llaekii of riei4Ail,Orrson. Xart Bett er, ol Kiwi'iin:, iifitra; ' V l- Anv any ll xtk'Ii clnlmiim advcrwlr tbe at tie-dt'Mvi ifil Umla are icjiunUsl lu HI" their clim in thi other ou or bt-ioie yu lt day ol Januarv, vila - . . J..X. BHIlHtK, ... Notice for Publication: rsiTHl fl Al.FS l.ANHOKKU K. Ko-Kli: lli.llmull, lix.'i, I'-!. Strtli-e la hereiiy pirii iliat In eotnp lanro with ihe pro laKiun of the act of ConRifaa of June :;. Inh. entitled "An ai t for the le ol timber laiidk in the Stati a nf ( a llurtua trvoi Nevada, aiul N aalnntlon lerriiory," as t vu nl e 1 1.- all tbe public land statts by a.l ol Aiujuxl 4, IKK, CI.ARENTK A. Yol NG, of Roerbunr, county el ltoiiEla, Male ol Orcson. has this d hlud tn th Aaucw - his. MUS sUtclHtnl 0. 1311 irihe punhaxe ol me N ' , w ; M,.'4, 01 Section No. 1J, lu townahlp o. K h ol Kanei No 7 and ill ofler proof to show that the land aoucht la n'ore aiuatile for lis limlxror alone than hir agricultural I'liriaxtuK. and to cv tabliah his claim l4 mid land )if-e the Kela- leraud Rivaerol thia omx: at Koxebura, Ore eon. on Frldav, the 14ih dKV ol Peexiary, t He uaiiieaas ailucawa; UeorKC Batcniau. Kob ert McCull.wn, Albert Willi. Alia Smith, all of Ruaebun. Oresou. Anv and all person rlairelnr advers'lr the above-described lands are requoled l tile their rlaims in this office on or before said 14th day of February, 191. i. J. BH.iih.ks, d.Sp Riftiler. Notice for Publication. - rniti-dfuteeUuKtOraer.v Rnsrbutv. Oregon, Nov, IK r'l. ' Notice ia hereby aiven that In eomplusure with tbe previsions of tlie act ol ceuitrvM ol June a. anutled "An act for tbe saia ol Imber lands in the states of ailloni'a, Onjin. Nevada aud Wash in if ton Tertiiory." as eiiend cd lo all the Public Land t-tales by act ol August 4. l9- r RODERICK W..HKFri ELD, of Aahlaud. couotv of Jackson, Hale of Oregon, ttas Uits dsy Died IB UimoSic bla aswam. aaia ment No. 197, for the pnrchane of the Nt1, ana NV Bi'of sertioo No. 14, tow a hip 36 .-. ranee, west and wil. ofler proof la show mat tbelaad aouifbt U more valuable tor its tlmlu t or alone thau forwrtcnlmral purposes, and to caiablish his claim to said land before the Ret: J ter and Receiver el this office at Row-bur.', Or -(on, on Tuesday, tbe day' of Janua:;, 111 He names a witnesses: Cbarlea Tbom John Thorn, Edward Von feaal, John Becici all of 4'icreisnd, Orefroa. ; any and ail peraoaa ciaimlns adversely il., above dewriLl lands are reinested to tif their cta-an in this office oa or before said lib. a day ol January, lii P21p J. T. BRIlXiEo, Fetrisler. Notice for Publication. TNITEO iTATE LAND OFFICE. Kixflmtf. Orencni. Oct. 2. M'l. Notii-e is hereby given that in compliance with the provision of the act of t'onajrv ol June :;. 1, entitled "An ai t lor tbe sl ol limber laud in Ihe stales of California, Oresron. Nevada and Va."hiui;Un Territory," aiteilcnd et to all Ihe Public Land stales by act of Aug nst 4, 1XU, ANNE WEItt), of Rieebunt, county ol P HiKlas. state of Ore Eon. has tiiisday hied in tnia office bvr swon tale ment No. LbhO, for the purchase of the Ml1, of section No a. tosmabip ti south, of s We-t.and will offer prswf lo show that Ihe land sourbt is more valuable for iu limlr c tone than for agricultural purposes, aod to es tablish her elai m to said rand before the hccis terand Revet ver of Ibis office at Koix-burn, ore goo. on Monday, the athciay of Jauuai), 1U. She nanien as witnese: Joe Bloeber.en, Vr.r Sisurler. Nsi Wrlsaaud Reialwlt atilr. all of 8asebtirg. oson. Any and all person elsiminr avdveracly the above-descr bed lauds are requeued , lo file tlieircla'DM in Uiisoaee on or before said Mb day of January, lii. . JT. BRI LH.rj, op. . .- Register. .Notice for Publication. CHITKP STATES LAND OFFICE. Roaebiirr.Ore.,Oit. 8. 11. Notice la hereby given that in compliance wilb the proviiona ! the act of Congress ol June A lt7. entitled "An act lor the sale of tim ber land in the BuUce of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territoty," as extend rd loail the Public Land eutea by act of August 4, laW. JOHN F. HVflNHERR of Camas valley, county of Douglas, State of rvgon ba tbisoay hied In thiso&ce bis sworu statement So. 1H64, for tbe purchaaeol the lots , 6 and 7ol Section No. 6. Township .4) south, range No. west, and will oSer proof to show that tbe land sought Is more valuable .for lu timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, nd to establish bis eiairn lo said land before the Register and Receiver of thi offioi at Ro-p-bnrg, Oregon, on Friday, the l.itn day til Oeeember. IfiY. He . tuunee as wltnasms; N.Smith, Me Endioott, William Endicott and John Break all of Myrtle rVurt O-gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above described landa are reoueated to file 'belr claims in this office on or bcioresaid Lub Jay of lexxnlR, Uul. 0l9p. J.T. BRID4JE8. , Register. Notice for Publication. CXITED STATE LAND OrFICE, ' Rosaat'ave Oregon. OtbaiUO.XfL Nnliee ia hereby gives that lu 'touipinbcr with the provision of the art -of Congreae of lune , 1H, entitled "An act for tbe sale of limber lands in toe Plate ol California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," aa ex tended to all the Public Laud Stales by act of Of Roseburg, rouniy of D ug.a, hute of One na, baa abi day filed ber sworn statement So. INm f r the purchase ol the , of b 'i of Section No 10 Towuship 30 bouth, of Range 9 et, and will off proof to show that tbe land sought is more valuable lor its timber or .tune than lor agricui'.ural purposes an4 to es tablish ber claim to .aid land before the Resrts ler and Receiver of this office at Koacf.urg, ore. Ton, on Tueaday, the 17 day of .iecember. IVfll. .he names a witnesaes: John W. Moore, A alter E, Ho jver. of Roseburg, Oregon, E. N. 'nittb, of Mjrtie Point, Orvhun, J. F. Given, t Roseburg Ongon. Any and all pcraons claiming adrenvly ifi diove-descnbe.1 lands . re requested to file their laims tn this o (Dee on or before ald t'si da of tccember. 19UL ; . J. 1. BRI 1X5 EU, . olip ' ' ' Regtster.' Notice for Publication ' UNITED BTAltK LAND OFFICE. Kot-Khl'KU, OUKJ.O.N, Oct. 12, lOl Notice i hereby atvcu .thai In compliant t -tth the provif ions of tbe act or fViurress of line a. !;. entitled "An act for the sale of imtier lauds In the Mata of California, On-ron evada and Wasfcingum Te'ritory," as extend ed to all the Public Land feiatea by act ol Aug BS14.1W2, .' WH.UAM A. hPRAOLf. . Of Roseburg. Count of Uongias.BUteofOie en, has lliis day filed In this office bis sworn tatement No. l-6t, for the purchaieof tbe EU KM. HK4 andbaU SU),) aJ4ioB U. 6, fowntblp Ws-uth, ol Kanr. a west, and will Iter proof to show that the land sought lsniore valuable for lu limber or .'on. tbau for agri eulinral purpose aud to establish his clahn to aid land be'nre the Register and Receiver ol th Bodice at Roeebiirg, Oregon, on Tueailay, the JUh day of D,ceinber l'JUL He names as wit nesses: T J. Rrown, Geo. Hinsdale, J F. t.iv ausof Roseburg Oregon, Ubertt Croux,- of a-naa Valley, On gon. Any and all tierMins claiming adversely the above described lands am requested to file their rlaima-fn this once on or be lore aid'4th day of December, 1W1. . . ' oUp J, T, BRI OoES, i . t : i , .,- . . v . Register. Notice for Publication r UNITED BTATEH LAND OFFICE, Rohiulku, Ore , Nov. J4, l'JUl. Notice la hereby given that in compliance with Ihe provisions of I be act of Congress of June t, 1H7S, entitled An act for the sale of ti Mtcr landa in the taiw of California, Oreeon Nevaila and Wash! isr ton Trri"-r," as expnr e-l to all the publ c land states by act of Aukuat 4, U2, , ' , - HaiMKY JJBHERUG, s , of Big Rapids, county ol il, costs, stale of Michl- gaa Pa this say Bled la tbia office bis eaprn siateasettt No. La, lor U pu chaae of the!' of the ol Uectioti Ho. I, lowtislpp .'2.7 bonh. of Raogaiit West, and will i-Be prooL lo .how that th laud souiibl is more valuable lor its Ttbe4WMon tnan for agricuttwal pnrvoses, aad toaahlib hi I aim ut atd ignd before Ihe Register and hscelier of this offl"e Rose. hurt, Un iwn,iiu 1 u ly, th. fist day oi .Jan uary M'l. He nsines aa witntsses: Riley Aiulth.'H a. Varwer, Lafe r l.g.ia and F.auk Varey, all of Koaebirg, tiv. Any an't-all p'tums elaimii g adverselv Ihe anove-la r-rfd ansl'. are reqm-sted lo file their claims in Hi sollii- on oi bciurc tad 21st day of J - 1. BkiiMsa, ', nlhp Ri-gisler. Notice of Final Settlement, i Nolioe Is here' v given that : oayol January, lWi. at m o clock a. i day, the anal report Of (Jeorgc R. Riddle, ! nnniftniior oi me etuiMoi John t alclnus, ji censJ-d, 'Will be beard pffnre Hie Cosutv. f'ourt ' ol tti'H'att-of Oreg'tn lor tbe County oi 'liai. I AH persons having in torvst in said " sue an- brebv required to apM-ar at sa'd lime and ; ,.! toAboW.caiiserti anvlbwr havt, tiytfald tJrt-1 account ihoolj not t aJlciwinl - v v nJi U, D. THOMfrHJ.V, Society faceting. LU. T. M. Ruseboxg llive No. U Holds its regular reviews jpob tbe aeoond and fourtlLVednefday ee. of each month in the Native Pons' Hall. Sisters of other Hives visiting io tbe city are cordially invited to attend onr re views. ' Fannik Mokkib L. Com. DaibikC. Andehbon, R. h. 0 0. F-l'bileUrian Lodse No. 8. Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor ner Jackson and Case streets, on Sstnrda? trveoiOx ol acb-weet. llenf bers of the order in fcood statidiDS are invited to attend, , Q. W. rnKky", 8cretary. ' " B. P. O. ELKS. Roeebarg Lodge No. 32ti. Holds regular cotomunica- ruou at H O.- U. F. llall on second and fourth Thursdays ol each montb. All meaiburs retneeted to attood reg- larly and all tTieitiuK Urothers are aordi- ally invited to attend. W. 11. jAMlaBON, I.. K. V. C. Losdoii, Secretary, OODMEN OF THE WORLD. Oak Camo No. 126. Meets at tbe Odd Fellow 8" Hall, io Roeeborg, every ret and tbird Monday evening. Visit ing neighbors always welcome. - F. 8. GODFREY C. C. ' - J. I.Eccuahaji, Clerk. .:. . . 0.' . 8. Roseburg Chapter No. 8. Holds their regular meeting on tbe first and tbird Thursdays in each nonlb. Visiting) members in good lUndiDg are reepectfaUy invited to at nd. . - Clara Bast, W. Mm Mrs. Libbii CoeMow, Secretary. 0EBEKA.H8.' Roseburg Lodiw No. 41. l.O. O.F. Rebekah meets in Odd Fellows' Temple every Tuesday evening. Visiting siBlers and brethren invited t attend. - Inks Mrklli, N. G. AinTA Bradford, R. 8. & A. Ms Laurel Lodge No. 13. ilds reeular meetings on second fast , and ( nrtb Wednesdays of each month. I. WoLLUiBKRO, W, M. . N. T.J, rtt. Secretary. N ATIVE SONS.-oeLaneV Cabin No. lf, .Native rjone of Oreifon, meet oa tbe first and tbird - Mondays of each month. .Visiting brethren always welcome. P.- M. Matthrws,, Preaideot. Hahrv Suftrji, heeretary. K. of 1. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meets every Wednesday, in I. O. O F. tn Hall e. 7:30 p. tn. Member good st avnding are invited to attend. il. T. McClau.e, C. Frsb Joussjk, K- R. 8. C. M. W. Oj? A. Myrtle Camp No. 6330. Meets brat aod tbird iednretlays each moutb at Native Hons' Hall. Dan FieRKRi . C. Gko. Byron, Clerk. LILAC CIRCLE. No. 4, Women ol Woodcraft. Meets on firntaad tbird Tbnrsdavs of each montb at tbe Na tive bans, UalL Visiting members in ood standing are invited to stteod. Hattik Mow, Guardian Neighbor. ' LfeTa 8acst, ecy OF A. Court Dooglaa No. 33, For esters oi America. Jleets every .Tneeday eveoiog in Native Sons' flail. Visiting brother always welcome. W. i. Moohi. O. R. Will Ccaa-jta, K. t?. E. V. Uooyta, Pbvsician. AO. TJ. W. Roeebnrg Lodge No. 16. Meet tbe eecood and to art h Moo , days of each month at 7 JO p. no., in. tbe 1. O. O. F. Hall. Member io good standing are invited to attend. H. r. McClalliw, M. W. . - F.-W. Roach, Recorder. - D. .8 Wax, Financier. D EG REE OF PONOR. Mystic lxdge No. 13. Maete 2nd and 4th Thurs day evvuibrfs ot each month io Na tive Sons' Hall. Visiting members cot dially led to attetid Mas. Pent Balbh, C. of H. E. IL LKRNoXfBec. - CO. E, FOURTH REGIMENT. O. N. G , meets at Armory Hall eveiy Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. F. B. Uamltw, Capt. L- ADIKS of ihe G. A. R, Abraham Uo- colo Circle No. 2, meet, at Natiye Sod's Hall at 2 o'clock trf tbe sec ond and fourth Fiidavaof eav:b montb. IlPIori.eer "I-.ea.d- ' -. Is Absolutely PURE, and will OUTWEAR all other Leads. ' TTyonr local dealer doe not carry ft write lo nsaud we will ace that you get it W. P. fuller fi Co. Portland. Oregon -TATvE' THE---- IOSEEUHGfYRTLEPoiaT STAGE LINE'J Shortest, . Quickest and Best Route to MVETLE POINT, i ... COQUILLE, MARSIIF1ELD, ' and ull Coos Bay Points. .., Leave Koet-barg every morning al 0 o'clock, arrive at Myrtle Point, 8 p. in. -Lave Myrtle Point at 6 a. in., arrive in Roseburg at 8 p. to. every day. j'.-Sheriffs Sale. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE oi urogon, lor, juoiigias county. W .UTiu ' ' 1 ,. talatlf, , :r N r . I S W.t. Roberts ' ', . JJefentlant. I ! Notioe is hetcbv given: That tiv virtue of an execution aitd onlerof sale duly Issued out-of and ujider the wnt of the above entitled couri in the almve entitled canaa, lo me dulv directed ana dated the 7th day of December 1WU. upon a judgment ienderel and entered in said court on the 7th dayol June, 1W1, In favor of Wm. Irwin, plaint: IT gud acolnst W. L. Roberts, defendent, ami acxtiiHl I he hereinafter mentioned and de scribed altai hr I property for the sum of lU with Interest thereon at ihe rate of 8 per rem per annum from Ihe 11th day of May, ltsjl, and the further sum off '", costs and disbursements aud also the cot of and upon this writ, 1 did ou die 9i h day of December, 1901, duly levy up. on the follow Ins described real property, lo wit: The undivided one ninth inlereu in' and to the following realroperty. Lot No. II in hlfcck No. .. K. R. Addiii m to Kim-bur, Ommn. Also Lot ho. i, lu block No A) in city of Best but, J)ooir1acMinty, Oregon. ' Now therefore by virtue of laid execution an l order of sale, 1 will ou : Saturday he llttidayof Jannary, 190 at one o uloek p. m. of said dar, at the omul house front door, In Kos-burg. Douglas roun'.y. Oregon, vn pneiic aocilon, mbjecl Pv, re demption, to the hi.linrt bidder for cash In hand ad ilie riKt't, Ulu; turd Interest the i,Pn d.nt li'olon the 11 ih day of May. ISuLor.t any time thereafter iu and to the above described r..i proir-rty or any pan thereof, to atlsfy ld execution, order ol salt", interest, cost and C rruing wm. v iated( Koaobanr.'uregefu Deo, l4 v -f "' - f. LTr'AltftTT, - bhwlll of UuuglM ouuntv, Uregoa', e ABOUT SOUTHERN OREGON. Answer . to Questions , Frequently Asked by Homeseekcra. , People in tbe east and ,' south are al ways sskiog all aorta of qaestioo regard ing Oregon. These questions are oft times too redicoloua to batakeo serious ly or aoawered intelligently. Below is a list reoeived this week by one of our citi tens, which we priut because of tbe fact tbat there are several, new ones and someone who may receive thi paper io tbe east may want to add them to tbeir long list of inquiry. There are some of the questions, however, which are neb aa any prospective locator would want to know and these we will endeav or o answer.. Here ia tbe list : "Is the climate mild?" . Answer: Tee. There in probably not a country nywber. with a more even temperature than here. Tbe climate ia Southern Oregon is a very agreeable medium be (.ween tbe extreme wet and fog of north ern Oregon and Washington and ihe warm, ory cutueie oi Uwltlornia. Here t&e weetuer is neither too hot nor too cold ; or neither too dry nor to j wet just right for all purposes. 'Vb.t abjol Ihe winter; is it long or short!" Answer: We in reality have Oi winter as tbe term ii understood ia tbe east. Fiom the middle of Novem ber to April we have frxjoeot showers of rain from one to two days each week, with warm sunshine between and some frost at night. Rarely ever any toow in tbe valley. Unprotected water piie are rarely ever frozen. ."Are the sntnmeM very warm?" Answer: Yes. Sometimes tbe tempera ture reaches 1U0 in tbe shade, but there is never any prostrations from beat. Tbe atmosphere is so dry never humid dar ing warm weather aa it is in tbe east that no inconvenience is experienced and all woik progresses at the same pace it doee with tbe thermometer al 70 The nights are always cool. "What would it coet to build a small, comfortable home?" Ansae: A. five or sis loom cottage can be built for from 1400 to 1700. Price would depeud large ly upon a pereoa's idea of comfort. A dwelling which will serve all purposes aud be comfortable so far aa ample pro tection from tbe weather is concerned can be built lor even leas than figures given above. "What are tbe wagea for a Chinaman servant, a cowboy, a shepherd, a cook, servants and workmen?'' Answer: Few people here employ Chinamen iNjrveut. are ta iu known quantity io moat Southern Oregon families. The wages of a good farm baud range from f !8 to 130 per moutb and be don't usual ly care very much whether be bawds cattle, ttacks alfalfa or sprats trait tree. Tbe wages of a hire-! gtrt are from f 2 50 to ft per we k. In most ftiuthern Ore goo homes the hired girl ia tbe whole thing cook, general housekeeper, wash erwoman, servant, and companion sometimes, to fact she ia it from celiar to garret. "What is the price of a cow, borwe. sbeep, male, pig, poultry?" Answer Cows are worth from 13) to 170 ; horses, from 3o to 1125; sheep, from 2 50 lo 13.50 per bead ; males, a boat tbe same aS borses; boo, from H to 15 p ban diedweigbt; tbickeat from tofJO per doxi. ; larkeys 10 ceiita per puuud ; ducks, 3 per dozen , geese, $5 per dozei . "What ia tbe price uf raeaU, a bag of floor, a bag oi potttoee, of bread?" Answer: Meat retails at any of tbe markets at from 8 to 15 cents a pound; a 60 pound "bag" ol fljur is worth 85 ceo is a "0a" ol potatoue 100 pouu J is worth from a cent to a cent and a half a pound; a ioaf of bread will cost a bve-cet-t nickel. Vou tau boy six loaves for five Lickels. "How srs cattle sold? Do tbe people boy on the farm ?" Answer : Cattle are sold almost any old way at from 3 50 to $4.50 per hundredweight; Povple do not boy os the' farm, but city buyers bay kso tbe farmers who Have raised Cattle on tbe farm. "Do the grazing cattle sell ewsily?" Answer: Yea. OiUiuj. s tbe bav. rs are old, but this M not general, as Ortgon C4f ie a . prime article always. The buyer wnb tbe largest sack always hip the tougeat train loads of cattle. "How many sbeep can a shepherd keep?" Aiawer: Ou the Larrlaira n. n .(! KMi..l i. lAu! tn A. JVI 7 " vv" "liow mauy oowecanacowboy hee?'' Answe' : Depends alt 'gather un what be is doioar with I ho inn. DfttimBa I... w cosbova en keep one cow very saiiafac- torily, then again aud ander differrnt condition 100 cows cao be kept lwudcd (or tlie home taucb bvone cowixiy. Ttien again tbe namber of cows a vowbov cao keep ; depends upon the dietinciness olibe brands. As a osual thing be will keep all be can and keep himself out of the penitentiary. "it ttoseburg a consequent lown, end ran I Had the nsoesMtiee for mv living cud nothing too expensive?" Answer: Yes, air. Koseborg Is of more conse quence than any of ihe other Southern Oregon towns. Roseburg is a town ol 3000 people Every hue of business ia repre sented here. -Yoncsn boy anything yoc need to live ol from a cram brie needle to a threshing machine. All hoosebold DtHseilLs are very reasonable in price cheaper in fact than in muet coast towns. Piicee do nut yaiy much from thoee of eastern tow ne, except in caeeeof local pro duction, where we are undoubtedly cheaper. "Are tbe sheep subject to disease ; do t bey all die off at once?" Answer; No. There is no disease here peculiar to sheep except scab, and this succumbs very redially to treatment. They die off at once when tbe batcher decides he need one for the block, or tbey get caaght in a barbed wire fence and these are sometimes frr tbe block. ' Can I find in Roseburg . the agricul tural implement necessary on a farm, and are tbey expensive?" Agricultural implements, however, can be bought in Roseburg from one or all ol three i'esl en and, at prices at low aa, tbey ctn te taught for elsewhere. Douglas County's chief Industries are (mil growing, slock ahd poultry raising, l-unueiing and farming. . It ia adametl t the rreemery and diary aa well a, all kinds of n.anufscluring. Farms and raucbeieCan be bought at very reasonable prices an leruie, some government aud Minberland of a desirable nature but coi ai. ten b'e diitanoe Irom the railroad can be. fouod yol in tuts Cuuutv. IraDaiatioo front Med lord Mail, revised a id guaranteed reliable. - Cburohilloi Woolley tbe store, tbat baa the beat goods, 11MDU MI Note. Items under this head will he phanred lor at the rateof Ac per lice for each Insertion, (Willi 10 per cent off where notice stands with out change lor thirty day or longer), excepting all notice of "foMUon Wanted' "Employ- wm nantco - ami "Help wanted, which will be Inserted race or cHAaas. STRAWBERRY PL.N18 FOR SALE I have tbe Excelsior which is a large, red berry and very early. I have shipped tbe first crate of Oregon berries to tbe Portland market for tbe last two tears. My first crate last spring sold for ,'J 00. Tbey are what would be called everbearing:, as I pick berriee off of tbem almost every montb in the year. I ship- ltd a crate to Portland tbe first of Oct ober and there is at least ten gallons ou my vines now just tninK ol one ripe strawberries almost every day in tbe year, and tben say yoa wont put out a patch of your own. I also La vtf tbe Hood River which ia a large, red, sweet berry and a good shipper, frlces on cars a Lhilard; ".50, $1.50: 500. 12.00; 1,000 $3.00 L. S. Cook, U Dillard.Uregon. . WANTED bEVERALPKKsON'S OF character and good reputation . acb I state (one in lute county required) to re preeeut and advertise old eetablisDed kn.lnu. knm. l mnlt.t tin. ...... I standing. Salarly $14.00 weeklv wilb expense) additional, all payable in cash eacli Wednesday direct from bead utlicea. Horse and carriages furnished, when neceeeary. References Endows self-add reeeed stamped eavelope. Man ager, 310 Caxton Ruilding, Chicago. 812 Jl- TJOR SALE, CHEAP-120 acres ol im proved land, 20 acrvs ol good garden land, 3 acres of bearing orchard balance good pasture. Ten miles south west of Roseburg on Myrtle Point stage road. Call on W. B. Johnston, Brock way. Ore., or addrees Ash by Kicbarda Uranta Paea, Ore. nnlOJ. rjlRESSPASS NOTICE. Notice is here- I, .Iran lli.l . .1 w .n Irtn n d bunting or otberwiee trrsspaaeiug npon "Riveredale Farm,"'Corry Eatate," will be prosecuted, Chas. T. Corry. N18. TTTANTED Agents lorell our excel lent pa'olicalions. Meet litra' 'erme. Write for particulars. Addrea Enterprise Publisbiog Co., Box 403, Roseburg, Ore. Foa RgST 134 acres of land, 25 actrs tillable on Deer Creek, 7 tvilre Irom Roeeborg. Inquire of John Haualu), Kowbuig, Ore. If. Bargains. Improved farnu, slock ranches, f rail and mm l try tract, timber lands and city property, including five . brick . stores For aJe by D. t. fcl. Buick, Jll. Roseburg, Oregon. For Sale Cheap. Musical slot macbioj Pucks, Detroit, ai d Black Cate. W. Duvlk. dJ5 Wewt End Hotel, A'exandiis, La. Summons, In Ihe Circuit Court of the blate ol Oregon, for Douglas cunty f Don Dame ci U, Br men I 1 t-laiulijr i Minerva Bmeol ' I Jsriendant f To Minerva Beuicnt, Uie above named de fen dant: In tbe name of the Male of Oregon, you are hereby required lo apivar and answer the com plaint of plaintiff bled la th) aioir rntltl-d court on ut bclore Monday Uie l th dai ul Jan ry. ltj. or plajntirl will apply l ll won lor (he relief iirsyed lor in Ihe ta'd com plaint Uvwit: That tbe tnajrlare rentracl now custlng between platnlift n t defendant I dtaaohed and thai p aintlit hare Ihe care and enstodeof the tnimir child of said mama to wn: Harry Bement, and tbal p:airit:d tare a decree lte court thai he is the owner of 'he leal property In bis eompiaiot aWserlbed lo-wii Tbe Sorihea! Uart rol sertin 14 in towr ship 21 touib, raoce 4 w-st. in Douglas county. Ore gon, and that plaintiff have judgment lor her Costs and disbaraenscnia In the suit incurred. This summon is published by order of Hon 1. . tiamilliti. indgeol (aid conrt, aoade on the 19tbdayo' Novcrabrr. iAl.anl entered ul record In ihe Journal of sa d conrt. Tbe first publication ol this summons Is of date Thursday. November ilst. l'.Jl, and Ihe last pubucat.on tbcreof, J hnn!ay. January 2nd Plaintiff Attorney. Official Directory. - ranamai. Theodore Roosevelt Jobs Hay Pnidtol Secretary of tate ....becieiary of Treaaiuy Merrclary of W ar Lyman 1. Gage.. Ellhu Root E. A. Hitchcock John U. Lung James w lUon . C. K. tftnllh Melville W. Fuller.... John H. Mllchtil t Joseph 6unoa i " Secretary cf Interior Secretary of Navy .evcretary ' Agriculiuie Puat Majtcr tneial Chief Justice I". -. Senators stst or oscuot. i Thoa. H Tongue at. a. Moody IT.T.Oee.- ' r- Uuubar Cvmgrewman 1st liat lort rest own ind . oivernot'try ol S ale JMate Ti-sa rcr C. R Moore J. It. Ackerman " W.H.Leeds P. K. Blarkbjrn. C. K. Wolveitonj R. S. Bi-an 5 r. A. Moore M.L Cliamberla n 0. B. Bellinger... Soelh Honer-. D. M. Dunne lobn HaU. ....... Hupl PuMIC Inslnieltna 8 ate 1'rlnler Attorney tienenU Supreme Judg .Clerk iiuie Land Board. Co. tisl Judge r. 8. Marshal . ". Collector InL Her 0. 8. UlsL Altoracy sconn judicial distbict. W eo. . fla mil ton Judge M. Brown Prosecuting Attorney o. a lann orrica, aoagacae J. H. Booth. Receiver J. T. Bridges. ...,.. Kcgisler JOIST arsicTTtVE. R. A. Booth Joint Hcnator Douglas, Lane and Josephine. I D Brlggs Joint Repreavntative Douglas and Jackson. Douglas copier r 4.C. Manlcr ...Henatoi RcprcavnlaUre Dexter Rice A. K. Mat loon I O. R. Sham brook. E. L. I'arrott 0. W. Uimmick M D Thompson r. B. Hamlin... H. B. Oillctte W. F. BrigK. 1. C. Twiichvll.... A. Abraham . J. C. Yonng, t 4. E. Nicboia, I Hhenfl Trea trer Courty Jndge School Superintendent Surveyor Coroner .U. 8. Rcrcrve lu Bankruptcy Commissioners D. a. WSATHSB BVBSAO. Obscrer I'hoa. Gibson soinn or D B. rgKStOK BXAHIKBB. g. U Miller, M. D., President J. C. Twilchell, M. D., BecroUry. K. DuUaa, M. D., Treasurer. CITATION. In the matter ol Ihe estate of Dcoeased. Emtllne Davis To W D. Pavis. (J. W. Dart, Mr. W. M. CorT- man, Mrs. C A. emytb, Mis. u. v. Maldox, Julia Hilhmn, C (.( r Hilbron, and the un known bcirs If any there be of said Luillinu Oavl. dceeaeil, greeting? n the nameol the t:e Of uremn. lou are hereby cite I and r(Ulred to appe r n the County Court of the iibm of Urugon, for the County of Douglas, iu the court room thxteof, at Ro eharg, in ti- County of Douglaa, ou Mon day the 6 111 dat of January, l'JOi, al 1 o'clot k in the loren'XJn of that day.- then and there lo show caum If any there p i why an order should not be madeetipowering ano iiconaing ritrer Beckley.admlnlsirator ol the estate of Kmllioe bai Is. deceas d. tc sell al privae sale the fol lowing described real proiierty to-wit: The Hjof the H1, of the donation land claim of Asonh Well and Clanlssa Wells, his wife, be ing re-llllcate No. bit. in township No i l bouts of Range No. 7 west ol Willamette Meridian in Dougla rountv, Otvgon. Thiscllatlnn 1 made oy order ot the Hon. M. P. Thompson Judge ol the tlounty Couit ol the Bute ol Oregon, for the County of Doug!, with the Seal of aaid Court affixed Ihlst'.th nay of December, A. V . 19ol. IftgAL D. R. SHAM BROOK. Clerk Dj J. E.bAW j;tK4Devuiy. ' Oil in Douglas' County, The Rich Fields - Uncovered Will Rival Those of California or Texas INVESTORS WILL REAP A HARVEST The old days of Titusville and Oil City, where fortunes were made in a night will be completely outdone by the magnificent oil fields to be uncovered and developed in Southern Oregon. THE UMI'OUA VALLEY OIL COMPANY controls the cream of. Southern Oregon oil lands. If you want some of the first hundred thousand shares send your orders to the Secretary of the Company, or through Wells, Fargo and Co, express. Umpqua Valley Oil Co. COOOCXXXXXXXXlOCXXeOOOC Sheriff's Sale. In lle Cln.'ull Court of the bUle ul Oregon for Iwmglaa County. William K well administrator of this estate of Thomas Coats. Deceased, Plaintiff, v W Ff. Coat and Annie Coat. hi Uc, uelenisrtt Not U els hereby given. That b by virtue ol an jir lsuel oot of Execution Ihe above named Court and eaue on the io day of November, 1'ajl, iiM,n a ;',lgement and at-cix-v uu. j reuierei ami entrrcu l u aam court j uiu uu uie tnu M ; fi august, lll, lu favor of Ihm above uam-d plaintiff and against the above named defendauta for the suns of t.l cost and disbunemenla, now therelore i I win oa Saturday tbe 21'b day of December, I JOl, sloneo of said day at the court bouse fnml door, In koaeburg, Doogla county. Oregon, aril t public auction to tbe high-at bidder, for essn in band, all tbe right, title aud ; Interest w bl b U.e said d-.-irndaiilaor either of ; Uie in bad on the Ltu day of August, ixd. or at any time tn-reiler In or lo the kiliowlug Uis- j unbei premiMrs, to wil, ' Beciuninx at a point fourteen chains nortn and seven chain and fifty lints weM from the ' touibeast corner ol secticn it in lp z o, K W , , nd running thence south twenty chaiua. to. nee ea'. seven chains and bfty .Inks. lienor soutn twenty chstns: Ihvwe east tnmy-aix chains and tweaty-five link- thence north lorty chains and thence west orty-Uiree chain i and seventy five links to tbe place of beginning ' tn tbedtnctof land subwt to sal al Ku' berg, Oregon, con tain lug va acre. A .so lot, ac, two. lour aud five and Ihe north ball of' the aoutfiwest quarter l section t. tp H d, K 7 wear;,, f the Willamette meridian, containing. IrTTj -!- more or !. (iluated in Doug las l county. Oregon, and wnl a;.ply Ihe proceeds of Mh sle to the p ment to the defendant. W. H. Coats, of the balance remaining of trie i am of en.., alter deducting therefrom 'he' anionnt of tbe cnats a disburwasenta in Ihl i uit. including ttie cua'a nd expenses of such i ie. that lite rt maibder id the prts.x'ed of ut-n ' ale. II any there be. sball be psoo lo he plain- J lal-il at aVna'burg. Oregon thi Ivh iay of November l4- E l.PAKRrTT. binff of Doogla County, Oregon. Summons. in ir,r irr-uit our& oi in ?iatc oi orxon Ul i .n.l tn. l.Mi, .. imfir. ' J.O. Plaintiff Ije l D. loir. DefendanL I To lewis 0. lie !'- namol defendant: In liie name of the Mate of Ongon yoa are h, rvby require.! to apyar and a' swer Ihe com plaint 0W against yoa in tbe above entitled susr court on or before Monday the iTto day ot January. I-".'. aad tf you fail' o so ap pear and answer said tompla.nt, pla;oti? will taxr lodrmen: acainat vou fur the sum of rx- t sjv snd lai'lir buudmlihs doilars wilb io J trrest Uirreon at per cent per annum from Savemlwr a. 11 and the costs and dtsberse-o-nu ot sa:d action. And will apply lo the court lor an order of aaie o' Ihe following de scribed iv: prrrty heretofore atla.hr4 in said action to-wit: at the NK corner of thai certain parcel of land n.nvryed by Henry oaiea aod It I.Jo. n Rt on 'ar.uary li. 1T, fruca Iberx-e snoi b 10 degree, east 'l0 feet, thence suu'ii ti TJW U mlnriu-". west aw le. I more or les io midd.ent w r t ree, theooe wrvh.r ly in center I leer I rerk lis) re I lo In Center : lierr Or-.-k. thence north V d'trxra L aJ fc l lo rla--e of sr siim. a Ijoiuinr 'he ti of kUMeburg. ItnurUs county 1 m or r-n This .ummons i. parKisac) !v order ' xt ft J. Msniilton jodgeid above eat tied court ma-lc at rtmv-i on toe Ub d.y of December, 11. Inefiisi pubUrwUin lherf la of date, leeem'i-r ih. 1'. aud the last rob.NraOoo thereoi a 111 ol 1ate January !. !!. making the lull pvrioil oi six sn ki as provided br Isa. 1. f. H1.LEKTON. fdLin'ia s attorney. Summons. In Ihe Circuit Court ol the State o Oregon for lugis couuty. Owsj A. lanno, ) Plain Uff, 1 . Lulu I. Fanao, j tVfendaol. j To Lola 1. Kan no. Use aiove named defend ant: In the name of the S'.ale of Oreaon. von are hereby suniUMinnl and rv-inlmt to appear and answer the complaint filed araical von la the arove enutled court ami cause within a.x weeks from the dateof the Aru puUicattoo of 1biaa:immoiis. aod if ynu fail to appear and an.wer a be rein rvjnired. for want thereof, planiirl wilt apply lo said court forth, reiiel il.-man.b-i iu his complaint, which ia for a de rive from aad -eoart diMolvmg Ih. marriage contrac ex. sting b tween piaintirT and defend ant, and f- rsnch other and further relief as to the court may ceo meet wttn equity and good conscience. Thi. .nmmont is published oore a week for six successive weeks in Ihe Bosehurg Piain dea'er. a semi-weekly rrwspaner vnbnsbed at Koaeburg. Dougla loanty, Oregon, by ord r ol Hon. M. l. Thompson. Cnunlv Judge of Song Ins county. Oregon, ma-le November fth. l'1, I he bisl publication of thi summons ia on tbe llthdayof Novemhwr, 111. Datol at R-wcburg, Oregon, thi 6th day of November, lSol. J. A BrcHAJCAN. Attorney ior Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court ol the elite of Oregon lor D.xiicla County. Kl la Carter. 1 Plaintiff j v , L-U.Carlcr, i Defendant, J To t II Carter. atve named defendant. In Ihe name of Ihe atate of Oregon, r..n are hereby re.imred to appear and answer the rom plainl Sltil axalnst you in the above rnutl d suit on or before Kainplay, DiTeniN-r tn, and If you fall so lo appear and answer lor want thereof the plaintiff w ill apply to Ihe court for the relief demanded ia Ihe complaint, a sue cincl statement of whicb la, thai the bonds of Bialrimony existing between pIslnlifT and do feudatil b. dissolved and for the custody of Ihe minor children of plaintiff aud defendant and such further roll. I as may be euahle. 1 his summons is published om-e a week .for six suenpaaive week, by order of Hon. J. W. Hamilton, Judge of the above entitled court, which order l dated November li. ln, and Ihe "ale ol the first publication of thi su ra nt f n Is November 14, lwi. A. M. CRAWFORD. nHp Atlorucy for PUintiff Summons. In the Circuit Court of tbe State oi Oregon in and for IVunlaa County. Nvliietilrd, plain till, vs. A. N. ti'nt, defendant, . To A. N. Uird the above named defendant- In the name of the8tate of uiegiin, you are hviviij miiin- in apiH-ar ami answer me com. plaiut of plaiiilift hied aitsilisl vou In ih.. above entitled court and cause, on or before Monday the Joth day of January, lstH. And if you fall to o ppcr and auwer the said com plaint, plaintiff will biidIv lo the crairt In. th. relief ifcma- ded In said complaint, to-wit: That the marriage contract now existing be tween plaintii) and defendant be dissolved nd that plaintiff have and recover from deiendatit her cost and diaburwments in her said aim in. Ctirr d. Thi summons I published by onler ol lion. J. W. Hamilton Judgu of alore cniiiie,! court made in chamber on the 2 trd day of Nov ember, l'.'l. The rlist publication oi tlila sum mons is of date, November 2. Issit and the last publication hereof will be Monday, January l.i a, making the full period of six week pro vided by law. J. l LLKKTON, PlaintirT Atlorucy, Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the underlined. administsalor ot the estate of R. S. Applegate, deceed, has Hied his linl account a such ad minlstraUir, in Ibe County court of Donglaa county, Hlale of Oregon, and thai said court ba set Monday, the lnth dav of December, l'AH, at IU -I'chK'k a, ut., of said day, at the court house lu Rnsebunr. lhuigla county, Stale of Oregon, a Ihe lime and place for hearing objection theieioaud for Ibe final setllumeut of aaid cs laiu. UaU-d this Ulh day of November, 1901. A. P. APPLKUATB, Administrator ot the eatale of B, tt, Applegate, DtwcaaoO. Ut Drain Gardiner COOS BRY STRGE ROUTE IS WI.STEU SCHEDULE htage leavee Drain Undayg, Wedneadays ft.Ml Fri lays, auJ arrire ia Marghfield Ui- J1 owu.g day. Leavee MarsL tieM M-di-lay:, Wer3iieIay and Friday aa-i arrive, in Drain the following day. (ioJ CMVtred con veyainx-s. FARE fJ-30, including 50 pfundg of Utrgkve. c " . - . For furlLer iuforiuaLiou aMreae " ( J. H Sawyers, Proprietor, Drain, Onryjii , aj ja S ' "a 00CO30COC0CO30CJ0COC0 COXC aALEA HILLS The finest Rough and Dressed LUMBER 'it Fine Cedar Fence Posts, Wood, etc. Fine Port Orford Cedar Finishing Lumber.: We want your orders for building material. All orders promptly filled. GEO. W. RIDDLE LUMBER CO., AZALEA, OREGON i COOOCOCkOOOCXX XXXXC 1 -, i " j Cor. Oak and Eoee Streets. Phone Main SI. t"" ' '...-" I' "SK IIS' lit 1 1 51 8I1B E. C. CASE, Proprielor Best Rigs and Teams in the City. Transient Stock Given Special Attention Call and see me. 'Phone 601. My barn has lately been enlarged and I have added several new rigs, and am better prepared than ever to tuimau you ureau! fa n n The BorBngtoo tiOet oSce ia Portland ia a renUOlo Bnrean cf Information lor travelers a place where tbey can lean, what it will cost to read, ANY point is America or Europe, tow icog the trip wul take, and bat there is to see on the way If you are figuring cn aa eastern tnp. drcp ia and Cet full information, or. if you preier. write me aboot it Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City. SL Louis and EYEKVVHRE beyuod. Eli Coi. II man s il l i l .lawasswissBsaaaa Notice for Publication. rMTKD STATES LAND OFFICE, i "k1 Wr1on- lH-eembcr.4. l.I. ..thVh.ll 1,rby i'u Uat tn ".mpliance J , s?- i',Pn ?' ,he M Congress of I n,rtt"iin PnVh1'"J " fr the sale of e.1 7h;;,. .7..V" . ... . . " extend. OI lr. TI MW.I..I . . r--i:---: -imns. stale oi treoai, I ha hidy tilct iu thuorhce hi orn state-! SST " Purch, f ,he otlm. ! ei. otter mH.1 U, ,h"w ,C ai.kii V k, . . piirpirsja?, aatl to ilrisn winrT B,: George BUan elalm. ,ikl. . 1 o o ni tneir I Kebralr. Ir " 00 ' bt'"" 1 "n " ! d n J-T- BR'nuiE." I p Kegister. I Administrator's Sale. NtMice til hrivhr u(inH u. 1 thai .!,....,..: r. "a."rn,'d. , . . i.M ,,i Matiie t han. n lvf:ia Pur ol an onler ot toe VLf""" ,,0"'" fuaty. State o' Ore- ..-....j M.-ia.uuruirmisa ine 4th dav ul pryteaale.loreh iu hnd. or upoaridli lib approve.1 WUrtly, the MlowitT, dtaPrtfiil re.l..r.,p,rty. io-wil:'Theea..t loo IZTZ ih. cit. ,.f I 'c?n,' Hr'"rn Addition w lh.uty of Kosebiirg. iHmgla couuty. Oregon Hid. or oBcr. tor Ihe pure!,,, ( j p Wt! Awn ntersined or to $. i NolvJmUberl,lRSsrbU'' "0 th" U d' . , , - . CHAMDUCR. EMPIRE- Liver, FeeJ and hIs fi&lzt C. P. Bajlxajld, Prop. Saddle Hordes, Sialic Jkad Double Rij5 at all bourg TransicBt Stock gven very best of care Rates always reasonable Roseburg, Oregon gooa turn-outs. Information. A. C Shildos, General Agest. Third and Surk St. PcxtUnd. Ore. Si WBsi Citation. Tn t ht r,.,mv I'.u. . , . . , , . ..... . av. u.v X. VU 111, I 1 lVUS las si Us ot Oregon. la the matter of tbe nut of, t ducsaascd klla!th Uarrlon. To Martha C. Lova. BetMopl Roberta. illlam 5'"- Ar,hur i.reen. JI. D t.reen, ttatv K. wtdiaiua. JaiuaaC. Simrwrn. Alice Lerrns aret Warner Keunnty. bir al law of K.isabel. U am son, ttecvoaed. and to a.1 oiaer persona tat. crested in said estate, greeting: la the name ol the Stat, of Oregon. Yoa ar. ben-by ciie-t and reonirrd to appear in lb CiMiuty Court of the State oi Oregon, fr Ihe tunniy of Dntgla. al the court tvrnis themsf. ai owburg iu iheCounlvof IHMig'.a n lb 'Tixmret, i-An. at loocioc in tfea mrenoon of that J., then aud there to show cause, if any you have, wbv au order of Ihe wssa ryJ property belonging t said eIie. ue crtoed af billows. Uiwit. Lot No. I in Block No , aud lil So t' in Bi.H-k Noi 3 (lot ad rn.i iu Kdaburti. UvuK.asCouaiy. OreevMs should not be ma te autrtorniug H. J ViilMn. the ailministrator of the said esiate. to aril sai j ,..,-1... iu ine iwnu, against ire sai-t estate and the expense in the setUemcni ot tbe same. WMiiea the lion. M D. Thompson, Jndge of netountvCo-rtof Dugla county. Sia.e of H.TrnhW.1U "eelof ihe said court alBxed this l,,ib day of November 1AH, gALl 1. K. SHAM BROOK. Clerk. . gi-st publication of this notice be tug Nowat- Kxecutrix Notice. . Notice t hereby given that tn. nmlersigaej were on Ihe Jud dav ol November. !'! bv tn. t'llnvlv !'..., ..I Ii-,....l, V. J . ' v-. Mii. urrtos lll V ppotutevl s,-euirlv.n of Hi. U..I wil aid lb. MUlrt k.n.M U ..- .1 . . ... . . . - . -.. uewi. a ii perscata havltii el..i. .v..,,... , . ..... . T. . Z , -' '-' hi. Miweiwi,,, OOI by required to pnut them witn th pro tier Villielitfr. wl I hi ii at . ........ . , .w- . .V. iiii iri'tn ins "lie o thla notice b. th. iiii.1hmI.ii.i . . . Ihe ortiee ol A. St. t raw lord, in Uouv lfj tnuiitv, Orfjjn. Wtol hi U lk ay ul NVrcmbr. 11 L171K M. BKltwy XMMllHTIBl Al that wa-.l. ... a . .... . Va - ill B.- a tjTHIMiVl w