The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 12, 1901, Image 3

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    We are redoubling our efforts to make the PEOPLE'S STORE
the most popular place for bargain seekers to make their head
quarters, as our Fall and Winter goods have arrived and we are
selling them at a very low margin.
and we are selling
get them elsewhere.
them from
Our Fall Millinery Stock of Street and
Walking shapes are the most up-to-date
styles that has ever been in the city before,
25 to 50 per cent, cheaper than you cau
Our Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing are now in and one of
the latest and most up-to-date, and if you will step in and give
us a call you will be convinced that we have the most complete
and up-tadate line in the city, and you will see that we can sell
- you cheaper then you can get them elsewhere.
We are als
agents for .
W. L. Douglas Shoes
and Monarch
? The People's Store
K . aain ( (or in Civil
U nomber tbrsa
Perhaps tbre conM bo no tuoie we!
corns annoane n.eui iban the fact tbat
Wo. A, Brady and Joaeph Griemer.s
production "a Stranger in a Biranpe
Land" Will be aeen at tbe K.barg
opera boose, Saturday Dee. 14 Fur
many weeki thin g-eat farcical play
crowded tbe MhntUn Tbeatre, Mew
York, ceasing UieirimeiH 4 tb hi'tieet
sort to thousand! of j.a otc. It n-ar Vm
said tbat it has scored euos,
not only because it Uemi with In
dicroos aitnaiion, one crnwdingjat op
00 the other, but urrauee it ii free (rum
any taint of auggeetivenbaa and bereft of
tbe prurient offerious tbat permeate the
French farces of which the public have
aeen ao mm h of late. While ill funis
forions. it is wholesome and clean. Tus .
situations are nataral at wtll a novel
and there is no effect to sacrifice good
taste for tbe sake of laughs. It is up-to-date,
and its characters are every-day
types tbat one welcomes the more for
their naturalness and because tbe eveot
following its predeceeaor, cornea as a logi
cal sequence. Prices 75, 50, and 35 cents.
Childreo 25 cents. All seats on tbe low
er floor reserved.
Tbe U. 8. Civil Service Commission
will bold examinations at several place)
in each stale, daring March and April,
to secure young men and women for tbe
government service. 9,889 persons se
cured positions Isst year through these
examinations. Propably 10,000 appoint
meets will be made this year. All ap
pointments are for life and for most poal
tions onlv common school education is
required. Salaries at appointment vsry
tron $060 to $1200 a year with liberal
promotions afterward. Politics is not
consider. This affords a good opportooi
ty for people tetween 16 snd 45 yesrs of
age. Tboae desiring places of this kind
can get fall information about them, free
by writing to tbe Columbian Correspond
ence College, Washington, D. O. and
Service Catalogue,
t Told in Side Heads i
Almost CostPiJrra. Hie nue iew
hrinfc hniMin j tcviitlv ereC'wl 0
WoitLinstou A S nleton. cntrctorp,
for J. M., on flieri.'ai rtre,
sear tbe depot, is receiving it.e rii.i -hii
touches, ud is ce t.:i"ly a rredit to tha'
part of the cvy. T e hnildine, when
completed, will be occupied by Mr. Wil
kms who t presa t codnit the rail
road retursnt on Case street. Tbe
dinning room in tbe new bailding is 30x
W feet, well lighted wiih a fall glaes
front aud Bide windowe. Tbe el.ort or
der connter will be placed on the right
as yoa enter and Ihe rtcular dinning ta
bles on tbe left. A larse French range
bas been oidered and is expected to ar
rive in a few days. The ten well finish
ed nonie on tbe second fl"Kr are to be
c ed lor lodging rooms and will be fur
l is bed in first-class style. Mr. Wilkins
expects to be co ofortebly installed in
tbe new building by Jan. 1st.
A Model Shos Stokx. Tbe shoe store
of S. C Flint has receotly been eupplied
with some fine new fixtures, including
bamboo chaire, screens and a new fitting
stool with mirror, which enables ' the
purchaser to eee their footwear as others
see it. Tbis exclusive shoe store carries
a large aud strictly op-to-date lins of
footwear and Las made a reputation for
reaeouable pricea and courteous treat
ment of its patrons. We note also, tbat
a neat, cew artistic gi:t siu adotns the
front of the store, while tbe window dis
p'ays are attractive and pret ent to ad
v .nUge. the class and style of goods
Tue ' first killing froet of the season
came along Wet.night and dealt tender
v geta'iion the first knock-on. Tbe lux
ations growth of vegetables, berries.flow
eta and ail kinds of tender plants unpro
tected op to the middle of December is a
pretty good demonstration of tbe iop-ri-oiity
of tbe climate tf our f.yortd r ection
over even any other portion of onr grand
webfoot eta'e
ytiE!-TiOS A..-wniiii. Oi the last
page of uie TLAiNDtiLEa will be found
an rlie: wbic'i in Ace tbit uomher of
, tbe pair a valuable one to send to East
ern friei ds ard -intended hcuieeeekers.
All info luation eo egerly sought by in
Testore and bunieeeekera Is coniaioed in
anut-brll in Hh article and is s'rtctly
au'benticand reliable.
Probate Orders.
In tbe matter of the estate of Harrison
Allen, deceased, J. l. Hamilton, admin
istra'or, files a petition for an order for
tbe sale of the real property belonging to
tbe estate. It was ordered that a cita
tion be issued to the heirs sod next oi
kin, n quiring them to appear on Jan. 7,
1902 'and show canes, if any, wby an or
der shonld not be issued for tbe sale of
aid real property.
Ia tbe matter of the estate of Louisa
Cole, deeeaeed, W. H. Cole, admr., pe
littoos the coart far an order for distri
bution of the funds remaining in his
hands and tbat he be discharged from
fotber datv as administrator of the said
estate. Order granted with tbe provis
sion tbat tbe real property be held aub
ject to tbe disposition of the heirs. Tbe
entire holdings are valued at 11,361.12.
In the matter of the estate of Emiline
Davis, deceased. Piiaer Beckley, admin
istrator, is granted an order of citation
for toe heire, to appeal and show caoee
if any wby an order shonld not be made.
authorizing a sale of real property to
pay expenses of administrations and
other debts.
In the matter of the eetete of E. W.
Stewart, deceased, an order was granted
the administrator, J. . Cox, to sell at
private sale certain reel property belong
ing to the estate, to satisfy claims against
tbe said eetate.
In tbe matter of the estate of John
Emmett, deceased, it was ordered tbat a
document filed, purporting to be tbe last
will and lertasneatot deceased, be ad
mitted. Wm. Kamp and John H. Shupe
were appointed executors. Rnfus Cran-
fill, Frank Gorrell end . rortin were
appoin ted appraisers. TLs estate is vet
oed at 120,000.
In tbe matter of the estate of John
Emmett, deceased, tbe executors, J. H.
Shnpe and Wm. Kamp have filed their
bond io tbe sum of $40,000 with J. C.
Fallerton, T. B. Sbeiidan, Mrs. M. Ji-
sepbson, and B. W. Stronr , as "entities.
I a the matter of the estate of John
Jooee. deceased, tbe admin it tra tor, Ja
cob W. Jones, was author ized to sell per
so ia! property belonging to said estate.
In tbe estate ot. as. cDenc,weUi, de
ceased, tbe administrator, A. F. Stearns,
was aalborizad to repair fences and pay
for same out of any money coming into
his hands bom said estate.
Of Local Interest.
Over-gaiters, leggins snd robber low
er, prices at Flint's.
While our line of Holiday Goods is very
complete, it must diminish rapidly as
Christmas approaches. Our latest novel
ties and choicest bargains will be first to
go and while' we shall use every effort to
meet all demands for duplicates, we cannot
expect to secure them in many instances
during the Holiday rush. A quite unusual
event in
I Womens S s
We would call your attention to a few
numbers, on which we are making special
prices as follows:
2 The Undrpriced Store
n 0.0 O.O.O . OO
. Store closes at 7 p. m n
LOT1. I LOT 2. IOT 3.
A Leader at A Leader at A- Leader at
$3.50 $4.50 I SG.OO
If either of the above prices are about
what you wish to pay we will guarantee to
save you $1,50 to $2.50 on the price.
The A. O. U. W. lodge held their an-
nal election Monday and tbe following
officers were cboeeu : II. T. McClailec,
master workman ; E. H. Lennox, fore
man ; John Kantr, overseer ; W. T.
Wright, receiver; D. 6. West, fiaancior;
John W. Veatch, recorder; Wm. Cur
risr, guide: B. 8. Nichols, inside watch
man ; F. . Hand, ootaide watchman ;
P. Benedick, trnatee, three years.
When be looks at ber, bia heart goee
kerplnnk. Her eyes are beaveuly bias,
ber treeeee golden, ber lips a eomtner
dream ol beauty, and cheeks like the
bloab of the rose. Tbe school, bos gaze
at ber as tbey pass and at once forget
football, examinations and tbe like.
She seetly looks out at tbe paasaraby
from Currier' ebow window. She ia a
large wax doll and ia to be given awavto
one of Currier's lucky customere.
fl. E. Lou .a'jury, travelling freight
agent, J. P. Jones, travelling passenger
agent, and R. B. Miller, general freight
and passenger ag.nt, of tbe S. P. Co'a
linee in Oregon, were in Roeeborg few
hours Tueeday morning, returning "to
Portland from a tour of inspection a'ong
ttM lines in Southern Oregon. This
office ackooeleces a ploaseat call from
tbeee genial officials.
New arrivals expected in this week,
are almost entire car of Trnok an-i Va
lieces from factory, Urge lot o( Bamboo
fainiture. Large iuvjice fancy Backers
and Morris chairs, large invoice pearl
pen and pocket cutlery. New Suits Side
Boards, China cloeeta, and combination
deeks. We are in tbe Swim and Swim
in tbe Lead. Rice A Bice.
Tbe new Riseburg eteim laundry
started up tbis week and tbe machinery
baa been giving tbe beet of satisfaction
and very little trouble to the operators.
Tbe lsundry is being vsry freely pat
ronized and with its able management
and efficient operators, together with its
modern machinery is sore to give tbe
very best of satisfaction.
We are in midst of Toy land. Go cart
doll cabe, tov wagons, children's chairs.
Boy's Salee. Bjy'a Steel wagoos. Tov
Trunks, little Iron Bed, red chairs,
white chairs aud any otbf r color cbairs
fancy Seta, Silver mugs, Rogers Knives
and Forks, Beautiful Pocket Knivee.
Dont be foolish and miss as. Rtce &
Perry Sherwood traded bis property in
Cottage Grove eometime ago for 160
acres of land at Colorado Springs. A
short time sgo oil was discovored on the
land aJjjtning. He sold bis property
for $8,500 clearing up 15,000 on tbe deal.
He was born under a lucky eUr.
It is an old axiom tbat "bread ia the
staff of life" bat tbis dependl somewhat
on its qualitv. Tbe fine cream and
borne made bread made at J. Siever's
bakery on Jackson street near Csss never
fails to please. A nice variety of pastries
also kept constantly on band.
The Y. P. S. C E. of the Christian
and Presbyterian Uburchei wilt hold
their monthly union meeting at tbe
PresDyterian Chorea Suaday evening
at 6:30. Subject "Imperialism' of Christi
anity" Dao. 2:41-45. Leader Frank E.
Alley. Everybody cordially invited to
If yoa want tbe beet and most health
ful bread voo will oa our "cream" and
"home-made" bread. Fail weight
loaves. Our paatriea will also be found
very palatable. Give us a trial, J.
Sievers, Jackson street near Caaa.
Hon. A. F. Stearns, of Oakland waa
transacting business at tbe county seat
Wednesday and favored tbe Plaindkal-
kb with a very pleasant call. He re
ports the prospects favorably (or a lively
holiday season in Oakland and vicinity.
lit a (act tbat Strong is showing the
greatest line of rockers ever seen io
Dooglaa county and at tbe greatest va
riety of prices. A good cobler rocker for
$2 and from tbat to f 13 also splendid
willow rockers at reasonable pricea.
Wm. Kamp one of the enterprising
and progressive citizens of the Umpqua
Ferry precinct was in town Wednesday
transacting basioees. Tbe Plaimokalkb
was favored with a very pleasant call
and a subscription renewal.
Free pictures made at the 8anbem
Photo Parlors on Mondays andTutsdays,
between tbe bouis of 10 and 3. For the
Unique Photo frames.
U. U. W. BsADroao.
Geo. Langenberg, supervisor of tie
Gila Biyer forest reserve in New Mexico,
is visiting borne folks aud many Irienda
io tbis citv, and will remain until tbe
I 28tb wben tbe duties of bis oillee com
pels bis return.
For doll carriages, boy's express wag
ons, carpet-sweepers, rocking horses,
shoo flys, toy tables and, black-boards,
stoves either big or little call on B. W.
B. F. Bamp, one of Douglas county's
leading farmers, is it) tbe city. Mr.
Ramp's fine farm ia in tbe suburbs of
Boseburg, where bis children attend
school. Albany Democrat.
Fresh cranberries at H. Mark's A Co.
character and good .reputation in each
state (one in this county required) to re-
Dreeentand advertise old eetabiiensd
wealthy business bouse of solid financial
standing. Salary I1H.00 weekly with
expensee additional all parable in cash
each Wedneaday direct from bead
offices. Horse and carriages furnished,
when neceesary. References Enclose
self-addreseed stamped envelope. Man
ager, SI6 Caxtoo Bailding, Chicago.
The W. C. T. C.'s and their invited
guests met at the borne of Dr. snd Mrs.
Fisber to give Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey a
farewell sarpriae, Monday evening. Tbe
evening was pleasantly spent with gamee
followed by delicious refreshments con
sisting of ice cream, eake and coffee. A
White Ribbon birthday book was pres
ented to Mrs. Godfrey as a token ol rr-
meaberence by the W. 0 T. U. Tie
games were iotersparaed with date and
solos by Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Wooley.
Tbe rooms were beaatifally decorated
with ivy, mistletoe andcrysantbsmums.
Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey and son took
their departore for Portland today.
When yoa ere in want of a Cook stove,
riteel range. Heating atove, or any tbing
in tbe line of Hardware, Tinware etc.
gotoS. K. Sykesand getbia prices and
yoa will go no farther.
At their regular meeting Thursday
evening Lilac Circle No. 49, W. of W.,
elected officers as follows: P. G. N
Sarah Dimmkk; G. N., J. E Sawyers;
adviser, Amanda Tufft; clerk, Minnie
Oiej; banker, Alice Fickle; magician,
Mary E. Shops; attendant. Maude
Woodruff ; physician, Dr. G. E. Hoock ;
inner sentinel, Emma Agee; outer i
linel, Mamie Miniard; caUain of guard,
Mary Lobr; musician, Mary Hoock;
managers, J. H. Shape, Lee Wimberly,
Dora Reniro.
A'l work done by tbe Title Guarantee
A Loan Oo- J. D. Haeaiuoa, manager,
is KuaranLred absolutely correct. Ao
stracta of titles are worthless nnleei
properly made.
A large number of Boeebnrgers attend
ed tbe funeral of Engineer W. H. White,
in Portland yesterday. Among the nam
ber were : Mrs. B. F. Lobr, Misses Jen
nie Gilvin and Maud Catching. Mr. and
Mrs. F. L. Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Tynan, Mrs. J. H. Dumphrey, Ed Kin
ney.W.D. Jesee, Robe Medley, Scott
Landers, W. Wren and W. F. Anderson
No danger of tbat boy or girl going
wrong if yoa keep tber time well occn
pied. Get a Kodak for them. Church
ill & Wuolley keep them as low as $1.
New potatoes tbe middle of December
fresh from the gaidea. This is irrefuta
ble argument of tbe richness M the soil
and unexcelled climate ot the Umpqaa
Valley. W. A. Greek baa a box of fine
new potatoes on exhibition in tbis city
which were grown in his 'garden
town since the September crop was har
Simond.a Cross Cot 8aws will do mors
work with less exertion and hold their
catling edge longer than anv other
Brand. Buy tnem Irom o b) tea.
About thirty of tbe young friends of
Miss Ona bloper, gave her a
pleasant sarprise Mondsy evening at ber
boms on Pit zer street, in honor of hr
19th birthday anniversary. The evening
was spent with music, games and
(reshments, and greatly enjoyed by all
There is only one sbos store in tbe
city, wbere your feet are' properly fitted.
If yoa are skeptical, follow tbe crowd
and we .will show yoa at Flint's.
Elder Tbos. Barklow of the German
Baptist Cbari:b ol Myrtle Point spent
Wednesday in Rosebog on bis retain
boms fioin a visit to Jackson County
in tbe interests of bis Church. Tbe
Plaikdxalkb waa favored with a bu slaves
Call at Wollenberg Bros, aod get a
Standard Fashion Sheet for the month
of January, it will interest yoa il joa
have any dress-mskiug to do.
Miss M. Lona Haeeell, secretary of the
T. K. Richardson music boose, in this
city, left yeeterdey for Cottage Grove
wbere she will spend a few weeks, tak
lug charge ot tbe branch house in that
By calling on J. D. Hamilton at ids
Roeeborg coat t boose yoa can get bl-ie
prints of any section or township in tbe
Boseburg land district.
J. H. Mampower one of tbs prosper
ous and highly respected farmers in the
vicinity ot Leoos, ia tranracting business
in Roeeborg today, and favored this of
fice with a very pleasant call.
Tbis week. TLarsdav, Friday snd Sat
urdey Dr. Low will be at the McClellen
If you want to aee as yoa should see, see
bim about your eyes.
Tbe Sootbsrn Pacific engines are all
draped in mourning out of respect to
Eogineer W. 11. Whits and Fireman S.
L. Fish who lo.t their lives lu tbs Salem
Tha Irnul .nJ .1.1 ... .it 4-
- ' - mju uuiuiuv miw VII
ready for Old Santa in tbs corner In
dow of Cloyd k Brown's up-ti-dau gro
cery store, near the depot, and is a neat
and artistic piece oi work, to be aura. '
I will willingly exchange any Simnnd's
Gmea Cut saw not satisfactorv ' to user,
ifhffnliistn thessw. Bold only by
S. K. Sjas.
TbsW.C.T. D. will meet next Fri
day, lr. 13 ?::t0 at tbs home of Mrs.
Walker. Au interesting meeting is ex-prc-ted
as Mrs. Thompson is one of the
fiiat Crusaders aud will be present.
J. D. Hamilton bas ths onlv com Diet e
set of abstract hooks in the county. See
elm at tbeuoort House, wben yoa want
abstracts ol title.
Sam 8jkes, tbs genial and tnter
prising hardware merchant, to present
ing bia friends and customers with bia
usual annual present a neat, new cal
Dr. J. Curtis Snook, dentist will be la
Glendsle prepared to do dental work
Monday Dec loth lor a few days. St.
An Interesting game of football is an
ticipated between tbs Roeeborg and Cot
tage Grove teams at (be Bellows field in
West Boseburg, next Saturday at 2:30
m w j miyi miwv VltB.
notes and all forms ol legal blank, at tbe
PLAixnciua office. U I
Miss Nora E Holton, a practical de
monstrator, will servs Blanks'! famous
coffee free all day Wednesday, Deo. 18,
at Cloyd A Brown's grocery, near tbe
Nice, freab, whits bread, fall weight
always on band at Mrs Oomstock's,
V. 8. Woodruff returned to Roeeburg
from Battlegronnd, Weah., this morning
snd will remain hero indefinitalv. He
reports times fairly good ia Washington.
A complete line of Xmas presents in
gold or silver st tbs lowest prices st
Mrs. A. L. Sandsrs ia a recent arrival
in Roeeborg from Molino, and will make
ber future boms with bar soo-ia-law and
daughter, Bev. and Mrs. A. 8. Mulligan.
Nice fresh bread, assorted cakes, and
pastries of all kinds, at Griffith's Bakery.
Jodge J. W. Hamilton and Diet net
Attorney Brown, who bavs been holding
the regular term ol circuit court at Cor-
vallis, returned to Boseburg roeeday
Plenty oi doughnuts on hand for tbs
holidays at Mrs. Comsuxk's Bakery.
Hon, A. R. Mat toon, ol Buldls,
transacting business at tbe connty
Wedneedev. He reports holiday trade
brisk in bia section of tbs country.
Go to J. T. Bryan for your silverware
and jewelry. The latest styles oat.
Deputy Bsvenns Inspector D. F. Fox,
of Ashland, is to the dty, and was io at
tendance st tbs grand opeodLeg ol ths
McClallen Hones last night.
Those news stiff beta at U. Marks A
Oo, are ths beet made ia America.
Miesee Jeaa Clark s and Katrwna Mc
Giegor, ol Gleadale attended tha ban
quet and ball at tha McClsllaa Hoots
last night.
Gold peoi, optical goods and Boavsrart
spoons at Salsmaa'a.
Mies Bertha Carina, who has bas
spending the past eight months ia Dons
eauir and San Francisco, returned borne
Northern Spy and Spitaeaberg apples
at H. Marks and Co.
Walter Hoover, agent for tbs Wood-
bora turseriee, was transacting basiness
in Yoocslla and vicinity a tew days this
ovoovovovovoovvvoovcvcv ...
Of some suitable Xmas Present for some friend or
relative? If so, we can help you by a suggestion or
two which should be valuable to you.
For a Gentleman
A fine Muffler, Necktie, Suit, Overcoat,
Pair of Shoes, Silk Handkerchief, or
something in the Furnishing Goods
line, makes a handsome as well as useful
present. ;
For a Lady
What could be better than a handsome J
Collarette, Cape, Uoak, .Lace Ullar or
Dress Pattern?
Or if you desire to make Fancy Work, Handkerchiefs, Point Lace Work, etc., we
have a full and complete line of Battenbere and Point Lace Patterns, Braids,
Thread, Handkerchief Linens, Footinj?, Edeines, etc- We sponjre and shrink all
Dress Goods by means of our spotless Steam Sponger, thereby insuring the wear,
ht and color of any piece of Dress Goods, for 5 cents a yard.
sv varsirsxr V-aw er
High School Notes
Twua. a.Towt(t5B, EUtot. ?
4 Bsaaia ainaca. aaanctate
-V!;i:4'.-:at.: tts
Tbs near approach of- tha Holidays
doss not aswen to dam pea tbs ardor, or
leeeea tbe interest of oar stadeat ia their
varioos rlrmese, yet tha short vacation
will be welcome, r
Tbs principal event lor next month
will he the (amooa Schubert Sysipboay
Club and Ladies Qeartatts, Jaaoary
I. at ths opera aooes. Tha
paay comes to ' wa highly
mended. Every place, at which they
have played, has wished a iwpsiitios) of
their perfomianee. This program is
planned ea per tally to salt tha tastes of
tvwryooa. Ota half ol lbs program 2s
high elaea tumor. ItiasaJetoeey tbat
eo er tsrtadc mailt sjvwa ia Roeeborg
next year will be snore popular. Nearly
ail iha reserved vesta bavs beta sold.
The entertainment is ondar tbe auspices
of tba banket ball teams, and tickets soey
be bought front tbem at 76. 60 aad 33
cents. Tba proceeds will ba applied to
soma dapartaaent of school work. A
large attasirlssics ia asked, far.
Tba football taaa of tha Bosabarg
High School will pUy tha Cottage Grove
team oo. gatarday, Das. 14, ia tba Bei
loweaaldia'Weat Boaabwg at 1 a. .
Admission 25 cants. Every body
sod enjoy Toaraelvws aad betp along
T. K. Richardson
Lima aod cameo t at vsrykw prices at
U waters' Drag tkora.
Born, to Mr. aad Mrs W. O. Grnbba,
at rkousborg, Dec 8th, a big booncing
girL All interested ara vary moch pleased.
See Salx mans opto data lins of watches
and jewelery.
L. M. Da ball aad W. B. Bentssa
prominent cilisena ol Canyon ville, wars
bosinsas visitors at ths cooaly seat Toes-day.
Practical Arithmetics now oa hand at
Mar lore.
Jodge O. L. WiHiaaad daughter. Mass
Lain Willis, want to Portiead tbis morn
ing, where they will remain a lew days.
Kilver aoyelties of all designs at Bala
man's. .
Hob. A. It. Crawford bas retarned
boose froa JacksoaviUa whsrsbs bas
beea attending draoit coart.
Dr. Lows, tbs ey a specialist is at tbs
McClalleo. as ba wont be back tor
soma time ba ears snd eee bim while ba
is here.
Miss Agnsss Pitchlord baa succeed sd
to the management of ths Boaeborg earn
ttal telephone office.
Dr. Lowe, tba-opUdaa has all that ia
new and op-to-date ia tha optical busi
ness. Bos bim II yoa valaa yoor arts. -
Bsv. J. Blair aod family war passeng
ers oo Wedneaday Shasta Express, en-
route to their new bobe at (Jlendale.
Dr. Lows, tba wall known ont icla a is
now at tba McClallsn iloose ta remain
till batarday.
A. M. Crawford, a prominent attorney
of Bosabarg, is attending our cirooit
coart. Jacksonville Times.
Mrs, F. L. Roasal, of Oakland, re
turned homo Tuesday after a ftw days
spent with friends here.
William II. Dal ton waa convicted of
murder in the first degree at Portland
Mrs Geo, Marsh and Mrs. Jonas, tf
Looking Glass, wars shopping in Bose
burg today.
Cols Stanton has returned boms from
a pleasant visit with friends it Portland
and Eugene.
Dr." W. Crosby of Riddle, was regis
tered st ths McClallso Hons Wcdaes-
Wm. Buassll of tbis city, bas aaoepted
a clerkship in tba Dooglaa Connty Bank.
8. 0. Miller aod wife, of Dillard, are
registered at Hotel McClallsn today.
Dr. J.c. Twicbellla in I'ortlaod on
I'Atn at us wanted for on or twa
bo-wee through, the winter. Moot have
access to shed for shelter, aad light feed
timing sever wiatai. Address "E"
cars this offion stating price aad loeatioa.
PlacbtBcv Paaaajrra. If yoa ara
look lug for presents do not tail to azaaa
low J. T. Bryan's elegant line of ail
war aad jwwalrr.
ft I. B. RIDDLE, Prop. X
ah J , kVL BlUDS Of X
Fresh Dntfs, Hedldaea, t
9 Toilet Articles. PalaU. J
V Oils, Glass, Sundries. V
jr CaPreecriptioBa promptly filled
0 by a competent druggist. 0
0000000000 3
Griffith's Bakery, near the depot.mtks
a specialty of Wedding and Holiday
cakes. Thsy also keep a choice line of
Miss Anna Hunt, of Lrona, is a gar I
of friends in F.denbower this week.
xcrlnce Convinces.
TroTa iu value bv iavestinff 10 eenta in
trial sire of Ely'a Cream Balm. DruggisU
supply it and we mail it. Full aute 60 eanta.
ELY BK08., M Warren St., Kew York.
lilliton, Aruona,
Maaara. Ely Bros, t Please aand me a W
cent bottle of Cream Balm. I find your
ramadvtheauiekeat and most permanent
curs for catarrh aud cold in the bead.
riKi.i. M. Pom. Gen.Mer. Aril. Gold M. Co.
Mesara. Klt Bbob.; I have been afBicUd
with eatarrh for twenty years. It maOa me
ui waak I thoncht I had eonewmptioa.
got one bottle of Ely'a Cream Balm and ia
three days tbe discharge atoppad. It is tha
I Lrat medicine I have need for catarrh.
Probarta. CaL fasna t bsMsartas.
Elegant line of New High Grade Pianos and Organs
Also small instruments, for the holiday Trade. Sheet
Music A musical instrument is always appreciated
aboAe all else as a holiday iri ft.
Roseburg Steam Laundry
We are now ready for business
with new and up-to-date machine- w
TV. Work will be . neatly, and s!--s
DTomptlv done. Watch for
Wagon or call 'Phone 791.
For the next 30 days we will give a 20 per
cent discount on our entire line ot ladies
furs, including
A TJarrxilllcant lilnc. Gome and Sec Them.
H 11
j -