The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 12, 1901, Image 1

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V . 0 Vv
' -5 ,A,
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I ob Printing
In busy, seasons brings
yon your share of trade;
Ia b v ry important factor hi
bnmnew. Poor Drintiiur r
advertising in dull noa
sons bring yen your shara, and also
that -f the merchant who "cau't af
ord'to advertise.
fleets no credit on a good
bQHjnwta boose. Let ns dc your Job
Printing we gnaranuse it to be 10
every way aatibfactorj.
. " ' : ; -J. t ; - v ' . i i ' ? i ; i
Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868.
No. 99
r svi 111 iti tb.
1 - 1
r-r TTAri -w rr.i -r rrxn as.
Collarettes, tlie big and only swell line
iu the city. Fur Boas in all lengths,
colors and styles. Ladies, if you want
a swell black dress, call and examine
our stock, we can assure you it is the .
best money can buy.
Bargains in Linen Lace at
cents per yard. . . . . .
One II I
Price W III iRfl nPrff KmC Price
Store v
Open until
?" nr i j' I f"V-W t It
Our Toy Department SS"SL?S22
!hoo Flys, Cradles, Rockers and Chairs, Stoves, Iron Express Wagons
from $1.00 up and many other things too numerous to mention.
Bring Us Your
r - m
Who Pays the Grocer?
Oar customers pay ns and tboy do it without kicking,
becaoee we sell tbe beet groceries, staple and fancy, at
tbe most reasonable prices in tbe city. If yon don't
know this to be a fact, prove it by giving us a trial
order. 'Phone 163.
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in
fresh Groceries,
when . ou order them. Call up 'Phone No. i8i,
for go ft goods and
C. W.
OM'T FORGET Free Demon-.
stration of Blanhe's Famous
Coffees. OWE BAY OWIaY
If you
If you
If you
want to buy a farm ,
want furnished rooms
want to buy a; house
If you want to
If you want to
If you want to
I t on don't know PAT
cr on or address . .
rent a. house
build a house
move a -house-
F. fatter an.
w - One "
vars Kto
8 o'clock.
and we present our claims fur con
sideration to the
a in i -w a w ax -w
buying public, confident that when
goods are exam ined and prices com
pared all purchases will be made
with us. We are showing the
greatertline of willow cobbler seats
of solid oak rockers ever shown in
Douglas county also a full line of
styled of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs
Be Prepared
for bad weather. It is here now
and will be with ns for "quite a
while.'? We have the necessary
footwear to complete your rainy
day costume, aiid a complete
line of
Gaiters, Leggings
and Rubbers. . . .
all np to the nsual high standard
of quality and marked at usual
low prices. x
good cooking, is to have good
and to get them promptly
good service. .
tod Builder
Mi ill
Events of
Few Days.
the Past
Cream of the Dispatches Dished
Up in Condensed Form for
the Busy Reader. .
Dalle is showing the rght spirit in
hnstling a $10,000 boom to aeenre a
railroad to Fall" City, a bin timber cen
ter, Dallas expects io retiru to secure
location of a big sawmill aud a corres-
ponding increase of businohs.
Lucky men
down in New Mexico!
Boring for oil in a desert on the line of
tba Topeka and Saut Fe railroid they
track a gusher, a water gusher, tbongb,
that Sows a thousand gallons an boor
through the two-inch drill bole. The
water is more valuable tbsn oil down in
that waterless, sun-dried cooutry.
Tnere is still plenty of public land and
it is being taken op faster than ever be
fore. Tue Yakima country bat been
settled for a score or more Tears yet the
land office reports more November borne-
stead filings than in any perion mon:h
in the history of the oilier. And it is
tba earns all over the Noithwett.
Four bita" makes tba "east of tbe
mountains" Oreooiaos who have wheat
let looe. A fifty-cent-a-boabel order
reached Pendleton tbe middle of Satur
day afternoon and by tbe time for clos
ing bnsineee one banred thoo'jaod barb
els beld tbereand at common points were
unloaded. Had the order came ear It in
tbe day several times that amount could
bave been boagbt.
New York state eujiys tbe distinction
of baring aa a resident the oldest office-
bolder in tbe country. He it RoeeweH
Beardsley, post-master at North Ltnaing
N. Y. Mr. Beardsley received his ap
pointment from President John (jaincy
Adams and ha beld tbe position ever
since l!&8. He is ninty-nioe years of
age and writes bis reports regularly
very month to the department at Wash
At Gatbrte, O. T , a sheiiff recently
attached a peeeenger train aa it halted at
tbe depot to satisfy a judgment of 1 76
beld by an emplore against the railroad
company, lne omciaM private car was
aUacbed to tbe train and wben tbey sig
naled the engineer to poll out it was dis
covered that tbe determined sheriff bad
blocked tbe engine with a Io chain.
Tbe claim was finally payed after consid
erable parly and tbe train moved on.
While an investigation of the opening
of tbe switch that lea to the areck st
Salem Saturday is under way. Superin
tendent Fields, of the boat hero Pacific
Company, doubts' whether any further
light will be sbed on tie matter. A dili
gent search for tbe switch lock has failed
to reveal its wbereaboats. It has dissa-
peared as if swallowed np by the earth,
and herein is where the mystery sur
rounding tbe wreck with tbe baleful con.
erqoences lies.
Letter List.
Remaining nccatled for at tbe Rose-
bnrg poetof&ce.
Adams, Henry Marlindale, R. L.
Blackmail, Sylvia Monhray, Mrs.
Davis, O. M. Rritzel, M. E.
Huffman, Harry A. Rosenblatt, Ike
. Johnson. Clyde . RmkI, Rev. C. F.
Litteo, Wm. G. Thome, Edw. D.
Persons call rag for these letters will
please state tbe date on which they are
advertised, Dec. 9, 1901 :
Tbe letters will be charged for at tbe
rate A one cent each.
W. A. Fbater. P. M.
For Typewriter.
If, in the past yon have bad trouble
with your typewriter ribbons, send s
sample order to E. is. King, No. 21S Sao
soms Street, San Fraucisco, and see il
yon can't get a better ribbon for seventy
five cents tban yon bave been paying a
I dollar for. (7 per ooren any color and
for any machine. E. L. Kino,
Pacific. Coat General Agent.
213 Sansome St.. San Francisco. N18
Ill's going to
! be a ereat
Watches, Clocks,
Ware and Novelties
which include the pick of the market in bright,
fresh, new styles. Novelties for Christmas.
Always pleased to show our goods at
Headquarters for Holiday Goods, Choice Con fectioneriee end Fruits.
Fine fresh fsmilf Groceries, both stsple snd fsncy. Novelties snd
Toys in profusion, Call whiU tbs selection ia good, Prices are rqnal
ly as pleading as my goods. 'Phons 246. . . -
tCass and Pine Sts.
From Our, 6
I Correspondents.
Olalla Newa.
Health generaly good.'
Bushnell and boper art runing tba
Day saw mill.
Miners: happy now that tbey bave
plenty of water.
Farmers improving their time in plow
ing and sowing. j
Mrs. Colpltof tba Sound is visltbg
with her sister Mrs. Col Day.
Rider Bros, bave tbeir mill in good
shape and are turning out an excellent
lot of lumber.
Cot Day baa been absent for some
days on business sonectad with dredg
ing on tbe Colombia rivsr. U. No.
Mr. Royal A. Giles of Waterloo, Wis
consin, is visiting with our post master
and wife. He is tbs too of Mrs. Wells
and be will probably remain on this
Tbe people of O'alla will celebrate the
departure of the old year aod tbe com
ing in of the new year with a grand ball
oo New Year eve. Good music and a
good supper will be provided.
Shadow Social At Brockway.
The Shadow Social at Brockway was
beld lat Friday evening a announced
in tbe Pliikdbalkb ol Dec. Sod., aod
was a splendid success. About six
o'clock tbe people began coming lb aod
by 7 :30 tna boose was crowded with tbe
people of tbe District and from Dillard,
Winston, Ten Mile, Looking Glass, and,
oiber places. Toe splendid literary
and musical programme formerly adver
tise 1 in the Plai.hduu.xb, was very
creditably carried oot tba welcome ad
dress beine delivered - be PraL J. K
Pattersoo. Mr. F. P. Hermann, violin,
j abd Mr. Sabring aed Uias Edna Wins
ton organ supplied tbs greater part of
toe instrumental moaic which was Ana.
At tbs close of tbe literary and musical
programme a short intermission waa
given before the sals ot tbe Shadows waa
began. Mr. W. A. Sim moods tbs chair
mab ol tbs board aoctiooad tbs Shadows
and proved to be an expert in tbe work.
The biddiog wss rapid and spirited. Ot
53 eelee laws than one-tbird sold under
one dollar. Many selliog for Three,
tour and Five Dollars. Tba amount
realised was 179, which will be need to
purchase a Library for tbs school.
Alter sapper masic was again furnieb
ed by Meaeers. Hermann and Sebring
and a abort address made by tbs teachers
thanking tbs neighbors and friends lor
tnelr presence, excellent order and as
sistance in makiog this tbs most success
ful social ever held in ibis part of tba
County. The people of Biockaay are
Ijyal 'aj tbeir school and all are highly
pleased with tbe success of tbeir e Hurts
A winter trip to Southern California
and Arixooa via tbs famous Shasta
Root, is one never to be forgotten. Re
newed acquaintance witn this section
will ever develop fresh points of interest
and addsd sources ol enjoyment under
its sunny ariee, in tbs variety of inter
ests and added industries, in its prtlific
vegetation and among its n amber lees re
sorts of mountain, shore, valley and
Two trains leave Portland daily, morn
ing and evening fur California. Tncss
traiss are rqaipped with ins most im
proved pattern of staedard aod tourist
sleeping cars, and the low rales place the
trip in reach of alL
For illustrated guides ot California and
Arixooa winter resot ta, addreaa
R. B. Millkb.
Gen. Passr. Agent, Portland, Or.
Wood Wanted.
Sealed bids to furnish 120 tiers of oak
and 10 tiers of old fir, 20 inch wood to be
delivered at tbe school booss in Rose-
burg, on or before Oct. 1m, 1903, will be
received by the undersigned until 12
o'clock noon of Jao. 3rd, 1902. A bond
conditional to lbs faithful performance
of tbs contract to furnish said wood
most accompany each bid. Tbs board
reserves tbs right to reject all bids. By
order board of directors, Dist. No.
Roeeborg, Oregon,' Dec. 9, 1901.
Claba DltXABO,'
School Clerk.
Our carpet and rag department la n
to date and what makes a nicer Christ
mas gilt for tbs wifs or daughter I nan a
nice carpet or rog and the place to get
them is st Strongs Furniture Store.
and at present
the best sight in
town is our . . .
Jewelry, Silver
7 rW
UCU, VY v lai;p
Salem the Scene of Another
Nicaragua Cedes Canal Right' of
Way to tbe United
8albm, Ore.. Dec. 9 A bead-on col
lision between tbs south bound extra
freight traia and tbs regular northbound
freight. No. 226. occurred at 4 o'clock
this; alternoon, within 200 yards ol tbe
passenger depot in this city, Tbs engine
of the extra freight train was badly dis
abled. None of either train crew waa
injared. The seen, ol tbs accident was
on tb. trestle across a branch of Mill
Creek, a boat 400 yards distant from Bat
or Jay's fatal wreck. Tbe trestle is oo s
carve, bordered by s bigb board fence,
where an approaching train is not visi
ble 100 yards abead.
Tbe two trains involved were tbe reg
ular northbound freight, No. 226 Walter
Morrao, conductor, aod an eitra freight
oath boa od, C M inkier, oorxl actor
John Paulson wss engloeer on sngins
No. 13S5, of tbs regular freight.
Fireman WilUts assisted bins, wbils
Engineer W . G. Lovejoy and Firs
man F. H. Bolter occupied the cab ol tbs
eouthboaud sitrs freight engine. No.
The soolhboond silre, paUed by en-
gins No, 1606, in charge of Engineer
Lorrj iy sad Fireman Boltsr, cams than
dering down grade aod eraabsd into tba
approaching engine. Both crews ap
plied airbrakes, but tbs momentum of
tbe heavily-loaded freights could not be
checked. An eyewitness ears that alter
brakes were applied tbs crew oo tbe sz
tra freight sbaadsd tbs engine, bat that
tbs occnpwnU of the other cab remained
at their post. Tbs sogine on lbs ei tra
freight wss badly disabled. A cylioder-
bead waa brosea and tbs boiler was rup
tured. Tb. only damags to tbs otbtr
Dgine was tbs lose of lbs pilot.
Tbs wrecking crew waa called from tbe
scene of Saturday 'a wreck, and bad tba
track clear! witbia aa boar. Tb.
northbound freight continued on to Port.
Ian I, and tbs engine ol tbs extra freight
wvreplaced by one in nee by the wrecB
ing crew.
Tbe blame for tbs wreck, it was staled
rested eotirsly on tbs so laser of reg
olar frigh'.wbo waa doiog soma switch
ing on lbs main track, when tbs extra
freight cams in and did not givs lbs 1st'
ler a clear track. Tbs damags dons
oot great, but U was by a miracle taat
loss of lifs did not occur. Tbs sogine
crew of the sootbbonnd train wars ana
bis to see tbs track ahead owing to tbe
sharp carve jat north of tbs bridge, sod
tbs bigb fence oo tbs east aids of tbs
track. Engineer Lovejjy saw nothing
from bis si Is of tbs engine, bis view be
ing entirely col off, sod wbea bis firs
man shouted s warning, ds did not know
what waa coming, thinking, of coarse,
that a train was approaching st foil speed
s id having dons sll bs could to stop bis
own train, be followed tbs siampls tf
bis fireman and jompsd for safety.
Engineer Paalseo remained oo bis
engine, which, by tbs way, waa tbs oss
polling tbe ill-fated train tba plangrd
into Lake Labisb, on tbs night of No
vsmberU. 1890. Conductor "Sbaa"
Corner, who wss la charge of tbs Laks
Labisb train, and who was seriously io
jored st that time, was at tbs wreck Iset
night, bs being in charge the north boa ad
overland train, which was delayed by
lbs freight wreck.
Washisotoh, D. C, Dec 10. Mis,
Ads Gilbert Denis, a iashiooal dresi
maker of ibis city, was found dying ia
bar room at 5 o clock this morning,
Her akall was badly fractured, bar jaw
boos broken and tbs Isft ear severed
Her assailant or assailants are unknown.
It rivals the telebrated Bonins case.
Salt Labb, Utah, Dc. 10. A railroad
rate war if oo. Fifty per cent on wrst
bound freights is usual.
HbilbkO!, Dec. General Dews! near
ly surrounded Gen. Kitcbser's scoots a
few days ago. -Wilson relievrd and both
columns retired.
conoNvrioN dt.
Lckooh, England, Dec 10. tbs King
bas fixed npon Jans 26, 11102, as corona
tion day. Parliament meets Jan. 16 b.
Nicaragua Cedes Landa
Makagi-a, Nicaragua, Dec. 8. Dr.
Ferdioaad Sanipts, the Nicaraguan
Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Wm. L.
Merry, United 8tates Minister to Nicara
gua, signed a treaty today, by w bicb
Nicaragua agrees. to lease a section of
Nicarsguan territory, six miles wlds,
which includes tbs roots of tbs Niears-
goan Canal, to the United States per
petually. Made $10,000 In a Year.
Astoria, Dec. 9. Frank Pal ton, cash
ler of the Savings Bank, haa sold 1100
acres ol timber land on tbe Lower Ne-
hnlern to J. E. Dobois, at $15 aa acre
Dubois alto pgrcbssed Pallou's saw mill
at Nebalem, bat the consideration Is not
stated. The laod was purchased about
ons year ago for $5 an acre.
Gives $10,000,000.
Chicago. De 9. Carnegie has given
$10 000,000 for university eitention.
Under tbe condition nf the gilt Prssldsnt
Roosevelt U to name h board.
Hust Have Joined tba Elks.
The bones is fall of arnica
And mysterv profound ;
We do not dare fo ran about.
Or make tbe slightest sound;
We leave (he big piano sba(,
Aod do not strlks a not. :
Tbe doctor's been hers seven times
Bines father rode tbs goat.
He joined the lodge a wssk ago-
Got In at f A. M.,
And sixteen bretbern brought him borne
Tboogb bs says bs brought them.
His wrist was sprained, and one big rip
Had rent bis Sonday coat
Ibsra most hsvs been s lively tims
S ben father rode tbs goat.
fit's rastiaK on) too eowco today, -
And prec'iciog bis signs
Tbs bailing signal, working grip, .
And other monkey shines;
He matters pass words 'asata bis breath,
And other things bell qaota
Tbey sorely bad an wren tag's work
Wben father rode tbs goat.
He Las a gorgeous uniform,
All gold sod red and bins;
A bst with plomes sod yellow braid.
And golden badges, too.
But, somehow, wbea ws mention it.
lis wears a look ao grim.
V. s wooder if be rods tbs goat.
Or if lbs goal rod kins.
- Beiilssore Asasriesa.
A Wonderful Sawsfcal Operatfoa.
Sr Lw is, Dee. . A case that is in
tereeiing local physicians is that of Eli
Daniels, a patient at the City Hospital,
who is convalescing from aa operation of
tbe bear L Daniels ia a negro rooetaboot
on tbs steamer City ol Cheats. Hs was
subbed in tbs bwart at C beater. III., sad
Dr. H. L. Nietert, sopsrintsodani of tb
City Hospital, wbers Dnii waa taken
4 boars after beiiig eat, sewed sp tb
heart, taking several stitches, aad tb
patieni ia new well oa tb road to recov
Chopped to Piece.
Marila, Dec 9. Geofs Hays aod
three Mostaoa prospectors were chopped
into pieces by bolomsa, ia tb central
Loua mountains.
Message ia a hart SbeiL
Puesrve forest.
Iocreass tb navy.
Exd ads tb Cbinns.
Enforce sight boar laws.
Baild Pacific cable st ooos.
BnUd tb Nicaragua canal.
Extend and foster reciprocity.
Eulogy ol P reiint McKinley.
bleep oat aoedocated foreigner.
Advisee no change ia tariff laws.
Government irrigation of arid lands
Sweeping coo damnation of anarchy,
l-tbor on loos are mum ana aecsesary,
Rv-nember the nation's soldiers ia all
I.aist npon merit system ia civil I
Improve, bat not greatly enlarge, tb
PabiMiy u deeliog with combines of
every form.
Develop new islands oa traditioaal
American lines.
Abandon treating Indians as tribes
and deal with Ibess aa individuals.
Develop merchant aurin sad carry
American good is A in arisen vessels.
Sosas Drtak Bins.
6Utistioians have figured oat tbat
British people are heavy drinkers
pay a great revenue for tb privilege
1900 tbs net cost rev sen iron tax oa
dnaks consumed la Great Brittaa
amoanted to $47,870,000, which was ill.
000,000 mors than the combined rev ana
from tb same souros of France sad
Gormaoy, and $8,003,000 saor tba that
of tbs United State ia Franc ia
tb great win ooosamer. Its people bav
tog oeed last year WB.168,000 gallons ol
wios to 16,000,000 la Great Brittaa,
JO,000 gallons in Germany aad 25,000.
000 gallons ia tbs United Stales.
Ia tbs eonsumpuoo of bsr Great Brit
aia leads tb Coiled 8 tales, sad makee
a good, or bad, second to Germany, the
figures Using as follow : Great Britain,
1.299,000 gallons i Germany, 138,090
galloHs; France' 338,000,000. gallons;
United SUtes lm, 924,00000 gal
Don't Forget to Reed This.
Oar fall sod winter goods bars arrived
aad yon will find here tb largest sad
most complete Una of dress goods, ooUng
flannels, fascinators, underwear, hosiery
blankets, curtains, cloaks, capes, wot
Also Buckbibam dc Hecbt, boot mm
rboee, lubber goods, oil clothing, over
coats, and a line of men snd boys' cJoth-
ing tbst cannot bs beat. Ws also
carry miners' supplies and a fresh sad
complet stock of groceriee.
Com snd 1st as show yoa oar larg
asaorunent and give yoa price. Oar
aim is to givs yoa good velars and treat
you right. Givs as s trial.
A. K. MATTOt A OO., KMdlS, Or.
We sr also agents for lb Olivsr
Chilled plows aad extras.. (nt fj
A Reversible Social.
mo3 (stoog 'asipsti aoMOp 'paeeaacx
nqof ,uojg sued 'JWH PW St
Ma ini P!Miiii."8iis
qsoi sqt pjoAe pus inw ukq
punod s jneo swqt a jja $i
tsiu icj punod id 9-i tqisa iq nois
-vinpv siaeaiqtsJiw pa nrsitoid sag
a , "uoj jo sjoi n tot tail P00 iM Y
' Foresters BalL -
Elaborato arrangements are bsina
mads by ths Rose burg lodge, Forsstar
ol America, for a grand ball to
bs given in tbe opera bout Christmas
ev. Tb Foresters' wsll known reputa
tion as royal entertainer will tally
sustained on this occasion, tb snccea
ol which is alieady as 0 red. Don t tor
gel tbe date. ' tt
Churchill A Woollsy are not saying
am thl g armt their windows, tbsy let
tbs public do lhu
Price, $35.00 fft
Guaranteed to eiial any
$100 machine. . .....
L. KING, Gen'l Agent, 218
W. C. COIVTTaTER, Local Agt.sRoseburc
Who will win the
For every 50 cent pun-bs at my store you not only get
valo received in tbe freibt aud beet groctriee in toa
at lowest pricee, bat a ticket which mav make yoo tb
winner al the handsome prize tb exUe larg. wax dotL,
now on exhibition la my store window. Call early belur
tb tickets are all oot.
I ' i
Have you seen the
Christmas Goods
just received at
I "The Racket Store"
As Christmas Approaches
The hearts of the old and young alike are filk-d with delight.
NllE old as tliev reniember rs pine bv wWn thev were $?'
'tnddlersat their ni then knv, looking forwa d wit:.
anxious deligh to what Santa Oans wiMild bring. Let lJ
us sincerely hope Santa Hans will still renienibjr Um-i . 1
in tlieir declining years. The young -well, Santa Clans ("",
. -t . 1 - ?i ,
win naruiy lonwi mem. we nave provaieti ouiie iioer 1 1
Wmf ifl allv for Santa Clans'
Toys, a nice selertion ; Dlls. little o es, big onee, pretty ones, the tjy
de ight of roar little girls ; Express Wagons, Air Guns, in fact toys
ol nil kinds for your boys; Albums, Toilet Cases, Handkercb efs, La.
Handkerchief Boxes, Neckties, Hats, Cape, Suits of Clothes, Shoes,
P Shirts. Dress Patterns, Velvets, Silks sce w ill not allow ns tojT
j enumerate everything we have making suiub e gift. Many, many jJ
je thing? more will Txi rind in our store. We invite you to 1-vk over eje
ty our stocks and suggest early buying. You are well aware of the
JtJ disappointment at the verv last w en storks are all broken- ft'
N. SELIQ, Myrtle Creek,
Canyonville, Oregea
Another Coma5ination
formed in Roseburg
f. a.m. W 1:
have incorporated under the above
name. Their stock consisting of 475
Dolls to sell from 1 penny to $5; 500
souvenir views of Roseburg from 15
cents to 75 cents each: 100 toy trains, t
steam and hot air engines from 10
cents to $3.75 each; tool chests, hobby ;
1 ' horses, wagons, Icrokinole ' aud :aU
kinds of game boards from 15 ceuts to
, 0-Ol- Vrlliuiuiia viuun.m; . r .
We ba e nothing to give away, nor do we have any arm prices
fcr anr competitors, bill we will guarantfe if yi trmle w itr ns
- WS will save 20 per cent on all ot this linool tuods-.
Sansome St.. San Francisco
Kodaks ..
Make Good
Xmas Gifts
See those $1 and $2
selection in suitablo gifts for all.
flic laclct I!
- ,1
I ooooooooooocooooooootx
B0 a
- mm
-1 Tl