The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 09, 1901, Image 2

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    -Tbs Twlcr-a-w'wk-
Roscburg Plaindcalcr
t'uullal.ol a ml Tliumlaya.
v W. C.Chnkkh, IMilor mul I'uliliolit r
Laiha j;. Josh, t'ily Kilili.r, Kiluitr.
An.iar J. kktMt, luri-maii
Twkr-a-Varl PUiudraUr, rr year, $1.50
but rtl at the Post Ortloe In RosolmrK,
Or , m mh'uiiJ i'Imhm iiihiI mat tar.
Ailvtutlhinu IUte nil Aiiuratioii.
LAW SB1 tllMll TO MM-At-H Ol'HM SirTl.lN.
Aooaxtiiia to aaiinr. of laleal lava U '
I' r i'iilnhr niay wuh lu.luiiliiala arm I., a.
a p .m suit vlu.e l v lr tl ao l anrai.-J
(.l liaii.l I'ml. liia rultin, alaa, auyut im
all ua Ma ati'ainiitiMi U ruu a'ons lot a Inuv
uumii1 auU iliea or .era II iliaUMiilluueO, r '
er 'he MialmaaUr It mars II rtiruaett, or aelula
a .-ll iwint li inb la lialila lo ar
km a iU imu ilwaaiuc aa lot,
ClubblMK .
W liave arrange) with a large umnlr ol
tmpHra ami maaaalnva lor ralea atblch will give
lo uiu aulMkillxua loo (lublualloua lor a allgtil
.lvui ovsr the coal ol Tbb PuiikI'Ialu
aluuo, Fullowtug is t partial Hat:
Taws a iVikk ruiNDSALBa aud Ih
lvlsUu .,.,.,
.11 76
. 1 7!
, IW
. I 00
. t IU
. I 7.S
Kan Yoi k 1 rilniuti .
lrKoiiaii ,
M r Hi.ll.llu
f l ail
Hnral Noriliwt'al ...
1K. EMUKU V, im.
Tl Lo!e o tin try na t'lme.l
Mri.h KiAhoVi h' Ultvmu;n.
Aftt-r bfiy jeara of talking tiboul
Uu NioaiBxnn Cuuiil, the couutry at
Uht jHMrn o be ready lo jjo to
kuik (iiihliur it.
Th outlier of th lant
lIoUMrMtrformtxl their dntiea no well
tint they were all rtvfiecteU withoot
r- piitilii'Mii oiHit ion.
It i hu.letl that AKniuaklo Lai
no lr ru liviug p to bia profeioiia
ul loyalty lo U.S. wlm-h i uoi
at a'l anrpti.ii.B lu uew of bia reooid
aa au allroiiud traitor.
U. M. Short baa letire.) from the
Myrtle l'oiut Knterpnae, bia lowiuj
pi act ice aa au attorney requiring bia
HiKlivided altautiou. The Kuter
riiH ruhllahinaT Co., J. 0. llotterta
slitor and manager, will continue tLe
publication of the paper aud keep it
Up to ite h'k'h atandanl of excellence.
Uou. H. U. Kiuraid, editor of the
Engeue .'onrual aud an artlent aup
IKirter of Bryan iu the late campaign
e regarding tie 1'reaidenta luea
aage t 'resident luHeelt' tiict
tuaeae waa read iu both houaeaot
Oougrea I ant Tne,laT It ia one of
the longeal and ablest ever delivered
ly any lreaideut.
A oouiioiitee eouaiaiing of J adare !
J. It. liirlarda, (,r lloM-e, IJabo; 11. j Septemta-r 17. ls:. U ertlot
V. Sooll au C, W, Fulton, of Ore- Ul d 1 lb" ,l i,u m,',c,, "- " "
g,.n;exK,.vem..rSamnelT. Hauaer ' ,h' ' M'
, , l . 1 i .. 1 I homea ia lb Ur eat.1, ha cru. d
ft Heleua, Montana, aud E. M. tiands 1 .. . , , ,
... ... , . t'tauia wuh 11 Iraui nl arrived lo
tf auoouvrr. WaabmgtoD.baabeeu l brt to , ww Colr v!eTi
eptoaiitkl to prepare reaolotiona to 'cVaaty. Oroo. to tV-t SI, 1n52; he iiu
uuoauc lo tbe world tbe purpose j bihJiui local. d a uvbaiaxi laad via m,
aud MV-e if the propoaed Lewis & eoon which ha lived 101 t:uuoualy outil
Clark celebration in Portland.
CVugreaaeiau Fiteerald, of N. Y.,
told the douiiH-alic House eaucoa:
We'll uever wiu if we do uot diacaxd
the hery of free adver", Cougroa
luan 1UII, of Teiaa, retorte.1 by aay
in;; "We can never win ouleaa tbe
tuen calling themselves detoocrata
a.ntitfirt lha iiatuu.1.1 nlitif. .rm ..f lk
lity,4 ve dou t believe tie detuo
, cratie rtv cau ever wm agaiu, ColouUl Uk and a a a iuui, wrt
. ai.jwa t ibe iple kuow it to welL ka la iba lu!l aaua ol the urui. Ilia
-'S 1 1 -tber promli.irat ia ibe iHiluca ol
tiubia 1'aas Modford aud Ab I viua. and wa cooaiy drk ol Loau
lant were viaited by a light anew- 'uaty lor ltt year e-evotivly, aud
alorm lent o-k. the W of tbe e- j h ,0u tb xt ib' ,kub' l,Ur
iu.,i.. 1 . , not a iuMe iakr and net denjoi)t
av, 1 be uortLera au J etuatern por
... . . , . aiaay an active wrUr eo
livnol tbea..t.w.att1autUi.u "tbe U. al.a, a worked mlth th. .e
te ul. fol at tbe aame time, bnt aa paU p , ,Bd in iss ., .-ted uot a amKle flake of tbe downy I taU aeoaW bia conaiv and aerved
wliie fell at Koebuiv or in tbi val neiil lss Priu, him tro be iutro
lei. Take it tbe ear round there ia dooed voial imporiaat waaar wbio
ioaoit) in tbe ataie that baa a , became law and in toioe at t-.i
' tualv equable aud a more iWirahlf !. Hamww ol U tneiutraoi
rlimal Komburg. Tbe Vmp
i)i.a valley ia iudeed, tbe Italy of
Th l uwrauc Kugvue iinard
aa. : I'reeideut lt.Kieewlt ia eutitled
to tbe ticial giatitude of l'aoi&
C..a people by rvaaeou of bia recoiu
ueiialiou lbt tbe Cbine exclu
aiou la. atout to tapir tbrvugb
luuii iiiou, be re enacud. Tbe Chi
ttkuiau i not wauled iu tbia country,
and while 'here ia uo different in
aeniitueul 011 tbiia wide, tbe eat i
CoeleHM aud iud.ffereut. It neaxled
tbe reixxjumeudatiott of the chief
-iriie to make aure of the eaM
wre aupLKrt tteceeaary to re-euaet-lu.iit
of the law.
Tbe M4hfkU rUllOeta after the
t'twuiaWek r and Jwti;e l ulcrto.
I'l... M . . I I I i. :. .
iu4iarwuiu uiu ory tar Mil
VfitKiaea I bo tl a.iiaik aud ot
ealeemed Uu.unut, Hou. J. C. Fui-
lelKU iu ila iaaue of laatlSaiur
day. JoMwby we abould b ub
jaeled to each ctitiaciaai aiuiply Irvui
tbe fact that we aaw lit to rj. rvduc
a CiHupliiiH utary notice givou au ee
- teeUMad citiavHA of our towu. by vvoue
lVtt oi iattc paper a bot plain. It ia I
a ivi!ga! wea.j.y Bl(t a ,lnty ww
owe our fvllvw towuaue to rvijio
duce all couipiimeoiary ma-mivo of
tbeui by the (dale pr. eihr ti.
VaWniAK, locral t I'oiHjhfxi lt
Sovial aiic aud tbe folIowiiiK fioiutb".
republx'au Mail, ia malicKMs iud.a
ereet aud whL'v uncalled for:
WlHIMi TV baLlvT VS !
The OrtjU CV ClM'Irvr-Herald
0. 1'NilWton'H adiuiron iii tbia aeution
of tbe statu, nro kiiKgHHling Iiih Crime
aa a donirotdilo candidate lor the
muuiiiHliou of irovoruor. ItorisbiirR
or SoulLnru Omifoii hm never hud a
governor, Kii.l in Kiuillod to recount
(loll Oil I lie htlllrt til'knl."
TIih (Joiirior llornld in h 1iiio
I'lHliu jmper, liut t ha aliuvo, ImiIIhi
luti'a lust ini iitioii for the iriivoriior
rliiii, ia coiiiod HroviiiKly (y I lie
KorioltUIX i'l.AINHKAI.KIt, lIllllilnilll.
Now tli quortt inn arison rh to whioli
I icLt't l'iilli ton (Ittnirt'M to ruu uu
It Im ocon HiipiioHKil thai ho was
H KnHllllilltl lull tllO KrliulilicttUN
arc in the balm of following the
Hoiu'c of lt ! mut utile ci l'opulihl
l)i i In-i ii in iiihknK 11 1' Iho u.-UeU
I hit I'i.aini-kai i ii above more
iii'iiiiik whrii it iii.ii iotfH I tie Mail
in ii indorsement of lion. A. M.
tl.Hwf.'i.t for ilio iioiuiioilion for At
tollioj tl.-lu-lld tl rt fiH tl Intoood
a liepiiiiiicuii lo t e oi.jii ti in 10
Ihe opMHni(iti for Iiih lirl I.oohI,
lie ran litnl Mlpo rl eu U;u 111 Iiih
uwu kiiv, hu.l luai a what coui.U.
Kei;ar.linr Uoveruor (leer'a op
(Hiueuta for the uouiiuatiou for (luv
eruor Iho Saleui ludepeuileut naya:
The uiau who aeetna to le (lovcrnor
Qeer'a aioel forruiiluMe opponeut for
the nomination U do lea a peraouao
than Hon. Henry K. Anktny,thn well-lo-
do mine owner of Southern the
kou. Southern Oregon will want
hoiuethiiif; aiul Stale Treaaiue MiHire,
who hails from the SoutheaHterii part
of the at ate, will not lie iu the way.
We predict that the tight will be le
tweeu (Iwr ami .nkeuy for the gub
ernatorial uouiiuatiou.
llou. A. M. Uiawfor.l, of Koeeburg
ia uieutionod an a probable eaudidate
for the otVioe of Attorney tleueral ou
(he Uepublieau ticket. Mr. Craw
fold ia a lawyer of ability and ia id
erery way jtiali!ied to fill the otlice.
Myrtle I'oiut Euterprine.
The l'eudlelou Tribuue of Dec. 5;
oflii'ially announced Hon, V. J.
Furnihh of l'eudlelou aa a caudtda'
for the uouiiuatiou of Uoveruor oil
the republican ticket. A latve tu.e
doull,a auxu pwXQT of Mr. Fur
Utah headed the anuooncmeut. N
The Coaal Mail piopoee tbe nau.e
of llou. A. M. Crawford, of Uoeebuig
aa a eaudidate fur attorney general.
I'loreuce Weat,
Paaalng of Another Grand Old I'lonter
Hon. J. .tin Kiuiueli, tiiahlveoteeiue.1
aud i runuroi )iiM.err vi'iiro ol Una
com tf, died at lua tioina in tVlt Yl-
let IV. to. a the ana ol t ink.
lHo-rd a a Ulu lu Nuitlnmtf
lai In lle o umy ol the raiee name, in
il'at-'l lViira)tvani, la.totr i,
liC6 At tl a m ol I. urlotu )tar lua
pa ent moved to Tataell w-nutj, Kl ;
alteiaaida to Lilian nuetv, Intliana.
' wag nmnird te Carclu ThotB(rr,
bit death. Hi lie anil auivivr hint.
To IImmv bukmi tal ihil-liau aia bora
ot whom iahi vmvive hiiu, thry beitj,
Hon. K. A. Kuiuidi, KUtuatU Faila,
0e , llou. J. F. Kioaifit. Ca.D Cur.
NdY.; M i Cniaa Jaie C. tfoiau, Miiloo.
Or . : M Willie Aan bunliill, E:rih
1 K., KlaM Ktvieit, K lia Mv l'u
met and Mia. kit'y Kulh juTeae , ai
1 Coiea Yallry. '
l 'Uoci Jobo," aa ti
tal iauilliarljr
cild,aa d. cvadaui
the final board ol vit?uta ol Ibe Oregon
St -te AgtH'Uitur! CViiiee a ad aei red us
that vaiciiy Ijt uu yr.
x O. of b oa, H n. K. A. Ka-woU
aa a mteibti of tM Hooao Ai tbe laM
eaKa ol tb Leijiaa-lure; aaolber roe.
J. F Eawineii, ao I'eit.d Staiea Ma'rb
I ol Nevada. Ha waa a auaa ol airivi
Ultrnv, btxtt urn-.! wiua-i.eU and
iMelal a ad ptudrot in all tbe alt aire
I: ; tu bum waa Oivtt to all and avoy
will auiaa bia to t o b a)itdi;v aaxt
kicdlv !co 1, Hi tome a big altar
aa 1 bia taro xt ibo wno were divud-
a; apoe bitu a bia vtroegert aarib lie,
a K attber ncle an adoeatUiy bis
cbild'ee aod itiu lb-na to atart usoa
abeii jooroey ol life. He M'. a tare
aoaooial ol 4orljr wbioh be bad acvam
Uid by ard 1 a ad cervlul
e avagi awant. 111a eoru wee aiwat
well weixbed felore olteiiat tbem aud t-oeiiiou aa pKe' taken by biui
ou av oaaiirr te aa alaavg reedv to
ileny uaaieod It, aad ai t.tiut-ca
Hi vail and t iirarjr aavanai aod friu-
l-erate lile bad are a rl
I ' r
tte teioie cocduvt and hfa aat bia
, vtildraa. but a'eo lie atabt(bood ia
j bereawtd. aid i ctoajrj tbeae
aateeatiha toll. i itaaajnt;
j Lia f ri, III i earn. ;
A d tbe grave te eot it g-oal ;
"Poet iboe art to da'. retiuaetU''
Waa not gpokauj ol tria ao'll.
L.twa A g;r'. iuu all t mLud bs.
Wea auke oar Live Uim,
Att I del'tar'iPK Ivave lh a-l u
tooiOiiaUoat the aad ol t'ue"
J. H
A KcrW S.t.uiL
leo r"S ilt ao rt-jv 'i.jao r
'ij 'iHi 'Hdt U.'osjL!,aV5v I
-UIM t,i .-W4a (.-us a
uuiaoU ls unaauo ti
Ms i acj. pun- 4 tl -i(3. ivj via
Salem the Scene of the
ble Disaster.
W. II. White and S. L, Rah the
' Victim. Passenger es
caped Injury.
W'lihin Uu Hit limit ol RiuVin, at
4 ;,i, . m. r-a, oucurreu me worn
m,rck p. riomeJ on a railroad In Marl
on com ty inc the not I'd Lake Iahiah
litr on Novemr 12, 18t, ami re-
iu ted In Hid death ol r treniau H. L. tub
ami Kniiifer Wm. W'hll.
The northbound overland paatiengrr
train, No Ii', due tn Kalein at 4:114 wa
apyrort.ii.i, the r'outhflru Pacific paaa
euner gulion, when, etrikina the gwitch
atniut 600 let roull. ol the atatlou and
about '-DO leet aoulh ol Mill creek. Iba
engine jumped the track ou the aoulb
tide of the iretHl, and plunged into the
creek, the lender tallina between the
engine and the bridge, a bile tbe mail
car and c. mbinalion bacgog and
preea car a ere thown partially dona th
embankment, one end of each reeling
on the grade and brldite, reapei-tively.
The day coach luimgdiateiy In the rear
of the baggage car aliJ left the track,
and eome of the other concha lelt the
rail, but none waa turned over or even
thrown on ibe aide.
r'nglneer Win. White, who hl been
on tbe road lor 19 year, wg caught In
itierab of hia ei g'.ne, hi left leg being
jammed agaiual the boiler head, abera
Ibe unfoitunal man wa bald lor two
bourn, before h rould le released.
Fireman Fiab, alio bad attempted to
1 save bimell b) jumping out ol the cab
of the rugtnr, airmk the end of tbe
Orldtie, a here he wag caught Olidrr the
end ol the mail car and pinned down.
After a half horn' work with axea, in
be hand of Brakeman Charles Smith
cud t viral ciiiaeue, under the direction
cllupt. J. L. ljimbirtb of llie Halrm
Liiiht, Power & TiaiHicn cximpany. 'be
111 loilurialv brrmau waa lelraaed. Hi
hit .eg a as niai gird Ir. m the tbigb
Joan aud he bled trcfnel. Hi bead,
on tilth a pit ce ol timber bad fallen
a badly cut, die Kalp teing gatbed ia
novel al place.
The unfortunate c rem an waa quickly
removed to Ibe Florvnce Sanatorium
where tvn iffoit waa made to aav bia
! lite, tut, though tbe injured limb and
I bead wei drtrad, he ol ttreugtb
rapidly, leiog onable lo rally from the
ahork, ai d at 6;o0 o'clock, two boor
i alter the accident ixiuied, b died.
Meanwhile eiery effort wa made to
rrleare the uuloriunate enginter. Snpt
L K Fie'de. who wag on tbe wrecked
liaiu, lu tl itvia' cr, ovi-w the
ork ol saving tbe engine-driver,
thovat tirld in a vice oi iron. Tbe iron
waa dually gotn away, and th maimed
man removed aud taken to tbe F orence
Sanatorium, where he wa uide aa com
for'able as posaibie.
Here agaiu Scpl. J L. Laoibirth gave
gieai aid, ai d. had his advic beru lol
ioaad, itie oolorionatj evg neer wot.ld
have btru releated aa hour looeer, K -Kt
wiemaJto cut away tbe 'cl
raue ol th tagii'v cab 10 rJeae ilu
ri giutrr, but u cvuld ret be done. Air
Lamblith o:gelvd t! at Jk-crg b
rcurrdlor tbe ioe of kreiag a
I'len'.t g t elaeei. lte end of the teoda.1
and Ibe ecgine, between two ttr
uulutby rtiguaor b.d ae 10 a vn-e,
ai d it aa not until Supl. Field airivad
ai.UioivV.d lb pan Uial tbl Wa
done, w t en, In 10 uVtuoW, the uulorta-
uatg rtginctrr le'vatd. Mr. Lam
1 1Mb aoiked l av' a Tujan lo rele tbe
njirtd man. audit waa due to big e.'-
10.1a uigrli ibat Mr. Wbite waaUkea
out oi the vik aiive and mo wiarae in-
ued Ibaa be wa.
An txatu-uatjou gbowed that tb in
g'.nver avil leg iw.ow itio Knee wgg
literacy burned to lb booai, but other
wise he bad auffervd 1 o eejartee. Uoa-
ver, Ibe tliock bad been a terrible one,
and b an lua precarious condition.
Ai 3 o'clock Sunday morning, the un gtiu'Drer was rgported to be
ginkinjtatt, aud at 4:3d be paseed
I'eacefuUy ay.
Iu'iug tre work of reacu every ef
fort au mad to ease the ruffering of
ihe engineer. C, L. IVLbmalt, th
station ayet t at Uervaia, who was at th
sta'ion whm lb wreck occured, wa tb
8rt maa on tl e vngine, aa be broke eff
tbadeiy vive. tbu alloeing tb tem
1 1 ecai bom tb boiler A bucket
MUade bad been formed to pour water
oa ibe tire iu the firebox, bal a quanii y
ol wood had ladoa agwima) tb door oi
lb firebox, and the Bro eould not be
rect ed. M. tvLaebmiiU climled un
der the eogia., and, ruviag tbe wcod,
opeted th door, wbea it w 09 alter
of bat a lew eecoade to 0,'ivocb tb
tlaioe aud rednce tbe beau. Tbia,
coupled a lib lb Uot tbiat tb :em ba I
been a lowed oeacap from tbe boi'er
roua reduced tbe beat and tbe saSeriog
of lb euginajer, ' v '
cacaa or tuk wasca.
Tbe wrtck wa caused by a aaif-ope
itch. Lug use r White stated, after
'e wa released bota tbt rng'.ne. It at be
wa ruouuig at lb rut of thirty-five
uuiwe an hour wba be saw tbat tbe
ajitct w psrtially op , H promptly
appliaaj tb brake, and bad reduced in
vpeed to about taty mile, wba b
siru.u: ewitcu aaW, tb teucer rv
aiaiaiog oa tb main fae. with tbe re.
tall tbat tb track wsa torn op and tb
Iroai poriioM oi tbe inaiu wrckl aa
taled auove.
Aa an-!c!ioa ol lb switch, mad
Uai tvsaiog. showed the vcgiaeei'a
Hi's Craoa Bab
. g .
iaaa BMiaf at anc.
It aMoaii'S'S. aatwaaa and
t a id ur.., , a cid 11 flV CTXlpli
iu Ul Uva.1 ua ck . It TV I bl
I 1
11B 'wr'fia b
Khmi a, i H,,
I a aV aMa I'll
a mrwii. iiw.a aud rrwscta W'irnranv
r US I -stfl aTatHi WlU lL U
story was correi t TLe switch was par
tislly opened, and the padl.M-k, which
should have been attached to tlie switch
target bv a short cuain, was missing.
The last train using tbe switch wag a
freight going smith, and it is thought
possible that the t.rekemau whose duty
It waa to lock the switch had nut done so.
It is generally believed, however, that
some tramp broke th lock, and partially
o, etied ih siding, for the sole purpos
ol wrecking the train, and a search is be
ing made lor tbe supposed miscreant.
The trsln was In charge ol Conductor
D. L. llouatou, and Audrew Foid and
Obas Smith were the brakeinen. Mr.
Smith Is well known in Salem, having
been in charge of the yard eugiue in this
clly lor a number of years. Mr Ford
ass badly shekeu up but not seriously
The track wan torn up (or about 200
leet uou Hi ol the bridge, and the Albany
local was unable lo proceed south, end
was, thetelore, compelled to ret'irn to
1'orOsud, taking the prusongar ol the
wrecked train north. A bo til 7 :J0 o'clock
two wrecking trains, one from each di
lection, arrived, aod began the work of
clearing away the wreck, and at an early
hour Suu.tay the southbound over
land which had been held, was able
to proceed on it way south about 7
hours late.
The father ol the unfortunate fireman
came up from Tortlaud on the eveuiug
local, arriving jusl in time to see
his son die. The young fireman, Silas L
Fish, waa but 22 veara of age. Ha left a
young wile, married the I7th of lait
March, the home being at 744 Brooklyn
treat, Portland. His parenla and t0
brothers live in Eait Portland, all ths
men being iu the railroad service.
Engineer William H. White's Lome is
al the corner ol Kt Third and Ash
a reels, Portland. He has long bten in
the emp'oy ol the Southern Pacific.
Mis. White, wile ol the unfortunate
engineer, arrived on the over
land train, aod apent the night al lbs
bedside of her injured husband.
The crew tbat waa in th arek took
charge of tbe tisiu at Roeeburg sod
would have finished ibe run st Portland.
Superintendent Fields and Chief Engin
eer lirindabl were in the superiudeQl's
car, being ou their way home from an
inspection tour over the Hue,
aow rAasKNuaas aacAi so.
The only thing that prevented tbe in
jury of manv pasrerger was tbe fait
that there waa an empty coach betwn
the bggfe car and tbs first ocvupi-'d
parsenger coach. That coacb bad be?o
taken on at Albaay for the sreoramod-:-too
ot Salem passengers and was kep
lurked. H received tbe foice ol the Con-
Special Holiday SaIc through December. Never before
was our stock so complete aud prices so low.
We are dxetl to mit all comers. Co
Carts, Ttr Clmirs, Toy Stoves.cute little
Sad Irons, nice little Lamp. Toy Swee
aud Iron F-cds for Children, iViys
lrn Express Wagons. ft.?."i ainl ni.
Lare line oi lUamUio Furuiture, Morr 8
hairs, lVk Cases, Ijblioj IVsks, Fancy
Coocbc and Side Boards, lU-r Silver
ware W7 kind, Fam-y Lamp Miatles
only 20 cvots vacli. U vtnt miss our
place yoo miss a treat. Come iu and
bxk us over. We bought thitre goods to
sell aud we have named price that will
move them.
The Nerve
Cures Nervous Affections of all kinds by treating the
nerves. The body is a machine. I treat the nerves con
trolling the different parts. I do this without drugs, knife
or niiiid cure scientific. No matter how long standing, I
cure Epilepsy, Spinal Affections, Stomach, Liver and In
testines, Uteriue and Ovarian, Muscular, all forms of
Rheumatism, Asthma, Poor Circulation, Fevers and Acute
Diseases, Kidney Troubles, etc.- Call or write for full par
Office Hours to IX : . 1 to 5. Rooms 7 and S Taylor & WiLjon Kd.
I Roseburg Steam Laundry
We are now ready lot business
with new and up-to-date machine
ry. Work will be neatly and
promptly done. Watch for our
Wagon or call 'Phone 791.
llam'qurisri fc Uolidav Ooisi. Choie CoB?evtiooe i aod Fruits.
Kui bsb fanitv Orix-ertes, bob- staple and faov-y. Nweiiie. and
To in profusioa. Call wbila tK se'eciioa m Kood, Frio an vjaJ
Iv pJeasioj a ait (ood. 'Fbo2i- .. .
Cass and Pine Sts
cnt-sion hetweeu the baggage car and tbe
forward occupied iwsacnger c.iach and it
was thrown high in the air and lat.c'ed
partly on one end and partly on its side
snd friending diagonally across the
track. Had the well Oiled coach been
thus thrown, msny people would have
been Injured. The shock to the follow
ing csrs was comparatively slight,
though tbe paesengora wtre much shak
en up and (righteued.
Don't Forget to Read This.
Our tall and winter goods have srrivad
and you will find here the largtat., end
most complete line of dress goods, outing
flannels, fascinators, underwear, hosiery,
blankets, curtaius, cloaks, capes, etc.
Also Buckiuhsm & Hecht, boot and
shoes, rubber goods, oil clothing, over
coats, and a line ol meo and boys' cloth
ing thai, cannot be beat. We elsc
carry miners' supp!is and a fresh and
complete s'ock ol groceries.
Come and let us show you our largo
assortment aod give you prices. Our
aim is to give yon good values aud tieat
yuii right. (Jive ns a trial.
A. H. Matto .1 & Co., Riddle, Of.
We are alro agents for the Oliver
Chilled plows and rx'ras. (o4ll)
Foresters Ball.
Elaborate arraugementa are being
made by tbe Uoseburg lodge. Foresters
ol America, (or a grand ball to
b given iu the opera home Christmas
eve. The Foresters' well known reputa
tion as royal entertainers will be lolly
sustained on this occasion, tbe snccest
ol which is already assured. Dm 't foi
gel tbe date. tl
Are vou aware of the (act. tbat wr
havelheleat repairing dspartmeul in
the city Fliut'a Shoe More.
tn tbe Clretilt Court ot tbs Stale ol Oregon la
ami lor miuaiaa Couuiy,
J.O. lloolh. 1'lalnliO )
va. J D. Love. iH linJanL )
To lwla II. Lo.e ahovr named drfeu.lanl:
la tua nam el ilia SUM ol Oregon vou ar
he nflr re.iuire.1 U aput-ar ami anaarrr ln- cui
plaim fllxl axaluat jou ID tb- at.iva) entllUM
sua aaJ courl on .4 belong Mon.lar Uic i' t
day ot Janusrr. ao l it tou tail u an ar
p. ar an auaWer asld caiiplanil. vlaiBtifl alii
Ukf lutlcuient atfalnat vou lor lltr aun; of a:i-
IT all anO tsi lvr huu.lre.llha dollar, wuh la
U'rami llirrvon al a p.r will lr aauura Iruui
N..vrmir 2J. 11 an-l the coata aa.i llaaon
meat ot aaiJ aclwn. An4 will apply Ui tK
rou r I lor an onlcr ol tale o' the lo;.oHJg le
arnbeit real ptoiwrtjr b.rU(oro atlavhed la
asld arUun lo-lt :,-tu lm ai ihe MB eornerol lhal crtaia
raueel ol land ca.avcvad by Hrory liaica and
il to John Ri on lanuar. 1 17. rim
Uieuce aoulh lo i1i-re.. eaal li h-el. Ihenee
aouia A: diTtn-ea lj m:nut. so-1 0 taimim
or I., mi.t.lieol taper freek, Ihrnce nonhar
laiatwnu-r.llN.-er I reak luo Ir-1 lo ik.iuI lu
oenl.-r ol lSH'r t'rtk. lUeiice norlh a- d.crtta
Li niluulea. el ao leel ( place ol rncnnin.
.ihiiuiu Ihr t'ilv ol Ktaburr. iKnicUa couaiy
Or ton Thia aummona la paMiahe! be ofd.T
o' J W Hauullon lu.lsvol eno.Ue.1 court
nalr al ehamhvra on the Sin la ol bv
I'1. Tbe Siat puMUatl id Iherttd la ol dale,
lx-tvmlwr VU. lia l. and Uic laal bubiKali.wi
lliereo! tl'. tv ol date January J), bal. matinr
0j lu'l rll ol alt wa aa pmvi.i-a i.y .
Ham id a auororj.
The comforts of home are
not entirely what you have
on your table, its what kind
oi table you have it ou,
what kind of chair you
have, ti.mi furniture make
home comforUMe. We
have the rifcht kind at the
right price. What's nicer
for Xina than soiiiethiug iu
the Furniture liue?
Rockers f..r rverybcalr.
All tlrs snd prices. Old
Uranny Kvers, Purl Mis
Kivkers, Nice tients K.a-k-er,
and Child reu's Kc-kers
MOORE, Props, a
Geo W. Rappl
!Sr TaTcof-q.1 oxi.dL OmaEaental
Professional Cards.,
...Nerve Specialist...
Cures Rhrumatiam. Nerrona ArTnliona.
Mouiat hand Liver Troubl.-a. ri.inal liiioroers.
li.iltr.., O-nerml Urbilitv. Kemala tilaraucs. Cir
culatory ami Pulini.iiarjr UUluruaocaa.
Uonra: 9 lo 11:. 1 to i.
5 Taylor A W llaon BMk. Koaeburg , Oreon
Kosaarao Orkoon
Hwciai atteniloo given lo IHauaaaa ol the Mo
and TbroaU
OSii-Slain SL.oiwdoor aoalb ol CI l)H
I'hi.lio. Main Ml.
Q V. iTSUElt, AI. D,
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. O. Kosaerwi.
'Phone Main 591. Oiawv.
Physcian & Surgeon.
qBcw Rrrlear Dm.
rbone. Main a
itcstca BulldlM,
Taj.epbu Iko. 4.
aosKBraii. osnnn
1C T.pimll. a Hail
Attorney at Law,
ataitaa 1 L Mantera Bid-.. EOdXBC9. OS
gabuaineaiplorc ia D 6. Land OaVo aa4
Biuias cases a apecia-ty.
Laic HecMTr D.W. Lad Osloa.
John h. shcpe,
attorn ky-at-law,
Koaaacaui, Oaaeoa.
Suaiuva. be lore CS. Laid OAce and Pioba'a
burineaa a aoecuLty.
Office Abraaaa aoiidiM
J C. 1-L LLfc.KroN
w U sraolloa ta ad Um saabr and Federal OmtV
m IB Hark a' Bi le . k.eburc.
Attornev and Conusellor at Law.
Mining Law and Waler Rights mad
a al-etuuty.
aa.-aur Bid ROeaBV Eti. OKKlrO
oaxa 1 and 1
riew Ba lding. ECkSIBCRa.. UUiioja
Court Houf
Dora Ma rt,
aiwgra. ok
JA. BUCHANAN. Notary Public,
Collections a Specialty.
Rdora S
Manlera B-nildiaf
At torn e' at Law.
Room 11.
Taylor a wuam Block. Koskbcko. Oas.
True economy in paint is attained only
when the best of material is used
If first-chs5 paint costs only oie-dfth mrc tbau a poor
quality paint, and lasts jast twice. long, it stands to
LINSEED OIL, PIONEER WHITE-LEAD at lowest market prices
A. C. MARSTERS & CO.,- Druggists
Groceries and Dry Goods Promptly
Delivered to any part of the City.
Hr. Jack Frost
"That all j'ple wearim; "x(jrds
go way back and ait dow n."
I have slioes to match the
Correct styles
Just right for winter.
a mi jbty clever len j
st) h s al omen
Shoe in all the new
ideas at AO. .'.50,
fJ.OO and 13.50.
It is t iate'i t to wa.-!.
window for ;.iol tl; ri;r in Footwear
Do not forget the prizes
to tc giveu away Jma
ry, t. 190 .i
i I II
. iMFoirrn)
TO, All
SEAL fiiiii'
roii sali'by
Groceries and
Glassware . . .
W I ' aa. W sT
Read this...
For all kinds of Candy,
fresh, pure and harm
less, Oysters served in
any style, call on ... .
Wroles!- and Retail
Candy Manufacturers
.. Confectioneries ..
The fiieat eresai aal rs!x4
dies. fH'I caia and CooCica.
Tolawen. Cura.-a act Tr.l
in vartad tMorlaeri aU
of tae tan ua-uy.
Practical Watchmaker, j!
A Jeweler and Op-
; tician. :';
I Jackaoa St.. - ROSEBCRQ
December 14,
Mreara. TnaJl & Keened? presaot
Wa. A. Bradj 4 Jaa. E. tuisaicr'
rrodaciica - . . .........
A Stranger
75. S). 35. rbiU'vti 25 ceotaV
AU aea's ot lower flo-w rtsi ved.
Seals oa sa!e al Soci'a farwitsrw ttoee.
Title Uuarantee&Loan Lo.
K 0
IX. C ELaxri.ra.
aer?. aaai tanat.
0Sv La li Cob.;! Hosem. Earv -.i cs cras
i al a-aararc bvs ia lawnr'aa ciaaare.
sm-aJ Cercaeasea t4 rw rurajttd a
IVsMiaaewiata UiJ - m Eaa
.r (VBf:, vtef T-anaara rt aU aaaaatry
la tN Vjaa?rt. Ojwa. C. a. LaoA Dm
irxx. :.; ltK etf je at aa bsai-
a:e asow-aae a-: isotai MTvaiml :
-Un a-ae ia w&t-. Im,
m as
3',- 6vU ci aJudi J.
a, :i , ui a. ii a . j 1 1 . r,. 1 f- a ' r'' - W . fll IT-llTrimaj "T BDWI
" f VI f" U' 4 V iT ijajjiuii a tfaittttfc, .N.. Tor.