Dregon Historical Society raw- '5' dvertising J ob Printing In busy seasons bring yon your t-Lare of trade; Is a very important factor in boM&eha. I'oor vnnt'wtz re advertising in dall sea sons brings yon your share, and also tbat of the merchant who "can't af ord" to advertise. flects no credit on a good business boose. Let us do yonr Job 1 riming we Knaranlee it to be io Published on Mondays and Thursdays- Established 1868. every way uatiofactory. 1 W- Vol. XXXII. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1001. No. 98 .'!... I A I K 4- FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! I Collarettes, the big and only swell line in the city. Fur Boas in all lengths, colors and styles. Ladies, if you want a swell black dress, call and examine our stock, we can assure you it is the best money can buy. Bargains in Linen Lace at cents per yard LATE NEWS SUMMARY Salem Council Will Regulate Rental Rate for 'Phones In Tbat City. Important Events of few Days. the Past STATE, GENERAL, fORLIGN. Cream of the Dispatches Dished Up in Condensed Form for the Busy Reader. One Price Store Wollenberg Bros. j. Open until 8 o'clock. ! and we present onr claims for con sideration to the . FURNITURE . baying pnblic, confident that when goodsare examined and prices com pared all purchases will be made with us. We are showing the greatest line of willow cobbler seats of sotid oak rockers ever shown in Douglas county also a full line of styles of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs $ Our Toy Department contains Doll Carriages, Tables, Rocking Horses, Shoo Flys, Cradles, Rockers and Chairs, Stoves, Iron Express Wagons from f 1.00 up and many other things too numerous to mention. B. W. STRONG, THE FURNITURE MAN. Rosebursr, Ore Bring Us Your "1 4r CHICKENS. EGGS. BUTTER. FOR CASH OR TRADE. J. F. BARKER & CO. risasr Be Prepared for bad weatlier. It is here now and will be with us for "quite a while." We have the necessary footwear to complete your rainy day costnme, and a complete line of Gaiters, Laggings and Rubbers. . . . all op to the usnal high standard of quality and marked at usual low prices. ...FLINT'S SHOE STORE... Who Pays the, Grocer?! Oar customers pay aa and tbey do it wlthont kicking, because we sell the best groceries, staple aud fancy, at the most reasonable prices in the city. If yon don't know this to be a fact, prove it by giving na a trial order. 'Phone 1C3. Hints to Housewives. There are now 1205 ii. mutes in the Ore gon Insane Asylum, beetles a few who are still outsMe of that institution. There is a gool Uv in Maine which might well be copied iu Oregon. It pro vides for a maximum fine of $1,000 and ten years imprisonment for carelessly shooting another while hooting Every state needs a special law on the subject. Ton of this bountiful country, listen to the story telegraphed from Shanghai bv Uuited States Council GxhIdow. He says there are fully a hall million psople in the Shang Tse Ki Yang valley, who will starve this year nnlees sided from the outside. Heie ia an imminent fam ine horror surpassing India's oft repeated tales of deadi. The Prohibition State Couvintion was called to meet in Portland last Friday, was held in the A. O. U W. Hall and was a bosks convention, open to every prty Prohibitiooist. A governor, two congressmen, secretary of state, stats treasurer, state printer, dairy and food commissioner, attorney-genera and supreme judge were uomina'.ed. The Cottage (iroye Bohemia telephone toe is completed to ildoo.l, Irom Cottage Grove a distance of 13 miles From the other end of tbe line 9 miles of tne system is finished. Tbe connection will be made about December 15, when Cottage Grove can hello to Bohemia. tbe terminus of tbe line in Bohemia will be at Helena No 2 wita branch lines to tbe Helena and Masick. Tbe San Francisco Chronicle says that an agreement has been reached between the controlling interests in the George V. Gibbs Company and Miller, Sloes Scott, that these two business booses shall be united early io tbe new year. new corporation is to be formed, with capital stock of $10,000,000, there y making it tne largest mercbanlue con cern on the Pacific CjssI. The corpora tion will deal in iron, tteel and general hardware. Jose Moreno Lacalle, a vonng law ttadent attendirg tbe Portland Law School, is probably tbe first native-born Filipino to take advantage of a higher American .education. He cime here last spring irom jaamia lor the purpose of completing his 8 ndies, which he, uo der Spanish rule, bai commenced by graduating from tbe University of M nils, and by subsequently takiog the bachelor degree at the Uu.versity Granada, Spain. School patrons acd others will be ii, terested in the fact that Statj Soperin tendent Ackerman bits j in completed the revised rules for conducting eighth grade final examinations. Tueee rules are to be in force throcgnout the state Several changes have been made Among the most important- are, tb lime for holding tbe examinations are oil sncb days of February, April, May aod Jane as the.snperintendent may indicate, The teacher must cerlily that the appli cant nas noisbed all tne brancnes pre. scribed by the state coarse of etoJy rapiie wno reacn an average oi &u per cent and do not fail Mow 70 percent in any one branch will be considered as sncceasfally passing tbe examination Li ine applicant aoee not tail in more than two studies be shall be allowed rewrite on theee studies tbe following examination. If he fails in more than two s. ndies the examation must be taken again. For Typewriter. Tbe city government of 8alem bjs had considerable trouble with the telephone company, which is doing business there, and an effort wan started at tbe meeting of the council Tassdsy evening io bring the company to time. Io August, 1900, tbe council passed an ordinance levying a monthly tax of five cents for each iuetromiat in ate within the city. The telephone company later began an injunction suit to reetain the city from Collecting said tax. and subsequently the city authorities arrested W. H. Danev. tbe local manager of the telephone com pany, for noncompliance with the ordi nance, bnt afterward by agreement of at torneys, both those suits were dropped aod it waa decided to go into circuit court and have matter adjudicated upon an agreed statement ol facta, which will be taken op on the 10th of this month. Sow, however, the city has taken anoth er tack. At tbe council meeting an or- inance was introduced, passed to sec ond reading and referred a follows : The maximum rate f-r rental and ne to be charged by telephone compani es for telephones, within the city, is hereby fixed io tbe following figaree: For a main line telephone instrnment, $1 50 per moatrj ; for a party lioe instrn ment in a store, office or other plan of business, f I per month, and lor a party line instrnment in a private residence. 5 cents per month." A fine of $10 to $100 or imprisonment rom five to 20 days is prescribed lor a violation of the ordiaoce. Tbe determination of the city govern ment is that it the company will pay no revenue to tbe corporation, it must give compensatory benefit to the alliens. Journal. If, in tbe past you have bad trouble with yonr typewriter ribbons, send sample order to E. L. King, No. 218 San some Street, San Fraucieco, and see yon can't get a better ribbon for seventy five cents than you have been paying dollar for. $7 per dozen any color and for any machine. E. L. King, Pacifice Coat General Agen ZI8 bansome St., San Francisco. N18 K POINTER TO ROSEBURG. SHIP WAS NOT LOST. At Ashland's Oil Well. Work is progressing in a most satisfac tory way at tbe plant of the Soutbera Oregon Cil Co., east of town and the-drill is pounding away through the nnderly tog strata wun extremely eoconragiog result. Tbe indications of final snccees in lapping paying oil sands were never so plentiful since work began aa at the present time and the management ia greatly enconrged by tbe progress in their work of dnlliog. Last night the bit went through a stratum of eight feet o! bine shale and then struck a bard white aand stone. Expert! believe that this aand stxie is tbe cap rock to under lying oil eanJe which contain tbe petro lecra of a paraflne base tbat the seepage and blossoms heretofore encountered on the work go to show tbey are located thereabouts. Tbe drill baa already dug the well over I4i5 feet and a few hond red leet more oogbt to reveal th "mother lode," of the greasy fluid, tue findiogof wbtco would create the great est iadustrt-i activity in Aihlandtbat Oegiu bas ever witnessed. Tidiogs, Carr's California Fences Down. of of Following the action taken by tbe Fed era! antboritiee in Oregon on Judge Bel linger a orner to tear down tne fences on tbe illegally enclosed lands of the Jesse D. Cerr, Land and Live Stock Company word corns from Modoc eoonty, Cal tha United State Marshal Sbine, California, has been at tbe scene direct ing the destitution of the stone fences around tbe government land in that county. When Marshal Shine left the scene for Su Fraucisco a few days ago, there remained forty inde ia this Nw England thrift to be torn down anJ h left Deputy Marshal Gamble In charge id tne or . contrary to expectations no opposition whatever wa ottered to tbe order of tbe court calling for tb doan tog of tbe fence. A Jury Declines to Indict. Nrw Orlkaxs, La., Die. 5. Judge M. Thomp-oo, in opening tbe Diatrk Court in Washington Parish, the scene of tbe recent burning of a negro at the stake, followed by a riot at Balltown where several uvea were lost, called tbe attention of tb Grand Jury to these oc currences, and urged it to take action Tbe Grand Jnry, however, brought io tbe following report : 'The men who participated in tbe burning were among th beat ciliiens the country, and nothing bnt a desire to protect those who are nearest and dear eat to them would nave move them to undertake each measures." be Nelson Safely Towed Elliott Bay. Into HE DOINGS Of CONGRESS. Chicago Anarchists Defiant. Fighting Governor. Ore gon's First Snow. bittli. Dac. 6. The British ship Nelson, which (was ' reported to bave turned turtle off themuutb of the Colom bia River, Tuesday night, waa towed in to Elliot Bay last evsoing by the tug Holyoke. Tbe Nelson first encountered bad weather a week ago. about 133 miles wtst of Astoria. She struck a hurricane, which threw tbe ship on her beam ends, tore away every sail and shifted th car go UPtil she had at least a three-foot list to starboard. That th ship managed to ivs in tb hurricane ia due ertirely to tbe (act tbst tbe btorot did not last long. Alter the Astoria tog' hawser broke tbe tug, Captain io the darkoeer lost all trace of the ship and naturally supposed it had went down, and tboa reported. By morning th Nelson had made her way a considerable distance north of Gray' Harbor, having been nnt along by tbe terrific lore ol tb w:nl. It was not long be tore the steamship Walla Walla waa righted, snd Captain Hall, of that vessel, consented to tow tbe Nelson aa far as fort Townsecd. It waa no easy n.etter lor a big steamship to bitch to the then nnwielding sailing craft, lor there wa a high aea on, and tbe greatest skill bad to be exercised in bringing tbe two ship alongsid. After considerable delay a connection wa effected and the ship brought into Port Towosend. acroBT r AVORABLT. Wa'hmgto. D. C, Dc 6 Tb Senate committee on foreign retailor report favorably on the Hay-l'auncefort canal treaty. Washisotos, D. C, Dec. 5. Bill In troduced in tbe Senate today: By Mitchell, of Oregon, election ol senator by direct vote of tb people. By Perkins, of California, laying Ha waiian and Philippine cabl. By Eikins, of West Virginia, admis sion of New Mexico as a state. By Foraker, of OMo, free mailing privilege lor.Mr. McKinley. , Mcanutr'a AaeassiN cmaaao. CniCAOo. Dt-e. 6. President McKln ly's assassin was cheered publicly in a r'o'oos anarchist meeting today. The people of tbe city are indignant and threaten summary vengeance upon them. rlCHTUTO GOTIKXOB. St Pail. Minn, Dec 6. The Minneso ta railroad war boose commission baa decided to back Governor Van Sant in hi fight against the railroad trust in coo sandaling the N. P. B. B. and tbe Great Northern railway. acxraescaaa Larrnts. Skattlb, Wash, Dec. 6. W. A. Didds and Herodoa Lambert have been indict ed by tb U oited State ooort her lor vending obscene letters tbroogh tb mail. sitajtrrr want win. Salbm, Oregon, Dec 6. Upon tb de cision ol tbe District Attorney tbe coun ty court has rescinded tbe order, design ating the paper in which tb delinquent tax list shall be published. Th opinion hold that tb old law controlled th placitg ol tbe 1900 tax collection list, thus giving this right entirely to Sheriff Durbin. raise or walks hohobid. London, Eogland, Dec. 6 Great cele bration at Guild Hall for Prince of Wale. Great crowds have assembled and th eotboxiaaoa i intense. In a speech tbe I'rinc eulogued tb colonies. M it or oho, Dee 6. A heavy, cold rain storm ha prevailed in this section for the past three days. The fiist fall of siow came this morning, lasting nnlil abuot noon. It is reported tbat 10 inch es of snow fell on tha Riakivnn mnnnt. ains this morning. i Walla Walla, Dec. 6. The first snow itirm ol the season came along last night and lb ground waa covered to a depth of two inches. Daring yesterday hgbt rain fell and tb ground wa so mnddy tbat the enow dieappeerd shortly after tbe storm ceased. THE FOOTBALL AT EUGENE As Reviewed by tbe Rose burg School Editor. High A mt-rry throng it waa that on th day beiore Inaoksgiving, left for Engea to couUet for tb lootbell championship of Southern Oregoo. Arriving at Eqget tbey were met by Manager Crow of the Eugene football team and escortrd to tbe hotel. After sleeping for thre taoara tbsy arose (rom their si urn hers aod lur- ing the morning visited tbe University un 'er the guardianship of Prof. 6trob. In tbe afternoon a large crowd bied t J wit nee the game which, feed to he aa Interesting on- After tb first down it conld b plainly seen that although Koaeborg worked plocfcily, tbey were greatly outclassed in weight aud skill. Three tooch down -were made in tb first half with two jroala kicked, making lb scor 17 to nothing in favor of Eugene. In th second half three more touch downs were madV bat Eugno failed to kick ber goal each tim dosing tbe gam with tb scars. ane 52. RjeebargO. Chicago TYPEWRITER Price, $35.00 Guaranteed to equal any $100 machine . tt( ' a1 ' lpLr'i E. L. KING, Gen'l Agent, 218 Sansome St., San Francisco We C. COlYltfER, t,ocal Agt., Roscburc Vho will win the Prize? 3 sracLAL Mtjrnos icuhl Capt. Gray waa on of tb star seen ol the dsy. His defensive work wa si3el lent. Left end Stock wsH altHeagb light in weight played a fiaa sjamw. Tackles Gibson and McCormack are guuf strong players. Eugeoe'e guards, Crow aaJ Evans woold be hard to beat in any high si boot. Centre Bxth also played a good game. Qiarterback Knykendal made some brilliant runs and by bis tiee ties s ol foot wa on ol Eugene's best grouud gaints. Taylor, th left back did soma excellent plating. Fcrd, the coach, played right half back and wa a sore gronnd gainer. Ford is tart ly a grand player and Crabtre la hard to beat as a lull back. Several times be jumped tbe entire line for a good gain. Tbe game closed eith hearty good feel ing, the Roaebnrg boy giving three roonog cneers tor ineir vmor wi,o ar thorough gentlemen in every way, Iu the evening a delicious banquet waa tendered tb team in On Odd Fel low Hail by tbe boy and girl of the high school. There were a boa I 300 preeent ar.d never had a better ' time in our uvte. Th Eugene boy sole thought seemed to be to make a a)oy oarseive. Ford, tbe ball back, was toaatmsster aod toasts and abort speech es were made by Prof. Traver, Floyd Ramp and Coacn V. Ramp of Rose burg and Manager Crow, Capt. Gray and Coach Foid of tb Eugeo team ; elao epeeUie were made by Prof. Becbdolt and hi corps ol teachers. Fir every 50 rei.t pnrthae at my store yea cot only get veliw received in the freshest and twet grtcerie in loan at lowest pricee, bnt a tuket abich may make yoo th winner of tbe handsome prise tbe extra large wax doll, now on exhibition io my store window. Call early before tbe ticket are all oat. WILL CURRIER THE GROCER.. 1 The Test of a Knife... First Snow of the Season. G basts Pass, DdC. 6 To first snow l tb season fell in this city yestt rdiy . It did not remain in th valley, but the surrounding bill and mountain! were soon covered with a whit mantle. Tbe heavy rains ol late have caused the Rogue River to rise fast, and it ia still swelling. Resolutions of Condolence. of E lb row, Or., Nov. 10, 1901. Hall Hyactntb Lodge No. 50, D. of H. Wuema, Death baa invaded tb porula of oar lodge and called awsy onr beloved sister Lilll Uaney. Therefore belt Kjic(d, that onr lodge ha kt an honored and Uithlnl member and soi rowlog kindred a devoted relative, Rttoltid, Tbat w bow U hambl aouiiasMMi to th in v liable decree of Him who doeth all things well and sin- ceraly sympathise with sorrowing rela tives in Uiia trying hour of affliction. Th body hath returned to dost from whence It came and tbe apint to God who gave iu May it rest ia peace. B it also Kt$olctd, That the Lodg Char tar b draped in mourning and a copy of these raiolatiooa b spread upon tb minute, forwarded to relatives and seui to tbe county paper and Oregon Reporter for publication. To those who lor loes ar grieved This consolation given, Sbe'a from a world of sin rsleased And bluoma a "Lilly" in heaven. Submitted in C. H, P, Axsa M. Stabt, Mabt Waixs, Mabtha Bctlsb. Half the battle in good cookiug, is to have good fresh Groceries, and to get theiu promptly when ou order them. Call up 'Phone No. iSi, for go H goods and good service. C. W. PARKS Si CO. B THE SUNSET GROCERY... Will continne to be, aa it lue Un, the leaoVr In quality and prices. Don't forget that or goods are all new and frmh. A trial is respectfully solicited. WVt handle Albany Creamery Butter. CLOYD St BROWN. want want want want want want to buy a farm furnished rooms to buy a house rent a house build a house move a house to to to ..E7JIIIJIICDl.rL CKODQDX1DS3 To those who are thinking about buying a Piano or Orean we wish to call vour attention to the fine line of musical instruments in our store also to mhat our customers have to say in regard to instruments purchased oi us. uuying in large lots enaoies us to otter you ba i gains. Roerborir. Oreeon. I Dkar Sib : We are proud of our Kiogebury ninoo and take a delinht In showing it to our friends that come in oor store. If we were going to buy another piano it oold be a Kingsbury a we found it aa represented. Very Truly Your,- Bbll Sistbbs W. A. Bukb, Robbburo, Nov. 2, 1901. Roseborg, Oregon. DbabSib: I am pleased to say, after having purchased a Kngsbnry piano of yon, 1 am more than satisfied with it. I Bud it especially adapted for teaching aa tbe action is very light and tbe tone beautiful ' Hazil K. Pkkbt. Mb Wl A. Bubb, Music Dealer, Roseburg, Oregon. DsabSib: After spending some months in looking and carefully studying tbs different mskes of pianos, we bave never regretted purchasing a J. & 0. Fischer oi 500. Tbe action and tone quality is superior to all other in my judgment. Respectfully, B. F. Russell. W. A. Bcbb, " Roxbbdro, Oregon, Nov. 5, 1901. Roeeburg, Oregon. DbabSib: After having Mr. Stilts' Kingsbury piano in onr bouse tor a month i r two last spring, we decided that we wanted one for onr own bom, and bava never regreted buying one E. E. Blodobtt, Roeeburg, Oregon. Rosebcbo, Oregon, Stpt. 3, 1901. W. A. Ptjbb, , Rosbbcbq, Oregon, Oct, 12, 1901. Roeeburg, Oregon. Pear Sib : Tbe Kingsbury piano tbat we purchased of yon ia Oklahoma, and later brought through with us to Reeebnrg, we are snrprteed to find that it still remains in snod tnna. Anv one deeirir a- a good piano at a medium price, in oar judgment, conld do no better than selecting a Kingsbury piano. iwwj army l our.. Jambs Smn. W. Rosbbi'bo, Sept. 20, 1901. A. Burb, RiiMhnn. Orncron. Dkab 8ib: The Kingsbnry piano you old me ia jnst aa yon represented it, per fect in tone and quality. I find it pay to buy in rignt insirume irom ue ngui man. i mniiiD juon mtwiunj. . G. J. Eaton, Roeeburg. Mr. W. A. Burr. Music Dealer, Yoncalla, Oregon, Not. 29, 1901. Rnuhnn. ()renn. rii..D b..'. Tk. v.,. Ar Snn. ui.no wa onrchased of you some tim ainoe, baa eivnn ntir.' ..ti.r.rtlnn. The sweetness of tone and light, eaay action, together with th tM.nt.iful caa. make It an instrnment not to b surpassed. Our many i,Un.i. k m u h.n .11 anoken in oralee ol it ton nd action. W e no nun. for unnl. tn ao awav Irom Lome to purchase an instrnment when they can do just aa well if not better by patronising home bo-ineas ron. onr Very Truly, Da. W. H. Voet, Yoncalla, Oregon. MUSIC HOUSE jr. From our stock. Will convince anj-one that . quality is all right. We have something new in Pocket Cutlery every blade tested before being put in. Also a fine line of Wilson JJutcher Knives, Meat C: oppers, etc. The best of everything at CHURCHILL & W00LLEY kavvavw ' F. C. LADD. Have you seen .the Christmas Goo Is just received at G. OLSON tlidteW IF YOU WISH A NICE PRESENT FOR A FRIEND YOU SHOULD CALL AT ONCE AND GET FIRST CHOICE "The Racket Store" V i ROSEBURG, Vvy av ' OREGON t i i t I OOOOOOCOCOCMOOCOCX; New Business Policy. For a gwat while we have ben trying to think out a srstem to e-iualu cash and crelit tnule- It cannot help hot be cooceUa bv all fair-mindl people that the ready cash thrown opon tne coouUr has an advantage owr time accounts. will Hereafter ocir terms be 5 per cent discount Upon Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Uiotnmg ior vaoh. Purchase must at least amount to $1 to procure dl-ounL Shoes and 3 per cent discount Upon Groceries, Tobacco, Tin and Graniteware and any other goods not mentioned in 5 per ceni. list. Purchase mil! at least amount to to procure discount. imHABOVE IVLICY WE BELIEVE WE ARE FAIR TO BOTH OUR CASH AND CREDIT CUSTOMERS. N. SELIQ, Myrtle Creeks Canyonvillc, Ovegv H Another Combination formed in Roseburg 3 ID m us 1 have incorporated under the above name. Their stock tonsisting of 475 Dolls to sell from 1 peu'UY 1 $5' 5fK souvenir views of RosebCr from 15 cents to 75 cents e;ieh: 100 t yJ lralus steam and hot air engines rUi 10 cents to $3.75 each; tool chests, .kby horses, wagons, crokiuole and kinds of game boards from 15 cents . 0 $5.50; Christmas tree ornaments. We .have nothing to give away, nor do we have any arm prl for anv competitors, but we will guarantee if vu tr.de witl we will gave 3) per cent on all of this lino of goods. cos BEARD & SANTA CLAUS o- POPULAR W. A. BURR & CO.', If i on don't know PAT tal! on or address . . . F F. Contractor and Builder Reeebnrg, Oregon ROSEBURG, ORE