J cdacatwv Thi-re atv Twu kiiu! t! .-hKiilioii ir;itial aii.I orn:i!iH'iit:il. Tlio former sh.ml 1 W sauiv.1 l.v everyone, Uvanse it may Iv j".il to ut-e .pii. kly in . jtinin- it l.vinp. ; Thervtore, socuro the former first ; the latter, tiitc-nvnriii, it you Imve the time anil niouey. The courses of the -.a . at'sva. lt.b ct .".cad mc an arrange! wi.h a view to usefulness. We ibi not ii.tiiMo in a lit tit- of everything b'U lieViAc our tv.uTjjies to comlisclins a lirst-class lmsiin-ss si-hool. Livino ex p -uses che;i!. Stuiieuts aimilteJ at any time. Our graduates are successful, a -iul for catalogue. 5-tf : THE 3 TYPEWRITER Price, $35.00 tittarsnteed to equal any. t vi machine .- .;" Gfiicaso E. L- KINT., Gen'l Agent, 21S San some St-, San Fiaucisco W. G. COrJBJBR, l ocal AgtsaRosebure Cor. Oak and Rose Street?. Fbone Main 51. If you want If you , want If you want If. you want If you-want If you want to bu' a furnished to buy a farm rooms house house to to to rent a build a move a F. house bouse too don't know PAT ll on or address . . . ,poooocxxKDsoaoooGOxex .New Business Policy- For a great while we have fieco trying to think out a system to equalize cash aud credit trade. ' It cannot help hat Iw lOiictMp I by si fair-minded people tiiat the ready cash thrown upon the counter baa an advantage over time accounts. Hereafter cur terms will be 5 per cent discount L'DOn Drv G-ods. rurmshine (joois, riats, b iocs ann Clothing for CASH. . rarchase must at lest amount to $1 to procure di.-co'int. . . . - 3 per cent discoun U on Groceries, iobaceo, I other goods not mentioned in 5 per ceni list. Purchase must at least amount to ?2 to procure discount. WITH OTH ABOVE POLICY WE BELIEVE WE ABE FAIR T OUK CASH AND CKFIVT ri STuMEK. I N. SELIQ, Myrtle ooooocoooococxxocooocvocococvofxxy: ccoooo.xxxxxcroooor to write tor our conCdential letter before ap plying for patent: it may be worth money. We prommJy obtain U. 8. and Foreign an TRADE MARKS or return EN TIRE attorneys fee. Send model, sketch or photo and we send an IMMEDIATE FREE report on patentability. We give the best legal service and advice, and our charges are moderate. Try us. SWIFT & CO., , Patent Lawyers, Opp. U.S. Psisnt CfSce.Washington.D.C. vvj"sv'VVtv. MRS. H. E ASTON . ie i repared to wait upon old and new customers and friends with a fall and complete stock of -GROCERIES- All fresh and of the very best qOality. Teas aad coffees are specialties. Your patronaee solicited. 205 Jackson St., Poseburjj u Riddle army. 4 I. r. RIDDLE, Prop. ALL KIKDfl OF Fresh Drugs, nedicines. Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Glass, Sundries. VF Prescriptions promptly filled by a competent druggiEt. RIDDLE, - - - OREGON. GREATEST PLAYGROU :D ON EARTH EVERY NEED ) CAN BE EVERY WISH oTU'Tttn EVERY PCRSE ) bUl 1 iiU SPECIAL RATEb... Hav been established by the fiOU fH- ERN PACIFIC between ah parts of California and its great number of famous resorts by which tba expense of a trip is re duced to a very low and seasonable rate. For example : From all parts of California To (he resorts in tbe Shasta reeion, Lake Tahoe and purronndfnps, Yosemite, the Big Trees, the Kings River Country. From Hsn Joaquin and Sacramento Val ley points To the Monterey Bay Coast. From the San Joaquin Valley, Arizona and New Mexico To tbe Seashore in Southern California and tbe resorts of Northern California. for fall information, inquire of L. B. MOORE, agent of the Southern "acifici ROSEBUEG, OREGON 1 9 DEMANDS CARKl'UL! CONSIDERATION . . V. I. 8TAI.1IY, r'rln.-itil. tUem, OrtKim. 't?isV-sST;- , Liverg, Feed Bud ale fables C. P. Barnard, Frop. Saddle Hordes, Single and Double Rigs at all hours Transient 5tock gven very best 01 care Rates always reasonable Roseburg, ' Oregon Contractor and fhi.Mer Keseburg. Oregon in and Gvaniteware and any Creek, B a : Canyon ville, Oregon Noiice for 'ublication. tXITKD STATES l.AT KF!rK tin'U'i. r- . if 1 -.'e ol;i- hi-T't'T t!!! I'lBi 111 r ri.tli(TV with 111. ;rr :siu:i Ai-l t: i'iMir..p June -i. u; Of! ' An A-si r riii- lr timtr I"-' : ? a ii.irn a nr.- fort, ev.- if 1 luinum I. f::orr. ' is c.i U'MiVl I i IL: filf.i 1HU 1 lU'c- i.y Atl Augas'. 4, Kko KiTTV K. VOX FEsL. Of C'eveia 1 '. ni:!y I)-us . Sim of Or i in i:a-U.l-'lv 11.0 i in ti.i on re ne-w-j Ftittem ivt No. lf-yl, ir te pu-e'r. i c ot the no1 alii wll oi.i-r . r.'ol lo h..w tfrt lie ln inKht is ir.or valu-ht- f..r it timKr .r k1" ibflii fo' j:k--n!'iital pmp-j it. b? .1 1.1 r!tj!ii lieri;in lo fi i liw ih- l;-.rm,-r mii Krcivt.r 1 itilf omrf a'- Ke:fir-t p.,roi. a wi'nr- hml- Thorn. Ed. V. n P.-i Jolin b-kr. ofCerc.a id. Orei'jii, &a 1 Ueck cr. vl rv4e"nv. m2oo. Any any all ix r..ns claiminc t lrrwW tin- noore-'U -cri' e-1 imids tw q:i,tl lo i:l theit riKitnr in im omce on or bciote tla 10 Uv Jaun'y, lawi, o3lp - J. T. BRirKJKS. Kegister. Notice of Fiual Settlement In tb ionnly Court lo- Pougla Conolv state oi Ori'gon. In the mUerof the estate ot W. T W hitlt r. Ueoeawd. i Xoti i hr-hy (!ivcti tlmt :. E Whwle tne I'nuitiotjr o' . T. w hwifr, ov-t.. hai Ole in iid conrt, hi' flfil a f-nmit of hi procvedlngn In the adtcini.trtion of aat estate. ThatTotv the 3"! d y of Dwm' atiooc ocka in ot te eon't root.i n Hi court hotiw, KiiffhiiTir, Orerm. haa hoei m-i ot the Hon M 1). Tlio i ps'm. Cmmi v Jnlee tt.e eaid rouuty. tie tiui I t hearing ol ;cction. if a- y, to tie mi l final account, and to tne itnai seti-rn! oi tneaiiie. I Dated at R'ehr rccon. tlii a'th ia Octoler A. D. t'JOL 0. P. W HK'I.KR. Admiiiintraior of v':6 estate of W. T. Wtceler, aecoased. Firet pal.icntton, Oct. 31 1301. 031 The Wilbur School. J8th vkab. Opens on September 23, 1901. Regu'.a' grade work teachrrn' t liiwn, . Latin, (jmnan.oook kccpinir, music, etc. For particulars address the principal. f . T. WHITTLESEY, Wilbur, Oregon augl Abstract of Title to Deeded Land Papers prepared for filing on Govern men t Land. Blue P'inU of Township Maps showing all vacant Lands, une IolIar l-.nch. f K4NK E. ALLEY Architect Abstractor Plans and Estimates for all Build ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures Office in Marks Building. 'Phone 415, ROSEBCRG, OREGON PARK AND WASHINGTON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON A. P. Armstrong, IX. B Principal A practical, progressive school, conspicuous for thorough work, with hundred of graduate! in positions as bookkeepers and stenographers. Already proud of a high standing wherever known, it steadily grows better and better. Open all the year. Students admitted any time. I'rirate or class instruction. Learn what aud how we teach, and what it costs. Catalogue fret. ; Board of Directors " D. P. THOMPSON, PRESIDENT i). sous cohjsn; . . ftvn u, conkh LATE DISPATCHES CONTINUED. been commenced. Mr. Perkins left Tu sdav mornine for r . , the MllSlCk Mine With a force son, the electrician is foreman work at that end of tie line. uicu commencing work digging morning, and the work will be ble until it is completed. JLlie galvanized, and the terminus point branch lines will bo ruu ick. Mr. Morphy, secretary is in Cottage Grove, this week working in the interest of the company. The 50,000 shares will in no doubt be dis posed of in this city at the par nes men of '.he town are much ug liberally fur the shares. AROUND WORM) New York. Nov. iq. Edward V. Wilberu, of Cin cxuuati, is 111 New Yort to nt trip ariund the world. He early in th: spring and hop s machine in 30 days. His plans ar : to come direct to New York from Cin cinnati aud take a steamer to France, (?. rmany and Russia Trans-Siberian Railroad, fiually reach the Pacific Ocean. After touching Japan, he will ornia and then back to Ciuciunati. IRISH WANT KRUGKRIN PARLIAMENT. London, Nov. 15. The (rish Nationalists have offered mentary seat in Ireland. They hold that in consequence oL )rd Kitchener's proclamation, Mr. Kruger is de facto a Sritisli subject. ROBBERS RESORT Hammond, Indiana, Nov. Jay lo' tured M;chael Johnson, eet and puuehing red hot irons iutohis flesh, making him r duce his money, said to amount to several thousand dollars. (C d nl p 2 ) liillip L-rWl - 10 3(1 fhu Broan 10 30 f t sii Bw . ' 7 3" tmC.rtile " 1" 2 t RR dd- 7 30 M Hot k'rs 5 SO " ornas R den ' 7 W :ara T- m Bin . 7 'ran 8w k " 17 14) I ty Kn lone ' 7 70 -ode Rof-'e n 7 70 '-ul.wefc 'o " 7 70 I .hu Ron ?ian " 7 60 -ott Mnn Blfl :.- L-rmeU " 7 50 r-n . eiliiry mil-skp I 1 We-h- i! " 7 .l U R. d..il " 6 0 T filitim " 1 5" O Vex 3 I Waiver " 2 TJ- ' 20 t P rm " 70 V II (ilivan. " I ". I'CE-ih.iU " 2 2'i E Em id !t " 2 . I n E' '-ot " 1 I 1. Vi L-ruWiii " SO i W Pu.k it " 3 AO Krnk Fv " f 20 -Iter K: t 3 7' K T WootlrufT " I 3 f V Co e " 3 7' C 8 Henry 1 2n l itnw Ry -n - 16' Peier Ul -n 2 C A ' -rO?e ' 2 M O M o-i in E N E t " 70 i ' n Ha u'in - 2" Jim A 2t' W Z S mim.-i," r a 3 PBend kitnlitf tit i'ti-i... 37 f( Review C.i print us 25 l' Wolen-riBr ndi;en. 10 rS (1 W Di-imii k ! oonty A O -!: lri.!i- Wolco t C o;r hri tit1 V L At' .tm t tidifrg J D " ! uii 'on rb'traitt v oi k .... . Kjlennie lii.-o C P Barnard li'frv Mr W C (i!mnre indirt iftmc. . . A C MaraUra A C- h- ii'uif, . I t onnry, 'oiliif -ttta L D Sho t At Aeber - -I r h-i- P M MaiheB d-i a'j. Mir Li Sinc'n-'f 'on i lio,j '.. W Kiilx(n bril ra LW Ma bew 1 1 riditee K f) Nl 'nd road G Peir rjnio " RU-iiter v ' I'e'l Ot llina indKt sosigtgncn E V Hoover M'Pl-o-lie K:'c'--' if lint' anaf. E II Hlyatone iniljit teBietai cn N Hay irc'g -i-toci M D Tliotuton ind v nirtxi c T P b'eplipra - djft assistance... ti W R d e bri '; e 0 W Dimmick indi;', court l.otia- W i m Vinson poor farm 1 W Ma Ie i roade G aw & I'rjiih itrime atitionary. . Jaa Hiidehnrn dial atty imn.. Jus Y inn-- ouimiBMoner A E Nicvola comuibaiiri-r Mini roxria II J Kotiiuette i net Ire court ..... J2 0.' Oil M 1 70 15 ;i' J2 lb 3 W i Ol 3J 75 2 fin 5 2.1 HO )l 141 5 Si' 3 0 10 0(1 6 25 2 6 a ft a,r 15 10 3t .Vi 8 75 3 Mi 4 t0 2 00 187 15 0 00 131 4 2 95 J6 51 1 00 21 40 37 i 6 .S. 6 Oi 3 -JO 2 3 55 3 20 3 ! 4 :6 HUH octirrj H J Rohineii " 1 30 7 R 4 9 I 0 I 0 7 II flu 1 im 2 10 2 U 2 J so 4 rO 1 I ' 1 ' 1 00 1 1 00 1 IHl I 10 HO H'otmiit j a '' coorl Frank Loiik ja,tice coort wit., A M Gallsgiier U I Rotiine t jiialicr tonrt. . . . . ii O Slwnni J A Rohi rta justite court w'.. . Mia A K Niclioltr " 8 BolHimjer ' R Wolcott " II J Robinett ja'tice court.... H C hit urn Krl Onddi juetice court wit. . L Koblbaizen F H Rod. em H H Mnnrnn , W Drolliiger " .in Wy ut i MtryPeidae " !. IjltMlH II " - - . . . . XT . Ot Uieil, Ot WillCll Mr. A. JNel- and will have charge of the Mr. Jordau with a force of ho'es in town Tuesday pushed as rapidly as possi- line is 10 ue number nine Heleua No 2. Fiom that to the Helena and the. Mus- aud manager of the compauy value of 10 cents. The busi- interested aud are subscrib- IN AN AUTO. 111s plans ior an automomie expects to leave Cincinnati to circle the globe with his a French port. He will cross aud, taking the course of the cross the Pacific to Cali- Evening News today says the Mr. Kruger a safe Parlia TO TORTURE. 15. Robbers near here t-- a farmer, by burning his CsTJL i' vrxranr shnun iui czz- - Is Abs.lutcly PLRH, and wilJOUrwnAKatlrith.T Leads. If roiir U-l d-.aiiar t-toem p.i: rarry il wr:K- to mnJ ae irllLKTMhat rmi act it IVV.P.fulierSCo. Portland.' Oregon 'EAST AND SOUTH TEE SHASTA RGUTF OF Til K -- Soulhi-ni ParSUc Co. frins tear Rocclmnr lor l'nrtlan-1 aul way tati.iuaat Il:i6a rn.aii4ll.iSp.nl. j Lt. fortUrKl . Lt ! ir s vin I I.e. . Kr!o-a I IM6 r. n lt:U L ! r. - Ashlaml - Ar II:. r. h 10 r. s.r. . Srramcnto- r. ; Ijiij.i 7 4 x. a. ! Ar. - .San Fntn.-t-a-o Ar. I a li a 4 a ui ; a in : a m 712 m r bt.irn Ienrer Kan a-l ltf CI'iC4a;o 7 ti a oi 9 l i p III 7:Jft a m Sue p m ar ar .':' o. y iH. i ui -.a a oi 11:11 a in J 0" a in :) p ui - KJi'- Kl -- Fort W.Mih Clt ot MfCin tlouioti New nrr-.ns Wa-hl ito i New York ar i i. a m Sl O ro a-al a ni IVI a in i so a m :"! p m 4f a 41 n i.r 2.10 p m j ar ar I :? a m ar 11:10 p n Itiliman atwi Toiirtsi cr on' loth ti-lt. baircars Sa.-r.io. no. to Oi-len an. F.I HaM n1 lou-il rr I,iao. at. Ixtuia. N tloansanrl '1ab :iKUin. Connortlm ai i-an "ratirl wllh aeia -Warn.hip iim for Honolulu. Jawn, Cblu lbtl,n.:teii C,-niml anliaith Amerira. Vv I. B. or a'ldress M...ra, agent, at tvH bil' stat..i. R It. Mil l-Ett i r. A I a. Ai rt. RIHi' bmniiHiu' It the Cirfnii Court ol the et to ol O cgoi f... H.aic as County. blaCsrior. 1 1- niirr I " L ILCrti-r. , I ti'inlaiit. J 'o f.. II trnit. r alHire name' il.-len-l nt. Mi tlii n ,ifo.f tl-r tato oi unvon. v n arc 1 1 by r qit.r.1 tai pear a"l anw r ib. t'.titi. la n Ql il m .a'o.t o i in 'he aboe n!tlrl .it on i.i bi-loie aiurtsy. ri!!t b -r 3t:i, l.i. 'li.l If 71 II la 1 vo t- ai'i-ar anl ti.ai r lor Want iiiere"! in .iuiiiii vniapT iv I'liiicniiiiri iir l.e lelitl fi u.aiiMil In ilie eoins-lslnt. sun rlnrt r'a'en otol nhlrh Is. that Die boiuls I ii a'rimo i -x uli. a hefarrn i.lalniifT mul ile-leo-lani ! tilvel an.l for the rmtorty ol ihc mil orelol'lien of plslnl Iff ami rte'-m1aut and t cb furi'i. r u li I a-may bo ijiii'le. I l is Mini m. i. ii I p'lblis' e by i.iu. r of II n. t.W lla ilioii, Juoce of the' above entltli-d ii-1 wlil.'horrr is -ati! viinber l'2 t'l, -i .l -bo . aii' i.i tbe flm publir.it ou ol lliii slim-noli- ia Noveiubvr M. lia-l A. M.t RAWF RP, "Hp Alton y fur M mUtT Summons. lo the f:lrcull Court ol tho flaw ol Oregon for PoiikIus ci'tiniv. os'-ar A. rsnno, ri iDtirr, I.olu I. Fannn, refeiiria'if. To l.ulu 1. Fannn, iho above named defend ant: n 111 oamo of i't.' H-.ate of Orp-n. you -re liondiy .nmiiioliwl and required 1 1 apar and i.nwer hei'oinpiaiiit film analit ou in the aiovo ntltl-U i-nurt and raiise n-tililn -eek f-om thodaleof the lir-t publiriition ol bis s'linmoim. and If oii fail i ,-,, ,r Drf auswrr ss herein P quired, f. t want there .f, p aiintfrlll spp'y to laid curt for 111 r,.Ho i manded In Macomol-liit. nliieli i. f.,r a de- ce from sa l court dlvso'vl'nr ili iu.nti.ae Ill' I a,.. (IV .tin. h I iv.n h iul.a.l.. . , a . . ai t. slid I r such nthor and funlii r r.tlloi a- lo tho court may seen meel wltn equity and Kod coiisideiirc. 1 hi. ummiitis Is pulilUlifd nnco a irek for sltt sinless! e wetks In th HiKehnrv I'Uin deaor a s.mi wi ckly rcwspatT iiihl:shc at ltoelni'-. Iioiivtasinunte, Oromin I.y ord-r of Hon. M. I). Thompion. C- uiitv Jii.Iku of oir Ina iun y. (li. con undo Novitmber Bill. Itid, The flit piihiit! i ,n of this summons Is on the U Hi da vol Nmemli r. mil. n " T 1 i.ni...iii no i oeieno. Dated at Koseburg, OrvKon'. thli 6th dav of Niivcmlitr, IWl. J. A BUCHANAN, Attorn. 'V fo- 1 '.n IT .T""""""--""""' I ltle IJUaranteC&l nnn tn. R03KBUU0, OREGON. D. HaatiLTOK, . frusldetit. D. C. Habiltoh, ttocy. aud l reaa. Offlce In the Court House. Have the only onm pletesot of alistract lNka In Doinrl si County. A bstracls and Certitlcatea ol Title lurnlslied in I'oiiirlasrounty land and minlna claims. Have also a isunplcteaet ol Trnoliim of all township plataln the Roseliiiri, Oregon, U. B. Land DIs incl Will make blue print copies ol any town .blp showlnr all vacant tiovci ii nicut lands. Notary public in office, Inoutauoc agent. I Cotru,poDtlitucaioUolte4, jij .1 !f1 Nyra lionix timlcr t'dii lid will be liantcit ) lor itt t1 e MP-of pc:r li' e for ech mv tln, (with 10 x-r ci iit on" lirru uotluv suiikIh with- out change for thirty naMor ImiKi r), rzwptinit j all iiotl.is l "l'oition VViiriU'd," 'Kinploy- j uitnl Waatid" and 'Help Waitel," wbitli ' wll I liim'tteil fkkc orriMHUi CJlRAWltEKRY I B'Nl.s I hive lin Exc iHlnr- FOR SALE Licit i Ui', red ln'irv :.J vciy carlv. 1 iv ritppul Hie lift Crat- of U rfcOn lciii' to tba l'iriUi:i utnik'l fcr ttic ast tw inri. ."lv iTcltratr lurt i'n i eol-1 it )'J Ot). '1 i.e. -r - l.xf would tin called hv. 1 1 f .irif.ir , as 1 ; k U rti , nil ul t.n n. d i' 8t ety inoi.tli lii 1 he cur. 1 , li p pd c e t I'oillaiid I lie tir t ( Oc - larl and I ll-r.- I. l irtt Irli .lilnlir ui .ny vii ei 11 j j is' tii'i k 01 li: rt.. lr Item, m al 1..0-I cvny ilny in Hi ) m.il 1 In ti mv V1.11 oont put o f pr.lilj il yniirOAP. 1 atfoliavc- the I too I Kivi-r w 1. 11 li la a larifc. red, etl lerr aulag vliipi-er f'rlics on car- Uid4rd: 0, i W); 0(0, 00; 1 C.'O a.trt) I,, s t'o !, .1 Diilnrd, lri (ton. W.vNI El- EM RAl.l EH-ONS Or Imr.cu r 4iil . il n i i.iit on i. oL.:e n.fie iii tlii t r- j t'ied) to if- pit-nt atid il v-i t i-H i-i.l r: t.iblllinit nval'.hv tiu-iu-i lnfis if IM fin inc'a! ttin lifi. ..l.r!y IS00 we kiy it-. exp"cs Mtliliiiniml, all iyab!e in cli ca.-h W -lini (!.( direct from head offices. Uoreai.d cairiuj?-ti Inr n-l:el, wlivil HfCfMary. R-I.-ieiiccB E'cl.i fl.'-iddrpa-eil BtantpfHi cnTflo;" . Jlin scer, 316 Coxlon Building, CL;ct;o. S-.J. "CJR HAl.K, CHEAP L-O noes of loiproT'-d 'and, IX) acrfs ol good varden Urn', 3 - '.'I txia'ins- orcbarrl. balance irood pact are. Ten miles sonih viestcf Rolinrs! on Mvrfe l'viul it"Ke road Call on W. S. J ihr.ston, Fr -k-uT, (").. or a IdriBB Anhliy Kicbards, lirai:U I'sps. Or nnlO'f. Tl7"ANrEI AitTi's toeli tur eicwl- Itnt pu .!;caiMtip. Mort !" a' tmniH. rn fur p.rin niar. AMr i- E.nipii) Tiijli-liirg Co., Box 4o R -el . O.r. rOl. SW.K11U KENT. Tlu'iy of litu li mi raxl ul ho eb-i f, l:oi ii.l : . iMj'lire ol W. H. Eiown. K -f'll'. ) r. clUtf Koa liiixr-i:H .. vi Ui.., 2j ccr itili"icn I) ' Crvk 7 mi:- fri.n. R.h'irj I ig i're ol Jl.n H itI n loel.nrv', tf. Wxrfj-ivt' i. wo hi. Wiii pa . fii-v. : ol !onr ! o car At-plr at ill Id Notice for Publication. I'NITF!) ?TATF I.ASf or-f'V.. co l.urr. r son. M iV. I oi. Noi:,e i imrcby kivvu lat in i-oni;'i:-n--ith llic pn-vti.. ! or ,-rt ,f (,p.r June il. 1T. eiiliiirj An lu t ;.r fit- "'. 1 1 ml. r i.iiii i i lie Male- i . ilorma. iiri-ct u. S 'Iii-Ih nn-1 u a --hin-ion Termor, ." irxu-n i t.i to ali tUc Public In t Male, tiy ai t of Aca- ANK W KW , nfRnM'b';rr,ciniltit li u state of W pin. f.a, l:.l (lav 3rl la liit. ijc-: t.tr Ulrnnl' Vi. Iv", It r Ih-; pii li'-l1 f -vctt.wi No . trtwnHp -. iiti. ..I rat cv West, ami willofr prv. -1 l-i ::: ti nt t! -ianl sotiiilit M rmi llil, lor :t in:' r o r,:.t l'ia lor silrui::irl pjr-- and Mr tatiaol bet cl:itt luul'l !li t. f..rr I lie ! u-f and Kceeiier oi t'iiot e at K.nrb-.i's. 'r run. no M,i",lai. I'.f it 1 ta V of Januall. r' ' a.u. nm ..t. , i.iii ,m c l.'H'.a-larin Pr . rt an tier Mux W. iv. au j Riiih ll M-ir.'aio toat'Oir. um.ui Arv iii'l a'l -rin rl-lsiine t livne'y t.. atairr : n r bet lali-ls are rqMi-t d 'o C. t'u irc!a'r in ib-M2:cc on o" o f.i day ol JVnuai-v. X f.'L I. T. Bl:I -L.-, otsp. l:e:i-tc-. Sheriffs Sale. fS THE CIR'TIT I' ll RT OF THK STATr a ol it hofi, .or iiu :ss 'Otinty. 11 Uol.eolxrs a i l C. Filut, ' 1'lajutl li- i ISoK it ri.ti t.. liarj E. rhlpps and f W'ni. U. W i.l s. I P. f. nJants J S .tirj l he ebv iciren: Tul ! ilr'uenf a' f xrcit;n ai..l -ri-r ot sat. d-ilr tn.Ui-1 .-cil o l ie a!riv named co'iu a d caii e ou tiia '2 tt oi cctol'f. 1901. nuo:i i ..lini.'ii: aa.l Jivre dniv r nteiot an 1 nt-r d in sail ci t a raiise on In-; lt da of ctoje., 101, T ton--rl-ai ire oi a rm-iic n fav r ol Cie atao. n imeil plaintm an 1 aa..lnl liie a ore uinu; il.'f. nda-it ard aauiai tlio tuvein ill, r m-n no 'tvl and ilee-itatl miti;.rl t'ropvrl . No ItteMiin ol !. ."2 21 ni'b otervat ttiir-n at ih iaeolp-ri' nt per anunm from .b i. oa o' rVpieoila-r ; I and for ihe fni-ir iim . f t.ix s a IvaurH-d nd the lurtlier sua o i.iii rt orn js K-ea and toa in tnvr nm ... fr20 m.it and d'ooorx mca s, n j tiiere ok latlloi Salord.y the jo day 4 Niverabr tool, Atotiv o cl.w-k p iii ,oi tai t ty t 1 1 c r t-ou e front d air ia ISo-a.'bunc. lamcia- c nir Hrprfoii, seil at i nt. ti siw I i, to ilio ialiv bl.l.ier, fr . ash I i r.sod, n 'hi- rJcln. lit e and lui. ru whi. h the raid Crfen-Unta. or elt -r oi tiieoi bad on ihe I day o! luue. ISM, or at any ll.re tscrea'ior. In or to the following d a ritail i. imIh'S to a t: S ol tho XE'i oi st-tlon 4 tc frit :: "I ihc N WJ,. li. 2 and i of s-ctlon 1 in I r n hip t .ul rat te weal, the w 1 , of 'h SV)i N!i..n 11 til 't Hj of the NK'4 ti o. i'l l ui'fhu.ii mm ill rain.i. w-sl. the SK4 ' enoii 2v the fraciloi si S F.' I an tio i it . ne Nl4 IractoialSit.Ni oi SE'4 and N', of Nr.'of secti'.n M in Uiwn.lup '2S an h ,. rnva a- . the ol the fc1 j sod tne St', o the S Ff4 oi si'ctii'i. 27 In tinliip foo'h f aieaest the ol the Sfc.1, oi sect n ;: in l..a ti-S'p v -out1!, ranee 6 wnt, )-t I an S ol the SK' r.f secil.-n In township s- uih o! ra K-b tseai tbe SWI4 of svcU.oi 27 . n l all that i rtii.it ol lS!i of section 27 i luir .011th ol IM' 9 . h t'mixi'ia in t ia n m. i" s.nihof raiiiie w t of Aillamette leitd;aii all in Ib'iitlas ro'iiM,. tirrs;o:i, to'tbtr w tuail ami sin oar, the I nernnits. hr -Il:'n ct and appurbMia c s I erenn o hrtoiiiine or tn a him; a. p-'r a 11 ' . and will api.ly Hie pr. C'tds "I I'li'ti fl.'. r:r t, 10 th psyi.tent ot lliv c lata of Mica sal, auo to the costs and dibti in. it's hen-iu taxi d ai 112, 0 to he sun 01 ti" it.rnrv f f rs .lid Ile sum of Vv. taxes pa'd t'T p a'ntii s and to :he paym u . 01 lue .1101 of tv.'2.2 till" tho p a nlif! a, with I l r t'u rv-.ni st Hi rate ol a -r 1 . nt. p-'r nitom mu I n r)'. it .t nf tn ti-inlv r, HOI, and tho overi'li a, li any ihi-rel pay l thi !rr ol this court, as hir oolrr ol sl I iini'i 111 ra d ex.-ruti"U to me dt iicu-l. c -Mm 11. lint: pie lo sell 'ho said above dtveriivl u-al ro,. ry In tho m nucr pr vi leit b' la lined st R. a bu g. Ore on, thl .8 day of I'ciola-r I'A'I. K. I. PaRH'iTr. tvtl ih r:u otDoURla coumy, OrvKo-i Sheriff's Sal: TN THE I". rCDIT COl'RT OF Til STATE or On b i . Ior Douitlas County. Kin ti lln. In i an, I'lalullff 1 va I Sa'sh t. firntner, exeeritrix of the etaie l Thomas K. Gsnlner, diM'SM"', Harah E. tiardner, Martha I . tia line-, Ijiura C'un p.?r, f V . ciipicr. Eva a o-t, M J'ho , J sale Ganiner, Nel-lii- intn" . Carl Gardner. Lilly Gaol it Itfendant. J Not co l i trebr Riven: That by vlrtna of aneitc ii oflhoab-'V naina-i court aud cauvo on the '2 day of Oct' 1 er, 1901, upon a Judiimeut and do ctr duly t dered and entered In said court aiit ratis . )' the 16 day of October, 1901. hv for l'W r i f a moriiiiurn in favor ol inn above iii.-inl p' i Ufl and again. t th ab ivo nam.-d d f. ndan' and auslii't the hereinafter men lion1 an describ d. mortaa? d pr. per'y tor rh -s'ipi . 7417.75 wllh Inb rest Ihervtiu at ihe m v ii- M i r cent per annum from the lii dav I ci ' UlOl and the further sum of ft 4i i! i-i i-i ' o"s and the further ttiiit ol lia iO r t- at-.' Isburaempiits. Now t re tore, I will on Aatur ay the jo day ot November, iqoi Ato'eoilockp m ol said day, at ift. . onrt house fti nt do r in RosunurK. Douglas c iutilv. I onvi ii. toll at puhlie auction to the hlKhe.it , hd r for cash fo hand, nil the rlitht, till and ' Interest which the said dofendanU or eiiln-r of thctn hsdon tlio '20 day of NovemlHr, WM. or ' at anv time thereafter In or to the following nesi'riDeii premises, to wn: j '1 ho NV!i and the of NWV or -eo. 8 and tlieHK'i of HE'i and the 8w of Sec. 4, and the Nr.! and of NWWSoc. 9. and the W'.' of NIC', and tlieNW't'ol Sec. 10, all help In tnwnsh'p'..utl., . west ol Willamette pieildan, in lb tuiilns countv. Ormron. tovvlher , with all and sitiitula , tlio imienienis, n reillia- mrnti and aipui tcnani"es Ihereunlo Ih'IoiiIi r or In anywise apiHTUi' lug and will apply the pmcoids, Orst, to the payment of the eosta of such sale and tn tlio cosla mid dis bursomviita heroin taxed at $J9 60, to the sum oflltKl alloniey's fees and to tho payment of the sura of I 417 7.Sdno the plain II If. u ilh in terest at tho rate of 10 percent per annum from the 16 day of October, fiKll. aa by mil r of said court In said execution to m dliwied cun manding mo to sell Ihe said above il"srribvd real property In the raannei provided by law. Dated st Roseburg, Oregon, this '2-S day ol October. 1901. E. L. PARROTT, t3i . anermol Douglas county, Oregon. oockoooocoockxxx;ocx OOOCOOO Oil in INVESTORS The old days of Titusvillc and Oil City, where fortunes were made in a night will be completely outdone by the magnificent oil fields to be uncovered and developed in Southern Oregon. THE UMI'QUA VALLEY OIL COMPANY controls the cream of Southern Oregon oil lands. If ym want some of the first hundred thousand shares send your orders to the Secretary of the Company, or through Wells, Fargo and Co, express. Umpqua Valley ! OOCOO coecoceocooocooeooccc Executrix Notice. Kiilif t hereby alveo tbat tne nndrrMsoed mere 011 the .'nil la o' oenlrKr, 11, l.jr the County Court of Ix'ujlts rouuty. urv-on ! : appointed eaerutrlie of the 11 will and the estate of Aaron Hurt. oVwised. '11 pmrti. ; )m'. ine cia.ms ,Meaiu,t iiic mii tau. ae nt-te-bjr niitrd 'o f'n-f4.'tit thera nh tbe proper vrl er. vtlb:n six uiotir the da e of this notice to tbe undt-rBiict ueru'rixe at f tne oruee 01 a. t.rawiora, in nviaeijurx;, l)ouia -intr, Orrr.n. Dated thu llib day ot SveroV r. 1 1- LIZZIK U. BIL'Is V AMANDA M tS iS, ExeeiitrlTrs of the last will an I leUmnl ot ; A.-"U Hu t, JCv-sveil. Notice for Publication. CMTED IfTATEtj LsSI.OFFICF. l:o (:., Ortaon. pt :. I 1 Nolle Is hrn by el-rn tbat in Q.it.p'iancc with Ihe ptmstotta 4 tho art of 1 oDfcre 01 Jure -t. l. ent:li..t. "An act i-T the sale rf tt:nt r la-ds in ".be ?iabs Caiifi-m. I ituft". Nets la , a-sl W rhli ifu-v Terriuicv.' a exl-l- ed t- all the Pntitic Land lst-a Ly act ol Aut OH 4. Li". JOilN BF KER. tt Ore'sn-l. e-iun:y Inixlaa. rotate ol Ore- Kon. has lla, Oay u rO t:, ih: oflier Ms sworn rtatiment No. r ibe pi rhaae id tbv Mi nl Mellon Tnb:p SI m wlh "I taus H al-d afll Cif r 101-f t" ftho that Ibe lai.J aoucbt 1 more ralor'.le lor 11 ilmt-r or n.xie tan V aeeu'iiiraj purpom- 1 and in - uti'ldi h:s e aim uai.l land before the V vf :sti-r n-i Krtbrto thivoaee at R a I u r . r. rim. . 0- lrursdey i;.e h day of P-j I 'd. H. names wltnraa. s: ; a'i Hera- r. ol Riavtrjrr U'ry..n Frack in-r.it. o' h e burif Ore on Ivlward 'or.p,-a-l of CVre-and. Or con. W ii lain Jacason. ot Lo-k. g buva, Or.vm. A. and a't perw'trs clalmlnf adri-rscly the aVivc-.ieTtl-d i-j-is irt nqui'.U u B! -ttetr e.ats in thia oatce on or beVre ! ' M!i iTa. a l-T.l'il J I HkilK.F.4. rip Ke(i..tcr. iSotice fo:- Publication. CNITED iflJlTKS I M OFFH E. ibaxt-urr, Ore..O.-t. 8. ;H. S.HI- Is hereby slvra thai in coiupltaur with the j.rovlaf.aia ot the act ol Cn.area n June i L.9.er.til.eU "An a-l ior Ihe sale ol lim ber iacda in the ui of ahtortoa. Ortci-n, N?v.ls aid Washtnetor; TT-iioy," as it-nd ed to au tbe PuUie L-nd eutea t-y act of August . IMT2. JOHN F I.tHNHkKI o' I areas va'iey. onin'y ! Iwiii'u, Stale of lift n bm luis -'ay u-c-1 li lhs oxr his is. m j title nent No. I, fos tn pun haaeui ihe bit . i. a sod 7 -i Si lira No 6 ionti ip :tl sciitb, 1 ratine No. S w. it, a:i1 il oCrr p ol lo show ti.a tat land h.ul-!iII m -re Tainable f r i:s! timi ror'one 'baa f.tr axricnttarai purp.-t-a, and to eriabi'.sh his claim to sail land before! Ibe Kroner an Keeeirer of ibis ffce st fio e- ' bore. Oreaon. on Fr. ay. tb lain day of I l-eccmbe'. Im.1 He usuiea aa witnesses. E N -mtih. ai se Kmllmti. W il.iarn En tlnu I aiid Jol n Kri-Oi all t iSyrt Pou, l. O a v. Any and ail persons riaisninr sdr.i-vlv the. above dnrriboil lanb- are reseaxl to Bie their claims I- th: ofiic CB Or talore said U b day ol lux-ember, 1901. OUp. J. T. BaiDiKS. R.-I'ster. Notice for Publication. CNirKD STATKS LASI OFriCE. R asm an -nr tvioer In. 1901. Nottre is herebv aiven that in e:Mdlaar with the provisions oi lh act of Coaareaa of i June 2s !.. entitled "n art tor the sale of1 timber Ian. Is tn f estates ol California, Ore- fon Neva-la and Waahtnrton Terrilorv." as ex tended to ail Ihe lubtic Land states by act ol Au-rusl t, 1-92. LCCISD MXIKE. Of Roaeburtt. rooaty of D uss. Slabs of O-e roa haa ahia day U ed her sarorn atab-wient No. lravS I -r Ihe purchase of the of n u ol S.Tllon No 10 TiiatusHnJU r-oulh. of Rai-se 9lC west, a -d will off.-r nrool to sh-ox ILat tbe i laud mmuM ia mor vaiuab'a ior Its itmber or j st inc lliao tor air cu'.'nral pnrp.w' a and lo ra- ' iaoi:sn ner claim lo-au .am uvMre tno Keaia ler and Rett lv.r of this office al K.neL 'irv, tre fn, on Toes ly. the 17 day of necember. rl. eh.- na-nea as witne-a s JVhn W. lima, Walbrt K. rfoivtrr. ol Koennt, Oretton. tL S. Ointtb, oi Myrtle Poim. im,oi. J. F trlvena. ol RoM-burs. Ur son Any aud all tx-raona elalm.'nt: a-lvor-ely Ih above-iacribe-t lands rc rauucateO to B: c;r rlaims In this otDoeoa or be tore said 1st day oi beo-rcber. 1901 J. 1. BRlLH.t-s ol.ip Htwiaier. Notice for Publication. C SITED 8TTES LAND OFFICE. Pi.sk l so, Orst..'-. Oct. 12, 1 01 N-'tlee Is hrrvby vlrrn Ibat ta cnn liati w tu the provi-P ns ot the act ot Onaresa ! Jure t, 'Ka. eulillcl "Aa et tor th : sa'r of timber lands In Hi i ttau.t of Callfo-tra. ore.- n hrvala and Wastinrvn Te rlnry." as eso-ed ed b. aii the I'ub'.ie Laud Slate by act ui Au nsl 4, lst, WLLIAJI A. 8PRACF, o Roaebunr. County ol Dout'a, State ol Oie i. basibisdat Bud In lois oSice hi sarorn sta rD'H No I i. for the purehi c of the h SWiJ eK'4 alllSh't SV of srciion Kc. 6. Tow.-sl ip.lls n Ih, O' Katuu a west, and will ode: pro 1 iohow taat the land sought Dm iT vai'iai.ki tor ui iimt or s'oue man in ran Cultural purpose and to establish his ci .lint said land be ore the Register and Receiver o this office at Ros bunt, Urucon, on Tuewtay, the wun nay ot i. cemoer iaji. no names as w -Besses: T J. Brown. Ooo. HmVale, J F. li t ansol Roseburg Oregon, Albert Crouch, ol Cat-as all-y. Oninu. Any and all pernios claiming al Tersely the al-ove desert btii land are re)Ui-'ed lo fie their i la'ma In this mtlee ou or tw:ore said 2Ub dav of Duccoiber , 1901. oup j. r. BRirxivy, Hcgistcr. Summons. In tho Justfco Court fo. Deer Pre. k Tll.irli t.ounty oi uoiisias, t lake 01 vrviron. r. a. Marrlon, flaiuiifT, T T. Telle. I Defendant To T. Taita, d- f-ndant: in idu name ot tne sutaot orcron, yon are ni-reoy reoutreo to appear ami answer the com plaint Hied against you In tho above entitled cause, on or before the 4th day of Novambrr, Its'l, sun - jou I ail loansaer Wlllliu aia limo. or wa f IT ereof, plait'tlft will take Judgment giln i as demanded in bis comptatut to- n: Tho tu ol seventy Hve $7 00) dollars, - ogeth cr Hit itcosland'ilabursemonl hercl - to be taxeu. 1 his summons la published by order of II. J. Roblnet'e, Justice of the Teaee i f said Court wnivnonier is oaten octooor ftn, 19 1, and the date ot the first publicat on thvreul October lUlh, 1901, and the date ol the last publication is noveimier, nia i?ii. JOHN T. LONG and LOUIS BARZKK O10 Attorneys lor flaluliS Administrator's Sale. Notice ia hereby given that the ttnderslvned. the adiniiiistrator of the estate of Slattio Chan. dler deceased, lu pnr uame ul an order ol the cu my oourl of lioiiglsa county, stale o' Ore gon, on uiy nimie aim cnicrwi on me tin dav ol MiTi'muer, iu, at Hoaeiiurg, uretion, sell at , Oresron. sell at private sale, Mr cash In hand, or upon credit with approved teourtty, the following described real ppirairty, lo-wil: The east 100 Iwl of lota 7 and in block 74 Second Southern Addition to the Cliy of Hosohurg, Douglas county, Oregon. unis or oners ior tne ptircnase oi said proper! projH'rO may be made to tbe undersigned or vi est. Agent. Dated at Ros-burg, Oregon, this 6th day ol November, 1901. B B. CHANDLER. Administrator of the eelaie of ilaltie Chandler. deooMcd. fUii ' 0O(XX)OCOCX Douglas The Rich Fields Uncovered Will Rival Those of California or Texas WILL REAP 'il II C V.VWAVWAVV.VAV.V.V.V.V.V.V.W.V.V.V.V.V, Drain Gardiner j 1 js 1 j m ' " j aa 1 "a 1. J m . a ' a COOS BRY STHCE WINTER PCilEDL-LE-SUst. leave Drain Morning. Wednesdays and KrU iv. ,-tit I arrie iii MArr:-iol.l ih f l!.win.I.ir. leaves March- i fi-M MoinI.it g, Vi c!i.cjdays and FriJjr an I arrive in Irrain f..tVwin "a lay. Good covered coaveyauoca. FARE f '..5t, iucluding 50 poojio'e of bajiajir. For fartKer information addres js J. R. Sawyers, Win. Roberts, 5 rrt.ric'.or, A-nl, Drain. Oregon 4 V.V.VASV.VAV.VAV.WAV.V.V.V.VWW.vC 0 AZALEA HILLS The finest Rough and Dressed LUJH Fine Cedar Fence Posts, Wood, etc. Fine Port Orford Cedar Finishing Lumber We want your orders for building material. All orders prtniptly filled. GEO. W. RIDDLE LIMBER CO., AZALKA, ORI-GON I OOOCXXXKXOCOi)COCXXOOCX?CXXDOCXX f TTinTli' 5 AD urGOUi'Snforniution, The Eurltcgtcai ticket ot5 ! rortlanti b a vvriUbSe Bureau of Information lor travelers a place where they can learn what il will cost to reach 2NY point ia America cr Europe; bow long tbe trip wj take, and what there is to see on the way If you are figuring co an eastern trip, drop in and get full information, or. it you preler, write me about it Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City, St, Louis and EVER YW HERE beyond. IP Cor. w. ' NURSERY . isUPPLlES' Largest and best varieties. Choice stock, prices right Give us your order for Nursery stock before buying elsewhere. We guarantee satisfaction. Prices at the bottom. Agent Woodburn Nursery. Roseburg. Ore II IB, fEffl E. C. CA5G, Proprietor Host Rigs and Teams in the City. Transient Stock Given Special Attention Call and see me. Phone 601. Iy barn has lately been enlarged and I have added several new rigs, and am better prepared than ever to furnish you good turn-outs. County. A HARVEST Oil Go. ii mm ROUTE iC A C SutLPow, Gener-J Agent. Third and Surh Sts FutUnd. Ore. BER ss E. HOOVER ffl 5S 51 7 T