cdcicatwv There are two kinds ol education jraciic:ii and ornamental, l no iormor miouiu be sscured by evervone, because it may be put to use quickly in earning a living. Therefore, secure the former first; the latter, afterwards, it you have the time and monev. The courses of the ' 3.ML--m Ut.'KJII'KNN .: sK are arranged with a view to usefulness. We do not dabble in a littlcof everything but devote our energies to conducting a tiret-class business school. Living ex penses cheap. Students admitted at any time. Our graduates are successful. Send for catalogue. .jr v. I. STALKY, Jrlii.-irnl. tsoleiu, Oregon. , , w. NURSERY SUPPLIES Largest and best varieties. Choice stock, prices right Give us your older for Nursery stock before buying elsewhere. We guarantee satisfactioE. . Prices at the bottom. Aeent Woodburn Nursery. rv -CV Cor; Oak and Rose Streets. Phone Main 51. If you want to buy a I' you want furnished i you want to buy a farm rooms house If you want to If you want to If you want to . you don't know PAT ll on or address . . . U .1., i c EMM rent a house build a house move a house F F. patteron. N. SELIG, Myrtle l-i.!. J . In this line we "JlallalJi est dresser as HOW COME IX AXD SEE WHAT Shoes! We never before had line. - Our principal 1 line. This name on thj bottom of a shoe "".aWr nrfle1 OF ALL LIV UUUUS1 tention the latest shades. Suitable for Waists, Gents Furnishings! penders, Neckwear, Socks. In fact a chandise at prices we feel will be satisfactory to you. N. SELIG, Myrtle to write for our confidential letter before ap. We promptly obtain U. S. and Foreign PATENTS and TRADE MARKS ?r return EN TIRE attorney's fee. bend model, sketch or photo and we Bend an IMMEDIATE FREE report on patentability. We give the beat legal service and advice, and oar charges are moderate. Try ns. SWIFT & CO., Patent Lawyers, Opp. U.S. Patent Office, Washington, D.C MRC; w FARTON 9 is prepared to wait upon old and new customers and friends - with a full and complete stock of -GROCERIES- All fresh and of the very best quality. Teas aad coffees are specialties. Your patronage solicited. 4 i . ci n...i...M U alOblVdUU .31., USCUUIg A Riddle Pharmacy.? 9 I, B. RIDDLE, Prop. ALL EI5DS OI Fresh Drugs, fledicines, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, QIass, Sundries. SJPrescriptions promptly filled by a competent druggist. RIDDLE, - - - OREGON. GREATEST PLAYGROUND GN EARTH EVERY NEED CAN BE EVERY WISH cTTTTVn EVERY PURSE )bUllliL 5PECIAL RATES... Havs been egtalliebed by tbe SOUTH . ERN PACIFIC between ah parts of California and iti great cumber of famous re;orls " by which the expense cf a trip is re duced (o a very low aod soafooaUe rate. For example: From all parts of California To the resorts in tbe Shasta region, Luke Tahoe andf urronndlDBS, Yoeuiiie. ttie Eig Trees, tbe Kings River Country. Frcm Ban Joaquin and Sacramento Wi ley points To tho Moatcrfty Bay Coast. From the San Josqoin Va'icy, Arirma and New Mexico To the SeisLore in Southern Ca'i'oroia and the resorts cf Northern California. For fall information, inqnire of L B. MOORE, agent of Ibe Southern Pacific. ROSEBURG, OREGON I i DEMANDS CAREFUL! CONSIDERATION , .1 m f 1 1 1 HOOVER Roseburg, Ore EMPIRE- Liverg, FfEd find gale gfeMes C. r. Barn aud, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs at all hours Transient Stock gven very best of care Rates always reasonable Roseburg, Oregon Contractor &Bd Builder Resebnrg, Oregon OCXXXXOCKX5CXXXXXXXXXXX)OOOCOCeOO Creek, Oregon.: believe we can please tLe most mod- well as the most fastidious. ANY-i WE HAVE. such a heavy stock and such a varied stock is of the "Bradley-Metcalf Co., represents value. KINDS. We especially call your at- to our line of VELVETT: nearly all Trimmings, etc. A full and complete line. Overshirts, Underwear, Sus full and complete line of General Mer Creek, Branch : Canyonville, Oregon )000CXXXXXXXXD0CXXXXX)C)CXXXXDOCXCXO Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LASD OFFICE KoEBl Rt.. Ore.. Oct. 26. 19UI Nmife is hereby riven that in oni tilianc with the provisions if the Act of Concrw ol June 3. ent.tle-1, "An Act lor the ssle of timber land in the States of California, Ore- eon, Nevada. and Wuhitiirton T' rritorv," an ex tended toa'l the pu:iiic laud stale by Act of Augost s, i l!Ko. KI1TY E. VOX FESiL. Of Cleveland, O'Unly of Doz!as State of Ore con ta-ihi '!v fiie i in thig onice berswo.u etaicm-nt No. 191, for the r-nrcha-e of the neV4 of taction c. tonxship 27 moth, raugo t went ah. i will offer proof to vhow that the l&Dd sought is more vauiabie for iu- timber or Fton than for aehtullcral turiOfie&. ard to establish her claim to Faid land before the Register and keceiver of thiseffice at Kofeh'inr. Oregon, on Friday, tho 10 Cay oi Jannary iMi. 8be Dame as witnesses: Chariot Thom, Ed. Von Pewl, John Keener, oi Cleveland, ureeon, Kail Beck er. ol KoteDunr, oreron. Any any all persona claiming adverrcW the above-described lands are requested to die their claims In this office on or before said 10 day of January, ijci, 031p J. T. BRIDGES, Register. .1 The Wilbur School. ISth teas. Opens on September 23, 1001. Regular grade work, teachers' classes, Latin, German, bookkeeping, monic.etc for particalars address the principal, C. T. WHITTLESEY, augi Wilbur. Orezon I Voting Contest & il Given by the leading Roseburg met 7J. chants, by which a r0 Kimball Piano will be given away FP.EK loihe lodge, church, wtool or aoeirty voted tbe most popular by l)ce. S. 1S01. Tbe following merchants itue ballots with every 25c purchase: JOSEPHSON'S, Dry Goods and Clothinx. A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Drug-". S. C. FLINT, Shoe0. J. F. BARKER & CO., GrO'jerief. MRS. N. BOYD, Groceries and Crockery. KRU5E & NEWLAND, Groceries. T. K. RICHARDSON, Pianos. R05EBUR0 ROLLER MILL, M'rn. "Leaniird'ii Beit", B. W. STRONQ, Furniture and Wall Paper. J. T. BRYAN, Jeweler, Pb to Supplies. H. D. GRAVES, Photographer. Piano on exhibition Josepuson's store window. Ejcrs piano Hfjuset Portland, Or., Western Wholdsale Dlxtii lintnnof Kimball Pianos; T. K. Kieh anlson, local agent. junl7-lw Abstract of Title to Deeded Land. Paiers prepared for filing on Govern ment Land . Blue Prints of Township Maps showing aii "acaui ianas, vne woiiar Jiacu. fttANK E. ALLEY, Architect Abstractor Plans and Estimates for all Build ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures Office in Marks Building. Thone 415. ROSEBURG, OREGON a Tr? rvicnATucc twiti ivti tr?rv I C UUrrX 1 vll election with result in doubt. with the usual Republican majoriies. The Republicans of New York state and city feel Colorado the election was warm in Denver. Result unknown. MISS STONE ALIVE AND WKLL. New York, Nov. 5. A dispatch to the World . from Samakov, Bulgaria, says: Miss Tsilka have been seen within ries sent by American Diplomatic Agent Dickinson from Sofia to treat with the brigands who abducted the mission aries about a ransom from the American women. Both captives are well. It is expected that their release will be arranged soon. Washington, Nov. 5. The ceived telegraphic advices from Bulgaria in the course of which tion the opinion that both Miss alive and well, or at least were quaes several aays ior news 10 wild country where the women can be obtained for publication negotiations for the ransom of PLANNED A Manila, Nov. 5. A plot garrison at Moncada, Province has been revealed by the wife of one of the conspirators. Several town officials are implicated. The woman who re vealed the plot hid a detective beneath a house in which the leaders of tbe conspiracy were meeting. Arrests fol lowed and many incriminating papers were seized. The plan was to set fire to racks, after dark, and when the in extinguishing the flames, 150 conspirators, armed with bolos, were to rush on the guard, capture their arms and proceed to massacre the garrison. TWO CROPS Independence. Woy. immigrant from Iowa, located in this vicinity and planted a patch of potatoes of the Burbank variety. By July i they were harvested and were mediately re-prepared the ground, and seeded another crop of potatoes, and last week he finished digging the second crop. HEAVY DIAMOND ROBBERY. Cincinnati, Nov. 5 Twenty thousand dollar diamond robberv occurred here last nieht. The thieves left a trail of gems behind them on the tablishment. THE BRAVE BOERS. London, England, Nov. 5. The Boers removed British guns after their attack on Bensons's column. English troops were badly whipped. Educational Notes. 9 Bj F. B. Hi no. Co. School S Jpt. Mire Liy I.Teter has put completed a term in disirict 1-0. at Ada, Ora. M,t8 Fannie Wilson has been employ ed for a Svj months term in dtairist 10, at Red liiil, oesr Oakland. Program sod classes of tbe Gardiner sciiools, Miss Maxamila NitboU, prin cipal, has been received. Aootbsr supply of teachers' registers baa leen received. Any district not sop plied wilt please notify this ofBx. Tbe pioraai for loral institute at Oakland. Nov. 22J sod 23rd, is being ar ranged. Tbe t will be a nioical and literary prtram and an address on Fri day evecicg, aod regular instil ate work onSt'orday. Not only teachers of the count? I ot all school i fficer", friends and patrons cordially invi'ed to be pn a nt. At' nd.ttic of teachers at hfe local institutes ia not compulsory, but all tenets ri nt the section of the county in which ibey are held are ex pected to attend. Yiiur 6uirintrndent mado several schuol vivi s lat week, and found teach ers nd t'opils in moot in ) acres doi $ giod oik. a eroit visit to the Wilbur public schools indicates that Wilbur t-till main tains the enviable reputation as a echool town. Three teachers are employed. Enrollment about 70. In the principal's department, Prof. Whittlesey baa 23 pupils doing 7tb, 8th aud 1Kb grade work. He ia expecting more pupils e! ortiy, and sajs he is f njoying bis work very much. At district 24, Camas Bsale, near Oakland, we spent a portion of tbe aft ernoon with Mies Rachel Branch and her inters ling tchool of a dcren bright boys and girls. Good recitations in geography and spelling. Ttia district was recently diviJed, the northern part being cat tff ai new district and given tbe rubber 122. Lumber is on tbe ground for a rchool hcose In tbe new dittrict, near the Fair Oaks cburcb, and district 24 also intends to build a new bonsecoon. One of the tiott wide awake schools we havfeye' tee:i ia tba. in district 80. Seymour Quant his here a small school wi.h otly 13 eurol'ed, but tuey are alt very mnch in err nest and doing good woik. Two doinit eighth grade work. This school baa a small library bicb was pu'cha'td with lands raised by a local enteitaioment. They expect to add to it from tioir to tim. At district 20, about five ud ea i oith of Oakland, we vitited tlia sihool cf Miss Louisa BjB". Fife e pupil were pres ent, 17 eirolltd. A uumber ol reiita tations in reading and spelling were heard. The ei.blh grade dais ol three in oral i pellin bad au excellent leecon, one young man misfing bo words in a long list of difficult words. O.der not tbe beat. . Friday formica was rpent in tho Oak land publis j, all four departments by'Dg visited. The t riuivry ilf partn ci.t lit, 2d and 3rd grade-, la In churgeul MibB Jeetie Obmart. She is using tbe CD CUniinUCLI. Iowa polled a light vote confident of success. In and slight trouble resulted Ellen M. Stone and Mrs. the last two days by emissa State Department has re its agents in Turkey and they express with convic-i Stone and Mmc Tsilka are so several days ago. It ue iraubiiiiueu mruugii me are held captives. Nothing respecting the progress of the women. MASSACRE. to massacre tbe. American of Tarlac, Island of Luzon, a house close to the bar soldiers came out to assist IN A SEASON Last March Mr. fettit, an fine large potatoes. He im floor of the large jewelry es the The Phonic method in reading and is meet ins ith txcelieoCrreolis. Tbe 40 little folks in tbe 100m were qniet and well behaved. Tbe 4 b s.i l ?-i!i (trades, about 40 pupils, are in clmr- of Miss Bessi Powell. Tb':; is Mis Bcsio'a first term at Oiklaoi', but th eeois abundant able to d.' thi work and is etTioic good eatisfactijn. Zjher Agee has tbe inter mediate department. Filly six pupils are enrolled, in tbe 6th and 7tb grades which makes bis classes large aod on- weildy; however be is getting along nicely itb them and making good pro gross, In tbe principal's department Prof. Cochran has about 40 popiia doing 8th, 9th aod 10:h grade work. A rnore interes ing'ecbool is not io he found in tbe county. There Leina- th'ee grades makes many classes The programs sbow 20 recitations tier day, hich makes the time for eacb lees tbao 20 minutes. lu these grades the recitations should arerage 30 minutes if oseible. Oakland may wall be proad of ber pub lic schools, but she is really in need o' aootber teacher t3 rvlievs tbe crowded condition of ber upper departments. In district 23, at S'.euheos, we lound Prof. Peter Naeb, Jr., witb 36 popils, and witnessed an interes'iuit FriJay afteroooo scLoi en'.erlainiuetit. i're ce liui Hie fiiteiUiament was a ciniKi ti-in rxen ue, by a class tf six eul't' grade pupi'S. The pa tie re acri we,l written and shouted OiUtlj uoua-hl aoJ Cue in their prepirali in. Tlin lllerart program was Well remeied. Several viritor were preseut. Ttiere teems to be a strong sentiment in tbis distr.ct lo lavor ot a new school bouse, aoJ we ex pect to see some definite action taken in tbe ma'.ter before loop. Notice. A winter trip to Southern California and Arisona via lbs famous Sbas'a R ate is one never to be fo'gotten. R newed acquaintance with tbis section will ever develop fresh points of interest and added sources of enj tymeut under its sunny tries, in the variety of inter ests and added industries, in its pr ibfic vegetation and among its numberless re sens of monntaiu, shore, valley and plain. Two trains leave Portland daily, morn- lux aud evenmg lor t'alif ri.ia. Tbese trains are i iiiiii piiil wiih ttie most iu, proVkd pa ieiu ol nd4id and loUriat kletping cart, ami t m low ta te place the trip in read i of all. For illustrated guides of California and winter result', address H. B. Miixkb, Gen. Paesr. Agent, Portlaud, Or. Dbolullon of Partnership. Notice id hereby ttiven that the par nemhip heretofore es sting between 0. L. Il.-eJ and U K. Miniar.l under the firm name ol Used & MiuiarJ in the transaction of a 1 quor business, is tbis day dissolved by inutnal consent, 0. J, Reed continuing the business. AH lia bilities as well as outstanding accounts dating from May 1, 1901, are assumed by said 0. L. Reed, who will pay all hills and who urge that all acoiuuti due t In firm bs paid to him at an early date. Roseburg, Ore. G L.Rkid, Oct. 81. 1U01. L. U. Muiuito. MI NuTB. items under this head will be chanced for at tie rate of 5c per line for each insertion, (with 10 per cent off where notice standi with out change for thirty days or longer), excepting all notices of "Position Wanted," "Employ ment Wanted" and "Help Wanted," which will be Inserted rasi or charqk. OTRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE I have tbe ExcelBior which ia a la'ge, red beiry and very early. I hav Hbtppsil toe first crate of Oiegon berries to the J'orilaDd market for tbe laftt two years. My rrst irate last epriop: sold for i9 60. Tbev an- wbat would be called evrrlearina, as I p ek berries oil' of tlieni . lmcet overy m iitb in the year. I ehip- Ifd e ate to Portlaud I lie drtt of Oct ober aud luerd is al least ttrii uallons on my vines now j'ist tbii.k of tine ripe strawberries aluioit every day in tbe jear, end tben say yoa wont put oat a patch of your owo. I also have ttie Hood River which is a large, ted, sweet berry and a good shipper, f r:ces on tars a Dill-id: 2u0, 11.50; 600, 12.00; 1,000 13.03 1.8. Co. n, tf Dillard, Oregon. chV.n7 re-;BpKd 'SS' wealthy bneine honse of solid financ al standing. Salarly $18.00 wm-klykwitb expD add tional, all payable la cash each Wduteday direct from head cIl'ueH. ' Horse abd carriages lurniebed, when nec-fwaiy. References Enclose relf-addreesed stamped eavelope. Man aiter, 316 Oaxtoa BuiMin, Chicago. "12 J I. TpOR SALE, CHEAP 120 acres of warden land, 3 acres of I sring orchard, balance good pasture. Ten miles sooth' fstof KoBebnr on Myrtle Point stage nad. Lall oo . b. Joticftton, crock ay, Ore-., or address Ashby Richards ants Paw. Ore. onlO'.f, tfTAN TEI) Axeuts to fell onr excel lent publications. Mot liberal mm. me (or ir ii nlars. Address F.iitrr i we Poblit-hitg Co., Box 403, K e it'if, Oie. FOR SALE OK KENT. Thirty acres of laud, 6 miles et of Rofebarg, hoase aod barn. Ii.qaire ot V. II. Browo, Rtreba-e. . olOtf For Kknt 134 acres of land, 25 acrrs Utile cu I)-r Creek, 7 miles from Roeebar-. l uioire of John Haml n, Roeburr, Or. If. Wastko Five corJ of four fool dry fir wohI Wi:I t( c s'l Apply at this Notice for Publication. (.'KITED STATE LAND OFFICE, BuM-bunr. Orwn, Oct. 2, I aiI. Notice li heretiT ;ren that in eompllanre viih iho vrvv109 ,hc act ol Cnicrcs of June 3. 1?T. eniitle.1 "An ai t for tbe aie of limber Un.l. In ibe Mate of California, Orvcon. Nevada and Wnhinfrton Territory. acxtend- cd to all tbe Fubhc Land Mate by act of Aug ust 4, lit2, ANNE W EI3-, of B.ebarK. e-uot of 1) uiav tat ot Ore con. ba ti.i day fiieJ in tni office fcrr n tatemeni No. lor the pu.Thae ot lb fK' nf reatloii No K iauh!p J. SMU'.n. of rauae b not.uin win on r prooi 10 mow ir,i me land aourht ll more valuable for Its timber or Mime than for agricultural purpo.)1. and Ue- tablirh her claim to said land U lorv tlie K-c1-ter and Kevciver of thin ofTux at K'ifburg. Ore ron.on Monday, the th day of January, ?ol. Hoe nni a witne-e: Joe H'..wbcrteii, Frill riauffcr. Mai aod Kclnhi It Mcir, aU of Bovebunr. Oirtron. Any aod ail peranns cl.lmlni adTenely ice a'ove-ditcribed land! are requeatol J lo flie theircla'mi In tb.iolB"e on or before aid (ta day of January, l.'i J.T. BKIlKjrJi, ccp. Keguier. Sheriffs Sale. TS THE CIRCCIT C'OI BT OF THE STATE A of orctP o. for Iouc'.a county, li. Wohcnberg and S C. Fllot, 1 FialnUTs t. I Robert Fbtrp. Vary E. Phlppa aud ( Wm.k.Uulii, j Defendanla. j Notice l hereby elTen: That by 'irtue of an execution and orler of sale duly Israel out ol tbe above named court and caa-e on the dar nt Cctober. ljl, ujon a ju iclner.l and docrve duly randervd and enlerol In sai l court and cause on the 11 day of ctober, 1.01. bT fore closure of a mortiraae in fawr of Uie above named plaintiffs and aaalnst the above named defendant aod again.; the bercinalur men tioned and described mortirsged projerly, for tit-sum ol t-'i-cU il with interest tbereoa at the rate ot S per cent, per annum from the J das ol rk-ptember, 11 and lor the further sum of 1VJ uuies advanced and the further sum ot I 0 attorney! fee and toe lunher sum of 12j0 eoau and disburse men ta, now therefore I will OP Saturday the jo'day at Navembcr. looi. At one o clock p m , of laid duy al the CMirl houe front door in Koavbunr, iMuiaa connly, Orecon, sell at public aucuon to the Mshest bidder, for cash In hand, all the rlcht, title and Interest, which tbe said defendants, or cither of them had on the 1 day of June, IKK, or at any time thereafter. In or to the following d enhed premlM-s. to-wit: Sfc'totthe NE'4 of section I the fratlonil Si m tbe N V'4. lota 2 and 3 of .section 3 in b.nbip south, raniteS west, the w of the SW; section 11 and the t of the XE1, s..-et!on 10. township south, raiuv west, the SEof section i the fraeiional N t1, f section kx. the KW'i fractional SV i, Nfi oi K!, and J1, of Nt'iof section M u township & auuih ol iranren west, the Vt',' o( 're ES and the Nt', oi ttxs At'i ol secuoii n in lownsnip souin ol ianae6 west, the 8' , ol trie bt'4 of section St In township 2 sooth, iance6 west, lot 1 and NV of the NE'a of n-c l- n 3 In township K south ot nrge 6 weal, me of section i snd all that portion nf be NV' of section T, ly ing sooth of tbe 8 oiiti I'mpqiia In Dwnsbln -A south of range S west of Willamette lieiidian all in Ih uglaa cotini; , oicgo:i, lotelbcr with all and lingular, the t nements. herollUmtnta and appurtenances ih-renn o lielnnging or in anywise a pena n im. ni win apply me pro ceeds of 1'ieh sale. f'rt. to the payment of the coati of such .al . and to the costs and dlsbmse vm nil heroin la,d t 12 0 to lie u in of fJ" attorney s f- Mini ili. sum of lV taxes paid hv plaiutilt s an I 'o the pavnv nt of the sum of J.Vuli.2; ilu- the o'aiutitl s. with itileresl thereon at tbe rate oi h percent, per nnam front the ili d ty of So tcmber, lvui, and the overplm, if any Iherebe. pay to tbeClert oi this conn, as by order of ?sl I ronri In said excullou lo me dl ncU'd. c inm.ndlng me to sell 'he said above described real propery in the m nncr provided by law Dated at Roseburg. Oron. full 24 dsy ot October 1W1. K. L.PARROTT. or.l ShtrlfT ot Douglas county, Oregon. Sheriff's Sale. TN THE C1RCDIT CO CRT OF TUB STATE A of Oregon, for DoiiKlas County. Ktltli Buchanan, Plaintiff 1 is I Sarah E U ir tnor. e.xueilrlx ol the ealate ol liiom n. uaraner, dei-casat. haran a. uamner, Martha K Cia dner, Ijuira Cup per, F Vi. :tippcr. Kva 8 ort, Mert Shut, J-saie Uardner, Nel lie Gardner. Carl Uardner. Lilly . Uardner. Defendants. J Notice Is hereby given: That by virtue of an eieC'itlon and order of sale, duly lMicd out of the above name-i court aud caue on the 2 day nf October, lisil, upon a J nlgment and do creo duly rendered and entered in sa d cunrl and cans on Ibe Ifi day of October, 1901, by lofvi losare of a uinrtgago In favor ol the nb ive naineil p'sinlllt and agalntt Ilia iV'o named d fendnnx snd asHln-t tho hor.'. nutter men tlone I and describ d, tnorUiSjr d proper'y for the sum of $7sU."5 with interest thereon at the ta-eol 10 percent per annum from tho ltl day of nctober, I'Ml aud the further sum nf attnmey'i fen and tho further mm of $1.00 cmts atid dlsburaemenU. Now therefore, I wilt on Saturday the 30 day of November, 1001 At one u'clock p. m., ol said day, at the court house front do t In Koseminr, liouglni county, Oregi n. sell at publlo auction to tlie highest bid ier for cash In hand, all Die right, lltl and Interest which the said defendanU or either of them had on the ft) day of Kovembrr, 1 H'Jii, or at anv time tharta'tor In or to the folio lug described premises, to II: The SW'i aud tho t-S ol NW; of Fee. S and theHKof and th of Seo. 4, and the Nli& and tU of NW 14 Sec, 9, and the Wj of Nl'i and the NV4 ol 8ee. 10, all being In towmlilp 2i south, ra go 0 west of Willametlu iiuiiidan, in Douglas county, Oregon, together with all and singula', tho tenement, heredita ment! and appurtenances thereunto belnnglng nr In anywise appertaining and w'll apply the proceed!, first, to the payment of the costs of such sale and to the costs mid dis bursements hs-ruln taxed at f '29 60. to tho mm off WD attorney's fees and to Iho payment of l ill r l.a .Ll.tfifV lll In. ine sum in , im.imi) ..111,111, in terest at the rale nf 10 percent per annum from 1 ha IA dar of October. 11X11. as by order of said court tn said execution to ma directed, coin insndliiR me to sen tue said aoove ucscrioeu real proiM'rtv in the mannei provided by law. Dated si Koseourg, Oregon, inn n uay 01 October, 1901. . C. ly. rASBUl 1, c3l 8hcrlff of Duuglan county, Oregon. Oil in Douglas County. The Rich Fields Uncovered Will Rival Those of California or Texas INVESTORS The old days of Titusville and Oil City, where fortunes were made in a night will be completely outdone by the magnificent oil fields to be uncovered and developed in Southern Oregon. THE UMPQUA VALLEY OIL COMPANY controls the cream of Southern Oregon oil lands. If you want'some of the first hundred thousand shares send your orders to the Secretary of the Company, or through Wells, Fargo and Co, express. Umpqua Valley Notice for Publication. .'SITED STATES LAND OFFK'K, K.r.Bi ... Ore , Oct. 7. laol. Nolle ll brrebf tlvrn that lb- follcwlus caiud Killer ba fiiel r uin of bin inlculi o to make Coal pruol in kOtxrt of bu cl'm. and that too I will tc ni!e b'ure tlie Knrl- t'-r ami Kxetrer. I . n. I-amt t C:ce at KuKlmis. Oregon, uu omji li. vir: lUWAdU BKALiY, on H. E. No k:o, lor the NW'i, 8r. 10. Ti. 3, ri., R. W. 11 natDcs t!ie lollowlnc wltonaea torroT bia continuous rtlf1-nrv uwiu and callivallun ol aid land ili: W. J. Fenruaon. olCama ValleT. Ore.. K. X. Well, ol Olalia Ore. A. li. Arrlngton and A. 6 tbappet, ot Bruckaay, Oie. J. T. BaiDCsa, Tp Kecia ler Notice for Publication. CNITID STATEi LAND OfFICB. Roseburg Orecnn, eept. 30. lA'L Notice fs nrvby giren that the following nsmi1 settler bai fi'itd notice of his intention to make final proof in suprurtof bis claim, and that said pruol w ill be juade before tbe Keeuler and K-ceirer Tnlted 8:aiea Land "jfiice al If use burg. I'rvgon.oii November , Il. via: KOBEKT V. sAETlK. on his H. E. No. .t for the fcU NF',' S', eEV cE', N".. fee. , Tp. A !.. i W. rie names Uie foikiwint witness to prove his continuous n-stdence 11 pro and cultivation ot sail Hnd. 111 Iiavld Slnnt", Ctaa. Wi'.lisms, Win. tiorsllne. J as. v . Morgan, all of Looking o aw. Oregon, J.T. BRlIXiEte. ort S p Register. Notice for Publicatioa. CMTED BTATES LaNHOFFICE. Kossbi'Sg, Oregon. f-pt, IK, ISOL Notice is hen by glvtn flat In cranpUanca with il.e provisijrs ol the act of Congresaof June i, Is.senliiw-d, "An act tor toe smol timtvr lands in the rtatr of California. Onwoo, Nevada, and VJ asbirrton Terrliory," as extend ed to a.i the Public Land states by act ol Aug ust 4. Uci, JO8N BKCKES. Of Cleveland, county of Iviag'.as, plale cf Ore gon, has thi. day n d In this office hi sworn statement No. 1MO. for the pnicbaaw of Ibe Nw'a ot Kctlou H Toauship JT south of ransa 8 wot ai d 111 off r proof to show Ibat the land sonrbl is n.ore valuable for 11 tlm'-cr 01 stone than tor agncn'laral parpos es and toistablish his cum towil land before tbe Keg.sterand Koreiverol UiisoCre al K burg. Orrgon, on Ttonlsy. the iib day oi Ix-j. H I. tie names s witnesos: Carl Beck er, ot Kuacbur. Unmn. Frank tncnit. oi R burg. Om on. Edward YonpoM.! of Cleveland on Ron. wii.iam jaciH-n, 01 Locking ti Ore'a. Any and all person claiming adversely the above-doscTibe.' iandisre roc nested lo HI' their claim In Ih j office on or before said 6th day Oi Dec , l'JUl. J. r. BrUDUKd, tf- p Keg it tar. Motice for Publication. C5ITED STATES LAND OFFICF. Kust-borg. Ore.. Oct. a, 111. Notice Is hereby given that in compliant with the provision ot the act of 'ongresa of June i is. . entitled "An act for the sale of Um ber lands in the stale of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ed to ail the Public Land elate by act of August JOHN F. LEHNRERR of Camas Tilley, county of Douglas, State of Oregon has this csy fUed In Ihiiomoe his sworn statement No. 1H. for the purchase ot the iota 5. and 7ol section No. , Township scuth, range No. 8 west, and will Oder proof to chow that the land sought Is more valuable lor lu limber orstone lhan for agricultural purpose, and to establish his claim lo said land before tbe Register and Receiver of this office at Rose burg, Oregon, on Friday, the lilh day of Deeembcr.- 1901. He name aa witnesses: E. N. Smith, Mote Endicott, William Eudioott and John Brask all of Myrtle Point, OTgon Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lamia are reqnestfd to oie their claims in this oee oa or before laid UJ day ol laxember, 11. 01p. J.T. BRIDCtKS. Kefis tr. Notice for Publication. CXITED STATES LAND OFFICE, ResKBt-ao. Oregon. OcUber 10, l AL Notice is hervb) given that in compliance with the provisions ol the act ot Congress ol June A, Is. A entitled "An act for the sale ot limber lands in tne State ol California, Ore- con. .Nevada and w ashlnrton Territory," aa ex tended to all the Public Land bialea by act of August 4, lx.', LITIS DA MOORE, Ot Roaeburc. cotiniy ot D Sut of Ore run, has ah is day Sled ber sworn itateraent No. lsi ! r the purchase ol the S"i ot IrWL of Section No. 10. TowushipSO Sonth, of Range 9 west, aad will offer proof to show ILst the land soucht is more valuable for its timber or stone than lor aercultnral pumoae and to es tablish ber Ciaim to aid land before the Regis ter and Receiver of this ofllce at Roaeburg, Ore cnn. on laeaoay, the 17 day 01 iMcemhcr. I All the names aa witnesses: John W. Moore, waiter a. noover, 01 Kosennrg, urecon, K. . Bmttb, of Myrtle Point, Oregon, J. F. Given, ot Roseburg. Orecon Any and all peraoni ebtlming adversely thi abovo-deecribed land tn requostod to file their claims tn this office on or ttlorw said l"st day of uecemoer, isui. J. x. BtuiAias, olip Reglater. Notice for Publication. CSITKD 8TATK3 LAND OFFICK, Koskbcku, Oiiuon, Oct. 12. 111. Notice li hereby tiven that lu coaipliauc with the provisions of tho act ol Congresa of Junes, is, s, entitled "An act for iba sale of timber lands In tho States of California, Orecon Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the I'uiiiic Land Statue by act ot Aug ust , latfi, WILLIAM A. 6PRASCK. Of Roeebnrg, Couuty of Douglas, ijtate ot Ore 1. baa this day tiled in la Is office his sworn statement No. IstSS, for the purchueof the -. KEH. w' nil E1 s" ! of section Nc. 6, lowosnipusoutii,oi tvauge west, aim win olfer vroA to how that the land sought Is mote valuable for Ita timber or Itona than for agri cultural purposes and to establish hia claim to said laud betore the Kextalcr and Receiver ot this otlice at Roseburg, Oregon, ou Tuesday, the iiu aay 01 iicccmoer tie name as wit nesses: T. J. Brown, (loo. Hinsdale, J. F. li'v ausol Roseburg. Oregon, Albeit Croucb, of ramus Valley, Oregon. Any aud all perwms claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before Mid 21th day nf December, WOL oU'p J. T. BRIDOKil, Register. , Summons. In tho Justice Court to? Deer Creek District Coup'.y ol Douglas, etato of Ontgou. JF. 11. Marriou, 1 PlaiutiiT, i T. Taltel I Dcfeudant I To T. Talta, defendant: In the name oi tbe Slate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you tn the abovo entitled cause, on or betore the 2-4th day of November, l'.Kil, anc '' you fail to answer within said lime, lor I I.' ereot, plaintiff will lake judgment gun I as demanded in hlg couiplaiut, to- wil: The 'tu ot seventy-five ITi.00) dollars, oeeth er wit r-iaoostanddlsbursemvuta herela to be taxed. 1 his summons li published by order of H. J. Kotiltiet'e, Justice of the Peace of said Court which order is dated October Ulhu 1UU1. aud the date ol the lint publication thereof ll October loth, 1'JOI, aud the date ol Iho last publication is November, Sbth VSHH. J Oil a T. LONU and LOUIS BAKZXE O10 Attorneys tot Plain. UU WILL REAP 1 Drain I COOS BHY STRGE ROUfE WINTER SCHEDCLE-SUge leaves Drain every day at 5 :30 a. a. and arrives at Gardiner at 5 p. m., SLarshfiel lertrrTotlierday. Leaves Marsh fitld Jlordays. VeInelays, Frid-s, arrives at Drain tje day following. Guod coveml conveyano?s nseVl Loth winter and summer. FAKE $".50, iiuludir.r, 30 iiousdsof bigige. For funLer information address -T- R. Sawyers. J Proprietor, Agent, Drain, Oregon :cxoooooooooo oaocccaoococxxxxccazococttoooci AZALEA fllLLS The finest Rough and Dressed LUMBER Fine Cedar Fence Posts, Wood, etc. Fine Port Orford Cedar Finishing Lumber.: We want material. GEO. W. RIDDLE LUMBER CO., AZALEA, OREGON I COCXX)OOGOOOOOOi 1 1 caaasx i M tfttxnMMm rr nZTl AG ureausi The BnrliDgton ticket oEca ia Fordiod is a veriubte Bnreaa i Iniormatioo for travrJen a plico where they caa learn hat it will cost to reach ANY point ia America or Europe; bow locg the trip wuT take, and tat there is to tee 00 the way. If you are figuring oo aa eastern trip, drop ia and get full information, or. il you prefer, write me aboot it Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St LooU aad EVERYWHERE beyond. : I f I f aa -ivivvr wm SsaZs3aSESSZaBI Cor. THE Chicago TYPEWRITER Price, $35.00 tiuarar.tetU to equal any. flu machine EL. KING, Gen'l Agent, 21S Sausome St., San Francisco W, C. COM1MER, Local ABt., Roscburc El 111 FEED E. C. CASE, Proprietor Best Rigs and Teams In the City. Transient Stock Given Special Attention Call and see me. 'Phone 601. My barn has lately been enlarged and I have added several new rigs, aud am better prepared than ever to : furnish you good turn-onts. A HARVEST Oil. Co. FOR. Gardiner Win. Roberts, n your orders for building All orders promptly filled. XXXXXOCXXXX3X)CCXXXDCXX)OOCXXXXCXXX5C' Information. A. C Shixdom. General Agent. Third and SUrk Sta, rcrtlaad. Ore, W STILES