The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 03, 1901, Image 1

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ob Printing
In hnsv KtuiMnii lirinirs
rf 0
you yoor bbare of trade; r
advertising in Jail sea- V
Is a Terr imnnrtant fa4sw in W
basiueea. Poor printiDsr re-
Kul j : m m
sons brings yoa yonr share, and also
tbat of the merchant who "can't af
ford" to advertise.
uv cieui on goon Y
bnsmesa boom. Let ns do yonr Job
Printing we Kuaranle it to be is 5
Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868.
The ROSEBURG PLAINDEALER until January 1, 1903, for $1.50 in ADVANCE
I J Iftttriteakr
Blue Label Monopole
Are the finest packed. Nothing better.
Trv some of those Fresh, "Brittle Saratoga Chips. IMPORTED
SWEET PICKLES IN BULK. Chase A Sanborn's fine brands of
Coffee. Sew brands Breakfast Mush. The Beet Canned Goods.
Fresh Vegetables and Berries.
If you want to buy a farm
If you want furnished rooms
If yoq want to buy a house
If you want to rent a house
If you want to build a house
If you want to move a house
F F. pattern.
too don't know PAT
ll on or address ...
aod Builder
Cor. Oak and Rose Streets.
Phone M.-n 5L
LiveriJ, Feed End Sale Sables
C. P. Basjmkd. Prop.
Saddle Horses, Single and
Double Rigs at fill boars
Transient Stock gven
very best of care
Rates always reasonable
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good
fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly
when ou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181,
for go- d goods and good service.
Who Pays the Grocer?
Onr customers pay ns and they do it without kicking,
because we sell the best groceries, staple and fancy, at
the most reasonable prices in the city. If yoa don't
know this to be a fact prove it by riving as a trial
order. 'Phone 163.
Bring Us Your ...
I II, 1
E. C. CASE, Proprietor
Best Rigs and Teams in the City.
Transient Stock Given Special Attention
Call and see me. 'Phone 601.
My barn has lately been enlarged and I have added several
new rigs, and am better prepared than ever to
furnish you good turn-outs.
SUPPLIES Largest and best varieties. Choice stock, prices right
Give us your order for Nursery stock
before buying elsewhere. We guarantee
satisfaction. Prices at the bottom.
Agent Wood burn Nursery. Roseburg, Ore
Academic and Commercial A new School.
Prepares teachers for state and county szaniinations. Fits yooog men
and women (or bneinees positions and (or college.
Special attention to teachers' review classes, stenography and type
Expenses per school yesr ol 40 weeks, $115, 125, 140.
Tnt'ion per term. $6.25; board at clnb-hooae, $1.76 per week, in fam
ilies. $2.50. $3.00; room rent, 50 cents per week. .
The (older contains macb special Information and the coarse ol itady.
The first term opens September 9, 1901.
VV. T. VAN SCOY, Principal,
' aaa
I " I
iimt T a mi m v i
a Axau a usx vvnai is." z
a. v a a Bk - Mm mm mm -m mm mm -m www
- w vw v aw M. M v W M M. X-T VUI
Did you ever wear a pair of Utz &
Dunn Shoes? We have them in
Ladies', Misses', Children's and Infants
ft we aiso carry a
full line of the
If you have never tried a pair it will pay
to see our line oeiore ouylng
S Wollenberg Bros. g.
The University of Oregon.
Highest standard in the state. Two hun
dred courses in Literature, Science and the
Arts, Science and Engineering and Music
New buildings and equipments; seven
new instructors.
Nearly 5000 Tolomes added to the L'brarv in 1901 . Snmmr 1.1
with ODiTeraitj credit. Special coarse for teachers, for Law and Medical
students. Department of Education for Teachers, Principals and boper
intendrnta. Tuition free, cost of living low. Three! atndentu mnU
scholarships in large eastern universities in 190L.
Oend name to President or uegistrar for circalars and cattJogoe,
EoRen, Oregon. -a. .
o( time and money in a bcsinef s education Is not a ventare. Tbe becefits to be de
fined (mm inch mnrt. luf ft. .m . nl..i ...1 J:l I 1
Tr ese (acts are amply shown by tit nnilo'm mcrrm ol tbe trad nates of tbe
Oor stodents are cffred the advantages of a ecbool well known for its tboroogb
r - 1 - www uidujwu iuu luuiTWOll
instrocUon. Living rx peases cheap, bend for catalogue.
- W. I. STALBY. Pr)ndL WLlmm. rMnn.
Importaat Events cf the Past
Few Days.
Cream of the Dispatcher Dbbed
Up In Condensed Form for
the Busy Reader.
i? : j i - e i ... S
I I 1 T If IT I 11 V U 1111 U.C I 1 J t It'll I. TlHfl H I I ir nro . a h
that we would call your attention to. If you contem- W
plate purchasing a heating stove call and see those
we are showing, they will keep you warm and are hot S
J bargains for our competitors. A great line of Blank- 2
J ets and Comforts that are warm enough and cheap or S
b fine enough to suit all comers. A special ventilated S
b Pillows is one of the latest attractions and one look 2
b will convince you they are the only Pillows made 2
b worthy of your attention. k
? r f . i C . 3
b with anything you may desire and will guarantee ev- 2
b ery carpet sold to be as represented. 2
S D. w. i 1 KU1NU, ;
Strong Academic course
Professional training o
the highest excellence
Well equipped laborator
First-class training de
partment. Demand for trained teach
ers double the supply '
Graduates have a choice
of positions.
Beautiful location.
Finest climate on the
Expenses $120 to $160 a
Fall term begins Sept. 9.
Write for catalogue.
Tbs next leacbers' association sDl
meet in Eugene begining Kew Veers.
Tbe prune men are bapey. Tbe less
will not be as great as thought, if the
wotber remains dear.
C. E. Tiltoo, formerly of Ladd i Til-
ton, Portland bankers, died Batnrday at
Tiltoo, N. H., sited 74 years.
A few lots of hope bvt aold at Salem
for 10 to 10' rents par poond. Urowsn
are holding for better pi ices.
A yoaag msa by tbe aaate rJ ToUm,
bile intoxicated, accidcBtly sboi
threogb ene of bit ha id with a pistol at
Gxtaira Grove Bandiy. Tbe wosad if
not serioos.
8m Fraacisco strikers attacked the
police Monday, seven of tbem were atot
and oca fatal. The ett ikef seear vra-
graace on tbe city goardsmea at lbs
first opportsaity offered.
TLe ipreme Coert beg aa tbe October
term Woodsy. Be-beerinc ia tbe case
of Etate HcDasleU denied. IfcDaaiel
is tbe maa who atardered tbe Fitch sir!
Ia Portland evera months ag1
General Botha with flees hundred
men attackt 1 Pirtiali. Tboradav. but
after a de peraU struggle, were finally
repa'ied. Tbe garrison lost eleven kill
ed, fifteen woanded, and rity-tbne
mifsfng. Only twenty Ea'gbsrs k;Urd.
Sitardsy fxeecee Compasy C Kialb
Iafaa'.-r, C. 6. A., wra attacked by in
orgea i oa tbe lalasd of Samar. Coia
pany C lost 48 kHk 1 nd is Tea weoad-
sd. Tbe fibtiag wss desperate sad tbs
rUipinos shot ecrarataly. It was im
paeaibla Ull the' leas ss tb'ey carried
aaay tbe deed.
Unknown men attacked tbe geerds at
SS-Prtftdeat McCiolev'a lamh
aight. ba: vers driven aay. It is tbe
firm belief tbat tber io'eation si to
blow np tbe tomb. Tber were lye cr
rx of tbe atUckiog party aod tbey were
armed. Tbsgaankat toe tomb were
gnatly tnipiised. Later, tbe Senticel
ess deceived in thinking there were
iotraders at tbe lomb of McKiBle.
Rctara ef Senator Mitchell.
Don. Joba H. M t htll retorned Inn
En ope, Satarda. where be baa been
Vitl.iei b f dsozbter. IbaDochM it li
J Eocnsroncanld, sod M a. -M ubsll. la
Pa... Tbe Senator p, ,a bes
hs received news of tbe ssw nation of
Prsaident McKiiey and tbe news oi lbs
PreeiJsnt's deith retched blm jru be
fore bis steamer sailed for boms from
Cherbourg. Senator Mhcbell aaid :
"lbs nsws 04 th ler.ible tragedy was
a grt f bock aod it eaddeoed tbe beart
of tvery American on shipboard tbroogb
oat oar bomswarti voyags, I have b. ta
latereited liace Isodlng in reediag tbe
papers acd catcbiog op with tbe events
of the rest week. I bars no words ad
qaateloexpresmygrif for the fallen
statesman aod ny sympathy with bis
frkken widow.
"I bavs read whb great interest and
with hiRti appreciation of its diznifitl
timelio i lbs am ooncems it of Prti
dent Kooasvslt and tbat be woo Id carry
out unbroken tbe policy of President
MeKioIey. It is my conviction iat Mr.
Eoossyi, t ai'l prove to be a sUona. abi
Cbief MagiaUats. He haa a b g btain
and a bix beart. He is folly eqrpped
to grapple with all te problems tbat
confronted bis predecessor. Hs bss
been a colema sud impressive Hon Hlon
"Tbs inVject that will moit lot reet
main Waehingtoo, this Wnter," said
8enator Mitcbe'l, "'v tbe coostrocUon of
a trans Isthmhn canal. I am not pn
pared to talc abont a propos tina tbnt I
have only it n It sesa tm .rtH. thm
Pi cbass ol tbe Panama Canal. I ...
CJ'ioas to know what the repoi t of oar
canal commlrVoo w!U s t loi th ss to tbe
relallve merits c! tbe Nica ak.u and" Seoato Milcie'l t
iostrui eot'l t e ui w the e ea la of a
special com mi' toe of tbe Ssstie on tbe
Isthmian Cioal. wl'cb was fa m.l u
tbs joiisdicltoa of tbe Committee on
Foreign Eolations.
$43 H to Buffalo.
Ibis li wbat tbe established rate
amounts to in nuh (tirm-tinn en
lor the round trip, and by arranging with
the Burlington ronte, passengers are
given choice ol ssven trains on datst ol
sale. Call noon or wft na in tnii ...
ticulari before makinv nthar ir,ai,
ments. B. W. Foster. Tirkat
Burlington Ronte, Qornsr Third and
Star Streets, Poitland. Oregon.
rr,Vi"l11 ay
11 two cfAn nnnmrtxr
uiu 1 rvrv. vjivwi-ii i
Will continue to be, as it hat been, the leader In quality
and prices. Don't forget that our goods are all new and
lreb. A trial is respectfully solicited.
We bsndle Albany Creamery Batter.
Reverses in the Philippines. Royal
ty at Vancouver, B. C. Gresham
Wiped Out By Fire.
Washington, Oct. i. A question having arisen as to
the accurancy of the cablegram received at the War De
partment from General Chaffee, the cable company was di
rected to repeat it. The repetition disclosed some inaccur
acies that materially change the messace. As correcled
the dispatch reads:
"Manila, Sept 20. Adjutant-GeneraL Washington.
Hughes reports following from Bassey, Southern Samar:
Twenty-four men, Company C, Ninth Regiment,
United States Infantry, n wounded, have iust arrived from
Balangiga; remainder company killed. Insurgents secured
all company supplies and all rifles exceDt three. Company
was attacked during breakfast morning September 2S; com
pany 72 strong; Officers, Thomas W. Connell, Captain;
Edward A. Bumpus, First Lieutenant; Dr. R. S. Griswold,
Major-Surgeon.' 'CHAFFEE.'
As corrected the dispatch shows that Company C of
the Ninth In'antTy, suffered the disaster. No company
was mentioned in the dispatch made public yesterday.
The serious discrepancy between the original and the cor
rected disratches, however, is that the latter indicates that
the commissioned officers of the company are missing, per
haps killed, while the former indicated that they had
' Kaeal Catarrh quickly yields to tMt
ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which ia agree,
ably aromatic It is received through ths
nostrils, cleanses and be&ls the whole ns
face over which it diHusee ItaeU. Drogviatt
toll tbs 60c six 1 Trial size by m&il, 10
cents. Test it and yoa are sore to oontiana
th treatment.
To aooommodate those who are "partial
to the use of atomisers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for eUarrhal tm
linn, ths proprietors prepare Cream Balra la
Uopii form, which will be known aa Ely's
Liquid Grsaa Balm. Price including the
spraying tube la 75 oeuts. Druggists or by
mail. The liquid form embodies tbe me&
Washington, Oct 1. The following cablegram was
received at the War Department this afternoon from Gen
eral Chaffee:
"Manila, Oct. 1., 12:23 p.m. Adjutant-General, Wash
ington. ith reference to your telegram of the 30th insl.
will cable names of the missing enlisted men as soon as as
certained. The comoanv was rushed about 6 o'clock in the
morning by a large body of Bolomen, about 400, General
Hughes thinks the surprise was due to the confidence cf
the commanding officer in assertions of friendship from the
natives. Result of the investigation will be cabled as soon
as obtained."
This message is in response to one sent to C-nerri
ChaffwS by General Corbin on Sunday immediately upon
receipt of the news of the disaster to Company C, of the
Ninth Infantry.
Vancouver. Oct i. The Duke and Duchess of
Cornwall and York passed over the Canadian Pacific rail
road the first of the week and spent Momday at Van
couver. The Koval train arrived at noon. After tie
presentation of an address by the Mayor, the Dake and
Duchess were driven in the royal carriage, drawn bv six
horses with royal outriders, to the new drill hall, which
was tormally opened by the Duke. - His roval hiehness
- v w
afterward presented medals to South African veterans and
was entertained at luncheon. They remained at Van
couver until Tuesday morning.
Portland, Oct 2. Gresham, a little town 13 miles
east of Portland, was practically destroyed by fire early
Tuesday morning. The total loss is about $ 20,00a Nine
buildings, in all were burned before the fire was stopp-1.
Nearly all who lost buildings will begin to rebuild at
once, as their trade was large and profitable. None of the
losers were made bankrupt by their misfortune, but were
badly crippled. Their business was particularly good just
now, and the merchants were already laying in their winter
goods. It will take them several months at a bad season
of the year to get into running shape again, but they are
all practical pushers and will resume business as soon as
New York, Sept 30. A suggestion which is meet
ing with favor is to change the name of the Philippine
Islands to the McKinley Islands, says the - Washington
correspondent of the Tribune. It is intended to bring the
proposition before the next Congress. A part of the
scheme embraces the idea of bestowing upon the different
islands and provinces the names of the men most promin
entia' identified with the acquisition and management of
the islands. For instance, the members of the American
Commission which negotiated the Paris treaty would thus
be honored, .as well as the names of Admiral De jvey, Gen
eral Lawton, Governor Taft, General Otis, Secretary Root
and others.
Victoria, B. C, Oct 1. Seventeen men are dead as
the result of a fire and explosion in Extension Mine No. 2,
(Continued oa the Fourth Page.)
Boscbarg District Stcos4 Urgtst
la Ike State.
fill OfflClAl STATLWfNT
Region of Varied acd Wonderful
KesourceiActivitj la Tlaz&cr
Claims and Homesteads.
Eosrscao, Or., Sept. 2 Of the total
'ea ol land in r .'ace in tbe state of Ore-
(on, aa divided amoof tbe ax (oTsra-
ment Cistncts, tbe Lakeview dietrk. ia
tbe larfeet, wtib aa estimated ecreags rt
some u.ow,u5J. .Next SbUows tbe Boac
ouri ilstncx wiib 1133,058 ems. Tbis
d -strict bfroe at tbe CeJitorcia atata
lia sod falows tbe summit of tbe Cae.
cadersBxsof moaeta:ae north to tbe
Bortbero boo-rflary lineof toeaebip 14,
tbeu west oa a Foe through the fowa of
Broearvi le. to tbe PaciSc ocean, which
s its eesUrn boaidiry
Wiibia tbeje b'zee is a rer'oa of varied
as J wood; ial resoarceq. Keren eoaa-
t;es, fitber ia whole or ia part. Do wka
ij ns Ta it tbe flager cf
proaie psint tor tbe fatare. Of
its total arts, 1J&Z,??) acres are with
draw a settlement by tbe two tores
reserves the Athisid reserve, trash 1
to secure p-rotectioo to the waWr so poly
oi iae vja ol Atbland. ia Jaehm
cooaty, and tie Cr code moaaUii far
t reserve, wt-ch ffts a'most tbe ew-t:-e
fas: era bceidary of the diatrie.
Toe amoc-a d speted of Is 652,361
acre, wb Js 3,58, 40 teres are nnaowo-
tvU-eJ, of which 2.07t,iM acres sroywt
Great sciritf bis ea'tsted do-In thai
0eitwoyeatseca'iazleoda ii thia
J atric', mari cl mckrh has brea caond
by tie (real demand for timber land, bw
MKbcoipora!kcsaodiidiria. Dcr-
az tbU ume many peotie have mm
bere to sec are a timber cUs to do which
ey mast come ost to Cad and esaaiaa
the Uact, ib' i io to tbe land cifso and
E'e fid adveit: e the claim for 10 weeks.
woea tbey mrst ran arw at the oi-
Sie to tnbmit 6na' proof ai payment
I' r tie laad. Tj do this it has i
triHStithesUUneosecary is
sU3 , alttoorh ma it of Ibtme
si es's bavs taxea a homeread SHax of
Im acreeol land ai well, and cast their
lot among m to rem ia. Soch people
kaow tee value ol oar forwata of fir aad
ptoce and pine, hav ng seea thorn eat-
eanp sad d'uppear I run their ova
stiles er . Soch an Investment to oaa
able to nuke i: at thi tmo, ia better
thin mote "a the bank, (or th timm ia
not far distant when the history of tbe
timber cl i he eastern states will bo -repeated
here. Theeo fi iaf bv Daoala
( om other atee have etimalatsd nn
Irom or-own s.ale to eecoie deairahla
traces of limber bv avail'' aa thaeaservaa
olltie ' timber tights, aitil tbo dsairah'o
bodies of b-nbered lands hare all
f om 'be bands of tbe gOTcrament inta
iadividoal oaeenhin.
Not a l ul lh aiHilinC. tu.. I. -J ...
tba are after timber, however, sad
jib j m:w me Eirors icr nomeeteads ol
16U acres aiKo wbtch tbo stUer abides
with &' faoaiiy among as and ' become
ot ea. To soch, i be be capable aad
wiliet to work, area! ia tKa inHiw....
offereu ia stock-raiaios. in dairri
mining, in frails or arait. UeaaUy It is
aeceesai v bow. ia amr ta -
ei:m, to go well back into thecommcii-
ur isoiiM ujm rsttroad) or umveed
ssts: it w!l ha nnrnia,. i .
cle.r the land of timber and brosh, bat
when once so cJee ed the land is rich
aad prodoc ve. Water is ptsatiial ia
most nlA a. araaa S.r . j
game e ily had aad above ail ia the
lhe COOnt M of Jinma .n.1 .l.-
comprise a distric: known ss Soelb(n
vrrsoo, oemg aramea by tbe Koaae
river and its tributary ufhim ts. .
two coonlies are rich in mieerals, toUi
in Piacer anu qnarts. roere Is good tim
ber atandin t hn' h em,.!! rk
coantry ia tbo valleys ia veil adapted to
uaiia w oimay ainos, IN toe peaches,
peat and apples of this region ar
anrnaaaerl. fvi ta tha fl 1 1
two coaauea- Toefrnit indnstry hero.
' ta mw pni w toe state, ta in its ta-
fancv now. bnt ia daatin1 in -
gieat factor at aa e-riy day.
Doo;latcoaaty ia known as tbo Cap-
Q"l vallev iram lh nrar nl that
drainiog it from eaat to vest. Iti sooth-
era pert ia givn largely to praoeravcisg.
to vbich it is especially adapted. A
good acreage le already ool in tbia frnJt.
gunwiwijAii3. loeeesteraaM
westera portion i cf the county coataia a
larce amomt oi mcd timiair na-i..i-
Iy fir and pioa. r
Coce aad Carry coaati a make ap a
ronih. brat an diafru- il .aj
containing Urge bodee of Bee timber.
iairy'i tanvea ia toess conouee, aaa
stock ot a 1 k'tda is raised with wodt.
rioooat-esof tbe diatr ct offer soch ia
docemei t to the homseeeker ss foand
in ibtte.
Lan CODI t in ) a tnrlin vt uk fl
- -j r . . Vw a.
Line, Eentoo and Lincoln root tlmv mmm
nl.' the nnthai.i fa,t ( tl. rlaia.
and a-e tltnated at t e npper end of tha
neat nu'amette valley. ro richer
coontiea ia nataral reeoo'cet may ba
foond on the coast. In minerals timber
fioe farming land, stock and dairying
sod fiabiog iodoatiies their lutora weal lb
X- 1 I l .
laisaurou. iu icia is iku maa pro
daot . veil in all am' u and traaese.
Water Is open erety baud. .
tut a small poaion ot cither Crook cr
Klamath coantv is within thla diatHat.
That of the formr is all within the
limit ot the foreat reserye, aad benoo
oat oi market. Klamath baa its eastern
tier of townships only ia the district, the
land being generally heavily timbered.
Sach, in brief, is the outline ot the
ana aiairiG.; re(rweiiiea UT vum omce ai
Roaeborg. Its history and resoarcea la
fall may be told ia many vol am m.
j. ukxkt mMTH, tteeetver,
Josira I. Bbidoks, KstjUter,
UaUtd butes Uad 0ffl?e