The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 23, 1901, Image 2

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    The Twice--"week
Roseburg Plaindealer
'Published Monday and Thursdays.
Editors and Proprietors.
Clubbing; Rate
We hare arranged with a large number ol
papers and magazines for rates which will give
to our subscribers two publications for a slight
advance oyer the cost ot Ths Plaikdealm
alone. Following is a partial list:
Twici-A-Wm Plain DtALXK and the
Toledo Blade 1 "5
Sew York Tribune 1 7S
Oregonian - 1 00
R V Rnllptln J 00
S. F. Call
Rural Northwest - 00
Poultry Journal 00
How crowded and bw cruel the
fortnight that cauie to n end with
last Thursday setting suul FitjBt
the glad acclaim ot the Nation at its
feat in Buffalo, the President taming
with winning smile to every appli
cant for his notice; then the shock
of assassination, the week of hope,
the mocking blow of death, another
week tilled with mourning, then the
Last Day and Closing of the Street
The Street Fair and Second Ai
naal Carnival was brought to a close
last Friday evening without a single
incident ocennng daring the foar
days to mar the peace tod pleasure
of the brilliant occasion which has
pall, the weep'iDg trains of mourne- been pronounced, both by its - mana-
and the narrow house, says tne ure- ger8 an(j patrons, a grand success.
1 he krrave at lengiu nas
closed over one of the best-beloved-
of American Presidents, who but for
the assassin's hand -would doubtless
have died iu Nature's eonrs?, full of
years and honors, with addisd laurels
i oo to his fame, with yel greater Mhings
on the roll of his achievement.
" law eklatucg to wawsraraa SCBSCUrrlv.
According to some of the latest laws newspa-
alloae his subscription to run aODg lor a time
nA than aMm it discontinued, or or
ders the postmaster to mark it refused, or sends
a postal cara u me puoiisaen w uy w -
rest and line the same as tor theft.
Entered at the Post Office in Koseburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Kates on Appuwuua.
SEPTEMBER 23, 1901.
A late number of the Seattle Trade
Register contained a tine picture and
larding to some o. me taws. - ,. . , . , . ... -niA nt
er rmbltfchtT may Quae inuivwuwa " , i I WJfeiarJUICB "acn v. .
fortM fellows and every newspaper
man's friend, Oswald K. Ball, travel
ing talesman of the American Type
Founders Co.," of Portland. Mana
ger John S. Finney,; of ' the tcora
panj's Portland branch is also men
tioned prominently in the sketch and
both gentlemen' lastly merit every
word spoken in their behalf. We
fully concnt in the following extract
from the sketch: . 'Oswald It. fcali
is tne oest naturea, most popular
traveling salesman the American
Type Founders Co. has ever had in
this territory, ilr. Ball is a hustler,
first. last and all the time and as a
natural sequence be has made most
gratifyiu increases in the urJprs
for presses, type- and printing. ma
terial sent in each tuonth to the
The report of American exports to I Portland house where John S.. Fia-
Spain indicates that Spam is rapidly ney is manager. JLr. Piuney Is nred
forgetting what followed the destrnc ited by the trade with being the
tion of the "Maine." most energetic official the company
has hud there for many years, and to
Europe respects America more hjB carefal systematizing of all de
. a a fTl .1 -
highly today t nan ever oeiore. Auelnartments isdne iu lariie measures
enlightened politics that have won I BacCess of hia house and its rep-
'-- It tai be truthfully eaid of Mc
Kinley, that even his failings leaned
to virtue's Eide.
1 Down with anarchy"
that is going from one
-country to the other.
is the
end of
The street displays were more nuuW
that respect should be continued.
W. R. Hearst was hung ia efiigy
recently on account of his yellow
journalism. Hearst's papers go to
extremes in their illustrations, cari
catures and fakes generally.
reentatives in the northwest Last
week Mr. Pinney opened larjte
t i a l : . . n ii,.
orancu uon&e idt uta ci-iuynuj iu wo ji if
osee block. Seattle, which will be . ..: w
in charge of Mr. BalL"
Notes oa Anarchy.
Those two assassin bullets have
dealt & death blow to anarchy in the
United States. Every American cit
izen worthy the name now becomes
the sworn foe of the madman who is
the foe of all humanity.
With 250 plates of frnit Oregon
carried on me nonora at ximuu m
horticulture. Most of the big stales
had at least a thousand plates. It is
a great victory. And where was
California, the loud mouthed boaster
and prevaricator. Ex.
The weapon used by the assassin
la mot tally wounding President Mc
Kinley was an old fsshioned double
barreled derringer or "perper-box"
using a 32 caliber rim fire . cartridge.
Had the caliber. been .larger or had
the pistol been xf a kind holding
mere than two bullets the President
would have been killed on the spot
It is up to Patterson, N. J., to
the first example to the country
dealing with anarchists. . . -
We bkould make every assailant of
he president guilty of treason, and
have him executed. a3 all traitors
ought to be. -
They say there is a woman . at the
bottom of evervthiog, and you can
generally depsn 1 oa it there is
Emma Goldman.
The fite of anarchists has been de
cided oq thousands of street corners
in the last few days, and it js to be
hobed for once -that curbstone law
will bring forth some vigorous legis
lation against these unspeakable
wretches. " : " ; '.
. Presidents should cut out hand
shaking - at unblic receptions; or
aiopt the Arizooa method of check
ing weapons at the door. There is
no real sense iu promiscuous hand'
shaking, anyway. ' It only talis ties a
false sentiment and tires out the
erous and altractivnhaa 'last year,
while the music and entertainment
was even better, though ihd former
Wis ' f urnisbod principally ?by the
some band as last jeur. Tha ladies
ZoboBand aud the 'Tilipino Con
cert, Bajadi aided, materially itttbe
musical program. The attendance,
notwithstanding the busy seasow' ia
the Lop yards and prune orchards of
the cou&ty, was one of the largest
eyer witnessed at a public occasion
iu this city. Those who contributed
so liberally to the success of the oc
casion while cot receiving, direct re-
rturn perhaps, will no doubt5 profit
at length from the good impression
created and the general . advertising
received '"at home and abroad. The
memorial seryices, which we report
ed iu our. last issue, was indeed a
uiosl solemn'and impressive oxasion
both at the M. E. Church, where the
union service was held and on Jack
son street, where the service was un
der the auspices of the Q. A. B.
Friday's program was similar to
those of the former days in the way
of 'feporta, the' baby; show, general
masoue and confetti battl in the
evening being new features, ..Ia the
latter the streets were converted into
a scene unique and 1 romantic, fairly
thronging with cbaractera of every
nationality and color , and mirth
reigned supreme. Thus closed I
most pleasant and successful occa
eioa. ,;r ' . ' -
The executive committee Messrs.
W. S. HamUton,F. W. Koach. W. IL
Fisher, Sam Josepbson, W. C. Hilde-
Wollenberg, , Will
Schmidt, F. E. Hand and Wm. Van
Boren, were t'reless iu their "efforts
toward making the fair a success
and they were" ably assisted by othar
set committees. Mrs. E. J. Stroud, Mr.
in I Snow Willis, Mri. J' C Sheridan,
Mrs. H. T, McCIaileEU . Mrs.- M.
Joeephson, Sylvia Stearns, .Louie
Reizeofitein, Will Lawson,7 ' R. B.
Hooston, Joe 8ykes, T. K. Richard
son, M.. Schmidt, P. M. Mathews, H.
T. McClalleo, Ralph Terrell, Vernon
Ramp, F. E. Alley, Col' Reed.' J. E.
Johnson, H. W. Miner. F. A. McCall,
Carl Schnoerstein, W. A. Burr and
many others are also deserving of
special credit for their efforts on
behalf -the fair. J
Amon ths pnxs wtDnen io (m van
oa i depsituen' were :
TUB BABV,8UOw-. . .
wts hel 1 in itie bind stand Friday morn
ing. The ju 1(0 were Mrs, J. C. Snook,
Mrs. Wm. Taackrau and Rev. Dwsod.
The winuurt tod piiaes were ai-fulloi
Baby girl under 1 year, first pTl.'-Uk
boot! from C. I . K. i-torr, Danoa DjvIs,
irmoDths; fecond, baby cloak,' Hilda--brand's,
Florence Wbartou, 7 monthav:
Babf boy nntlar one year .old, jacket,
rboef, atocktoge and mittens; Joseph
son'. Gerald Uocnreo, o months: sec-I
ond, silk hood, AbrabatnV, Ray Harris.
4 iron ths. Tins,0rst, two silvoreaps,
A. , Sulraaan, sveond, two eidur dowa
ackets. Woltenberg Bros., both won. by
Vesta and Velma Grimes, 8 moolbt.
There acre but one pair of twioa com
peting. ' " ' '- t r
Young Lady Formerly of TLls County
Burned to Death. :':
Street Fair Echoes.
Meagre reports of a yoam lady having
been Mverely burond at an Independ
ence hop yard came to Oorvallia the Grat
of the week, bat it wss not realized at
the tima that it was a estimable rei
dent of Kings Valley,' and a student of
O. A. C. Buch pioved to be the fact,
however, and the first tad news waa sup
plemented by tie aadder intolHg'tire
that she had died Taeaday' evening at
The un'ortcnite yoong ladr was Misa
Florence Winniford, who with ber par
ents hasj reHtded in Kioga Valley atont
two yearn. The family formerly resided
ia Doogtaa orontv where they located
more than twenty years ago, having
come originally from the ' South. De
ceaaod is a sitter of Mrs. C. a. , tlyatt,
whose henbaod waa a year auo pastor of
the M.E. church, 8 otu, of this city.
She at in the freshrca t cla at O. A.
O. laM ear and prevlnsly iu i ecb-
fieebmar). ll't arqjalntnc remem
ber ber as one wboee amiable dispoaition
and Cbris'itn virtoee rendered hra
lovable companion..
-Aliee Wlnnilofd aqd a brother . were
picking hope in the Burton yard in folk
county, and whifa she waa preparing the
the evtning mcalhjat the camp ttove
Saturday, ber clothing took flrr. At
onc he waa greatly alarmed a&d' ran
Ia vaii her Irienda called to her to ttop,
meanwhiU eodeavoriug to ovetUke br.
but this they sere out a tie io do before
the tower berltor e f. htt bwy ee
eeverehr burr.ed. Ehe wm removed to
Independence at once and for a time en
c-oaraaiaa! tvorU aao. inxa the btd-
Mtor bot TsjMiy - re4 away
rtiaieday the retaaiat ri ronved U
Ktnea Valley whera tn lUm aaae date
occerred the f antral service i aad burial.
Her tragic ,death baa caat a thdow
atSaart tue ivrul' ( tiiw new college
yaar and at re' oning s odenta toiei
they will 1eet the-eofrew attetdacl ojou
thia fcefeavirjjciJt., Tbhj; death ia the
more fl I g to eladente btcaaso of the
fact tkat Mwa.WiDoitotJ. aad btotber.
ere at the tiaie of the accident, endeav
wring to wn money aUlcu woukl o-
al'U Ihaim t j rwimi tbair rndira at Ut
college. Crr a ! e Tianw.
"The Fair aTarceV
Store 1
a. Mra. Willie .Kramer, who to ably and
gracefully filled, the office, of Queen of
the carnival, esq but feel grati'ed at I be
man; complimentary comments ot bar
loyal tul.j-cla.A better (election could
hardly have been made, or one ahicb
would have bea to generally aatfolt-
factory and acceptable. Where aha ha t
but a comparatively limited cin It of t4
qnaiaiancee ia the c.ty previous to t .e
fair, the can now number with pride tt
warm adudrera aud true irjeods hoii-
drda who came to knew her and were
ciood to at-knowleice h'r a their qurea
during the cartilval, and aho aiillctier
ah pleasant recollecti jna of ber rrlgn for
I rare to co ire. Auaough modest end re'
firing, ehe carried, out tbe do lite davolt
log upon the rptea with a urn grarc-
falnret and eaeet dignity Uiat ckarac-
teriaed her aa a woman of more thar or
dinary ability, and made tbe truest ef
frifode of mer aeqaaiotaooee or - eveu
atracgera. Long will the main or y ol
Queen Lulu Uyj La the hearts Of all ber
late subjects, a memory that neither tie
oomina and going of other carnival rul
ers, or the bappeuing of great and ,ot
portaot eveuta in tbfir respective reigrs
can efface.
The firtt rain of the Fall season began
ailing at fciue o'clock Frtdjy evinlog,
oti'y a few boort after tbe cloe of tbe
street fab aud carnival, which ho a ever,
omewhat curtailed the general oetdoor
maaqee an t conlUi battie ahicb waa La
proerece at that boar. The rata up- to
Sunday aunt kept op a eteadvand heavy
patter sccompaoied ty to occatiooal
brisk wind which baa caused ihoueaods
of bushele of (rj'iei end applet tu laS to
the ground in thit county all of which
will be Uiil ' unleea there is as ' early
abatement of tie itorm. Iodidationt
are stilt favertb'e for continued rate.
Farewell IVeaof' Band ' Boys, good
bye ! Happy were we when we rotated
about tbe boulevards and listened 10 the
charming eloquence of Botco, or the
tweet harmony of tbe renowned Eugene
bind, careless ol the future or tbe Miagi
of parting '. how little we frotMere4 the
waking f o-a tbe p'eaoeet drrfn, -when
we ebouid look about ut to find only tbe
old gray iky of every dy life am! yos
were gona. Eemember oa kindly, as we
do von. and city we meet agaia. Re-
qattecat in pace joI hie.
The many pidoret oi mt oant ale- I thirty noo retiianU of our eity have
Kialey ditplajed .to oahlu; vk w dariar -I tweoHn attead toe, the recefple lor the
tbe pttat hf dyt coakl sot Dal imprete I rwt loar dare of tba fiir beicg about
We are now doing business in the "Old Marks Corner" and present a
full line of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Boots
and Shoes and Groceries.which are. all up to the highest standard of
excellence and at prices to attract the closest buyers, either for cash
or produce. -To all our friends, while spending the day in town, we
can assure a welcome at bur store and-offer all the conveniences it
can give. Within the city, we can respond to orders by 'phone, and
attend to same promptly through our 'delivery. '
IT ' K A CI CD IX" O rT !3
m- 'Phone 671 i . lljTMTXl UUJ.
The BigShoeStofe
Headquarters for Boots and Shoes. Men's,
Women 3 and Children s Shoes always up-to-.
date and reliable, 1 is quality
Prices the lowesti A strong line of School ...
Shoes just armed.'; Make our store
headquarters during the Street Fain
...FLINT'S- SHOE ;5T0RE...
IT A oakery from wiuctieomee Z
Q ' tbe most wboleeomeand de Q
; n Licioue g
MEM P'". Calces, etc $
' I A fall line of Choice Cream 6
IX .l j: T
i In su.ucv, mm
t I - IL -S STBJCTLT Pl.Tffi. T
New Arrivals! -'
New Arrivals!!
Dress Goods, - Walstings, Velvets,
Silks, Street Hats for Ladies
L. L. nuSLIN, h(Tyds: for $1.00.
Tba Frrtt rvjatbain Oregon . Diatikt
ItiicolidrAl Sjn-y b-a' ii annaal
f ir rt Ablo-J ToeJsy. It htw proved
to ! bat a 'fir'f by Oau, tba- ur-
Lais man (, sxUditta aiul ai:mlaae bi
far front ALTao 1 aune can produce
Tbe !adiaV depvieaeat io the ivt!ton
la Oct wrkjfilloae. pMarea, rV-, :s
gnol l't:e eahi'.H it coicplet-, I
end y are ttn ritn tscjrattone.
Tb- I' ah a fit4 Vefeu'e diaihy, at far
aeitiro t It '5-t-:lae."'Tha lite atork
aod otitsr eatJtM ar e few aa to be
ec.rcily eu. Tbxe V do Uwrewt
whatever manifstH by down tbe val'ey
poiote and vary Vittla by Aablaad people ; I
Prabably ecmt d a ashibita ar ir. i
ether pjln't than AthUnJ. Atmut
A very large stock -of SHOES. The very
latest designs in FalJ CLOTHIFG.; Men's
and. Ladies Underwear and Furnishings.
Iu fict we carry eyerything yon will' find
iu a first class General Merchandise Store.
Our Prices:
we are abU) io com pt . with any.
W are not afraid to actmit Uiem to the
most economical beyers, We fori, actu
ated as we are, with little expense, that
it upon
and DfwctLrtomerv and fneodj
with a full and eotspiete
All (reah and of the very beet
qcailtr. Teae aad eofieea are
epecialuea. Your patronage
303 Jackson St., Rasctwrs
riea. Cafcaa awe raatry wf afi UaA
. .. tba ssost awiatania aae wbasai
aniss ia law sirj.
CaaaUas.Ciar aad Ftwit
ta van4 nac's nl a-1
tt Urn aacsa aaaty.
1. J. NORflAN
eaeteeef f f eetetjt
N. SELIGi Myrtle Creek,
''d - Braaeb j
Canyon viile, Oregon
Senator Frye of Maine is now
r nv3dani tha Kantts u aneAflfir
M At. president.
- -rWr,eMidn di- rn or ba re I We notice in reading the personal
' moved, the eecretary of state will be opinions of prominent Oregonians
r,P,t in snerWou to the uresidencv. ananchy, that a number have tbe
tcMA bv dl the mombers of the impression that Ihe wretehed anarch
nunt in ervtaHrtn rWirnntfld m ists are very rare. That is a great
the act passed after the assassination
of Garfield. - v
Strangers who chanced to be iu
attendance at our Free Street Fair
and Carnival were heard to remark
that but few towns iu the state the
size ol Koseburg were able to so well
mistake. Almost every exchange
that comes to our table gives- some
account of seditious utterances on
the part of some person in tbe com
munity, and the summary ' knocking
down or discharge from employ of
the offender. The latter act ahows a
healthy public sentiment, but it is
also manifest that rabid enemies of
Larg'tl pumpkin L' 8 Omo, flit;
PauI B. ackner, tweend.
&-t diepby of meloar L S (Xoo,
first : D II L?bos, reocd.
Beet display of farm prodoctf D H
Lmox, first; ABC Vf nipple, tecood.
Ceatdaplar ot frol: F A McOall,
first, Joba MrCle'lanl, eecood. .
.Bee', display of beniee L. 6 Coon,
firtf; E W Bryant, eecoad.
Bett diepUs vrgetahlee L S Coon,
firit ; F W Huff nan. eeccnJ. V '
B t roll of butter Mrs F A McCall,
fini ; John McClelland, second. '
rjCXTar. . .
Bctt pair Barred Plym nth Bocks
r it Matbawt, first ; j Jubnaoa, eee-
03. -
LlgU Brabmu J Johnson, first. "
Lacgsbaor II T UcClailen, first; R.-.y
MjCl.ller, teeorid.
vTyandoUee-P M Mathews, first : i
V7 Ha oaihoo, second. -
Jyeibornt J R Wilson, flat; F B
ote with tbe leeliog tnal ha was a man j
of kindly, bamanw oat are. A man with
that face could nut kaowrogly wrong bis
le!lomaa. If be made mi takes they
were of tbe bead, not tba beert.
Among tbe modem iavantioee to be
ten dorirg the f'' n i Pianola, ex-
hibiied byT. K. UciiArUatu, aed the
projecUecnpw with the latest moving
pidnree aaclt evening Each ia ia iteelf
a wonder and aboas great inventive
genius and skill. ,
1160. Town Talk.
Grants Pass Tragedy.
and creditably entertain a large
crowd of people for four successive government are altogether ' too Hamlin, e cond.
Wbile rijrnooth K ickt r B tiamllo,
flrat'an 1 teronj.
Rbod Island Beds P M Malhewt,
firctan J second.
days. Boseburs certaiul y done her
self credit aud nearly every one was
v pleased. - .' '
- It is to the credit of Congress that
wealth is not yet the standard by
"We .admire General Nelson JL
Miles' position on this question of
anarchy and how to treat it He
says: "I feel that we have been lax
which its members inde each other. 1 in iruardinir the president. , When
- 1 . . a . t . wa
Aman cannot rise to eminence m i you coosiaer mat tnree presiaeuts
the senate by wealth alone, Herein I in 3b years nave met- tbe -assassio s
' it seems is mnch basis for felicitation I bullet, it ehoWs that we are too; free
- - . a - - a ii I 1 a a a '
Until this condition cnanges me sen-1 in exposing me preaineat ty auueo
' 'ate'will'eoninae to be what it is to- j essary dangers -' 1 believe that, the
day the greatest legislative assem-1 president should be salely guarded,
Pitt Oaaiet L B Woodruff, tecood.
Btotamr Lote Buucliffr. first, G W
Aldrraon, second, , .. ,fC
Buff Plvmoutb Rocks J- Johesoo,
fiXt and taoond.
Beit exhibit of poultry P M Mathews
first; F B Hamlin, second.
Best display 3f cattle, A UiakV,
hi v in the worid. But he election of and that he should not take tart . in 1 fitst.
thia bodv bv direct vote of the Deo-1 Dublic functions that would render I Eheep E A Hinkle, first.
pie would be a great improvement I him liable to attack from any anarch-
over tbe present rystem. -Ii6t and lunatic that may b4 privileged
to mlnele in such a crowd. As to
A Portland man agrees to pnt a th. DIirji(thment ot anarchista.- I be-
. - a a- W '
woolen miu in r-ugene on a oonus oi UeYt) that congre8B SQOaid pas8 a taw
lo,uuu. mat is cneap, AiDany paia wbich WQuld ioflict the deatk d.
jxo.iWU. A eimuar proposition was uy fof iQJ Rtempl tQ taka thB life of
made Koseburg recently 1ut - no tfae pre8iderit5 o, toT ny eonspiracj
enon wai pot lonu. to secure me
was pui lonu to secure me on th, t of aa anarch;Bt circle
pnze. iwteoniK wm not worrjr j t the offic e. whether the at
tempt were succeesfol or not"-rT8m'
about new industries and manufact
uring institutions so long as she re
mains an S. P. railroad division. Tbe
regular monthly income and payroll
of a number of railroad employee,
though of considerable importance
to a town, is a very insignificant m
dpstrial goal to satisfy the commer
cial ambitioa of a city of the f reten
aioni of Bo3eburg.
The father of Czolgoaz asys of the
friends to moorj bis ootlidf It demise.
a a a a. a . aa W
"Ham.bomAr.iDbb. to " a neignnora oau a f non me oeiore
, ,,, , , . u: the boly was fjund byhiiton, hence
aleep. All day he was away fishing ., . .... . '
.17. i . the coiclunon that be was gored to death
or idling, ueaaia ne was noi weu fcy faj enrfgjd aninul H, WM 61
ana coma noi wora. it years old, and leaves- wife. ' fbree
pretty correctly the majority of the Ljaoghters aad a son, , besides his aged
anarchists who have dedicated thorn- mother aad confront relatives and
selves to a general des'ruc'ioa of the
existing order. Thesa pet pie are
eithfa" 'cafin? or tteeping themselves
ia anarchistic literature. Work is
what they would avoid whenever
possible- They desire a world that
has no labor in it. And because
others are up and doing and they
are eking out a wretched existence
In idleness they would drag the toil
ers ia every station down to their
owa leveL Albany Herald.
Goals E A Hinkl. firtt
Span Roadster horse E A Hinkle,
fitat; J C Aiked, ascend,
'Span Draf t hoi sua Jack Gardner,
first, B S Kicbolr, second .
Roadster stallion E F . Bogori, first ;
S Van Uoflten, second.
' Best all' purpose horse Thos! Church;
ill, first.
Draft Stallion 0 E Marke," first; Cy
rat Smith, second.
Single roadatersF Alley, first: J
R Dixon, second.
Sacking colt Cyrus Smith , first.
. Single draft horse J T Thompson,
fitst. ,;. . .;. ,
, , - OTB XX XXH1BIT1. -,
There was a long list of exhibitors of
was found dead last Monday In his past- agricultural products, fruit, efc, A (ew
ure about 200 yards from his home on of them shown in tbe windows of the
Coos rivsr above Multifield. The bodv Douglas County Bank were as follows:
was badly biuised aod it was known that Plinn Cooper, Italian prunes and Bartlett
Mr. Yokam went oat in tbe field to drive pears, O. F. Godfrey, Blue Pearmian ap
ples, .Red Siberian crabapples, late Craw
ford peathes, Silver prunes, Bartlett,
Gaajrra Pass, 8ett. 21 A shooliag af
tray ocenired at 8 o'clock Wat night io
tbe lobbv of tba Lay tin Hotel . Iu this
city. D. Uulllday,. of ,oau rraccieco.
waa shot through tbe bead by Frank
McCaoD. proprietor. Tbe wouadl man
will die. . Holiiday is ol the firm of Pea
cock A Holiiday, contractors and bond
ers, of Saa Frinciaco. tie airivtd in
thit city a few days ago to look up taut
ing Icteretti in which, he aod Medea
were concerned. The bad bad trouble
previously.. Tbe aaarrtl last Light vrid
td iu McCanu drawing his tevolver, and
firing, tbe bullet ent iring over the1- left
ere snd raatlog out over the left ear.
The cause of ths Quarrel is not aerwo.
McCaoaiala Jail, . . . J '-T
- Roosevelt Will Visit OrCgoov :
Wasiiisotok, ?ept.zl--Uotntoissioar
Hermans arrived iu Waabiegtvov tfrtaM
aod called on Preeldest Roosevelt. In
(he coarse of bis couvereatloa,' the Pre
deot told the Commissioner be intended
to vint Oregon and Washington ttaX
eDriDK. la order to become bettepvao-
qoaioted wilb tbe people of that iaactlou.
Roosevelt desired to via4 tbe Padfie
Northwest daring the ' last - campaigner
but bis services were desired elaetvhere.
Commissioner Hermann attended the
McKlnty memorial services at Cbjcsgo
the dav of tbe funeral ol the resident
at - - ' i
Roosevelt In tbe White House.'
Pithy and Pointed.
I know a lut'tt Muw,
JLod be Mrs tieh ihias
At no l.t-9 lel'o onht tt,
WiMB the tchxl Ult rlnti
Cx Jgcts' abot waa bks the ot-e
poet tells aboat 'beard aro md
From pertowal experience we bavt
learned that tbinat are not alwara what
they appear. Thia is par J :o;rly true
of atplre.
With eo many prri ty tcbool tochers
ia Douglas eoooty there ia aa exeuaa for
the large number of bachelora .io Rote-
Roteborj't Carol val Kwig look aiih
dread eaapiciM epon every man be
mettt on tbe streets with a bandaged
baoo. '.Verily 'ooay is the head that
wean a crown."" -
You Can't Beat Zt
fr beaatr, elecance of style, .
fine finish, comfort ar.l al!
aroand excelience, the Ladies
say wno bare worn and tested
onr Soroeis Sboi. For prome
't nade or- dress wear, or party
elipperg. onr stock embraces
everything that' ia fafLioaable '
for Ladies' and chiHrena' arear.
Our echoor shoe forrbridren -arw
without a rival for durabil
ity and comfort. .
MS 1! IB
For a Prompt and Firtt-chua
Share or Hair-cut. Compe
tent Workmen, Cleaui Tow
els, Tools al ways in shape.
Baths fa Connection.
Shop oa Jackson St.
.185 :
A Warning to T reaps tacrs.
All persons are here bv warned amina
buntiog or trespaaeint npco my farm
ia Garden Bottom, known at the La-
folate plac. Tbe t ret p aft notices po - I ttaediisz. Kalarr
uyviktu, i'i?uii win ue vcioioeo,
aod any -noisier of same will he proet
cotwl to tbe fell extent of tbe Law. :
O10. J.H. Booth. I
iiail Route Contracts.
hill Reporter.
Qored to Death.
George Yoakam, a highly esteemed I
and prosperous farmer and etockman
torn of Mrs. Rooaeyelt from Oyster Bar,
next Wednesday, the President; ad
family will Uke up their .abode In tba;
Executive Mansion.
To correct the lmpretsioa that hu
gone out In-some quarters. Dr. Elxey to
night aotborised this ttatrmenl; "Mri.
McKioley ia not being kept up OA
opiates or other artificial stimulants."
Mrs. McKlnley's condition is not each
as to cause great alarm. . - . ,
Quantrell's Men.
killed Bear With Target Quo.
Eddie James killed three bearj with a
22 cal rifl-j nenr the coacty rotd at J. R.
Ben ton 'a pltce on Catching Creek hut
Friday. - The youag man was not look
ing for such large game but when an old
bear with two cubs and a yearling came
along be began on tbe cabs and not both
of them and the yearling, tbe old . one
eecaping Myrtle Point Enterprise,' '
Idabo and Sickle pears, - Petite , prunes,
Mrt. Norman Agee, evaporated Italian
and Petite prunes. Cyros Powejl, three
o iiojt with an egr-g4te weight of 88
ounces.. . ' ' -
W. IT. Mnidock showed two- f art of
floe filberts, of the 1900 and 1901 crop,
showing tbe poseibiluiei of this eoonty
in the growing of no's. J. W. Maiden,
browo corn, L. M. Howard, of Riddle,
yellow dent corn. Ed Hlokle,. wheat,
timothy, black oali, velret and orchard
grass and other grains.. A. R. Mat toon
and Mr. Gallagher also exhibited several
varieties ol grain! and ' grapsea.' - These
grains,, atc.wrte furvsrded to tbe
state fair, also some of the vegetable ex
hibit!. "V--
iU,'J-i . . i. . at'
Blcx SraiNos, Mo., Sept.. 23. Qaan-
trell'a gaerillas are here today la an'
nualceeaion. There are but 86 surviv
ors, tbe most doted of whom, ia Frank
James. ' "
' . Cxolgosx' Trial. ; '
P. 0 D-partmeet,
. Waihingtwn, Sp. 18, -01
Prcpcsiis Pl reo ived at the office
of Second Asaieiaai I'osa master General,
P. O. Depart mett ut-til 4 p. m. Decem
ber 3. 1901, for isrt i ii the mailt of the!
U. S. front Jolj 1, l'j02. to Jane 30, 1906.
upon tbe Sttr,vUa tr-o tarid other rontrs I
id Oregon aod oher weawo etsietaal
territories, inclading AiaeaaanJ Hawaii,!
at specified ier paa-l'htet of thia date.
Liel of joaK-f , ( tut v proposals and
bondt.aid all neceaaary iofjrmatioa will I
be foraitbed upon application to thel
Second Puatutaater Geaeral, Washington, I
D. C. iv. . . Cius, E. Smith,
. ' P. M. General.
"" '
Itmakiaoee feel guilty "to ret sccb
good value fcr their money at the ex
tlative shoe store of Hsrry M. Uolden.
Soaosis Suoa PasLQai
character and gxjed lepu-arioa In earn
cute (one in thia eoonty required) to re
pveeenrand advertise old (ttabliahed
wealthy hoeiaen booaw-wf solid fiaanciad
tlSXO weekly with
eipeaa-a additional all parable in caah
each Wedoeeday direct frora bead
effieee. Horse aad carriages farniahed.
wbaa secanary. -; ReJeeecOe EtM-kaw
alf-addreated stamp. I envelope. Man
ager. SIS Caxton Building, Chicago,
S1SJX. .. .
The handy receipt book, alee blank
Botea aad ail forme ot left, blank, at the
P AZXDKAXax office. u
Bark ex-s
Red Clover.
Orchard Grass
IlCCcsqaif c or
Velvet Grass.
Vetch Seed.
Hobo Burglary at Redding.
3-Tbe boioa who haws beeor burgtariciog I
long the )iue of he S. p. Co.'s railroad
In Southern Urrgon teem to have gone I
oatb' to- eonlinae their depredation.
Sunday night hobos entered the bard-
V7aBiitTM.-Sept. 23. Upon tbeJ-wereetereaf tbe-Jaeaee Youog -Hard-J
ware Co at Red ling, and apprcpriattd I
goods ooatlstiDg uf koirer, ryio-t, etc, 1o I
tbe a mount of about $.00. rboogh their
crime hts been . telegraphed along th a
line and officials advised to keep a sharp
lookout for them, they have thus far I
been successful in eluding srrest.
True ecx)iiomy in paint is attained only
when the 'best : of " material is used.
Estray Notice.
There came to my place on Deer Creek,
4 miles cast ol Koeebarg, one red
cow, slightly brindled, with call. , Cow
had crop and undWbit in left ear. Hare
been at my place for some time. Owner
can recover them by p tying charges and
proving property. A. U. Baowx.
, . i ' a20-lmo.
Oats for sals tt Krnse A Newland's.
Burraxo, N. Y., 8pt. 23.-Tbe trial ol
Csolgotz, tbe anaichiit atetsein, who io
cruelly murdered President McKIukv,
will take place today. . " -
- '
Reward For Stolen Money .
I will give one-balf, or f300 for the re
tain ol tbe 500. ia tttentydolty told
pieces stolen on Julv 13, 19 )1, frrra the
residence ol F. A. Will lea s of look'ng
Glaet preelnct. .Addrees 8. L.' Baell,
Look log Glas, Or. . r!2 .
Beit by test. Dr. Lows' gassea.
and uk aung
Ely's Cream Balm
Easy and iilsasnat ta
aiua o,m-
J U Ml M I
Bsa. t'ontali
H Is oalckiy abaorbad.
irtnns Unig
Brstorea tht
ceata by mall.
I carry . .. " . g -TTToV Vb
18 '.7:;
S.W H . 1 A. v -
U i .
iWh ITff;
Girn KalKf at once.
It Opana aod C'leanasi
tha Ksaal I'mnjn-rt.
A liars InUtmmiuinu.
finis and Protscu the Membrane.
Sansea ot Tasta and Bm!L Lanra Site, SO cents at
Druggist or by moll Trial Sua, 10 ceata by mail. I
. XX Warm etot,Ktw Sack,
If first-class paint costs only one-fifth more than a poor
quality painVand lasts jnst twice as long, it stands to
LINSEED OIL; PIONEER WHITE LEAD at lowest market prices
A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Druggists
; : . jroseburg, Oregon
I B Ol