The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 19, 1901, Image 2

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The Twice-a-Week-
Roseburg Plaindeaicr
: IPubUahed atondara and ThurKisj-s.
Editor and Proprietor.
Clubbing- Rate
. -
We have arranged with a large number ol
papers and raaguine for rate whlcn will glre
to our subscribers two publications lor a slight
adranc orer the cost ol Thi Flaikdkalib
alone. Following is a partial list: ,
Twicb-a-wkk Plaismalie and tbe -
Toledo Blade , , . ... .tl 75
"fcew York Tribune... . 1 Tb
Orcgonian , 2 00
S. F. BulWlin J 00
8. F.Call ; 2 00
. Rtral Korlbwest 00
Poultry JmiriiAi , ;. 1 00
According to some of the latest laws tiewsps
per publisher may cause individuals who Use
a paper and reiuse to par for it to be anwteJ
for fraud. Cndr this ruling, anyone who
allows his subscription to run e'ong lor a time
nnpaid and then orders it discontinued, or or
ders the postmaster to mark it refuted, or sends
a postal card to the publishers is liable to r
rast and fine tbe same as for theft.
Entered at the Poet Office in Roseburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
SEPTEMBER 19, 1901.
The solemn ceremonies at Canton
today not only filled oar conntrr
with sonow and gloom, bnt caused a
feeling of sadness and regret
throughout the cirilized world.
r Tennessee jnrist has decided
that the publication of libelous mut
ter cannot be restrained by injane
tions. In the case which evoked this
'''decision the complainants sought to
"' enjoin a Dewepapar from issuing an
edition they knew wonld contain
statements reflecting upon their per
sonal and professional standing.
" The various 6treet fair com miJ tees
and the citizens of Roseburg can bat
feel gratified with the success of the
fair and carnival thus far, not a sin
gle incident having yet occurred to'
mar the peace aid pleasnre of the
occasion. The attendance is fully
- op to expectations and the crowd is
an orderly and good natnred one,
' which indicates a high standard of
intelligence and morals on the part
of tbe people of this portion of the
' We have made careful provision in
this - country for excluding and
stamping ont contagions diseases,
which affect the physical health of
man and the domestic animals. We
have permitted oar country, however
to be made an eejlnm for those af
fected by the most daogerons crim
inal disease kuown to the world.
We have permitted - anarchists to
come here and do all in their . paver
to destroy respect for law, order and
decency, truthfully sars the Baral
Northwest. We have allowed them
to hold public celebrations to give
Tent to their ghoulish joy at assassia
ations for which there was no pos
sible excuse. We have now seen the
effect of oar failure to do oar duty
in protecting ourselves against this
dangerous class. We can not afford
to allow any one to live in this
country whose constant effort it is to
. destroy government
An Oregon newspaper says the law
of this state providing for the pay
ment of bounty money for coyote
scalps "ia an infamous mess a re." If
this charge is true, then the farther
allegation of the paper that the auth
or of the bill does not deserve the
support of the valley voters for any
position is fully justified. It wonld
also be true that every member of
tbe legislature who voted for the bill
enacting this law is unworthy of the
Eupport of the voters of any P&rt of
the state for any . office. Any legis
lator who would vole for an infam
ous measure should be shunted by
nis leiiow-men. Ul course, tbe pa
per which made this stement did
cot mean what it said. It probab
ly knows that laws of the scalp-
bounty act are common in nearly all
civilized countries. There may be
features of this law which deserve
criticism, and there may be differ
ences of opinion as to tbe advisabil
ity of each legislation, bat it is wrong
to denounce each a law as infamous
It is one of innumerable similar
charges which tend to destroy re
spect for law and confidence in our
government. Kural Northwest.
Resolutions of Condolence.
. Where ip, Te Supr. mi Ruler, .in
hisdivxe wifdom, baa esnrei stater
JackEO 1 to be removed torn oar midst
tberefare be It,
Reiohed, Tbat we the members of
Bciiburg Reb.kio Lodge No. 41,, I. O.
O. F. tender ;be , bereayed haebard of
tbe decjed cor bfartlth armpitby jo
tbls Lit boar of affliction
Huolttl, ThJt in ber death the
Lodge loses a faithful and conscieotiona
member loved and lesjwted by as all
and no words of etiology spoken by us,
or abafu of marble erected by dear and
loving friends can add to the womanly
worth cf the life ebe lived or caoee to
, shine with brighter 1 aster the deeds of
love she performed. These will live oo,
loved and cberiil ei Jby generous aod
" greatfal fcearrs that bars tesu toocbed
and softened by tbe gee tie iiflaeoce of
her life.
. llesolved, Thaiacjpy of this mem
orial be presented to tbe husband of tbe
' deceased, spread in fall apon the minutes
of this lodge and a copy for Dished tb
county papers for pubVc ition end tbat
the charter of thie kde 4 draped for
.tbe period of tbirtv days as a father
token of oar respect. . ; " ' :
Bubmit'ed ia F. L. and T, - r
.., COBA WmBEfiLY,
. r ; Mbbit West,
t . " . . 1XSZ MlCELU
X f .. - , AX 414 BfUVtvti).
Pot forgret t3a.g Rgeo-bVLagr, FrcjStai?; eiaa,d. Second. -azruLal Caxxiial,
' ft i' s e
Big Crowds Attend the Strut
fair and Carnival.
Handsome DispUjsJS'umerous At
tractions and Intergstinj fatly
jt Progrht. S'
Ai.uuaI Carnival opened under Ihe'niost
favorable auspices Tuesttav, the (access
and pleasure of the occasion leing"r'eaf'tv)A ih snJoVneot of social concourse
lv augmented by tb.3 'ideal Oregon
-jtrjinnSrealLei too', bright souuydajs,
which have prevailed op to tbe preeeotl
tirre ma pronneea - -Mattoae-- W- lit
ml of the wtx-k'tf festivities
' , TJ street i&tr. parMfeniVDt jtaj, par
bueinfss iebple ate being coi'gratblated
on every hand ujoa their enterprise and
vigorous ttiof If lortfi. to slratie . jadj
entertain. ' The" Tfcorhs 'extend aloogl
both sides of Jackron street for a dis
taoce of three blocks from.- Case to
Oun'as streets. Tfta epealrrg exeKVSei
commenced promptly at 9:30 a. m. Tues
day and were carried oat with a single
excrption, tbe aJdrees by tbe orator of
tbe ocottioa, II02. fi-ctft-r ,Jl-nmrn,
who onexL"-tei!v caliwl buk' to
Washug'on on the pivtcw d 'tu e-
coant of tbedeith vt l'nsidmt Mi Kins
ley, Tbaagh a grt d!aJllm"tl to
the peip'e and no t t Mr.- Hr:ninn,
tbe roadiiiona Vrem aa-.-'i at' io:airaat
no excos- or spooky fjr Uie ecu if on of
tbe ad'ire. Splendid mo'cic by tiir 4-.h
Regitnea: hand nUv-rw 11 vcrai
and diirit.g tbe pirado lijnr, th'laJirS
Zbo bind sad tbe ' Ibe Fili(-i;o. C n-
cert Eaud," adisto the mu-i aWituri
Amorg tbe etiett di-p'ae, loothj
ttni, elr !b fu'loe icg are rc r rei.l-,
ed, begianirg at DjdkIas Klrretand p.
iogamtb: Mt H E8lr. I't't Scbr,u-r-
st-tn, X TbotspHta, F E iiuil. . J. -J
Faiq-ur. C L Reed, tl W. Miller, t .K
Howard, first baud etaad, S K -ykea. W
A Barr. . Oa Waabingt-jn etreet. of eith
er aide ol Jackson, is the big .balloon
acd Arnold's tuerry-t.o-.-oaod; ' Then
oaM JoeepbKonV UiWebrind's. Koiss
W UamiiLun Drag CaF U Btard, toy ,
stand, 1 ieeu' booth. Rtviaw Publish -ins
C ., J F Barker & Co , A J ila.ks ii
Co-fiaitand veretableexbibit, W C T
C res, room, M E resUurnt, Firat Na
tional Biok rest room, C 1 R store, Lan-
genberg's news stand, 8 0 Fnat, a um-
aai&ed Indian, F K RicbardsonV, Bap
tit reetanrant, rest bootb, OJd Fellows'
and Rvbkahs' rest boslh and beadqiar-
(era, Mrs. A- C Kidd's. Oa CUk street,
on euber side of Jickaon, is. Rosco, the
snake charnier, aud the Edison corjeen-
Oifapb. Next are tee Senate test booth, i
Wollenberg Bros.', I A'-wharo, sojond
bitd a'aaJ, Krae k N'ewlsod'i, poultry
depaitme'st, Mrs. Boyd's, Rice A - Rice's
Wiley's merrV-go-roandy iMaocx, d&
partment, - 1 : : '. N
Wm Carrier, the grocer; H, l ? 'a vet
photographer, have -rwwtry- tlirplayrd
bcolhs and II. M.rke & Co , d (play
tbeir enterprise hy i-rct ni a fine "Wel
come" ach in t'irir H-r , aaooanettif
their "at b me" i-j t'rt." "Tue kJK js-
barg Water ALij;bi tx,-rJvriJ,e4atifol
eiectric area cr vk-o-e'.reet io
tronl of tbeir chi -e, sita a Urge elecUu
Star aaJ piolr of M-Kioley draped in
mourning fit a keystone. - The art ant!
fancy work department is in tbe Taylor
&. Wi'eon block sear tbe balloon. A
number of bairneas bouses are decorat
ed, tb Bell Slaters having 'a specially
neat display. There we many fine show
windows, Wollenberg Bros, showing fine
photos of tbe caraival king and qaeen.
M. F. Rtpp til a fine little booth inside
his store, individual displays are too
numerous tj mention bat are elegarX "
At eleven o'clock daily a vary Inter
eating feature is the ttaloan ascension
aod parachute jamp by Prof. Chris. Nel
son, who is proving himself a brilliant
aerooaut, hie thrilling parachute jimp
being madelrom a higher .altilode than
ever before witnessed at this place, the
baJoon appearing bat a mere p peck, when
tbe daring aerial rjasigator cot loots
from it, '-'' '
Alter tbe mosic by Ibe band tbe 100
yard foot race, free lor yaM,' was called.
The entries were: ;Vtctjr 6bor, Wm.
Van Lurer, Tip Goodtnao, Roy Bellows,
Ed FielJs, TbW WaJd." They' ifloisbed
in 11 i seconds in the order named, t", -.
Next followed the grand parade, which
u repeated daily. It forms south of tbe
opera boose and marches as follows:
Main street to Douglas, ibence to' Jack
eon, to isse, t) bberidan to Lane to
JdCkoin, to grand stand opposite tbe
postoffics a bare thitfajuuata. was bsld
roeeoav. it is led by fc. L.. Far rot t,
grand unarebsl, bjs aide btacg,
Aiken aod Dr, K. L. Miller,- The - prin
cipal fia'ofeeol the parade areV -t
Fourth Rtgjfoatjt Baod. ! ii ,
Co. E'. O. N. G , Capt. Hamlin.
.Qieen Laid and her. maids of he nor
in a handsome float.--'-' l '
ktng Fiaocie, 1, with ,'eoartiets and
j'Wter; mounted.
Ladit-s' carnival committee.
Mayor Willis aod city, council.--Dr.
IJoover and coichrjasTj.1 'A .
float rarity ; a boat of children set
ting oat on the voyage of Life. J
Jack Hepburn, trick pjc irt.
Float L, O. T. M. and K. O. T. M.,
with marchers in uniform.' ' - A
Flost Ladie' Z?bo Band,-ia aniform
Prof, aelsoo, aeronaut, ,io t Carniyal
costame.' ' '
Float Native Daughters i& prairie
schooner of 1843.
Float A. O. u-W.;itb. cirnlval
colors. .
Float Down ia Dixie.. ...
Float - Filipino Concert Bind,' in uni
form.' :,':.,'
Float Cioyd'a 8Uf grocery. .-' j .
Float IlamLlon Drug Cj.
Float U. Marks & Co. .
Float 8. K. Sjkes and w. U. Wood
Will Lawson Comic character, 'Well
Well, Here we are 8j?mq!"
7HK C J0ATIO. i ;
Arriving at the grand staud, . Queen
Lulii ascended, assisted by the King,
Fatrcir I,' followed by the maids of
honor, Misses Stella. Bsmiltoo, .Mabel
Boone, Flossie Kb am brook aod Beetle
GovdcbUd.-aadbesreTof Cowers,' little
SbVs Caritola'; Wldta. fhy rereac
ooiDpaniud by the trims Minister, I. 8.
Stupe; Courtiers. -.V. 0. London, 1?F
Langenberg :'ester.lCbas Farksr; Page,
Master Clifford Ba-ksr. Mayor Willis
presented the golden key of the city,
through the medium of the print asinia-
tor, andth Tb Kf It fd 4 ! for
siife keeping. Tie king then instructed
his prime minis'w toih'stiwhw- proclam
ation, which was read ip a clear, dittiuct
tone and is In fotl at follow': ''
Wiilheab, There come no in tbe joy
oushaivertt time, tnfm Jill hi'l aad
,Vjlll8liibutiry o I'M", Jbe capital
d: J oar kiugdjigs (J e "tsi,"r ' it(
eomiatroo auj tTii iV pjtr and
fctrecgtb, the loyal, iidustrioua titisjua
ylthlVAJuyi-,J85Ut xautt-,
wealth for the avowed parpue of miog
hug together io the parsait of happiaaei
for a filed psr.oJoLMuJ'i knd realizing
thai ii U for tbe bslXiXfeli of all my
tubjeote that suob a (eotiysl be held, dur
tog which tioia tb,poil- aie theoi
selves over to the purroit sod enjoyment
ei a 3 hw pUrSare Uiat are .91' may be
i'.ten Jot Upon sdh occastobr, and de
siring to promote tbe happiness of all my
subjecte, now therefore .:'! ',
p3 ibis, the 17th day of September,
arklAa this, the yer of our Lord, One
Thousand Nine Hundred aod One, in
the year two of oar Carnival, do hereby
proclaim :
Tus,t tbfrse four days, namely, tbe 17th
1S;Ii, lS.b and 20. if, in tbe year and
month named, be-end they are by royal
proclamation set a pail to be koowo and
obeervrd as holidays, daring all of whicb
time-' all uy subjects shall join io a
grand j tbile sad harvaet UsUfat, and
indolrio iu good auj ropwr sports and
pleasure in the spint ol tteedom that
ihfit ojalvy, iadnstry and meritorious
conduct in tbe past entities tbem to en
joy. Tlis proclamation ia published io
the ljtl uaei and coufidance tbat each
eVcj loyal tnljn of this kicgcLm
fill ) con4uct Ljuiarif during this time
f. at t-o reproacrt ill b cat opoq bioi-
aolfi hie coeo&ry orsis king.-Yen are each
an J evory ons e joined to bearcontinu
at'y in mi'.d the s raugers that are with
in oar gats, and that to them most oar
baepitelity be extruded without reserve,
Let party, sectarian land' peraonat pre-
jwdiete becaet aside, and let It be yoor
higbeat aian to eoteitaiit wil these ear
visitors, that, when they returo to tbeir
homes tlie eltail go with words of ptaise
lor yoor haepiiallty, and no less for tbe
1 hi it and (kill that, have bees combined
with oar own indaatry and ibe ' woe-
drooa refoo tees ol joar land in produc-
ing wealth, as hidicatad by the display
here gathered together. '' ' '
As your sovereign raler I commend
you for yxir good works, by wbicb yoo
are known tbrougboai the leagtb and
breadth of the land ; and now by this
proclamation Ui yotf ia given tbe lfewou
of oar capilal cAi icr tbe Carnival Ira
son. Let Two r i j he anconfloed a ad
joor bilarny exceeded c-oly by yuar
- Djbb at Koaebarg, tba capital city,
Cls the ITih fly id 6fputr, ia tbe
; ear 4b9HXrAto4 ; wnuea oar bead
aud, tba-toyal attaL .. .
j"' Kiao i9 Tea CAaairau
-. inn?. n
Wednesday was A.O. D. W.v dsj at
the tt -eel fair and this wortbv order
made a fine shewing, especially in tbe
parade. The d.ncer givoo to all mem
ben Of tbe oid-r together whh tbeir
fjmilirs by Rjsebarg Lolge Nj.'l8, aod
Mystic Lodge So. 13, Degree of Honor at
the opera bous , was ooe o! tbe 'ffoeet of
the kind ever eprpad in ibis city. Mem-
ters were preeent Iron every town Uj tbe
coobtr bat MasUr Workmaa C. C.
lLyue was unavoidably absent on ac
count of illness fa his family.
-' Tuwfirit fealors oi the afternoon was
. aa' race. The ecntettants were:
Victor. Short, Wo. YauLureo, Robt.
Ktdd, Hoy Bellows. They floiahed in
the Ordei bamed - -
Tne baseball game on the Pine street
gruunde wei the next attraction after tbe
parade. U waa between tbe Boseborg
aod tbs Railroad Men's teams. The
score standiog 8 to IS in lay or of the
Railroad boys. : ; ; .
. The wheelbarrow rce was a mirth
pryvokiog incident. Tbe-' participants
were: - Ribt. Kidd, 8-pben Short, De-
Lxs Mallioaa and Claude Short. Kidd
won the race. '
Mangers B. B. Houston aod J. H
8yket of tbe sports committee, . sre pat
ting on each event 00 schedule time as
nearly as ' roseible aod all parses art
promptly paid. . -
bvuiijio axaausas. .,,
Taesday . evenlng-Masio by
prtj-ctoscope exhibition Zjdo
dance at opera hall. :
JJ elrieday
evefitcg Baud conceit,
reception to king and qaeen," projecto-
scentoexalbOiaa. r,.'t
, Thursday eydBing' Band moilc,
joctoecope, grand carnival ball. ' j
"Friday eveoiog Baud music, .projec-
toscope, general grand masque aad ' ooe
teHi battle.; ; .. . . .
TVin,r m resjtooa s sposts aasimp.
Tbe tug' of war on Washington street
-vl - .... ...
so avuuuuroij comes lea oetweea s
Roseburg snd Railroad meo'a teams,
The former won by a margin of three in
ches. Tbe line up was : Roseburg F
O Flotner. Waftar Grav. FA P.rtt.. p
Foster, Geo Smith, E J Langenberg, M J
Miller, C Archtmbeao, E E LitUell. 8 J
Sathsrlin. ' Railroad rten Fred Beard,
W A Wrson, E L Wbiteett, B K WiUett,
AeherAgse, Wayne Drol linger, M H
Flock,' M Carlos, J M Davis, D B Hall.
Tbe pull was for 18 minute.' Parse, 50.
After tbe tug-of-wsr contest tbe 'next
feature was tbe slow bicycle race. Tbe
entries were: Wm VanLiren, Robt
Kidd, Jake Noah, Floyd Ramp. Van
Lurea was the winner. ' :
The exhibition of Jack Hepburn io
trick bicycle and aoicj ele riding on Jack
son aad Oak streets is a performance
of much merit aod skill aod is greeted
with applausr; He repeat a uortioa
of bis act at tbe iuters-tctioo of Jackimo
and Washington streets for tbe bet eflt of
tbe crowd there. His sphndid perfor
mance is repeated daily. '',
The exercises were carried out todsy
accordiog to program and tbe greater
portion of tbe afternoon is being devoted
to : appropriate:, memorial exerciees in
honor ol tbe nstton'r mart j red rresl-
deot. iUtrioq servioes wert held io lb
If. . cbur b, cjjJocted by th various
mil Ist-re ol tbe rity from 1 to 3 o'clock
p.., tLe (1. A. R. serviefs beioft held
OB Jseksoq street in front of 'Richard
sob's saaslc store Jio-n Jto 8 p. oa. '
' i a. a. ratwBAMi. - ,."'"'
' Vpeniag prayer by Rev. W. 'A. Wood;
Bobg, Aroerleji Addresses if M MoCoy,
Senator Maiaters, Capt F B fjamliu,
UotiGeo M BrowbHoa J II Shape, Hen
J G Fulleitoo, Judge J W Hamtlloa ; mas-
ic, "Nearer My God to Tree," choir;
ion. Double Quarter."" . -
J. W. Maiden is exhibiting some fine
broom cere" grows) en bis plaee'in E len
bower. I v, t ,i 1 , ,
Tbe vegstable grain add Iruil exhibit
js la front of HJD. Stanton's store and
in tbe Dougfas county bank wfuow.
4 ii tliuse-who cm forsiah room
may be seen at flamilton's drag store
Tbe mamified Indian giantess and
child is a soarce of wonder to name; ops
A grand public reception was tendered
to the King and Queen and their alter.
dnts at tbe Qaeen 'a booth on Jackson
street Wednesday evening, everybeds
bejng giyen an opportunity, to, great tbe
roal party.- Tbe 4th Regiaeot4'band
furnished magic, for tbe occasion. fc
boMe, Hie Snake Eater, with bfja as
tounding, bah-raising rerJmmance, W
the wonder of tbe Fair.- He gvee a
shew1 tbat a boeqaaJed ia tbe line of
carious and noheard of entetUiamenta,
in wbicb there is no fake or d'os!oii,
actually swallowing a vicious,, poison
ous reptile tbat gives oomiMakable er!
deuce of being very moch alire. Their,
are also many other snakes in tbe tbo.
wbicb is well worth the sdmlssJon price.
See it,- coraer of Jackson snd Oak.
1 Pithy and Pointed.
Tee Oregon farmer packs "
His apples up for town ;
Tals is tbe top layer of Lis totes
And this is lower down -
A suit for dtvo-ce filed st Corskans,
Tex., lborsday eels op as a1 cause fur
action that tbe defendant is a1 Christian
Scientist. She answers that she would
rather lose her bosbsod, children acd
boms than ber religion. ' 1 :
''Throwin' bOtaeeboea" is stUI tbe
most exciting pastime at Eageas. Every
msa yoa meet has a acre finger and
tbumo aod walks sort of aidewayg with
ooe eye shut. Restaurant keepers do.'t
serve dooghoots any more, ss it iovaria
ly resolts la broken dishes through at
tempts to throw "ringers' over the
taoce bottle.' '
A Roe abort dentist claims to have, re
seivedths following better from a nearbv
tawa io regard to s set of teeb : "Dear
sar My moalb msasares b4 inches
across aad is 11 inches from tip to tip.
It Is kinder best t shaped nd alaosi
bntnraoeky aroood t'je cdge.: -Has a
bare lip ia ooe corner whMi 1 tr;a. If
I'jte discripebaa want ft l"garss l'.l
have tj eoose op.'
UpatSicaa tbe other day, where the
boeeereoi are attH-rtog tt'e a heavy
ibaodrr storm cams op, stampeding
tbe cattle and caoaing Some of the bore
es to thro their riders, ears tbe Paisley
Post. One Indian baocaroo fall off bis
norm aod wis knocked sensible." Ia
answer to eobseoaent ioqairies the dusky
son said : "Ob! me 00- knmlar notbio';
ersryLbinn be $70 ronad; I t't see
I think hell b pwty ci.iet." -
M F. Caotmll, of Apple e'e, has s cow
wbicb would be io deman aovwbereays
tbe Jsckfotiville Timee. Not satisfied
with having already broke tbe record,
she reported another pair of olees to
ber credit a abort time si ace. This
makes eight she bas added to Mites
herd 10 lees tbaa f jar years. ,Sbe stated
tbe game with one calf, next gve birth
to twits, then to triplets, snd agsin to
twins. Mr. Cac trail baa . some other
eows whicb hive twin tbe one
we have mentioned ia the mort eoBtUteit
prodacer." ' - ; ' -
Under the reign of Sotei a!lsm no
msa can own, in fee simple, a single
square foci of land. : The platform
of tbe socialist party inveigs very
strongly against the private owner-
slip of the means of production and
distribution, by declaring Lthat the
airn of tbe party is to conquer the
powers of goverament and . then to
oae these poweis to transform "ibe
present system of private ownership
of the means of r rod acton -into col
lective ownership by the entire peo
ple. '
It is cardinal faith with 'socialisl
that competition is to be extertr;Inat
ed. Having these facts before us we.
are prepared to saw : witboahbeeita
lion that no farmer can affoVd to W
a socialist. His ownership" "in land
ia to be "transformed"' into collec-,
tva.ownerabJp'by the' entire people.
Is the farmer ready to have his farm'
ODon which he
has beifQfrdsoj
...... . t. .
much bard labor and extended so
njaeh hard-earne; rrjfcney rraac
foi med" from ' 'hft "pdesefS Jn and
given over to the possession of the
entire people! We think not We
think be will register a very healthy,
emphatic kick against changing him
from the owner, in fee simple,- to the
mere tenant oa his own or some other
form that has ako been "transform.
ed.'' No, when the farmer has any
thing to sell. - (sod all enterprising
farmers nearly always have) h wants
competition among purchasers, hence
he can never endorse the doctrine of
"death to compettion" so 'urgently
pushed to the front by socialists. '
Extremes in political; are
always dangerous. Tbe counterpart
of the extremes of trostism .and im
perialism on the one band islo be
found in the extreme of socialism on
the other. Both are likewise danger-
oos to tbe weal of the country. ' ;';-
Here every true American should
keep in the middle of the road. Al
bany Democrat. ;
... 4r e mssay-y,.
Statistics show that 95 pgr cent of
busiuess failures are among . those
who did not advertise,' and 05 per
cent of those who advert ieo are iae
cesef al ia businesa. . , , 1. k.
Roseburg Telephone Directory.
Maia .96"Aderton, A 8, res " "
Maiu'4IS Mey, F E, abstracter and
" , . " architect
Ualn.9&Si!aBse, res
Maia 21 Barker, J F, res ' v
Maia 201 Barker, J F 4 Co, grocers
Main- 61 i 3krnrd, O ', hytry, i
Main 131 Bashford, i W, flouring mill
Main W3 - Bellows, A , ret
Main 274 . Bt-nedick, I', undertaker and
Maiu 135- .Same, rea , ... .
Main 281 Reiison, F W, law office
Main 401 Booth , J H, res
Main 4.14 Bowen, J M, blacksmith
Maui 301 Boy J; Mrs N, grocer
Main 53f Bridges, J T, ras : ,
Main 50f Brown" (ieo M, res
Main 154. Buchunan. J A, law otlice
Main 2!U Buick, D S K, res '
Main 351 Bnrroir, R D, physician
Mjin f)41 Same, res
Mt..44 Bristol. C H, frnit farm
Sb.40X4 BurrW A, res '
Sub. 4Hl Calkins, F L, farni
.Main 373 Child, (i R, res
Main S73 ChnrchilUWooIley.liardware
Main 3l5 Conner, W (', res
Main 27 . Conner it Iioadi, I'laiudealvr
I'ublisliing Co
Main 304 Connolly, F J, res
Main 44 1 Cuebow A Sheridan, law office
Main 11 County Clerk's office
Main 18! Currier, Win, grocer
Sub. 4'.; Curry, N, estate of Riven-lale
... .farm
Sub. 4X3 Cobb, HN, res
Main 3 Cannan, Frank, res
Main KH i i W, BeKt, livery . .
Maia f4-5 Currit-r, Mrs M X, res
Main 431 Ceutral Hotel, Mearr, pro;.
UamfjettDevaneyv'M.cigMS and con-
Mam 213 LN-jKjt Hotel, 11 Jones, prop
Main 411" Eaiton,' Mrs.'grocer
Main 591 Fisher, C V, physician f
Mi 631 1 Pae, res ' V '
Main 43 fialier, W IT, res - r '
Main 15 Fisher A BeJ'.ows, dry grods
Uild SHr Fletdmr; J ii, grocer . .
Mainl2:t Flint C,et ,
MainSSl Flook' Co, 1 ti, flaning tnill
. aud saah and dtor factory
Maiu JV F rater, Wm A, ostmater
Main SCI FuHerton, J C, law offiee
Main tI Folk-rton, Xathan, res
Main K- FWd, Mrs Emma, res
Main 3ai Uaddis Bros, dairy an J feed
farm -
Main 435 Oaddif, Nichols, res
Main 433 .aJdii", V C, Jiunler
Main 96 'GilUeP, B F, re
Main 35rf ' Grave. II f, photographer
Main 45 'iray, Walter, ree - -
Main iH - tardux. J W, rva
MairT" f "llaniUlorTTlrug Co
Main 421 Uanati, E R, res
Maia JIansi'irugti, Jas, res " :
Main 2 Hildebrand, jreul mdee
Main 24S HUJeburn, . Ja, Imperial
aljOn -
Main'9 ffotsori, V?m, Wmckmith
Main 341, H lover: E V, physician .
Mxia . Jl . lljnck, (. E, ptrysiciaa .
Main 171 Same, rei-leuce "
Sub. 4VS Hanting1..n; H E, farm
Main 43 Harmon, Dale, res "
Main fl Janiieeon, W H, Releaf
cigar store
Main 106 Same, ret .
Maju2-V Joaepbson, Mrs M, genlmJse
Main 104 Sarne, res
Main K3 KkM. Mrs A C, grjct-r
Main !3 Kniitht, R M, res
jiain wi fiwiiiatrcu, oeo, meat mar-
Main 191 K'h!bajcvn, L, meat market
Main 1-13 Kru- A Nt-wland, grocers
Main 371 Kinney, E, res
Mam 3:16 Leonard, F It, tiourinz mill
Main 51 Lint-r, (i R, saloon
Main 333 Ixn Jon V C, re
Main SI Marrter A C, Irnk
Main 393 MarsU-ri II J., res
Main 21 MrClallen Ha, M Schmidt
Main 531 Miller, Vf K L, res
Sub.'4f5 .M'oriartr. C, Farm
Main 3M Morian, E T, r-
Main 4S1 . Morri, Alice," res
Maia 331 . UalWn, J.W, rea
Main 414 Murphy, FloiJ, Riscbarg
Steam Laundry
Main 5M MrCniloch," W T, Saloon
Sub! 4'W ' Marks, C. E, Farm"
Sub:4Xl MahiSir.-Mark'C, res
s?ub.4Xt Minkler, twi. re
Vain 571 ? McClaTli h, H T, re
Main 4 Msorel. B, res ,
Main 671 Marks Co, H. Genl Mde
Main 37 , Palm, A" F, res
Main 181 Parks, f ' W, Grocer
Main 511- Parrot t Bros, ivs '
Mafn'444' Pitcbford, Aghes, res
Main l ; Pif tal: Tekgraih Company
Main KU Ue bore. Water A Light Co
M ain 24 Bapp, G V, ttrocer
Main 4-l Rapp's I'rug Store
Main 314 Rapp f F, res
Main 413 Ke-d, C L, Elite Saloon
Main 1.21. Rice. IVxter, resj
Main 101, Bice A Rice, The Houee
Main Sj' Roach, F W, res . '
Main 254 Roseburg' Review ' . , .
'aio.,374, : iUjecbtirg . Water Co, L A
' 'r ' MTalkerfMcr-' - ' 1
Man lien, Rogers, I P I-iverj- and Vet.
Main cbaeivstein, Carl, Itker
llairi I5 .-herrireOfflcw-
Maiu l'4 Shape. J Attornev:
ilainlal tdiors'.HoJue
Wain llix'S PCo Pawftgf-r IVjiot
Main 521
Sara, Freight Office
Msin $64
ub. 4UX
Main '271;
Main I'M
Main 103
Main '351 .
Maia 1W
Main 420
farmer; S W, re '
Strong, B,V, F'uruiture
Fame, res ' '
Stroud, E J, res
Sykes, 8 K, Hardware
SeiversJ, Baker
Savely, J f , res
5 -
Main BT3 , Thompson, A T, Saloon
Main 363; --Same, res
Main 401 Title Guarantee and Loan Co
3D Harhiltanr Mgr
'Main 211 T wltchel I, Dr J C, office
Main 311 Same, res
Main 553 Toolcy & Cloyd, Grocers
Main 051 Thomas, Thomas, res
Main 161 I'nlted States Land Office
Main 275 . Van Huron, AVni, Saloon
Main 301 Veatch, R E, res
Main 244 - Waddle, W, Saloon
Sub. 4t)8 Weber, Geo, Farm ,
Sub.. 497 Weber, Morris, Farm
Main 141 Weis, Max, Brewery
Main 221 Western- Union Telegraph Co
Main. 471 Wilkins ResUurant, II J
Wilking, Troiu
Main 301 .Wimberly, 1 res
Main 375 -Wollenberg,!, res '
Mairf 041 oircrlbtirgi Aires--
Main 2U5"Wig1if('G 1 res 1
r , in'
. , , , T,. Found. . : i , ;
- Tbs only place to set aptodati , toot
wear at tbt tight pticf . '
-U .Soboiu Sfloi P 41x01, .,
ST '
I General
Wc are now-doing business in the '.'Old Marks Corner" and present a
full line of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Boots
and Shoes and Groceries, which are all up to the highest standard of
excellence and at prices' to attract the closest buyers, either for cash
Or produce. To all oar friends, while spending the day in town, we
can assure a welcome at our store and offer all the conveniences it
can give. .Within the city, we can respond to orders by 'phone, and
attend to same promptly through our delivery.
B ph' MARKS CO. 3
The BigShoeStore
Headquarters for . Boot's and Shoes. Men's,
Women's and Children's ShoesTalway up-lo-'
date and eliabTe rih
Prices the lowest. A
vShoes - just arrived.
headquarters during
New Arrivals!
Dress Qoods, VVaistings,yeIvets,!
.ss .f. ..- :t.1i .. J
siiks, street
L. L. nUSL!N6;ycfs: for $1.00:
A very large stock of SHOES. The very
latest designs in Jail CLOT HI FG- Men's
aud Ladies Underwear jand Furnishings. we carry everything you will find
iti a first class General Merchandise Store.
Our Prices:
we are ahle to
N. 5ELIQ, Myrtle Creekt
t (hip j iM
List of Attractions and Events
for Each Day.
FRIDAY, Sept.;2ov .
9:00 Xlusie. '---' - - -
ie:oo Baby show. f
10:10 Baseball game; purse. t
1 1:007-Balloon ascension and parachute jump,
1:00 Music-
1:30 Hurdle race, 100 yards, $7.50. ' , -7:
2:00 -Comic parade.
'3:00 Bicycle race, boys under ii v: two blocks,
$2.50. ' " . '. - - :r
3:30 Obstacle race, $7.50. -
4-oo Trick bicycle and unicycle riding. x ,T.
4:30160' yard foot race, free for all, $7.56. 1 , ;
' ' - V EVENING.
7:00 Music. f i' ' f'1 ' xl
7:30 Projectoscope'and illustrated sbngsl '
8:30 Grand Masqueand Confetti battle.' 'J '
In addition to the above there are other events
which will be equally attractive There will be
Bosco, the snalte eater," the three-legged man, and
continuous dancing; The best of music will be
heard all day aud uigat,';J -JN ,:
A Warning to Trespassers.
All persons arsheieby warned as'iust
honllng or tresuassioa opoa my farm
In Garden IWittorn, known as the l.a-
Points place. Tbs trespass notices pes
ed apon the reuises will ts er furred,
aad any vtolsters ol sru will be pros
coted to tbe fall extent of the Law. .
O10. . J.H. Booth.'
' '
It s oca feel guilty to get socb
good Talae fcr tbeir money at tbs ex
clusive sbos store of Uirry M. llolden.
8o3osis Shoe Pahlor . -
Employment Wanted. .
... .1 1 j
Lady wants position. First-class cook,
Gcod references. laquirs at this , office.
Merchandise Store I
lint of School i
ourstore- vour-
the sStreet Fair.' .
nats for Ladies
w e are not afraid to enbrni'i them to the
iuort ecMMMi.ical Layers We Itl sita-1
air-i as k ar, wiUi little exrose. that (
- - . - - -
CanyonTille, Oregon J
You Can't Beat It
ci . i" heaoty, elejrance of style,
fine fini.'h, comfort and "all-.arocn-1
exceUertre. 'the H-inf
---say who hare worn anl ttel
our Sorusi Sho. Ft pnKne
naileor dress wear, or j-artr
lipie?r.- our Vtoek embraee's
d! everlhiiig (liat i fashivnahle.
U-r ladies and children' wear."
Our scIkv! shoes for children
are w-itltoot a ri-al Ljt dnrabil
ity and comfort. . '
sous si no
character and coed reputation in each
state (ons in this county required) to re-
v , r TUQ, old esublisned
wealthy basinees hnase of solid financial
standing. Salarly 1SJXJ - weekly with
expenses additional, all pay a bis ia cash
each edneeday . direct from head
othces. Horse sod carriages tarnished
when necessary. References Enclose
self-sddressed stamned unlnn.
ager, SI6 Oaztosj Boildiog, Chicago.
812 Jl. . .
Call for Sealed Bids.
Roseburu. Sept. 7. 1901
wUlbeciesd by the coon It ennri
opsrats tb hone Rock ferry, for three
years,- Uoedaed sofficieot bonds will
be required. Bids will be receirsd on to
I M o clqcg, Wednesday, Not. tL 1901.
, . at. u. icompton,
" v i Coonty.Jodge,
c5wssoo& osjn
Roseburg Rakery.
Csax SnuBcaarsu, rrow.
- A Balusry from which comes
- tbe most wholesomeand de
licious ..
Bread, Pies, Cakes; etc
A fell line of Choice Cream
and other Candies,
- ia rrepared to wait apon old
- and new enrtomers and friends
with a foil and complete
" stock of
AH fresh and of the rery Lest
quality. Teas aad ecfiee are
specialties. Yoor patronage
PW. Clktm sc ratry 4 sH kiad
tbe boss p slsB j aa4 wlsia
suae 1 ta otr.
CtolMS. Cut sr asd rVoit .
la rsried unrumt a
Go to
For a Prompt and First-cLaes
Share or Hair-ait. Compe-.
test Workmen, Clean Tow.
els, Toots alway in shape.
Baths In Connection.
J Shew o Jackson St.
sresrTfrsfrw s s e)ee
H. Little,
Oakland. .
Ore orj.
Riddle Pharmacy,!
I. B. RIDDLE, Prop.
ah. aoms or
Fresh Drurs, riedklnes,
Tcilct Articles. Paints.
The w apon pillery on the vacant
kt beidi the KcturT Water
and Liht Co.s office Is makin
specialty ol stamp photoe.
tail m and see samples ol work.
Red Clover.
Orchard Grass.
nicsquifc or
Velvet Grass.
J Practical Watchmaker. $'
i . Jwcler and Op- l
tifUn, ;
Jwckaoei SU, ROSEBfRQ J
X Oils. OLass, Sundries. 3
st Preecri ptiona promptly filled
9 by a competent druggist. - Q
Vetch Seed.