The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 16, 1901, Image 1

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    0 . .
ob Printing f
.a ir& himii' m
In busy seasons brings
you your bhare of trade;
Is a Tery important factor in
Losin ess. Poor printing re
advertising m doll sea
sons brings yon your share, and also
tbat of tbe merchant who "cau't af
ford" to advertise.
flects no credit on a good
business boose. Let ns do your Job
Printing we guarantee it to be in
Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868.
every way satisfactory.
No. 74
The ROSEBURG PLAINDEALER until January 1, 1903, for $1.50 in ADVANCE
4 H
'111 It v r y N7 nx -vy t r
r - wee w w
n Diue uaoei monopoie
Are the finest packed.
Nothing better.
iry P'me Ol uiofe rresu, uriiutr. cmua vault's, i-'w viwiy
SWLET PICKLES IX BULK. Chase A Sanborn's fine brands of J
Fresh Vegetables and Berries.
Medford Acadehy. i
Academic and Commercial A new School.
rrepares.tescbers (or cute and county examination. Fits young men J
auu wuuiea mr uuEiaees positions ana lor college.
Special attention to teachers' review clatses, stenography and type-
Expense per school year ot 40 weeks, $115, 1125, $140.
T.ii-ion per term, $6.25; bosrd at clob-hoose, $1.75 per week, la lam
ilies, 2 50, U 00; room rent, 50 cents per week.
Tue folder contains much special Informsjioo and tbe court of study.
Tbe first term opens September 9, 1901.
. VV. T. VAN SCOY, Principal, .
MEDFORD. - - - OTPt:
If you warft to buy a farm
If you want furnished rooms
If you want to buy a house
If you want to
If you want to
If you want to
voa don't know FAT
ll on or addrees . . .
xent a house
build a house
move a house
F F. pattern
aaa Builder
New Goods! New Goods!
The early bird catches the worm."
444. 4444444444444.4444444444
We have received our Fall Dress Goods
In Black Serge, Black Platguiun Serge, Black Broad
Cloth, Black Water Proof Serge, and all other
staple Black Goods. Ladies, we have the GOODS
for Winter Suits that is PRESSED and SHRUNK
Wollenbenr Bros. Vrke
9 Store
Important Events of tbe Past
few Days.
President McKinley is Dead. The
STATE, GLNEBU fOSEIGN. End Cflme flt Saturday Hom
ing. Brief Biographical Sketch.
Cream of the Dispatcher Dbhed
Up la Condensed Form for
the Busy Reader.
Uverj Feed fiid gale $ allies
C. P. Babjmid, Prop.
Saddle Horses, Single and
Double Rif at all hours
Transient Stock yta
very best of care
Rates always reasonable
Cor. Oak and Boee Streets.
Thone Main 51.
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good
fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly
when ou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181 , 1
for go d. goods and good service.
c. w. PARKS & CO.
Our goods are bought. A portion of them are here and. tbe
balance will I here ehortlr. We are located ia a small town,
with comparatively no expense COMPARED WITH LARGE
TOWNS OR CITIES. We have no high rvnta, no city Ux
no water bills to pay.
This saving' goes to you.
We buy for two storea.
This enables us to buy in such quantities as to get the cheapest
possible price. Does it not stand to reason that we can sell to
yon as cheaply as anyone? We leave it to yoa feeling eonfiJent
that your verdict will be in our favor.
Buffalo, Sept. 14. -President William McKinley
The steel tiost u starting op mora idle I passed away at 2:15 a. m. today. The closing hoars of his
life were without pain and Mrs. McKinley was not at his
death-bed owinp .to her enfeebled condition. His last
words were: "Good bye, all, rood bye! It is God's way
His will be done." The exact cause .of death is not known
but will be determined by an autopsy. It is thought to
have been due to heart failure from nervous prostration
and exhaustion arising from the shock and seriousness of
his wounds.
During the last hours the President seemed to realize
that his life was hanging by a mere thread and of all the
its sad households onlv the lovine wife did not know the
whole truth of his condition, but she surmised that Mr
McKinley was growing worse for she was told yesterday
that it would be better not to enter the sick room. She
assented, but it was with a look of mute apprehension in cigo. lykg prcstrau, stm
u. I bold on hti rtroltec arl seemed
J itrtinctii t hi. am fM inflM .Mia.
Ths president did oot tail. Ma railed
bis right baad and felt om hit
William McKinley, the 25th president of the United posjtioo only by a wooderfai effort. I
. .. . . I . 1 at:l Stt.: T - w C . U.rl am nnka &'jA nnl ttuaV at that
a I in kin jmmm.tsipc u zk mini ai ni rv iinm. lauuiiv u. 10 4. 11 1 j I . i
All tbe naioa plumbers in )p?kane are
oot oa a strike.
Tbe derrick to bore for oil at Bpriog'
field is 60 feet high.
Tbe Oregon Bute Fair Ibis year a ill
be 10 lairs in one.
licod Rirer apples by tbe car load sell
for fl 65 a box f . o, b
Niarlid anarchist! can be expelled
tor violating ibeir oaiLs.
Aktorla will give flaaadal aid to tbe
str.kers at Sae Fiaoceo.
Anarchy baa at last m9t it 4 dootn
eays are now Dumber ed.
A. narnber of teaaastwi at ta Fran
dtco want I) rstaro to work.
Prospects are that Oregon's prno
crop will bnog good prices.
A siztb ot tbe fiscal year has passed
with a public debt reduction of over &,
Tbe naval parade was tbe featore ol
Ibm Kaiional Q. A. B. EacampiseDt Fit-
djiy at Cl.TeJaod.
TTiai ttmf ol a
' r I " i . ri . . -
Pha.-ntMrlaiB eama til lirdt ia a LonAan f.,i 1 UIt- J 1! J X..' Ortl, I S" Ui'CJ u U3M
" .77 .. ". iamer was a ucijain uj uuw uu w J I wiib alock I cannot decribe. bet whica
m m aar;a aa aata saass va vrv; av - . a a
- . w r r . w i k w r j - t u aa ll t i m - a
n r . , ., U1S motner Ol aOlcn aoceni, naving aiea oniy iwo ur mice t nau sew ionm . aae i a
v,u. . . . . Tti " .1 I roa'aii hark iala Ikat am J B f.
j: i - T.,4 C a T .'1 I - I -on rc o rrn at- lh n'ri I OTITOTl hnm William Wa5 IHC I " j
.wv, ICortalvoa. Pn'm.' mmIw Ww
nor, or ctbr auu poUtica. thlrA son. the eldest David, was for many vears a resident that tin he. ki rm i, i,.
8ft wcrea Mog ia.ei to tnjoce tae i f c rr,np;crn l,-ro nnril rRn Ti- was the Hawaii Con-1 km oce had pieksd up tbe bwrmiag
soltaa to eose oowo, r ranee wui new I
try the efficacy ol s fleet o( warships in I sul General to the United bUtes. i he second son James
Of the Assassination of Prcsldfst
An Anarchist Platform. Liter.'
ture Czotgosz Has Been
Feeding Upon,
Bcrrai.9, Se,t 14.-A cewapsper ie
porter wbo stood behiai the iresUeat
when tbe snoot ng ceeaTed i srs ou ot
tbe dearest lecoasts re'alel so far. Es
I stool about 10 feet froa tai presi
dent sndsiw Ci.lityt p; roach,
Tbe Utter bad bii iigv.t bind e? ekes to
bis breast tnd a whits liaen bsndrar'
cbirt wrspp?d ab:ot it tore t&s appear
aaeeof bandagf. He (xlaadad his
left bsnf, tnd Iimq nte for tbs presi
dent tboogit be was iajored, lor he
leined forward atdlckd at bias ia a
sympathetic wiy. Woea (Lrectly bt
front el tbe preaideat, Csolfaes threw
ais right bead forward aad fired. I eav -tbe
fire and smoke, followed by tbe re
rort, sad tbca beard tbe aeeoad abot.
Instaatly Joba Parker, a colored saaa, .
and Secret Agent Foster were epoa Caot
tors aed they bore Lias to tbe floor.
to be
Tarkiab waters.
Abraham leeak., aeircbiil, ander ar
rest ia Cbksgo, euWiafaed Tbe Fire
brand sn aaarcbist abeet ia Portland a
lew years ago.
Tbe ssseasio of President McKinley
5 Dave 1rt( Citrine t"i ?
Oar cubtomers pay us and they do it without kicking,
because we Bell the beet groceries, staple and fancy, at
the most reasonable prices in the city. If yoa don't
know this to be a fact, prove it by giving as t trial
order. 'Jfhone 163.
N. SELIG, Myrtle Creek,
Branch :
lenyonnlle, Ore wn
Bring Us Your ...
41 EGGS,
An elegant line of Iron
Beds far superior in
workmanship and de
sign to anything we
have ever shown can
be found on our floor
ranging in price from
$3.50 to $17.00
We give yon votes on every 25-ceut
a they cost you nothing.
s Take a look at our solid steel bottom couches
S To see them them is to be convinced. They
jl are what you ought to buy. Prices moder-
5 ate, in fact, cheap, quality considered.
B V Uar kia ilUUa4U. al AM JS iUUllkUT f K
Carpets, etc., call on ....... S
RobUfg; Ore S
baadkerchief wbicb lay at hie
dollars was picked op, forced back aad
died a few vear ajro and Abner. yonneer than 1ll1am. isT agaia kaorked dowa.
a government official and resides at Washington D. C. Lf
Two children were born to President and Mrs. McKinley cbair. 1 beard him ask that the
V.... Vm.l. AwrA In !nf.nw rtnniT 1t war Trc XfrKin-lbekeptfraaibia wife, aad. a
uul 144 '"J' J -v c r-.i v.
. . . 1 t ; jt t. r.:.i.ri . 1 vxwjn
a ww a- (- e-va9af.M Afi ivii'e nn inn ri ti w riri wis 111- 1411 111 111 .ii" 1 1 a . . -
tfannlii name as Nieman. bat bis 1 4V J "M . -..v., 1 mm u ne ie i moeo pain, be sau: nil
I - a . S " a r 1 I S. a. ft w-w
real aams ia Lsoa Caolfoss. Tbe name tpntinn and tender care Ot Her devotea ana laimiUl HUS-1 Tory macu.- xis aeei
ia Droooanajd as Zolaoi. with soft eoond I. 1 .. . 3- 1 1 a r. r,- .ODsiaaiyfaarasBeresredtab s emw
. I rionn n cTTinipn isw ariti iiiiiLLii.r:u iu vu luli. a w
ofoasloyon. , VI t, r " la. "7" rT
r.B..i. a lie enlisted as a private at me nrsi caii ior irwps m iooi, nereae-i-anis rrg uss
., : " 3 j. .1. 4 r -f,,e K.nm ieweorusi&r,exa bea be wUa-
10 un suengxa n ui. j, wuwi seiveu uunii Luc wu nuu ivi aumwiwu .wuvauv. ..... , (jr-mJ na,era were t'pped with
77 , . V, V! Vir. 1 first, captain and later, brevet-major. At tne close 01 uie btood. Ue paled agaia at the aigfat
"""""rj..r.r.rtrk.or I, .rv nrnntinc attorney for Stark COUUtV. I d0 nd I think be f nnted.
remiBOioa uu w-wrj , r o " . . "Saoor A tha V.xWa,.
. I . . I r . . T t ..... K.. i I ' -
1 Kara uiHiw.ti . iimit r n o tpttti in iir- w as cicllcu mciuiAi v. i v. i. .i i. .v . .
1 utV w va. . a - I urvav miuuju me cnwi sal-, rTiirTg
Csolfofsbas comessea mat tua at p Rtnnblican for the iSth Coneressional DlS- eptothe presided, cried: "My God.
Uavtootneufeoi tbe rreiM wasi . - - Mr. Preaideat, are ye. abotr The
? . 1 - i i. ... inn rtr i mm l 3 v rprmiru ict o. ilm x auu ... .. ....
p pw m wuiu w BjaaiT w.w i v. vm.w, i aiuiistcr seemej aooes 10 tnrow ""re'T
iaveWed. Tbe pobbc was sataiDed and iSSS; was unseated in 1SS4 and was defeated lor re-1 at the feet of tha preaideat, bat was re
tiua from tbe start. Lying ts a rmaii I , . t- .t.T?:f.f.PnB,.ftRSfl h straiaed. Tbe pieaideat's aaewer
.... . . 1 t v t. t. st hi. ais 111c a in viii aJii r: i k.aia a a wvw m w
th.og wttb tne anarctut. .wwv.w- .w. j r I very slowly and ia a hailing, sabdaed
r-teeo carloads of Bartiett pesrs acted as ttie leader 01 niS party upon me noor 01 tuc iiuu voicebesaJd: 'Yas. I believe I aa
were hiD1 tb Medford station n(J framed, introduced and successfully carried through! "Tha predent was attracted by the
Urt.eek.eeOU-H""' Six-., r.'.u r.t,. flT IW Vn.u-n acscoffling of the officers who were drag.
i,a,i,a,i KvL Ioded in e car. or I me mil iui mc icuswuwi ..u, u-..; " png the would-be saorderer away, bat
aa .fa . a. I . V ST t W TIM! rl "V IT aS V-.ei he wwM A I OtAi 1 la.. -M. M . 1 IT 1 l
Rim hnwm In all .hX0 4WUy ft. Writhe AlCrwllliCY lliU 1U XOQI WIU iOWj ixt " " uwuwu wuwumipwi. suBBMa
w.w- p a I ' a. ak I SV f .S .?
price most of tbe '"" -Unv-mnr of Ohio: in i So 2 was Dermanent chairman of the P".
(uw ' . ,. , . wj pimj toikwh. zitaeowrage
ana in fliresarK S.n, ssrk ! I a k am taw-..
party 1 69 " h mMtM of the pain he ao&sr
m s snsa l ura uisi amuuiaiiai nmn im am
a Aa SVai AM - W. I 1
codycuiwu iu -tretcher was brought m, he started lor-
he received 271 electO-1 eard and partly regaintd his feet
and was in-
1.25. io Milord, Ds I" ... XT . ,f XTJnn.,;.:
.n...l rhudti. RCDUU11WU il.uwuwu.i.uwu - r
I . .. .....
One of tbe d jctrines of tbe snarTbist u x896 he received the presidential nomination oi nis
that wa a hall form oirraelveS UUO C?
great family and be ran as a family
a. w w r tt r-. r
J.F. BARKER & CO. f SNsct,O0L
IB' 111, 1 It 118
E. C. CASE, Proprietor
Best Rigs and Teams in the City.
Transient Stock Given Special Attention
Call and see me. 'Phone 601.
My barn has lately been enlarged and I have added several
new rigs, ana am dcuci picaitu
furnish you good turn-outs.
l 1 1
Strong Academic' coarse
Professional traJnl'ng c
the highest enielk wee
Well equipped h ibot ator
First-class training de'
partmen t.
Demandfor trail .edteacii-
ers double th 1 supply
Graduates have 1 a choice
positi ons.
Beautiful 1 xation.
climaf m on the
uses $120 to $150 a.1
term beg' Ins Sept. 0. 1
rite for catalocue
We would bate to belong to tbs same
family with such a man aa Csolgon,
liable to jump into your bed room some
night and eboot yoa down .for eoms
trivial off ease, Albany Democrat.
Tbe International yacht raess for tbs
America's cop will begin off Sew York
bar bar Sept. Sift, and promise to be tbe
most exciting eiace the cup was carried
away by tha yacht America in 1851.
There Is a strong probability tbat tbe
Shsmrock II wiltiake it back across h
water for tbe .first time in fifty years.
Tbe Great Carnival, which opens at
Portland on 8tptember 19ih and coo-
tinoes until October 19tb, v 1901, wdl be
well "worth a visit to tbe metropolis.
Exhibits ot agricultural and horticul
tural prod act, mining asd csaaafactar
lot Industrie?, athletic exercises,
horse show at which feats' ot horseman
ship and tbe various form of (sncy rid-
lag will be teeo, and a uacafficeot mili
tary tournamaut, aartklpaUxl to by pick
ed companies Iron the Oregoa. National
Guard, are a few of tbe attractions at
tha carnival this yetr. The eathern
Pacific Co. will edl tickets at lew raUs
for this occasion, aad will also run a
special excursion from Ashland to Port
land and return. Stopping at all 'inter
mediate stations, tbe date and rates for
which will be announced hereafter
wry roBgta
Feeding Uposu
BirrALO, Sept. It. Tbe Courier taya
this morning :
Superintendent Bull has bow In hit
possession the code ot isstrectioes im
parted to tha selected assaesin, Csoijrosa.
Tbe platform of the Free Society waa
added to tbe culmiottire evidence
Armenian Revolutionists la Action.
T or.t and best varieties. Choice stock, prices right
Give us your order for Nursery, stock
before buying elsewhere. We guarantee
cotisfnftion. Prices at the bottom.
Ao-pnf Woodburn Nursery. Roseburg, Ore
Send for Color Cards to W. P. FULLER & CO., Pi irtland, Oregott
sag C-mar 23
- f r r
Const aKTiNoru, Sept. 11. Fifty Ar
menian revolutionists, according to
Tarkiab reports, set Ore to tbe Massul
msn besdqusrtets at Mash, Turkish
Armenia, where Dentine afterward oc
curred. Tbe Armenians retlrsa toward
Satsoan. It is also reported that on
Sept. 3rd some Armenians and Turks
blew op a barrack at Saaioun where
1000 troops were stationed, and that a
panic prevslled. It is generally appre
hended by oon-Mussnlmsns here tbat
sassscrts of Armenians have taken
piece. , .
For Sale.
, Que light running democrat wsgon,
early aevr. For sale chesp. L. Dum
ttOeton, WlncbesWr, Ore. 8-i-lmo.
. f . . . a al
on tne nrst oauoi ai me
T the ensninp; election
- ' I . B . a.
A nnhr i-nt. and xvas in. BMa- wara not a worairaoitQe
rat iuiw auu ,MOt tr - aaiHant of the preaidenU Hswaastnek;
autrurated president on the 4th day ot Marcn, 1097. nei down the moment he fired the
- rsnnmination for resident at hands of the aot. 1 did p probe-
" . . 7 " ... 4 t. . , blyieexcUmation at the
rniiaaeipaia aatiwu! avcjiuuaaa. awv, -1 treitmetlUe was rec iivieg.
was inaugurated for the second term, March 4, 1901, witn
Theodore Roosevelt as vice president, who upon his death
will immediately ascend to the presidential Kiaa ot Literature Cxoigosx Has I
chair. President McKinley had a world wide reputation as
an able parliamentarian, a trained debater, a ready and
persuasive speaker and was many years a prominent lead
er in the councils of the Republican party.j
r.vxr Cf to Th- 5vri1evconrt of innnirv conspiracy yesterday.
HASnwuivx.wvv... ... J a ' ThKiwnmiiilkihimaMVaMhik.
convened here promptly at 1 o'clock today, all the mem L t0 advocate the work lor the eestnc
l; nrnt. and Admiral Dewev nresidine. It was V li"g sodai order, aad
UUP -''JS ? 1 v a w 1 .?
0 . . . ... ..... r ...Iconunoee
decided to hold court openiy, ana mc puuuu iuu win ..At in fortn Uae,t ptiriJnia
TiMr its deliberations. class ever rsunquiehed IU tyraaBy. aa
r... ftL. :., c-ce; ,v-oc -Dm-.. Admiral mw two we a. . lur granm
iae lcatuic oi iuc mue ,V-J'V'" tbe cspiUlista of tbe present day will
Schley's challenge of the eligibility of Rear-Admiral Howi- forego their privi'tete and their author
-5f K-Trl tri- rounds for the challenge be- " itboateosnpalsiosu It is tbereiore
suu V- - 1 o-7- " . sell-evident tbat Ibe Bght of tbe proleiar
ing stated at length. Admiral Howison is preparing a re- Ull rgtiMt lD, opp.r ,bJ
W tn tne challenge, which alleees that he has already claea mast be of a violent csarecter,
o r 1
rr anrl evnressed ooinions on the iase unfavorable to
auiiuwa AT
Schley. -
Washington, Sept. ia. The court sustains the ob
jection to Admiral Howison and excuses him as a member
of the court. -
Washington, Sept. 13. Admiral Ramsay, at one time
Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, has been selected as
Howison's successor on the Schley court.
Washington, Sept. 13. Admiral Dewey notified Ad-
- - - a e
miral Schley by telephone today that the couit 01 inquiry
'' (Continued on the Fourth Page.)
sad that mire wage conflicts caa
lead 10 the gcal.
"We show br eumeroos Illustration
that all attempts which bare beea made
In the past to do avay with the existing
monstrous social system through peace
( Concluded oa last page )
''V&aixlCalAyrb. ouicklv yields to 1
Stent by Ely's Oeejnlialm. which is agree.
aWy aromatic, It is received through the
H-riU alaanaaa and heala the WBOle aQ
taoe over which it diffasee Maalt Drupslsfte
cy soau.
aU tha SOe. aisst Trial atte
axta. Taat it and vou art sure to eoaUsaa
the treatment.. '
Annoon cement. i
To aoocan-aodate those who are periul
totheesetisAomiaarsla applymg liqda
into the nasal passages for
Cm, the proprfctors prspareCraaaBahafja
Huud form, which wUl be taewa ae
liquid Cream Balm. Price tBsludxf. tha
IWVnjiaK w tm twin ii - w- -oa f'
muL X5 liquid foot tmbxLi ths mai
fa - - :