The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 12, 1901, Image 3

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IT-a-esasT, Wednesday, 'ICIb.-a.rsd.a3r and Priday, otojccLlooxV toJJSO, 190I-
: 'Jtfissk'nfs : Mia,,
Gentlemen CRASH SUITS, 25
STRAW HATS, - - 2s
Everything in
Of Local Interest.
Weather Bureau forecast.
. Rosfbibg, Ore., Sept. 12. Tonight
and Friday, ahoaere.
' Thus. Gibsox, Observer.
A few cit'rens who manif ast a com
a eodahle pride in oar city call our at
tentioo to the fact that little beed baa
thus far been paid to ibe order for clean
ing op streets aud altera that oar 7 many
visitors to the street Lir next week may
be given a favorable impression of car
town. Particular compaint is made re
garding an open sewer on fie sooth side
of 0-ik street and another down on MiU
SJ-eet and ihs city conncil sboald give
this matter early attention aa tbeee open
tewere are not only aaeiuhtlr, bat dan
geroas disease breeders. Clean op tbe
ctreeta and alley a bordering on your
rremUes .t once ai d thai give oar citv
cl9aD, eighty appearance.
Stock in Uie Umpqae Valley Oil Co. is
only 25c per share jast cow. Get in on
the' eroand fl ic. Don't eay The Ump
qoa Va'ley Oil Co. is a fake before yoo
investigate. Givecs a chance to ex
plain. Tbere most be good money cr
there woold t no counterfeit. Doc'i
yoo know the prod action of oil is more
profitable than tbe production of goid? 1
Don't yoa know that fortunes are being
made in the western oil fields? Wbile
others are getting a nine coorse dinner
woald't yoa like to srt a bite "jast a
liule off the tap?" .If yon woold let H.
L. Mareters tell yoa about tbe Umpqaa
Valley Oil Co., or write to aa at Roie
bnrg, Oregon.
The residence of James H. McFarUni
was deetroyed by firs in Cottage Grore
Toesday bttseeo 12 and 1 o'clock.
When discovered the second story was in
flames. Tbe caotents of the lower rooms
were saved, wbile tbe opetairs furnish
ings were distioje L It is Ibooght the
firs was caused by a defective floe. It
was insured, bat for what amoaat is not
known at Mr. sod Mrs. McFarland are
yisiting at Boise, Idaho. It was a well
bailt boose and tbe loss will not fall
short of 12300. The fire company was
powerless to do anything, as the boss
woold not reach from tbe water main to
the baildiog.
Jfow is the time to look over your old
machinery for what yoa will waat in tbe
way of repairs, get the number and go to
B. K. Svces, be can get them for yoa.
...You Cannot Fail...
To be well paid for the time and
trouble expended in looking over such
a complete and attractive line of Fall
and Winter novelties as we now ex
hibit, and to the many popular feat
ures of our various departments we,
add the irresistible power of low prices
All departments freshly
stocked with the best of
everything in
Clothing:, Shoes,
Furnishing Goods,
Dry Goods and
Originators and Promoters of Low Prices. j
25 per
SHIRTS, Great Reduction
Summer Goods at Big Reductions
Hon. Bioger Hermann, commissioner
of tbe general land effice airivfd at
bis Orrgon boms in ibis city this morn
ing for bis ai ruJ vacation and v'ait.
He will also visit bis son and other iel
stives in Ccoi coun'y dating bis sojourn
in tbe state. Prior to bia return to
Washington Mr. Hercnaun will make,
(be various had effice. of th e state,
Washington, IJahoand Montana, official
visits as well as tbe office of the surveyor
genetals. His many Rxeborg friends, a
osoal, feel gratified at being sfiorded an
opportunity to greet their distinguished
fellow townsman.
It will be of interest to the farmers of
this county to learn that the Nw Era
Floor Mills, of bave just in
stalled a fine new Barley Bolls machine
of large capacity and that tbe mills are
now prepared to maoafactnre a hue dost
leas feed from yoor barley while yoa
wait and are even better equipped for
tornisg oata eoperkir quality of floor
and feed than ever betore. Bring in
Tour grain and they will do tbe rest. U
Albany Democrat: President W. H.
Lee returned yesterday from a trip
tt rough Southern Oregon, bringing with
bim a very valuable pieeent for the col
lege from one of its stannca friends, Rv.
Dr. Towosend, of Rose burg. This was a
four volume set of Bishop Patrick's
Commentary on the Old Testament,
written in 16SM, bound substantially in
strong leather, La prime co adit ion, and
valuable alike from its antiquity and tbe
fact that it is the first commentary writ
ten on the Old Testament.
Closing oat, cat rate sale. In order to
close out our entire stock of small goods
to maks room for fall shipmsnt, we are
matin f a discount of 15 per cent. We
bave some fine Violins, Goiters, Mando
lins, Col am bia Zithers, snc Accordians.
T. K. Richardson.
The secretary of the interior at Wash
ington bas affirmed the rating of tbe
General Land Office dismiss! ok tbe con
test of G. H. Savage against the home
stead entry of Grant Orme involving s
tract of land in the Rose burg land dis
trict, Oregon. Ssvsgs alleged that tbe
involved tract was mineral in character,
bat tbe evidence does sot substantiate
Lis claim. Tidings."
Mrs. J. C. Hutchinson bss just re
ceived sn elegant and op-to-date line of
millinery, consisting of bata and- trim
mings, ribbons, etc, and woold be
pleased to show tbeee goods to Isdies for
the latest in stylish bead wear. Corner
Main and Washington streets.
Lost, on Jackson street near Barker'a
a solid gold bangle beaut with fire opal
set in front and eoitiala "J H" on back.
Return to this office.
Millinery 5
cent reduction
ir t it
41 ( it
II 44 44
Hon. Geo. II. Himes, of tbe Oregcn
Historical Bociaty of Portland, has been
spending a few diys in Roeeborg in tbe
interact of tbe society. The Plaisdkal
as was fsvored with a pleasant visit
from the historian Wednesday evening
and we foond him to be a very genial,
interesting aod tntertaining gentleman
and enthusiastic in tbe important mis
sion be has undertaken so vigorously
that of gatbericg data and relics snd
oompiliag the early history o! oar grow
ing and vrogreeeive state, a work which
now is only justly appreciated by tbe
most btervant and loyal Oregonians,
but Ue troe merit, importance and in
estimable vilne ot which wiH be fu'ly
recognised by tbe future generations of
our pearfess Oregon.
It is an old axiom that "bread is tLs
staff of life" but Ibis devenJf somewhat
on ita qnaiitv. Toe fine cream and
borne made bread made at J. Slaver's
bakery on Jackson street near Cass never
fails to please. A nice variety of pastries
also kept constantly on hand.
Articles of incorporation were filed
with the Ooanty clerk Wednesday by J.
A. and 8. Jacques aod 8. H. Red fields,
of Glendale, on Jar tbe corporation name
of "Tbe Cow Creek Irrigation Co.."
with a t si stock of f 1030 divided into
100 shares at 10 each. Tbs object of
tbe corporation is to acquire, constroct
and maintain ditches, canals or flames,
reservoir, snd dsms for gecersl irrita
tion porposes and supplying water for
domestic purposes in Southern Douglas
county snd collect tolls snd rents there
fore. Tbe office snJ principal place of
basinets of the company will be in tbe
town of Glendale, Oiegin.
Stearns & Cbenoweth hsvs Iron Clad
wagons, the beet and cheapest. Tbey
offer all Hacks and Buggies at reduced
prices, new, all etoel boys' wagon., Steel
Ranges and fctovee of all sorts, riooeer
White Lead. Linseed Oil. Djors and
Married, at the home of tbe bride's
parents a! Drain, Sept. 11, 1901, Mr.
Earnest Starr aod Miss Effa Cowsd,
Rev. A. E. Gardner, of Tarner, officiat
ing. Tbe contracting parlies are both
well known in tbe north part of Doug' as
county, are grid uatts of tbs Drain Nor
mal and start out upon Ufa's journey to
gether under tbe most favorable auspices.
Tbey took their departure today for
Joncticn City where tbey will make
their (at are home accompanied by tbe
beet wishes of a boat of friends.
Pleasure seekers, why don't yoa drive
your own rig wben yoa can bay as cheap
yoa can MreT uood borse, Dogry and
harness for sals cheap. Apply to H. J.
Last Toesdsy morning Harry M.
Holden received notification from John
M. Williams, cf Eugene, trastee lor Gil
bert in tbe mat Ur of tbe bs:k rapt stock
of shoes, tbst Mr. Holden' offer on the
Raeebarg store bed bteu sccepted. Mr.
Holden therefore, tetomee sole owner
aod proprietor of the Sorosis shoe store.
'Pride cf Dooglss" is the brand yoa
will alwavs find on tbs sacks containing
the beet flour obtainable in Southern
Oregon. Try it and be convinced, tf.
P. W. McNeel, an old and highly es
teemed resident of the Elkton precinct
was transacting business io Roeeborg
Wednesday aod favored tnis office with
a pleasent call. He reports work britk
in tbe Sbambrook bop yard aod prone
orchards down ttie river.
If yoo bave a eewing machine that
needa repairing or adjusted see 8. K.
Bykee, be baa an experienced machinist,
wbo will be tbere lor a short Urns.
J. L. Lewellen, the Myrtle Point
furniture dealer, who with his family,
has been spending several days in Roee
borg, visiting friends and yiswing the
town and surrounding country, returned
to their home by private conveyance
No confectionery like that home made
taffy at tbe Candy Kitchen-children
cry for it, young ladies sre pleased with
it ana toe oiaer people prefer it.
A few more monthly lubecrlptions are
needed for tbe Free Reading-room.
Come and add yoor name to the list.
Friends, this is for yoa, and we hope to
grow into a clrcalatiog library. Give ui
your band and your help.
No trouble to keep cool if yoo call at
tbe Candy Kitchen for ice cream soda.
Hamersly's ice cream, like bia candies.
is f iwayi rich and wholesome.
The baseball game on the Pioe street
grounds Sunday, by the railroad and lo
cal teams, resulted in a score of 17 to 8,
in favor of tbe local team, a reverse of
the game a week ago.
T. t n 1f..AU BtiAIila li.i la PI
ic diseases of every kind. Office in Tay
lor A Wilson block, rooms 3 and 4, up
stairs, ti.
Mrs. J. W. Straogo and son, Dale ar
riyed in Roeeborg lait evening from
their Ooqoille City home aod will attend
the Free Street Fair and Carnlral and
visit with friends.
Try Mrs. Comstock's bread. Seven
large loaves for 25cta. Delivered to any
piace in toe city it aesirea. u.
0ti lot ails at iyfUM & NewUQd'i.
W. F.Byars, editor Goldendale, Wash ,
Sentinel, and son of Geo. W. H. Bysrs,
ths pioneer elisor of the Pl-undsalsr, is
In Roeeborg renewing old acqaalotences.
It a a in this office wben the paper was
conducted by bis father that tbe junior
Bysrs, perched upon a high stool cush
ioned with a Webiter dictionary, learned
ths "art preserva'ive" aod contracted
an infatuation for the newspaper busi
ness. We acknowledge a pleasant call
from the former Roaeburger.
'Phone No. 165, lor yoor bread and
pastries daring the Carnival. 8ieven,
tbe boss taker, Jackson street.
Ai exchange sayi whenever yon find
a man finding fault with a local paper,
open it up and ten to one hi hasn't so
adve tlsment in it; five to one he nevir
gave it a job of work ; three to one he
dxa not take a psper; two to one
that if bo la a subscriber he is a delin
quent; even odds he never does sny thing
to assist the publisher to run a good
paper, and forty to one that il the paper
la a goad one and full of life be is the
most eager to see tbe paper wben it
comes oat.
Use Ed T. Nsgbsl's Safety Piano
Eoamsl to polish yoor piano. For aale
by T. K. Richardson. a26
W. A. Burr, the proprietor of the Naw
Moalc House, baa jast received a nice
line of email lustromsnta and has a fine
display In tbe ahow window, Em porta m
Bldk., and wQl bave a nice line of plaaos
and organs for the street fair, aod invites
all intending purchasers and lovsrs of
magic and fine instruments to five him
a call.
Souvenir given to parcbasera of $1X0
wort a or more, at Hiidebrand during
tbe Street Fair; no fake.
Hon. A. R. Mattoon and John M.
Jackson of Riddle are traoaacting buei
neas In Roeeborg today. Tbey report
every ooe busy in tbe Cow Creek v alley
picking and drying prance end say that
many r'get that the street fair and car
nival was not held one week earlier so
tie occasion would not conflict with
proniand bup pickiog.
Take yoor old sbora it Grinithe, at
Flint's shoe store. He can make o
like new. Lowest prices.
Claire Godfrey, e?n of banker O. F.
Godfrey, went to Portland this mora eg
to enter tbe Portland Academy for tbe
ensuing year. Claire is a bright and
studious voong man, posset ting an ei
emplary character and will no dooM
improve to tbe best advantage, the
splendid school facilities tbos afforded
bim. f
Everybody can hsve oice, light, white
bread il tbey will use BishJoro's "Prhle
of Dooglss" floor. tf.
Wedneeday, Sept 18, wilt be A. O. U.
W. dsy st tbe Carnival, on which date
tbe local lodge will give a free dionir io
tbe opera ball to visiting members acd
their families and a grand reception will
be held in the lodge room upstairs io the
afternoon, at wbicb time Grand Master,
C. C. Hogoe will be present.
Try a class of that rood, refreshing
sammer drink Ooao Cols, at the Candy
F. P. Crooemiller and family left for
their borne near Ft. Klamath Wednee
day, wLere Mr. Crooemiller is engage! 'n
tbe profitable vocation of stock raising.
While here "J-ck" enjoyed some good
pheasant abooting with old friends in tbe
country aod was provided with a good
time generally.
Tie peanots yoa bay st the Popcorn
cart are freah roasted svsry day. Ttv
tnem. Mp
All members of tbe A. O. C. W. are
requested to meet in special (sesion in
tbe banquet ball, Odd Fellow bonding,
Monday evening, at 7 o'clock, to con
sider special sod important boaineet
By order of Mister Workmen, H. T.
Order vetch seed at otue of G add is
Broe. for tail sowing.
At Drain Monday a Jwalling, tbe pro
perty of beirs of tbe late J. C. Drain,
which stood beck of Drain & Co. 'a store
baildiog was deetroyed by fire. Low,
350; insurance, 200 Tbe contents was
Myrtle Point Eot rprUe: A. L. Boell,
who left here a few month t ago iorthe
benefit of bis daughter, tVtrl's, belUi,
baa located '.a Looking Glass, Douglas
county. Miss Boell's health is mach
"Pride of Douglas" floor ia tbe best
at Basbford'a New Era Mills.
L. U. Mote recently locs'ed a tine
ledge of tree gold bearing quarts on
Male creek and specimens exhibited at
tnii office yesterday were very rich iu
free geld.
Special sale on baby shuea st Harry
M. Holden's until Sept. 22d.
8am D. Evans a prominent farmer and
fruit grower of Coles Valley was in town
Toesdsy. Heliae jast commenced ptnoe
drying and reports a large aod. fine
Yoa'll have to harry, if yoa est a
Street bat at Tbe Bell Sisters. loJ
The quadrill dances will be ran at tbe
Armory daring the atreet fair by the
Elkton musicians and caller, Sept. 17th.
Other dates will be posted at Armory.
Aurmnlera will enmn water whila ton
sleep eee Churchill & Woolley.
Portland Sural Spirit : George Kohl-
bsgeo, of Roeeborg, came down with
firs loads of prime steers Gxrge
8mith of Elktcn, had a load if cattle.
Orchard grass and Timothy seed at
Churchill A Woolley 's.
Four prominent citizens of Glendale,
J. A. and S. Jscques, 8. H. and E. E.
Redfleld, were transscllng business in
Roseburg Toesdsy.
Chiffon and silk, allover at reduced
prices, at Mrs. Gegax's.
The Methodist ladles baye a few of
those pretty paper bats left, aod you
sboald secure one. Tbev are just the
proper thing.
Sewing machines at S. K. Sykes, on
terms to suit buyer. -
Misses Uattle and Josie Moorhead left
Wednesday for Roseburg, to visit their
friend, Miss Olivia Risley.-Junction
City Times.
For best valnea In school shoes call at
County Treasurer Geo. W. Dimmick
is spending a few days at bis farm home
near Elkton looking after bis farm la
Buy your 8treet Hats at tbe Bell
Bisters. lod
Tbe Roseburg street fair will open one
week from today. Tbere promfaa to be
s very large crowd there. Albany Den
Aermotori never kick if yon woik (hem
Over time,.
Mrs. V. Kramer Elected Queen and
F. W. Roach, Kins.
A v:ry Interesting voting coolest for
rung snu yoeen ot tbe Kueebuig street
fair and carnival closed Toesdsy at 2 :30
w km. u, w. vug closing Doors wiioees
ing comiderable activity on tbe part of
tbe friends an 1 supporters of tbe seyeral
candidates. Tbe canvas of tbe fiael bal
lot showed tbst more votes were cast on
the lat day than daring the wbole two
weeks campaign. Ths final announce
ment of the election of F. W. Roach as
king, snd Mrs. Willis Kramer, of Myr
tle creek as queen, was received with
geoeral satisfaction and a-aa a haoDV
conclusion of a most good nstored con
test, sir. ttoacb. who was elected kins,
prefers that bis competence and ability
to snceeetolly impersonate the role of
royslty bs left to tbo consideration of
bis indulgent subjects. Regaidlng ibe
selection of Queen of tbs Carnival, it
may bo stated that either of tbe candi
dates mentioned would bave been en
tirely acceptable, however, upon Mrs.
Krsoier tbe honor wss very fittinilT
conferred and it ia needless to say tbst
owing io tier many womanly charms
and graces endowed by nature, she will
meet me requirement of tbe queenly
role in every particular. She is a. beao-
tiful, accompliahsd and popular lady,
me wiie oi will is Kramer, tbe well
known Myrtle Creek miller and mining
man. and bar selection as Queen of the
Carnival was very gratify log to all those
iotereeted ia tbe Carnival snd especially
to tbe Native Sons and Daughters, Mrs.
Kramer having been born (a this state
sod county, being a daughter of tbe late
pioneer merchant of Myrtle Creek, F.
M. Gabber t.
Tbe vote at the conclosioa of tbe eon
test stood as follow :
Mrs. Willis Kramer, Myrtle Creek, S453
Miss Mabel VaoBuren. Roseburg... 2367
" Mabel Bcooe, Oakland 1030
For king tbe result was:
F. W. Roach 1145
M. Fickle 300
C. F. Roberts 60
E. L. I'erroU 25
Street Fair Notes.
Ths original Ladiefc' Zabo Band will
give a social dance at tbe Opera Hoaae,
Saturday evening Sept. It. Good mask
and a gjod time assured. Georgia Ja-
cobs. general manager.
Adrian Ayton will contribute la no
small degrve toward tbe entertainment
witb ber varied and pleasing program of
popular eoogt, Illustrated. Ibis is
some thing new here and will be highly
E. J. Arnold, proprietor of tbe "mil
ry-go 'round" and other amaseuent fee
tares of tbe earning Carnival, arrived in
tbe etty last essoins. He informs
that be haa many new features in his
entertainments, and will give sil hie pa
trone their money's worth. The projecto
ecope views are varied and fine, and in
dude a long line ot panoramic views of
toe ran-Americsn ti position. This is
all free, and is given every evening.
Mrs. Willis Kramer cams) wp from
Myrtle Creek yesterday, and is visiting
us uie ciiy i or a cay or two.
Tbe original ladiee Zjoo Band will bo
very mach in evidence-end will be beard
often. With tbeir pretty uniforms, ex
cel lent masie snd sxbioition drills, tbey
are certain to come io for their full ebare
of praise and attention.
Hon. Joba H 6bope will act as prime
minister, sad will fill the position moat
E. L. Perrott bas been chosen grand
marsh all sod will bays supervision of
tbe parades.
Dootlaa County ranchers are urged to
bring in anrthin ia ths wsv of fruit.
melons, vegetables, grasses etc.. that
will be suitable for tbe big display float
in the parade. Tbeee sboald be left at
beadqoarters before Monday.
H w. Bincer Hermann arrived in this
city this morning from Waabiectoa. D.
C , for bis annual vacation. Us haa con-
eta'ed to deliver aa address at the open-
bg of the Carnival as will be seen by the
program. . .
The Street Fair m mazers announce
tbat they will not license or permit any
gambling or gamblieg devices on the
streets nader their control daring the
street Fair tbe coming week.
Bosco, the 5 uka Eater.
Ote of the chief attractions which will
be on exhibition ia the midway at the
Street Fair next week will bs "Bosco"
tbe snake ester.
Tbia wonderful specimen ot Lumsnitv
was found in tbe wilds of Asia by W. C.
Carter, a Norway sea captain, eleven
years ago and from that notil the present
dale be bas been a posits to tbe civil
ised world.
His woo lerfo! power over tbe reptile
kiogdoa ie marvelous and bia feats o!
daring skill both as to eating snd band-
ling all poisonous reotueo bss mads bim
tbe talk of two eootineoU. Bosco has
appeared before tbe crowned heads of
Europe aad also tbe most prominent
leader of tbe Chinees Empire, Li Hang
Chang. Wben Bosco was in China hs
was worshipped as a God for the reason
that bs wss master of sod ate their idol,
tbe snake.
Bosco bss been a leading attraction
at all tbe Street Fairs on tbo Pacific
coast snd be is backed by tbs leading
sporting man of tbe world Richard K.
Fox, editor and publisher of tbe Police
Gastltr, New York City, to the amount
of $500 to any one who will duplicate
bis set. Hs will be a da'ly feature on
your midway next week giving a com
plete, continuous, reBoed up-to-date
perlormsnce lor tbe ladiee, gentlemen
sod children. Don't fail to see him,
Bosco, tbe king ot reptiles.
Miss Minnie McCurdy, while on a re
cent visit to Tscoms, during tbe Elks
Carnival, purchased a chance on a fine
$200 sealskin rarque. Tbe ticket cost
but a trifle, and she was agreeably sur
prised to receive notice this week that
her ticket drew the prise. Tbe garment
baa been received, and is a beautiful one.
Mrs. Gesax has mov ed her stock of
ladies furnishings nto toe first bouse
sooth of Wollenbarg'e dry goods store.
Her patrons will please take notice.
W. A. Burr, tbe music dsslsr, returned
home Tuesday from a business trip to
Afhland and intermediate points.
Crocksry aod glass ware at cut prices
all this month. Mrf. N. Boyd. . 812-lm
G. W. Riddle's steam evsporator at
Riddle bas just begun operations and ia
said to be ooe tbe best in the county.
Conduc'.or and Mrs. E, P. Tynaa bave
returned from a visit with the letter's
parents la Baker City.
Attorney Dexter Rioe left for Marsh-
field Wednesday on legal busines. Mrs.
Rice accompanied him.
Mrs. F. E. Alley and children have
returned home from a visit with rela
tives at Eugene.
Who will be one of tbe first to donate
wood to the Free reading-room?
Mrs. John Dumbeck, tf Cauiai Valley,
is reported quite sick.
The opuortonlty of a life lime, II yoa
fail to call at tbe Sorosis Shoe I'arlors
betore baying elsewhere. Trices to salt
Fall Opening.
We are in for basinets in oar lias.
Whether yoa live in the coontrv or In
town, Too will flud a full line ot pattern
bats st ths Bell Sisters Sept. 16-17-18.
Com aod avoid ths ruib. slW
flEW Arrivals
at: cur store
Ladies Automobile Coats in half and three-quarter
lengths. Satin finished Venetian cloths for tailor
gowns in the new automobile red, castor, gray,
brown and black. Prurellas and , Whip Cords in
late shades for swell Autumn Gowns, PurTCollar
ettes and Boas in endless array.
Remember the Grand Millinery
Opening of fall, 1901, Millinery
luesaay, bept.
Lead Office Bsniaeaa.
Tbe follow in i, is the record of basiaesa
trine acted at the C. 8. land (.See at
Roseburg for the month of August, 1901 :
13 commoted homestead ra-
tries of 2,072.10 acres $2,190 12
59 timber entries of 7,765.27
acres 19.3M 64
1 mineral entry of 86.57 acree 91 ti
S mineral sppllcaUcae 30 00
S3 homestead entries cf II,-
531 83 trrr 1,470 43
17 final batnsetead proof of
2,367.45 acres 135 16
5 tut selections of 2 73122
seres 40 00
Other fees 761 14
Total receiVe for month $54,474 33
la addition lo the above, flliDgs were
received for 43 new timber act Irk a.
Remaining uncalled for at the Boas
barg post-ofilcw.
Alley. B. P.
Jacobeoo, O. F.
Laird, Walter
McPbadea, B.J.
Xeelv, E. B.
Reay, Fred
banders X. J.
Bleviae, C. C.
Brunett, L. J.
Elliot. Mrs. Cbas.
Ford, Miss Jeenie
Hodgmao, Will
Uemtattte, Miss Meerl
Hsrgan, Anna Williams, Mrs. E las
Persons callior for these let Ufa will
please state the data oa which they are
advertised, bept i. 1901 :
Tbe letters will be chaired for at the
rate of one cent each.
W. A. Faarxa. P. M.
Street Fair Dances .
Dance of country people and all au sd
rille dancers, tbs first sad third nlih's
of the Street Fir. Sept. 17th aad 19th
A good coon try orchestra, aad two good
callers wOl to secured. Numbers to tbe
dance will be 75c Boom wQl be provided
lor sixteen qaadril's at one time. The
dance will run all night, if requested by
dancers. Watch dance notice ia local
character and good reputation la each
state (ooe ia this cooaty required; to re
present and advertise old estabusned
wealthy business boose ot solid financial
standing. Salarly $140 weekly witb
expensM additional, all payable ta cash
each Wedneeday direct from head
office. Horse and earrisges famished,
wben necessary. Refereaces Enclose
aslf -add re seed stamped envelope. Man
ager, 316 Caxtoa Building , Chicago.
612 Jl.
The pianos to srrive In a few days at
tbe Richardson Mosie store, will bs a lot
of the floeet ever seen at one time at oar
store, including Chlckerios. Weber.
Kimball and other makes and tbe cele
brated Plaoola, tbe great Piano player,
wbich ia eqoal to ths great artists. T
a., lucbanuon, Roeeborg, Oregon.
Tree pans notices, oa cloth or card-
board,alPt.AiViui cfEce. tf.
All foracr efforts
This season finds us with
the most up-to-date line of
Ladies Jackets and Capes
ever brought to this city.
The qualitie s are of the fin
est and prices the cheapest.
We have shoes for Men, Women and Children
Infants. A large assortment at small price.
Everybody knows
aboBtS.W.P. It's
success is b the
It gains fame for
Itself with every
gallon that's spread
on a house, i
Uniform good
quality has given
It a popularity
greater than any
otner paint on the
When you want 1
vu psunr. a Dtiua-
Be sure you
on the can.
in the.
A. P. Aramitrg. IX. B-. Prtedpal
A practical, fngrrmm acteol. coBapicaoBB
tor UMreegh mt, wfefc fcudreda ot fradaato
fca poaoioes as booUerpo aad ateutiaphtra.
Already pread of a feifb steading waerrver
kanva. tt auadOy frtm better aad better.
Opea all tbe year. Stadeata admitted aay Use.
rrtatc or daaa taatiactkm. Leara what aad
how wt teach, aad what it coats. Catatogac free.
BaarS W Dtractars
The Wilbur School.
18th tsak.
Opens oa September aj, loot.
Kra-rtfa' (Tad. work, teachera' riaiata.
Laud, bcnaaa.mokaninir. nncde.
for particulars addraaa UN principal.
anci Wilbur, Oregoa
shattered. All competition Oatdista&eed.
This season, we have determined, shall be a record
breaker in our history. Never before have we offered
such values, never before has our stock been so corn
plete and patterns so well selected.
WfiafrrlA vnn tru'nlr of a MANPS AT T. WnHT. QTTTT J
a m 1 fit ww. . e at W
lor 5-oor we nave it, ana
oetter ones aiso. xou
before buying.
Capes, Furs
17, 1901
The '
lag, Inside or out-
will do It better
and more econom
ically than any
other. It will wear
longer, look better
ana cover mere
It's a paint with
a reputation found
.J .. . .
cu on mem. asjc
W SU47
V i
find S. WP.
We sell it.
We male and have on hand
a big stock of the finest coa
fectionerj on the market.
Ice Cream and Summer
Drinks served to taste
Dry Oak Wood For Sale.
Good dry 13 Inch wood for Bale : ad
drees or apply to 8. C Emraea, Boaa
barg. Or. u
jai a
plenty ox tnem. we nave
snouia see our clotning
They comprise everything Cj
that is new. Our furs are (3
direct from the manufactu- C)
rers, assuring you correct ( 3
style aud low price. C)
mm i p