The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 12, 1901, Image 1

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    0. egoTi Ilistorscal Society
1 1 1
bb Printing 5
Tn Ihikv - fiAiMnnH Krincra
vr'l you your bhare of trade;
JdZI ' sa important laetotia
' r V I htu!nIU TJ 4
advertising ic doll sea
sous brings yon your share, and aleo
tbat of the merchant who "can't af
ford" to advertise.
fleets CO credit An a criwl F
uaBiness nouse. jet as do jour Job
Printing we guarantee it to be in
every way satisfactory.
t . .A
Published on Mondays and Thursdays- Established 1868.
3 VVVVevVVae
No. 73
The ROSEBURG PLAINDEALER until January 1, 1903, for $1.50 in ADVANCE .j
3 if
1 1
ia Rhie I .ahel Mnnnnnl
sr m. a. 1 m. JL a sF JL
Are the finest packed. Nothing better.
Trv some of those Fresh. Brittle Saratoga Chips. IMPORTED
SWEET PICKLES IN BULK. Chase & Sanborn's fine brands of
CuSec Sew brands Breakfast Mash. .The Best Canned Goods.
Fresh Vegetables and Berries.
Medford ACADEttY. !
Academic and CommercialA new School.
Preparesteachera for state and county examinations. Fit young men
and women for bnsirjeee positions and for college.
Special attention to teachers' review classes, stenography and type-
Expense .er ecLool year ot 40 weeks, $115, $125, $140.
lni:i.)Q er term, fo.a; board at club-bouse, $1.75 per week, in fan.
i'ien, $2 50, $J 00; room rent, 50 cents per week.
Tue, folder Oulaiui macb special information and the coarse of study.
Tb first term opens September 9, 1901.
W. T. VAN SCOY, Principal,
m. T 1WJ . m. T -m m ff
lNew riooas! fNew uoodsi
1 he early bird catches the worm.
If you want to buy a farm
If yon want furnished rooms
If you want to buy a house
If you want to rent a house
If you want to build a house
If you want to move a house
von don't know PAT I" V riuttatftfon
11 on or addrees ... f t, jHllgFOII,
aid Builder
- ... 't..:MU'ii ft
Cor. Oak and Rose Streets.
Phone Main 5L
LiVerj, Feed &ud $ale failes
C P. Babait, Prop.
Saddle Horses, Single and
Double Rigs at all hours
Transient Stock gven
very best of care
Kates always reasonable
We have received our Fall Dress Goods
In Black Serge, Black Platguiun Serge, Black Broad
Cloth, Black Water Proof Serge, and all other
staple Black Goods. Ladies, we have the GOODS
for Winter Suits that is PRESSED and SHRUNK
jr Price
r-( Store
44444,4,44 4444444444444444444.44.44
Wollenberg Bros.
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good
fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly
when ou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181,
for go.- d goods and good service.
Who Pays the Grocer?
Onr cnftomera pay ns and they do it without kicking,
because we sell the best groceries, staple and fancy, at
the most reasonable prices in the city. If yon don't
koow this to be a fact, prove it by giving as trial
order. 'Phone 163.
Bring Us Your ...
E. C. CASE, Proprietor
Best Rigs and Teams In the City.
Transient Stock Given Special Attention
Call and see me.
My barn has lately been enlarged and I have added several
new rigs, and am better prepared than ever to
furnish you good turn-outs.
Largest and best varieties. Choice stock, prices right
Give us your order for Nursery stock
before buying elsewhere." We guarantee
satisfaction. Prices at the bottom.
Agent Woodburn Nursery. Roseburg, Ore
Our goods are bought. A portion of them are here and the
balance will be here shortly. We are located in a small town,
with comparatively no excuse COMPARED WITH LARGE
TOWN'S OR CITIES. We dave no high rnts, no city taxes,
no water bills to pay.
This saving goes to you.
We buy for two stores.
This enables ns to buy in snch quantities as to get the cheapest
possible price. Does it not stand to reason that we can sell to
yon as cheaply as anyone? We leave it to you feeling; confident
that yonr verdict will be in onr favor.
N. SELIG, Myrtle Creek,
Branch :
Caoyonville, Oregon
? iiict nrrnicn $
8 2n. -JUOI HLlrLIYLl.
. An elegant line of Iron"
Beds far superior in
workmanship and de
sign to anything we
have ever shown can
be fnnnrl nn rmr flnnr
I SaStaSa &'lS in price from
uiey cost you noiuwg. 0JV-' v vA '--'
Take a look at our solid steel bottom couches
S To see them them is to be convinced. They
3 are what you ought to buy. Prices moder- -a
: rn. t : j 3
S For particulars in Furniture.
Carpets, etc, call on ..........
Strong Academic coarse
Professional training o
the highest excellence
Well equipped laborator
First-class train in i? le-
" partment.
Demand for trained teach
ers double the supply
Graduates have a choice
of positions.
Beautiful location.
Finest climate on the
Expenses tl20 to $150
Fall term begins Sept. 0.
Write for catalogue.
1 1
W. P. FULLER & CO., PortUnd, Oregon
Send for Color Cards to
nf C-mar 23
Qovcroors Discuss the Question. Too
Much Freedom In America.
8alb.ii, ep?. 10. The New York
World cent the following telegram to
Governor G;e' jfiteidjr :
"Governor Voorbeee , of New Jersey,
declare the timi bis come to call a bait
to Anarchy in this csantry, and says the
next Lettialstnre ill enact s law by
bicb participants in any conspirancy
in New Jersey tbat reaoli directly or In
directly in tssissination of any ruler tbe
world ovei, or murder any person ie or
out cf New Jersey, will be trested at ac-
ceseoriM Ufore tbe tact on the charge of
murder. Will you kindly wire the
World yoor views on tbe subject "
Governor Geer's answer was as follows:
"If the next Legislators of New Jersey
will fulfill tbe promise of Goyernor Voor
bees, it will cause njticiog ia tbe heart
of every loyal American. Tbe permis-
;oa of each meeting as that beld in
Patercoa, tbat S'ate, which cele'.rated
the acniveraary of tbe day of Kiuc Ham
beri'a morder, wbieb, it was boaiticg'y
said, included a plot t aeasinate Pieai
dent McfCinley, was a disgrace, not only
to tbat etete, bot to tbe emir, ecoatry.
Vigorous legislation, botb staU and na
tional, shoald be ena4ed prohibiting the
aacembling of paMic or private meetings
of men who declare tbat their object ia
tbe commiation of mnrder In high places.
There is loo mncb freedom in this coon
try ia certain directions. When tbe
most degraded wretch tbat ever camber
ed tbe earth baa the privilege of meeting
tbe Cbief Magistrate of tbe country io
person on perfect tqiaiity with every
other ciiixs, and is in torn treated ea
well as tbe highest dignitary, aod will
sbow bis utter contempt for the freedom
be has by committing murder with a
concealed weapon, tbe elate to which he
belongs and who sgeot he is should be
ftuppreeetd by tbe enactment and en
forcement of a law that will b effective
and final. Sine lb Anarchist ha no
reepect for the Government and proves
it, th Government abould have co re
spect for him, and should prove it. As
mocb a. anything elre, we ned a Cos-
gree tbat i not lrld to modify our
natnrahntion laws in tbe Interests of
American citixnehip. It i all right to
talk abcot 'an asjlnm for tbe oppreeeed,'
but what e need mo: ar penitentianee
and gailow for Anarchut murderers
aod Ihtir abet'ors."
OU Notes.
(isblend Tiding.)
Tbat lb wide publ:city given the as
phalt and petroleum Indication and re
source of the Aihland district is attract
ing attention to tbe kcaliiy r empba
s:sd by tbe fact tbat one of tb largest
asphalt com pi ok a in tbe conntt y began
to investigate the field during the past
few Jijs "kn -ker" to tb contrary
notw.thsttTd i.
Tbe drilling plant of the Soother j Ore-
goo Oil Co., on tbe Allfred place, east of
town, bat been making mart satisfactory
progro doriog tbe past few diy. It
hi perforate J the strata of thick bin
clav it bad bon working in and 1 bow
goiog through blue eb.le. Operations
were impended for a few hour yester
day in order to tike time to lower tbe
size of tbe driving wbe-1 at to get a
griter purchase. The machine is now
driving the drill through about 15 feet
each watch, aod coodition for ultimate
success in tappiog oil were never mors
Jamei laman, ot Looking Glasj, Doog-
laa coaoty, who baa be jn visiting Ash
land during the past few day inveet7-
gating tb work of drilling for oil now
going on at the plant of tbe Southern
Orgoo Oil Co., near town, 'j very fav
orably impreestd with what h. his seen.
H baa bad mncb experience in tb oil
regioi of Pennsylvsms and i well
posted on the subject cf petrolecm. II
believe that tbe indication for striking
oil oi tbe Allffard place appear most
favorable for be finds there very many
ot the characteristic tbat are present In
tie dllforria fieldr. The bitumen
mixed with adobe, tb lava overflow ot
sandstone are there plentifully. He
finds ibe company', plant a thoroughly
up-to-date one and is altogether mojt
favorably impressed with Ibe progreri
they have ma le in the work of drill'ng.
Tbe Southern Pacific Co. will maks a
Urge and crcdtUble exhibit of farm end
orchard prodncts from point! along its
Oregon lines at tbe Portland Carnival
and Expoiitioo, which open Sept. 18th,
tbe object of which i to mor thoroughly
advertise the resources of Western Ore
gon. Any simple of grain (la tb
sheaf) grasses, vegetablee, etc., and
green and dried fruits showing the pro
ductiveness oi tbia county, are desired
and hereby solicited. Bring anything In
thi nature you bays to the S. P. Co.'
depot labeled with name and. kind of
product and name of producer, to a to
attract psrticulsr attention to the locali
ty in which it is raised. ' These exhibit
will be cared for and returned to owner
U desired free of charge.
. $43.00 to Buffalo. -
lbia is what the established rate
amounts to in each direction making $86
for tbe round trip, and by arranging with
ihe Burlington route, passengers are
given choice of seven trains on datea of
sale. Call npon or write ns for full par
ticular before miking other arrange
ments. R. W. Foster. Ticket Agent,
Burlington - Route, Corner Third and
Stark Htreett, Portland, Oregon.
For Sale.
Oue light running democrat wsgon,
nearly new. For eile cbeop. L. Duav
bletoo, Winchester, Ore, S-4-lmo,
President Out of Danger. The Not
orious Anarchist Emma Gold
" man Arrested.
Milburn House, Buffalo, Sept. 10. The President
will live, but will probably carry the bullet of the would-
be assassin with him to the grave. This is the expressed
opinion of Dr. McBurney, of New York, in a statement to
a representative of the Associated Press after the consul
tation of the phj-sicians this morning. He announced that
the President has passed the danger point, and now only
the possibility of complications remains. He also announ
ced that unless the bulled embedded in the muscles of tbe
back causes trouble, there will be no necessity to extract
it. In his opinion it will not even be located with the X-
ray. The only use of the X-ray would be to satisfy curios
The exposition managers are planning a day of thanks
giving, not alone for the exposition, but one in which the
whole country could join. It is to be given the aspect of a
national day of rejoicing. They are arranging that on a
certain day the bells of all the cities in the United States
be set ringing, and that the rejoicing be heralded with the
tooting of whistles and the booming of cannon. '
The members of the Cabinet, Senator Hanna, General
Grosvenor (who only arrived from Ohio this morning), and
all the distinguished friends of the President who have ar
rived here to await the issue of the attempt upon his life,
hurried to the Milburn residence to learn the particulars
and join in general jubilation. For hours carriages and
automobiles streamed up Delaware avenne and down town
the people gathered in crowds at the bulletin boards and
gave vent to their feelings in rejoicing, and at the exposi
tion thousands of visitors who read the bulletins, burst into
Chicago, Spt. to. Emma Goldman was arrested here
today for conspiring to assassinate the President. The
high priestess of anarchism was taken in custody by de
tectives whom she tried to throw od" the scent by denying
her indentity. She said her name was Lena Larson, and
imitated Swedish dialect, but when an officer spoke to her
in Swedish she did not know the tongue and was forced to
admit her identity. She denied complicity in plot when
questioned by cbief of police, and said she only had a
slight acquaintance with Leon Czolgzy, the assassin.
Miss Goldman will be turned over to the Buffalo au
thorities, together with several other noted anarchists.
Londox, Sept. 10. Buffalo remains the supreme center
of interest for England and Europe as the scene of a crime
directed against all principles of government and the en
lightened progress of humanity. Anarchy demonstrates
its own utter helplessness when the only effect of its irre
sponsible vagries is to draw the governments of Christen
dom together for their own protection and to convert the
victim of its murderous impulses into a world's hero and
martyr. America, envied for its unparalleled prosperity
and menaced with anti-tariff leagues on the Continent, is
suddenly overwhelmed with a spontaneous outburst of
European sympathy and good feeling, because a President
identified with protection and the Monroe doctrine is shot
down at a democratic function.
Ironical as this result may appear to ill-balanced an
archists it is matched by a strange sequence of the Buffalo
outrage. Monarchy, instead of being weakened by the at
tack on the head of the great republic, is strengthened.
The number of assassinations of monarchs and presidents
is reckoned and compared and Kings are congratulated by
European journals upon being exposed to fewer risks than
democratic rulers. The Czar may safely meet the German
Emperor and Edward VII, but extraordinary precautions
must be taken to protect him in France. This is the reas
oning employed by the leadin g writers, and the conclusion
may be inferred that monarchy is a safer form of govern
ment than a democratic republic, since Kings and Emper
ors are protected by etiquette and are not easily approach
ed, whereas Presidents must remain in daily touch with
the people and be liable to greater danger of assassination.
The resuks hardly come within range ot the socialist prop
Ashland, Sept. 10. Word reaches here from Klamath
Falls that the east-bound stage between that point and
Lakeview, containing considerable treasure in the express
box and mails and three lady passengers was unsuccessful
ly held up Saturday night. The masked highwayman
commanded the driver to halt at the same time leveling his
gun; but the driver instead, whipped his horses and made
a Railroad Racket.
(Ashland Tidings.)
C. Ninan tbe seioa foremia on the
Siskiyou ha resigned bis portion.
Zogin? :t A 'ex Liticgrtaa has te'sra
d from a moa'V. tint at Portias L.
Engineer W. . Erertoa baa been
trans'erred U ;a 1 out cf Grant Frn.
Cstdactor E. CoOer, formerly run
nlng oat of AaLIan i, is now locatad at
Tb XukLV, C.
. R. Eadwine, tbe brake man, ha re
covered from Li sprained aakle and
went bck te work thi morning.
E-akemaa ' O. Parrott le takiof a
Uytff a ad today started for Rd Bkff,
Cal., to rema'n a few day.
J. W. C:ey, the traveling pasnwager
gent of the Cbicijo, Milwaukee A EC
Pan' R. R was vitilicg ia Ashland,
Wa'ter Frulaa ie conductor oa the
wing rue between Danaaaair and Edge
wood daring the a beet: c of Conductor
L.E. Cooper.
Erginter John O'Ntfl baa retaraexl
from hi vacation at Newport and re-
amad b;s work oa the rassmiw ram
sooth of hrr. jeaterday.
Fireman Henry DeEoeK, wbakaatern
runo'-rj oa. Grants Paea, recently, bss
been trsmfarred to Portland and will go
tber. :n a few days.
W. J. Francis, of Eageae, formerly a
memt r of compsny "2" of the Seeoad
Ortgoa Regiment, be started ra mug
oa'. of Atbland a a fire man.
Conduct? L E. Caspar aad
E.Greive went to Portland, Satvday,
to oji tie Order of Railroad Coa
d act w. which bad i j regulr- meeting
Wm. XcGra'h. a machinist at tbe
round boot of th'j city, returned froea
Grants Pi',Saterday ejoraiog, where
he bei ben attiog foreman for etveral
week 1? the pUcj cf Wau Davie.
Conductor C. S. Icg'ercck re tamed
from Portland, jesterday, where te waa
ett "sd'ur the funeral of h:s brother, Ut
!ectafeitnr'neexE.N. Iaierock, and
b.i resumed b:i isa oat of Aihland.
Condortor A. J. Nrmae, who retara
ei from Li L anting trip, Saturday, re
port having Lai exceUewt aport aad
liked hi experience to well that be re
turned to ha bunting ground Ice a few
day- teen, . .
R- B. Mil er. who baa succeeded a H.
Mark bam as general freight aad p
seegerageatofthaS. P. lines ia Ore
gon, was ia Ashland yerter-'ay, ea rout
Io kit Francisco, where be goea oa boa
rs et.
W. F. Bargser. who u to ran out
ofAihliad ia tt.araJ.ay mt' sea rice,
and who ia now pre:deat of tse tootb
ra div'iioa, will represent that division
at the National meeting of Railway Post
al Clfkj to t he!d tYs msntb at Mil
waukee" John Batteriorta, the will k Mts
mlc!erk, hubient'tcel as ddegafa
to 'be Sa'wni! Ke:Uoaof Eaitway
Pi i )J- CIert- which meets at JU1
waoYee th 17.h e t'rt moa'. Mr.
Batterww rri lU I'm Ptjr.Sad
viaoa and wn l.v for Hilraukee ia ft
few do a.
Trainmaster L Heed icka aad Fore-
mtttW, H. Wileor, tf fe Bicb'ia
shops, wha were fistailed ;n their re
spective poiitio 1 about n'ne moatha
azo, siys the Duiaxa:r "ew;, have
proves them selves well Cttid ia erarw
wty forth ntpoaib'.e datettbat de
voir opoa tbem. Ta8.P. Cj.'t for-"
tuna! iisecuiitg tbe tetficei of these
popular aad eScien: .eatieeaea. -
Seatdnccd For Years.
Jamet F. PuuU. . tbe vonna bi-
way man whom told career oa the road
was Drought tJ a 1 end bv him .nt
robbing J. L. Y.den. and who w.a tvm
fa Jiektonvilli, TharaJay, fcy Sberiir
3xOrm bai beea tiren a irtm
trial and lentencs. Hi tiam cam. nn
Friday before Jade JI. L. Benson, la
the Circuit Court, and a he hai alrM.1.
made a conh ssion of the crime, he plead-
d guilty. Hia Honor aeateoesd Prwa.
oontoS years ia the neritnUr. t
Salem. Tidings.
Reward For Stolea Money
I ill gi v one-half , or $303 for the re
turn of tbe ftx0 ia twenty-dollar mM
piece stolen on July 13. 19JL trem ik.
nsidence of F. A. William of Looking
Glaea precinct. AdJrees S. L. BoeiL
Looking Gla Or. gxj
ib iiacttr an i gocJ-reputvion la each
t t (una in ttna tonty rt paired) to re
preeotand adyerties old eetabliahed
wealthy busioes of soikl rJaaacial
stsnding. calary ilSD weekJ. with
expeoe aduitiouai all payable in caAb.
each ednedav direct fmm k.i
otiicea. Horse and carriages fnruiahad.
whea ceceeeary. Reference F.ncJ.
elf-addressed stamped envelope. Vaa
ager, 316 Caxtoa Bui'ding, Chicago.
(Continued oa the Fourth Page.)
' Kasul Catarrh quickly yiulaa to troW
meat by Ely 'a Cream iiaim, which ia agree
ar'v Krr?nti?. It ia received Uuouch tha'
noktrila, eleausa auJ h&2 the whole si
face over which it L3Qsee itself. DrugcSsia
ull the 60c cixe; Trial aU by awuL Id
cent. Test it aad you are sure to eoBtiaaa
AnnoaBcement. lr
To accommodate those who are partial
to the eat of atomiier in appljing hqmda
into tb aaaal passage for cuUirroi tsvw.
Ke, the proprietors prepare Cream BaTra ta
hyiiJ form, which will be kaowa a HfK
Lkiuid Cream Bahn. Price including tha
praying tube ia 75cats. - Druggiata or bp
xoaih The liquid fona ambodM th metK
frwul property of th tolii prryaraukia. 4