NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dntlm.1 atU' l.niut OiVioo, KosiiUitnu, Oregon, April 4, iwH). Witlcoli hereby given that, In r.oinplliinco Ilh the provlmnua id tho act id Congrenn ol ,tuun :!, lx;s, entitled "An ni t for Ihu nnlu ol timber lamia lutlioHlntenntCalttorulH, O logon MiJ W n.-hlnglon Territory," .IaMK.s II. Ki.l.l.K, of Aberdeen, County ol C'hchalln, Hlntc ofWanh. luvtou, Ma tut day Mod lu thla olllco hln attorn lAti'UU'Ut No. l14, (or tho putelinao ol t" H'j MV1; and lota ;t ami 4 ol Section Wo. 4, In Towtt. alilpSo, '.".IS. Rnngn No It W, mill m 111 pruol to allow tlml the bind nought Uuion' vnlu iibto (or It timber or ntone limn lor agricultural purpose, nnd to establish lil clnliu to mild land Infcro tlio lleglnlcr und liocclver o( (hi lylllco nt Koscburg, Dragon mi Kililiiy tho K day ! -llllllM'.W. lie tllllllOK 119 WltilOno, Cootgo II. Hopkins, V. M. Littler, H. Knialmci. J. I. Kiindi nor, nil ol Alicidoeti, Wash. Any ml nil Kr otm claiming adversely Ihe nbovo ilocrilod iMnvlf nrc re.iiented to UK tlnlr elnlmn In thin iilhco on or bclnrv ifM l'lli tlnv or June, Mm). J. T. BllllKJK.-i, n.' llcglnli r. Notice For Publication. Culled state" Lund Otlloo. l!iMt no. Ort con. Mnrcll In. Mum, Notice lu hereby gieu " 111 ronipllatoo xv4hb tlic provisions ol tho net o( emigres of ....... o iui ....inl.i.l A ., ri,t f..p flit, aitlii nl llmln'r land's i tho Hates of California, Oregon, Nevada ami w iisiiingtou territory, HlbAS II. liANN A III Ashland. ('Oil II I V of Ashland. High" o( Win omtn. lint thin dnv Med in (111- olllco liltt sworn statoiiictit No. ft p.', for tho purchase ol tin' NK'4 olii-ection No. ill. In Towunhlp No. -I 8. Rnnge Wi. hW.bihI will ollor Drool to allow that Hie Und anuglil in mote valuable lor It timber or loiio iIihu lor aurlcultuia miriamc. and to en blind Ml cbilm to nnld Inud before the Kcgla- ler and Ketch cr ol thl iilllco tti Koacburg. Ore v-o n, on Tuesday, tho -".nil 1kv of May, I'.iUb Ho uaiucs u witnesses, a, ki. wiuiu, ui u,i IhuiI. Wnsliluiiloti. Jaiuva McCully. uenrge II MiHloUil, liulrl 1. KutiUitly, nil of Anlilaiiil, WIm.'1'Hkiu. Any hu'I nil iiuiaous claiming biIvoph ly tho iibi;vvik'n' laudu arv rwiui'stwl to U thulr In lni In til In olllco on or iiviorv mtm ..iiu tiny in fy, Ituo. J.T.Bmix.ri, lUKUter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. VniU'd suton LJ Ottkv. KonKul KH.Uui.'on, Mn h ID. t'.KKI. kiot.iv It lu'rvby itlven that hi (.ntnpUniiftt ivffli tho proriilmm ol tho act o( uiiKifn nl Jfify lTc, rnutl 1 "An nrt (or the alu ol :luil erlntpl tn tho .liiti.- nl t'lilllornU, ivg m. X,- u.ia uml V liMitton Territory, ' JAM Kb MilTl.LY. Of Ahlr,:i !, Cmiiny ol AthUtnl, ntn'.o o( Win. oni::u, Iin tlii iiioil i:i ilu oilii i' I.U nwotn stfllciu'.it No. " V, lor I hj I'liri'liiiw ol lii.'MV, of S i '.Ion No. tu I ,rv a-M . N '.'i H, iintim' Ni. ., ii nit u i.l mltr vrooi ii!n'.i tiMt tin ShM'I i-oiiKtii ! iiio' i' a'. i;.'!.'.!.' i"r i: - limbi r or '!! !'!t:: i-i;' K'4f!.'n:'.;rHl "ll '0.-.', nn-l l-jf-!!'!. -ll llNt !rl. :l I Kili'l ll.ll I t loro llli' KiKI.- tor i.:;l Kvri'. v? I l.ii ;lt--f 1. 1 K-I.!i:. on i.'i.'U, . a Ti.i. . llr-UJr.J il.i oi Mi v. l.jn. lie 1-lllH;' IS V 111 :M 1.. iJi-U lilt, ol V im .0 !n llil. Wii'ilil. 1 .ii 11. Mi A .on 1. SI. a II. i u 1 1 nn, 1 'ini. I 1. Xi'Tinon;-. nli m .t .l.iuv.l. W l-i on- Mil. A!;y uii.l u'.! i ro!M rliiiiii.ii-' niUi-rfly 1 1 i v tihi i'-ili..i ibcl h iiiU iiu- iiiiii' it'il to i ir H:rl: rli.hii' in llli-oll.c.' o!l ol I vi'iu' nil.t ''n. ilnr M.-.y, l-.'-c. .1. T. liit'Di r.. lifitUliT. Notice for Publication. UNITKD HTAIttK LNt 0Ttr, Konotmrtt, Oregon, April, 4, 1WH). Notlco In lioroby iiivho that In I'Oinpllniioo villi tho provlKlou o( tho aot o( (.'iimr o( Jims H, 187M, niltlrd "An nrt for tho tulo of Uiuli,r Inmla In tho Malm of CiilUnrii'a, Uri gmi, Noviula onil Wnnhlnuton Territory," (IKHUAKll K. KAHHllNKR of Alx'nU'Cii, County of t'liulialln, Hlntc of Waih, IriRlon, haa tblailay lllril In thlnollloa hlnnworn tt itciiu nl No tHfi, for tho piirrliM o( tha hWi of Soc No 4, In 1 p No '."J H ItaiiKu No t W, anil will ollor proof to uliow that lliu lain intiglit In nmro valiinblo (or Itn tliiiluT or Hone than for nKilciiHnrnl imrpoaiw, anil to exliihllnh hlni'lalm to nulf him! lioforo tho llcalxler ami Rrci lvur ol IhUotliw at Itoxi'lHirH, Ori'Knn, on Kiblay, Iho Ifith tin v of Jnno, lit)), lln imiiu'ii m wiliuiM'Pi: Jamca If. Knllor, J. II. Karrhunr, 1'. M. I.lttlor, tluorvo II. llopkliiK all of Abonlotli, Chi halln t'oimly, WanlililKloo. Any anil nil prrmi ( InlmliHt ail('P,i h tin abnvo di'irrlbuil lamln on or iK'foie nul l l.'ilh tliiv of Jiiiic, I'.Km. J, 'l. lilUin.KH. yn" llcHlMcr. Notice Por Publication. t'nltiMl Hlati K Uml OttliT, Komiii no, Orvion, March Ll, 1'JOH. Notli'O In hnroby kIvoii that In roiupllatite MlUl the pvovlKloim of Iho art of CotiRMna o Jiini il, 1S7K ontlllrd "An act for Iho nal.n of timber lamln In Iho Mlaleu of CalKnrnla, On'Kon, Nevaila and Vahlni(ton Terrllory." JAMKH A LMKKT HTKM.MKKMAN, Of Mumlidi lil. County of Cihhi, Halo of Oregon, liaa llili day II led In thli oltleo hi" awnm malo inent Nn. vol, for the inirebani' of tlio Kl' 'i N f 1 1, N K'i UK1 1 l.'. ("A 'a KW'i, NW'i Biif Heo. 14, lu Tow ip No. ti H., RanKc No. 11 ., and will oltbr prool to how that Iho land ouitht U more i aluablo (or Iti tlinln ror atone thau (or ngrlonlturnl rurpom', and to i-atabllnh hl claim to tald land before Ilia Realitcr and He eclver ol lhl olllco at KowburK, Oiemiu, ou Monrtav tho '.'lt day ol May, lvoo. Ho uainoa a wltneMit: William Tiinn. of Kmplr, Orrifon, Cbarlea V.. Kdwanln, of Kniiiln, Orugon, Kit warl K. Itlnekley. of Marphlleld, Oregon, Jen IIaiiM'D,ol MarNt'iilcld OreKon. Any and all imtmiiii claltnltig ailven-ely (ho aliovoHlvM'rllivil land nrv riiiuentnl to tile theli I'laltnii In thin olllco on or l(ora laid 'Jl dny of May, I'.mo. J. T. llltflKlEH. Hcglatcr. NOTICU FOR PUBLICATION. United Htaton I.iind Oftleo, Hoiieliunt. OlrKon. March SKI, 1WMI. N'otleo In heivhy kIvcii thai In coinpliaiifK with Ihu tiriKlnloiia of tha ai l of Cnnitrfnn of June 11, 1,h,h, eiitltleii "An ait for the me ( timber lamia lu Iho Hinn-n of Cnlilornla, Oicuoli, Nevaila and Wn.hliiKtou 'I errlloir." C1UH1.KK TIIOM Of Clevelnml Coiitity cl Uouuln, Kittle of Ore gon, hnn thin dnv lllcd In thin olllco hi mwth alnlcinent No. uni, (or the piirehaM, o( the W'c N lit-; of Hiellon No, K. luToutmlilp No. i!7 H.. ItaiiKe No. N Went, ami Will oflt r pnnif In nliow that tho land nought In more valualilo for ll limber or nlono than for Hri ulliitnl pmpn.rv and to hln claim lo mild him! hel'iu Iho Kcttlntor ami lleeelver ol lliln llloe at lino ImrM. Oregon, ou Tliiirwliiy Iho 7lh dny Jntio, l'.HIu. , II 0 iianieM an w II iicxaen: l.ilivunl 'on l'e:, Carl Meeker, .toliii Id i ker, nud Krank H!i tiiii of Cleveliiml, tin'iimi. A i oil piionn elalinliif; iclver.rly Mio above, ovrllicil liiinli. nn) rciiin Mnl In 1 1 1 1 Ihelr elalinn in thin otllee on or helure mid 7 lit day of June, r.HKj. .1. T, lll.llxil.rt, IteKlnti r. Notice for Publication. Notice for Publication. Notice for Publication. I llltlil flulis Ijllld Ollll'.', lio uui an, On -j ;u:i, April 4, KU. Nol.ii! In li ti tiy nlvcii thttt In compllaiier v!lh tit'.' pro oil, ills oi li.u in i o( i oiikii n of Jqiiv .;, 1, int. tint uii act f t the uio of licit.-r iuiiiS I'l the SUiU s "i ullloriuii. tin-gin, Nevada u:ul W.iihlnclou 'lerriiorv,'' dt.OKi.K U. IIOI'KIN of Abcnl-'c::, ( uuii'.voi t'h iuilin, Mule of Wah- lngloii, iit thl iUt I. Uii lu thin cilice hli 'Worn n'.auiiu-ot No yi., .ir tho pureliane ol the Nl.1, uml lots 1 and ol Nn I. In Tp No s-.i K No '.' H , uml mil oiler pi,, of to how tlml Iho land rougtit li iuoio ulu.itilu lor il timbcror loiic tliuti for uili ui t.irnt t.iiniOM'-i. and toi n- taniiMi i:is c.uiiu lo huiainliu iK'iore too llcKin tcrand l.icehcrof thin ollico ol lioM'bun;, Orn gonon J-riJiiy, the lithdnyol Juno, l'llo. Ho tiiui'.', i .uv ': Jnuie II. luller, ti. Karshiier, 1. M. LilUcr, J. H Kahncr, nllof Abi'rdtcu.i UeiniUf roiiuiy, Wakh. Any and all IKTHIIK cliiiiiiing U'lvemiey Iho atmvo ill m rilanl iaii'lj are ro-iucntcd to lilo their e'ulun lu thl mice oil or boforu m. 'I 1 th dny of June, J. T. MKUHiK.H, A'l' Megl.lvr. NOTICU FOR PUBLICATION. I'ultod Blalen laud Oil lie. Kokkhi ao.or., May la, I'.nX). Notli'O in hereby given tiiat lu coin pi lam nilhthe tiiovlalonn ol the actol Coiik'rona of Juno it, is',, cntlticil ' An act for the ale of timber lamln In the hlalei of California, ote goit, Nevada nud i anhlUKtoii Tcrritor," KUWAItil K AAlhVr N Ot ClUin, County ol tiknKlt.Hiaie ol Wa-lilimUiii nan llnmluy iiiihi hi till" oltiee Ills cm urn Male liieni No. In , for tlio pu:oliaMol the MV . ol N-c. No. H, lu p. No. if? H, K No. H W, anl will (it prool lo hhow that Iho luinl nottk'ht U i, hoc 'uaMe or Its lltM'-er or Monc tiinn for alii ii nliiiral pnrpos, m, and to enlalillnh hi. i lulni i.i'il l:imi iN-ior.' tlio KcKlMf r anil licrcli i r ol tliln olIli e at Holutii, Or., ou Knt unlay, the llth ln ol A llk'unl, l.nnl. He linine an w ltui'V-' li. A. lii'ii.ou of I ill, 'ii. nli iiloii ; . II. Aiiili mull of V. utile, a-hliiKimi. '. H. t'ariuu ol IV N'litth, IVnililnvtoii , John iinrilt lift oi Mom burg. Oregon. aii and all j.i ri-i;n cliilniina ailvi r'ely the alnoe ilectlbeil hind ato ruiiic'tcil to iilc their eiaiuiH In thin ollici oii or la Into hiu llth dnr ol Annt, j mj J. T. ItltllXil.S. i ii 'J 1 1 lti-Kincr. NOTICIj FOR PUBLICATION. I'nlleil flutes I uml Oltlce, Hoskiii no. On noli, Mureli, 10, I'M), Nollca In hereby given tnit In com pi la mo Willi the piovMotm of too net ol Congrenn ot June il, laTH. outillial 'An net for Ihu nnlo of timber himln lu the Htalenof Cnllfornlii, OieKon, Nevada and Washington Terrltorv," NhVIt.f.K I'. MOWA1T. Of A-hlaml, Coiiniy of Anl, land, HlalO of VU-eoii-ln, him thin day lifd lu thin oflleu hln iwoin ntatcineiit No. M, lor the pureliane ot tho NK1 j nl h lion No. IH. in 'louimlilii No i!i H, llatiRU No. 'iW.and will olTcr proof tonhow iliatlno laudaoi.ght la morn valuable (or I In Umber or "Ui' o than for aurh iillurnl puriionen. and Inen tabllh hln claim to nald laod Udoro tho Keglnter aud Receiver d thin olllco nt ItinH'burg, Oiegon, ou Tucnilay, tho 'itid day nl May, JMm. Ho liamen an wltnenaen: I.. U. HeUolf, ol WoimI land, Vianhtiiglon, Jnine C. Tiiruev, of Port land, Oiegnii, Jiiinr. McCully, liuiilol U. Ken nody, ol Anhiaud, Vlm-i,nln. Any and all a raoni olaluiltig advornclv Hie above ilcicrllici! lamln are n-iiii".i d to II In their ola. inn In thin otllee on or Im-foro uld ami day o( May, I'JM), J. T. Ilnibngs, Hcfl.i, r. I'KlTgfl HTATB'. i.AND (irnir. Itoneburg, Or iron, Way II, limn. Notlcu ln hereby given that In compliance Willi inn provlnlonn of 1 1, it act of emigre. of Juno a, I..1. i-nlltled "An net for tho nale of tim ber liiniln lu the Huitea l l CMllfornln, Orciton, Nevada nud Waa'dngton lerrlloryi" , .. . HA l:C.i:- llfll.M olHou h I'aik, Coitiitr nl king, Klale o( W ah., ban thin day died lu thin ,, bin nwont nlnU mont No. lnl j, lor lio ptirchnno of tho hK1 ; of Heellon No. I'.', Ill Tom UMilp No. Ti H, Mango No. aW., and will oiler proof lo nhow thai the laud ought Ininorn talunbl'i (or lln timber or ntono than for nirrleultiiial purporn, and to i-ntnbllnli liln claim to .alii land lieloTii llio Uevlnler ami Keeelvcrof lliln olhcu al Itoaeburg. Oregon, on Mneiliiy, thnOlli (lay of Auviinl, pitid. He uninen ii Mllne-m . Alex krli knoii of -ealtle, Wanlo liiglou; V. Irliknon of Heatlle, Wanlilnglou; 'Irani fnlor of Oaklaiiil, Orugon ; J. liar.lluer ol Kim bulk', Oregon. Any and all pemoun tl.iliulng ndvemnly the iiliovKli..erlbc l lamlHare M,,uenti-l lo file (hid; cla inn In ihlnolllei; on or bi 'ore nald lith day rl AiiKUH, l'Ai. j ' . MUlllKKH, "I'll' Reglnler. Notice for Publication. Nat ice for Publication. I'NiTin .-tArrt Lanu turn t, ho.'burfc'. On gon, April i, Pjui. Nollco In iicrcby glen that lu cmnpllam e tMlititiic priivPlmia ol tho act ol Comtrrnn ol Jamu; ii, 1v,n entitled "An act lor the nale ol tine 1 luiols in I he tilulen of aiii'ornln, Oiekuu Nu'. :nl:i mill Wa-liliivlnii Territory " I.I.I.A lik I II Vi . Ali.VJM .if M!:iti ..,. ii,, ..only ,,f Henueplu. ;-ia'.o ef Mluiim d.i, I. n- il,i , dnr iilr.1 in till, oil. ti- In r ": :i .'.iWcu-nt N.. :r., or Ine piirchari'iif the 1 , o! "el-:. nn N . Ji, i;i T.,wii.lilp Nn. ii.; p, Kuii.".- No. W. hi.. I ill oiler proof lo Mm-., that lh - !;ii; I , ili: 'a nu'.i va.uabif (or i:n liii.!,"r or -run.' i!;.m fur a'i icul uicul purposes, mul to i: i be. eiaim l, m. Id in nil be lore the Keg'.-!, r uti'l lli '1' ii i r ot tlio oiiii : al lio, burv. Or, K"ii. nli u ni'J;i;.', iie -l.l ilu;. ol J il, Jviiti. 'lu n:ii'i a. ' Hu -.-im: l.dn"diJ. hoiil'i.m.ijrd l tint li' iil. l.collMlli 1. ' . Ji UClt ol Milille- apoln MiiiiK.iitii; Mr-. A. K. le.-lo( Miuue. iijiii.i., MiiiucoiH : 1'ii.iik. Marion oi Oakland. Oiegon Any and all p' r.ons elniiulii'.' n-lvoini-ly the bovc-di.'t' r;bi, lun.l. uri' reiUctcd to fllo' their claii'i. in thin oihi on or bclor" abl "Jlt dayol JVily, I .'. j. t, KUIlM.h.4, 0 'p Kcgl.lcr. Notice for Publication, I'MTl.l) fTTin tANIi Olllig ltov:biirg, Oregou, May Is. I.n.i. Nuliie in hereby given that In compliance Kith tlie jiroMnioiin o ilic act of CoUitri n of .In ni..;;, I.i.t, eiillllcl "Ail net lor the nalu of timber lanon in the latc of ailloriita, On gou, Nov B'la aud A a.hlugluii Terrllorr.' llhllk.N'J' A HKNMIN Of Kill. ou, County of hkagll, i-lalo of Wah , I, no lliln day hied In thin, olheo Inn nworn ntalo incut No, Pr.v. lor tlio piirctiawo llieNK'. ol brc No ll In T p No V, . K No. HIV, aud will oiler to nhon thnl too land nought In morn valuable lor lm timber or ntono thau lor agrl enltiiMil puriawn, and lo I'Atabllnli hln claim to naid laud beforo the llcglnlor and ltiel ver ot thin orlleo at Koacbtirg. Oregon, ou hnturtlay, t tie I lib. dny of Aug., Man). Ho namcn aa wllliew. n K . A. Aajiaven ol gillnon. l anhlugtou ; A. H. Anilemoii ol W . Naillc. W anhiugion ; I . II Cnrl.on ot W. s-altle, Wanbliigtoti: John i.arilliier ol Hon, burg. Uregou. Auv and all inmoHn cluluilng adveraelr the almvi-'. dcwribed landn are nUcntol lo III their elalnii lu lliln olllco on or lieloro nald llth day ol Ann gunt I'M). J. T. BKIIMjKH, in'Jlp , Reg Inter. L'MTgl) BTATtin I. A Mi t it rift, Mont buni. On boo. Mav ii. I .nil. Notice In hereby giw-n tlml in tompllaiii o with the luovlnloiinol the net id Congrenn o I Jnlinil, eutlllnl "All ni l for the .ali) ol timber lamln InlheKlali n Callloriiia, ln run, Nc nila, mid Wnnlilueion '!' ititiov, ' IKKhlt 1., SAIIIIili Of lloiiulain, Citoiily of "lii liailn, n'olc ol ,i.h Ingtoii, ban Ihliidiiv bh-d in tliinoirtu- his w i.rn nutenmiit, No. V.I.", lor the punlii. of lln iiortlii'ii-l ,11111111 r nl Mi'Clii.u So, :;, In 'loun nlilp No. .1 miiiiIi, Kiiiiii,. No '.i , hi, 1 M ill ollci priail lo nlnnv thai lliu inlei nou.thi n nioi,. Valitiibh- lor lln tlmlx-rnr i-lone than f'.-ragil li 1 1 :i rill puipo-i . allil l.i l 1 n 1,1 1 1- li bU liH'i.i I., Klllil luml lielort' III! lii KM. 1 llloi Hci tllrni: linn olllce nt Itoneluiiir, UiexoM. on 'i uely, the rith dny ol Jul, l'.ii. I),. ti ii in n nn iHlnid-,. I. Sjol-rt A M. Inilil, K. .-jiilv,!, i i. li-, :, Hli ol Ho. iiiio, i. 'anidiigloii Al.y ami till a r.on. elalmin- n)v.-i,, iy liin n love ili x ribi I laii ln arc li- d In .In Hit ir j ' cnuiiin in iniMiuice en or I.doie mu ! jiiii iBi i. Jul".', I'.mi. .1. T. Ill'.IHOki, lii glib r. m;:p Notice for Publication. I Nl l Kl hTATKa l,AN0 Ol KICK, KofKiu ii'j, Ore., Mny 11,1'HJO. Not rc In heri by given that In compliance nilh tlio tnovlnioiin of iho net ot Cdbgiennof Jinn-H, IS71, culllleil "An ail lor the nalo ol lliuta r lamln lu Iho Htnten ol California, Ore gon, Nut adn ami Wa-lilimtnii Territory," am. x r.n i ioon of Health-, County of King. Htatoof Wanhlngton, ban thin day llled In thin oltiee hln aworn aiale iiient No. Milii, tor tho pun bane ol Inert. W. : ul Heellon No. li!, in lowunhlp No. T, 8 Range No. hW . ami w ill oiler pnaii to nhow that the land nought In more valuable (or lln timber or mono (ban for agrlculliirnl piiiixmcn, and toe tabllnli Ida claim ln-lil laud bi loro Iho Hegln-U-rand MitM-lveror lliln olllce at Honeburg. Oro goii, on Monday lb Qb day of Augimt. l'jon Ho tinmen ai nllueamn: Cbarlea llolm, ol Mi'iilli Park, m-hintjon; . krli knoll of Heatlle "A anhlngtoiii (Irani Tavlorol Oakland, Oregon: J. (iardiner ol MiKi buig, Orugon. Any aud all' iiernonn ilaliuliig gdvermdv tho above dcMTlhcd lamln are rejiu-leil 'to fllo their t lHlmn lu thin ntllco on or befoie nald Cth day ol Angu. t, pani, inllp J.T. IIBIIH1KH, Koghdcr. i i;nih.i htatm (,ani opkick. ' Kongtil no, orn , April 11. P.KKi. Notlco fx hereby glvrn Ibat in l ompllnm e tvitli the provl.lona of tho net o( Congrenn ol Jiiiiii li, ls;n; entitled "An n' t lor tho nalo ol II mlicr laud III the Htalen of California, Oregon Nevada and Wanlilnglon Territory." Rot. Kit Mr-Mill, I, OI Aiienloeii. County of Cheliulln. Hlnto of Well ington, him till- dnv (llili lu llil ollioo hln awot , nlntomeiil No. Vlu, (or tho piirehn-o of the .V . H'.j.of Hcefloil .So. , III JOMIialiip Nn. h', W., nnd will oiler proof to nhow Hint the Innd Kiught In more valiinblo for K' llrnber or Mono tliaii for ngrlciiltiirnl purpo.o, nud to uMiiliilnli hln claim lo .aid Inud belor,. tlio Keglnter und Keeelvcrol thin olllco at Ito'i lung, Oregon, op Wednenilny the !ith day ol lull"-, I'.iiW Ho tialiien nn v. Ilneen: Augnn Cninpbell, of Mofitennuo, Wanh., Chnrlen l-iivi'.l of Montenniiit Wanh.. t. I., t.lillil. of Ito-i burg. Oii-ifon, W.TIiompnon, of Camim Valley Oregon. An nod nil lietnolin olalniliig inlvcrnrly lln nlHiM -ib nenbi il linnln are reoiicidiwl b (He their elnlmn In thin olllco on or before mid .fitli dny of June, Itngi. (ah J. T. HKM.r.Ff, llrgl.ler. Notice for Publication. I'MTfb HT4T., I.ANI) OMIl K, llon.i.ur.- Orei;oii, Aiiril i, Pjiai. Noiiie 1 hereby given Uml hi oomplinnec wiih the pr.ivUlous of lli actol Congre.n t,( Juno::. I 7x, cut It led "An a I for the a!c of IlliiU r luudn III Ihenialen of California, On iioii, Nevada, and Washington Terrltoiy, ' l.liW.VHU It. .-OUIiniAVH OIHayii. i l. County of Maylli ld, rtial .-of Win- k .iii-in, n.i- ih.. nay tiled in tlilno;i,co lilnnitoru nlaU'iiH in No. i. ,, tor tin pun bun' of Hie north uudiiiiitrb-r, ol ni-eiioii No. !t, In Toim-hlp No. -1 r oi(ii. Kmii. No. Wi-.i, ami Mill oiler proof i' nli.uv ti i !e land nom-hi in inon- mliiable for lln Urn . i- or niono limn lor mri leiiltural .ur-t,o-. iimi lo hlncialiu to nald In lid la-iori li e llegmier ami iverol lliln ottlce nl K iel'U:.f.g-i!i,oii Bnmrihiy, Hit iflM iluy ol July, l'" He uninen an v. dui-.i-e-i I. . Ji'uil'ol .Miiiionpoii-, Minnesota; f. Van Kor ea 01 Mluie niioil.. Minne-olii; Mm. A. k. Wot. il Mium iipol.n. Jliniii-Miia; Kiaiik yiailoii of Mime I"..., .M uincm. i. Any and all '.ei.oiin claiming udvuively the alve"lecrlUd luudniire rciiieicil to lilo their elnlmn in lliln olliee on or belorc tnld 'Jlnl duy ol July, I' no. J. T. BKIIMJKH Keglntei. rt-:np NOTICfi FOR PUBLICATION. I Idled taten l.uud oilier, llo-r.til'l:n, Oregon, May 4 Mini. Notice m hc.ii.-by given that ihu lollowlug iianmii net tier nan uicii nonce oi inn tnieuiinn Ui make tl mil pioi'f III aupport ol bin claim, ami that Id prool ulll bo made Ijeforo the "eKinlel nud Iteec-lver I'nllcii malm, linl Olllce, ut ' Kov;buig Oregon June 1 1, I'jin, vi; I li AKl.KK UANnCH OU IT, V. No. 777J, HYfli N KJ i, NK'i XWihrelloa M-t. M H., ft, 4 W, Ho tiamua the lollon ing u ltuenaen topiovu bin contluuoun realdeuee upon and e.iilll vulloli ol nald laud 1 1: O. Al'.erbmy, o( oak Creclt, Oregon; J. Allcr bury, oi oak Creek, Oregon; T. Hay, of Oak Teek, Oiegou; lieoigu Hhruui, of OlldA', Oregon. . J. 'J', Uniix,i, niTp llcglalc. ' I Notice for Publication. Cnlli d Htalea l.nnd Ollin , lio.Kiu an, Oreuoii, May, is, Man. Nolleo in hfieby gui-n tlml lu compllnuc xx i t It the provlnlonn ol the act oi Congrenn of :;. In,-., t it t . t led "An act l, the rah- of tiiiilx-r landi. lu tho Mub n ol i nliloinin, Oregon, .,n,lu and W a.liiiifton lemlol), " .ion I , it I HI Of i H attic I oi.nty ol klmr, r-Uile of Wa-h , haa thin day tiled lu thin olllco ll in Miotll Mali-, ineiit No.lm:.. ior llio piircliao of Hie!1, NK'i 1.1, In I nnd V of hK llnll No. li lu ToWlinhlp No. iiT H., linatu No. 7 W , nnd ti 111 oiler pnaii lo nhow that llu-land nought in more valuable lor lln Hniln r or Mono than for lo-rlenliuial purionin, nud to enlablinli bin claim to nald laud la-lore the Kegmler and Ib-ceiver ot II, In olliee nt Konchuru Ori gou mi halurday Hie llth day ot Augimt,, He uninen an A II. Atnlernonot Heuttb', V anhliigton: i A l.i iooliol I iIImiii, Wadilngton; K A. Aonneu of Kill-on W anhliigton; J. Unnllm r ot Mo-eljurg, t inifoii. Any ami all p- r.on. claliiilug udM-rnaly tho aUive-ili -n hIh it. lamln nn' li-'iieu-. I tollie (heir elnliim In thinnllicc on or beiore nalilllth day ot Ana, r.n. J. T. llKIKlIK-', lillp Keglnter. Notice for Publication. (i'Nl llil, VTATCn I.A.Mi Ol 11, I:, Hi burg. Oregon, A fill 3t., Notice in heretiy K , , i uiai u ..mipliauce with the proi inloiin of the act ol Congrenn o June ii. l-7n, entitled "Ail ni l l.,r the nale of lliu her landn 111 the rtlatcn of California, Unvuu Ne nila ami Vl nnhluglon Terrllnrv tiL'H'l AVt'Hl'. Cl.kKIN ol A'-rileeii. County ol t In linli., Mlatn of ash- liiglon, lint thin day lilel In thin oflicc bin innin nlatei it No. yv:i. lor Ihe i,ureliae ol ibe swi . of nic Hon No. ifli, lu iowiinhiii No. 'J houtli ivaiigd o, u went, and will offer pnad lo nnow mai me innn kougni m moru vaiuab'e lor im umiier or ntone than tor agiisulturai pur ponrn ami lo e.lalillnh iil.clallu lonald land lw I -re tho lirgl.ler and Hecenei ol IhUoUH-e at IliMohurv, Oregon, ou TuoHlity, the 'Jltn dar ot July, Juwi. lie naiiira an ullLaca J. If. Fuller, of AlM-riloen, A'Hnhliigtoli; W. M. Thoitinou, o( Camaa Valley, Oiegon: Joneph 'I ho-i ou, o( l ainan v alley, Oregon; I rank Djillvaii, o Ixw Angelei, California. Any and all iK-roun claiming adtcna-lv tho above-di-ncrlbed lamia arc reuuralrd to fllo their ciaima in nun onice ol; or Inslura nahl I'tlb day vi i.n-. j, j. sniuur-i. (m:p) JUijUtlr. Notice For Publication. ITMti.n Hiatk- orrn i:. I lt;i"' -burn-, Ore;, ,11. JUay 'J, l "0. N'.-tii-- !- hno by id' i n t' at ii oouipllnnee Willi I lie pro i'IMihi.h o( lm fc, oi l.oligiesn of June .:. is. ,, ,-iiii,,.. "An aul mi- tin- ante o( tun-ln-r ii,i; in tlio Mutes ,1 i:a'lfornla, Oie;;oii, Nov jula, uml U .o I n-'ti. u 'I eri i lore,' UAMlil, .-101,11 I ' Of Km, ulnm. Coiiniy of I iiel.uli.. ktnteof Wa.b Hi,:' n, 1 1 as ih! .lav I.. i ,1 I u Ihisolii, , I,,, . iv or li nt.iiemimt .'.'. '."I, for lit., pur. Itano of I lie '.'; I m eiii.n Si. :,(, im 'i'.ilili N't '.'.I hoinii, Ivaiiv;,- .No. '.' Vi t , a ti-i -V i 1 1 oii.-i .iiHif It i.'aiiw HuitUie mill vueiit Is mine vnlunhlc lor lis tll.lber e; Mli, II no .,r njii li.u! I Ural plIlpoM-., nnd l- CMal.llsli lil.i liillil lo ral't laud la-lore tloi licjin'er nud !:. em ml thin olliee at li,,.i;-b:ir--, oi, t-,,11, f,i I in iav ih,, : il,v of Juiv. , r. Hi Notice for Publication. ' 1,'nlled Hlnlon Land Olliee. Konobunr, Oregon, April 12, luttt. Nolleu In hereby given that In compllanc with Ihe provlnlonn of the act of Congrenn of Juno J, 187M, entitled 'An art for the naleof lln her lamln In i tie rtlnt' i of Cnlilornla On-goo, Nevaila and WanhliiKton Territory," IK Ik A. MATIHON', 0( Heatlle, County of King. Htatool Wanblugtoi, ban Ihln day llhnl 111 thin olliee hi" nworn ntali mrnt No. trJ, for tho piiiclia-e ol the NW, of Hontlon No. h, in Totviiahlp No. 21 H., (iango No. 1! W., and will ofler proof to nhow that tlio Uml nought In mote valuable (or Itn timber or ntom than for agricultural purrxaiea, and' to entabllnl; Ida claim to nld land la lore tho KeglHi-r and Receiver of thin orhre at How-burg, Oregon, on Monday the itfth dny ol June, He nauien on wHlnnaen: .Mngnun 1'. UndiUlnl, ol Men file, W lilngUin, ll. (I. I,undgrcn, Kiln Moling, M. Peterson, ol Went Hcattlc, Wnahlug. ton. Any and all pomona claiming advernely the aiaive deMirlbed landn are rC'Urleii to Hie their rlaliiia In thin olliee on or la (ore nald ".'.Hi (lay ol Jane, I'.Haj. J. T. BltllKikH, tal5p) Kcglidcr. P. n. II" llllllien an lllufsi-n A.M. tin I jol ei i. h;.,l-e. I c.i i :. .s,.t!.ci, ai! o( inlitilt, .i-lillt'-'loll. Any uml nil i.ctnoin liaiuiing adver-i iy the alno e ib .eiii,, d hunts are ri'tie-led to flie'llieli claim, lu tbla olliee on or laMoro nald Til dnv ol July, I j. t. nitiDci:.-, fm-lp' Megister. NOTICE. (Jsirt.0 htnltn I.ASn (in u r. Uoneburg, Oiegon, May t, VM. lo wiiom It max eoiui-ru Nollee In her' bygheu (hat Ihe Oregon ACal lloiiua Mallrond Coinpaiiy ban Ulid in lliln olhcv alini ol In ri-ts niiiuttcU III Hie lowiithipn ,l neriln d la Ion, nnd ban ai p'ili u (, r n patent lor niibl lanil.. I hoi Hie ll-l I- oi-.-n in lln public for lli. ' i ll, ii alldn o,y tin T. be diM rlpllve aiibdn l.loiia, ii' 1 ban I- n o.n , l:i a conic n li .1 plaei- Hi thl. oilii e. for tin- ii.a cltcn ot nil pi-rnoiin Int. -if, ted nnd t'i Hie public gein-ialiv. Ninth ol ban- Hue and Went of tMilaiucti- Mi- 'Idlall T. VI. II. Sl.'i iv i n o. :i. 1 1 N'l, NK' , j-H .ice. a;. . -in. u. :i w r-Ki. NK' . hi. K1, bfC' . sK'., NU 1 r.. .s r. , ni.-,, ,x j-.-fV'. N Vi 1 ,.Nc. IS, M lllilii the next days lolioii ii.g tin uute of thin iioilei-, proli ntsor conti nt. i,j,uli..i the claim ol Hie ooiupmiv lo nny trad or ulll islon ultliln any mclloii or pail ol aeeilon, ilcncrtbrd III Hie lint, ou ihe ground Ihal the naiio- In more valuable lor loi agm '.liural pur Pom n, M 111 be rei civi'd ami noleil lor report lo tho l mm! Laud Olllco at asblugion I. C. J T. Millld.K.s, I. H. llooTII. Kcgl.lir K'tciver. tutu Notice for Publication. f'MTVII HlATKs I.ASO HI IC R, itonobiiig, ou -.fin, Apttl lni. i Millie lx hereby given Dial lu compliance t w ith the ptovlsioon of Ihe nrt of Congtenn i f I . June il, ls, entilled "An act for ihu na c oil,..,,,,. HiiilM-r laui'n lu the ntalen id Callloinla. 0:-,-i,u, rscvauu nuu v. anningioii lerruorv. I HANK orLI.IVAN'. ol I-tm Aiiaehn lounlyul lm Augi lm, f late ol California, ban tbla day Hied in thin o.'liie hln nworu alnlenient No. Hi, tut the tmrehune of the Notice for Publication. I'MTKIl Si ITR.1 l. l.Mi IIMIll', ItoM.biiig. Oregon. MayL'. l:n"u. Notiio is hereby gheu In compllum . with tlio iirovl.lons of the net of I oiigrfs ol June ii, P i's, entllii d "An net for Hie f.iie of lln In r lii'idi In lh" stub k of Cnlifornij, t,n ,".::, Nov min ntul Wsliru;l,,ri Ti niton - ' AI.MKlir M. KAIIIJ Of Hi,. nm. County of I lichall . Ma ! of V.' In;; ion, has I i'.ie day' lili d I ii I hi- olhcc lib f a or a - it t.-tll.-fl l No. t'n;, t.r U;, .a,,,. ,.,.. ,,l ,),,. wi; ..I .,.,.t; . :;)i j,, '-,,,ri,i,, So. iiKiulli Maugi' No. 'i Mot, nnd : ml, r pi'a.f loMiow'hnt Hie In ml iin-r.- vnlunbi' for Itn limli'T or Moil, Hint! o n-r!eul!i:ial purp'isin, and to establish hi elioii lo mi. Inn, 1 Im lor,- lm- Meirinli-r nud liinl'.i r of Iho office at Mie I'ljiinr. Ori-'oii, rui 'I ui -d iy f b ' il b nay of July. pnu. II" mini, a nn v.itne.M--i'e.ler K. Mitlii r. lb .-joi-el. I . rjo!-c(t(. -jol-i '. nil of llo'iuiniu. n- lilniloii. Any and ini ta-rsoun cinliulng advcinelv tin above di-ni rlla il lauds are ri-ijm sled to lilo tie i claim. o tiiin oflice on or ln-foro mild '.'lib da" l Juiy, I'.Mi), J. 'i. UKIKtf Kn,' I'.-P Keglnter. Notice for Publication. ol mil Ion ,o. iii.. Hi lowunhlp No. 'ja Hon til Kan io No. 1 Went, aud will oiler pkmiI to nhow Ihai Iho land nought la more valuable (r Ha tlinlter or atone than lor agricultural pur pose., ami liin claim to nnld Innd be (re the Keglnter and Receiver cf lliln ofhee at Koneburg, Oregon, on Turniiay, tho '.'Itn dayol July, lvnii. He iiamrn aa wlinesnoa: J. H. ful ler, of Wanhlngton, W. M. 'Ihoinp noli of Camaa Valley, Oregou, Jom-nli Thomp aoii, ol Cainaa Valley, Oregon, li. I1. ( ler a, ol Alwnloeu, Wnnhlnglon. Any and all rn-moun claiming advernely tho ala-ive-dew-rlbcd l iuiln are r)iiet.d to til 'their elnlmn Hi tbia otllee on or beforo "4th day of July 11 U, J. T. BKIIX.h". (iinip) llegiatcr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I lilted nliile. IjiiiiI Of) ce, Itoni.iu'ltii, Oregon, Mny la.l'JOU. Nolicu la hereby given that In compliance wlib Hie provisions ot the mil of Congrenn of .lime :;, ,K7s, entitled "An net for the tale of HinM'tln ml In the blnlen ol tall (urn lm, Oregon, Nev tela, ami Washington 'lerrilorv, ' ANHMhW II. C'i.S Of Went fen tile, oil lily ol king, Mule ol W anil, ha. lliln iln l ied lit llo, ollieu bin nivoru No. loll, lor the purchase ol Hie (-V,1. ol N-e. No. II, in'lp No. 'J; h. K No. nv. mm v III oiler )in,ol io hliow Hint Ihe luud nought l nioie v niunble lor Itn llinln.-! or ntono limn lor Hgi ieiilliuul piiipoM-n, unit loestnblinb hi. claim to naid land hi lore I he Keglnter and Kecelverof I Id, ollli e nl KoAClniig, nr. ou hiitiirdiiy Iho lllli iluy of Aug, into. Hernuienan wiluennen' J. I urlsou olWc.t h, a l tie, W anliingtolii H A. Ileiinouof K'II-iiii, Wn-'lilngion ; li. ,. Aun.veu of kill ion, Wnnlilii tloii; J. iinrillner of Kunebiirg, Or, gon Any nud all pernor, elaimlug advcincly Ihu al.dve-di M-llad linnln reilientei to lilo theli elnlmn In thin olliee on or tailor nalJ llth dny ol Nil,: list, Man. J. T. MM I IX KM, ni'Jli, Kegmler. Notice for Publication. LiNttiilt HTA'tan I.ANO Ofgii c Koatbiirg, Oiegou. May 1. JiiMI. Notice In hereby given thai the lollowltig lianieil intilei ban II led liotlou ol bin Intention io mukc linul nioof In auppoil of hi claim, uml that aalii proof will be mucin before the Kegln ter nod Receiver, (Tiiltud htnten Land Olllco nl KoMjburg, Oregon, ou June Mi, P.kju, vU; JOHN liKNNI.KIt. On II K No 7(JI, (or Ihe h'.j NK1,, Hi o 'J7, T V 0, ft o W. He name the billow lug wadttesM't lit iiroif lila eouiluuoua renldenuo upon u bd cultivation of nald laud, via: bo I Abraham, lilchaid Ulchinoiid, ro Johuaou, John Mrow n, u,l ol fioacburg, Oregon. , , f. T. Hit ID0K8, CiiiS . ;.vliUT, NO riCC FOR PUBLICATION. Culled Hlnlen tnud Oihce. no. Oregon, Man b io, leuo. Nolleo in hereby glvod that lu compliance w ltli 11, o piovlalons of Hie net ol t ongreas of Jilli' .l la.'a. entilicd " in act lor Ilic nulc of lllnla r luml. lu the Mnb ol ( ullf irnla, Oregon, Nov min, ami W u-liln-ioti 'I ci illorv, l,I.OI((,l: il. McCUiCii; (MAshliiud. coiiulv of A In nil , male of Wis con, in ha. lid. iluy tiled III Hila ollii e hln aworn MaO iii, in No. Km, for Ihe puielui.e ol tin- K's N!i 1-otx 1 nid .'ol hccNii. Is, in TpNo 81 h K No. ii W . nnd v. ill oilir proof lo allow that the Inud nought In iuoie taliinlilo for lln HuiU-r or nloue tbnu lor iiRileulluinl purponcn, uml lo en lablinli bin claim lo.ald hunt Isidore the KegU Icruml Receiver of thin olliee ul Mosebuig. oro gou, on Tnenilay, Ihu ff.'ud dav oi Mitv, 1." llo liamen on wltlicnacn: I.. . KeWoll. id Wood land, wanhlngton, Juiuea Mi Cully, silos If. Hau lm, Daniel li, Kennedy, all ot Anliliiiid, Wiacnu alu. Any anil, all per.onn elaimlug ailveinely Iho ahove-deaerllM.-d lamln aie n-iiuenlod to lilo their elnlmn lu thia olllce ou or U-iore auid v.'ud duv of May, I'-VP. J. T., Kigintu. Notice for Publication. I'NITKK hTATKH I.ANU 01 KICK," Mosi biirg Oregon, May lii, Mali). Notice In hereby given thai the following uamu t aeltler ban filed notice ol bin Intention In make tlnul proof In up nrt of hln claim, and Hint nald proof wll be mode before Ihe Meglmer ami Receiver t'liltnd Hlaien I aud OHtce, ul Hone burg, Oregon, on June '."J, I'Ain JOHN VOkU'M, ou hln II. K. No. Mil), (or tho H' j, H W 8oc. in, T. M, H. It. A W. He names Ihu (ollowlug wit oenaea tn prove Ida coutltiuoua reaiileiico npoa and cultlv allonolaald laud vl.: (Jio, Yokuni, William Wonacott, (Iuury Yokutn and li. w. W ouacott all of Kiddle, Oregon. J.T. BBIIXJEH, , ml4p KtgUur. Notice for Publication. " . I'ntted Htnten l.nnd (ifllce. li'ingiii go ore., April 111'iOP, Notice in hen-l v given Hint In cnmnilaneo iv lib Hie orovi-liinv of Hie act of Counri" . of June ::, la. n. i nll'l, d "An in I lot tho . lie ol ll in lx i Iniids in the Males ol t'nllloiiiij, Oregon, Nov adn und W a-hlngtou i errltorv. ' CilAKI.hS I.I.A III Of Montiinnllo. Coiiulv ol ( lli hnil'. '(, of Wiodilngtoii l a. Hun day tiled lu thin olio e bin nworu Halrnum No. Vl.'. for tho purt hnne of tin' .r.,"4iii Ms nun .mi. ;., in lonn-l.ip iv, Rnuue No. '. W . nud will oiler proof lo niT. Hint Hie land nijuirht In more valuubli- for i'n lliuber or ntone iliaa for ngrlciiltiiial purt'onen. und lo establish bin claim lo nnld laud Ik lory the lb gisler and lieeelverof thlnolheent Koi- burg, Oregon, ou Wednenilny Iho iA'lh day ol Jillii', l'Hii Id- liamen an ivllm : Roger Me- Nelli of Aln rileeii. Wanhlngton. Annus Cauin-, of Moiilennlio, W iLshlngton. (. i-lilllld, of Ko-i lmrv, oiegou. ". 1 lioiutitoli. (! I nuliia alley, Oreviou. Anvaiiilnll per-onx claiming aiiverne.y Hie above-dencrllasl lamln aie re'iuc.led lolile theli elaima lu Ibis eiln a on or U'lorv laid '.Hlh dny ol June, liop. J. 1. BKIlH.f, (all.; Keglntor. I'nilcl Slat, x l.nnd Office. Kof:iii no. Oregon, April II, Pjuj. li hereby given that In coninliane. with ihu provlnlonn o( thu ni t of Coiigrc-n ,,; June .1, s.x. i ntltled "An net lor tho nnlo o( lln, ln-r landn in the Matia of Cn'lforola, itrjou. Ncve.'lnai.d W a.lil. cion Teri.tmr. A Mil'H CAMPHKI-1. 'if -Hontenano, eonatv of Chcbnlin, :-ii.U.- i i Wunhingtoli, hnaihls day tiled lu Ihinofllce bin worn nub nieiu No Ml, (or tho .iircliae ot the HKio(H.'Clioii No. ii'J. In Tow nthlp No. ','x ni.. Mango No. W'.. and will off r prwit to ho thai Hie laud nought In more valiinblo (or lt. llinlier or Mime tl.iui (or agrlctiltiirnl puiponea . aud to raliiblli-h hi claim lo nald la-d bi (ore tlio Krgitier and Kceelver of ibln oflicc nt Koc burg, Oregon, ou Wrdneday Hie -nth dav ol June, Pi. He nuuiea an wltuensen: Kngi-r'Mi-Nclll. ol Aln-rdeen, Wanbllia'tou, W. Tbotnpaon, ol Camns alley. On-goo, Chnrlca Leavlit, ot Montennno. Waali., I.. I., fiulld. o( Konelmrg. Oregou. Any and all perrons claiming advrrtM ly the altovt-dearrllKsil Inmln an' ri'Ucld to file Ihelr elnlmn in thin ottlce ou or U lore uld Joi h day of June. VXi). (' ) J. T. BKIIX.iKo Keginf". NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tlr.lli.vl blaten Land Olliee. KoEbi' no, Oregon. Mnv in, 1'aOe. Noliee is hereby given Unit In eoinpllnuem with the VHivmuin oMhe net of Congrenn ol J'iiie.'i, IM. i'litltled "An act tin Iheialooi Hii.Im r lumln in the Mute-., I California, On g -n Nt vadn,aint Washlneton l .vrniorv. CAKKIK MVTlSDN. Of W est N'altle.Ciiitity of klng.ntnieof l'xhliig ton, Max Hits day Pled In lln oflii e her nw orn hlnteinelit No Mils, for the piireliaeol Iho HK'iof N-ctlon No. li, in Toivimhlp No vr, tj.. Ru'iige No. 7 W, nud will oiler proof to ni,(,v, liint tin Intidno'ight is more vnlunhlc (or lis timber ot nlonethuil for iiyrleu'.liiinl purposes, nnd to en lablinli her claim to nald laud Indole the Itegin. tor and Receiver of thin olllce nt Itoi-otmrg, Ore gon, ou tiutuMay, tho tltli dnv ol Aug, VM i Silo nauien us wltiuwnen. A. II. Auilcrtain ol Went Heatlle, Wnnh., J. Cnrlaou of Went sentlle, W asb H. A. Hell. I l.dlnoii, Wash.J. liatdluer id Kosebiirg, Oregon r Any nnd nil in rxuii ilniuilng dvciM-ly th,' ahuve-deneribcd Innd" are n jue-led to tile thclrclaiuin in thlnotlirti on or bcloiejald llth day of Aug. I'.xXi. miilp J. T. Biunoiin Kegmler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'liltcd Hlntc. IjiiiiI Oftiee lioncbuig Oregou, Manh lu, 1's'J. Notice la hereby glveu that lu compliaiiie with the piol isloiin o( the uct of Cougrens ol June II. 1S7.X, entitled " 111 net lor the nale ol timber lauds lu the Htnten of Cnlliornln, Oregon, Nef nila. and W nnblngtoii 'I errltorv. ' U IMKLU. KKNNKKY. of -IsLland, County of .Inhlaud, Male of Vv i ciuiniu, tn ti aa Ihiaday II led lu lliln olliee hln nworn kialeineiit No. ns'.i, for the nuichnnu of Iho h1,,, HW,. l.tnii, 4, ol ncctloll No. Id, ill low ll-l ll, No. . I H, Muiige No. i W, nnd nlll oib r proof to I nhow that the land nought 1 more v nluntile far I Itn timber or atone Ihuu lor ngrlcullutal 1 ur pom n, uml lo enlablinli Ida claim to nald land la-lore Ihe Kegialer and Keeolvor of tliin oflii e nt Roncourg, Oregon, on Tucnday. ihe'jTiud day of May, r.i.i. llo uninen na w llnrsnen : L. H. I'e Wolf, ol W oodlanil, W aahliigloil, Heoigc H. Me (ijoud, Jninen McCully, tiliim II. Hanuu. nil ol Anlllallll, W Incollnlll. Any uml all pcrnonn clninilng advernely the abnveileneilhcd lamia u'e roiinuli d to hie their claim In thin olllco on ur beiore nnld '.'Jud tiny of Mn, Ut.). J. T. PlIlftoKn Keg in It I. Notice For Publication. Notice for Publication. Uutloil htatcn Land Olliee Rotehuni, Or., Muy a, l'Am. Notice In hereby given Ihal tho following liniiicii ncttler has lllod notice of Ida Intention to make linul tuiHtl lu aupport of litnclalm, nnd lhat aaid prtMil will ho made beforo tho Keglnter nud Kceelver, United Htutca I.and Olllco at Itim'buig, Oregon, on J u nn II, ltlmi vi: JOHN KKAKT. Ou hln Ii. K. No 744.1. lor Ihu bK'f Kotliou lii T. .'I boiith, 11. 7 Went. He liamen (ho (ollowlug wiliicanen to piove hln coullououa nlilcnce upon and cultivation ol aid land, tin: (,. W. Uluimlok of Roneburg, Oregou, tiigcuc Cnrnitt, ol Koneburg, Oregon, h. V. Hmllli. ol Oakluud, Oregon, I . N. l allgln r, Oakluiul, On gou. J.T. BRIDGE.l. n7.) . . Keglnter. I'.xnmt Hi iTi.n Lvnd Ornci:. Rosebiirg, On'gou.Mayls, Inn.'. Notice In liiircby given Hint in couipllaui Willi the provisions of the net of Cougren. cf JunvU, ll7, eiilllied An net lor tlio mile ol tim ber lauds lu Ihe Htutenof California, On goti. Nuvaiiu and V, a.xhlugtoii Tenltory,' MKr W AM A C llOLINU of WesN, allli'. County ol king. Mate of W ash.. ban thin day Hied in this olhcu her nvv ru slate iiionl No. lino. lor luL. purchaac ol the K!. SA . I.I.I. II kilat 7 nl ts.,1. V K ,n 1-. ...... l.i.. V.. .A Hoiilh, liaiigo No. 7 went, nud will otler pnatf I t nhow that the laud lought In more valuable (or Its timber or atone llinu lor agrlculliirnl pur la'nes. nnd to establish her claim to nald lniut Le lorothu Keglnter and Receiver ot tliln olllco at Roneburg, Oregon, on Hnliinluy, the lllli dav of Aug, MM). Hho iinmi-a us wllneuea: A. II . aii'dcr oiiofWenl Hcnttle, Washington; K. A. Benson o( Kdlnon, W'unhiiigtoili J. Carlson of W en I Scut tle, W anhliigton; J.Unnllu. i of Bonebuiv. On-. gon. Any and all pcrnoiii claiming adversclr the above-denerilM il lamln nlo lo,i, Mi'd to lili-'tln ir elnliui in anld olllce on or Ulore nnld llth dny o; I August, KM). J.T. MKHH.l.H, milp Keglater. Notice of Final Settlement. Iu the County Court of thu Hlntc of Oregon In - mul (or (Minion Countv, Iu the matter o( the estate ot (leo. W , H tinier, deceased. Notlco la hereby given Unit Iho tin dcralgued udmliilstratrlxi ol tho estate of the nlntvv named decuiloiit, hill tiled lu nnld court her uceoiiut III Itiinl settlement of nald entitle ami thm the nnld court by order made on the lUlh dny oi April, MkiO, und ctiien d on the Jour 4ial ol nald court, ban fixed Monduy, llie .'ud day ot inly, limit at n o olia k a. in. (or hearing ob jections; nay therein, to nald linul acvoiinl and to tho sirltlcineut of said eilalc. ltone by order o( Hoti Joaenb l.vona, Judge of aid county court this luth dny ol April, A, ll. , MARY Hl'NTKR. M Aduilulnuator. l-il