The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 21, 1900, Image 7

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Kdited by . I'. I'imiikh.
1 1d column lias been cciiied mid Ispald for
'' "i" K''ifnlr I i. If Party iiml 11m iiiiiuaeo.
incut of this pepor Is In niirtliM rcsponslblM for
iln' nmtti r ii....iirlim uii'Iit tlili hcml. ,
The remilur pooplwi party candidate
for joint lepresentativo of .Jac.kson and
DotiK'ai counties, Mr. tirant ltawlinm of
Climax, wan born ami ralsud In Iowa.
Hut liavltiu r health tin nmilo an fx
tendntl trip llnonuli inn couth, hunting a
bettor cliinattt ami finally I'liimt to Jack
son county, )rn.on, in 1S!1, where ho
has linen resided. He commenced
working iy the rtiform camo before he
was of aj, and bin b"n in Die work
ever ainne. I lo srv one term an presi
ilent of the .lackwVu count alliance, two
terms an chairman of the people party
county central rouiinitteu, and hit served
one term ns county recorder of convey
itncuf, iu which capacity ho wan the inoHt
careful, exact, painstaking ami obliini
otHcial that ever held an olKee In Jackson
county, winning tho rtsspur.t of hie bitter
at political enomieH. lie, with N. A.
Jacobs, then county clerk, dun up anil
ehowol up the rottennena and thievery of
both of the old parties, moat of which
the ilemocrntic party In responsible for.
)Ir. Kawlinx in a farmer by occupation
and unditrntanda the neoils and wanta of
the common p.Hipla and if elected will
work always in the Intur-st of the labor
ing pgople. There is no other candidate
that is a deoervinu of the laborioif man's
vole a he. Th people of Dongls coun
ty urn)' rent assured that a voto for rant
Kawlin i a vote in the Interest of tlo
coiiifiiofi people. l-'ree IVeaw, April 2o,
I'M) J.
1 the Brand fundamental truths of the
4 If you mint to vote for tlm iniallvn ami Omaha platform of July 1 18U-'. Also
rftfrnaiii 1-sit.t your (.allot for Ik ; the Kr.nd fundamental truths known as
!y and eatcli lor state senator, and ..... . ...
Wilson, Uicnsnd Wahsin for represent-1 I,fecl Vllw, luiulivo Referendum
alive. Ueview. j and Imperative Mandate and l'nhliu
I'.ut, Hoa Fisher, hupi us genuine Ownership nf Public Utility. I'.rothera
reformers, those who think more of re- J if we want these truths crystallized iuto
form of country uud home and littlo ones I lw we muni vote for them ; and remom
tlian they do of your Kill-net schemes for ! ber this truth that n vote cast for a prin
tioodle strsiuM, should also wish to vote jcipal i never thrown away; that old re
for Koveruimmt control of all com-! forme came by the persistent efforts of a
aiolitio tmbj -ei to trui., anil the 1 minority and our cause being jimt we
issue of tuonov direct from the general are bound to win in the end if we hold
government without the intervention if out faithful. Also remember this part;
privutu tiunkiiiK onccrns, where could we are now tignting the battles of liu
wodo it'.' Vou would answer, in tho I inanity for our children and our child-
ouJ old democratic party. Hut alas the
i. O. I', has teeti tH-fore the American
people to their sorrow, for dearly a cen
tury, and the wonder is to me thai it
tttill has the gall to unk tho support of
rctormcrs; a psriy that lent thun a half
century ao used every exertion and
mem, at its command to destroy the
IkjkI government ever established for
uiaukiml ; an I now has the cheek and I
be ysll ( o Hk popuiist to vote demo-
t:racy, a iimim that populists tlistrnnt
above ever) thiiic else. You, lions Fish-I
er, previous to ttie IS'.JS election, tried
overy means poisiiile in your weak way
to disrupt the populist; nothing was loo
mean for you to spit at us; the. party
even eodotMl iur candidates for dis
honorable purposes, and no you can't
be kicked nor punclied into a contest
with the reform element; you think it
bent not to an'ugonie a wpulitt now ;
all of them who ill vote as you wish are
nice little felloes, whom you will laugh
at after election if you succeed in getting
theui to elect your .demoeratir: tiekel
(moiigrl K 11s Fisher, how in the namo
of justice to humanity, can you ask and
expect liberty loving populate to vote
for anything jou advocate, your advoca- j
tiun of U.alone is Hiillieient evitlei ce o'
its rotteuuukrf, and hoi pie. ground for j
papillitis to knile it, and let me tell you j
Mr. Hoss, thev will tlo it ; vou may de
ceive some ol our genome populists into '
voting for your mongrel tlemo-pop-filver-
t ratiu ticket. I'-ul there are plenty of j
seed left to enow you and your kind ;
utiiter so deep thnt daylight will be th'l
sweetest thing you ever eavv,
please tell us, we want to know
where to vote for ioverninent
ownership of railroads etc. can't you
with all your mighty little brain advise
us once more? Just this one time and
we populists will promise not to disturb
your slumbers agaiu ; suy boss, can't you
advise us where, we can vote for the
issuing of money direct from the general
jjovernment, without the intervention of
private barking concerns? A vote for
Wee alone will do that wont it? Well,
if a vote for Hico, will not accomplish it,
perhaps a vote for lUce, Wilson, Voatch
Abraham and Heckley will accomplish
it without fail, lioss, what shall we do
tu be laved? Wte democracy. Nit!
Addrca to Populists.
UttAi.N Ore., May 17, 1U00.
Turttu Fovuueis anu Kki-oumkiu ok
Dft'OL.uCot'Nt-v: The tine now
near M Laad lor ear biennial elsctiou (or
cothmIons, state not ooiiity etUcers
Cass Street Market
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season,
'Phone Main 353.
Flour, Feed, Groceries, and Coun ry Produce.
lliuhest price for Country I'rorluce.
Rosebutx, -
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good
frcslt Groceries, and to get them promptly
when you order them. Call up 'Phone No. 1S1,
for good goods and good service.
and the question is now what shall we
do to be saved? We have an excellent
man, Mr. J. K. Sears of Polk county, a
our nominee for congressional honors.
As a man he is superior to either Mr.
Tontine or r. Jaily and I think we
should do all In our power to elect him
to congress. )"r state, ticket is com
posed of good men worthy of our confi
dence nml support at the polls. Our
national and elate plnlforms reindnrso
reu'a children for venerations to come.
We must succeed in establishing these,
truths, or tho world will lapse ami go
back to despotism and ultimately to bar
barism. I.rotbers let us forget ourselves
in this Mrule, and workj and vote so
liberty bikI civilization may not die out
and leave, the earth. lxok at the great
trust now l.eini; orKanir.ed to exploit
and rob the people. I.o jk at the colossal
private fortunes beito; piled up on this
system of epoilalion and robla-ry. I)ok
a. 70 per cent of our people humelees,
paying trihuto to the oppressors of the
poor. Look at the present system of
representation that does not represent.
Look at our courts and judges with their
injunction's and arrest lor contempt of
court vroceed intra. All are arbitrary and
dtspotif, and not warranted by eon
aii'.utlon or law.
Aud linallv, look at the general pover
ty and tleotitntiou of the mass of our peo
ple, with the. abundant crops and liar
Vests, ami then put ou your thinking
cap when you go to tho polls iu regtrd
to county nll"airn. As we have no ticket,
I think the best thing to do is to voto so
an to f jrever fettle this most damnable of
all trust', a political trust composed of
anything and everything for the purpose
of getting into otlice, the fueioniala for
Hp ils.
Kespeflfully submitted,
II. I', l'.UOoKll AHI.
The pos-er of a legislature to take away
(rom thn people the right to elect state
i uincers is inn pomi ai ;ssue in KentucKy
I If ioelH.iH.m prevails the billot box he-
comes a memory.
Four steamers anil one barge sailed
for Nome from Seattle Thursday, with
tiTo head of livestock oil tho barge.
Notice For Publication.
I'nitkI) 8'1'Atks Lino Ornn,
Ktioi'liiirK, On'uoii, My 1.', Pmo,
Ncti'o is henibjr Kl ell that In compliance
Willi tlm liMVIillll n( ilin ni t of I'oimrt'Ks til
Juuu 8, ls7S, enlilleil "All aet (or tlm mio til Iliu
hT laiuN In tliti Hlntes til Cnllloriilu, dromon,
Nuviela ami W ssIiImkIiiii TerrittirT;"
Of 1IiuIiii, I'uunty of t:linhulls Stulo til
W ash., lias llils day II Its I in this ollice Ills sworn
NlaUMiifiil No. 10H, for Die puri'hastt 01 tho
Nl.'4', ol HetMlon No. !, in Township No. .'s V,
Ksu ko No. V W., ami will oiler pmof to kIiow
llml ilio lam! HonKbt Is moru valuabls for its
limber or Hone tliun for xrlcuUurml pun',
nd to eiUbluh Ills fliilni to said laud before
llie ItoglsUir autt Keoelver ol this ottlwi at K010,
tmrf, OrvKoli, on Tuesdtjr, Uiu 'JItli Usjrof July.
lAIU. lis uaiotti as witni'usas: It, Uraeu. (
Hjulwtt, Albert M.Uabl, f. K. Hlher, all ot ilo
ijuiaiu, mh.
Any sad all peruui olalialag adrvravlj ths
atwve-doscribaa lands an mjui'tilod W Hie their
culuui in 114a tide e ou or belore said Mlb day ol
July, It. i. T. HKtUIW,
aid Retail Dealers in
S. Godfrey,
- ' -
I'.NITEII Status I. AMI OrKICi;.
Kowburg, Or., April 1L, J!KN).
Notice is. hereby jriven that in compli
ance; with the provisions of tho act of
OmifrcHH of J u ut: :i, 1S7H, entitled, "An
act. for the sale of timlier land in tho
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory,"
Ai.ritKO jl nuotv.N,
Of Oakland, County of Ihuielas, Statu
of Oregon, ban this day filed in thin
ollice, hi sworn statement No. iil'l, for
the ptirchasn of the SL'.j', of Section No.
'Ji, iu Township No. 04 S., i:an'o No.
V., and w ill offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its
tiiulter or htone than for agricultural
purwisfM, and to establish his claim to
said laud Wfore tin: IJejjistcr and JJe
eeiver of this ol lifts at Iloselnir;, t Jre'oii,
on Tuesday the I'lith "lay of .1 um, I'.hsi.
lb' naiiies as w itiifssetf ; I!. Hunt, of
Oakland, Or., ti. Taylor, of Oalilainl,
Or., II. A. Miller, of Oakland, Or., I'.
Oariliner, of Itostd.ur, Oregon.
11yand all persons e laimiiiif advi'D-e-ly
the alxive-itesiTilHtl lands are re-
llested to tile their claims iu this ollice
on or before said L'lith day of June, i'.MKl.
J. T. "I:IJm;j:s,
'all'') ire-ristfr.
I'm 0:11 Status J..t.i Oi'KicE.
Uoseburi.', Oregon, April 1", 1'JDIJ.-
Notiiv is hertdiy given tliat in compli
ance with tht: provisions, of tin? act of
I'lingreM of June :!, 1S78, entitled "An
act for thn sale of timber lands in ihe
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Wiishiugtoii Territory."
JAt'OI! 1.'. TKiK.
Of West Seattle, t'ounty of Kini:, State
Washington, has this dav filed in this
ollice hissuorti statement o. !M I, for the
piirehase of the SW'4' ut Section No. :?4,
111 Township No. 'J'.i S., Hange No. . W .,
and will t.fter proof to show that tin?
laiul sought is niort valuabh- for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said
land Im-Ioiv the Hegister and Receiver of
this ollice at l!oi'burg, Oregon, mi
Thursday the I'Hth day of June. P.MKI.
lie names as witnesses; William T.
Nfshitt, of Machias, Washington, Swcn
Johiisoii, of Machias, Washington,
tirant Tayler, of Oakland, Oregon, John
(iardiner, of Hostdmrg, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the alxivt-desf riU'd lands are reiuest
ttl to tile their claims in this otlieeon or
lieforo said L'Sth dav of June, l'.HHJ.
J. T. i'.KHMiKS,
(alltp) Register.
l'rri:i) Stacks Land tjKi'uH.
Koscbtirg, Oregon, April VJ, 1!HR.
Notice in hereby given that iu eompli
anct with t lie provisions of the act of
t'oiitrress of Juno 3, 187S, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Xcvadaand
Washington Territory,"
(il'STAF K. LL'.NIxiliKN,
Of West Seattle, t'ounty t)f King. State
of Washington, has this day lilcl iu this
ollice his sworn statement No. it'.'S, I'orthe
unvhase of the SW l.j, of Svetion No. S,
111 Township No. S., Range No. 'J W.,
and will offer proof to show that the
laud sought in more valuable for its tini-lK-r
or Htoiie than for agricultural pur
imiscs, uud to establish his claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of
this ollice at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tues
day the Ltith day of June, l'.KK). He
names us witnesses ; M. 1. Linduuist,
of Seattle, Washington, li. A. Mattsoti,
of Scuttle, Washington, M. 1'cterson, of
W est Seattle, anhington, i-.ud iioling.
of West Seattle, Wanhington.
Auv una all Denton cluiruuiu tiu veri
ly the above-Uuiicribed lands are re.Ui'st
e'J to tile their clulius in this ollice on or
before twld ttith Ly of June. 1900.
(fill) Renter.
I Mining Application No. 99.
Ittmibnrir, Op-koii, April M, 1'JOO.
.Notice Is hereby irlven tlist in piir-iiaiico ol
Chapter Hlx of Title Thirty-two. of thi rvlwd
suiiiU'S of the fnited HtaU-s, t!i! I.'aIh'U Mining
Ctimpsny,a prlvMU: ronwiralion, duly crontoil,
ontnnlzcl aii'l existing uti'lcrand by virtue of
tlm laws of tho Htatoof Orcfon, an1 havim Its
principal oll'ic and nliico of busiu'-ss at Tunnel
f, 011 tho .Southern Pacific Co.'s niil way. In
Douglas County, Orron, claiming stio'i lim nr
lent of the lsabi;ll Consolldaf!'! .nartx muin,
vein, lode or mineral deposit, bc-ailng gold, nil
T r and other pn;lous metals with surhico
ground Isi feet Iu width, helm; :H feet oti rath
side of the center of said vein, lodeor mineral
d?polt, lying and twlng sltiialu within tho Cow
:' mining district, county of Douglas, and
stab' of Oret'on, by A. M. Crawford, its duly
authorized ruf'-nt, whoso r-siiiene? h m tho city
of lloseburg, Douglas eonniy, Oregon, has this
day iie. his application for a patent for
the said mining claim and premises which arc
more fully d' serllicd as to metes and bounds by
he olliclal iilaton lib; In this oflico nod by the
field notes of survey thereof, now (lied In tlm
oMit'i, ol the n-gister of the District of Lands,
subject lo sal'i at Ktiiburg, Douglas county,
Oregon, which Held notes 1,1 survey designate
aid mining claim and premise as Mineral Hur
vcy.No. .'Ai, and dcsciibo the bouudurles and
extent of ald claim on tho surlac'i with mau
nelje variation at V) degrees to M degrees, :fi
mill Knst as follows, to wltr
ileglniilng at Cor. No, , Identical with ?. K.
corie r of location from which : H c. cr. be
tween rlecs. TI and 2H; 1 p 3', H i R 7, W of Wil
lnmette Meridian Ore. bears N 7 deer. K l.'i'O feet.
Thence N 7'ideg. W Var. VJ ih g K .100 fis t to cen
ter post on northerlyend of Dis:overy I)de, 0U0
leei i, comer .o. .
'I hence s l.ideg. mill. W, Var. l'j dcz. 10 inln,
1 Wit to cor. No. n.
Thein-o -I 7"i dog. K Var. i'Jd-i?. 10 lulu. V. K
feet to center poH on s'outlier'y en 1 ol Disco.
Thence Ms? deg. K Var. l'Jdeg. E :0 fed to
cor. .No 4.
Thence N M degrees i.r, mi n. K Var. l d'-g. K
14oi I'sittocor .No. l.and place of beginning,
Var. 19 di-g. K.
Beginning at cor. .No 1 identical with location
rind cor No 1 of Discovery lode of thissurvcv,
whence i Sc cor. bet. sci s 27 und 2S, i'p 8 i:
7 W, l'ara N 7 dog, K I ViO feet.
Thence N 2 dug K. Vur l'Jdeir. K 1.7X) feet to
cor No 2.
'1 hence .N 7.'i deg V, Var 1!) detj 11 lulu E, :!)
feet to center pfitou Nurtheily end of Uold
stiimlard Ixleiioi) feettoeor. No :i.
Thence s u deg V Var lit deg K I'iOO feet to
cor No I.
Thence H 7'i deg- K Var l'J d-g 10 mill K :o feet
tocenter jKt ou southerly end of Hold Stand
ard 1-odc and Northerly end of liicoverv l,Se
of tftls snrvcy ijo foot to cor. No 1 audidnceof
BUCK 1.1 'Di:.
ISfglnnlriE ut cor No 1. also cor .No 2 of Gold
standard Dodo of this survey, whence sec cor
net sees r, uou w, i p : is i: , v , bears is tin deg
".! mill vv I2tl feet.
1 litnce N 2i.deg W luin K Var l'J Jcg lo min E
1VIU le t to cor No 2.
'hence N :.' deg W V'.ir I'ldezK. HoO feet to
center on northerly cud of Ituck Lode, coo 'eel
to eoruer .o ;.
Thence s) 2ti degrees M min NV, Var l'J d -g E
VtU feet to cor No I.
Thence S 7"deg K Var V.) deg K 30o feet lo
ci-nttT po-t on southerly end of Uuek Itle, and
Idi'litical nu norttierljr end ol (iol l -tanilard
lle&si feet to cor No. l,:md place of bvin
nin?. HOOSIKK l.uDK.
Hcgliiuiiig at cor. No. 1, identical with h a
tioiii or, mid cor. No. 2, of llut k l.ode of tills
Mirvey whence t See. cor. bet. cs. 27 ami 2s,
Tp. VI S. I:., 7 W., hears S. 42 degrees ; juimucs
W . l'ild feet.
Tlien-e N. 22 degrees ."Jl uiiniif K. Vur. l'J de
grees K. I'm eel to cor. No. 2. Th. ncj N. T." de
grees W. Var M degrees E. ;J'j feet lo center
post on Noriht rly end lloo-icr i-odo, 'M feet to
corners'o. '!.
Tlicnce S. 12 degrees :M minutes W. Var. Yj de
grees K. l.'sO Ks'l to comer No. 4.
Thenee rt 7 degrees K. Vur. l'J d- gn es E. :v0
feet to center pit of Southerly end of llooler
lxleaiel .Northerly end of l:ue' lnie of tnis
survey ii I cut to corner No.l and jilvioof begin
ning. IIItuWN liEAK I.ODK.
lleginuing ct cor. No. i. Identical with loca
tion cor. aud cor. No. 2, of tho Iloosirr Lode oi
Thence N :!0 degrees E. Var. l'.i degrees E. llu-j
fei-t to cor. No. 2.
Thence N. 7 degrees YV. Var. l'J dfirrs8 20
minutes K. 300 feet to center juj-t on Norther
ly end ol lirov. n B ar iide.
Thence N. 7.1 degn-es V. Var, 20 degrees .50
minutes E. .M feet locor No. :.
Thence S, til degrees W. 'ar. l'J decrees
minutes K. ...' leet to summit of inntu devidc
l.'.K . Vat, l'Jdeen-os E. lln.1 feScto cor No. I.
Thenee S. 7" degrees K ar. 1.1 degiei-s E.
feci to center post ol Southerly end of Brown
Ilear and Northerly end ol Hoos'ht ') feet ,io
cor. No. I uinl place ol beginning.
111. U K BEAK I.t IDE.
llc'inuing at cor. No. I whence a p; tie 10
inches in diameter hear N 47 h-grec E. .r feet
blacd and scribe I C. 1, M. s II. T.
Theuce N. .VS degrees E. Var. It degrees 20
inir.iiles E. l''io fet locor, No. 2.
Thence N. ::2deci'es W. Var. Pi degree E. :'i,
Iti-'t lo center ost of Easterlv endof lllark Btr
Lole, which Is a Celar stub, 1.! inches in diau;-
ctcr, blaed nd scrilK'd M. is. JM, ts'J feet to cor.
No. a.
Thenee S.'iK tlegrces W. Vnr. l'J tlegis-es E. 1 We
feet to cor. No, 4.
Thenee S. .12 degrees E. Var. Pi dccicvs W
minuies K. aotiftto center post iu rculerDi Simih
erlv end of Hlack Hear aud center of Northerly
lid of llrou u Hear of this vurvev uV) feet lo cor.
No. 1 aud place ot iK'ginniug.
Net tin-a Discoverv Lode iO.M acres
Net arca'iold Standard Lisle 20 i"4 acres
Net area Hack lde ?o :1s at'res
Nel atea Hooilcr l.ole l'J.l acres
Nel area Iliown Ilear Ixxle II S7 aen s
Nei area Hlack Hear Lode l'j.v.; acres
Total Ilis2i acres
The said niiniim i.-iiiii and notietst ol location
being of record in the ollice of I lie County Clerk
of DollMlas County, Oregon, ill Vol. tl, of records
oi mining locatiotis.
lliscox cry at p.tge 47
litild (.laiulard at paye 4 S
lluck at page 4t;o
I loonier ut page -n.l
Ilrown Hear at pane
Hlack Hear at page 404
The presumed general eoiico or direction of
the said KatK'll CoiisoIidaPsl thwart Mtue vein,
lisle or mineral deposit being shown untui said
plat as near as t ail lie det. rmin si
from present developui UN: this ehdm
lielng for Mutiliuear fuel thereof, together v i'.Ii
the surface ground shown upon the olhcial plat
filed herewith, the said eiu. lode and min
ing premises hereby sought lo be patented, be.
ing bounded on lot) North Westerly end by V
caut soveriinicnt litnd. t Hi the Cus: side bv va
cant internment laud aud tho Oiegou aiidl'ul
iioruia Hail mad laud. Ou tho SouthcriT end
by right til way ol said rail rou l mid on ll.e
West ide by vacaul goveriuuent land un l rail
road land. The nearest mines ure the X'ite.i.ry
I'laceron the South and the folk imues oil the
West neither ad mining.
Any and all p -rsous claiming adversely the
mining L'roiiiid, vein, lotle premises, or any per
titin Iheretil, so tleveiibed, surveyed platted and
applied for are hereby untitled that unless their
adverse claims are tiled as according to la v and
Ihe regulations thereunder, within sixty days
from ihedate hereof, vt Ith the Ucgiiter of the
t'niled States Land Ollicu, ut Hoseburg, ill the
Comity ot Doiiglus, istaie of tlrcgon. they will be
barrrnl in virtue of t lie provisions of the I lilted
htalss Siatule.
A good reliable man, naairiedor single,
to milk aud work ou farm. Must be
honest, steady and reliable. Steady em
ployment and right pay to proper
parties. Address
Montana, Utah,
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
Wives choice of twoj favorite routes, rla the
LNIO.V 1'ACIITC East .Mail Line.; or Jl ho
I'.IO GRANDE Scenic Lint s.
No Change of Cars
On the I'orllnnd Chicago .Special, "tlic Ilnest la
tho West.'
i:iulpped Willi
Elegant HUtitJanJ Slcejiers
I'ine New Oriliiifiry (Tourist; Hleepora
Stljierb Librory-lhifft-t Cars
Sjiloinliil Iiiners (intfils a In carte)
Froo llecliiiin Chair (,'ars
C'omfitrtaljlo Coaches and Smokers
Kntire Train Corniilctoly Ve-tibuled
Foi fuilhcr InformaMop apply to
J. F. (IIVANS, Agt., UoneLcij.
J. R. Nagel, W. E Coman,
TrT Fas. At.
121 Third st . Foil at a. Or.
KosKitcitti, Orkgov, Ajiril 11, l'.sjo. -.Notice
is hfrehy "ivcu tluit in conipli
anct! with t)ie i. revisions of tin; act of
Ctmoress ,, .in,,,. s7s, entitled "An
aetf..r the sale '.f timber lands in the
States tf Califuniia. Or"'nn, Nevada and
Wafliinirttdi Territorv."
i.nii:i. m i; i: (son.
of tMoiiah, C'jimty of ,hland. State o
Wisconsin, lias this day filed in this .f
liee his sworn statement No. 'XH, for
the i-urehast; nf the- .j of NW'j. lots- :;
and 4 of Softimi S. 4. "in Township Nt,.
'24 S It No. W, and will offer proof to
show that the land soilidit is inure ral
uable for its timber or "telle than for
agricultural j.tirose-. and to ei-tablisit
his claim to -aid land before the hVcis-U-r
and lieeeiwr of this ollici-at llo-;'-burj,
Oregon, on Wedin-s lav. the 27tli
day of .hine. PukI. H,. names as wit
nesses: I., t;. DeU'oli of I'ortlaml,
Drt-.'on : Lawrence, 1'erdue. of flaklan 1,
Oregon: Ktl-ar Kone. of Oakland, iin
12on; .lolui .1. Iinhorty. of O donah. Wi
Any atid all p.-r.-ons t daiiniiii; ailver.-v-ly
tile abovt'-dcscribt.l laiul.-are n.tiie-t-ed
to tile their elaiins in this ollice on or
liefore said LTth dav of .linn-. l'.KKi.
cii'.'p; ".I. t. !;i:iiHij;s,
L'viTKl) SrATCS L vm (liriCE.
Ilo-fbtiri;, r.. April ll 1'JtKh
Notice is Iierebv 2:1 veil that in comiii-
anee with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June :!. 17. etititletl "Ail
act for the salt; of timber lands in' tht;
States of California. Nevada and
Wa-hiii'2to!i Tt Triton-."
Of .Seattle. Coiimv of Kin'. State of
Washington, lias this tlay liled in this
tdlitv his sworn statement No. 2. for
the pureh.l-e of the S , NW1,. Lots :1,
4, ol Set'tioii No. 4. in Town-hii No. 4
S., Uaiio,. i' ' and will offer proof
to show that the land sought is mure
valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purpo-es, and to establish
his claim to said land before tho Uetris
ter and llect iver of this nilico at Utc
bur2;, Onvun, on Tuesday the 'litb day
June. lHHh I le names as iuie.sst.i : li.
Itolino, of Seattle, Wa-hiivtoii, 1'. Von
Norman, of Seattle, Washington. .1.
(iardiner, id' Koselituv. ti'e'"ii, J. A.
Kiv.'dahl. of New Whatcom. Washing
ton. Any and all pcr-ons claimiiij adver.-
ly the alsie-lt'-crilHl laiub are rctit
ed to tile their claims i:i this oilicv on or
before said U'ith dav of Jum.', V.Kn).
.1. T. i;i:ii)i;i:s,
'ali'pi llt'oister.
- VIA -
OK Tit K
Southern I'acilic Co.
Trains leave Ko-ebiin; f .r l'.i rtln i t ail t wt:
kiauousat Ma 111. and l.':.;'i . 111.
H: 1J a. M. I Lv. I'ortbmd I. v. 7.011'.
s) e. M. I l.v. lioveiuiri; - Lv. lidr, M
12: II i'. a. I Ar. - Ali!od - Ar i 11 . 1. ti
ctM i M. I r. - swntinento - Ar. 1 :l"i v. v.
7:1 1 a. M. ; Ar. - S:iu Krar.eisi'o Ar. 1 ;ift x. M
4 p 111 , ir
'i tsi a m ; ar
7:2S 11 111 ': ur
7: Vi a 111 , ur
1 20 p 111 r
li tsi p in ar
0: W a 111 ' ar
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4 ikl a 111 i ar
lr'2;') a 111 1 ar
1', A) a m . ar
12:4.1 p iu j ar
Oi. lell
Deut el'
Kauas City
1.1 PSM
Kort Wonh
l ily of Mevieo
Net Orleans
New V01W
114. a :
: 110
7:2 , a a
ti .im p
t'c.'Ui a
ar t
:!:.' v
I 00 II
ii:'2 11
ti:42 11 '
ar 1
ti p
Hulliuau aud Tourist cai-s on hoih tiaii
Chair cars Saeriineiilo lo listen and Kl fust ,
aud tourist cars lo Chicano. jit. Louis, Nt
Orleans and Washington.
Cs)untsrllii at Ban Kriinclseo with saver.,
steamship liues for llouolulu, Japan. Chit 1
fluiippluea, Central and. south America.
Sot'Ur. t ,e., Kstes, (Rent, at lluseburg staiL v.
01 ttftarrHti
a. if. raw. Aaeni
. ..v::rftlJWie