The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 21, 1900, Image 5

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.1. O. Huoth of Iwits Puss, lit iii Die
city todiiy.
Vr Hrst-class ilftitintry go ij Jjj,
LItllo of Oakland.
Call on tf (1 in Ilros. for hy? and. oafr,
at i hi" Hnc,,' ''ion,
TMiiity Miik hiitit Wdlrlii jnt rccuive',1
nt the Novelty Store,
Tilmoti Firl of Sitleni, Ih rrgisUred at
(ho Mi'CUlli-ii IJimuo.
AtliriiHM: A carload of CJinnipion
mower, Liinium ami iciti.ers.
Tim Morrow CoHHltr bruko on Kaiitb
4nr dlrvt l in it(it mi e xpurltiinnt.
A inK-riiiuo liceriKU has been innuol !o
II. L. I'Vivunit anil Mies la'iiu Willis.
It. ('. Vmiuht, Hint if(Miil Iriivt'lioK
iiihii of I'ur'lmxl, In In ' Koni-hnnr today,
Wilson t Tli'kf U have llicir new hw
mill nt Cioiyouvilld, in running order;
S. K. Sykon 1 1 ax nnuthur car of
machinery now on tho roail lo arrive in
few days.
A full attendance of un-inbcrs of Co.
K 1 requested on next Thursday even
ing lo draw uniform,
The ri.AiNiKi,i:n now lias the most
complete Job rtsrtment in Ilosobnrg.
Call on on fur Job work.
Hev. J. II. Howard and daughters,
Minos Millie and Maude, or Millard,
wers in thin city, Saturday.
All of Oo. K. are requested
to e present at the Armory next Thurs
day evening to draw uniforms.
C. A, Smith of Minneapolis, a jiromiii
wot lumber and lituberland man, will ar
rive in tliia i.'ily on tonight's local.
Subscribe for the I'i.ain ni: ai.i:ic. Six
teen pag very wek for only 2 per
annum. Many new nuin are being ad
ded to our lift daily.
Mrt. .Mary tiilbert and eon of Uvsr
bur. Or., are visiting Mr. and Mre. II.
11. I'MaanN, Mr. Oillieri'a parent.
Mail, Woodland, Cal.
Prof. J. A. Davis, of I-'joklng Ulaae,
w ho bus on quite ill, was in Kosehurg,
' Saturday. We are gld to e Mr. Davis
able to be among on aain.
Prof, ond Mr. (). C. Drown of the Wil
bur public school, were In the city Hat
arday. They report that tbeir school
will rlcs in about thro week.
Uliurcliill ct v oniiey have received a
notice from the K. 1'. Co. that their car of
lb one Lever Fly Wheel binder and
Chain Diivd mowera hat passed Olvn
and will arrive this week.
The unilorins of Co. K, O. N. li. m-
rivod laat Triday. They are well made
and of (he very bent material now in use
" in the regular army. tiuni and other
vquipmonts are expected soon.
Kitgsnn W. Klliolt, from Canyouville,
Oregon, brother of Cha. II. Klliot', of
this city, arrived Thursday to aatixt in
buildings residence ou Sixth street for
hia father, H. M. Klliott Kugnnn Keg-
istor. .
Home people bran in thoir lare line
of cheap goods; Churchill A Woolley
are pleated to point to a stock of the
fcejt.'if Khla that will fill any three stores
in their hue in this city. A great many
eople buy the beat.
Mis Cor Noll, who ban been em
ployed in the public school of this city
for the past term, left Saturday mmnini
for her borne at McMinnville. Her pop
ularity in the school was shown by the
Urge number of papila who gathered at
the train to bid ber iioodtiye and each
presented tier with handiome boqoet
of roses.
Miss Laura E. Jones, formerly of the
Drain Watchman, ia a guest of her sinter,
Mrs. W. G. Conner, of this city. Mies
Jones ha only recently returned from a
trip In w Orleans, where nlie went an a
delegate lo the N. E. A. A plear-ant
Visit waa also en joy el with relatives in
the Middle Went. Sho is much Iro
proved In beabb.
l'rof. Louis llar&so of the Central Ore
gon Normal achool and union candidate
for county school superintendent, was In
town looking aft?r hia political interest,
l'rof. INnsa ia an educator of reiMignir.ed
ability in whom the republican nominee,
Capt. F. B. Hamlin, has a worthy politi
cal opnonaot. This o.tice wue remem
bered with a pleasant call Saturday.
One of the peculiar features of the nui
loma of the prune crop in thin connt ia
that an occasional prune orchurd la found
that waa eyldently eirncte I in nowim by
ttia earl frost. One of thene exceptions
to thfc general rule ia the Una ynunir
prnoa orchard of Jeas Shambrook at
Umpaa Ferry, which is heavily laden
with (fruit. Mr. Sham brook's fine or
eha livimnrlaea 220(1 Italian nrunu treea.
; 2JTYitesi and 1300 choice varieties of
stlntet apple. It Is eBtlmated that the
ihsJIftU will average ,at least, one bushel
Ride a Hambler.
Bo ready for harvest. Order Cbam
ploti extrai at I'tukers,
MisnFay Howard of Junction City is
viBltiiig with Mrs. Geo, Sovern,
l)on't fail to hoar America's j?rou(cat
,rotlHion orator, John , Woolny
Afr. Schuyler Colli aiid wifii of the (iolil
Bug mine near Olendalw, ore in tho citv
Advertialng la a Rirlti( torn'', or busi
net's. Try an ad in tho Semi-Weekly
If you want a squirrel poison that will
kill both coming and going, call ou A
L Mreters A Co , lor it.
ilie best hope of competition '.n to
make machines just as. Bond as McCor-
tnick'e. Sold by S. K. Sykes.
At Markers: A complete lino of road
wagoiia. top buggies and spring wagons.
See our styles and get our prices,
Mre. Hoyd WoodruT and Miss Oarnet
Woodruff", of lioseburg, are vieitiog rela
tives here this week. Oakland Owl.
C. W. Bradford of this city, who his
been visiting In California for some
lime, returned home on Saturday's
E. luOas. M. l) member Board of
I'ensiun Examiners. Office. Marsters
building resldine corner Donulaa and
Jackson street.
Uoy McClalleri and Bainey Matthews
were finLing yesterdsy: Kov reDOrts a
catch of Hi, of which he caught -10, so he
says, but then
J . T, Spangh one of the solid republicans
of jooking (jlsn-, made us a very pleas
ant call Saturday. He reports many new
republicans hi his precinct.
J. L. Watimn and It. L. Cayit.'of Deer
creek, left this city. Sunday ninhrt for
Portland, where they will leave for Catin
Nome, on the boat Nome City.
ion will often hear the saleBcuen of
another make say "just as good as Mc
Connlck's," but yon will never hear i
McCormick salesman say "just as good.'
Linn county has purchased a rock
crueller, and will endeavor to provide
belter thoroughfare for her citizens
t .. ...
joiiltiaa county hiioiiiu lollow the ex
ajrn. i uoe. niiiiin went lo i oncal a on
the local, Sunnay morning, to attend the
funeral of her nephew, A. T. Ambrose,
who died at Seattlo Thursday, and wil
be borled there today.
Mrs. David Iildenour, who has been
visiting friends and relatives in -Doaclaa
county for several weeks, is in the city
today ; nhe will leave tonight for her
home ut Keuo, Nevada.
IOWe Logsden pasred thromch this citv
Thursday on bin way to Kiddle to visit
with relatives and friends at his old
home preparatory to embarktni? for tlm
lar lamed gold fields of Cape Nome.
Chss. Roberta of Myrtle Point arriveJ
in town on Friday with some pssseners.
Tiide" Chas. msde us a pleassnt call
ami reported times lively in Coos, nut a
great many making arrangements to go
to Capo Nome in the Cxjuiile schooner.
Mrs. W. H. Brown and son Herbert,
of Myrtle Point, arrived In this citv Sat
unlay evening on their way to Oakland
lo visit with Mr. Brown's mother, Mis
Fancis L. Itussell, who will leave about
June 1, lor an xtended visit with relat
ives in New Hampshire. Mrs. Brown
and family will resido at Oaaland
A. W. Stanton, the sheep man from
ItaNiri Cit.y, Uyominc, who has been
vinituig in tbie county aeveral davs. left
ou lnt night's overland for Mis home;
he waa accompanied by his daughter,
Misa Minnie, who has been attendant
school in thin city during the pant w inter.
Mr. Stanton reports hnsinens lively in
The following non-cominisHioned
ollicera have beon apjminted, after pass
ing the required examination; for Co.,
K, 4th Regiment, O. N.U.. F. 8.iodfrey
lnt sergeant, II. E. Lovell, (h M. aerg't.
W. 11. Carroll i'nd aerg't., Fre.1 T. Smith
Urd aerg't., Samuel Slarmer and M. F.
Wright corporals; there is one sergeant
and four corporal vacancies yet to he
Owing to the dateit set for Hon. II. A,
Booth in Lane county he will be unable
to join in the diHcunsinii of the political
isenen witu .Mr, lirigga, raputiltcan can
did.tttt for representative, on Tues
day eveninif at Myrtlu 'Creek
us waa anuoniicud by post
ers. However, Hon. liobt. (j. Smith, of
Orauls Pace, one of the brightest and
moat eloquent public epeekera in Mouth
ern Oregon today, wil! be present snj
joinvwljlh M. Orlggs in the discussion at
that place. A rare tioat will be fur
ninhed those who hear these able gentle
inen speak. '
Mrs. W. R. U'illln
for Ltigune.
Mrs. Chss. Medio" visited
Oakland yesterday.
Miss Mary Taomas, of Oakland
Saturday ovening in thin city.
Children' hats, caps, bonnets,
pretty varieties nt tho Novelty Store.
Mrs. M iry Smith of Oakland who ha" '
' if
left this morning
friends in
i i . : . :
Ufen viHiiicu Mrs. N
itice. ol liiin
returned homo ynsterduv morning.
Mrs. Maggio Scott of (Jlondnle arrived
on this morning's local to visit with her
father E Hodson of Woot Roseburg.
R. B. Dixon and Fiatik LlvineBtone
left yesterday morning for Portland,
from which placu they will proceed, at
an early date, to Cape Nome.
Miss Grace Carroll left on Saturday
morning s overland for Ash and whr
she goes for her hoaltb. She will stop
in i .ranis I'oss end visit Miss Neita Good
a few days
Cipt. Chas. Edwards and a number of
associates from Coos Jisy were making
noai proof on timberland locations he
fore tho U. K. land office toJay.
Miss Helen Smith and Mrs. M. Ki.-lcU
left for Yoncalla this moruinir. to nttnrl
tho funeral servieee of A. T. Amhrnao.
which occurred there this afternoon.
J. Q. Boulin lias succeeded Mr. I!n
son In the Little Gem restaurant near the
depot. Mr. Boolin was formerly of the
Main Street House, Antoria. and will
make a specialty of 23 cent meals. Give
htm a call.
Ben F. Liwrtnc. formerly editor lof
the CoiiillH City Uulleiii,, wan in town
Saturday enroute to Astoria, where he
goes as a delegate to Ibo Brand loose I.
O. (). F. While in thin citv be wan
guest of ye editor.
M i-ssrs. Black Mid Drake two of the
new arrivU from 'IVxas made this office
a pleaxaiit call Saturday. They express
thauinelvftt an picased with Rone
burg audita surrounding. They have
our thanks for subscriptions.
T m uniform for the members of Co.
E. 4lh Ben. O. N. (i., have arrived and
will be ihstri buted at the Armory ball
next Thursday evening; so far as tried
the clothing is an excelinnt fit and of
good quality. Now watch the hoys
We received a pleapant call Friday
evening ironi our old Coos count?
fnend.s, Daniel Barklow, W. W. Philippe
lienry Unmoor and .llen Collier, who
went to Portland Satnrday where thev
will outfit and embark for Cane Nome
on trie 24th inst.
Colonel Geo. O. Yoran. of Eugene.
commanding officer of the Fourth regi
ment, is expected soon to announce hia
staff" officers, numbering Dine. There
will hn nnA miiiraml rann
J -..v. J.,,,,1.,IUJ
adjatant, one assistant surgeon, one qnsr- j
ivriiianir r, one insiecior ot ritle practice
and one captain, and onecommissarv offi-
cer, one signal otlicer, mid one engineer
officer, each with the rank of 1st lieulent
ant. Besides these commii-sioneil officera.
Ihere will be three apiointments for the
non-com mission staff, which positions
are sergeant-major, commlssarv seraeant
and qunrtermaeter sergeant. The or
gani.atijn order also empowers the
colonel to organize a regimental band of
not more than twenty pieces.
Asa Perfect, Durable, Easvriin
ning Roadster the
is the leader that always leads.
The High Grade Clipper Chainless
-the wheel that made the chainless
a success. PriV
- a aw f
A full line of Bicycle Sundries.
New wheels on installment plan.
Coming: Our Way
I" . a J -
rrom tvery bection.
I'.viTKii Statks Land Omrt.
H.tM'biirg, Oregon, May 1W, 1KH).
Notici' is hereby givi-n that in comnli-
illic.o with tho iiroviwiiinM iftlinn..i ..r
Congri'HH of J iino 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for th sale of timber lands in the
StateH of Cnliforniu, Orcgfin, Nevada
and Washington Territory. '
of Si'attlc, County f King, State of
WiiHhinL'tiin. hi tliin .l iv til.ul t,,
olKiv liis sworn statement No. I04r), for
the purchase of tho NWl of Section
No. 10, in Township No. 27 South
KniiiM No. 8 West, im.1 will nff.r
tuehow that tho land souirht ia iiiiirm
:l1i1!)iIi for its tiniUr r ui.i. l.n. f.
agricultural purMms, and to Uiilisli
hiM claim to Haiti biml Imfunt li. l?....,o.
ter and Uiwivcr of this otlico at Host
Imrir. Ort-L-on. on TiuiUv th.. Til, .) ,
of August, 1W).
He names an witnesses: l'uMr
Nichols of Seattlo, Wftnliiiigton ; Grant
Taylor of Uowcbuiv, Oregon ; John tiartl
iniT of Hoseburg, Oregon; Jos)h .
Holing of .Seattle, WaHhington.
tnv 11 Hit illl luiniitno ..liiimiri.. .i.l...1H...
Iv tlll !llHlVw,,uor!tu,l I'lllild ,r
-J ' 1.11 I ' J 1 4 V .., .
wl to fllo their claims in this otlico on or
ix'ioro saui rti itay oi August, Phh).
ii-lp lti-'istcr.
The value of our Tailor Made Clothing
practically demonstrated, by our old customers
coming back and bringing their friends with
them. We have had a great sale in Men's
Suits tor $12.50, $15.00 and $20.00. With
pvory suit sold our guarantee goes with it.
That they cannot be duplicated elsewhere for a
less price and must be right in every particular
or money refunded. That's fair isn't it?
Don't fail to see us before you buy a suit for
Spring and Summer.
Slop in. (ilaii to show them
TH C. !. K.
New Goods Constantly Arriving,
to you.
Just received onr spring lino of
Men's and Boys' Suits.
A -plenJKl line, it'll do you ffood to see thuua, whether .you
want to purchase or not They were made by Friend Bros - Co
of Milwaukee, Wis., and are jailed the "Perfection Clothin-- thev
fit as if your tailor had made tbein for you.
Our stock of Spring Shapes m Men' Jt.s is now oouip'ete
W e are agents for the celebrated "GORDON HAT." They ootne m
all Shapes and Colors and are worth $1.00.
Onr stock of
Men's furnishing Goods
In fact every department of our
We carry everything in 'heVDrv
Was never tatter or cheaper,
business is now 'n perfect shape.
inucy woous, Ninons antl Uonts' Furnishing jrOuod Liao
also lioots Shotis, Hats, and (3aps.
Our hnfiinwm is growing. Evary month it w larger, and why
Hecanse we givo good (roods and Honest Values. No misrepresen
tation. Fverytbinir as renresonted nr mnnv
Kosi:iii mi, Orv'in, May 19, liHKI.
Notice hereby tfiveii that the up.
provwl jilats of Survey of Township 41
S., KanKeU West, ami part of Township
2 S Huiitfu 4 West, have Ihh?h riHH'ivwl
from the Kurvovor iIimutuI f.r .
ami on KtttunUiy, .Inno 23, 11)00, at iiine
o'clock, a. m., the said ilats will bo
lilol in thiniitlice, and the land I'lnbriutnl
therein will tut imcii tn i.itlrt mi mi. I
after that tlate.
' .1. T. BniiKiES,
J.) I. Boom, Keuish'r
Phone Main 1S5.
Hon. U. A. Booth, republican candi
date for joint senator of Josephine,
DouglM and Ltoe countiea, and Dr.
Wm. Kuykaadall, of Kunene, will ad
dreaa th citi.en of Drain, on tho politi
cal issue of the day, Sator Jay evening,
May lth at. 7:30 o'clock.
A. M. Crawkord,
Chairman RspQblictn County Centra1
For line fresh Confectioneries. Trot
ical Fruits, Nuts, Totucco and' Cigars at
pleasing prices call on
Cass Street near Depot.