The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 21, 1900, Image 4

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    County Clerk's Affidavit.
Office ok County Ci.krk qv Douglas County,
Roskburg, Oregon, Skpt. 14, 1898.
furniture, furniture, furniture.
Take a look at our line f
Hcd Room Suits and com
pare the price and quality of
the goods with other lines
even with Portland prices.
See our line of Buffet Side
Boards, Combination cases
and Ladle's Desks.
AV. C. CONNER, Editor and Pohlisher.
JS. D. STRATFORD, Associate Editor.
I hereby certify that I will turn into the Douglas
Louuty 1 rcasury lrom my salary during my terms of of
subscription Mtea.
fice, the sum of 500 on or before the first day of February,
ii99- J. F. Gazley, County Clerk.
Ono Year.. ...... - uo
rtix Mouths i 00
PubMahed jMoncUy ami Tfitintlajr.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of
September, iSqS. J. S. Fitjciiugh,
SEAi.) Notary Public for Oregon.
In order to somewhat justify bimr-olf for not returning one cent of his salary bark
tnto the county tiraaury , a he pledged himself an above to do, Mr. Uanley now,
with brazen effrontery, seta forth (he claim of being the author and finisher of the
bill passed in the legislature providing for the reduction of the salaries of the ofli.
three Moothi .. ;t
MAY 21. l!H)0.
1 iPpH!'
r -I
The Ksview ipcmi particularly intei-
tn el in Mr. Hermann's wellfare lately,
Charlie shouldn't worry no Ion Mr.
. Hermann's friend iion't.
-Tlie democrats of tbis couii'y remind
'cms of two small boys fighting over who
hU get the core of an apple only in
thia cise there "aiut goin to he no
Clay Slocuui, republican candidate for
-Mutable, is a t good old substantial citi
-aau of Roseburg, and would fulfill the
duties of the office without fear or
There isn't more popular candidate
in this judicial district, than lion. Geo.
M. Brown. When the qualifications aod
fitness of Mr. Brown aud Mr. Hzard are
compared, the voters will not be long in
deciding to vote for Brown.
We believe in gjodroda; we belief r
in a gravel loader instead of a ehovel
with a time killer hanging on the handle;
we believe in rock crushers and gravel
for roada instead of straw and fence rails;
we also believe in accessible and safe J
cers of tbi county. The facts are tlieman, through whom Uaisley claims he tuned
the passage of the bill. Representative Wilson, opposed the only measure intra
duced for this object, which bill was drafted and introduced by the Douglas county
republican senator, the late Hon. A. W. Reed, and it was only tbrouult the ier.
"intent personal efforts of Mr. Herd aod the union representatives, Won scot t and
vonn, tnat Mr. t.aziey a rigbt-iiand man was prevailed upon to support the Reed
bill, ever word of which can be proven conclusively. The Roseburg Review even
reputes the claims of Mr. Gazley in its issue of May 3, ItMX), when it said :
THE review's admission:
"Senator Reed introduced a bill reducing and re-ad
justing the salaries of the officials of Douglas county and
m oraer to insure us passage tlie Union representatives,
Wilson, Wouacott and Conn, introduced xo measure, but
came to the support of Mr. Reed's bill."
Wc carry a good line of Baby Carriages and Go Carts
for your babies. Call and see them.
A new line of Bed Lounges and couches just received
and the tariff is down to bed rock.
Our line of Furniture is Up-to-Date' and the prices
arc extremely low, compared with the quality of the goods.
Roseburg, Oregon.
The Furniture Man.
The people of Grants Pass will ce'e
brate the glorious Fourth of July. The
republicans of Douglas couoty will cele
brate June 5th.
The Nome rush is on ! Almost every
train from the east'briogs dozens of men
into Portland and Seattle, and every
steamer that leaves for the north is loid'
ei with these men and their outfitr
f!'jt all seem to be going to Xomo rather
than Klondike.
Tito Review of Saturday evening came
oil with its editorial leader "Shifty
Tbos. Tongue." copied bodily from an
xuhaoge and palmed off on the public
something original. We have been
reading that same "machine made" ed
itorial in the fusion prees for the pasti
two weeks. Fisher is as dilatory aoa in-1 "ho ever heard oi a railroad buy be
'efficient with his scissors as with his pen. j g m the infant clsse. It is a dead easy
proposition to them, that were it not for
The I'la'nukalkr will give some at
tention to the Review (oi its insult to
Colonel .Summers uud members of the
2nd Oregon, in its next issue.
Public Speaking.
Hon. W. M. Howard, ex-senator
Alabama will addreis the citizens
Roseburg on the political issues of th
day in the interests of the true populist
party on May 31st at 2 p. m. and
Myrtle Creek S p. m. on the same day
Alt regardlets of party affiliations are re
quested to be present.
Prof. H.J. Robinette, republican can
uiuaie tor justice oi me peace, is a
bright, intelligent gentleman, a true
American citizen, and would fill the of
fice with dignity and without prejudice
or partiality. Elect him.
Douglas county's interests in the Ore-
gon legislature will btj safe in the hands
of such able men as Hon. R. A. Booth
Hon. K. D. Brigge. Hon. A. C. Marsters,
A. R. Mattoon and C. Roes King. Vote
this representative ticket straight.
Public Speaking Tonight.
The Review came out recently with an
.article headed "The Oregon ian Con
demos Tongue." Ob yep, the Oregon
ian "condemns" Tongue, as will be seen
from the following paragraph taken from
last Frdiay'a daily:
"Jo man who bas any interest in
table buaioeea conditions, gold values
I or crone and wages, confidence for capi
-tal and steady employment for labor can
afford to vote for Dr. Daly. The First
-district should re-elect Representative
Toogae Dy o.UOU majority.
In beginning an editorial on the al
leged decadence of the Republican party
the Uosebarg Review somewhat un
grammatically yet tratbfally states:
"Tim was when the affairs of Govern
eoent ,aa administered by Republicans,
was largely lor the interests of the peo
ple and wa given their bonoet support,"
Xhia it tardy admueion of virtues of the
republican party. How comes it that,
when the party waasdministering affairs
ia tb interests of the people, the Re
view wiM opposing it as bitterly at it
does) to Jay? Was the Review aKint
the people then, or is it simply "forniust
the government, regardlie"? Oregonien.
Hon. R. A. Booth is an able, brilliaat
and progressive man, and would make a
senator in whom Josephine, Douglas and
Lao counties might well point with jut
priil. Ilia opponent. R. M. Veatcii, is
jk iwiairut anil .a14i,,iiv
iiowier, a fact his record in the Orrg'j
legislature will bear out. Not a .Hlngle
rueaaurttof judicious legislation can be
Mocrediied to him, and bis alleged rrcord
Jr mxmiuiy was made simply by votiug
tn I ha negative on every measure that
wa introduced, either good or bso. It
ws such obstructionists as be (hat
responsible for that disgraceful
'hold-op legislature" of a few years ao.
Th fact of ths matter It, Yeatch bat
qwver succeeded in anything but politics,
and oulv then tbroogh some fat appoint
oont. On the other band, Mr. Booth ia
4fut:r-eive, liberal; a mail who works
M . . . - ll.f
ir '.lie betterment oi ine eonamon oi nis
foiU'w piao, especially the laboring
:U. Hs possesses, in a high degree,
the quiiliiicatioos that go toward making
u pood, conscientious, economical legiela.
tu'r a poaition for which by instinct, and predslictions, hs would
becoiaiog dignity J
hm Or,
the money tbey spend in Rorebarg,
that many a fujion pop who is blather
skitiog against "industrial trusts,"
would have to "bit" the road. Ex.
Hon. Tilman Ford will addies the
citizens of Roeeburg, on the political
issues of the day, at the court house,
this (Mouday) evening, at 7:30 o'clock.
Mr Ford is a public speaker of far mora
than ordinary ability, and all should
avail themselves of this opportunity to
hear biro.
Public Speaking; at Koseburg.
What do the people think of a bews
paper so narrow, prejudiced and rabidly
partisan that ft would refuse to publish
an annouucementof public speaking for
any party other than ita own? Such a
sheet is the Roseburg Review, which re
fuses to annouoce the coming of Hon W.
M.Howard of Alabama, who will speak
at this place May 31 at 2 p. m., from a
True Populist standpoint.
Hon. John G Woolley, national prohi
bition speaker, will adlre the citizens
of Roseburg st the court houxe Saturday
evening May 2, at .8 o'clock p.m. Mr.
Woolley is an orator, one of theahlesi
public speakers in the country tody and
a tare treat will be afforded all who uo to
hear him, whether of his political per.
suasion or not.
Hon. R. A. Bocth, republican candi
date for joint senator, will uddrera
citizens of Yoncall.ion the ;oliti-I in
sues on May 24. nt 2 Vclock p. m. ami
at RotHiburg. May 20 a! S o'clock p m.,
Hon. RoM. 1. Smith, and Hon. H. A.
Booth, will aldr-9 our i iu.eiiM.
Can be combined in the same pair or
Shoes, if correctly fitted. We are prepared
to show the most complete line of Shoes
ever shown in our store, having succeeded
in reaching the best and largest Shoe Fac
tories in the oast. We should like to have
a chance to make you acquainted with omr
stock and prices as wc feel assured that boii
will please you.
We note tbst our old democratic j
friend. Dr. K. A. I-ep. of Myrtle Point I
is a candidate for Mate renator of Coos
county. He is a good fello bin we are
surprised at tbis selection of the Cooa
county democrat when it is co well
known that Dn:k wM a member ot the
'Third" huna? of that disgraceful "hold
up" legislature a few yeais aito. Hud it
not lm-n for our vigiUme in lookii
alter the fallow be would have returned
home without any reptitatnn at all.
Dock ctn't be good !
Roseburg Pharmacy
M. F. KAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drills, Toilet Articles, l'alent Medi
cine. Cigars, Stationery, ToiUj
Soaps, l'aiots U'l Oils.
photographic fpplie..
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Cull and Kxamioe them.
Mrs. F. D. Berafieid, of Cottoe (irova
it visiting friends in this city.
Attorney I. II. Kiddle and wife return
ed from a visit to Kid lln, thin morning.
Conductor L. B. Hrtndricks and wife
have moved from Portland to this city,
Mrs. Scott Bozorlh aod two children of
fcnleui, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
8. C. Flint, of this city.
Krakeman Thomas Pattv and bis sister
Mm. Sparlin will leave tomoirow niulit
Some of tlie fimion officials oi Ihitt ' lor visit in California.
county are indeed euterpmiog if nothing v ,. , j;, . . . .
elae, a fact that forcibly preaents itse f. ... . ... ..,,. ,
' ' ' I WliU llalVM rU.MII VlUl'llli ( I, II Itrl nfol anil
wheu it ia anuounced that the county .V'i..i.. i .
lb f.-. a - ... .... ..... . ! w,,e ' -J"bower. left on this mornings
"cinfi I ,.,. i, n, win
mette valley.
F. W. Roach, of the .Medford Mail,
brokers office in connection with his of-!
flea, in which a general traffic (a carried !
a in county wairaota. depriving many ae in Utmo Huu uy. lie in one of tbs
f our farmers . nd best job prinieis in the state and may
growers the privilege of making ! decide lo lake an ' teiest in this f at sr.
like inveatiuents. The preeent Thomas Hiuacb, a passenger on last
incn-nbent lor assei-sor alno has a reputa-1 night's overland lor Portland, upon ar-
Is called to a
At our store. With every sale of one and one
half pounds we give
For strength and delicious flavor and all goes to
make a perfect cup these brands cannot be cxcell-
C I:I.C?ancy Jil"nds' .Pccrlc 35c, Mcnado
uuuii... remember the week of
laonday May 7th to Saturday May 12th. A
pletc hue of Staple and Fancy Groceries
tion for enterprise, two mouths of each
year being spent harvesting In KiHtern
Oregon, while hi work here is entrusted
to cheap deputy, liotli iheae officials
are up for re-election, lint are very likely
to be placed on the retired list June 4.
If Arrogance Is a Virtue, the Boss ia
a 5alnt.
The inevitable wail of the Douglas
couoty fusion pop., will Ins "If I bud
served my party with half the zeal I
have served toy boss, it would sot havo
left me in uiy old age to pick rags from
the political rubbish cf luslouism."
riving at tbis flnu, discovered that his
wife was not on the train. Mr. Hinacl.
immediately got off the train and Smiit
most of the night lelogranliing to the
difl'ereut stations trying to learn of her
whereabouts but waa unsuccessful and
left on this morning's IumI for Cortland
Mr. Rote Hancock and Kmily Rhodes
of Kaginaw, aod Mrs. Maggie Hodden,
Mm, Robt. Ileddttri, Mrs. C. K, Wade,
Mm. Anna Kent ami Mrs. Anna Rich
ards, of Drain are in tbis city to attend
the lodge of Lady Maccatuea. (Several of
the grand officers ars here as follows;
Mr, tt. M. West and Mrs. A. i. West of
Port flwoo. Mich., and Mrs. X. H.
I ambesr of Portland. .-.
...MRS. N. BOYOs
? Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Ill 9 m
we nave a complete line of--
Which will please you in both quality and
Price. GiveusaCall. y na