The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 21, 1900, Image 3

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r--" r mr r -hr m ir -mt w -v -v- w w w w -w w w -"-- w w
i - -- -- -- t
'A aw T yr rT 1 S3
New. spring uooas 5
The Mild Winter lias brought forth an Karly Spring and we
A. A . 1 1 ..1 . lA....i I.,.
Jl Ill'C linw prepared u hiiuw yuu an cicgiiui urn- ui
in P. rev. Castor. Mode and the New Foulc Plaids. We
-- - - j 1 '
have a very sw ell line of Silks, Mouscilline I)e
Conic in and look tl.eui over.
grinder, only
1 1 JWrfl
1 ;,r---t
have enlarged
services of an
, 't '
Our Millinery Department
Will be quite a treat this Season as
tliiu I)-n:irtnicnt and have secured
b B t J - -
Up-lo-Datc Millliuer direct from the city.
In Gent's Furnishings
We still continue to lead and have received all the striking
No cities direct from the Manufacturer.
1E1 II
I. ABRAHAM, Proprietor.
A ...... 1 . .t .f nnr Z
A careful analysis of our
Drugs and Chemicals
Will prove them to be of
Full Standard
Strength and Purity.
Our Stock is unexcelled in Quality and our
Medicines are absolutely reliable.
The Byron Horse.
Tin. Ittirnn tinrdi- now owned 1V J. U
Iiixmi will make tk senson at Wilbur
V...lnMuiluv Hint TliiivAflav of each Wl'fk
At h'.Ki-tmrL' Kridv ami Satnrdav ami
i Ii ri'iiinint Iit of the time at th home
of the owner on the North Um
terms reasonable.
r.iftf unnl (iml.f rniHi. wiitee 2 ier
dav. Fifty general laborer, wanes l.o0
per day.
1 AMrnKi.i. .MEiiMitiii
Comstock, Oregon
I Accuracy
ISo ':r Ni.b. Druggists.
H Pvuuv--e - - -r I
We mli aend you the wait-weekly
ii.iviiuiivli nr. l the Oieifoi) lonltrv
I Journal, the best poultry journal in tb
Northwest, notu :oriwd.
Roseburg Bakery
liny sticceps sicklo of S. IC, fiykes.
La Fayette Lnnt;enherii fpHUt Saturday
and Humlay a' lioswell Springs.
Mrs. (J. W. Stanton left on Faturd,ty
mormon's loc al for a few clays visit in
jcation noticea of holli iiinrer and
lodit claims ami all other kinds of blanks
'or fale at the I'i,aini);.m.kii office.
Joneph Micflli and wife left on Sntnr-
j day'a Irx ii for Ailoria, where Joe goes as
i a delegate to the Irand L-jdgy of I. O.
I A. J. Ciichannan left on Friday hilil'fl
0 I overland to take paRHaH from Portland
(f I on the (learner Nome City for Cape
I Nome.
) Chsn. I.riHlol'a ffam ran aw:iv i n Ivlpn-
bower Friday and toneiderahly demol
IhIiuiI ;1)h warjo, otherwise little damage
was done.
will stop a. cough at any time and will
cure the worst cold in twelve boars, or
money refunded, - j cts. and 50 ct.
After lonkine over the other eo called
'MarKf Bt stock of stoyes in town" you will
find j uft what you want at Chnrthill &
Woolley'e; hridge aDd Beach etoyes still
lead the wornJ.
A.J. Dear and (i. Cotiehnn of Oak
hnd and Euzend are here this week
gathering up seventeen carloads of cattle
for shipment to points iu Wyotniti?
Medford Kuqnirer.
.1. II. Mickler, who has seven acres of
fin (strawberries on the Cha. Anlerson
place near Edenbnwer, was inijuiriog
fors t ruwt'i-rrv pickers last week. Mr.
Minkltr reports a fine crop this season.
John W. Curry of this city, has been
appointed a clerk i ri the cuusus oilice at
Wachirnfton City, on the recommenda
tion of Sennt')r .Simon, ami began his
worii Wt Wednesday. Me'lford En-
Mr. pnd Mrs. F. J. he Its arrived on
Saturday iiiorninK's local. Mrs. Delta
ctopped over hereto vifitwith friends
arid Mr. Jiflts went on to Si'verton.
where he will have charge of the railroad
office at that place for a short period.
A(Mcri, nvsi'Ei'si.v tablf:ts
re sold on a positive KUiirantee. Cures
. . L , .1 :
heart rjuru, raising oi inu ioou, unnwn
nfter eatinu or any form of dyspepsia
One litllo tatilet iives immediate reliei
. . . . . r."
2) cts. and oo cts. for suie ai .m.
Kapp't tlrug store.
sick headache, indinesion and consipa-
. . . . - t i ry
kioii. A delisblol Hero urini. r.f
movei all eruplione of the skin, prodnc-
imf a perfect complexion, or naoaey ie-
(uoded. 25cts. and 60 i ts. M.F. Kapp,
Geo. Miokler and Bister, Mrs. .Lilly
J. . I''ull-rt"ii in ,i i
y. 1'ii.rinit nf Mult'ii.i'iM '
J. Ii. Hiiily Of ):.". i , .
W, .1. Fumi-li i,l 1'iiir'li'.' .
T. K IV.r ! (if .m.ii ii.,,
-i it.i.mi: .:i ix.y.
'. i:.- w,'i 'rti.ii,..." or !.!
1H! I noli V11'.HM1!,
'. W. J! i il y nf MtiHri'iri..--.-
I'1 . i (! K- .'I IV II1"T M-TF'.n T.
Tllfl". II. Tllllifll" Ilf U il-l.i' ;;l . :
Kil! H:ir-BHI.i. T1MI;VKV.
ftifo. t . linavn . . i j ;3 4
Hill "IST -I S TnR
J!. A. Ifmitll II, .Ii.- , I,.:'-
Vol: .loIST 1:1 i i:i.-i:n T( rn 1:
K. I. Ilr!(fi 'if .lMi-k..,.,
H'K h:atoi:.
A. f. Mhi-i. i. nf :. ,.. ',1!!
I ol! lrl.-! TATtVI ".
A. I: Mu'toon (if.liiikiin; i.ln-
'. J!"s Kiiiu . nf Y'it'-ii i ! f
1 of: mi v.n y.
.. I.. I'll! loll fi" Hi..i .lll
foi: 1 .m.i:k.
Ii. It. lia to I nc .k 'if 1 Mi'ijim '1:
FOI! 1I!K I'-I I'I R.
C. W. Iiii.nnii k i, K!k: .:-
foi: a-i-o;. '
.1. A. Hi rlinz nf ::ni:i
foi: . irooi. u-kri::tkm.kt.
1". II. JI11111II11 1 if l: l,,i,,
M. Ii. Tliomj'-oii 1 11 ' ,i oti-li'ir
A. K. Nil lifli if lii.j.ll..
n.R rl RVFV..R.
Willium H r! trir- ' ! ( i-iijonvl I!
liT. J. C T.vili lH-ll Ol liou'l.m;
Roseburg Precinct Officers.
II. .1. Holiiin-ll -I i:.-lii-i- i.i iiioi'.'iic-
Clay s: urn'-"--
Dewey has aji ii ri-titrned
swingini; nroiiml tht- t ircie
and he e;ii.i!r i.'-n n U e
world'w t-et living i!!iitr;iti
t- r
The Trenpury IVp-utuip rr I. is r ' .
a special agent tn tt." f'ai-ilic it : ?:
vestiga'e the large ii.!l ix .nf .1 r --t-coolies
to this c iiintry wnhm tin- a-' if
Three ears i.g L in !.? S.uii S i ) n"
iiia that he would l-" ptV1k on : I I
Gov. Allen, of l'.irn Uiio ; i v '.-!.
of Cobs, and G -iv. l jie, of lit v.iii . T- a.
world do move.
Were you ever iu a baker
diffcreUCC iu .cleanlillCSS and Cann, ol Kan Jose, California, .mved in
I 1 l.-.J 4.1. A I ILIIfS I'HY iiruucouoj w --.jj r
I ...... wifli unnArcrfltin 1 IP ...
purity of our bread.
m . m l - 1
.m .
k t m mit 4
visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J
II. Mmkler. and their many friends
Mrs. Cann'a husband is one of the lead-
jog florists of San Jose.
A Clackamas county man reports that
he made 15 pounds of butter from one
larcnv rov in one week recently. This
butter i' manufactured at a creamery
would sell for Bix dollars in cash. Of
course this is bii extraordicary produc
tion, but it shows what can be done by
careful and intelligent care of the cow.
Every cow well taken care of would earn
a good profit if there were more cream
eries. Yamhill Reporter.
Of course, the c.iMlemivi of :'.!. S
west, like tne wool growers, ure f.r
Other republican intniinittr i i-o .
desire to return to m .-ala'nity in i
in any ivhere."
There must he a hot old time pcii'tt-.i'ir
out in iiackson county, tii Aiiliri
Record says: "C'gaisund 4-oirkey arn
ketcbing ti 1. Mr. Nible" win i'ir
ie doing lo;a rf hucinepH.
Dewey si-eaks ol Bryan a- chiifl :
populist aud H e exponent of .oi.n i.f. '
principles. Tht w liefH 'lm itin- '
bits the mark a- .tell as if v. iv : up
most experienceil of politician.-.
Bryan's ol ihe Si-ms F .!
nomination aid platform i.r fmi.-i
that he is givii.g uiori- tiiougft ', (if,
popnlivt iicke! of H'04 than t-i le.ioiii-
the forloui hope in tt.n prtsen' year.
F'verythlDg tended to dlfa-ter 1I11M: j
the last democratic uiliiiinisna loi , :i
Sioce then ever ibing Imn it uvnl tn n
direction ol prcepeiitv. It toi is"unV;
Coiucideut e," v-.t-i tor ibe c ii.cidi t.c -.
Try a box of Chocolate
Creams and Bons lions
and you will understand
12 - -r---- tt and you will unaerstaua
. ..J.-4-Wf,f'.."3
rfr--.,,B-n- I
The Best
The Cheapest
The Best
The Cheapest
Go to'
S-fm f Dlty tltO Famous
M ripvplRnrlNlmti
A Live Road Supervisor.
Wm. Landesa is doing a first class
iiec ol work on the three miles of road
coming under bis supervision just east of
town. He plowed the entire road belore
became too dry ani Tuesday com
menced Blading, throwing up 000 yards
the first day. As soou as the grading is
completed Mr. Landesa will commence
macademiinjj with the crushed roc
now being prepared by the rock crusher.
Cottage tirove Nugget.
To the Public.
l'.aliAvtnir WA can do better by our pa-
H WnnniMJFF'S Irons and ourselves by selling strictly lor
' - 1 ... .
lio-W C1,nn cash, we have uecmea 10 Keep 1.0 uuo.
Iaruci Ouuu jrom jjay j( iHXt. Hoping this mty suit
th convenience ol those wuo wieu :o
deal with ue, also at all limes soliciting a
lair share of patronage we are
Respectfully yours,
m- CiAUPlS r.KO.
These wheels are better than
ever while the price has not advanced. Come aud sec.
All goods fully guaranteed aud sold ou the installment
plau. Band InstrumentsJ Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins',
Violins, Accordions, Autoharps.In fact almost anything
in the musical line can be found at
Cleveland Imperial.!
For a prompt and first
class shave or haircut.
Baths iu connection.
418 Jacksou St.
RoKt-biint, Onutui, May 1,
Nollco i hewby lveii tliHt the following
namiit ttlor haa OU-d iutlc(.l hts intviittuii
U mkt llnal priM.I in nupiK.rt ut lila claim, and
ri . ...... 1 .'.i ..111 i... m.l. lii.fiiru Ki-elnter
iuVt Km-elver U. 8. I-nd ttlce at Row-burg,
Orvgou, ou Juno it. iwji. '..
hi. H V Ko TtiW. lor the N'i HKl, 8Wi;NK
C uu Ktvt. H 2. T HI b. H ftW. lie Burnt-
tfo following wltniw to prove his oeutlnuou.
rwldenoe upon and eulUfaltou of tald land,
U: William raraoB, m-". j;"""'
miir;,J. WUU Bi.I ofCanBTille
Ineajiut that Bryan is tne tuau !m
republicans want to M-e Imiu mat-i a
Kansas City, liaricli Ujrker is t-n-n iy
correct. liaiKer was noiu.uuit ! r
president recently by the inulillt--..! ilo;-
road populists. He knows tne itet.i.: u.
the popullft irtiiks loiiiJ r.r.iaii. lit
knows the feeling io the pu.-u irt i. ..-
toward Bryauixut. He Luop, lm
republicans feel on lite sut-jrcl ol 1.1 ....'.
candidacy. Hiymi wilt tie a 11 r .y o .u.
for the republicans this yeai to iH-.t-, .....
com extent iy io-ie wi.l lie jntol it. tt-t
amon tlietn nlirii tliii itf we tu.if 1 lo.i4
lie hti tireu I.
Your Face '
Showg the state of your leeliogs and the
state of your healtn as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a paie atiu
sallow complexion, riaiple and Skiu
Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and
worn out and do not have a bealthy ap
pearance, you should try Acker's Blcod.
Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where
chtap Baraparillas and to railed purifiers
f.u knowing- this, we sell every bottle
Iu lit? noun i lion of A. ll.lia. k, tite
enterprtsiu merchant uni cie.un
man, Myrtle l'oint, fjr it-iuc-i tt.i ,?
of Cooe POUUt , l!:v' lepliolic u. ut.i i
most wise selection. .Mr. Hi... k 1.1 .1 u. .
of great executive ability, f -ii .0. .
business uian , em i. ni ni 'c in ttu- pi u.-s
and advancement ol his couioi. n -I
man thoruug iiy ttw.ka u the i v. tii'..-i-
ests of our riaie unit i j ioh. II. 1 tef is without tiieinisli n I nm a
nioia worthy, cuotn-ioiition-. . t . -
representative cniil I tin denwe-l t. y
county. He should he elected, t..l i I
no doubt, hy an uvoivt hrltoini; tn ijoinj.
The liumiliati m of Ihe Ktview u. ius
loneJ by thu uuperative uetvs i y I r i
receding from a choice variety of LI .rfc
must be agonixing. - Hkt,
positive guar antes.