The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 21, 1900, Image 2

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    Equal Suffrage. '
This paper is in receipt of a aomewhat
leuglhy "open letter" from the Oregon
Stto Fqual Suffrage Association Press,
Abigail Scott Pmiiway. We would be
pleased to publish it hd we the ".space.
It is a very abli t;ni paii document on
o i a 1 suffrage.
We iirii.t the following extract from
its nines without comment:
"We feel that you cannot justly, or
hoim-uly deprive no of our voice iu the
a)mii.iitration of tlie affairs of the gov
eminent since we :tre taxed to maintain
inh.vs to which. eiuall with your-
lve we are held amenable.
A we provide for ilie government all
iMiidier at the risk of oar liven and,
!.-n you -.'all our sons to battle, we bid
idem (to'l-pper J, even though our hearts
" breaking, f surely perlorm duties
- iiil with yniirn in the uiaintenance of
A Vice-Presidential Possibility.
'lhere urrf tniinv imlications tbnttbe
Vic I'm eiilntial nomination on there
i'lMiMii ticket may come West. Men
.vi-' in uch mnt.tera say the Vice Preei
! .i,t will tie selected from Vao "far
WeM." Newt iroin Washington indi-
i e i hat 'he "Wester 11 man whose naino
:n t4wiii the most, favor anioog party
it iM-rcte in (he Knet, is Irving M.
vjf, builder of the "peerlesa Oregon''
.ii t I) twey'a flausbip the Olyinpia. The
r nitf M)ititn in favor of Mr. Scott
Ki -.iii intimate acquaintance with Preei
' nr MoKiuley and most of the great
j r y l-;Tiler, whi not only know bim
- i rvspeet bim for bn ability and worth.
M - - known the length and. breadth of
T'i I in I a Uih mau upon the integrity of
,. , n'k thU luuked with an
x i w lien the Oregon was eteam-
. : ('.. n Frm to Santiago. He
. 'nan who, by tho marvelous per-
-miiv ( that veu-o-I, proved to the
,i u. -in people ill it every bolt, and
, ve' .v piece of mechanism in her
. 3 pu: there in honor, and
- '. , f elevated t'i h'.tih p'ace will carry
; !.i ii t ! if Rrt in - imuoratile purpose
.ii. i- .i,ded the hue undertakings of
. r.i'(i i:fe. .Mr. !S.:ott iiolds iutelli
i ii decided vieaa ou the ipiestion
-ns on. and, w iiat is more, he has
.i ;! tv to niv.i pu!ilio expression t3
H'i-i e8-fi' idKy a man of the
. ; . Ilero-r from the ranks. W8
.. i.. y, lorii in MaryUnd. Served
. !.. m iIim u ajtiii.e ebopi of Balti-
, i. ,i
mid robe inch by inch, step by
until be liits Ixcmimj one of the
. t employer of men iu America.
i l-rwieiKCo Wave'.
Must Oregon Come to This.
II . r.t' .the SutfV.iciste hope to be
ti icriiniely uiib mcti tributa a. the
!;.. . f irmii'g h impressive a part of
ti- i ix City oiiventiuu, which met
r ; ii y ami unlimited llrvao and
I-.-.' . :
.:irf ilia dcleiri'es there was Aniia
I. ! za-, "' Toik.i, Ivan., the state lib-
.ti . Sim liad irliAiii'ed her red wcist
(.!.,, one. i T tiern was Mrs. L. Har
iw.i f. -t Arnold, Kan., w bo wore a
.. r. ii ml a pink and white waist.
- ii Mr. C. K. Kiibe, of Osaite
: v. I n , who wore a wine-colored
.:r-- w i n a tilii k vrat arid a big bat
tn I uiili feailinis that shook as she
..ii-- jt-il whr-vfr she had tu say.
T i -i. i-i m 4S livt X. Bacon, of
A !...:!. She i the tieet looking
! .- I'. Sue worn a pink waist and
.i i-fkirt wini t paU bine polka
''' i-i: ami nerk"c. Next' to her eat
M - 1'1-i'n I.. Viiii-".!!, of Boulder, Col.,
.. .H- ,ii ihe of the "Colorado
l ,. -Mtn'ive." On the other side sat
i r.i.i-in., in h tiKwiti:bing purple
i, i ai.kc i-ht-ckHil hliirt waist and a
i -nin Sh ci.iiifa Irom Denver.
. ir .if Marv A. Wright, of Katb
t I l uh i ori a hUck Bilk vest.
J . in- i i-t n ii . I ii ilnlealeM, and
:. ...I ulit'i:i.nM of meait cali-
r.- i ni lnv it, Xot a word about
-.-i' coiiia at the Biyaoite circus.
a aoiii iii ap;war m public and
r, i i.
vi,.- li
' 'I
.1 ii
.. If i
to lie i oMi.-L'd is what the
hi' nut for that Having
"ihey are nil politicians of no
mIi'i-h'' '.hs- enter prist nit wo-
'-' n Thiers at h Bryauite conven
i i mi it h.-ive tell that a woman could
n I ri-H tnuerior to her clothe. Or,
ifiii,i. hfter all itsaid. it was the ob
eri'Air. rjortfr who was at fault, he
n.t.-iiu irdv eyes sartorial for the attract'
i ,f 1 1 'y (lelenatet.
1 b. a hreu aicertaiued by a series of
f , tuna t'al bt ihildrenare moat
Mif-i I of are tbuuiler utorms. Globe
lh :f.ri. It may Im that children of
. tun V, iki nv Mid il ' Weat Lave m great
hmio iif buoder ttorjj', but such ale
aaentary disturbances la tbe least of Ibelr
t ii here in peerless Oregon,
CIVmZ 4- W 7
r !! 1 re an me rage ior sweu summer dresses.
illK P'OtllHrUSVe have a line ir! the 'new gray lavendar
Qeneral News.
Senor SiheU, Spunisli Trem'ter, will
ask his country to make a great aacritice
to build a Dew navy.
This year thousands of immigrants
have taken up public land, or purchased
improved land in the Northwest.
P. A. Snuiiney, an ex-coufedeiate of
Macon, t'a., while tuentally deranged,
planned to kill Admiral Itewey.
Sipido, would be assassin of tbe Prince
of Waleis showed his jaiiijes at tiie Brns
eels railway btation how he made bin
Statistics of tbe criminal population of
tbe Unitel States show that only i per
cent of the total number of critninaU are
Witbin twenty yeara California has
added half a million to its population,
or fiye times as many as tbe entire pop
ulation of Arizona.
The new Spauieh protected cruiser,
Kxtremanaro, the coat of which wan de
frayed by the Spanish residents of
Mexico, was Uuuched eucceesfully at
News from Samoa says that American
influence is rapidly spreading, natives
are goine to the American island, and
tbe London mission rcbool has been
moved from German territory to Pago
Pago harbor.
Mrs. Potter Palmer will entertain dur
ing the Paris Kxposit oii, in tbe bouse of
tbe Marquis de Montgomery, near the
Trocadero, paying fir it flOJO a month
rental .
At a flower show ncently he'd in Lon
don s vine was exhibited thitwai raid
to have been grown from seed taken
from tbe tomb of an Egyptian mummy
2000 years old. Tbe vine is of a variety
much like the sweet i ea.
Martin II. Sullivan, a lumberman, of
Pensacola, Ha., has for $2,030,000 sold to
Hussel A. Alger and others '-'00,000 acres
of pitch pin timber lands iu the coun
ties of Conecuh, Monroe, Baldwin and
Escambia, in Alabama.
Some girls in an English the
other day were discussing tbe meaning of
tbe letters "ii. C. B." after Lard
Roberts' name. Our young woman
quickly settled the difficulty ry saying
that tbe initials stood for "Generally
Called 'Jlobf.' "
A dispatch from Kingston, Jamaica,
says that tbe United Fruit Company is
goiog to immediately expend over fW,
000 on hs sugar plantations in Cuba.
Tbe output, which is expected to be 1000
barrels a day, will, it is said, revolution
ize tbe sugar industry of the West In
diiss. Msnifold blessings came to Farmer
Milton Mellott near McCoonellaburg,
Pa., a couple of eights ago. His wife
presented bim witb lusty twins. In the
morning when he went to tbe barn be
found that one of bis best cows during
Ibe night bad given birth to twin calves,
and in the sbeep pea lie discovered that
a ewe bad twin laruba. A peculiarity of
tbe ocenneace is that one of each mi i
Biade op (be tkrea pairs.
111 MM
Wc pride ourselves
I ,4- I have the Largest, Cheapest and Ucst line oil
Sliirt Waists ever shown iu this city. Prices
jfrom 50 cts to $2.50.
In this department wc show a very hand
some nicrcurizcd Sateen Skirt, which cannot
,bc told from silk in
jCheaper ones but good ones at $1.25, $2.(xJ
and $2.o.
J A complete line of
Piuue Skirts in nlain
5kirtSe!vary'in in p"ce frm
I A .V
, land purple shades which arc trade winners.
J05EPH50W5. 1
These flachines
They are practical, reliable and durable machines, easily
understood and cared for. The' have many of excellence
over other machines.
The Superiority ol thi Itindra i largely due to four
b-ature of Mtrpaarinv iuiporunco.
None of these things can be found on any
other Hinder.
ljj :. .
If you want the best
Champion at
Notice For,IPubIication.
Hon-lmri; on-irnii, May II, run,
Nutlne U b r"-l K'Vi-ii thai in -' i n I i m n-."
with tho iroviaioriM ol tlie act nl ('fini;r-a of
Jinn; mpI, litTK. vntltlwl "An m l lor tliu hIii nl
tiiiiU-r luii'iH In ilieMiumili ullfornla, ( ir-xnn,
NcVtt ln anil Washington T'-rrlUiry,"
Of Alu-rili-vll. Couuty of l liuhiilla, Klnli-of Wanli.
liiKtoii, Iihh II 1 lay In thla oltici- Ii 1m iuurn
iHti-iiii'iit No. 101 7. for tliu .iin liac of the
-K1 , of a.-i-. No. In Towimlilp No. 2H aoiitli,
KullK'- No ') Vi-t. und ivii: olli.-r (rHf lo alioiv
that the Iniid nought l uio'i- vulualilo for lt
timlM-r or atone than lor iu'rli:UlinrHl purinH-a,
and to MuulUli lila i-lalm to aid IhihI fx-fom
tliu K'-Kinti-r mid Hii eivi-r of IhU ollli o a'
Uombiirt! Oregon, on .Mondar the (Vili, ta of
Awviut. VJ. Ifu nainvK an ivllncx.: William
Kulllvau of l.oa AiiK''li-, f-'u If . M. l.lnli ri.f
Ahitrdi'i-ii, eh.. 11. ,recn of lliXUlaiu, ali.,
A. E!llnfMiii of IImhIiii. ali.
Anyuudall iiltmiu i-laiDiliiK ndverwly the
ilxiMj-'Jc.rrilicd lundnara r'iic.UMl to t)l tliuir
i-lalm in thin oil; ix- on or lii'iiin- unlit litli diir
of AuKimt, I 'n.
.1. T. ItltllXIKH,
iUT Ui-ulnlcr.
Notice for Publication.
Onltud Htitcn 1. 1 ml Olllry.
Roi-aai ro, On (ion, May li. lm).
Kutli-e l licrclo glvon aimt In mmpliaoui'
with the iirovUloni of thuiu-t of Jimr of
June.'!, tuiltlo.1 "An ni t for tliu oalu o!
iliMlx-rlttii(l In Ihontatua ol ;allfornIu, Oregon,
Nivuda ami WahIiiiton 'furrllori',"
Of Went Htattlu.Oninty ol King, Klatuof U atli.,
ha thiaday liled In thiaofllce Ink aworn iiau.
iint No. Wi'J. tut tho tiurchami of Dm KKI . of
Mrtiim No. II, 111 Tow nali I ii No. M AmiU
liaiifti- No. iW., aud U1 ollur orool to alioiv
mni iu land aouu'iit la ii'O-n valiiahlo for lla
tinilH-r or stone than for airrlcul turul hunuiw.
and to I'ttaUlixb hia i.-ImIiii Ki aald (ami belnre
tbe ' IteKiali-r and HeuiUer of thla niNi-
at Row burn, Oron. on Naturday iho
llth day of Anr, Ho namoa aa wilnumc-a:
J. Carlun of Weat Hi.-uttli-, Va.b. a. 11. Ander
aon of Weal rX-atllf. U aah., B. a. Hon mm of Edi
tion, H aa.1 , J. Gardlnur ol Katbuix, Oregon.
Any and all tier aon a clalmlnir (hu
above-doaorlbi d laoda an rcuuoatad to Ulo
thiilr claims lo Uila ofliee en or before aald II
i. T. litflMKU.
on the fact that"' wd
all colors at $VS-
Covert, Ducks, White
and annlintud do.mVim
5c to $2.25.
M .
are adapted to cope with all
conditions of irrain and irrass.
always the Cheapest jct
Knockout Drops
" I am, a saloon-keeper, uml n.n il to ihink
tliut ruck ami rye, or u dinkey uml qiiinino
were prnM-r rem- j,
viiH-a iur viiiiKiin i
uml i-iilils. MitH
of my ucqiliiillt
miu's wi-rcof the A
mime opinion. -. r7
.Niiw 1 know i'!
ii ihiniHunii tiiucs - "
la-iter. It in Acker's
K n k 1 1 l Ui-iiii'dy lor
C'oiiuliH uml Ciilils. A
(.mm I vliiluiiKH I lirfiin ' -
toi-oiiKli uml IoiiiiJ nut -r '
I ) t iiat rm k uml rye
wtin niitiiNxl. I irot wni'u '
uml I wns In -giiiniiiK ti. tliink thnt the troti
lilir winilil run ii'tn cotiuinption. I iliiln't
lake liny Mm k In piili-nt im-illrim s, hut
hhiicIkiw or other I trlnl Acki-r'a j:nlih
Itciiicdy. One hot tic iliil tho liiniiii-.s r,,r
tin klKK-ked tlmt -ollli tint roin.(.i y
uml it bus never eninu huck nifuin. Tin-re i
never a (liiy puHKi K Unit I don't i-ty u imkI
wnnl about thla wnmlerl'ul iiiedieine. 1 ul.
inoKtforKot to nuy tlmt 1 urn ttlruiiiriT und
(techier now, since tuking tliu remedy, tlnill
I wan lefore the couif li befjuii. J write ibU
letter voluntarily und thei'ilully uml uiu
Klud to do It." (Signed) I.'iirih. IIi mui.k,
KaliKJil-kecper, Pocutello, Jduho.
Hold at23c..fi0c. and 1 abottlo, throughout
tho United Statea und Canudu; and in Kiik
luud, at Is. 2d.. 2m. Ud., in. (Id. If you uruuot
nutUfled after buying, return the bottle tq
yoor druggbit, aud get your money buck.
11 authorize tin above guarantee.
W. B. UOOKtJt 4i IV., ttvfrtamt, jfeja l'v.
For sale by M. F. Rapp,
It. W1LLI0,
v t
Attorney and Counselor at Lav
Will praetle la all tha aoarti of tha fHata. '.
Im la Maratara UatldtUK, Doaf las auaaty, (it.
It noma t ami 1
Ituvluw Hulldlinr.
Attorney at Law,
Oftlee In Court llouae C-
With Dint. Ally. KUHKIIURd, URJuidN O
Cmih l It. i
lloivii Mulri.
KOHEBl RfJ. (in
Will pmctlii- in Mil tin- Mtntu ulij K-ili;il ( unrl.ii
Omci III Mail' lllil., Kunoliunr. Orcji.i.. W
ATTO Fl X K Y - A T-I, A W ,
Uoanntii'i, Om i,is,
Hoora '! A 4, Taylor ilson 111cm k.
Atturiicy and Couin-i-llnr ut l.u.
-Mining Law and Water Itightu mnde
a specialty.
lnU f Blil. ROMKIIL KCJ.UItKoliN
jhx ii. snrri',
lIOHtlll i, OlItLOX.
IIiiIiic ln-tur.1 I'.M. .ii, oili.;i,j p,i,. ,
tuiMiicui nMH'lulty.
Officii .ilimlimn ItiiililliK.
Attorney at Law,
oomn I & . M.r.Um Bids., KOHRBURO, OR
Lata Kecelver V. 8. Laud 0c.
JA. I'.l CIIANAN, Notary Poblh.
Collections a Specialty.
Koniii ;i
Marvtera lliilldinif. liOnKHfRt., OH
i r:Ti si.
tilth iii Jll.ruli.iti4 1.1 . t
mi ,.,.r i-..,i..m..- Koscburg, Or
Koview BuKdlnit,
IlcjriDUe No. 4. kOSEUt KU, OKL'.ON
E. M. CI I HA DM-;.
IIK OH UK Ill-VI'tl KIUi:i. U V "
Olti. e
Ill lli I.Ktle Jlilik ii.(Mta Hlcn:i:u
ItOrfKltl ISO, OKKi dN-
QU.iiKO. K. IIOt'CK,
IMiystian & Surgeon.
Oficc HiMit OHIphki, ItOHEKUKii
I', Main r.l OHKOON
. I UYSIC1AN ASI) srilttF.UN.
rtscial aiteiiilou alvi.n to liuaava vl IU- No
and Throat.
OthYe-Malu ht., one iliwr .nil. of l llvilr
I'Iioiip, Main .Al,
Notice For Publication.
i kiiiii mm. I tMj orrn r,
Ito'Uburi;, On-iron, Ma) II, I u.'.
N nl ii" la hereby (iveli that la eiiiii.lliili'
wltll the i.nivlalona of the art ol ('niiKe )
Jut-e .Inl, IhTH, i-tittiteil "All aet for Hie aale "I
tiinber lamia In th Hint.-, of (.'nlilornla. Ok
kou, Nevada ami a.hiiminn TerriUiry,'
I. II II A 11 1 III! t.V. N
Of IIihuihiii, Coin. ly ol I'lii'halla.tli.ite ol W av'i ,
baa llila day liled In Ihla ollieu Ilia aniirn UI
nieiit No. lul , for tb.. punhiika ol I lie S 'V
of H.-.IIMM No .-j, iounalilp No.
iv.iilh. KmiifB No. -i Weat, and will oiler ptoui ; i
ahow that the l.iii.l aoiiKht la more valuable !i
Ita iimlM-r or atona than lor uitrlcnliiinil pur
itfttea, and lo eliil.llli hiaelaiui to.nid lan l
lore Ihe Iteitialer and Ki-celver of thla oftlre al
KiHu-buru-, (IreKi.n, oh J ueaday lliu .'lib day l
July, 1'Jtin. He liamea aa wllm aaea: Ii H nl" I,
All rt M. Dal. I, I'. K. Mttu r, Amuinl! 1 111".
oii;ull el !ltciilani, Wah.
Any and all peraoiia elaliulug Hdn-r.ely tlie
alMiyod.-aerllaMl lamia are re.ii.-aled to Ilie their
cilalina iu tbia oflleti on or Im loru aald '.''III
ol July, l'o.
J. T. BHIIitil -.
tu 17 1 K.Ki.l.i.
Notice for Publication.
I'NIIKU MTATKa 1.4NO Orril't.
IIOM-burx. OriKuu, May 11, 1:kW.
N ol lea U hereby kIm-ii that In eoiiiplmU'V
with tliu i.rovlalnua ol the act of CuUKIvmi o
Jiiiiu ii, IS, , entitled "All mil fur tliu ml" ol
timber lunda In ibu Klatva of California, Oii'Keu,
Netaduand WaaliliiKtoii rrllnry:"
, , I'KICCV M. I.ITTl.l:lt
of Aberdeen, Conoty ol l'behalli,"llUi of Wa-h-linttoii,
baa tbia day tiled In llilaottlre lilaaivmi.
ataiuiiient No. Inlh, lor tliu pundiaan ol (I
HK',of Nmi No. .', In Townahlu No. 'i ."una
itaiiKo No. W , uud will oiler proof lo ahom
that Ihulaud aoiighl la tooru valuable for I's
Umber or atone than for aKrluulturul purl"""'1,
audio eatasllah hla claim to aald laud LrU'i"
tbe Reidater and Heenivuruf tbUo"float lioi -biiig.OreKun,
on Monday, Ibe Utb day of AiuiiuI.
l'JJ. Iluuaniea aa niineaaet: W. HullUau i
Ijm inifiiln. .'kII I. if. .... .'i.
Wanh.i ILOrei-uolHoquiaui, Vf aata!, A. .lltu' I
Miu of Hoiulaui, Maah. ' -M
Auyaud all peraoua clalmlug adveiaely Ui f, V
above dranrlbod lauda ate reuoaUal Ul OU) tb'MV '
luatuia iinuia ouiee ou ut be lor aava iiui iuy '"
J. T.