NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United f tatos Uwl OiViee. KirrRn, Un'trnu, April 4, lisA". Notice is hereby given that iu compliance with thoyrovisions id the net of Congress of Jun l", entitled. "An m l tor the sato id tii.itM.-r Ibii.Ii in the States ol californie, Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory, ' JAMES II. Fl U Klf. t Aberdeen. County 01 Chclialia, State ol " ah inclon I, as thin dav Pled in this ellk'o hlssuorn statement No. '.U, I t tlio purtliuu o( tko S', MV i ami lots n aud ' ( .-oi lion N". 4. in Town ship no. -.".is. Ranio No : , iin.l mil oiler proof to flu iv that tV.o laud miuc'hI Ii- niorv valu i' Wo tor it t'inlcr or Mono than tor agricultural Vurnoie-. nnd t-s etablili his claim to said land befeie the KcsUter mid Hevelvi-r of this nT io at l;o.'-burv, or.igou on Friday the 1" day 'f .1-ino, 1AI0. He names us witnesses, Ceorge b. Hopkins, i M. Littler, li. Karslitict, J. R.kiirsh jier, ali of .hcnlccu. W"ali. Any and all per sons claiming adversely the nlmvo-ilcavribcd lands are tvir,'etcd to hie their claims in this nice on or before said 1MU day of June. 19nJ. J. T. BKlDeiKS, aop - Regialcr. Notice For Publication. fnited Slates Land Cilice. KosCBI'ro. ororon. Match 10. 1PO0. Notice is hereby given that in couipliatre vav.h the vrovisloim ot the net of emigres ot .lute . 1ST, entitled 'An net tor the sale ol timber. land." in the State!" of California, Oregon, 2cad und Washington territory, ML AS II. II ANN A ' Of Ashland. County of Ashland. Stale ot Wis. censin, lia this dav tiled in this otliee his morn statement No. St'.', for tho purchase of ttveNE!4 cfisection No. ;.'l. iu Township No. -t H. Ramie Vo. 1 will proof to show that the land sought is more valuable ior its timber or stone than for utrr-.cultural ruroosea. and to es tablish his claim to said laud before the Regis- ler and Receiver of this eft ec at Koaebunj, Ore uon, on Tuesday, the .'.'lid day of May, l'.W Ho names ns wit:nses: L. '. TVWoU. of Wood 1. ,-,t Vjli.-itwrin -Ifim-s M.-l'iilK- lioi-uire II. McCloud, Daniel l. Kennedy, alf of Ashland, Viconjin. Any anil nil persons c'.aiwing adversely the fitwve-deserlbed lauds are leoucslcd to tile their sims fnthis otliceou or belore suid i!nd day of sv, !9oo. J. T. EEltxiia, KeKtster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Vnltod Plates l.anrtOfllcc. Roskhi-rii, Or., February St, i90l. Notice l hereby given that iu romplianra with the provisions of the act of Coimtoa ot June u, Ists, entitled ' An act for tho ale of timber lands in the Plate of California, Ore con, Nevada and Washington letTlloty," CHARLES A MhTlJN Of Marshfield, Comity ot Cooa, Stale ot Oregon, has thia ilay filial in this otliee his aworn state mem No. N"i. for the pnrehasoof the HW Ji of Sec. No. Sh, lu Tp. No. , K. No. 10 W, and will oiler proof to show that tho land smmht ii more valuable for ill timler or atone than for agricultural tinrmrs, and tniatabllsh hi- claim o said laud N-foro the Krghtcr and ltvei'irer of this olUce at Knseburit, Or., on Tuesday, the noth day of May, liMm. 1 1 o names as witnesses: ill I am W leiin. Frank Roeers, J. Yoakain, K. Weiiien. all ot Marshitcld, (innoii. any ami all persons cUlinlna ader'Oly the alaive lecribel land aro reiiuesttHl to tile their rialnis In this otllce on or before stu Iftitb dav ot Mav, 10 I. T. BK1DHF.S, p KcRlkter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. TJulted Mates Land (mre. Roseburs;. Oregon. March , l'.W. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of tho act of tNniKresa of Junes, is. S, entitled "An act for the sa'o of timber lands In tho Hates of I'alllornla, OrvKuil, Nevada and Washington Territory," t HAHLK.H THOM (f Cliveland t'otinty cf Douulas. Mate of Oiv iron, has this day tiled lu this offiee hi kwotn latemeiit No. iH.i. lor the purchase ot the W ' N H f.4 of Hcellon No,N, in Township No. '7 , Itanije No. W esi, nmf w ill oiler piwit In show that tho land soiiitht is more valuable for li umiHr or stone than lor arlmiltural purposes. and to establish his claim to said land bet re mo Kcmstrr ar.a Hi-eelverof tills IlUe at Hose hnrv, on-itou, on Thursday the 7th day June, ' no naiiu-s as .viineMas' Miwarit on I W, Carl llcrker, John liei ker, and Frank S.l?:ri:iiii of Cleveland, On con. A i . all persons claiming adversely he above-. .!( ilbod lauds are re iuelrd to tllo'thcir laniis in mis inure ou or ii'loro saia Tin uny of 4 U 111.-, J. T. bi.idui-h, Iteglslcr, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'nited Mate-s Land Office. Kosmi lii.Uti-wn. March 10. l'.W. lintiee is hereby irtven that in compliaurc the provisions of the act of Conree of vJ.:.e :j. 1TS, entitkd "An act for the sale of jii.!br lands in the tatc ot Cnl'iori)ia,t)ngou. Nciu la ai d W ahsi'gton Territory," JAilEo MclTLLY, Of Ahia:i-1, County of AshUud, sice of Wis vain, I. as (lis day ii'.eJ i:i this orht.e Ms sworn Ta.antu! N-i. o, i.r th'.- p.irchac of the NV , o:i-c';..u No. .l.iu Trwu-iiip Xj. '--t f, liange No. 9 V'.. E.i wil! :l'er pn-ot t ithow iliAlthe iAUi i;ni i mo--.' a .i' . in lil'j f r i:s timber or :ir ruan :or ncr-.cuit'i-ul pi;rpoi and tocs- iabi.- r- r i . ..uia to ! lee a:; 1 Receiver of :i Sou. i-'3 Tue'da..-, the rtii:e iu w.tatssos: ak'ai:;Rteu. U-'onro i r..i, Taniv! i. ivtir... . Any aal i.'. f.brivc-d. crib .heirelaii.:.- ! .i.-vy I Mny, 1. thiioiliee id I.mi 1 U oro the lo-Kis ii'l'.-c at K bur. Ore id ilfv (' M:-v. 1 i. lie '. 1'. 'A oil, of Voodh.rid. Mi 1 '"'Hi sil'.at II. Mall- i.iuiciin aiiwrH-ly the are p. ',!ies.ied to Notice for Publication, rsiTitn Pt.ites Laud ornra, Koscburjr, Oreaon. Feb. 21, l.l. Notice i hendiy given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress o( June It, 7 entitled "An act for tho sale of t mi tier land In the states ot California, Oregon, FRANK K. KOUKKS Of aturshlleld, County ot Cooa, Ktalo of Oreson, has this day filed In this otliee his sworn state incut No, Sftfl, for the purcnaseof theNW4 of (See No.'Jb In Tp Kl 6 1 K No. 10 W, and will oiler prooi to anew mat uic la mi aoiiRlit la moro valuable for its Umber or atone than for agrl cultmal puqioses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Keeelverof this otliee at Host' burg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 30th day of Hay, 1VO0. He names ns wttliessea Charles A. Met. in, F. Halsey K. Weedeu, Wil Ham W renn, all of Marahlleld, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely tlio aliove desenbed lands are reiiuested to tile their claims in ims on ice on or oeiore sal a Ann aay oi May, 1. T. BRIIXiKN, P Kegistcr. ii or l el J. T. said J.'iid Ke-Tiste Notice for Publication. t'nitol S-tates ljind Offiee, KosEiit'Rii, On jon. April 4, i;.0. Ni.tio is hereby given tiiat in compliance villi th-1 provisions cf the act of Coi;gr-s of Jj:ii':, l7. on tit:- J u:i s.ei for the ia!e of lirnty riut. i- in the States ni California. Oregon, Nevada a:id'Wsiii:!gton Terr.torv, GEOKtiK B. HOI'KINS of Ab-'fieeii, Couutv oi Chehalis, rotate of Wash ington, has this day tiled in this olliee his sworn . tab. meat No uj.', fur the purchase ol the NE'4 and lvts 1 ami 2 of 8ec -1. ia lpNo -.-'J K No ! W. and v. ;U oiler pr-xdtofhoiv I hat the laud tc'Jght is trioro vuliiabiu ior its timber or stniw t!:uu for ayrii uil.iral purpose, and toes ldbli!i his c'.ainj to saidltud before the liegis ttf an-1 Keeoivcrol this ettice at Kosebun;, ore con on Friday, the Jith day of June, I'M). Jfe name n Mitacsses: Jamei It. Fullk, ii. Karshner. V. M. Lituer, J. B. Kar.shner, allot Aberdeen, CaehaUi county, Wtsb. Any and all persons ciiirr.iing a lvenley the above described Tp-r-ds arc-r'iuc iu--l to tile their claims in thia i o""je ou or before faid l ith dav of June, 1'. J.'T. UEllKiK.S, A'd' Register. Natice for Publication. I'MTtD J-TATES LAND Ql VV , Rosebrur.', orcgou. Aorri 2", VX0. Non;e i hereby given that lu compliance ":n ujo provisronso; lae act oi lomrres ot rrne ,;, i-,, eiitiuei An act tor the ea.e o tlm "t-ki.ids in tho Dtates of California, Or-otl Neva it aud Wa-hlngton Territory:" KLlZAKhlU W. A1MM3 e( Minr.eapoli, County of Ileiinepin, Stato of 1 . U, lai this day filed iu this office her torn statement No. -'oj.j'or the purcbaseof the t-Joi scctif.n No. .'I, in Township No. Si 6, Kani-e No. i, V., and will viler proof to chow ir.n'. the land s i'iirht i more valuable for ita timb r or s'one tiiau for agricultural purjoses, aad toe;biih ber claim to suid land beforcthe K'-Rlstcr at. 1 f.ce. Kt ol this otliee at Rose burg, Or---Son,on r-a-r.rduy, the i'ist day of Juii, 1'..00. ne naatt a v. linev.-s: Kdv.ard D. bout'luuayd oi r.ayi!-li!. Wj-coasin; F. V. Ji-wettof Mlntie ari!is Mi:;iies-'ia: .Mrs. A. K. West of Miune sjv.:i., JI;nii';.-ot,i- Frank Marios of Oakland. Jk 'foil Any and nil tvi&oih i Uiming adversely the saove-dest ribc d lands are reijuu.ted to tile their !ainis in this oliiee ou or before said 2lt day of Ju'y. IXsi. J. T. Bllllx.K, a.'P iicgl-ter. Notice for Publication. Ckited Stai ks Land Oi fu g, Kosehurg, On-gon, April. 4. 1000. Notice is hervbr Btveu that in i-omtiliatice w ith the provision of the act of Conares ol June S, 17, entitled "An act for the sale of tirulxr lands in the States of California, On-gon, Nevada and W a-bituiton Territory." l.LKUAKDK. KAKnHNEK of Aberdeen, County ol rhehalls, Mate of Wash ington, has this day tiled in this oftice his sworn statement No '.'1G, for the ptmhsseof the-i-Vt'i ofts-.-cNo 4, inTp NoLNbHange NoSW, and will otler pnwl to (how that the land soimht is more valutible for its thither orstone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to s.ioi i Mill ix-iore the c-g'.ster ami Keo-iver o' thlsortiee at Ko-ebtir-', Oreiron.ou Friday, the lotlidavcf June. l'.-O ', He names as witnesses: James U. Fuller. J. Ii. Karhner i .M. I.dth r. (ieoiyc It.-Hopkins all of Aberdeen, Chi hsli.-. County, w asluiK-toU. Any and a!! persons riaimltiB adversely the atiove deM-rilxd lands on or before said 1Mb dav ol June, psjo. J. i. ItUItXIFs. l-a Kcgistcr. Notice For Publication. I'nited States Ind Offl.-v. RoMW-Rii, Oreion, Mareh 13, 'A7. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ot the act of Congie-a ol JuueS, Vt'h. entitled "An act for the sa'o of timber lands in the Htates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washinst'on Terrltorv.'' JAM KM ALIiaKT MT KM. ME KM AN, Of MarshHeld, County of Cooa, (State of on uon, ubb mis uay uieu in tnts omce his sworn state- of IhcHhfi Nr'i, N"'4 .'; Sec. rn No. It U ntnl w ill ofter nroof to show that the land sooeht Is more valuable for its timber or atom- than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before tho Kegister and Ito ceiver of this office at Kosehurg, Oregon, on Monday the iilst day of May, PAsl. He names as witnesses: W 1111am Turpen. of Empire, Oregon, Charles K. Kdnarda, of Empire, Oregon, Ed ward E. If Inekley, of Marhlicld, Oregon, Jen 1 1 arisen , oi aiarsnnein Oregon. Any and all persons elaiminir adeerselv 1he alHiM-described lands lire roour-sted In flli their claims iu ihis office on or lx-fore laid il dav of siay, i'As. J. T. BKriX.ES. Kcgialer. NOTICU I OR PUBLICATION. fnited States Land Oillce, ItosKm bi, Oregon, March, 10, llssi Notice Is In rebj given that lu cempilatice with the provisions of tne act ot Congress of Juno a, ls7t. entitled 'An act for tho sale of timber lands In the states ol California, Oregon, Nevada and W ashington Territory," NEVILLE 1'. MOW ATT. Pi Ashland, Couii'y of Ashland, Stato of W Is couln. has this day filed iu this office his sworu statement No. Mi, lor the purchase of the N K' : of (vet ion No. It. In Townshlii No U M, KatiKO No. 2 W, ami vl'l oiler pMOt to show that in e Intel soi.Kht Is more valuable foe ita timber or live than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to said land belore the Keglster and Kecetver ol this otliee at Kmeburg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the ii-.'nd day of May. lisi. He names aa witnesses: L. u. DcWolf, d Woial laud, Washington, James C. Tttruey, ot I'ort land, Oregon, James McCnlly, 1aulel 1). Ken nedy, ol Ashiaud, W isciosin. Auy and all persons claiming adversely the abovo-deseribed lauds aro n-onesteil to nin ihi.ii- in thisofllceon or before said -jind day of May, r.W. ' J. T. Br limits, KeKlster. Notice for Publication. I'MTkDSiATis Land Omen, Itosebura, Oregon, Mar 11, l'AO. Notlco la hereby given that In compliance Mlih the l. revisions ol the act ot Congress ot June A, isU, entitled oAi act for tha sale ol lim ber lands lu the Htatea of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory;" CIIAKI.E-t HOLM ol Siaith 1'ark, County of King, Stale ot Wash., has this dajr fllel in this oflb e his sworn stale ment No. hi. lor ilm purchase ol the HE' ol Sis tlon No. 13, In Township No. in H, Hange No. f W ., and will oiler mim to show that the land sought Is moie valuable for lis tliiilx r or stone than for agricultural iiirKes, and In establish Ida claim to said laud before tha Kevlsler ami Receiver of this ultico al Uoselnirv. Oregon, on Monday, I he nth day of Anuust, Il iiums aa witnesses: Alex Krli kson of r-eiiltln, Wash ington; V. F.rh kwn ot Hiatllc, VVabinlon; tiianl Taylor ol Oakland, Oregon ; J. (.mdiuer of Kosehurg, Oregon. An and all H'isons claiming adversely the nlHivo-descrllK'.l lands are lenuestisl to tile Ihell cla ins in this olliee on or before snld idU day cl August, IAS). J 'J. II HUH. KH, niUp Kiglsler. -Notice for Publication. United Statm Land orrirg, Kosehurg, Oiegon. May 2 I XKi. NotICO is llerebV L-ivi n that lu -imi.llne w ith the provisions of the act of Con trresa of June 3, lsT entitled "An act for the sale of Umber land In the stall California, Oregon, Nuvadn, and Wio-hlnu'lon Territioy," I'FiDKK K. S AT it K it Of lltHjitlniii. County of I hehaiis, pilule ol Wash ington, hn this da Hied in this oilice his sworn Utemcut, No, f.;, fur the puichase of the northeast uuarttr of Seetiiei N,i. u. in 'in. ship No. south, Jtang No. tf West, and will oiler pi.a.t to show- that.thc haul sou u hi is luoro valuable lor it tiinlK-ror stone than forauri eullural i-urno-. s. i n,l to establish h! c !l, m saidlu'.d ta-lon the Kegl-terand K'.elverof this i.icc in Ki oiiri;, on non,ou Iluilsv, thelth day of July. !.. (- n.aces ai whikm-s-I). SjoNel A. M. Ilnl:'. F. Sjul-set, O. .-'..Isi-t. ali of UiMiiiam, Washtu;to:i i Ai.) and ail i-ersout, i-lalming adversi ly the aove-tlesi rilied lauds are retiuoted to tilo Ihelr I riaims in tnisotuce on or before faid 'Jtlli dav of Notice for Publication. I'MTKI) KTATKH LAND OFFICK, Kosaui ku. Ore., May ll.t'oO. Notice is hereby given that lu comiillanee with tho pttivisiona ol the act ol CoiiKressof Junes, m,n, cntlUca "Ali net for the sale ol limner lamts in the States of California, Pre gun, Nevada and Washlnutoti Territory," ALEX I KK KHUN pi Seattle, County of KIum. Mtalo ot Washiliglon, uas mis uay men in mis otitee nis sworu state 11'Cllt No. HUH. for the lillrehaso ol IneS. W. of Seeibm No. p.'.lii Township No. VV 8 Itangu no. an . ami wilt otter priail to show Ihnt the land nought Is luoro valuablo tor ita timber or stone than lor aitrlculliiriil ptirosea, audioes tablish hla claim to said land belore the Regis leratid Ktvidverof this olliee at Koaebiiru. ore- gon, on Monday the Lib day ot Auaust. !') ne name aa wuuessea: i.-iinrlea Holm, ol South Fark, Washington: V. Krlekoti ol Heattie ll.k l ltln,i'ilM,,l '1.1... .( fl.LI...) . , n ., u . n . . a N't,,l v, 'Itaiailll. 'l VHl.ll , Her of Kosehlirtr. ttn-siui. Aliv ainl all persona claiming adversely the alKive described lands ure reuisitnd to Me their Claims lu this office ou or before said lith day ot August, I '."Hi. nip j. T. uniiHiF.s, Kenlster. Notice for Publication. vunKO States land offick v., i ""l" ".r, April 11. nk. Notice is hereby given that In compllani o with the prnvlslotis of the act of ',,i,... .., JiinoH. IS,;eiillll,Hl "An aet lor the sale of tlmla-r lands In the Mains ol Ciillloriiln, OreK'on Nevada and Washington Territory." . Hih, Kit MeN fil I.I. Ot Aperdecn, County of Chehalis, Mlalo of Wash lligtou, has I Ids dav tiled In this olheo Ins sworn slaUmienl No. flo, for tho nurehaso ol Ilia Ni S',,o( Si-ellmi No. , III Tow nshlp No. flfi' Hange No. v W ., and lll oiler proof to show llmt the land aniiuhl Is mon valuable for Its Umber or stone than for agricultural purpose and to establish his claim to said land belore.' the Keglslor and Iteeelver ot this ollleo (lt Wose. burg, Oreuoii, on Weiinesdav tho 'Juih day of lime, PS ii. to names as wlluesaes- Angus Campbell, ot Moniessno, Wash,. Charles U-avltl ot Montesniio Wah tl. L. lliillil. ol liosehiiK Oregon, W.Thotnon, ol Camas Valley Orm'oi Any nuil nil peri-nns vlsliiilng adversely 'll,4 b'sim -M-nuco lauiiB are n-ijiHien to mo llieir claims In this otliee ou or belore said jntli day of June, lino. ("d J. T. nmiMMCH, I'.eglsier. July, l'.W J. T. BUI DOES, kegister. ubb mis uay uieu in ints omce hli ment No. Mol, lor the purchase of NK't' St;-; eec 1, SW.' ; Ntt i.j, NV 14, In Tow nship No. 218., Ka"ge 1 . Notice for Publication. I'MTED STATE, Laud OFrtce, koaebure. Oregon, April a, l'joo. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act ol Congresa ol uuc... cumieu "ao aei ior me sale of imwT lanus in ineetaiesoi i.auiornia, Oregon, Nevada, an i Washington Territory," KiMVARO I. SOOTiniAYfJ Of Bayfield, County of Bayfield, State of Wis consin, bas this day filed in this oilice his sworn statement No. :i?v, for ths purchase of the north eat quarter, of section No. ;X, in l ownshinNo. 24 South, kanite No. i! West, and will oiler proof to show tbm the land sought is more valuable ioriistiniberonione than for eirnculturBlpur )sw:s. and to establish biselaiui to said land wrfore the F.ijrister and Keueiverof thia olliee at, R-js.'burg,(irg()ii,on fjaturday, the 21stday ol July, Uf. lie iihiuea as witnesse-t F. W. Jev,-tt ot Minneapolis, Minue-iota; F. Van Dur on of ainiitapolir', Miniieaotai ilra. A. K. West, si kiiuneupoiis, Minnesota; Frank Mm Ion of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Any ami all jieraoua claiming adversely the above-dercribed lauds are requested to file their iifclms in this oilice on or before said ilst day of Jtrfy, 1000. J. T. B EI DUES. keglster. Notice for Publication. United btatca 1-and Office, Uor-KHvm, Oregon. March, 13. PjOO. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the aet oi tXmgress of iuv0, .a, viifueii - Aunifi ioi inn sate Ol timber lands In the Slates ot I alifurnla, Oregon, i,i.,su hiiu . in iiv; ion lem'or,, WILLIAM Tl'Kl'EN, OI Kmpire, County of Cons, state ol Oregon Las this dav filed in this In. ment No. Ml, for the purchase of the S1' ss.'i Sec 1L K ht.'i ol Section No. ifii in Township No. t!J B., KaiiK-i No. 11 W., and will offer proof to show ti!Bt the land sought la more valuable ior its umoer or atone than lor agricultural purpose, and to establish bis claim to said land la-fore the Register and Receiver ol this oinceai Koscutirg oreeou. on Monday the 21st uay oi aiay, ivon, names aa wiincsses Albert btemmennan. Charles E. I .luanl. i.,i ward E. Hinckley, Jens ifanseu all of Marsh field, Oregon. Any and all nersous clainiina- iilvsruli th aUve-des'ri bed. lands are e.oienLe,! in ili fh,.i iiajms m ims omce on or txtore said 21st day oi J. T. BRIDBES, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, RobKbukg, Oregon, May 4. 1X0. Notlco Is hereby given that the following m;i,h. u uivu UUllCC I'l U1S IllienilOU tjiB&4e final proof in lupport of hla elalm, and that said proof will be made, before the -egisler v, i-ci,,.-r iuitvu oiairs, tana omce, at ju-h vuqj rfune ii, i'jw. vu: CHARLES BANMCU nil If. E. No. 7773, HWU KPi VWi . . w " -i -b ww. o name the loLi.iwlug wilneaaea to prove hla eontinuoiu teafdi me upon and cultivation of said laiid via 1 Atterbury, of Oak Cnk, O egon; t. Alter' r ry, ol Oak Crtok, Oregon; T. Dav, of Oak rk, Oregon; Uoorge bhrum, of Glide, Oregon. i T, Baiuoaai, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Iud Office. RoHiBi iwi, Oregon, March 6, I'JOO. Notice ii hereby gfven that in compliance with the provisions of the act ol Congress of Junes, l8, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the HtaU-e ol California, On-gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory. t ANDREW I. DA.NHON. Of Ashlaftd, Coonty of Ashland, State of V (aeon sin, has this day filed in this oftice his aworn statement No. te7, for the purchase of the HEUot beetlon No. 1, In 'iowushlp No 'M, S., Range No.i; W.and will oflcr proof to show that the laud so-JKlit Is more valuable for its tlii-.r,. u'"-than for agrlcuHiirul purposes, and toes- '""i "is ciaim 10 sum lanil twiore the Regia ler and Receiver of this office at Koseburir. o. gon, ou Saturday, tbe Vind day ol June, P.s0 lie names as witnesses: J. C. 'f urucy, L. O. De wolf, of Portland, Oregon, L. Ferdue, and Ed ward Rone, ol Oakland, Oregon. Any and all w rsons idainilrii silvar.iv t... alwve-deacribcd lauds are requested t (He their claims in this office on or before said 2nd uay oi rfUDU, ijuu. J. T. BkinoKH, Register. Notice for Publication. l .MTEB States Lamp Oi rn k, Roas burg. Oregon, April V), ISC'. Notice is here'iy m.-eu that in .ompllauce with the provisions ot the act of Cortgicss ot Juno ;;. l-r. entitled '-An act lor the sale of tlm her lands In tbe States ot California, Oreirou Neiada and Washington Territory:' Ot'Sl AVt'S I'. CI.KK1.V of Aberdeen. Cuuulv of I fleimlis. Stato of ' h ington, has this day lilel in ihis office his swot u siatemeiil No. tf:i, fur the pun-base of tho SW ' ; of Section No. 2o, in 'Iowushlp No. a South Kaiigo Ku, !i West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for lis timber or stone thati for agrlaultural pur poses and to establish blscialm to said knd be I re the Register and feeeiver of this ofln-e al Kosebilre. Oregon, on Tnesdnv. the "iih ,lv , July, lie names as witr,ves: J, II. Fuller, ot Aberdeen, Washington: W. IS. Thoninsoti ..I t.uiuas i s.icj, wregon: josepu I no pson, of Camas Vullev, Oregon; Frauk Sullivan, ol lxn Aiigeies, l aiitorniu. Any and all persona claiming adverse-.- the above-descibed landi are re'itiested to Ble' their calms in ihis oftice on or before said Villi Uay Ol July, 1M). J. T. BRIDOE-i. (m-P) KcgUrfr. NOTICE. UsiTrn States Lami orrti . Roseburv. Oregon, May i, 1'juO. to wnom it may concern: Notic e i hereby given that the Oregon ACal Morula Railroad Company has flltd iu Ihis olliee a list ol lands situated in the townshlu !. ser'la d below, and has applied for a patent lor pant iauu, loai tne :isi i of-en 10 ine puMP- for insfM-etlon and a copy thereof by descriptive in,- imoiih, aim nan i-eeil liosiou in a Colivell-ll-et plaire In this, for the inspection of all persons interested and to the public generally, houlh ol base line end West of W i.lametie Me- ssoian t. 'i. ii. r. NE'iSW;ib. c. a. T.;u, it. b. N'iNEr. tg.Sec. 27. T. 40. H. 3. vV. SE'i Nt' i BEJi. 6i Z'i St.'l aE'l. Sec. 9. d: SW i fcW'i N'l;. ft,e. vs. Within the next 60 davs fn'lnulnr lhniliilAl iuib uouee, yruiesisortoutesis aL'ainst ine rum of the company to any tract or subdivision witnin any section or oart of section. il,.w tU,l in the list, on the ground that the same la more valuable for mltical than for agr ici.ltural pur- ooM-s. win De rceeiTi-a and notid ii.imi.ri the Ot neral Land Office at Washlngion I). C. . J. '1. BRIOOEl", J. H. BfOTH, BeglsUr Keeeiver. mil) Notice For Publication. Oxirr.n Suik.s LiMiOrrng. i lli.isi'biii, On-tton, May I'.sjO. Nollce In hereby gheu that la oouipllaiice with the prov islous ol Die ai l ol Centre. of Juneo, ls; emltl( d "An act lor the sale of tim ber lands In the States ol California, Oiegon, Nevada, and M hnii-tu lerrltorv," IMNIK1. sJOIET ' Oi lbs ill lam, County ol hehnlis. Slate of uah liigt .n. has this ilay IiIkI lu this oflim his swum statement No. for he purehasn of the NVt', ol fvt lloli No, It! loiMiihlu No L soiilh. Range No. 'J West, and will otb r proof 13 show tlnii the lui.d sought i 1'ioie valuable lor Its tli il'i r or -lo'ie Ihau tor ngriciiliural purpou , and to slnl,li!i hl elalm to said land ls-lore tbe Ui glsii r ami ICi-eeiver ul this otliee at ltoe hi ri;, Oregon, on Tuet-day the L'l d "I Julv, lie. He I, sines as witm cs: A.M. Labi, E Sjol-et. ;. njolset, I'cdir K .-.iCu r, all ol IIo 1'iiani, ii iMiiu;.loil. Any and all persons claiming udvcr-i iv the auive (leserlix d lands are rnUeied to Hie then claims In this cUlce on or Lciorc-aid '.'I ilav ol juiv, r.s. J. T. IialDliES, fm"pi kenlster. Notice for Publication. . ' United Slates Laud Oftlrc. Roieburv, Oregon, April U, J'.ion. Notice Is hereby given that iu enu.plianee with the provisions of tho act of Congresa of June J, 117s, enlllled "Au act (or the salaol tlm. bar hinds In the Slates ot California Oregon, Nevada and tt ashlngion Territory," KltlK A. MAIi-HOV. 0( Seattle, County ol K lug, statu ol Washliutton has this Uay lllel In this ollleo his sworn slate ment No. ', lor the pun lia-e ol the NW'i ol s-otlon No. H, in Tun nshlit No. Ui H.. kanuu K.. 'J r , and will oiler priaif to show that tho laml sought la more valualilu lor Its llmta r or stone than for agricultural purHiaes, and to c. tablish hi elalm lo said laud belore the Register and Receiver ol this oflieo al Roseburu. oh Monday the 'ill It day of June, names as wtiiesi-s Magnus I'. Lindoulst, ol Sealtle, Washington, o. It. Ltuidgreli Kdd Holing, M. Feter-oii. ol West rk attlo. Washing ton. Any and all persons claiming advi-m-Fy the amive described lands ale reiiiesteil to (tie their rlslms lu llil" oilier ou or In lnn ..1,1 "Ml, day ot June, l:si, s J. T. B.'!irI.K.-l. ial9p) R.gis'er. Nniicc for Publication. CNtSsrn STATES l,Mi Of Ml K, koseuurg, On con, Ar.ill pno. .Mil Ice is hereby ;tvcn Ibal In roiiiillauce wlthlhe provli-loii of the net of Congresa of June ;i. is,n, entitled "An act lor the sa'e ol tiiiilx r laiiiia lu the t-talcs of Calli'oruiu, Oregon, Nevaou ami IV a-knirtofi li-rrtloty;" FRANK bC LI. I VAN. ol l.os Aiirel, , Comity of U Angeles. State fit California, lias this dav Hied In this oftice his sworn stale lit No. vji, for the puiehasc of the NWJX of siciioii No. i, in 'l.nvnshlp No. 'i Holitli liatik'e No. tl West, und will oiler proof to show lhai the land sought la more valuable for Us tlmlH-r or stone than for agricultural pur poses ami io esianiKii ins claim to sain lain! te fore the Iteglnter and Hot elver cf Ibis odlce at Knaebiirg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 'l!h day of Jiny, iieiiaii'vs aa wlliiesaea: J. II, Ful ler, oi Aberdeen, Washington, W. M. Thoinn Notice for Publication. United States I and Oilice, UosKai'Ro. Ori gon, March 1 1. 4k. Ki'tue Is herebi given that lu i-onit.iiKiiee with the provisions ol the net of Com re-s ol June a, l".s. n ' Ii It-il "An act lor the .nl,- o titula r lands In the htatea o California, Orrgmt', siir.'umiii i. B.iiiiii-ioo lerrirery S II.I.IAM S 1 IK PEN. Of Empire. County ol Coos, state of On gon, f as this ilay Med In tlnsolhee his suorn sl.ilemelil No. S '.i, lor tb" t llrchnK' of the M ; Bit' . 1 i N w 1 4 ol See I loll No. .-I, III T,. llslup Ku. ;t , 1; suge No. II .. ami v. ill oiler i.rool in slw.u that Ihu land soncht Is more valiuil-h- fur lt tiintxr or stone tiiau lor sgrieultnial i,iiriwr. ami to t-.tnlillsh ins i inli.i to raid , ml belotr tho lleplster and liio'i'u of this iitllee at Ito.ebnrg, oregr-ii, on Monday Ibe i day ol May, I 'so. lie names a, wniu-ses Albert Mtcmim t man I, i, s ilaiiseu. LMunrd K. Hinckley, Charles r.. LdHanls ail ol Maisli field. On-gon. Any and ail pefnos t lniinlng adversi ly the aboie de nl d lamia si" le'i'jen, , M their clnlins In this olhcc on or before said ;t day ol Mav. Hun. J. T. BRIDiiKS, Register. son, ol Camas alley, Oregon, Joseph Thomp sou, ui i aulas valley, Oregon, i. i. l le Atidcenl Washington. lerlu, ol Auy and ail la-isoiis clalmlnc adverselv the alHivc-descrltied innds aro roucab'l to tllo'thcir claims in this olfiee ou or l-lore Jlih ilay ol July f0. J. T. BRIIMlEs. (mi1!') Register. to Notic for Publication. UsiTKnSTiTVs Li Kb orriiE Rosebtirg, Oregon. May 1, l'.-tip. Notice is herebv given that tha o.ih. named nittler baa hied notice of hi intention to make final proof In support of hi claim, and that said proof will be made before the Regla- "-(uu neenitcr, nuiuxi stales una omce at RooburB, Oregon, on June It;, PjOU, yii: JO'iN IMHHLKH. On II E No 7684. for tha Sh. MKI ' K-n 97 T 27 0, B 6 W. He name the ' following witnenaet to proee bit contlnuoua raaldenca tinon and cnluvatlon of aalri tan1 vi ui Abraham. Richard klrhmand. Vma J,,h n.n John Rrown, feui of Boat-burg, Oregon. ' ' " ' I. T. h It I DC 1 8, NOriCE FOR PUBLICATION. I'nited States Land Oflicc, Roszai e.o. Oregon. Mareh 10. Notice ia bcrebr irlvad that in AllMl With Ilifi TrovUioiiH of tha art f.f l'nsiiri.u r.t june .j i",n, euiitieo -in ai t tor tho sale of limber lands in the States id California, Oregon, ev,.un,ii'i .ru, ua oro lerriiory. uruaut it, acuiouu: OfAshland, county of Ashland, state of W la. cousin bas Mils day hied in this olltce his sworn stal ment No. km, for the purchase of tho E'i NWi lds 1 and. of t-tNo. in, in TpNo. 21 S. ii .u.n,iuuniii oner prooi io snow that the land sought ia more valuable for lu tlmher or stone than for agricultural, and to i s- luiiiiiu ujseiuiui io sai'i iiiuii rieiore the Kcglg ler and Receiver ol this oillee at Hiwebum. nn gon, on Tuesday, tbe ifJud day of May, luou. lie names as wllnesx: L. (j. DeWolf, of Wood land, Washington, Janus MeCully, -lias If. liuii lia, Dll tl lei It. Kl lined v. all of Ashland. U'u,i,. Sin Any and all i.ersons claiming adversely the above-deM-rlhi-d lauds are rcniiesteil Ui lib, their claims In tbli ofncu on or before laid ir.'nd ihiy of May, IMi. J. T. IiHIbblS, Register. Notice for Publication. I'NITED STATES LAND OFFICE, ..... hoeburg Oregon, May li, luOO. ' Notice la hereby Klven that tha r,,ll,,i.. liainei acttler has tiled notice of hla intention lo maae nnai priau in support oi uis claim, and thai said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver United Htatea Laud Office, at Rom burg, Oregon, on June 'ii, poo. vu; JOHN KIICI'M. on hla II. K. No. 8StO, for the H'i.HW'i.Bee 18. T.J0. h. K.5W. Uenamea the following wit! nesaea lo Drove hla contlnuoua residence umm and cultivation of aald laud vU: Geo. Yokum. William Wooacott, fleury Yokum a ad O, W W opacHl all of kiddle, Oregon. Notice (or Publication. l'nlid Slates Laud Office.'1 Ore., April II !'., Notice Is hereby given that iu compliance with the provisions of the act ol Conun-ss ol Jimea, l.,7H, entitled "An act for the s.-ile of tlmlier lauds In the Stab s ol California, Oregon, .-viaua anu waxpiugion lerriiory. CHARLES LEAVITT Of Monlesano. County of l.'hehalis, Stale of Washington has this day llled lu this nflii-e his aworn si.iteim nt No. MJ. lor tha purchase ol Hie r oi rai mm .-so. in lonnsiiip o ",'H s. Kaiigo No. u i ., and will oiler proof to afiorf that the land sought Is morn valuable for its iim'x-r or stoue man lor agricultural nunsisea. and to establish his claim to said laud belore ine nensiur aim Receiver ol this office at Hose- burg, Oregon, on Wednesday the 2Mb day ol June, j'-hu lie names as witnesses: Roger Mc Neill of Aberdeen, Washington, Angus Camp- lll, of Monlesano, W ashington, ii. L, Oulld. of I Roseburg, Oregon, W, Thompson, ol Camas auey, vrvv:ou, . Any and all persona claiming adversely tho abovo-docrllM-d latida are reuuesied to lilo theli claims In this otllci- on or before said JOth day oi J. T. BRIIXlKS, (alb) Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'nlUrd HUtoc- Land Otilre, Roacburg Oregon, March 10, l'.sJ0. Notlco la hereby given that In compliance trilb the provisions of the act of Congresa of June a, 1H7 entitled "Aa act for the sale ol timber lauds fn the States ol California, Oregon, Ncruda, and Washington Territory,"- D.l.MKL U. KENNMJY. Notice for Publication. CsiT.nSTiTs l.isti Orrier. KomI'I-. Oregoti, May ;', !'. Notbe i, hereby given Unit In compliance with the provisions i( the act of Cult,.. nl jiiiui , is,., eiiiuie.i -ah act lor the sv ol tlm. ist lauiia in tn"fiaiesof csiirornla, On.go:i, Noiadautid Washington Ti rrilory," ALi'.r-.ltT M. HAUL Ol lliMiiliam, Conntv of Chehalis hi sin of '.,l, ington, lias this. lay hied In tlilsoftlee hlssaorv. statement No. V.s!, lor the purehaao ol Ihe SW' ol Section No. i'.t, In Township Nr 2s S-oith Range No. V est, and 111 of'er proof tosnowilial the Isnn songht Is more valuable for Its llinlH-r or stone than (or agricultural urposes, and lu establish his claim to and li'l before Hie Register and Hieelver i,f lhl oilice at Roseburg, On gou, ou Tuesday tb?llh day of July, lsO. IIo immi i aa wltiicasea-. Feder K. Sather, l. SJolset, I.. SJolset, 0. SJols, all of ltrKiiiam, W a-hiniloii. Aiiyani all persons elalmlm.' adeiselv ih -W alioi tdeserllH-il laliris are reiuesteil lo iiln tl.eir claims In this oilice ou or Ik lore said '.'Iih day ol July, lo. J. T. RKIlMiKd, "'P Register. Notice for Publication. f lilted states Land OMh e, Ro.ii.ti: . Oregon, April II, l o. Nolle,-M hereby alven that lu iioiu.ili.niV wlthlhe provisions ol the ail ol ( 'onL-n-.s ol June II, H7H, eniltUil "An ai l lor the sale ol lim ber lands In the Slates ol California, Oregon, Neiada and Washington Terr Univ. S CAMPBELL Of Moiitcaano, county ot Chehalis. Mau, nf Washington, lias this day filed In thlsothee hla sworn statement No. I'll, (or the purchase of the SK!i of Si-ctloli No. !, In Township No. H. , Kan go No. w., and will oil r proof In show that the land soimht Is mote valuablo for Ita timber or alone than for agricultural i.uriHnwsj, and to establish his claim to said la d bcloiv tha Register and keeelverof tins ollie,, at koac burg, Oregon, on Wrduiuulav the taith dav nl June, Itssl. He name as witnesses: Roger Mc Neill, ol Aberdeen, Washington, W . Tbompaon, ol Camas Valley, On gou, charlva Ieavllt, ol sionu'salio, wash., (i. K (lillld. of Roaebora. Oregon. A ny ami all persona claiming adverac ly the ahow ileserlls'd lands are rciuostcd to file their claims In this oillee on i,r I. n,r. la lit lib day ot June, 1'Mi. (1') J.T. BRIDGKH. Reglst--. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. rniUxl States Land Olflcc, RosKntao, Oregon, Jfcb 2I,IU0. Not lea la hereby given thai ! ........ .n..,,. , -with tho provisions ol the act of Conures of Juno 8, 187H, entitled "An net for the sale of Of ylshlaud. County of dshland. Statu of U ia. r.uu. 8l 187?' . n lit led "An .act for tin coiislu, has thlsdny filed iu thlaoflloc his sworn ""niw in thewtau-aof tWItornla, Oregon, statement No. sw. (or the nurehaso ol the FJ SW;;. Idsg, 4, ol section No. la, in Towitihlo No. tA H, Range No, W, and will oiler proof lo how that tha land sought is more valuable lor Its Umber or stone than for agricultural pur pose, and to establish hi claim tosaidlutid before the Register and Receiver ol thia otliee nt Roseuurg, Oregon, on Tuesday, thu Und day of May, l'.sio. Ho names aa witnesses: L. (J, He Wolf, of Woodland. Washington. Ileoree 11. Me. Cloud, James MoCuliy, Slius ii. Ilatina. allot Ashland, Wlsuoiisin. Auy and all ikthoiis claiming aAversel thn above-deMtrllied lands are r&i ue.sUd to II I u llml r claims iu ii May, luou. -claims lu this office ou or beloro suid 'Jlud day ol Ai'7 "I."1 !! I;1'1;"011!1 claiming advoiscly the si., inn ' aiKive-deserllied lauds :.r,, r,.,o,a.i.ui i:i tneir claims In this oillce on or lielore sal 1 2yth . T. BuiixjK Rcglsiir. WILLIsM A. Hlifvv 01 Marshfleld, County of Ceos, Rtato of Oieiort, has this day bled In this otliee his swore statement No-Ktifi. for tho t,iir,i,HK.. , ik.'aui. f.i'.l'c;,No,X',.-,',l' H, R No. w!aiid ,. unur iimiii tu snow HIBl I lie laud sought IS moio valuable for Ita tlmlmr r ii,i. ,. i... agtlunltural PlirHses, and to establish bis claim to said land Udore the Register and Receiver of this cifTloo at Roseburg, Or. ou Tuesday tba Otbday of May. lisjil. He biiiiu-s as wlluessi-s Jobn ioakam, John llarron, Charles A. Mat Maralitli'lt, Oregor,, rt'iuei-ti-il u ble liu, Frank Rogers, all of day of May, l'JOO. Notice for Publication, . T. II 1(1 1)0 KH, Register. SI. .1 . a.-.. . United stau-s Und omce noiice oi una! bettlement. Nollce Is herebv''nbVif,?!.''.. I" 5!1 ?!' Oregon in named acttler haa llled notice of hla mention iu the matter ol "he estile of (ie w ll.mus to make. Dual ..nrntlu iupKirt of his claim, and debased Notice la htrei i Jn . 1 iu.i that aald tiroofwlll be niiiie l.efor. ih u 2.5rrr'.. .i" ""'"by K ten that the un- KoiburT jboVrname-riSSai'n. lnldoonr. oinurg, Oregon, on Jiim. II IJOO.vU. her aceoiiiit In final settlement of said estate On bla II. K No 744.1 for ih. as.. ?, 'it."V'.!",'a Py 'a''. made on the Uecllon 12 1 "l South h V iii I i . yii pru, law. ana enterwl on the Jour- S lb. foLwlL'ltn'eaSe. 'to i t "f " i.u.r h"ir W?"1r. Ih.n4 da. wPw tuguter. liV C(fUter. afiY HL'WTEm, Admluiatcaioi "" un4r. art Ik r.T, BITDOKfl.